Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

With Luther Archbishop Luigi Negri is too lenient and too strict



Present Lutheranism as simply different or different from Catholicism means giving him a driver's legitimacy. In fact, being different or different is an asset and not a defect.


Author John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON




Luigi Negri

Archbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio




S. AND. Mons. Luigi Negri, Archbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio

On behalf of myself and the priest Ariel S confrere. Levi di Gualdo, with whom I send back the beautiful experience of this ever most visited online magazine The Isle of Parmos, I wish to express my warmest congratulations for acute critical observations that Your Excellency expressed in the recent interview with Helm, then reported the following New Daily Compass [cf. WHO]. Nevertheless I dare to expose some of my reservations about the following points:


1) The talk of faith as "experience" It is already a grant to Luther what does not should be granted, since experience is the property of love and not of the faith. And indeed, precisely, Luther just confuses the faith with the charity. It would be better instead to refer to the true concept of faith taught by Vatican Council I: «FFaith is a supernatural virtue, via, God's help and the help of grace, he had revealed to be true, not because of the intrinsic truth of the things perceived by the natural light of reason?, but because of the authority of God himself » [Denz. 3008] [1]


His judgment on Lutheranism, one part is too forgiving, but on the other it is too severe.


a) Too indulgent, why present it as simply "different" or different from Catholicism means giving him a driver's legitimacy. In fact, being different or different is an asset and not a defect. A Franciscan is different from the Dominican; but not the Franciscan being is a defect or heresy. We must say frankly that instead of just what Luther did against Catholicism is not “different”, ma fake.

b) But you have not even too accentuate errors. So it is not appropriate to speak of difference "immeasurable": in reality, as noted by the Decree on Ecumenism Reintegratio [cf. WHO], we and the Lutherans have a common measure, which is Christ, from which the fundamental dogmas come, that have remained in common: the Holy Trinity, the Incarnation, the Redemption, Baptism, in the common love for the Bible and the faith that we are saved by grace. Ignore these common data is unjust and offensive to the Lutherans.


2) Nor do I agree with the defeatist attitude of Jean Guitton. He seems to say,: “They are hopelessly different. Let them so”. Not at all! This is not the teaching of Unity redirection which instead he says to the n. 3 that the separated brethren "must be incorporated into the Catholic Church", which obviously supposes that in the "recognition of common values" we help them to correct themselves from their mistakes.

The church, in conclusion, commands us to have the attitude that for them the doctor against the sick. The doctor from the consideration of healthy resources, which remain ill, relying on them to prescribe the most appropriate and best care.


With sincere devotion, his

Giovanni Cavalcoli, o.p.

Varazze, 27 September 2016



[1] Ed. Trad.. en. "Faith is a supernatural virtue, with which, under the inspiration and the grace of God, we believe that the things revealed by Him are true, not for their intrinsic truth identified with the natural light of reason, but for the authority of the same God who reveals " [Dogmatic constitution the son of God, First Vatican Ecumenical Council, cap III, Faith]




Miagolose rumors for years sex cinema Seventy: alleged “papal heresies” on Communion for divorced, Cristina Siccardi the Savoy, Andrea Tornielli pilloried …

letters from readers 2

They say the island of Patmos Fathers




there is no sin so serious, from which you can not break free and divine forgiveness. We should not assume that the divorced and remarried are always in a state of mortal sin. This would be a rash judgment, that would deny free will, as Luther did, and the power of divine grace.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON



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Dear Father Giovanni.

The ban on communion for divorced and remarried is not a mere ecclesiastical law that the Pope can abolish, but it depends directly on the divine right, which requires a student to be in the grace of God to communion. For thus says the Council of Trent: "If anyone says that faith is sufficient preparation for receiving the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, let him be anathema ".




Dear David,.

love joy 10

the post-synodal exhortation of the Holy Father Francis

The Pope has already explained in 'The joy of love that remarried divorcees, though it is in an irregular status, which strongly induces to sin and though they can also commit mortal sins, however, if they repent and do penance, They can regain the grace. That is why, in principle, They could go to Communion.


Remember that there is no sin so serious, from which you can not break free and divine forgiveness. We should not assume that the divorced and remarried are always in a state of mortal sin. This would be a rash judgment, that would deny free will, as Luther did, and the power of divine grace. If they fall into sin, they can always regain grace.


love joy 6

The Supreme Pontiff signed the Post-Synodal Exhortation

Dad, once it was to give Communion to divorced and remarried in a canonically correct document, not attenterà to any divine law. Indeed, in this matter the divine laws in play are two: the law of the indissolubility of marriage and the sanctity of Holy Communion.


