Antonio Love ( 1938-2020 )
Presbyter and Theologian

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Father Antonio

Irrationalism intolerant of Muslims the West opposes irrationalism only tolerant of atheists






So the West can not oppose irrationalism of a morality derived from the Koran without any mediation theological much less philosophical - thus ignoring the natural law - another kind of irrationalism, to legislation "secular" without God and the natural right, which is precisely the Of the lex aeterna.


Author Antonio Livi

Antonio Love


I am speaking about the sad events of January 2015 in Paris (the murderous violence of Islamic fanatics and the great demonstration of solidarity with the editors Charlie Hebdo to express an opinion different from that of the other editors of The Island of Patmos. The readers of this online magazine does not surprise you, let alone be offended by this difference of opinions, because we have always said that we wanted to bring every problem topical theological principles of the true doctrine of the Church, i.e. dogma, illustrating it, however with comments and applications which by their nature belong to the field dell'opinabile, there where no opinion necessarily require the unanimous consent. I remembered a few occasions the old motto patristic: “In necessary, Unitas; in doubtful, Libertas; in all, caritas”.

So, without wanting to miss the charity, I express my opinion with all freedom. To be as clear and precise, will enunciate in three points:

1) First of all, I consider "sad events" as the murderous violence by Islamic fanatics as the great demonstration of solidarity with the editors of Charlie Hebdo by French politicians and leaders of many other countries in the Western. Both of these facts - military and ideological - judge them enormous moral gravity, but not as much as it is a third fact, the one that gave rise to the other two, namely the pertinacious publication dissemination of obscene and heavily irreverent cartoons against Islam (with a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad) and against Christianity (with blasphemous depiction of the Holy Trinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Immaculate Mother).

2) The reaction to these cartoons was, by Islamists, of furious indignation, especially for the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, that they believe should not be represented by anyone ever; the most aggressive have resorted to terrorism in France and new waves of violent persecution of Christians (all considered equally complicit in the "great Satan", ie the West) Middle East and Africa, and more and more explicit is the threat to extend the "holy war" to all the West, even threatening Rome, center of Christianity.

3) The reaction to aggression Islamists, by Western, was the exaltation of the alleged indiscriminate freedom of anti-religious satire, to the point that the irreverent cartoons were distributed in all countries, not only with the special editions of Charlie Hebdo (recently in seven million copies, also distributed outside France, in Italy with The daily show) but also with the reckless reproduction by information bodies Catholics, which over everything they preferred to select the cartoons against Christianity rather than those against Islam that had caused the massacre in Paris. The political-cultural magazine Studies, directed by religious Jesuits, has offered to its readers with the absurd pretext of wanting to show that Catholics are not "fundamentalists" and know they also respect the "freedom of satire", laughing gladly of their institutions and their representatives. Even The Island of Patmos, without my being consulted relevant, thought of having to play such horrendous anti-Christian cartoons in support of an excellent article on the subject signed by Father John Cavalcoli. I consider this choice journalistic - despite good intentions, including that of documenting the severity of the facts of which you speak - a wrong choice, because materially constitutes a "cooperation in evil”, involuntary complicity with the sin of others, which in this case - the offense to the Name of God - is even greater sin.

freedom of speechPoint out that the problem of how to reconcile freedom of opinion with the respect of religious institutions and their symbols is a matter entirely secondary in relation to the enormity of the blasphemy act as intrinsically immoral, as an offense against God. Faced with the facts of which we are speaking, a person of proper criterion, and even more a theologian, should not accumulate many socio-cultural considerations but detect what is immeasurably worse than all the rest: that those infamous cartoons Charlie Hebdo contain, among many obscenities and insults irreverent - all despicable things - even curses in the proper sense, ie desecration of the holy name of God, and this is in itself directly and the "matter" of that grave sin from which God warns all men with the second commandment of the Decalogue.

To explain better, I have to remember that "blasphemy", etymologically, mean generically "insult". Now, when the victim dell'ingiuria is only human, it goes against the fourth and the fifth commandment, and the blame more or less severe, according to the dignity of the victim; instead, when the injury is addressed directly to God is blasphemy in the proper sense.

Muslims speak of "blasphemy" even when it is Muhammad, that even they consider God but only his Prophet. And so it is not exactly blasphemy, how to Christianity, the derision of the representatives of the ecclesiastical hierarchy, Including Pope. Not that they are tolerable acts: are desecrating actions against institutions and people who represent the true religion, instituted by Christ Himself. But - I repeat again – the severity of these sins is absolutely not comparable with the gravity of the sin of blasphemy, that is the fault of those who offend the Father, his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit (and remember that, by virtue of the union hypostatic, also the insult to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother Dio, constitutes a real blasphemy).

the, since childhood, I have suffered so much for the blasphemies I felt around - and since I have felt several Tuscan -, and sometimes reacted with berating some animosity blasphemers. Then, as a priest, I had to take a calmer I contain, imitating the meekness of Jesus. But the offense done to God in public profaning his name and that of his Mother has always gone a deep pain and the Church I learned to personally make many acts of reparation, in addition to the prayers in repair of curses that are recited during exposure Eucharistic. The reaction against blasphemers went quickly into the background, indeed even then there was more. They too are the subject of prayer, asking God not to take account of their sin, "They know not what they do". In short, in front of the blasphemy, a person of conscience suffers for blasphemy because he knows that God deserves not only respect but also acts constant adoration and thanksgiving by all men. No matter, a Christian who is endowed with common sense even before faith, the fact that blasphemy hurt his ego and he feels personally offended in his belonging to a religion. What really counts, when it comes to blasphemy, not the subjective and sentimental but the objective and moral. Because blasphemy is primarily a sin, one of the most severe, because it goes directly against the second commandment of the Decalogue, so trivialized by Roberto Benigni, that is Prato like me and does what it can, poor thing, but they give too much attention and too much money even when wants to laugh with arguments taken from theology.

This is not an abstract discourse and idle: need to understand that almost all Catholic commentators have responded inadequately to unpleasant facts related to "blasphemous cartoons", because they have only ever spoken of respect for religions, for their followers and their symbols. For example, the bishop of Verona, Monsignor Giuseppe Zenti, in an article published in the diocesan weekly, Verona faithful, titled "How do you reconcile the blasphemy with the secular democratic?”, deprecates simply "the cultural climate" that made possible the publication of the "blasphemous cartoons": a climate, specifies the prelate, who is "that of barbarism, in which there is no right of citizenship for the respect of people and their human and religious' [see who]. Another bishop, the Patriarch of Venice Francesco Moraglia, speaking to the Jews said: "There are issues that can not be treated with literary genres like the irony, especially when this is fierce: when the responsibility is public, our words are heavier stones » [see who]. Too little, I say. Most serious of any lack of "respect for people and their human and religious', and even more serious offenses to the ministers of God, is an offense against God himself, God as a person and not as a reality idea of ​​someone or symbol of something else.

Not even Father John Cavalcoli, in the comment to the facts of Charlie Hebdo, seems to take due account of the terrible fact of blasphemy repeated everywhere in millions of copies, but prefers to recommend a greater dialogue between Christianity and Islam, starting from the common faith in the God of Abraham and practicing mutual respect. Even the Holy Father, intervening on the subject, spoke of the inevitable reaction - he calls unjust but humanly understandable - that you can expect when you causes offense to a person, for example, speaking ill of his mother [see who]. Ma, I repeat, here are not in play the "horizontal" relationships among men in human society, but the relationship "vertical" of men with God. If you stay in the line "horizontal" and we are only concerned to determine the manner and the way to protect the honor and rights of some social subject, but uniform, Also in the West, the typical mentality of Islam, where everything is political, and there is no natural law but only positive law established arbitrarily by the Member.

So the West can not oppose irrationalism of a morality derived from the Qur'an without any mediation theological much less philosophical - then ignoring the natural law - another kind of irrationalism, to legislation "secular" without God and the natural right, which is precisely the Of the lex aeterna. In the West, after all the rhetoric defenseless of freedom of opinion and even satire, they wanted to react to the military violence of Islamist ideology justifying violence of satirical newspaper - all told: “I'm Charlie"-. Then, the contingent fact it has gone to theorize the "right" to insult any religion - but especially Christianity, and of course Islam -, proclaiming the "right to blasphemy" or "right to blasphemy ', that French President Holland has included between civil rights and the achievements of freedom that the West has inherited from the French Revolution. Of course, from a point of view merely cultural-historical, Holland is right: The trouble began with the Enlightenment own anti-Catholic, whose representatives, however, were not really atheists (neither was Voltaire). What did the Enlightenment Masonic - outweigh Catholic Enlightenment, which had among its representatives two Neapolitan intellectuals, Giambattista Vico and St. Alphonsus Maria de 'Liguori - was to replace the worship of God with the worship of Political Power. Like this, Jacobins in France devised the solemn enthronement of an image of the Goddess of Reason in the basilica of Notre Dame in Paris, no more than the house of God but exaltation of revolutionary thought. Like this, in the United States, the Pilgrim Fathers did God the flag of independence aspirations by the Anglican Church, ruled by the King of England, and the dollar bill wrote "In God we trust”. Two centuries later, the Nazis were fighting their battle neopagan keeping the motto of the German emperors: “God with us!"... In Conclusion, history shows us the rapid evolution of an operation ideological secularization, at the height of which is not only God is no longer recognized as the foundation of natural law and the logical holder of the right to worship by all men, but it is even denied in his own reality. To operate this substitution, as evidence of an Absolute is inherent in human reason, Enlightenment modern contemporary drew a grotesque cultural regression, making all'idolatria, the deification of the "elements of this world" as named by St. Paul.

First you should set up the Christian society history records companies who practiced the worship of idols of the nation (ancient East) or the cult of the military chief (the two Caesar Roman Empire, to which the Christians refused to offer sacrifice). Modernly, secularist ideology wanted again deify the Political Power (the "State", the "Country" or the "People"). To impose this deification secularism borrows from Christianity the language of the sacred, which in itself makes sense only when referring to God: here is the "civil religion" theorized by Jean-Jacques Rousseau; here is the altar of the Fatherland Savoian after the fall of Rome; here is "the sacred boundaries" of the Fatherland; here is the worship of the memory of the martyrs (in Fascist you spoke of "martyrs fascists', immediately after the "martyrs of the Resistance"); this is the "apostle of freedom" (Joseph Mazzini); here is the "pilgrimage" to the mausoleum of Lenin etc.. The sense of the sacred is past all the political rhetoric: the Sacred authentic, the Holy par excellence, ie God, no longer has any public recognition as reality itself. If it turns evoked, is only to describe "the religious feeling" of some group of citizens, to which the State may graciously grant some freedom of worship.

That being the case, is too little, I said, simply plead, satire against the blasphemous of Western newspapers, respect for the subjective rights of people who believe in God, and that the sole purpose of ensuring social peace. For example, Compass on the Daily 18 January I read an article by Ettore Malnati titled "The offense to religious feeling does not help coexistence" [see who]. I repeat again: too little! Here it is the respect due to God, which undoubtedly exists even if the state secularist says that is not true, that "is not". State secular anti-religious satire, including blasphemy, is only a lawful manner to express rational criticism of a subjective feeling irrational. But the truth is that blasphemy is an injustice, a moral disorder (that is a shame) absolute gravity, because what is being violated, first of all, is the primary law that God has respect, honor and adoration. Propose, as has been done, that the state upholds the existence of a "right to blasphemy" is equivalent to formalize the implicit premise atheistic secular state, his "material constitution": we claim that the State must explicitly assert - without having any authority, neither logical nor moral - that God does not exist, that what some call "God" is only a subjective idea tolerable in private but not worthy of public protection. While I have other ideas, for example, the idea of ​​being worthy of respect and esteem as gay. For this reason we can not absolutely offend nor criticize gays (is the crime of "homophobia") but you can offend God, because God does not exist. Instead, offending a head of state is the offense of defamation, because the head of state exists, and of course the state knows. This is the logic of speech, if logic is. In reality it is not logic but of mere arrogance on the part of, to maintain power, must continue to impose its cultural and ideological hegemony. The state was formed arbitrarily absolute authority, so explicitly considered the source of all truth and moral metaphysics, and therefore legal (who exists and has the right to respect and who is not).

Positive law has legitimacy only if presupposes and respects the natural moral law, starting from the certainty that God exists as the first cause and final end of all, and therefore as universal Legislator. Before, about the offense to the holy name of God, I was speaking of the first and second Commandment. This and all other constitute the Decalogue, which is nothing if not a codification of the natural moral law of the Old Testament. It contains so fully intelligible fundamental moral norms that every man knows spontaneously and is obliged to observe faithfully, as taught by the great philosophical tradition, and also the Holy Scriptures. No need to know the Law of Moses, St. Paul says in his Letter to the Romans, to honor and love God as creator and legislator. Like this, today, we must say that there is no need of a positive law of civil society not to blaspheme. Of course, a modern state Western, who claims to be "secular", not only did not keep the laws against blasphemy that before had been variously formulated, but even impose a law in favor of the "right to blasphemy".

We must react statist ideology, which is one of the most bitter fruits of idealism and remember that it is rather the state that does not exist: instead there are men and women who make up civil society, men and women who, as citizens of a nation are given or received a particular legal form for public institutions (government, justice, defense, tax etc.), and among these there are some citizens who exercise public functions. One and the other (private citizens and public officials) have an intellect and a conscience, and they know what is the obvious reality for all, and from this knowledge base (which in philosophy is called the "common sense") form their opinions, at large, on immediate issues. By the consent of all the evidence of common sense comes in so many different ways to form positive law, valid if in harmony with the will of the people, but first and foremost with the natural moral law.

Those who still have the ability to think for themselves knows that the metaphysical truth and morality is an achievement that human reason is based on the experience obtained when immediate and universal and then also on critical reflection (the philosophy), which are the foundations of any rational acceptance of divine revelation. Faced atheistic indoctrination state must return to the evidence that God exists, even if those who govern the state does not want to recognize it. Recognizes common sense and philosophy: no true philosopher professed atheism (it showed Etienne Gilson with his book Atheism difficult), and no scientist has ever been able to prove with his tools of investigation that there is no God. An influential Italian philosopher, work in the sixties of the last century, he wrote:

"The route of man to God is presented as the most difficult and the most pressing. Without reference to the Absolute in fact all values ​​remain suspended and the man is exposed to the continuous risk of being overwhelmed by the temporality and of getting lost in the pitfalls of contingency. The various attempts to evade the problem of God atheism in its polyhedral shapes up to contemporary forms of so-called "theology of the death of God", show the dialectic never resolved the drama disconcerting man down here can not draw and possess God, while always felt somehow that they can not live without God " (Cornelius the carpenter, The man and the risk of God).

