"The path of the three keys" fantasy novel by Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

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Having translated in the form of a novel, hovering between fantasy and dystopian, the essence of hindmost, it is an effective - indeed brilliant - way to fill that void that has made Catholicism sterile, which for half a century has been groping in the dark in a continuous succession of self-destructive experiments. hindmost is a beautiful term that combines the ultimate realities of every Christian in a catechetical and pastoral form in an apocalyptic perspective understood in its most genuine etymological meaning: revelation.


Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos



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Telling in the light of faith the vicissitudes of the life of an established professional through the lens of hindmost: a choice of other times and a rather unusual topic in the current Catholic panorama. This is what the author proposes in this novel fantasy-theological in the balance between dystopia and fantasy, retrace in a pastoral and catechetical form the fundamental moments of the spiritual life of every Christian to prepare him responsibly for those ultimate realities - taught him many decades earlier during the stages of Christian initiation and then disregarded or forgotten - but essential in the apocalyptic perspective towards revelation.


Who we are, where we come from, where are we going? These are the deepest existential questions in the life of each of us. The path of the three keys it is a paradigm of the journey that each man is called to travel through the numerous stages of his earthly existence. It is born, you live and die. Those who are aware of this know they have a past behind them, to live a present that flows fast and a future that is becoming more and more imminent, indeed, he is already here and at the end he will present us with a bill, sometimes quite salty.


This is the drama of the transience of life, an interminable succession of alternating experiences. Affections are on the one hand on the scales, friendships, the joys, emotions, professional satisfaction, disappointments weigh on the other side, suffering, the mortifications, the diseases and those tragedies that each of us, crescendo, is called to face.


More and more innovative technological applications every day and consumerist propaganda flatter us to live the era of modernity, in a world folded into more materialistic hedonism where the appearance and selfish satisfaction of our pleasures and needs have in fact clouded our spiritual essence, the only fundamental individual wealth, the ability to think about the deepest reasons for our existence asking ourselves why, what is our role in creation.


This literary work marks the human and spiritual maturity of Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, refined dogmatic theologian and historian of dogma, that by combining his theological skills with a profound knowledge of the human psyche, he masterfully translates the deep and mysterious existential themes of the protagonist into a novel, successful man, in which each of us can easily identify. Narrator of recognized talent since the publication of his historical novel Nada s security, the Author manages to lead the Reader through concrete spaces and landscapes where the dialogues of the characters follow one another, making to taste, from picture to picture, even the most minute and crude details of human weaknesses, where he often loves to hide the deepest teachings of the Catholic religion with original and never predictable artifices.


This presentation was made by Jorge Facio Lince and Ettore Ripamonti


From the island of Patmos, 20 December 2021



the Editions The Island of Patmos they thank the Roman painter Anna Boschini author of the cover made from one of her oil paintings on canvas and donated to the author for this editorial publication.






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The first meeting of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist in the womb of their mothers

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Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



“If I were a philosopher, I should write a philosophy of toys, to show that Christmas Day in the company of children is one of the few occasions when men become fully alive!»


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



Dear readers of the Island of Patmos,


imagine the expectation of a mother who has to give birth to her baby, but also that of her father who accompanied and protected the pregnant woman. Then there is also the expectation of all the other relatives. The days of childbirth are spasmodic days. In these cases, there is a feeling of joy in everyone, but also of curiosity, how to get to know the new unborn child, pick him up. There is the joy and curiosity of an intimate encounter. These sentiments are also the fruit of faith which is an intimate encounter with the Lord.


Both Elizabeth and Mary knew this well. In the today's readings they teach us the beauty of faith in Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word, small child ready to embrace our humanity and fragility. In those days Maria got up and went quickly to the mountainous region, in a city of Judah. Entry into the house of Zaccarìa, greeted Elizabeth. The passage from today's visitation shows us Mary moving in a hurry to Elizabeth's house. Why this rush? Because there is a certain anxiety to meet someone you love, when you are poured out by the love of God. It was just the case with Maria, who had received the Angel's announcement shortly before and was now pregnant with Jesus. Mary therefore, filled with the love of Jesus, runs to meet her cousin. As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leapt in her womb.