To understand the meaning of the ecclesiastical law change, that the Pope should prepare to do - from the prohibition of Communion to the permission of Communion -, We have to make the following considerations:



1) It should be noted an underlying theme, now it is known to all, which it is the basis of the pontificate of Pope Francis, and is that of mercy, understood here as research and willingness to do everything possible, even better than the past, to make available salvation to those who are most at risk. And it is the case of divorced and remarried along with many other cases.

2) It is true that God can save even without the Sacraments [cf. WHO]; but if it is possible to open the door of the Sacraments to a greater number of available people, without offending the dignity of the Sacraments, it's better, and indeed it is right;

3) Pope Francis invites us, on this issue, to turn our gaze in a different direction from that of the past. Up to San Giovanni Paolo II [CF. Familiar Consortium n.84] the church, about the problem of pastoral care for the divorced and remarried, he had under his eyes the dignity of the Sacrament and the public scandal given by the divorced and remarried (“It was irregular”, “public sinners”).


The Reigning Pontiff, instead, without of course aside these considerations, It invites us to take rather that God may grant to remarried divorcees, in some cases - to be specified by the new law -, to be in grace, despite their irregular status.


4) The granting of the Holy Communion in those particular cases would not be offensive to the sacrament of marriage, but it would safeguard the dignity, although in different ways and even it is contrary to what so far has followed the ministry to divorced and remarried.


love, joy, 2

the post-synodal exhortation of the Holy Father Francis

This is the most difficult point to understand. The moral principle says so: "One and the same moral law, intelligently interpreted, It can be applied in ways materially inconsistent, depending on the circumstances'.


Take the case of the commandment Do not kill. Just this command allows you to kill the unjust aggressor, but there is not space here to explain this apparent paradox, for which reference to a treatise of moral theology.


Regarding our case, we can then say that the law of the indissolubility of marriage may continue to be respected in certain circumstances, not only with the prohibition of Communion, but also by making it, provided that the divorced and remarried are in a particular situation, which must be specified by the new law.




Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



Dear Father Ariel.

This war on the field of the Communion for divorced and remarried is getting stronger. Some say that you should not obey the Pope because it is wrong. Then I wonder: who can judge if the Pope is wrong, do not obey him and invite to disobey? the, as a woman, as well as Piedmontese, I am irritated by some comments about carbolic acid covered in honey written by Cristina Siccardi on various blogs, then cited by others as a truth of faith. This writer is probably a star of theology? As a priest, how she reacts, in front of certain subjects?

daisy Altieri



dear Margaret.

edwige-fenech-the-doctor-of-district military

Edwige Fenech, film poster The doctor of the military district, left Alvaro Vitali, very talented stage actor discovered by Federico Fellini. But how he had this to say: « … the theater is an art that does not pay, while with light flicks I could support his family »

Years ago I explained in my book that everyone is able to obey an authority figure with a strong personality, spirituality and holiness of life, but this is not the challenge of faith addressed to priests and religious, nor to lay Catholic. The challenge is to obey a bishop or major superior to a fragile, limited and mediocre, provided that he does not command things contrary to the doctrine and the Magisterium of the Church and do not use its authority to commit crimes and offenses, because in that case you are required to disobey imperative for the Christian conscience and to inform the supreme ecclesiastical authority of its abuses, order is restored justice violated.


If the Roman Pontiff He gives me a wrong order and I was aware of what, First I would try to convince him of the error and demonstrate the substantial mistake the given command, But if it were to maintain in this case the eseguirei, unless it was not contrary to the deposit of credit and Catholic morality. He said this would add: I do not know who can demonstrate how many commands given by the Roman Pontiffs in the course of Church history results are in conflict with deposit of credit and Catholic morality, because I personally do not know of any case.


Why is it better to make a mistake to make an order that may appear incorrectly, instead of making the right choice by disobeying the Roman Pontiff? Because in the second case the error would be more and more serious. Then the Roman Pontiff will have to answer before men and history, but especially before God, if it had imposed the wrong order.



Cover the film The high-school student, with Gloria Guida in a fancy school in Cinecittà …

Affirm this, and maybe blind obedience in contrast with the logic, free will and human dignity, as some tend to believe, marching on those “good intentions” whose streets are paved Hell? Far from it, assert that means to proceed on the path of prudent wisdom. Indeed, the Roman Pontiff enjoys special assistance from the Holy Spirit, therefore a grace which was not enjoyed by individual bishops, priests and even lay Catholics. If in the history of the Church has no memory of erroneous commands imposed by contrasting with the Popes deposit of credit and Catholic morality, Instead they have abundant evidence of how right they later were seen in the years ahead of the choices on the spot hotly contested. This is based on the obedience of believers of Christ and gods ministers of the sacred : the prudent and wise understanding that the Roman Pontiff has a special grace of state and entitled to special assistance of the Holy Spirit that makes it infallible in matters of doctrine and faith [refer to the article of John Cavalcoli: The tasks and the degrees of the infallibility of the Supreme Pontiff, WHO]. And who does not accept this, assuming, if anything, to be invested for greater grace was the power of judgment on certain decisions of the Roman Pontiff on matters of doctrine and faith, or is a heretic, or simply a fool, I saw that the heresy in itself calls for intelligence and talent. And if you always heretics I take them seriously with due respect, fools take them instead around …