Atheism State, as that which has prevailed in the West, is conceivable only in a purely political horizon: but not politics as an exercise of power regulated by criteria of justice in sight for the common good, but of politics as a conflict of interest for the conquest or retention of power by an ideological force, economic and military. Such a policy seeking popular support with demagogic speeches, turned to the feeling and not the conscience of citizens; e, when it reaches its goals, here is that the social order is radically compromised through laws which have no connection with the natural right. But laws contrary to natural law are not true laws, have no moral value, but are reduced to bullying, to tyranny, to despotism. No matter, from this point of view, that the form of government is democratic or totalitarian: in both cases it must be recognized that a power management (judiciary, government, parliamentary) ignore the natural law ensures that the political class is reduced to a criminal (huge robbery), as St. Augustine said already at the time of the transition between the Roman Empire and the barbarian kingdoms.

Now, the conscience of a man gifted, precisely, of conscience, will cause it to behave well with God, both in private life and in public, without the need for legal constraints in one direction or another. From the point of view of personal conscience there is no problem. The problem arises when the personal consciousness leads to an interest of public affairs and to take a stand in the face of unjust laws. So many people are the ways to take a stand: with their active intervenento in shaping public, with diversity of form and social criticism (the teaching, the use of mass media), by personal example that it is right or not to observe and, exercising the right to vote when circumstances permit, help to ensure that it is not approved or if already approved will be abolished. Many have done it and are doing it, for example as regards abortion, (question of established law) or public recognition of homosexual unions (question creating the right).
But the paradoxical aspects of this opposition of "secular state" is that the Absolute, ie God, is not considered real, while the State, that is related to an idea of ​​society, is considered real. Relativism, denies any absolute - which is impossible for the basic laws of logic - and ends up shut himself in solipsism irrationalistic. Typical irrationalism is making speeches that continually fall in contradiction (the self-denying discourse), and therefore more wrong that are properly senseless, are authentic nonsenses. The "secular state" professes irrationalism as much as "Islamic state", namely the politico-religious ideology of Islam denounced by Benedict XVI in Regensburg speech.

Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Muslims and communists. The case of the magazine Charlie Hebdo and the limits of “satire”



In the massacre of Paris we saw a brazen attack, Front and barbaric against Christianity by two forces occasionally joint, as each other in some respects ferocious enemy: Communism and Islamism.


John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP


the maiden raped by Magi

Cover blasphemous before which the usual … “Catholic bigots” might even get annoyed, to see the Mother of God to which the champions of freedom of thought and expression have dedicated this title: “The Holy Virgin raped by three kings”

The tragedy of the massacre in Paris of the editors of the periodical Communist Charlie Hebdo at the hands of Islamic terrorists suggests some reflections. First, we ask what we need to give moral judgment or evaluation, as Catholics, the shocking event; which may be the meaning or consequences of something so horrible for many reasons, a fact which marks a step in the escalation of forces in the most anti-Christian and anti-human against Christianity and civilization. Secondly we will ask what may have been the causes near and far. Thirdly we will ask ourselves what we can do because they are not repeated such facts.

The first feeling that there is in the soul is that of deep mourning for the dead, Editors, bombers, innocent victims taken hostage, officers order. People tend to think, to speak frankly, that editors such a disgrace if they are pulled on him, knowing the susceptibility of Muslims. A thought then for the dead: disdain for terrorists, pity for the victims, admiration for the heroism of the agents. We invoke for terrorists the God of justice and mercy. As for Christians, they also disgustingly targeted by satire sacrilegious, obviously feel hurt. But draw from this episode only an incentive to testify more clearly and suasività their faith, praying for the conversion of the wicked. We wish to courts competent to operate wisely and effectively to restore this incresciosissimo and difficult case the rights of the injured justice and apply the law with justice towards the people involved on both sides.


charlie-hebdo - Trinity

Freedom of thought and expression. Cover blasphemous on the Holy Trinity.

The first thing that I feel I have to say is that in the massacre of Paris I seem to see the intersection of two factors potent anti-Christian, that are strengthening today internationally against Christianity, that seem to be worth more than ever the words of Psalm: "The kings of the earth rise up and princes plot together against the Lord and against his Messiah" [Shall 2,2]. I take as a reference point for the reflections that I propose the cartoon blasphemy against the Holy Trinity, cartoon that, as a result of the attack, now all know, or because it was slammed in their face by the media or because if I went to look for morbidly, that has been around the world, for the belief in many widespread here that there is in the game the defense of freedom of expression.

At the same time the infamous magazine has dramatically increased sales, This is evidence of the level of cultural interests of many of our contemporaries, edified by the heroic witness of the martyrs communists. We know on the other hand we Catholics as the sublime mystery of the Trinity is the heart and the summit of Christianity and are differentiated from all other religions and cultures of humanity. So, hit or deride this most sacred mystery of universal salvation, means undermining its essence more and more profound and of Christianity, for those who do so knowingly and willingly, involves incurring the lightnings of God's wrath, as well as to offend the faith of all Christians.

charlie-hebdo- Christmas

Blasphemous depiction of the nativity of Jesus Christ: “The crib in public places”. The Word of God, that for our faith became man and died and rose again, taken and thrown into a latrine by these cartoonists in the name of freedom of thought and expression …

In fact in Paris we saw a brazen attack, Front and barbaric against Christianity by two forces occasionally joint, as each other in some respects ferocious enemy: Communism and Islamism. Joint attack, because both reject the Trinitarian mystery. But there is a significant difference, that while the Muslim rejects the Trinity in the name of God or of how he conceives God, and then in the name of religion, the communist atheist rejects religion as such, whether Christian or Muslim. For the Muslim religion ennobles and saves man; for the communist tricks him and makes him a slave. So the impiety of the Communist is more serious than that of the Muslim. These at least accept God, although he does not believe in Christ, and pays reverence to God; the Communist, instead, as is known, denies the existence of God and hates the very idea of ​​God and then neglect to worship Him and to obey Him, replacing God himself. With Muslim you can arrange in interreligious dialogue, and in the worship of the God of which all reasonable men know how to grasp the existence, even if they have the grace to accept the mystery of the Trinity.

charlie hebdo - Benedict XVI

Blasphemous cover that laughs at the Eucharistic Mystery represented through the display of a condom for the work of these masters of freedom of thought and expression

Unfortunately, with the Communists, we can not give even the existence of God and there remains for us Catholics who hope that at least they understand something of human dignity. It remains only, for dialogue with the Communists, the reason, that we and they possess as human beings (animal rationale). The truth that is not little, suppository in their good will. Apart from the fact that many of them may be in good faith and implicitly serve God through service to others.

What is the meaning, the meaning of what they have accomplished killers? What they intended to do, at least from what we can see or conjecture, the protagonists of the tragedy, where on one hand we talk about the martyrs of freedom and on the other end of the martyrs of Allah? Would to God that all those who were involved in that bloody, though objectively wicked or killers, acted in good faith, so as to meet all in paradise, as Paul met Stefano! But I have my doubts, because unfortunately we are far from the gigantic size of those two heroes of Christianity. But that's not what I want to talk, mysterious thing, for which I refer to the judgment of God.

Charlie Hebdo - Virgin Mary

Cover blasphemous parturition of the Virgin Mary, within a sneer on “The true story of Jesus“, through the work of the masters of freedom of thought and expression …

Instead, what I want to emphasize is that, during this episode extremely significant and almost paradigmatic of the situation we are experiencing epochal, two serious faults objective, regardless of the good or bad faith of the actors, emerge clearly: a, matrix liberal, effect of a skeptical and relativist epistemology, which does not limit the freedom of opinion in matters of religion, up to allow the vilification, l'mockery, l'imposture, defamation, the lie, l'insult, the injury. In this conception, Today authoritative in terms of the constitutional system of Western states and civil law, religious belief or religious faith, whether Christian or Muslim or Jewish or of any other kind, not affect the truth or justice, or the public good, but are mere private opinions, mostly fabulous and maybe superstitious, however overcome by science, which, if you give them the public space, they would become, sources of fanaticism and intolerance.

hedbo - jesus magician next week we will do that the resurrection

blasphemous cover on the Mystery of the Resurrection, Jesus announces the magician “Next week I will make the number of the resurrection”. The masters of the free freedom of thought and expression knew very well that the resurrection of Christ is the foundation of our faith …

Note then the hypocrisy and cunning of the Communists, operating in democratic countries without being in government. As long as they are not in power, advancing the right to freedom of expression for their mockery and slanderous campaigns and to spread their lies in religion. But only that they reach the power, As history demonstrates, no longer tolerate any dissent Marxist ideology and start a fierce and systematic anti-religion, choking with violence any attempt of self-defense on the part of believers. So much for freedom of expression, from their defense with protest marches, when they are still in power. But today makes its way more and more arrogance and Islamic fanaticism, which, after fourteen centuries of attempts never succeeded, realizing the crisis in the Church, the decline in many of the certainties of faith, and abandonment of Christian customs, see for example the decline in religious practice or family crisis or sexual corruption, believe that it is now approaching the time to give the final blow to Christianity, possibly with the conquest of Rome, as at the time they did with Constantinople, so as to finally subdue the whole world to the Koran.

Charlie Hebdo - jesus casinos

Cover blasphemous: Jesus operates the casino table, mocking image which enhances the highest concepts freedom of thought and expression …

Like this, on one hand we have the impiety that mocks profanely, own Communists, the other witness the religious zeal violent and cruel Muslims, who continue somewhat anachronistically the style of the Old Testament prophets or leaders, an example of Mattathias, who, as Scripture tells, having witnessed an act of idolatrous worship of a compatriot, “ass very di; twitched his bowels and he seethed with righteous anger. But when it was ahead of the race, jew killed the altar; Also killed in the same time the king's messenger, which forced to sacrifice, and destroyed the altar. He zeal for the Law” [I Mac, 2,24-26]. It is clear that we Christians, with all due respect for the Bible, we passed by a piece these attitudes even praised by the Old Testament. Christ taught us ensure justice for the wicked, but especially, his example, meekness, sacrifice and trust in divine mercy, all being called to salvation.

charlie-hebdo- crucifixion

Blasphemous cartoon on the crucifixion turned into a magazine of vaudeville. Even non-believers remain humanly touched thinking about this terrifying and painful punishment of the ancient Roman criminal law, But not the masters of freedom of thought and expression

One may wonder, however, if it is the case that the law of the State, without imposing or prohibit a given religion, for which it has no jurisdiction, imposing a limit to the extreme expressions of atheism, where they clearly do not offend this or that religion positive or revealed, both Christian, both Muslim, either the Jewish or other, but the natural religion as such. The state certainly can not enter into the merits of the various positive religions and their dogmas and not competent to judge their disputes, that must be addressed and resolved by the respective communities believers. However the State, without being confessional, should be aware of the fundamental importance of theism, no matter what, are Christian, Jewish or Islamic, in order to guarantee or ensure the welfare, order and justice in society, as well as the common good, the pace, liberty and security of the same State. The story in fact demonstrates that the state officially atheist, as indeed the State expressly confessional, is the source of totalitarianism, intolerance, of economic disruption, injustice and social disorder, which then lead to subversion, the suppression of freedom and anarchy.


… freedom of thought and expression

Apart from the advantage of the right to religious freedom, the citizen can actually qualify, civil legal modern, not to be religious or not to profess any religion; However, the state must ensure through appropriate provisions that the mere agnosticism or religious indifference does not become positive struggle, insult or ridicule of religion, because it would threaten the same good state and civil order. The State atheist, that it intends to destroy the Church and religion, signing his sentence, as demonstrated by history. Instead the theocratic state or cesaropapista, that deifies himself, as found in Hegel and in Freemasonry, purporting to guarantee the human civilization, Justice, freedom and happiness, replacing the Church or enslaving themselves to the Church, has also voted to failure, as is well demonstrated by the history, see fascism and Nazism. But also the State Lutheran, which claims to organize the Church, and the same Islamic state which claims to guide man in paradise, are harmful illusions, that end up causing all sorts of conflict, of oppression and injustice, as always is demonstrated by history. The State must be the promoter of the human, while the Church creates the children of God. But if the state does not respect the Church and does not cooperate with you in building the human, turns against man and destroys it.

inside sticker

… freedom of thought and expression

If Europe has universal values ​​and beneficial for all mankind, it has two thousand years of Christianity. Doubt these values ​​in the name of a false modernity or a false progress, denying the sound traditions, means to reopen the doors to barbarism and tragedies of the past, you thought outdated. It means falling into the hands of that communism, that some deceptively thought over and condemned by history, and that quell'Islam, noting the weakness and laziness of Europe, believes that now is the time to make us his slaves. I remember that about twenty-thirty years ago we talked with some satisfaction, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Of “end of ideologies”. Wishful thinking! They now have more lives, fierce intransigent than ever and came even in the Church with the ruthless struggle between modernists and lefevriani. The State, for its part, always preserves a precious task: one side has to ensure order and freedom through peaceful methods; but must also be able to intervene at the right time to oppose the forces of violence, oppression, terrorism, subversion or fanaticism, in order to defend and protect the interests, the safety and rights of individuals and the population, especially the weakest and most defenseless. This applies as much to the social harm caused by Islam, As for those caused by atheistic communism.

weekly - papa

Insult to the person of the Supreme Pontiff, within the number copious saga of insults to Benedict XVI, also the manfestazione freedom of thought and expression

It is not necessary to recall in brief the historical causes of Islamism and Communism. We remember only, But, that to effectively remove bad, must go to the roots. The deepest roots are in that diabolical tendency to hate Christ, call from the New Testament “Antichrist”, consequence of original sin, that always pushes in the history of sin and injustice. We have come today to this humanitarian crisis and ecclesial because in past centuries the Church has not worked properly for the evangelization of Muslims and communists. Too you stopped to condemn the errors and too little has been done to promote dialogue. The risk today is the inverse: that of a dialogue end in itself that stops the common points and do not invite the other party to correct from their mistakes. One important thing to do to resolve this difficult situation is that the Church, in concert with international organizations for peace and human rights, take studies or agreements with the Islamic religious communities to advance the dialogue on the subject of monotheism, so as to eliminate the communist atheism. Also need agreements between democratic states and Islamic states, so that even those inside them from granting the right to religious freedom renouncing Islam State.

vignette_hedbo fascist priests

… and could possibly miss the “priests fascists”?

As for the supernatural element or revealed religion, as for example in Christianity is given the mystery of the Trinity, This is the field of competence of the Church. It should be about it, based on the similarities between Christianity and Islam, reported by the Second, organize an action or a pastoral in favor of Muslims, which helps them to free themselves from the errors contained in the Koran - especially the opposition to the Trinitarian mystery -, so as to be able to approach, with the help of grace, the mystery of the Trinity, and in general to the truths of the Christian faith. Finally, we need to advance the dialogue with non-believers and the Communists in order to persuade them with evidence and testimony convincing to recognize the existence of God and remove the obstacles that oppose religion. With the Communists must talk on the basis of the simple reason, heritage belongs to every man. Democratic states founded on universal human rights recognized by the United Nations (HIM-HER-IT), with the diplomatic support of the Church, have a duty to defend by force of arms or coercion democracy, Justice, the pace, freedom and the common good endangered by violence communist or Islamic. Next, as regards Christians, remember the precious witness of martyrdom, that was and is always a determining factor of the spread of Christianity among peoples, as Tertullian says: The blood of the martyrs, the seed of Christians.

charlie-hebdo- We come to you muhammad jpg

The epilogue of the cartoons “satirical” against Islam, that we have deliberately not mentioned in this article, They were 12 murdered dead

One important thing to note is finally the mystery of the Parousia. Christ predicts that the imminence of the end of the world, the Church will be severely persecuted: "You will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. Shall many be offended, and shall betray and hate one another. Many false prophets will arise and deceive many; because iniquity shall abound, the love of many will grow cold ". Seem today's times. But there is a difference. Continue the Lord: "Meanwhile, this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world, because a witness to all nations " [Mt 24, 9-14]. There are areas for truth immense human, which is not yet preached the Gospel: we think of Communist China, India Hindu, Ad huge area animist o o idolatriche dell'Africa dell'Oceania, to the same Islamic countries. For this post-conciliar Popes, taking driven by the same Council, invite urgently evangelization, order to fulfill the mandate of Christ and prepare, when the Father will, his Advent.