The Baptist, when it is a very small embryo in his mother's womb, he realizes that this is a special moment. The two children meet through their mothers: it is the moment in which there is the definitive passage between the Old and the New Testament. Between the Baptist, last announcer and forerunner of Jesus, and Christ himself. The encounter with Christ, which always makes us exult with joy, generates a start in the tiny John.


This questions our faith and our life as believers. We can try to remember the moment when we too first encountered Jesus. It was a happy moment for everyone, unique and sacred. Also brought to our relatives and our mother par excellence, the church. Let's try, in these few days before Christmas, to remember and remember our first communion or a beautiful moment of intimate prayer of encounter with Jesus.


Going further, as soon as Elizabeth hears her son start, she is filled with the Holy Spirit. Here then the joy is transmitted by John to her. At that point he can exclaim his profession of faith:


«Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out in a loud voice: “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb! To what do I owe the mother of my Lord to come to me? there, as soon as your greeting reached my ears, the baby leapt for joy in my womb. And blessed is she who believed in the fulfillment of what the Lord told her "".


Elizabeth asks Mary a question. Why did you come here, mother of the Lord? Immediately afterwards he recognizes bliss, once again the joy and satisfaction of those who have had an authentic faith. Elizabeth does not do an interrogation, but intelligently contemplates the great mystery of faith that lies ahead: God's salvation, who makes himself present before her in Mary. Elizabeth testifies that therefore faith in God is not theory, but concrete closeness. This healthy curiosity is a Christian virtue that we can all develop: it is a questioning of faith, to try to understand it and after being able to live better what we profess in the Creed. Faith in Jesus who comes this Christmas 2021 therefore it is not pure passivity but a harmonious exercise of our will, of our affection and also of our intelligence. The Irish writer Robert Wilson Lynd said:


“If I were a philosopher, I should write a philosophy of toys, to show that Christmas Day in the company of children is one of the few occasions when men become fully alive!».


We ask the Lord the grace of returning to have the joy and curiosity of a child, to welcome every day of our life with the simplicity of faith.


Rome, 19 December 2021





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Editorial news: «The sign of Cain» faith and tattoos in history a possible combination? Let's be very careful about demonizing tattoos. An unmissable book by Father Ivano Liguori

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With this book, Father Ivano Liguori renders a service to Catholics, young and old, through a historical-anthropological analysis that dispels many doubts. First of all, explaining that the light-hearted tattoo cannot be defined as a "satanic mark", ignoring that there is an ancient tradition of Christian tattooing, also linked to pilgrimages, at the end of which in the past, but also today, at the places where there are famous sanctuaries and places of worship, pilgrims have a "mark" stamped as a sign of their journey of faith, which in many marked real re-conversions and their return to the bosom of the Church.


Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos



You can go to the store and order the book click HERE

The Fathers de The Island of Patmos they do not hesitate to discuss topics on which they often prefer to overlook, only to have no problems. What we could call it if we want Don Abbondio complex.


Then there are people, Catholics included or subjects who believe themselves to be such, that with the advent of the Internet and social media they believe they can form solid knowledge by jumping from one blog to another. At that point they end up hearing the choirs of the Angels where the Angels cannot sing, or see the Devil - who is a person, it exists and operates today more than ever - where the Devil is not there.


With this book, Father Ivano Liguori renders a service to Catholics, young and old, through a historical-anthropological analysis that dispels many doubts. First of all, explaining that the light-hearted tattoo cannot be defined as a "satanic mark", ignoring that there is an ancient tradition of Christian tattooing, also linked to pilgrimages, at the end of which in the past, but also today, at the places where there are famous sanctuaries and places of worship, pilgrims have a "mark" stamped as a sign of their journey of faith, which in many marked real re-conversions and their return to the bosom of the Church.


(c)click on the image to enlarge the back cover

Then, that certain Satanists make other use of the tattoo, this does not take away from this sign an ancient and profound Christian value which many have ignored.


Topic on which the Author clarifies, that of demonology, inviting us not to see the Devil where he is not, but to try to understand where he really camps and works and to defend himself from him:


"Keep sober, watch. Your enemy, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that your brothers around the world suffer the same sufferings as you " [The Pt 5, 8-9].