The Reigning Pontiff, that "deserves" respectful criticism with the devotion due to the Successor of the Prince of the Apostles and Vicar of Christ on earth, He has never given orders, in no act of their supreme magisterium, which are contrary to Catholic faith and morals; and whoever claims otherwise shows at best not to be able to make elementary distinctions between private doctor, the ordinary pastoral ministry, the supreme Magisterium of Peter. Or better understood: It is shown not to know the basics of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, then giving rise to questions only intended to disorient and simple to sow the poison of confusion among the people of God [I refer to my previous article, WHO].


For this I have never raised the issue "This Pope we do not like" [Gnocchi & palmar, cf. WHO], and I never fell into the traps of some strong criticism in this pontificate, brandishing towards it charges more or less subtle heresy, formulated through the theories served up by overt heretics unrepentant, how those Lefebvre to be discovered in the aforementioned Christian Siccardi recalled from our Reader, and to which I come now with joy and happiness …



nadia cassini, film poster The teacher dances with the whole class. Top another great actor of Italian theater: Renzo Montagnani [1930-1997]. He, too, had this to say: "In Italy with the theater he caught you hunger, with light flicks you shop for the home kitchen '

… I do not know who this Lady who writes about Siccardiana correspondence, already Correspondence Romana, on which occasionally has delighted readers with articles rose on the Royal House of pirates, anticlerical Freemasons and these were the Savoy [cf, WHO, WHO, etc..], or on levied Siccardiana, already Levied Christian, where articles are published every year to commemorate with the tear to the eye of that figure holy man Benito Mussolini [cf. WHO, WHO, WHO etc..]. At this point I note by the way, before proceeding over, at what levels reach the spirit of these people that thunder for two years against any sacrilege of communion for divorced and remarried persons, including accusations of heresy and some columnist who even invites to resist with disobedience to the Supreme Pontiff. Well, despite their rigor toward adultery and cohabitees, to keep as far away from these Eucharistic canteens, If the adulterer is however the former Duce of Italy, married with children, or her lover and accomplice close friend in adultery, heard what sweetness and Christian charity express the tender souls of levied Siccardiana:


"The exact circumstances, the place, time, where they were killed Mussolini and Claretta Petacci, whose only crime was love for Duce, It was in turn covered by a part of history that had a vested interest in spreading a stereotyped vision of events in which there was very little decent and honest " [cf. WHO].



Movie poster busted, gassed completely melted, behind Edwige Fenech actor Enrico Maria Salerno [1926-1994] famous for being one of the great actors of the Italian theater among the most gifted in the interpretation of the most disparate roles

Oh, poor Claretta, sweet unhappy creature, considered by bloody rabble partisan and by historical dishonest guilty of having given to adultery with Benito Mussolini. In conclusion, what's wrong with it? What's wrong, to love a married man, husband and father of four children?


Once written similar amenities, the same people then go to comb through old articles of the Vatican correspondent Andrea Tornielli, these days in the pillory because “reo” of having reported the news regarding the events of Ettore Gotti Tedeschi and the IOR in a way “uneven” the antecedents of 2013 [cf. WHO]. Well, if from 2013 al 2016 the accounts given by the Holy See or by the Archbishop George Ganswein it differs, the fault lies not with the Vatican expert who reported the facts as they were presented, but who over time has changed version. This is perhaps a Vatican “guilty” not to have pointed out this discrepancy, as Roberto de Mattei says so right on a formal level [cf. WHO]? I honestly do not know which of us, He is having written in the space of three years beyond 200 articles, can remember the precise passage and the exact detail of one of them; What this is true of all the publicists, but for all, including Andrea Tornielli working alone, what I doubt Roberto de Mattei does instead, on the basis of a simple calculation based on his writings and activities. Indeed, Roberto de Mattei, He is engaged as an academic at the European University, Director of Correspondence Romana, director of the monthly Christian roots, director of the Lepanto Foundation, promoter March for Life, consultant to several institutions, author of an average of two articles per week with extra articles published also on The Republic e The Gazette, author of two books a year, He engaged in numerous appearances as a lecturer in Italy and abroad … it is not by chance that this man of the help of collaborators ready to seek benefits sighs and commas of articles written to three years away from a Vatican expert who works alone, so all in all honest and without paleologipalletizers on its payroll? Come on, you monsters to Andrea Tornielli least the same pity that certain subjects show for Benito Mussolini and Claretta Petacci sweet, which it was not - as many might think, obviously wrong - his mistress, her his concubine, she who helped him to commit adultery at the expense of the legitimate wife Donna Rachele. Absolutely not! Claretta was the only woman who "loved the Duce" and that perhaps the columnists of levied Siccardiana they would not hesitate to admit to the sacraments, together with all well-known womanizer of the House of Savoy, including the last king of Italy, Umberto II, an "honest man" dear to the pink of journalism Siccardi [cf. WHO], also separated from his wife and a nidata of children along with their children have plunged this house of pirates ridicule of the tabloid press and deserved the talk show televisions [see the last glorious heir to the House of Savoy, video WHO].