Fontanellato, 15 January 2015

In a few days on the Isle of Patmos continue on this issue with a new article by Father John Cavalcoli: «Killing in the name of God»


Author DRAFTING of the Island of Patmos

of the island of Patmos

we chose to accompany in this article a series of images that the magazine “satirical” French vibrate as stab wounds to the heart of the Christian sentiment. Crude images and fiercely offensive through which wanted only help graphically Father John Cavalcoli to make the way the idea of ​​what he wrote. Moreover it is public images spread hundreds of thousands of copies printed and available in the electronic network through any search engine. But we have not inserted, purposely, images direct to the Islamic world, because the way in which they have insulted our faith is more than enough, without the need to insert images “satirical” towards the faith of others.

We are the change of an era, the Holy Father Francis is necessary to suspend judgment and proceed on the wings of faith



There is a growing army of ranting “traditionalists” who can not understand thatChurch is not the Holy Father Francis, as he first was of Benedict XVI, Pius XII, of Pius X. It was not Peter himself chose as his vicar on earth by the Word of God in person. The Church of Christ is, and is still governed by the Holy Spirit; and as has been and may still be disfigured by men, will always remain holy and immaculate Bride of the Redeemer.

Author Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

John Cavalcoli in chorus 2

the papal theologian John Cavalcoli in the choir of his Dominican monastery, living proof of how theology is firstly be praying

The task of the fathers of the Island of Patmos is to convey the virtue of hope, inviting the living members of the People of God to live and practice this theological virtue that the Apostle Paul puts between faith and charity [CF. The Cor 13, 1-8]. Placed as a virtue because watershed "in the middle" there is no compromise, there is the point of union, l'amalgam. And since the rows of this magazine we are not accustomed to proceed by moods or passions but for broken free from the theological rigor sociologisms and newspeak, it is necessary to reiterate that faith and charity are not even thinkable, without amalgam of hope. Each player inspired by sincere Catholic sentiment, free from the closures originated from 'I want»Increasingly substituted"What does God want from me», will understand that from a faith without hope, or a charity hopeless, will come out a body without a backbone, a clam. And a shellfish can not be the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church of which He is the head and we limbs [on "hope" to refer my previous article, who].

Antonio Love - academic Senate 2

the metaphysical philosopher and theologian of the Roman school Antonio Livi during a session of the Senate of the Pontifical Lateran University, with which he has dedicated his life to form in healthy Catholic theology generations of students

Giovanni Cavalcoli, Antonio Livi and I, in various writings have already complained to sorrow, without envy dictated by ulterior motives, as a team of incompetent belonging to the world of so-called "Tradition" it is falling more and more in the role of theologians, ecclesiologists, canonists, Church historians ... without having the preparation and maturity required when addressing certain complex issues in public, or by means of written statements directed at undetermined numbers of readers. It is neither healthy nor Christian practice often lightly soaked omocentrismi the delicate areas of ecclesiology, theology and pastoral; matters to which the three of us spend long years, or entire decades of life, as in the case of my two older brothers, always accompanying good doctrine with pastoral ministry and above all with obedience in faith to ecclesiastical authority. Then, if the blatant incompetence list further presumption and self-righteous fanaticism, everything will be even more serious. And if this aggravating in itself already sufficient in terms of harmfulness, the lack of freedom deriving from the voluntary imprisonment in the microcosm of the ideology within which dwells the only true and pure and unique Catholic thinking is added as an extreme touch, then the disaster is total and these individuals will be seriously harmful to all those devout Catholics who often end up in good faith by taking seriously some of their erroneous statements.


the now historic Playboy magazine

For this call Catholics Devotees that are moving with increasing difficulties in these our difficult scenarios ecclesial, looking more and more comfort at us priests, both in the confessional and in spiritual direction, reading the pleasant background articles that accompany the images of the models of perturbing Playboy, but not books Cristina Siccardi and Carlo Manetti, avoiding to drink with them as if they were texts containing irrefutable truths. I'm serious and without penalty scandal: because doing the proper proportions, a magazine erotic result in any case less harmful of fanta-ecclesiologies, theologies of fiction and fiction stories of the Church spread by praticoni burdened by ideological prejudices and poor of adequate knowledge of theology.


to listen to the complete conference of the author who tries to use and manipulate the figure of Paul VI to legitimize the schismatic bishop Marcel Lefebvre, by the same compared to the Fathers of the Church, click WHO

As my paradox is evident, inviting good Catholics not to read the works of Siccardi that exploits St. Pius X to pull water to the mill of Lefebvre and advance an ideology of anti-Vatican II, remains entirely undisputed that invite them at the same time not to read even Playboy, because inside there is little uplifting. A similar call applies to misleading conjectures "theological" Mary Guarini, director of the following blogs church&postcouncil, which recently awarded sum sacredness to a external accident, the Latin language [see who], used to implement inevitable discussion behind the lines the authority of the Second Vatican Council, whose seated was formed by all the bishops of the Catholic lacking though the analytical capabilities of the sum theologian Guarini, which would send gladly a famous sermon in honor of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori on pride. The Guarini is a lovable person, exemplary wife and mother, a life of hard work tocristina siccardi winterand shoulders during which hath been adept in theological studies, I love myself and for this I will not be touched by the fact that she is characterized by a limiting element and at the same time dangerous: the inability to listen beyond herself good teachers, except for those who tell her what she wants to hear, or those being bad teachers and living in the error approve what wrong often says. A woman animated by human seriousness and the best intentions of the sacred liturgy that made its workhorse, although it is not clear the metaphysical concept of immutable substances and accidents outside itself and by itself changing, including the tongue — which remains an external accident — used to convey the eternal immutable substance from the ineffable Eucharistic Sacrifice.

Disquisendo of liturgy and polemic on Novus Ordo Mass the Guarini does not state norMaria Guarini true nor plausible but only the ideological cloaked by an unlikely theological. From some of his writings emerge deficiencies is about the history of the Church is dogmatic about the sacramental, especially when you leave to go to secure statements - taken as such by many -, which in turn make the own circulating it as if they were Word of the Lord. Just one example to understand what I mean when I speak of the damage that can result from deficiencies often supported by the ideology of knowledge: a Catholic I wrote a paper citing the Guarini that doing criticism Novus Ordo Mass and enhancing the The old order, speaks of de-sacralization of the Eucharist also linked to the fact that with the reform of the liturgy, the celebrant took to recite the "formula of consecration" aloud. I answered the young: "Maybe this theologian does not know about the history of the liturgy, hence the reason for which was imposed the recitation of that softly and other parts of the Mass. Choice at all connected to some kind of arcane sacredness linked to audible tone of the words themselves, considering that the Lord Jesus said aloud audibly to the Apostles: "This is my body ... this is my blood"; and as was clear in saying those words, if the Holy Spirit had not descended later on in the Upper Room above the Apostles, these would not be able even to perceive the extent of the mystery that was made through the Word of God made man. The soft voice inaudible assembly, or the so-called Secrets, were imposed for reasons of pedagogical-pastoral, thereby avoiding the People, who had already memorized all the parts of the Mass, to recite aloud with the celebrant the entire Eucharistic Canon. Long would the speech and numerous liturgical rubrics posed by certain "traditionalists" on top of the very mysteries of faith, that arise only for reasons of pure motives and opportunities pastoral, not for some kind of arcane and sacred mysteries; and these motives and reasons are called "accidents external", characterized as such by mutability, those damn that Guarini and the retinue of “traditionalists” to follow his and other authors of similar area Lefebvrian not likely to change in the sacred elements, but in real idols: l'idolatry del rubricism.

dumplings and PalmaroParticular stir made the article "This Pope we do not like» Alessandro Gnocchi and the late Mario Palmaro [see who] containing views and concerns of all legitimate, starting from which we should not only be open to discussion - salt and yeast of the Church of theological speculation - but also to listen. Known however that these people seem too busy to listen to themselves to listen to others. Gnocchi was made also their views, respectable and legitimate, pursuing so decided not bothering to listen theologians, ecclesiologists and pastors in the care of souls that they might have to say to him very, in particular certain elderly confreres of mine who in half a century of studies, research, application to the ministry and pastoral life of prayer, perhaps they could also send a lot, if his part there was a willingness to listen and eventually to welcome, instead of living folded safety of 'own' the truth that just because you do not have this, you listen meekly and obediently serves equally.

And the truth is serving in the Church, with the Church, for the Church and in the Church, certainly not accusing the Church of not being faithful to the Truth. Unaware that certain thoughts and attitudes are often born very insidious upstream from our idea of ​​Church, because when you are unable to project themselves into the future with hope, then you take refuge in the status quo of a past made static and as such should not ever go. For those who can not live with serenity the present and projected to live in the future hope, not only remains to the refuge in the past, negation, this, fearsome and terrible, who refuses an element not just secondary of our faith: the Church as the people growing and perennial way until the return of Christ at the end of time.

cristina siccardi with Paul VI and lefebvre

With Paul VI … and Lefebvre“, which is to say: with the monarch and the anarchist … if anything they were not clear confused by this author see who

Given then that all these people active in the defense of the Truth and non-negotiable values, always talk about consistency, would be to do a very serious talk not so much about the content of some of their writings, but also on the container in which privileged to time collect them. Speech in which he would also involved the historian Roberto de Mattei, object of my profound esteem yesterday, today and tomorrow. This my perplexity: it is appropriate, for Catholics who claim tireless defenders of true Traditio increasingly menaced by stormy winds, use as a container of the newspaper as an avowed atheist Giuliano Ferrara, man known for his shrewd intelligence but also known to have gone through everything there was to cross into the world of Italian politics, changing repeatedly chariot and rider, flags and banners? Because if these "masters" of the "Catholic coherence" is not clear, then I'll try to clarify the obvious obvious. Giuliano Ferrara and Eugenio Scalfari are both linked by a connecting element: atheism.

the dumplings sheet and Palmaro

One of the many articles appeared on the sheet signed by Alessandro Gnocchi and the late Mario Palmaro, based on a lack of knowledge of how complex and even grave through which took place really certain facts that have imposed Ecclesiastical Authority to intervene [see who]

These champions of authentic traditio who sign articles in the paper about an avowed atheist and groaning from his columns about how "we do not like this Pope», have no reasonable right to rend their garments before the talks of the Holy Father with the atheist Eugenio Scalfari, to which we must instead recognize the linear continuity of thought protracted that seems a bit 'lacking in Giuliano Ferrara; all stating, a maximum benefit and well-deserved honor of Ferrara, that only fools never change their minds and that often, changing opinion, can be a sign of intelligence and also of consistency. Otherwise instead, forty years ago, Eugenio Scalfari was exactly what it is today, What this could denote both consistency in continuity is lack of openness to an evolution and transformation of human thought. Faced with all these inconsistencies - which are not incongruities of Ferrara but of certain hardline Catholics&pure who use the columns of his newspaper as a showcase - the interpretation key in which we can find an adequate answer is once again all contained in a word: ideology.


Newspapers Communists no longer exist even in Russia, But survive in Italy, France, Spain …

I would never dare to present myself as a defender of the authentic truth and pure Traditio "The Church is drawing" - place of Truth and Traditio are just devout servant and in the ways in which the Church commands us to be me — I'd never not to publish my writings on The Manifesto Communist, because in addition to the content you need to evaluate the container, who runs it and who directs. That said, I wonder: to all this we have never thought Roberto de Mattei, Alessandro Gnocchi and all the tips of their combative and prominent critic entourage?

young and old

in some quarters of the “Tradition” hard&temple where they make the fleas at all, by the Supreme Pontiffs to entire documents of the ecumenical councils, circulating really such couples and usually it is never elderly pensioners who receive 500 euro per month pension; and when the priests Lefebvrians attend antenatal circles to celebrate, do not pay attention to certain never “original pairs”, perhaps because they are too busy preaching to teenagers than for “unclean acts” you go to Hell rights?

This type of "traditionalists" that I recently compared to the Communists Italian and French before the Russian tanks invaded Prague silent, when to be touched was their darling, the Bishop of Albenga Mario Oliveri [see who], reacted with silence, palesandosi as a new edition of Animal Farm by George Orwell: "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others ". It pains me to say it, but the disaster emerged in the Diocese of Albenga, and especially on the side of morality, are not verified incidents of such gravity in the dioceses governed by certain bishops so-called hyper-conciliarists. Then we must assume that these champions of Traditio they receive no special moral problems in their foundations and their Mass in the ancient rite small armies of pluridivorziati; for these defenders of the sacred values ​​of the family not remain troubled, rather just pretend not to see some of their wealthy benefactors sixties that arise in their circles traditional with his girlfriend of three decades Cop Francescani.indd… Well, for these defenders of the sacred family values, Perhaps, also two types of atheism: atheism left, to Scalfari, that atheism is bad because of the left; and atheism right, to Ferrara, instead it is a good atheism, because it is right. And having said that I look forward to denials, not silence, like when I recently accused these people in the public square to have used the poor Franciscans of the Immaculate for ideological purposes bringing them greater harm that could be avoided, sending for this purpose the office the famous “ecclesiologist” and expert “canonist” Zeljko M, author of a book divorced from reality, as to time and place will be demonstrated by the competent offices of the Holy See [see who], place this author, subject my irony to say the least due, does not even know where to lodge, the ecclesiology and canon law; and this not because I say so, but because it shows his book.