The books of our authors, characterized by high quality content, they aim to dispel many doubts and urban legends that are sometimes very dangerous, to increase in knowledge and help towards a journey of conscious and mature faith. They cannot give you all this for sure Facebook, Twitter e Instagram, nor can it be acquired by frantically jumping from one blog to another. By purchasing our books you will support the apostolic work of the Fathers, the magazine and the Editions The island of Patmos. But most of all, on the occasion of this Holy Christmas, you can give loved ones a nice gift, a quality gift.


From the island of Patmos, 12 December 2021






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Upcoming publications coming out:


narrative (December month):

THE WAY OF THE THREE KEYS, Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

narrative (month of January):

THE LAST TEARS OF GIULIANO, Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.







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"At christmas you can": the drifts of super Catholics seem less serious than those of certain bishops

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It seems superfluous to remember, however in times of functional illiteracy it is good to reiterate this. The intervention of the Bishop of Pistoia cannot and must not be included within the eternal diatribe of logic between pro-wax versus no-vax. It informs a pastoral sensitivity that is becoming more and more opaque, so much so that it is assimilated to that pale way of doing politics that ends up being distant from the people.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.







«At christmas you can…» who does not remember the famous song that entered the homes of Italians like jingle advertising of a well-known confectionery product? Certainly many. Well, today I feel like dedicating this jingle a S. AND. Mons. Fausto Tardelli bishop of Pistoia, che in questo Natale avrebbe potuto ― il condizionale è d’obbligo ― avere addosso l’odore del suo gregge, anche di quello no-vax, ma che ha preferito usare il vincastro della politica anziché quello del pastore per confezionare un paliatone di tutto rispetto da indirizzare ai fedeli pistoiesi renitenti al siero.


La dura presa di posizione del Presule pistoiese sui fedeli no-vax è apparsa sul settimanale diocesano La Vita nella rubrica In punta di penna [you see WHO e WHO] ma che da oggi sarebbe più doveroso ribattezzare In punta di fioretto, visto la pastorale stoccata del Vescovo a quei fedeli riottosi a vaccinarsi.


«A Natale puoi…» fare una bella figura, ma non è questo il caso del Vescovo in questione che ― povera anima ― preferisce apparire basito, meravigliato e finanche imbarazzato per quei cristiani che assumono posizioni del genere ― leggasi no-vax ― e che frequentano abitualmente la sua chiesa diocesana.


Non riesco a pensare a una posizione più disequilibrata e squinternata di questa, che forse rischia di apparire persino peggio di quella assunta dal Vescovo di Tempio-Ampurias, S. AND. Mons. Sebastiano Sanguinetti, che ha chiesto l’obbligo vaccinale al clero e ai fedeli della diocesi gallurese [you see WHO].


It seems superfluous to remember, however in times of functional illiteracy it is good to reiterate this. The intervention of the Bishop of Pistoia cannot and must not be included within the eternal diatribe of logic between pro-wax versus no-vax. It informs a pastoral sensitivity that is becoming more and more opaque, so much so that it is assimilated to that pale way of doing politics that ends up being distant from the people. Per questo sono convinto che è necessario scendere più in profondità rispetto a quanto non appaia da una semplice reprimenda su un giornale diocesano. It would be at least wise and reasonable that at least we Christians should avoid similar dialectical drifts that select and contrast the good against the bad and that in the long run tire, creating social instability., people's uprising and distrust of institutions, all things that we are unfortunately getting used to and that have not allowed us to become better, more good or extremely tolerant.