film poster The teacher, with the inevitable Edwige Fenech and Alvaro Vitali

… But back to the Siccardi, whose crass ignorance, with regard to the Church's history and fundamental theology, to me indeed to spare. And it's not my judgment ungenerous, because such crass ignorance oozes from his books, articles and video-conferences, which are public documents, non-confidential material or material covered by Privacy Act. But since you can bacchettare the reigning Pontiff up to accuse him of heresy, I just want to see if it is not to criticize this lady claims the legitimate freedom to bacchettare like a conductor the entire teaching of the Church of the last fifty years, again according to his books and articles, I repeat that public acts are and shall remain. Therefore worth revisited told: “Who acid injures die by acid”.


I was then asked how I react before certain figures. To understand this it should first be given that I am not only the son of Dante Alighieri, but also by Giovanni Boccaccio, Pietro Aretino, Cecco Angiolieri and so. Given the above, They say they are not accustomed take seriously some people, I tend to make fun of them and the Profitable circulate the tradiProtestants which they are derived in part their place in the sun and part of their publishing market, between halberdiers boasting quarters of nobility among the laces&laces of Masses in the ancient rite and aspiring Contessine by Liala novel that poignant recollections of the House of Savoy. I prefer to throw it into a joke, also because this lady from the voice miagolosa, It reminds me of certain actresses erotic film of the seventies. Obviously I am referring to the item, be clear: only to the Voice. Also because we are talking about a sex cinema that nowadays is accordingly punished and modest point that these old films could be screened in cinemas schools for children of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.



Lilli Carati, film poster Professor of Natural Sciences. Also in the program of this lightweight comedy, stand out the names of some of the largest and most talented actors of the Italian theater of the twentieth century

Hearing the voice miagolosa the Siccardi - Objective observation, certainly not irreverent mockery [cf. audio WHO] - I was reminded of the actresses who also spoke with voices miagolose : Edwige Fenech ago The doctor of the military district [cf. WHO]; Glory in the shoes of the Guide night nurse [cf. WHO], Nadia Cassini in the shoes of Professor dancing with the whole class [cf. WHO], to follow with other actresses and soubrette who troubled the sleep of most of us, today fifties, in the seventies when we were teenagers, children in our turn of healthy fathers whose sleep was rather upset in their teens from the image of Wanda Osiris, who wore dresses much more monastic than those worn today by rebel American nuns who have had unfortunate as teachers and spiritual directors the Jesuits of the new Company of the Indies. Even for this many years later we became healthy priests, fell into the world of faith and the real, pace of prudish Lefebvre theater that one out fragrance virginity of heretics which in itself and by itself is more impure adultery [cf. WHO].


I can not conclude this survey of actresses from the voice miagolosa forgetting the beautiful and unhappy Lilli Carati, born Ileana Caravati [1956-2014 – cf. WHO, WHO] I will keep a poignant reminder, while avendoci spoken once, after the disease that tore the life had been diagnosed in 2014, meeting her by chance at a cancer center where I went to visit a friend who was in a terminal state. It would be nice to be able to tell what appeared mild and Christian cross the mind of this woman who was preparing to end his life after a long series of bad choices, but it is those talks and remember that a priest must bring with him to the grave. As the tender conversation I had years ago in Ladispoli, while I was a guest of friends, with that soul as unhappy as beautiful Laura Antonelli [1941-2015], that was an icon of beauty and eroticism, now of poor health and physically destroyed, to which I gave a rosary blessed by the Holy Father, before which he bursts into tears of joy.



The poster for the film The duck à l'orange, main protagonists of this film of the seventies two sacred monsters the theater and the Italian cinema: Monica Vitti and Ugo Tognazzi. In 1975 the vision of the film was banned in theaters for children under 14 years because he could see from a distance a small glimpse of the backside of Barbara Buochet, although it was more prudish of certain images painted within our baroque churches. So it worked in that period, except, however, jump to the other extreme a few years later, when in the early evening the Rai offered a butcher's shop worth a lot per kilo [cf. WHO] …

Who is Cristina Siccardi I then try his writings on the bizarre historical and theological level, and his lectures were built on ignorance castles. Instead about how to take it, I would say that could be taken as one that meows in Lefebvrian, while in his rambling lectures enhances the confused and stubborn Bishop Marcel Lefebvre comparing it to the Holy Bishop and Doctor of the Church Athanasius of Alexandria, ie equating facto the Second Vatican Council to the Arian heresy [cf. WHO, WHO].