” […] They tie up heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders, but they will not move them with one finger” [Mt 23, 1-12]

I wish these people from morality malleable, capable on the one hand to threaten with their catechisms teenagers toast in the flames of hell if they dare to masturbate, but on the other hand so lenient, or better Blind when it comes to the lives of some of their cheerful wealthy financiers, reassure us that he has never taken a penny from the extreme American right, nor by some wealthy Brazilian entrepreneurs, or by Europeans who got rich by magic in Brazil, through which and because of which there are in that country on the one hand their villas Pharaonic - if anything with adjoining chapel built near the Olympic pool where we celebrate Mass with the Missal of St. Pius V - the other slums and abandoned children on the streets who can not march for life, being too busy trying to save his life. Needless to say: who knows my writing and my books, knows that I am not a member of the Liberation Theology, I am a priest and a Catholic theologian, Apostolic Roman with a certain vocation to give a little 'hard time to the Pharisees hypocrites, saying if necessary to the good loyal: pay attention, because those "filter out the gnat and then s'ingoiano camel […] clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and excess " [CF. Mt 23, 24-25], and in this case, in addition to not do what they do, our good faithful do not have to do mostly what they say seriously wrong and diffuse.

de Mattei book in Portuguese

Brazilian edition of the book by Roberto de Mattei: “The Second Vatican Council, an untold story”

In the sixties, the Church celebrated its twenty-first council in which all did not go well, but one fact is certain: that Council celebrated by the Fathers of the Church under the authority of Peter has sanctioned the new doctrines that are binding on the whole body of the faithful, especially for bishops, i presbiteri, the deacons, the men and women religious. Using the concept of pastoral to reach say above and below the lines that "basically it was just a pastoral council" and as such leaves the time it is, it is not wrong but theologically aberrant. We all know that the Council was followed by a post council that in the name of the interpretation or the application has created problems, with powerful cordate of modernists and theologians that by listening only themselves have fallen in heresy, after creating their own council egomenico and their doctrines. Awareness, this, that not only is clear to me, but which are stuffed, because God has been good enough to get me on my way to meet great men and witnesses of the faith as Divo Barsotti and Cornelio Fabro; because for years they are in connection with the two older theologians together with whom we carry this magazine, both members and heirs of the most distinguished schools of theology, who have lived in close contact with some people for whom it is possible that tomorrow the Church to proclaim the saints and confessors of the faith, as in the case of the young and talented Dominican theologian Tomas Tyn. And the proof of facts, as a man of fifty, I think I have matured a useful feature to me and to the faithful who approach me as a confessor, spiritual director and teacher of doctrine: the wise masters with caution, justice, fortitude and temperance, I listen to them and follow them praising God for giving me blessed facendomeli meet on my way human and priestly. I know better dall'aggredirli or censor, Unless never forget them or deny them in the name of my questionable and arrogant "you're wrong" because "I say…”, therefore “is true only what I say”.

gherardini misconception council

the famous theologian Brunero Gherardini, has in fact ended up claiming that the Second Vatican Council is not in continuity with the previous tradition

Be aware however, that within the Church we are experiencing a great crisis of faith that generates a terrible doctrinal crisis and consequently a moral crisis, does not mean to say erroneously, as do Lefebvre and people close to their area, the problem is that the council and that the council after it is the obvious consequence, because this is equivalent in every way to assert that because a young incapable took secretly to a professional driver in his Ferrari, causing an accident with it and damaging the car itself, is the fault of the Maranello factory and Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, who was managing director of the company.

I fear that some do not want to understand that the problebut the current ecclesial is no longer the council or the postsubstances and accidents council which often has upset the council; the problem is that after half a century by the celebration of the council, after decades of devastation made by the best of the worst of many theologians, Today we have come to the radical change of an era during which will sepoltto the church structure as sin today we understood and lived outwardly, to project in the future become the Church the Mystical Body of Christ that will live up to his return to the end of time. Accidents external, metaphysically speaking, before have changed, then they ended up no longer be adequate to preserve the immutable and eternal essence of the Word of God made man who turned out being born from the womb of the Virgin Mary, dying and rising from the dead; and that before offering himself as a sacrifice, he founded his Church on the rock of Peter, giving us his perennial presence alive through the Eucharist, his memorial holy and living, center and heart engine of ecclesial life.

The danger and the authentic aberration in the world of a certain "Tradition" is to have lost this basic metaphysical concept ended up believing that the existence of the substance depends on the external accidents, from the past that does not pass and that this should be splinted, mummified, up to consider elements such as eternal and immutable external accidents; just as if they depended essentially eternal and unchangeable. No coincidence that I used the term aberration theological understanding in the etymological sense of the term: wander outside the path of truth.

In Filipino culture this gesture means “I love you”, but now we try to explain it to the absolute majority of the inhabitants of this world consists not Filipinos, that it is not a re-edition of Il Marchese del Grillo …

In this time in which the Church is undergoing a radical change of epoch, the central figure and decisive is that the Holy Father Francis, that pontiff that many Catholics do not like but that at the same time is liked by all those who have based their lives on a non-Catholic way of life and thinking. Many who feel disoriented or embarrassed by some of his gestures end up by saying "we do not like this Pope». Some examples: the Supreme Pontiff who opens her hands clasped to a small altar boy asking "have you glued hands?» [who], saluting with pollicione up like old Uncle of America, you put a nose clown next to a married couple with a lot of bride introduced to the presence of the Holy Father a bit 'too discovery and scollacciata. Or the latest of series: in apostolic visit to the Philippines, the Holy Father greeted by a pair of horns together with one of his cardinal. Obviously it was immediately explained hereinafter that the gesture, in Filipino culture, has nothing to do with rock satanic which they did immediately recall the apocalyptic and hunters antichrists, it is a gesture that means: "I saw Love».

Marquis cricket 2

Paolo Stoppa in the role of Pius VII and Alberto Sordi in those of the Marchese del Grillo

Obviously I'm not the first to discuss fears and false modesty clerical on what can be undesirable a similar gesture made by the Roman Pontiff taken by photographers and television stations across the world, Also because it is said that it is neither simple nor easy to explain to many Filipinos do not - that the majority of the inhabitants of this world - that those horns mean "I love you" and that this is not a gesture instead of straight out of a scene from the film The Marchese del Grillo, where the great Paolo Stoppa in the role of Pius VII closes pièce comic by the horns, after the Roman nobleman played by another great, Alberto Sordi, had toppled as usual using the Supreme Pontiff on the chair gestatoria, who felt the shock blurts: "You want me to break your neck?». Replica gentleman joker: "Holiness, a dead pope if he makes another!» [see who]. But it was precisely Paolo Stoppa in the role of Pius VII and Alberto Sordi in those of the Marchese del Grillo, was not the reigning Pontiff in apostolic visit to an Asian country in the company of one of his cardinal, surrounded by photographers and cameramen of the press agencies and television stations across the world, while both ended up immortalized smiling with a nice pair of horns printed on their right hands.


example of archaic solemn promise, in this case addressed to the Italian people

In Jewish tradition archaic, to seal a faithful solemn promise the men would put his palm open on the genital organ, on which he had been impressed with the circumcision Covenant Alliance. Well, say that the Holy Father, after eating peppers in the evening and other heavy foods decides the next morning to create me Cardinal, thus risking to cause cardiac arrest in all those examples that certain paradoxical because they do not make them in the red biretta us hope for real. I doubt that during the consistory, receiving the red hat, I would take my hand genital organ to manifest through a significant gesture archaic my faithful devotion to the Roman Pontiff even to the shedding of blood, I would limit myself to kneel and kiss his right hand. Why I am I, are not the Marchese del Grillo revived, at least during the public official ceremonies, then, in private with friends, I can be even worse than the collegiate nobleman played by Alberto Sordi.


one of many satires on the Holy Father who in increasing numbers are circulating around the computer network and through which messages are transmitted precise and sometimes of the clear warnings …

Another complaint I sometimes hear is "this Pope is not adequate '. If we think about it no one is suitable to be a priest, bishop, Roman pontiff. A certain offices, within which lies the mystery of the Church and the mystery of the sacraments of grace, one can never be adequate. Not even the saints were worthy to participate in the ministerial priesthood of Christ or to become successor of the rock on which Christ himself has built his Church. As proof of the above-written would be enough to go to St. John Vianney or St. Pio of Pietrelcina and ask: "You feel worthy, to participate in the mystery of grace to the ministerial priesthood of Christ, vero?». I'm afraid that the second of these two saints, in a particular way, He could have reacted in a violent way. Among other things we must never forget that Peter himself, chosen by the Lord Himself, was a limited man who showed all its weaknesses and frailties. So let's see what the other hand: and if the Holy Father Francis slammed in his face in a direct and healthy as any of us, from him, is adequate, before the mystery of grace of the ministerial priesthood? And if behind the lines, beyond certain gestures sometimes baffling, would break the patina of all those processed accidents external changeable by means of which, through layers and layers of solidified clericalism and Dad&fat with the worst worldly powers, we ended up feeling even appropriate to that for which no human being can be said to be suitable and worthy? And if the Holy Father wanted to dispel all those structures and those trappings that have come to be used not to honor and dignity to the Holy Church of Christ - as it should be - but the clergy who hold themselves to using their high honors excuse the honor that we must always pay tribute to the Holy Bride of Christ, to which no building, no metal, no stone and no fabric can be sufficiently valuable? Why poverty should always end up under the steps of the altar and inside the churches the word sloppiness should be banned, because God always offers you the great and the maximum.

Three months after his election, responding to an interviewer, I defined the Holy Father Francesco an enigma. And every man in his own way it is [see who]. Today, after almost two years, I confirm what I said at the time, with a certainty gained further: behind this conundrum is the Holy Spirit, we do not know yet how it will operate. One thing is certain: is operating, are we that we are not yet able to decipher his work; perhaps not even the individual concerned is able to understand the plans that God intends to accomplish through him.

doubtful of the council authorities

this text oozes genuine lack of knowledge and a refusal to think the Church is promoted on the website of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X [see who]

I am saddened by the continuing rise of magazines telematics behind traditionalism conceal sedevacantism. It is blasphemy that would-Catholics put in the network of blogs titrated See Journal FALLEN [acts seat apostatic], where to make the Roman Pontiff, indicated as an apostate, object of insults and insults. It is distressing to note the large number of sites and blogs chasing catastrofismi apocalyptic in the most unadulterated sense of the term, because the Revelation of the Apostle John is the book of hope par excellence that tells the great conquest of the ancient enemy, l'Antichrist, whose defeat is already written since the beginning of time. The Apocalypse is the triumph of faith, of hope and charity in an eschatological key. And all Gentlemen and Ladies much titrated and noble I mentioned one by one in my article, are directly guilty of all this, because for these people, they and their writings, represent a reference point, therefore have little to do false lovers Church suffering inside, because the truth is quite another: with a foot are inside it, with each other between Lefebvre who idolize the past that does not pass and the sedevacantists catatonic.

In one of several sites Vera&Pure Tradition time ago I read the rant of a priest of the Society holy church 5Of Saint Pius X showing that the squalor of a theological education and training for the priesthood perhaps guided by four formulas of neo-scholastic decadent however misunderstood, explained that the reigning Pontiff was just punishment given by Christ to the Church for the drifts post conciliar. That in the post council there were some serious drifts is indubitable, readers who follow us on these pages telematics know how and by what reasoning articulated fathers the island of Patmos have always shown one by one. State, however, that Christ, through the Successor of Peter, punish his Church, is such stupidity that does not even deserve the high title of heresy. How can exist and find followed by petty minds to the point to say that Christ, by Peter on which he built his Church, decided to punish himself ...? Just so: himself! Because the Church is the body of which Christ is the head and we are living members. The Church of Christ is, is not of the Popes of the period before the Second Vatican Council or of the next. The holiness of the Church of the Body of which Christ is the head, is in that power of sanctification which God exercises despite human sinfulness. For this reason the Church is defined by Ambrose chaste whore, holy and sinful, while paragraph VIII of the dogmatic constitution The light recital:

Christ, "Saint, innocent, spotless” [cf. EB 7, 26], knew no sin [cf. 2 Color 5, 21] and came only to expiate the sins of the people [cf Eb 2, 17], the church, embracing in its bosom sinners and therefore holy and always in need of purification, always follows the path of penance and renewal.

Affirm that the Church is sinful is misleading, if the whole is expressed out from a clear context such as that whichholy church 4 refers Sant'Ambrogio or The light; because sinners are the men who make it up and that often disfigure.

I'm not afraid to admit with pain and honesty that many of our seminaries and theological faculties from many of our priests come out of the worst heresies stuffed modernist, or grown with poisonous teologismi of Karl Rahner. But also by the “most holy” seminar Ecône out apparently disturbing priests able to speak of Christ, who through the successor of Peter, the Church punishes. For this I wonder if at Ecône, where, however, recite or sing profession of faith in beautiful Latin "sacred", Are not accustomed to recite words that sound something like this: We believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. Or are we to infer that after Vatican II, the Church has lost its inherent sanctity and indefectibility, has ceased to be the body of which Christ is the head and that is why she was punished by God? Why say that Christ punishes his Church is theologically consistent as it would be to say that God the Father, through his sacrifice on the cross, castigated the Son and the Holy Spirit, disagreeing on such choice, ended in turn to get angry and fight with him.

Pope clown nose

What the Pope should avoid, since Jorge Mario Bergoglio is called to make room for the Holy Father Francis expresses the supreme dignity of the Mystery of the Church under the ministry entrusted to Peter by Christ the Lord.

To all those who feel uneasy about noses clown, horns greeting to Filipinos and so on, I repeat what I often repeat in the confessional or during spiritual direction to many of the faithful bewildered: go beyond the man himself and worshiped the truth of faith in the mystery of the Church built on Peter, who received a mandate from Christ sent his own ministry of authority in all its successors. The Church is not the Holy Father Francis, as he first was of Benedict XVI, Pius XII, of Pius X. It was not Peter himself chose as his vicar on earth by the Word of God in person. The Church of Christ is, and is still governed by the Holy Spirit; and as has been and may still be disfigured by men, will always remain holy and immaculate Bride of the Redeemer.

During the Second Vatican Council 1 del l'assise, Blessed Pius IX did impress these words about the relationship between faith and reason:

[…] although faith is above reason, there can never be any real discrepancy between faith and reason. The same God, indeed, who reveals mysteries and infuses faith, has also deposed the light of reason in the human […] not only faith and reason can never be in conflict with each other, but there may be a mutual help. The right reason, indeed, demonstrates the fundamentals of the faith, illuminated by its light can cultivate the science of divine things; faith liberates protects reason from errors and enhanced by multiple cognitions. Therefore, the church, is far from opposing to the study of the arts and human disciplines, anything but the favors and promotes in every way [Session III 24 April 1870, Chapter IV: "Faith and Reason"]

One hundred and twenty years later, Saint John Paul II, referring to the teaching of his predecessor Pius IX, in his Encyclical Fides et Ratio wrote:

"Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth. And God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth and, definitely, to know Him because, knowing and loving God, can also come to the fullness of truth about themselves ".

Up to a certain point, we used the reason, with which we came to the big open door of faith, now, to cross theOpen the doors 1 door of hope beyond which there is Christ, Proceed with a real act of faith, which is not a blind act, but an act that certainty entirely summed up in the Creed. In the Holy Father Francis we must see the mystery founding of the Church, without getting trapped in front of the entrance to this door wide open, netted un nose grant clown and a pair of horns. Because the Holy Spirit is working and Christ will save anyway his Church. And in a future, perhaps close, when we will be revealed those who were God's plans, understand that this Pope was the fruit of grace and mercy of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. For this I need to pause the reasonable human judgment and proceed on the wings of faith, then believe, worship and follow the rock on which Christ built his Church.