In my opinion it is necessary to emphasize and resume the pastoral attitude of a bishop who cannot afford to fuck the faithful for free. They in fact, albeit in blatant wrong, however, they are free to express legitimate reservations even if expressed in carnival tones or sometimes even close to science fiction, even if they were inspired by self-styled spiritual guides who from overseas discuss about plots and imminent apocalypses. We are still possessors of a baptismal freedom that God has given us and that He is the first to respect even in the face of our sin? It is evident that these faithful are confused and perhaps doctrinally unprepared and conditioned, but for this very reason they would not need to see their bishop as a father and not a stepfather? It would not be better for the bishop to act as a sure guide who watches from above, thus respecting the etymology of its name, instead of following the opportunist logic of politics that lives on the contradiction between opposites, waiting for the defeat of the opposing factions? Because, dear readers, se anche nella Chiesa di Cristo scoppia la divisione e la fazione è impossibile andare d’accordo e dare modo allo Spirito Santo di agire e creare comunione, anche quando reputiamo nell’intimo di aver agito da persone mature e responsabili.


About this voglio riprendere le parole del beato apostolo Paolo che ammonisce i cristiani di Corinto:


«Purtroppo, alcuni della famiglia di Cloe mi hanno fatto sapere che vi sono litigi tra voi. Let me explain: uno di voi dice: “Io sono di Paolo”; another: “Io di Apollo”; un terzo sostiene: “Io sono di Pietro”; e un quarto afferma: “Io sono di Cristo”. Ma Cristo non può essere diviso!» [See. 1 Color 1, 11-13].


Anche nelle nostre diocesi, in our parishes, nei nostri gruppi ecclesiali avvengono litigi per colpa dei vaccini e l’avvicinamento al presbiterio è subordinato al numero delle dosi inoculate. Oggi Cristo è strattonato tra una responsabilità sanitaria e una urgenza sociale senza che la sua adorabile persona sia realmente inizio e occasione per una autentica conversione al Padre, non è questo forse il fine ultimo di qualunque battezzato? Invece stiamo qui a litigare tra noi e a cercare colpevoli, tacciando tutti di irresponsabilità e se occorre di poca aderenza al Vangelo, cosa che rileviamo negli altri ma che si nasconde anche sotto i tappeti buoni di casa nostra. For you see, il fatto che si sottolinei un torto non implica in automatico di avere la ragione. Se i rigidi no-vax sbagliano questo non significa che i pro-wax siano nel giusto o a riparo da qualsiasi fondata obiezione.


Io sono un presbitero dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori Cappuccini, con anni di ministero trascorsi come cappellano in una grande struttura ospedaliera, oggi esercito il ministero di parroco di una parrocchia affidata dal Vescovo del luogo a una nostra comunità di Frati, sono vaccinato, come lo sono i miei confratelli, ma mai mi permetterei di etichettare dal pulpito i fedeli della mia parrocchia come sedicenti cattolici (sic!) da cui guardarsi, come invece ha fatto il pastorale cuore del Vescovo di Pistoia utilizzando l’organo ufficiale della diocesi [you see WHO]. Se questi sedicenti cattolici instead of no-vax appartenessero a una diversa categoria, non pensiamo che forse, nel giro di appena ventiquattro ore, il presule sarebbe invitato a dare le dimissioni e a lasciare il posto a qualcuno di più performante? Conosciamo tutti la risposta, senza bisogno di aggiungere altro. Posso solo rimandarvi alla lettura del libro che ho appena pubblicato assieme al Padre Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo: From Prozan to Prozac, nel quale abbiamo fatto una analisi sull’inevitabile fallimento del Ddl Zan sancito poche settimane fa dal Senato della Repubblica.


Quando certi malanimi giungono a toccare coloro che sono stati deputati ad essere guide del popolo di Dio, i fedeli si perdono, cadono nella sfiducia e viene compromessa ogni possibilità di dialogo ed ogni affetto pastorale che dovrebbe essere all’apice delle intenzioni di ogni saggio vescovo. E in tutta questa situazione emergenziale legata alla pandemia è oramai chiaro che gli animi sono più che esasperati. La metodologia coercitiva che è stata imposta alle persone su diversi fronti per ottenere una salvezza rapida e indolore non ha prodotto i risultati sperati, non solo non ha agito da collante ma sta creando delle fratture di cui porteremo i postumi per molto tempo. Allora domandiamoci: siamo sicuri che ne valga ancora la pena? Whose profits? E se dentro questa situazione esasperata ci si mette anche la Chiesa con i suoi pastori siamo alla frutta, cadendo dentro il ragionato calcolo di chi cerca l’utile e il vantaggioso nell’immediato invece della salvezza delle anime.