Even more so back with human and pastoral tenderness to my mind the memory of the suffering soul of Lilli Carati, ready to admit their past mistakes, those austere papessa lefebvriana as Siccardi would never admit, ie of being wrong for indomitable pride to self-elect to the rank of expert spin doctors in complex and delicate disciplines such as the history of the Church, dogmatic sacramental, canon law and so on, knowing the hurt the Catechism of St. Pius X, and acting accordingly versus the Church instead in church, versus instead of Pietro under Pietro. All because it presumed to be not only a true Catholic, but the Almighty dealership that owns the authentic truth of the Mystery, just like the boutique d'owns the exclusive license for the sale of intimate Via Monte Napoleone in Milan baby doll and of beehive by Christian Dior.


I “immoral moralists that the result of the Siccardi and related they tear their garments for months about the danger "heretical"Communion for divorced and remarried, to forget their obvious convenience that the first of the deadly sins, It has always been considered the queen of all the deadly sins, it is not lust, but pride. And this does not teach him the "diabolical secret meeting"Vatican II, to whom, as stated by the Siccardi, the heroic Marcel Lefebvre resisted like St. Athanasius of Alexandria opposed the Arian heresy; This teaches the most holy is always very valid Catechism of Saint Pius X, that they know and teach only when it's convenient to them and where it suits them, to support a pseudo-Catholic ideology increasingly grim, certainly not the Catholic unhappy and unorthodox book published recently by Cardinal Walter Kasper to the praise of Luther [see article by John Cavalcoli, WHO]. This Cardinal is undoubtedly a pro-Protestant and an irreducible rahneriano, with an incorrect theological vision of ecclesiology and ecumenism; in his thought they contain several of the major mistakes of modernism and perhaps it is also the direct proponent of some bad advice given to the Supreme Pontiff, but he would never dare to accuse Peter of heresy or apostasy from the Catholic faith, or break the unity of the Church. This is why, if it really was led to a forced choice with no possibility of rejection, as a devoted son of the Church and devoted priest always I will choose Kasper, never Lefebvre and meows of their acidic kittens e cute that wiggle Masses in the ancient rite, among Halberdiers boasting quarters of nobility and countesses aspirants they beatify not worth the ridiculous historical calamity that was to Italy and the Catholic Church lamented their House of Savoy, advocate of anti-ecclesiastical laws passed by the House of Savoy under the legislative model of Napoleon Bonaparte, as well as written under the direct dictation of Freemasons. All this happened at a time when, at the Royal Senate and the Royal Chamber of Deputies of the Kingdom of Italy, Senators and MEPs state that it was Pius IX calling "pig" and the Pope Leo XIII calling "shitty bone». This is so, if the painful novel siccardian alla recently per aspiring Contessine dreamy, we want to go instead to the serious historical analysis, What this requires first of all that educated people, competent and above series. E la vera culture, the true knowledge and the true seriousness, born and proceed from the rejection of the arrogance and the extraordinary virtue of humility that leads to listening, What unfortunately impossible for those who hear only the reasons for yourself and then change the first absolute truths, then closed ideologies and aggressive.







Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Unhappy about the letter of the Holy Father to the Argentine Bishops: a note on the question of communion for divorced and remarried



If the Pope wants to change the law - and has the power to do so - however, must set aside that unhappy letter, evidently written on impulse to the Argentine bishops. That, remains a private document, which shows the generous soul of the Pope, but lacks juridical prudence, so it is worthless, not for the content, which can be valid - it is in fact up to the Pope to decide -, but for the shape.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON



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dad-with-little lamb

The fathers of’Patmos Island they have in mind, as priests and theologians, who Peter is in his role as Vicar of Christ the Good Shepherd, but also the Vicar of Christ, outside the exercise of his infallible ministry, can fall into error, how Peter fell there and how many of his Successors fell after him [cf. WHO], without detracting from the supreme authority of Peter, linked by dogma of faith to the mystery of the Church.

It is known that the Bishops of the Buenos Aires Region they asked the Pope about their "interpretation" oflove joy, from which it would appear that she grants Eucharistic Communion to the divorced and remarried. And the letter with which the Pope approved this "interpretation" is equally well known..

We must observe with regret that this granting of Communion to the divorced and remarried is not an interpretation, my a change of the law contained in love joy, which confirms the provisions of St. John Paul II in Family member company to n. 84, that is to say, the prohibition of communion for the divorced and married, excluding those who choose to live in a state of sexual continence.