Can some "traditionalists", apocalyptic cosmic, discoverers of antichrists, hunters alleged heresies papal, worshipers of headings and a static past that must not pass, indomitable defenders of the fly of their non-negotiable values everybody subjective yet Gobblers professionals camel, abandon the dark charm homocentric of Pelagius and follow faithfully the pattern of the holy bishop and doctor of the Church Augustine of Hippo, despite seeing it all and beyond all God's work even in poor and inadequate person of the Holy Father Francis, servant of the servants of God, not up before the Mystery as always we are all of us born with original sin and subject to the snares of evil, but potential and extraordinary means of grace and salvation.


Christ conquers eseguito dai cathedral choir

Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

The question of Islamic monotheism


Just risen, Islam fell with incredible energy and boldness to conquer the world and began to appear in the territories round about Arabia, from Syria, to Palestine, to Egypt, to Turkey, to the territories of North Africa, already Christians for centuries. Christianity found himself attacked by these armies fanatics. Islamic preachers and propagandists were accompanied by troops. In front of an attitude so aggressive, Christianity is frightened and saw no better solution than reacting with force. From here the Crusades.

Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP

koran mecca

Mecca, sacred place of Islam

The current debate about the Islamic religion concerns about whether the God of the Koran is or is not the same God of Christians. The answer that faces many in the most immediate is that it is the same God, in that, while we Christians believe in one Triune God, the Qur'an rejects it. In this seemingly obvious answer is hiding in fact a subtle misunderstanding, that need to be dispelled. To be corrected, rather we should say that we and the Muslims, as the Second Vatican Council says, adore "The only God, living and subsisting, merciful and almighty, creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to men " (1). So actually our God and them is in itself the same.

Koran MeccaOne could speak of “gave false” for the Muslims if the Koran would assign attributes to God that he does not agree. But this, whole, does not correspond to reality. If we compare the famous 99 attributes of Allah with those of St. Thomas Aquinas assigns to God in QUESTION, you will notice a remarkable concordance. If I think of a false god, I prefer to think of what Hegel or Rahner, rather than to that of Muhammad. The difference then is that there are two Gods: Our one, vero, and the other their, fake. And even two different gods. This would be an absurd polytheism, because in reality God is one. Both we and they believe in one God, who, as reflected by the attributes that the council assigns to the God of the Koran, is the true God.

The problem, therefore, of the contrast between Christian theology and the Koran is elsewhere. That we andKoran they are monotheists, believers in the true God, is out of the question. The problem lies in the fact that the Qur'an, in the name of the one God, rejects as polytheism and impiety Christian dogma of the Holy Trinity and in consequence of the Incarnation and Redemption. The Koran does not conceive how God can have a “Son”, why, to have a child, should have a wife. Note the ingenuity of this objection. Furthermore, the Qur'an considers absurd to think that God is simultaneously “one and three”. However, we must recognize that the objections of the Koran are not without their apparent meaningfulness, and so should be taken into account and they must respond. The decisive answer, as we know, is given by the Council of Chalcedon 451, which stands in God's divine nature a (phys, the greek Nature ) by the person lace (Hypostasis, the greek ὑπόστασις). As for the Son, it is clear from the New Testament revelation, we think especially the Johannine Logos, that should not be understood in relation to sex father-mother, since God is pure Spirit without sex, but a divine fatherhood asexual, therefore not male, similar to the Mind that produces the Idea or Thought, so that Christ in this view, And “Image of the Father and of his Substance Footprint” [EB 1,3], is ideal model and archetype by which and against which the Father has thought, designed, wanted and created the world.

The issue does not affect the existence but the knowledge of God, that is what we humans know or can know of God, what God has revealed of Himself. We all agree that God exists; the problem is to know the best way possible who God, what are its real attributes, and exactly what God has revealed to us of Self; also know what or whom we must trust the prophets and longed to have that sublime knowledge. It is here that there is a clash between Christians and Muslims: which for us Christians the maximum detector God is Jesus Christ in the Gospel, while for them is Mohammed in the Koran, thanks to the revelation received by the Archangel Gabriel. Already now here's a reason to contrast, because we Christians we wonder how could the same angel on one side announcing to Mary her divine motherhood and the other to Muhammad announce that Jesus is a mere prophet: an angel who contradicts himself in announcing the name of God in the divine revelation ordered to the salvation of humanity?

The fact remains that the God of the Koran is the true God, even if you could do some objections of some of hisHallelujah attributes. He is God, Yes, but met with mixed errors and far less perfect than we know through Christ as the Triune God. Moreover, the trouble is worse is that the Qur'an does not simply ignore the Trinitarian mystery, but claims to refute it according to God only known by the simple reason. However this did not prevent that in the XI-XIII Islam in terms of monotheism has produced metaphysicians and theologians senior, as Averroes, Al-Kindi, Avempace, Stare at him, E Farabi, Avicenna, which, to give a philosophical foundation to the creator God taught by the Qur'an, have appropriately considered using Aristotle, hollowing out the distinction between essence and existence, metaphysically as characterizing the creature, as well as the concept of the absolutely Necessary, as characterizing the divine essence. E, as is known, it was the Arabs in the Middle Ages in Europe to introduce the knowledge of metaphysics and theology of Aristotle, which were later used by Christian doctors, as St. Thomas and Blessed Duns Scotus, to interpret the Christian dogma.

burning bush

Moses before the burning bush

Il God of the Koran has obvious hooks to the God of the Old Testament, majestic and severe, God a more formidable that lovable, different, as we know, the God of the New Testament, merciful and compassionate, "Slow to anger, abounding in love", who wants to be the friend of man in Christ and live by the grace in his heart. Hence the Christian mysticism, rare phenomenon in Islam and often regarded with suspicion, though there also exists the Sufi tradition, the rest probably influenced by Christianity. The God of the Koran, though it is presented by the Qur'an as revealed by God himself, is the God of reason, ie the God whose existence and attributes can be proved by reason by applying the principle of causality and by analogy with creatures. In fact, so, all reasonable men know at least implicitly that God, therefore Muslims. To this God all are accountable for their actions to receive the award, or eternal punishment, as the Qur'an itself recognizes.


… and the Word was made flesh

Then God the Son became incarnate, we know this only we Christians, while, as is known, Muslims reject, they make or do not realize, understand it or do not understand it, they have or do not have guilt. The Quran, where they do not err on God, does not teach anything that does not correspond to what the same natural reason can prove about God (2). The Islamic religion is born out of a need for religion and political and national unity of the Arab people, not satisfied by contact with humbling mighty Byzantine Empire, expression of a superior civilization, christian, but trendy imperialist and divided by agonizing and complicated theological controversy, especially concerning the mystery of the Trinity and the sacraments.

Muhammad and gabriele

according to Islamic tradition, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad

Mohammed, for its part, religious mood, energetic and practical, wanted to find a religiosity simpler than the complicated Byzantine Christianity and believed to have found the solution in a monotheism devoid of the Trinitarian mystery and all the consequences that it descended from the doctrinal, liturgical, moral and social. Also has great qualities of political organizer and military strategist, Muhammad was able to give to those needs of his people a satisfaction so suitable, guessed, convincing and fruitful, to allow his work to last even today after fourteen centuries and indeed to strengthen immensely with instilling in the religion of the Koran an extraordinary expansion force, that lasts to this day in various countries of the world, which belong to other people that have nothing to do with the Arabs.

The method of Islamic expansion, however, is very different from the Christian. While this isArabs 1 founded on faith in Christ, God-man, that draws men to Himself and the Father in heaven by force of argument and persuasion, of conduct integerrima, a sublime wisdom, the testimony of a generous love, miracles and prophecies, Mohammed, political leader, religious and military at a time, excites and motivates his followers to conquer the world, not only and not so much with the persuasiveness of the word, the wisdom of the judgments and the example of moral conduct rigorous, but especially with the force of arms, threatening divine vengeance to those who do not intend to accept the message of the Koran. As is known, to those who die in the holy war against the infidels, secured the paradise.

Arabs 2Just risen, Islam fell with incredible energy and boldness to conquer the world and began to appear in the territories round about Arabia, from Syria, to Palestine, to Egypt, to Turkey, to the territories of North Africa, already Christians for centuries. Christianity found himself attacked by these armies fanatics. Islamic preachers and propagandists were accompanied by troops. In front of an attitude so aggressive, Christianity is frightened and saw no better solution than reacting with force. From here the Crusades. In addition to this, the common Christian felt enormous outrage and revulsion in front of an attack against so radical as his faith was more sacred and almost no one noticed that in the end the Koran does not preach idolatry or polytheism, ma un monotheism, heritage of that reason that all men possess, Christians and Muslims, all called by Christ to salvation. What then should be done? A work of discernment in the Quranic doctrine between true and false (3). The first was taken; The second one, refuted. Moreover, when it comes to religion, with good evidence needed to prove the superiority of Christ Muhammad, not to underestimate the merits, extending beyond the indignant condemnation, and possibly it had to avoid total rejection and confrontation. The ideal would be that this task very serious if it had taken the Church, maybe the problem dedicating one or two ecumenical councils. Yet nothing. What was left in the hands of theologians, apologists and the Crusaders. And so the mutual incomprehension dragged on for centuries. It seemed that the whole problem to be resolved in how to defend against an epidemic. We forgot that the Muslims were called to receive the Gospel. Mohammed, Certain, was a great man; but could not be preferred to Christ. It is hard to understand how this man is even as large as you want as Muhammad, managed and still manages to polarize around him vast crowds of the faithful in sharp competition with man far more sublime, because it is God, that is our Lord Jesus Christ.

In the thirteenth century were born the Dominicans and the Franciscans. It seemed that they could do something to bring Islam to Christ. They set out boldly for the Holy Land, left of the martyrs, but none of the two Orders in the end he managed to find the right method: the Dominicans were too drastic and 1291 were expelled, to be able to go back only to the late nineteenth century, but only to devote himself to biblical studies (4). The Dominican St. Raymond of Penyafort pushed St. Thomas Aquinas to write the famous treatise apologetic Summa contra Gentiles, marvelous work, full of rational arguments, but unfortunately that does not refute point by point, how it would be useful, errors of the Quran highlighting how you could accept in Christian theology, so in the end did not give appreciable results. The Franciscans, for their part, after the historic and moving meeting of St. Francis with the Sultan, have always been able to remain in Palestine to date, but only for giving up to convert Muslims, from these tolerated as second-class citizens. That being the case, the document of the Council on Islam is considered of epochal importance and incentive of a hope of reconciliation and conversion of Muslims to Christ. It had never happened so far that the Magisterium of the Church recognize so solemn theological truths contained in the Qur'an. And as these truths had already been defined elsewhere as belonging to the deposit of faith (5), is believed to be that here we are dealing with the doctrine of the infallible Magisterium, which fills the soul with immense hope about the future good results of the dialogue with Islam.

Koranic revelation of God is certainly rich in theological teachings, cro, religious, ascetic, moral and social, but mostly it is a pounding succession and repetition almost breathless precepts of categorical and peremptory warnings and threatening in front of a faithful dumb, that should not do anything but listen, believe, obey and fight for the spread of Islam around the world, why this and not that Christian is the true, absolute and universal rule by divine worship (“Islam”), of virtue and salvation of man. As for the text of the Koran, it is traditionally understood as the Word of God in a way that does not admit that it is formulated or embodied in a human form or mode, to offer such aspects related to time or historical contingencies. This fundamentalist way of interpreting the Koran, which incidentally is not typical of all schools, has the disadvantage that it is to be understood as the Word of God conceptions, uses or practices today ineligible or inhuman, such as the penalty of retaliation or stoning or a conception degrading and humiliating women.

72 virgins

Heaven according to the promise of Muhammad, where they will be granted the right men 72 virgins in prize

A great value humanism Koranic is given by the clear awareness of the eternal destiny of man: the Paradiso hell, even if it lacks the dogma of the beatific vision, supreme fruit of Christ's grace, and you stop to purely human enjoyments, including sexual. Unlike humans biblical or Christian, that communicates freely and confidentially with God as the son with the father or friend with friend in Christ, the Muslim believer always seems a soldier at attention, that does not has to do is execute the orders. Exists, Certain, prayer, asking for help and God's forgiveness; but in the end it is nothing more than the asking God for the fulfillment of a relentless desire fatalistic, that is completely divorced from the desires, by free will or by personal initiatives of the faithful. So either willingly or by force, perhaps with military conquest, the Koran must assert itself in the world. Those who receive, well, but who does not accept it or resists and does not convert, deserves death or at least to be a slave to a Muslim. And who converts to Islam, must absolutely remain faithful, under the supervision of the civil-religious, and also of the same social and family environment, why, if you change your mind, such as becoming a Christian, is excluded from the community and can also be executed.

Ernesto Vecchi of Islam

S. AND. Mons. Ernesto Vecchi, Auxiliary bishop of Bologna, to listen to his interview on the relationship between Islamic culture and Italian, [click on the picture to start the video]

In Islamic regimes, at least in principle, there is no right to religious freedom. Wanting to use a joke, though it is very serious, “or eat soup or skip the window”. Today Islam uses, to penetrate in Christian countries, a method soft and capillary, as for example the phenomenon of immigrants. But these, far from converting to Christianity, cling to their religion and demand by the public authorities with considerable tenacity that they are accorded the structures for the exercise of their religion. Indeed, where there is a right to religious freedom, Muslims know how to skillfully take advantage for their interests, but not grant to Christians living in their countries.


“Absence”, René Magritte, 1966

A major shortcoming of humanism Koranic is the absence of that consciousness of human weakness and tendency to sin that is in Christianity from the dogma of original sin. Man Koranic, not realizing until the end of the severity of the bad human actions, it is not even able to put an adequate remedy, the more he does not know the sacraments, ecclesial life and the saving grace given to us by Christ. This does not mean that those who are in good faith to receive this grace without knowing. Also there may be a baptism of desire. With all that is present in ethics Islamic love of virtue and hatred of vice, ma, Dieting those assumptions, we can well understand how the evangelical virtues to be far superior in principle to virtue Koranic, without those wanting to make comparisons of people, much less claim to peer into the shrine of consciences. The Islamic religion over the centuries has been the promoter of civilization, science, of art, of culture, of human virtues, economic welfare, of political organization and state, but you can not even compare to the boundless wealth of civilization born in Europe with Christianity, civilization from the rich and infinite effects and results in moral, juridical, religious, scientific, technical, artistic, politico, social, economic, of which uses plenty of the same Islamic world perhaps to oppose and boycott the West.

The comparison between Christ and Muhammad is imposed today in an increasingly blatant and inevitable. Thejesus for Islamic trouble is that Catholic theology suffers today, especially in the field of Christology, an unprecedented crisis in its entire history, while intellectuals and scholars feel the charm of Islamic, as was the case for the gnostic traditionalist Rene Guenon, as well as the spirit of the Islamic Community, as was the case for the communist philosopher Roger Garaudy, both converts to Islam in the last century. In the field then it is depressing to see a Catholic christologist however learned as one Schillebeeckx, develop a Christology in which the divinity of Christ is absent, reduced to the level of a simple “eschatological prophet” e “human person” inhabited by God. E’ a way to please Muhammad.


david haines

David Haines running through the work of Islamic terrorists [click on the picture to start the video]

In Islamic regimes, at least in principle, there is no right to religious freedom. Wanting to use a joke, though it is very serious, “or eat soup or skip the window”. Today Islam uses, to penetrate in Christian countries, a method soft and capillary, as for example the phenomenon of immigrants. But these, far from converting to Christianity, cling to their religion and demand by the public authorities with considerable tenacity that they are accorded the structures for the exercise of their religion. Indeed, where there is a right to religious freedom, Muslims know how to skillfully take advantage for their interests, but not grant to Christians living in their countries.