E sì perché ascoltando discorsi simili a quelli del vescovo di Pistoia mi vengono in mente i politici intenti ad accumulare consensi elettorali e favore popolare per avere o mantenere una posizione. Indeed, quando un politico si schiera a favore di battaglie da cui può guadagnare qualche cosa sta bene attento a cosa dire, ma soprattutto a cosa “non dire”. Instead, su altri fronti meno favorevoli si preferisce glissare anche se ci si trovasse di fronte a battaglie ben più importanti e sacrosante e tutto questo per ben ragionato calcolo.


Ora mi chiedo e chiedo a questo Presule: nella diocesi di Pistoia forse non ci sono coloro che seppur cristiani e da messa domenicale (magari quotidiana) non hanno appoggiato le idee di Emma Bonino o di Marco Cappato affermando che l’eutanasia è un gesto di amore e di misericordia, magari firmando per il referendum abrogativo? Nella diocesi di Pistoia e tra il suo clero non esistono forse sostenitori di Zan&Company con tanto di manina vergata e arcobalenata a sostegno della proposta di un disegno di legge liberticida che mirava tra le righe a perseguire e punire il reato di opinione, sebbene gay illustri abbiano spiegato il contrario, dal lucido e colto Senatore Tommaso Cerno, già presidente nazionale di Arcigay [you see WHO] sino al nostro autore Francesco Mangiacapra che ha dato di recente alle stampe con le nostre edizioni l’illuminante saggio critico The coup of the politically correct?


Forse che nella diocesi di Pistoia non esistono appartenenti a gruppi ecclesiali che in barba alla nota dottrinale della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede [you see WHO] continuano a militare in partiti politici che si oppongono apertamente alla Chiesa e sostengono idee contrarie all’insegnamento morale e sociale del Magistero? Non sarebbe forse giusto e doveroso, in punta di penna e di fioretto, leggere anche di queste cose sul giornale diocesano, aspettando di sentire proferire dalle episcopali labbra la parola sedicenti cattolici applicata ad alcuni stili di cristianesimo che abbondano nelle curie e nelle parrocchie?


Ammettiamo però anche il caso che la diocesi di Pistoia fosse un modello di virtù ecclesiale e di fedeltà al Vangelo e al successore del beato apostolo Pietro, anche in questo caso i cristiani no-vax rappresenterebbero ugualmente una sfida pastorale a cui il vescovo non potrebbe sottrarsi, anche a costo dell’effusione del proprio sangue che è più scomodo e impegnativo dell’effusione dell’inchiostro sul giornale diocesano.


“In necessariis unitas, freedom in doubt, in omnibus caritas”, è una massima antica che vedo essere molto cara a vostra eccellenza. Per questo motivo desidero utilizzarla anche io per l’ultima sottolineatura a questo articolo. Erroneamente viene attribuita a Sant’Agostino ma non è lui l’autore, nel tempo è stata utilizzata per spingere verso un liberalismo teologico e religioso che livella i pensieri scomodi e dipana le situazioni imbarazzanti cercando di mettere tutti d’accordo. Una modalità politica e populista molto utilizzata oggi perché paga senza il pericolo di sovraesposizione.


Excellency, se lei fosse un vero liberale concederebbe la facoltà ai cattolici no-vax di fare quello in cui credono rispettando quella libertà che anche Dio rispetta con l’uomo che sbaglia aprendo al contempo un dialogo paterno e cercando di recuperare qualche fratello, ma sappiamo entrambi che i vescovi liberali non esistono e questo è vero fin dal tempo di Pasquino:


«Non ci illudiam, Marforio, e parliamoci franco:

dir prete patriottico è dire corvo bianco;

contraddizione in termini, cui non si dà l’uguale,

essere papa a un tempo ed esser liberale».


For this reason nel suo intervento al giornale diocesano non ci vedo nulla di quel sano liberalismo illuminato che salva le differenze integrandole ma solo populismo in salsa paonazza che non vincola le coscienze ma che forse le esaspera.


Laconi, 9 December 2021



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