As I have already had the opportunity to explain publicly on several occasions on the island of Patmos and elsewhere, the Pope has, under the power of the keys, the right at its discretion to change the laws of the Church, although founded on divine right. Now the law of the exclusion of the divorced and remarried from Eucharistic Communion is one of these [see our previous articles from October 2015 in the archive of’Patmos Island, WHO , WHO , WHO].



the Episcopal Conference of Argentina

The content of the Pope's letter it is therefore inherently in line with its jurisdictional power, however lacks legal form, whereby, if one doesn't happen healing formal, it is legally invalid, for the reason that I said and I repeat: The Pope's letter is not an interpretation, but a change in the law. While the love joy prohibits Communion with the aforementioned restriction, The letter admits.


Until this happens healing, for now the rule of the Family member company, which is tacitly but validly confirmed in love joy. In fact, it is a common rule of legal exegesis that a legislator who returns to the matter dealt with and regulated by a previous legislator, unless explicitly introduced by the new legislator, he confirms the dictates of the law desired by the previous legislator.



a group of members of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina

Now this is precisely what the Pope did in love joy for the simple fact of not having explicitly changed the disposition of St. John Paul II. So it has implicitly but validly confirmed. It follows that now as now the norm established by St. John Paul II and confirmed in love joy. However, it should be noted that the love joy contains, with respect to the Familiar Consortium, two novelties, which can act as a premise for a change in the law:


– The admission that the divorced and remarried they can be in grace. Now, if one is in grace, It may receive Communion.

– The note 351, in which the Pope mentions "cases" in which the sacraments could be granted to the divorced and remarried.


I observe however:



collect and …

Ad 1m: an account is the premise from which a law can be derived and an account is the law itself. The premise alone is not true law. The legislator himself must draw the consequences. Only then will there be a true law. It can be said that the Pope did this in his letter. But our case presents the difficulty that these consequences they are contrary to a previous law.


The legislator by itself, as I said, has the right to draw the said consequences, but he must clearly state that he has changed the previous law and not that "interpreted" it. Only in this case the new law is valid and binding.


Ad 2m: a law must determine the cases in which it is to be applied or not applied, which is not done here, and cannot be stated in the conditional, as given here, ma all’imperative o all’indicative. For this he notes it 351 it has no legal value and does not at all abolish n. 84 from the Familiar Consortium.





… throw the balls, always has its risks.

If the Pope wants to change the law - and he has the right to do so - he must set aside that unfortunate letter, evidently written on impulse. That, remains a private document, which shows the generous soul of the Pope, but lacks juridical prudence, so it is worthless, not for the content, which can be valid - it is in fact up to the Pope to decide -, but for the shape.


I therefore allow myself to suggest to the Holy Father to issue a new document, possibly in the form of Motu proprio, in which, giving up talking about "interpretation", that is a legal monster, say with unequivocal clarity and evangelical frankness that abolishes the law of St. John Paul II and grants Communion to the divorced and remarried in certain cases.


It would not be the first time that the Church has changed its laws, but this must be done in due form, to show the face of divine mercy, as well as to reassure traditionalists and penalty takers, and also block the anomistic and treacherous attempts of the modernists and lax. There is a midpoint between the harshness of legalism and anarchist liberalism: legal prudence, which is justice and mercy.


Varazze, 14 September 2016



Text of the letter to the Argentine Bishops











Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Decline and recovery of the Dominican Order. The eight hundred years of history “warriors of the faith”



The Order's renewal promoted by the Council has been misunderstood by the current Schillebeeckxiana, which eventually prevailed, and still has a great influence in setting of the Order, which, also marked by the liberation theology of Gustavo Gutierrez, He has abandoned the original motto faith and peace to replace it with "justice and peace".



Author John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON



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Now you have rejected and disgraced us and no longer go forth with our armies. You make us retreat from the foe and our enemies plunder us.

Shall 43, 10-11



tomas tyn ok

The Servant of God Tomas Tyn [Brno, 3 May 1950 – Heidelberg, 1January 1990], a Dominican model for the XXI century [see WHO]

Element of the initial success of the Dominicans It was the fact that existed at the time of Domenico strong European episcopate communion with the Pope and this was really up to the task. In addition to this, remember that in 1215 the Fourth Lateran Council decreed that the bishops chose the clergy of specialized staff for the preaching of the Gospel.


Today, however, the papacy in Europe, after five centuries of invective Lutheran, It has lost its former prestige. To many it appears the symbolic remnant of a Europe of the past now, Europe today would be guided by purely secular forces, without any reference to the Christian roots - as St. John Paul II asked in vain - because no longer it considered a common value and modern vitality sources.