The Islamic reality is extremely composite and often contradictory. If Islam is a part of the object of admiration for his discipline and his religious fervor, on the other hand gives rise to an understandable wave of indignation and horror as the Islamic terrorists are perpetrating in countries of Christian minority. This is likely to stir in certain circles of the frantic reactions, who do nothing but fan the flames of hatred that has nothing of the Christian, but that brings us back to the darkest times of the endless wars medieval. However, must also take into account that part of Islam reasonable and peaceful, who will seek to solve the problem of terrorism, in accordance with the heartfelt exhortations of Pope. Instead, you must give up absolutely visions unilateral, resentful and passionate, and the opposition front, often born of ignorance and a misunderstanding desire to react to violence and to defend Christian civilization. However, there are many Muslims in Western countries fully integrated into society that welcomed them and contribute loyally with their work to the development and welfare of those countries. On this delicate point of dialogue with Islam remains valid teaching of the Council and of the post-conciliar Popes until the present Pontiff. The Council's teaching should be completed with an accurate description of the errors of Islam, that we must refute, waves illuminate the faithful of Mohammed with the light of Christ. Do not worry: in the conversion of Muslims, although in fourteen centuries they have proven to be interested in Christ. But even we Christians must make an examination of conscience and ask ourselves seriously if we were against them always true apostles, true witnesses, real evangelizers. Undoubtedly, what you miss and that it is urgent to develop, is a systematic plan of evangelization of Muslims, trusting that Christ sent us to proclaim the Gospel to all men and that He had given all his life, gives everyone a chance of salvation.

Fontanellato, 12 January 2015

(1) In our age, n.3.
(2) This teaching, we find in the First Vatican Council, can be considered as the foundation of the dialogue with Islam, promoted by Vatican II.
(3) Pope St. Gregory VII in sec. XI wrote but a wise conciliatory letter to Anazir, King of Mauritania, cited by the document of the Council; but it is a more unique than rare.
(4) With the founding of the famous Biblical School of Jerusalem by the Father Joseph Lagrange
(5) For example, the Fourth Lateran Council and the First Vatican Council.

Antonio Love ( 1938-2020 )
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Antonio

Vittorio Messori defend against false dogmas of Leonardo Boff



I rise on the issue of Messori not to approve or disapprove of what he wrote, but to defend it from criticism dutifully violent and misguided religious who appears as a theologian and journalist accused of bad faith or ignorance in theology. It is Leonardo Boff. His criticism is Messori, as it were, the sum of all the nonsense that the ideologues of "liberation theology" they wrote, before and after the condemnation by the Holy See, on the message of the Gospel and on the action of the Church in the world.

Author Antonio Livi

Antonio Love

Victor Messers

the Catholic journalist and writer Vittorio Messori

The considerations that Vittorio Messori published on Corriere della Sera on the pontificate of Pope Bergoglio last year 24 December [see who] have aroused, as was predictable, many different reactions. Many have shared them, others criticized them harshly. I don't go into the merits of those evaluations, which, however, I consider legitimate. This is a serious journalist, of a well-documented historian and above all of a Catholic of sincere and enlightened faith. I have known him personally for many years, I have read all of his books, starting with the first and most famous, those Hypothesis about Jesus that gave too much space to a fideistic interpretation of Pascal but still had a remarkable apologetic efficacy. In recent times I have always read with interest and also with pleasure your column on Helm. There were Catholic journalists like that! Pity, I always told myself, that he was not allowed to continue writing about To come ... It would have been good for the "Catholic newspaper" (and for me too, that from that newspaper I was literally pilloried).

Ma, I repeat, I do not enter into the merits of his considerations on the pontificate of Pope Bergoglio, because I am of the opinion that journalists should limit themselves to information for the affairs of the Church, which is their job and their specific mission, without influencing Catholic public opinion with their personal opinions, inevitably partial, in the sense that they are able to describe only a part of the ecclesial reality and express on it only the point of view of a part of the people of God.

As I have already written on the Compass, I prefer that ecclesial current events be treated with authentically theological competence and from an exclusively pastoral point of view. Myself, worried as a priest about the doctrinal disorientation I perceive among the faithful, I have spoken several times on the "Bergoglio question" inviting Catholics to disregard what is the daily bread of the "Vaticanists" (phrases and gestures that suggest "openings" or "closings", appointments and dismissals of senior prelates), instead, he is intelligently interested in what is properly the Magisterium of the Church. There, in the documents of the magisterium of the Church (which is at certain fundamental points immutable and perennial, in others it historically proceeds with the appropriate "reforms in continuity") the Catholics, today as always, they find the sure guide of their conscience, the sure orientation to profess and live the faith in their daily existence.

leonard boff

Leonardo Boff, former Franciscan friar and priest resigned from the clerical state, today cohabiting with his partner and dedicated to the spread of clear heresies and doctrines “dogmatic” ecological and pro-Marxist

But now I speak on the Messori affair, not to approve or disapprove of what he wrote, but to defend it (it is only right) from the violent and insane criticism of a religious who presents himself as a theologian and accuses the journalist of bad faith or ignorance in theological matters. It is Leonardo Boff. His criticism of Messori (click here) represents, as it were, the sum of all the nonsense that the ideologues of "liberation theology" they wrote, before and after the condemnation by the Holy See, on the message of the Gospel and on the action of the Church in the world.

boff Jesus liberator

one of the cornerstones of liberation theology

Boff accuses Messori of ignoring the role of the "Spirit", who, according to him, it would act even and even better outside the Catholic Church, who can't "learn from others". In this regard Boff, with the tone of the defender of what he calls the Holy Spirit, get to write: “It means being blasphemous against the Holy Spirit to think that others have only thought wrong. For this reason, an open Church as Francis of Rome wants it is extremely important. It must be open to the irruptions of the Spirit called by some theologians "the fantasy of God", because of its creativity and novelty, in companies, in the world, in the history of peoples, in individuals, in the Churches and also in the Catholic Church ", which, before Francesco, she would have been too tied to Christ, too "Christocentric".

According to the former Franciscan, that when he is interested he poses as a lover of doctrine (his), Vittorio Messori is terribly lacking in theology: he "runs into the theological error of Christomonism, that is, only Christ counts. There isn't really a place for the Holy Spirit. Everything in the Church is resolved with Christ alone, something that the Jesus of the Gospels does not exactly want ".

Then, returning to take on the role of the antidogmatist, adds: "Without the Holy Spirit the Church becomes a heavy institution, boring, without creativity and, at a certain point, it has nothing to say to the world that is not always doctrine upon doctrine, without arousing hope and joy of living ". He would also ignore, poor Messori, religious sociology: he would not have yet understood that Latin America is the true center of the Catholic Church today, even if the number of Latin Americans who declare themselves Catholics is decreasing due to the widespread proselytism of Protestant sects (indeed, perhaps precisely for this reason Boff believes that Latin America is at the forefront).

Christianity and theology would have made great strides in Latin America (in Brazil which is the home of Leonardo Boff, in Peru which is the homeland of Gustavo Gutiérrez, and in Argentina which is the homeland of Jorge Mario Bergoglio) for having listened to the "Spirit", thanks also to the indigenous culture (pre-Columbian) which would free the Church from the doctrinal abstractness of European theology, of the German one in particular (the controversial target is Benedict XVI, fondly remembered by Messori), knowing how to interpret the Gospel in harmony with the demands for liberation of the popular masses. Let it be said in parentheses, because it is not very important here, the myth of native Latin American theology is immediately disproved, accidentally, Boff same as when he quotes as the only theological authority his teacher Johan Baptist Metz, Germany initiator of the "political theology" from which are derived the Latin American liberation theologians, formed all in Belgium, France and Germany, starting with the Peruvian Gustavo Gutiérrez. It is not Central European, indeed its German, Karl Marx, the inspirer of the first "liberation theology"?

rainbow boff

the religion of the new Church Ecologica …

But this, I said, it's just a sarcastic brackets. The serious talk is theologically, first of all because it is the theological approach the only one that interests me when the Church speaks of current and possible changes in Church doctrine, and then because the main topic of Boff's speech is precisely the "voice of the Spirit", that Pope Bergoglio would have listened docilely while his predecessors, in particular Benedict XVI, they would have ignored, closed as they were in "Christocentrism", which for Boff means dogmatism, juridicism, traditionalism, Vatican centralism.

Now I wonder: what is the point, theologically speaking, claim exclusivity in the interpretation of "what the Spirit says to the churches"? It's still. what is the point, theologically speaking, oppose his own interpretation of the designs of the Holy Spirit to the dogmatic and moral doctrine of the Church? Such speeches are understandable, even if illogical, in the mouth of heretics and schismatics, in the mouth of the propagandists of one of the many sects that have invaded the Christian West, vaguely related to Christianity or directly inspired by Buddhism, but not in the mouth of those who present themselves as Catholics and moreover theologian.

The fundamental norm of an authentically theological discourse, as I have clearly explained in my treatise on True and false theology (where Leonardo Boff is not mentioned, but his masters are mentioned). It is the intention to rationally illustrate the truth revealed by God in Christ Jesus, who entrusted the authentic interpretation of his Gospel to his Church, that is, to the Apostles and their legitimate successors, the bishops in communion with the Pope, who also individually enjoys the charisma of infallibility.

In practical terms, this means that someone like Boff, who despises dogmas and attributes to himself that infallibility that he does not recognize in the Church's magisterium, he does not speak as a theologian. Of course, I give him the right to have his ideas, even the craziest, on Christianity, but if he speaks in public addressing Catholics, I have a duty to warn believers that he does not have the authority that belongs to a theologian in the Catholic Church: as I always say in these cases, it is a false prophet and a bad teacher. I have said this several times about Vito Mancuso and Enzo Bianchi, I did not hesitate to say it also about Bruno Forte and Gianfranco Ravasi, who occupy prominent positions in the ecclesiastical hierarchy. Who wants to listen to their theories, know at least that you do so at your own risk (soul, is intende); I have warned everyone I could.

boff liberation theology

the manuela of the little arsonist …

To end with Boff. What does a Christian know about the Holy Spirit, which like God is absolutely transcendent? His Person, within the "immanent Trinity", it is particularly inaccessible to human knowledge, so much so that he is called "the unknown God", and also its action in the world (the so-called "Economic Trinity") it is completely invisible, except by public disclosure. But the public revelation is that of the Son of God, the Incarnate Word, the Emmanuel, the "God-with-us".

What We Can Know About God's Mysteries it is only what Christ has revealed to us. How do you contrast your own (claims) knowledge of the action of the Spirit to what Christ revealed to us by the same Spirit? And Christ revealed to us that the Holy Spirit was sent to us by himself and by the Father, on the day of Pentecost, to make it effective all over the world, for all the time of history, the saving action of the Church of Christ, through the proclamation of the Gospel and the grace of the sacraments. This is what we know about the Holy Spirit, and therefore only this can be said theologically, that is seriously, with the pretense of being listened to by believers.

The true theologian explains and applies to his time and to the people he addresses the truth contained in public revelation, that is, in the doctrine of the Church. The true theologian does not pretend, as the Gnostics do, to know more than I know, of the mysteries of God, any faithful, a person who at any time has received divine revelation with sincere faith. The true theologian, above all, he does not pretend to be divine truth what are his personal and arbitrary conjectures, whatever the sincerity with which these are served up to the people (if they lied knowing they were lying, the false prophets are not only deluded but just "seducers", like the Antichrist of which Scripture speaks).


Article Published on 2 January 2015 his

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The Christology of the Eucharistic light and darkness of totalitarian political and religious

Theological -



… it may happen that the blindness of Marxism and the blindness of certain expressions of religious life they meet, despite battling hard, united by materialism homocentric and Pelagian heresy


Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo


[…] certain theological currents and religious have modulated their movements faith and thought drawingmarx unknowingly just by the enemy and was designed to combat: that Marxism applied in the communist regimes where the individual was emptied and turned into a gear that personality mass called State, a kind of perfect entity or so to say pseudo-divine that together with its leaders Charismatic could not be questioned. One should not overlook that Marxism is a "religion" atheist and that his structural system "dogmatic" is built on the patterns of their religious absolutism.

On the philosophical before theological, be depersonalized gear of a Marxist system is something antithetical to being members of the Mystical Body. As well as being impersonal gears of current theological thinking and religious systems modulated but not on the absolute theological ideology over absolutism is an antithesis to being members of the Mystical Body of the Church which is Christ, even worse, because while Marxism attacked the Church from outside these currents have struck from inside with the dryness of his thoughts de-structuring and confounding. And the leader of the twentieth century this de-structuring is confusing Karl Rahner.

Legionaries of Christ

Have many vocations, is really a test of the grace of the Holy Spirit? One of the new religious congregations in which are merged in time many vocations, including excellent and motivated young, subject for half a century to the dark figure of its founder in a regime of blind obedience which did not admit any critical sense. To the members of this congregation was also imposed vow of “noncritical” of superiors, perhaps in deference to the best Catholic criteria Faith and Reason?

On the structural currents Marxist totalitarian religious thread flourished in parallel in the history of the Church of the twentieth century who felt right to direct and control the human reason to “cristiano” order that they would not fall reasoning in sins of pride, that restricted his freedom as a child of God to spare the potential risk of falling from liberty to licentiousness, who judged the critical sense a sort of attack of lese majesty of God to cure readily with the panacea of ​​blind obedience … ebene, these religious totalitarianism plant pseudo neoscolastico based on the school's decadent late eighteenth century instead of the great heritage school whose recovery was hoped Encyclical Eternal Father, showed their historical closure spiritual and theological grace, their way of thinking-not stagnate, to act in confined spaces and limited to prevent any act independently in order to avoid some kind of pitfalls, the desire to close any question of doubt because they had an answer for everything metaphysical ready. And all this has marked several bursts of Pelagianism modern religious, if anything, even as the propagators of these thoughts were busy teaching Nature and Grace St. Augustine in the deepest deference to formal schemes of the best Catholic orthodoxy.

rigidity of thought


Their approach of thought practice of rigid, sometimes ruthless in his conceptual formalism exasperated and exasperating ricalcava often - unconsciously - the psychology of Pelagius: the belief that they can attain perfection through the rigor, self-discipline, the lack of any failure of any doubts or concerns; that expressed in more modern terms equivalent to Superman and to Will to Power Frederic Nietzsche modulated version religious. Some of these schools of thought in the late nineteenth and twentieth century have opened the season of religious quell'ateismo of one who closes his heart to the grace of God in the certainty of being able to achieve holiness with the rigor of the discipline within and without, we find precisely depicted in the diagrams Nietzschean de The Will to Power.

John Paul II signed fides et ratio

S.S. John Paul II signed the Encyclical Faith and Reason, next to him the then prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Joseph Ratzinger

Today we speak theologically with great ease of the theme Faith and Reason; argument certainly not new in the history and economy of salvation if we consider that was debated by the great Fathers of the Church: it was by the Cappadocian Fathers, by Anselm of Canterbury, by Thomas Aquinas, until reaching the Pope Pius IX who did write to the Vatican Council these words:

[…] although faith is above reason, there can never be any real discrepancy between faith and reason. The same God, indeed, who reveals mysteries and infuses faith, has also deposed the light of reason in the human […] not only faith and reason can never be in conflict with each other, but there may be a mutual help. The right reason, indeed, demonstrates the fundamentals of the faith, illuminated by its light can cultivate the science of divine things; faith liberates protects reason from errors and enhanced by multiple cognitions. Therefore, the church, is far from opposing to the study of the arts and human disciplines, anything but the favors and promotes in every way.

[..] what is the relationship between faith, reason and freedom within the religious orders and certain new religious congregations that in the season of Vatican II rewrite them all their constitutions to bring them to the theological thinking and pastoral reconcile, for example by deleting any reference to vague obsolete forms of blind obedience did not admit that human reason, prior to setting and tradition at the same Council of Trent, as well as in direct contradiction with the theological thought of the great Fathers of the Church?

immaculate Franciscans

The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, painful case of a congregation commissioner by the Holy See without many other, including several orders historians, we followed the same fate for reasons far more serious. To worsen the situation and cause tremendous damage to this Congregation is immediately rushed to the army of the so-called “traditionalists” who have used these religious to carry out their hatred of the Second Vatican Council and to legitimize the use of purely ideological old order posted

These questions, if they are never certain places "traditionalists" ideological diligent hunters heresies - including alleged heresies papal - before starting the attack with pathos liberal and democratic spirit referendum, then with a "petition", after the legitimate authority of the Church had decided to intervene on a young congregation within which were also emerging problems ecclesial theology, of proper discipline and adequate training? And in many respects the ecclesiastical authority has done well, why not healthy nor Catholic turn back the clock and to establish new criteria for religious training of models of late nineteenth century early twentieth century. But since this religious family celebrated with the old order of Mass, before the of the Latins reduced by certain “traditionalists” a fetish Pelagian, here you are immediately shown so concerned about the mote not see the beam, namely that proclaim “de facto” the dogma of Mary Co and determine its theology and worship internally and massive campaign of external diffusion, is much worse than the de-construction of the dogma of implementation from the worst abuses of the New Theology; because "proclaim" or "give to the existing" a Marian dogma that to date, the Church has never meant to proclaim - something that personally I'm happy - it's much worse than the de-construct and destroy the dogmas of faith proclaimed by the Church. All to sing it in an honest and truthful to certain ideologues “tradition” which for months have unnecessarily repeated in numerous private interviews that the problem was not the Missal of St. Pius V, that therefore stop using those poor friars for ideologize a missal and to legitimize themselves. How many of these people have explained in tone hugging the supplication that I myself had ceased to make references in my articles in the affairs of this congregation, after having a trial and error that the problems were others and not the Mass according to the old rite? On the results - or better: not on the results - overflight bitterly, I believe, however, that anyone would seriously question the instrumental way in which these friars were damaged by “traditionalists” d'assault, able to bring everything, even the art of pastry napolenata, to a matter of old order posted … unable to understand, although it had been explained to them, which is not always "Paris is worth a Mass", When he had to say that cynical Huguenot Henry IV of Bourbon. And having said this, I avoid going into all the theological merits of the stubborn closure to God's grace typical of those who are certain that they possess the Truth and are the only faithful propagators of it., even against the Authority of the Church …

Judge always pernicious theology of Karl Rahner, but the honest intellectual and my gherardiniCatholic faith requires me to state that rightly and legitimately criticize this German theologian, to reach through it to affect, if not worse to invalidate the authority of the Second Vatican Council, is much worse than giving life to confused, equivocal and ambiguous theory “anonymous Christians”. This thing that our venerable and wise fellow of the caliber of Brunero Gherardini should teach us all, in old age, rather than lend to certain misunderstandings that revolve around the theory of that Council “Pastoral only” who for years sends sollucchero the best of the worst of a certain “traditionalism”, that on the concept of “pastoral council”, ergo undogmatic, ended up sentencing: … “namely that counts for nothing”; abusing and spending in support of such aberrant argument the name of this illustrious theologian who never would support similar things, simply because he has not ever think, being a man of God devoted to the Authority of the Church and an authentic master of theology.

Serafino Lanzetta

Father Serafino Lanzetta, young man of deep Christian piety, acute theologian with genuine talent, received their training within the Congregation of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Even a diamond can however be license for about an entire religious institution, just as one swallow does not make spring can. Father Serafino is a license credit for the Church and for the world theological, that despite the tough times today can give birth thinkers like him.

Overflight total lack of consistency on the part of these ideologues of "tradition" who for years have taken to pull Brunero Gherardini to the edges of the garment. Subjects which on one hand are capable - and they did, written and published several times - to enhance the encyclical Wondering You Gregory XVI, in which they are expressed in the distant 1832, or in a completely different world, society and political contexts, Also words of condemnation towards the freedom of thought and press, or towards the concept of separation of church and state ... And finally calling it the application salutary in the Church today. Without this, enhance and put into practice, however, forms of liberal democracy referendum against the ecclesiastical authority in the Church (!?). I wonder: I lost something, I'm being inconsistent, or maybe these ideologues “tradition” to have serious problems in their relationship with the alleged insane Catholic tradition, the ecclesiology and above the legitimate authority of the Church?

Cop Francescani.indd

Regarding those who insist on doing a job that is not their, refer to’ article by Father John Cavalcoli on fantateologia journalists, then the ecclesiologists and canonists variously improvised … WHO

This Congregation to which an army of preface "Traditionalist" fasts of theology and ecclesiology have ended sadly with the situation worse by using it for their own ideological purposes, maybe I will devote a separate written, if I have time; it is said, however, that time and he has to do it, wanting to take care of the most interesting things in the course of decades of life that separate me from my death, fixed roughly around 120 years of age, as He has entrusted the Blessed Person of the Holy Spirit the apostolic mission to gnaw different livers.




Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

“2001 Space Odyssey”, that is: the fantateologia some journalists



[…] some, perhaps with titles, are forced to make trades lower for the fact of not finding work, and these are excusable, if not from pitying. But it happens that do their duty well, also because who knows how to make the most, knows how to make even the least. A medical graduate can do the mailman. But a postman can not cure pneumonia or liver cirrhosis. Those that are reprehensible and they do greater damage, are ambitious and presumptuous, which give to intend to know how to do or think beyond those who are their real abilities, often very limited.

Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP

alberto policeman deaf

the late Alberto Sordi in the role of policeman

In life it is important to take the right career, conform to its capacity, based on sound criteria of discernment, without ambition and without hesitation. It happens that there are those who instead, for different reasons, embarks on a road that is not his, confusing her with another authentic, that is what we chose, but that he had better not choose, because so, although it may have some success, actually does damage to himself and to others. Of course, some — maybe with titles — are forced to make trades less for not finding work, and these are excusable, if not from pitying. But it happens that do their duty well, also because who knows how to make the most, knows how to make even the least. A medical graduate can do the mailman. But a postman can not cure pneumonia or liver cirrhosis. Those that are reprehensible and they do greater damage, are ambitious and presumptuous, which give to intend to know how to do or think beyond those who are their real abilities, often very limited. But unfortunately it happens that those who aspire to be judges or other guides, use, as a criterion to evaluate themselves and others, not wisdom, but envy and presumption.

Eugenio Scalfari

an excellent example: Eugenio Scalfari, freely and legitimately atheist, with glorious career of militant anti-clerical and founder of a newspaper that often attacked so also very hard the papal magisterium of the last four decades, now become so expert in his ecclesiologist

The examples that could be done are many and touch every kind of choice, of vocation, by profession, by trade, career. I want to stop here on a widespread phenomenon today, which have spoken on this our online magazine also my friends and fellow priests Ariel S. Levi Gualdo and Antonio Livi: the claim of some journalists to discuss or sentencing categorically, without appeal and without the proper preparation and expertise, and therefore without due criterion of judgment, of theology, of matters of faith, ministries and ecclesial tasks - for example that of the Pope - or affairs of the Church. Certainly not bad that mainstream media do so much attention to the Pope, to the Church, to issues of doctrine and morals, the question of the progressives and conservatives, names of famous theologians or Cardinals, the fate of Christianity in relation to other religions, the ratio of the Second Vatican Council with the Magisterium previous. But the question is how preparation, objectivity and competence and with what accuracy of information taken from sources which they form their judgments, give their views, they know, refer and interpret facts. How Much, for instance, especially those who say they are or are considered Catholics, know the true nature of the Church as well as the Catholic Church understands it? How can distinguish, in business or in the thought of the Pope Master of faith from the pastoral guidance of the Church from the private doctor, according to those principles and criteria that recently three of us have exposed several times on this site through our writings? How can distinguish the doctrine of the faith by the various and contradictory opinions of theologians? How can distinguish what is authentically Catholic by what it is not? Know how to distinguish what is theology in the scientific sense of what is only a religious discourse more or less literary or mythological?

Melloni at the Grand Orient

The Catholic historian of the School of Bologna, Alberto Melloni, at a conference at the very least inappropriate Masonic lodge of the Grand Orient of Italy [see WHO]

Broad example is the talk of the events, initiatives, of works or undertakings of the Church believing to have the last word by considering the Church from a purely sociological terrain or just, and ignoring its essence and its aims supernatural, how can one speak of a multinational company, or as if it had to do with a simple philanthropic society or humanitarian, type Amnesty International O Green Peacee, or a political party immersed in the affairs of this world.

Catholic journalistsIt is urgent to clarify once and for all what should be the relationship of the Catholic journalist theologian in dealing with the affairs of the faith and the Church in a convenient way in order to communicate with the largest possible number of people. First of all it is necessary that the journalist himself is theologian, given the material that has to deal, albeit not in scientific terms, but understood by the general public. The first thing that the Catholic journalist has to do then is to figure out exactly what it is, draw with care to safe and reliable, operate a discernment in the light of the Magisterium of the Church, give this light and in this guide an objective evaluation, intelligent, dispassionate and impartial events, explain in simple terms and popular doctrines, the news, threads, lines of conduct, pastoral activities, and the problems attached to them, without excluding constructive criticism and prudent, distinguishing the questionable by some, in order to carry out a work information and training at a time, an educational and cultural stimulus, that can help readers live better their faith and their membership in the Church, constructively, a spirit of cooperation, healthy optimism, well defended dall'insidia error, in the exercise of civic virtues and Christian, desirous of evangelical perfection.


press review

If there are journalists who improvising theologians are beyond their competence and invade sometimes arrogant and vain complacency field theologian, This can also happen because unfortunately there are theologians who do not have sufficient estimate of loftiness of their discipline, but reduce or solve the level of simple pastoral, moreover with colorings sociopolitical, sometimes extremely partial and subjective, to deprive the theological discourse of its independence, freedom and universality and to transform, humiliate and snap it like a Procrustean bed, almost to the extent of a thesis or party program. Not that a theology can not be born a political party. Just look at the work of some great men like Ozanam, Acquaderni, Don Sturzo, Mounier, De Gasperi and Aldo Moro. However, they first, in the nobility of their ideas, refused to reduce the theological principle transcendent and immutable to the contingency of a simple political opinion, as founded upon it. Not that it is an unlawful and of course also normal for the theologian to express opinions, preferences or personal assumptions or choose a current or trend or theological school rather than another or a master rather than another. And on the other hand it is clear that the moral theology, for effectiveness, must be reflected in pastoral theology and dogmatic theology itself or speculative can be effectively taught only if the teacher takes into account the pastoral teaching of that discipline. Only speculative theology is an end in itself and must be sought for itself as a high enjoyment of the spirit. Moral theology and the pastoral are ordered to speculative theology. Good practical to do is ordained to the Good God to love and contemplate. Who has not speculative interests can make the bully possessing power and wealth, enjoying prestige and establishing itself on others; but it really is an unfortunate. It can also gain the world, Christ would say, but loses his soul made to God and not to assert itself.


monument to the Ego

The happiness of man is not in the search for a God who saves the human ego in the manner of Luther, a God functional and subordinate to man. In this Luther was unwitting victim of that’ anthropocentrism egocentric Renaissance, he also refused to consciousness, but rather in seeking God for God, as said St. Catherine of Siena. The folding Lutheran man on itself under the pretext of the need for salvation and humility in letting God work, is a self-centeredness more subtle but no less real than the one rejected by Luther which is to boast of their works before God. However it is wrong, as does Rahner, pretext that theological research and the teaching of theology require practice, reduce all theology to pastoral theology, suppressing the characteristic, transcendence and autonomy of speculative theology, that distinguish it from pastoral theology. Such a view underlies the conception of knowledge Rahner, which is at once practice, second module idealist Fichte, di origine Cartesian, for which the spirit produces or puts (“sets“) the very being who knows, identifying the being with the idea immanent to thought and produced by thought. In reality, if moral theology must have an outlet in practice, as it is logical that you must put into practice the good foreknew from theory, one must also remember the primacy of theorising on practice, or speculation on action in relation to the ultimate end of man, which is the contemplation of the supreme Truth. Whereby, if it is true that we know what should be done to put it into practice and you have to, as they say, “move from words to deeds”, it is equally true that human action is aimed ultimately, to divine contemplation. In this sense, speculative theology is irreducible to the pastoral. A human life busybody oriented only to do, missing his yearning fundamental and supreme, that is the interest for the ultimate goal and the conquest of the highest Good, which is precisely the vision of God.

From a politicized theology and secular as it is modernist or liberationist no wonder ifDagospia takes out a journalism that is theology like a gossip corridor or a maneuver of the party or a plot reactionary or revolutionary movement or a coalition of careerists or expression of power or a fashion show or the outburst of a grudge or a publicity shot of crazy round: seems, in these cases unfortunate, that the important thing is not, as it must be, enlighten, raise awareness, ask questions and research ideas, inform about new achievements, ribadir traditional values, help understand the Magisterium, deepen, provoke debate, encourage, consular, comfort, educate the critical sense, open the heart to hope, to love the Church and the truth of faith, Food charity and virtue, promote dialogue and harmony, resolve conflicts.

hatUndoubtedly, someone will tell me: but this is the task of the bishop! We're not expecting too much from a poor journalist? Of course; but I'm not saying that everything should be his bag of flour or spring from his mind like Minerva from the head of Jupiter. It would be enough that the journalist is held systematically in contact with good environments hierarchy, theologians or of the Holy See, without collecting gossip, low insinuations, revelation of secrets, unverified allegations, small talk, malignancy, murmurings, which unfortunately can also come from prelates and Cardinals. Should have the prudence and flair to draw on water sources healthy, welling up to eternal life, leaving aside the marshes, marshes, quicksand, the mud, sources poisoned, even if it means giving up possibly to some good consideration or some favor.