To read the entire article click below:








"It is not Francis"? Antonio Socci reveals to the world that the reigning Pope is a “Papocchia”. Ariel S. Levi Gualdo replication with a short essay on the contemporary Papacy

– Theologica –



Before the limitatezze and identified weaknesses and the Blessed Apostle Peter, Pope Francis flying high in the sky as a golden eagle. Not only for the fact that it has never taken flight, after doing above the snooty, only to escape before the danger and deny the Redeemer three times. there, to tell the truth, to me it does not appear that the reigning Pontiff has ever done anything like this until now. Therefore: The "election" of Peter, denier and a fugitive, It is really good?



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Cardinal Carlo Caffara on the feast of St. Augustine: "The day when they will not endure sound doctrine, to turn aside to myths …»



The true Church and the Church - let's call it - of the newspaper is the same reality; is the same Church that, like Jacob, It rests firmly on one foot and the other lame. A great English writer said: "To the great saints and great sinners there is the Catholic Church; for people honest just the Anglican Church " [Oscar Wilde]



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



The Patmos Island Fathers propose to the readers this homily delivered in Pavia on 28 agosto to S. E. Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, Archbishop Emeritus of Bologna, on the feast of St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. In this sermon we discovered product includes all the doctrinal and theological reasons with which recently, I and the Father Ariel S. Levi Gualdo we returned to enter without any false mercy, the deeds of certain "bad teachers" [cf. WHO, WHO] and words of certain dangerous "false prophets" [cf. WHO, WHO]. The words of Cardinal Carlo Caffara we have very heartened and made to feel less alone in advancing the gospel principle: « Let what you say be Yes, Yes ; no, no ; the more you from evil» [cf. Mt 5, 21-37].


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[…] Dear brothers and sisters,


Cardinal Giovanni Cavalcoli Caffara

Cardinal Carlo Caffarra (left) with John Cavalcoli, ON (right)

the three readings just proclaimed, together they have presented the reality of the Church in its historical condition. The church, as we are told in the first reading, is human unity rebuilt from obedience to the teaching of the Apostles and the "breaking of bread", that is, by the Eucharistic celebration. The unequivocal expression unit rebuilt by faith and the Sacrament, is the disappearance of the categories "My-Your": "They had all things in common".


If the first reading we move to the Gospel, the presentation of the Church becomes dramatic. Beside the amiable and attractive figure of the Good Shepherd, They move ravening wolves. They are introduced into the flock of the Lord "to kidnap and disperse"; and in front of the wolves are shepherds-mercenaries who flee, afraid of the danger. But the second reading is even more dramatic. It promises to be for the Church "a day that will not endure sound doctrine […] refusing to listen to the truth to turn to fairy tales ". Dear friends, the contrast could not be more violent: a church built on listening to the Apostles' teaching, a Church traveled by "itching ears" different, by listening to storyteller, "According to their own desires".


At this point we must not make the mistake to understand the Word of God in chronological order, as if each of the three readings declare it to different historical periods of the Church: to a holy and immaculate Church of the beginning happens long time a corrupt church and worldly. No, this is not what the Word of God is telling us. What then? And then we begin to go to the school of your Holy Patron, who, in a beautiful text, He answers our question.


Carlo Caffara 2

archive photos – S. AND. Cardinal Carlo Caffarra

Augustine says the biblical text which tells the mysterious struggle between Jacob and the Angel. From it comes the father of the Jewish people blessed by God, but crippled for life. So writes Augustine: "The injured party of Jacob is bad Christians, because there is the same Jacob and blessing and limp ... Now the Church limps. Based firmly on one foot, the other is invalid ' [Speech 5,8; NBA XXIX, pp.94-95]. The Church which speaks the first reading is the same Church which Paul speaks in the second reading. The true Church and the Church - let's call it - of the newspaper is the same reality; is the same Church that, like Jacob, It rests firmly on one foot and the other lame. A great English writer said: "To the great saints and great sinners there is the Catholic Church; for people honest just the Anglican Church " [O. Wilde].


"That's why" - writes Augustine - "The Church of Christ believers firm in the faith, but he also wavering faithful, and it can not be stable without the ones in faith, nor without those unstable ' [Speech 76, 3.4; NBA XXX/1, pag.519].


carlo Caffara with Benedict XVI

archive photos – S. AND. Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, He receives the dignity of cardinal by SS. Benedict XVI

How are we to live in our house which is the Church, in which, as she has just told us Augustine, There are strong Christians in faith and weak Christians? The Word of God heard answers that question, turning distinctly to us pastors and faithful to you. A we pastors : "Dearest ... proclaim the Word, be urgent in season and inappropriate occasion, do warn, reproaches, encourage through all patience and teaching ... do the work of the Gospel preacher ". What awful words are addressed to us Pastors! "You," Augustine says, addressed to you faithful "listen (the) carefully, we (the) We listen with trembling ... As for you listen as sheep of God and see how God has kept him safe. Whatever the behavior of those who are there at the head, that is to say of us, you are always safe for the security you donated the Shepherd of Israel. God does not abandon his sheep " [Speech 46.1 ... 2; NBA XXIX, pag.796.797].


Our cities, our nation, our Europe They are facing a deadly crisis. The figure of their agony is the cold demographic winter we are experiencing. The word that God addresses to us pastors forces us to some questions: we are doing the work of proclaiming the Gospel and we are content to exhort people to good moral sentiments, such as for example tolerance, opening, hospitality? We must not be deaf to the real needs, the yearning need that dwells in the hearts of men and women living with anxiety the days dark and sad that we are going through. We do not have to, we pastors, It is deaf to the anguish that dwells in the heart of the fathers and mothers, who think with fear about the future of their children. It is necessary that the pastors of the Church testify, say that inside every moment, in every event live a Presence, a guest who guides everything that happens to the good of those who love God.


Carlo Caffara Pope Francis

a recent image of S.It is. Cardinal Carlo Caffara with the Supreme Pontiff Francis

Until about our spiritual ruin It will be celebrated the Eucharist, they will be resurrected. The pious moral exhortations let's leave them to others. When the 24 August 410 Alaric I, King of the Visigoths sacked Rome, in the general confusion - was from Brenno time since that has happened - Jerome wrote: "It's taken the city, that the whole world had occupied ' [Letter to Principia CXXVII, 12; RUSE, t. HVAC, pag.154, 16]. And he adds with an immense anguish: "The whole world perished in one city". Jerome could not see the future.


Quite different was the reaction of Augustine. He does not suffer less for the news that come from Rome. "There have been transmitted horrible things: massacres, fires, robberies, killings, torture ... all we have moaned, often we cried, We just managed to console » [Discourse on the fall of Rome,6; PL 40, 715-724]. But he brought to completion The City of God, true cornerstone of our civilization. The holy bishop taught his faithful the right way of being in history; and inside the Empire ruins he sowed the seeds of a new civilization.


carlo Caffara 3

archive photos – S. AND. Cardinal Carlo Caffara during a pastoral visit

What he wanted, what Augustine wanted, He was transmitting real hope, and just at a time when the whole empire, and in it his Africa were collapsing. On his death bed he knew that the Vandals had entered the city.


Communicating the hope founded on faith which, giving up the project of a retired life of prayer and study, She made him able to really participate in the building of the Church and the city. The hope was that Augustine knew sends unshakable, because he was sure that God had come to live our troubled human story, and from within had saved. It is this God who gives us the right to hope, not just any God, but only the God who has a human face because it was made man.


The Lord, therefore, face silenced on our lips of shepherds empty words, and put on our lips the words of truth. The Word of God is addressed also faithful to you. It tells you: "Do not be among those who no longer endure sound doctrine, but having itching to hear something new, not surround yourself with teachers who tell you what you have pleasure to hear you say, refusing to listen to the truth, content, look for fables ". But it is Jesus in the Holy Gospel tells you words of consolation. He tells you: "I am the gate for the sheep ... whoever enters through me, will be safe; come and out and find pasture ".


carlo Caffara Epiphany

archive photos – S. AND. Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, accompanied by a nice Befana, brings presents to children Rizzoli Hospital in Bologna during one of his last pastoral visits by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Bologna

Here's how he explains Agostino. "We can say that we enter when we gather in our inner selves to think, and we go out when we externalize through the action; and since, as the Apostle says, it is through faith that Christ dwells in our hearts, come to Christ means to think in the light of faith, while going out for Christ means to translate their faith into action before men " [Comm. the Gospel of John 45,15; NBA XXIV, pag.913]. there, dear faithful, What tells you the Good Shepherd: think in the light of faith; translate faith into acts.


I conclude. In a paper against the Manichean, Augustine tells us the reasons why it remains in the Church. Here they are: "I stop keeps (in the Church) the consent of peoples and nations; I stop retains that authority initiated by the miracles, nourished by hope, increased by charity, confirmed the antiquity; I stop keeps the succession of Bishops on the same seat of Peter ... until the present Supreme Pontiff; Finally I stop it keeps the same name as the Catholic " [Against that of the Foundation Hands Letter 4.5; NBA XIII/2, pag.307].


Dear faithful, listen to your Patron. In these times of great uncertainty still get active in the Church. We have real reasons to do so and beautiful. It is in it that we meet our Savior.





© All rights of this text belongs to Cardinal Carlo Caffara. The text we have taken is a document published on the official website of the Cardinal [see WHO], from which the island of Patmos Writing has taken up and reported upon definition of all references.