A serious defect frequently in journalism, effect and at the same time stimulating a widespread distrust in the truth, is the factRight left to bring matters of doctrine and morals not to categories of true and false, in which you do not believe and are relativized, why do not you try to clarify where the truth and where the error, the light of reason or science or history or the Holy Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium of the Church. Everything seems rather run to two categories drawn from politics: “Progressives” e “Conservatives”, where “progress” is approved, delighted, glorified, exalted and magnified with praise and esteem, proposed as a model to be imitated; while the “to preserve” Apparently object of contempt, revulsion, sentencing, disapproving, derision and rejection. It is evident that these appellations shall replace the notions of true and false, of good and evil. But this means constantly navigate the uncertain, in doubt, equivocation, in ambiguity, in the fog, nell'opinabile, in the subjective, in appearances, In the “if he says”, in the relative, in questionable, in the arbitrary, in troubled waters, in precarious, the ephemeral, in the changing, without ever coming up with nothing. There is no doubt that the questionable, the seeming, the it seems, the appearance, the phenomenon, the relative, the changeable have a dignity. There has already taught Plato. But the same great sage also taught us the supreme dignity of the true, of the eternal and of the immutable, values ​​that have been fully assumed by the Christian concept of knowledge, as the evidence appears for example in the realism of St. Thomas Aquinas.

evolutionism creationismThe relentlessly modernist and evolutionist against the store is a great folly. Probably it is those same modernists who carefully preserve their capital in the bank, rich mobile home or pictures of noble ancestors. So what? Why should not be laudable and necessary to preserve the deposit of credit? How foolish is accused Cardinal Raymond Burke to be Leonard “Tory” for the simple fact that she wishes to retain the truths of faith? This is one of many examples of a certain theology journalistic hacks. The names of “progressive” e “Tory” is itself totally innocent and normal, since in the Church anyone, within the limits of orthodoxy and ecclesiastical discipline, is free to prefer a conservative tendency or a progressive. But disloyalty, not to mention the perfidy of the modernists is to give “Tory” a negative sense, while reserving to themselves the honorary title of overblown “progressive”.

It is therefore necessary that journalists theologians give a regulated, precisely in order to better carry out their invaluableLatin Mass profession, which is a real mission. It would be good, therefore, that the journalist who comes to theology in the Catholic press and Catholic, of affairs of the Church, doctrines of faith and morals, the ministry of the Pope, the Holy See and the bishops, the works of theologians and ecclesiastical writers, the relations of the Church with politics and with other religions, synods and councils, of sacraments or liturgy, hagiography and history of the Church and Canon Law, they possess some degree in theology, maybe diocesan, and therefore subject to the authorization and control of ecclesiastical authority. Thus journalists theologians, no more batsmen free, which for now can invent something new every day, but deeply conscious of their grave responsibility, truly free under the impulse of the Holy Spirit, can better perform their useful service for the people of God and to all people of good will, as true members of the Church, in collaboration with the hierarchy and the Holy Father, with good theologians and all the faithful committed to the new evangelization called by the Supreme Pontiff. In this battle for the Kingdom must stop with the armed Brancaleone and finally decided to be united and agreed under the guidance of the Vicar of Christ for the expansion of the Kingdom of God and the triumph of Christ over the powers of evil.

Fontanellato, 2 January 2015

In memory of Vincenzo Maria Calvo


« … once fathers accompanied their children to take the train to go for military service, Today I go with the son of my old age to take the path of the priesthood ».



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo




divo barsotti - old age

Father Divo Barsotti, in an image of old age

One day I visited Father Divo Barsotti at the House of the Children of God in Settignano Florence, eager to explore themes of ecclesiology and church history that were tied to my publication date then published years later. We were at the beginning of the year Two Thousand, I had 38 year old. Father Divo I listened carefully and showed me various texts; then looked into my eyes in a way that seemed the soul through me telling me in an unexpected way: "You become a priest '. Before that venerable priest avoided to replicate with a joke, and seriously answered: "Dad, or she confuses me with another person, or maybe it is clear that the subject is me ». Smiled, and said almost mockingly retorted: "You can still escape, but not for long, because if the Lord decided to take, you take '.

divo barsotti - vechiaia 2

Father Divo Barsotti

For a matter of discretion I had left my girlfriend - But if I am honest I should say "my partner" of the moment - out of that religious house, thereby avoiding potential embarrassment related to questions quite legitimate, like for example if we were married, view our age: I am on the way to the forty years she beautiful girl of twenty. Came out of that house my - let's say - girlfriend, I wondered what impression I had made this man: answered that it was a person on top of all the rows, definitely a mystic, but perhaps a true visionary …

This hint is enough to explain that making a chronicle of my vocational journey would be long and complex thing, because we're not talking about a subject in a child entered the minor seminary and consecrated a priest at twenty-four, but a subject that - as my mother would say - "... has combined more than Carlo in France» (1).

Suddenly burst into my life the grace of God, before then atterrandomi risollevandomi; and lift me changed my mind and my thoughts, so my existence. Vocations of adults in particular and those of all in general, are recognized regardless of the age of various elements, the main one for me is the transformation: Only the grace of God, freely accepted and allowed to operate, can indeed change our character structure to prepare us to receive an indelible character and eternal: the priesthood.


memories …

Born in Tuscany and then lived in pleasure-seeking Emilia Romagna, a few weeks after that my encounter with the Father Divo Barsotti decided to move for an indefinite period in Syracuse, where from time to time I went in the summer and not only. Having the time and economic means revenue that could allow me a certain standard of living I bought a house in the heart of the Greek city, a few steps from the ancient Temple of Apollo, dedicating myself to publishing activities, journalism specialist and some consultancy work on which I do not enter as part of a life now dead and buried. I do not deny that I continued my life too young to be carefree, until the day in which, running with my bike on the stretch Catania-Siracusa, something that happened in the space of a few seconds completely subverted in my being and existence, but especially, from there a short, become my future. However, this is not the place to enter certain details, maybe I'll write in several years, when I am an old priest, analyzing myself as an external spectator, certainly not to talk to me, but the mystery of grace, the mystery of the vocation to the priesthood and the miracle of increasingly difficult: the miracle of faith and conversion, because to be able to realize God needs to meet the full freedom of man.

Mons. Vincenzo Calvo

Vincenzo Maria Calvo

Thus enters into my life the particular figure of Vincenzo Maria Calvo, presbyter Syracuse, man of great human experience, also adult vocation to the priesthood. Many would anecdotes to tell about this man with great wisdom and profound humor, I limit myself to what to tell the episode related to his appointment as rector of the Archdiocesan Seminary. The then Archbishop, after it is accepted as a candidate for the priesthood, sent him to study in Rome, not being able to enter the seminary an adult who was turning thirty years. He did enroll at the Gregorian University, then still Catholic, causing it to stay at a house priestly. Obviously we're talking about almost half a century ago, because today no one would call "adult vocation" one that begins the training for the priesthood in 29 years old. After consecrated priest three and half years after, the threshold of 34 years the archbishop made this proposal: "I have to appoint the vice rector of the seminary, you feel up to accept? In conclusion, you've never done a day's seminar, could be an interesting experience ". The young man replied Father Vincenzo: "Excellence, I not promised, a few days ago, obedience to her and to all his successors?». That proposal was in fact a nomination as rector of the seminary, because the rector of the time was already ahead with age, so that within a short time the Father Vincenzo replaced him. Never having attended the seminar “cost” so twenty long and happy years of seminary, because for two decades was rector of that house training, who left 24 Years ago, after being hit by a stroke, becoming penitentiary of the Shrine of Our Lady of Tears.


Vincenzo Maria Calvo in the garden of the Marian shrine of Syracuse

After several years of path undertaken with the Father Vincenzo I was accepted as a candidate for holy orders by the then Bishop of San Marino-Montefeltro. So I left Syracuse, beloved adopted city in which I had received the gift of a vocation to the priesthood, to go to Rome, where for some years he would turn my training. Before leaving I made a solemn promise to the Father Vincenzo: "If God gives me the grace to become a priest, will celebrate his first Mass at the altar of Saint Lucia, virgin and martyr of Syracuse ». While we were traveling to the airport of Catania phoned to Bishop, to which Father Vincenzo said: « … we travel. Once fathers accompanied their children to take the train to go for military service, Today I go with the son of my old age to take the path of the priesthood ". In Rome, the bishop sent me at a pontifical university where I was admitted to specialized courses in dogmatic theology; and not being able to put a forty in a seminar, entrusted me to a priestly house. And so, the story of the father, was repeated again through his son …

Mons. Calvo and Ariel

Memories …

The universal Church celebrates the martyr of Syracuse 13 December, day of his martyrdom, the particular Church of the Syracuse also celebrates the first Sunday in May, also known as Saint Lucia quail (2). I received my ordination in Rome for the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, May 1. The same evening I flew together with my mother to go to Syracuse to fulfill my vow happy, because that year the feast of Saint Lucia quail fell the day 2. The morning to 11 concelebrai Mass with the Archbishop of Syracuse Salvatore Pappalardo, with Archbishop Emeritus Joseph Costanzo and the Bishop of Caltagirone Calogero Peri who had received episcopal consecration one month before, and the priests in the church cathedral. The will alle ore 19 I celebrated my first Mass in the Church of Saint Lucia to the Abbey, presented by Father Vincenzo audience that filled the church.


memories …

During this Octave of Christmas Father Vincent asked me to administer the confession and a few days later, before Epiphany, I asked if I could administer the anointing of the sick; not because he was ill, but because ... "a touch of holy oil" - said in jest - "at my age never hurts anyone '.

The memories of our outputs accompany me in life, including our discussions. The one with the other we could tell delicacies colorful that it is not necessary to repeat, both characterized by a quality: the total absence of that spirit clerical there has never touched and for which we have always tried both Christian holy contempt.


memories …

At the age of 78 year old, the night of the day before and the day of Epiphany, Vincenzo Maria Calvo has passed from sleep to death. He found it in the morning, the rector of the Sanctuary, not seeing him arrive for the celebration of Mass 8.30 went to look for him in his room, where he found his lifeless body. What the Father Vincenzo and I have said a couple of days before remains sealed in my heart. He's gone so serene as aware that the situation in the Church today is in fact imbued with dramatic implications. Just Saturday night, going to dinner at the dear friends who have a farm in the nature reserve of the necropolis of Pantalica, I told him: "You've already 78 year old, I Have just turned 51. Considering the time I sometimes wonder: if I arrive at your age, I'll have to see what?». He replied to me: «We hope to make the big bang as soon as possible, so that we can start as soon as possible to build from scratch over the rubble ». On one thing, however, we have always agreed at the end of our squabbles: on hope. When in fact long ago he read an article about my own theology of hope [see who], mi said: "Just so I'm happy to have you driven to the priesthood".

speakers romanaThis evening I went to the prayer vigil, ed although the air was cool I have not worn the dress talale winter but that by midseason; cassock he gave me before my ordination to the diaconate, inside which is a small embroidered written inside flap of the pocket: "Gift of Father Vincenzo». Today at the Shrine of Our Lady of Tears in Syracuse will celebrate his funeral obsequies. With me there will be my dear pupil, one of which today I am a father, while the Father Vincenzo, who was the father of the father, was his grandfather; because history repeats itself for the mystery of grace, through us priests that we send each other the divine gift of fatherhood pastoral, on the way to His Kingdom which has no end.




(1) The expression "make the most of Charles in France", It means combinarne of all colors and stems from the life of Charlemagne who had among other least 6 could email 20 children.
(2) The feast of Saint Lucia quail is held annually, the first Sunday in May. The event commemorates a miracle that took place during the terrible famine that struck in Syracuse 1646. The people, exhausted from lack of food, gathered in prayer around his Patron Saint. Following the prayers came shortly after a fleet of ships loaded with grain, which was announced by the flight of a flock of quails.


Vincenzo Calvo 1






Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Father Tomas Tyn, a traditionalist post-conciliar and one current model now more than ever



Father Tomas corrects the tormented and presumptuous Lutheran relationship with God by showing how in the process of justification harmonize the work of grace and faith with that of reason, works and free will, and as the concern must moderate confidence, considering sin and divine justice, while the confidence must moderate fear considering the divine mercy. Fear without trust leads to despair. Trust without fear leads to pride.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP


Tomas Tyn 3

An image of the Servant of God Tomas Tyn

The 1 January we remembered the anniversary of the 25th anniversary of the pious death of the Servant of God Father Tomas Tyn, Dominican theologian of Czech origin who was born in Brno in 1950 and buried in Neckargemünd in Germany at the home of his parents, where the mother, Dr. Ludmila, is still alive. Father Tomas is being promoted by the Cause of Beatification Dominican Province Bohemian and open in Bologna in 2006 by Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, Archbishop of the City [see who e who]. Indeed, Father Tomas lived from 1972 al 1989 in the Dominican convent of Bologna, teaching moral theology and the history of philosophy in local Theological Study, today Faculty of Theology of Emilia-Romagna.

AITT_logoThe pages of this our online magazine have already had to deal with this Servant of God, especially by Gianni T. Baptists, attorney Rieti, founder and president of the International Tomas Tyn (AITT see who), that collects devotees, admirers and scholars from various parts of Italy and the world. In these twenty-five years the reputation of sanctity of the Servant of God has spread in his homeland, the Czech Republic, in Italy and in the world thanks to the work of his devotees and to the work of the Cause of Beatification, who collected numerous testimonies and documents. In particular theology of Father Tyn has aroused the interest of scholars, which have treated some aspects of his thought, among others in an international congress, which was held over him in Bologna in 2011.

g. 8

Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, Archbishop of Bologna, at the patriarchal convent of San Domenico during the opening of the process of beatification of Father Tomas Tyn

Father Tomas was a great time and great theologian, philosopher, as stated in the letter of Cardinal Caffara opening of the Cause [see who, who]. Though both died at a young age, his scientific, considering the many pastoral duties from which it was taken, is surprisingly abundant and high-level. It expresses not only the author's personal thoughts, but also a large quantity of doctrines from other sources and other Authors, starting from teaching Biblical, to switch to the Magisterium of the Church, to St. Thomas and many other theologians and not only theologians, Ancient and modern, Catholics and non-Catholics, often known in the original texts, Whereas Father Tyn had eight languages.

Its primary mission that Divine Wisdom entrusted to Father Tomas was to recall and explain the truth of the traditional Catholic doctrine, which, nell'agitato of the immediate post-conciliar period, in danger of being forgotten because of a misunderstanding of the new modernistic doctrines of the Council. The Servant of God, that, thanks to his keen discernment, was able to recognize the value of those doctrines in their continuity with tradition, did not allow himself to be duped by these frauds and those theologians who conceived the theological progress on the model of the French Revolution, but expressed, a good Catholic, its full adherence to the teachings of the Council and smug.

tight tomas 4

image of the Father Tomas Tyn

Just twenty years, young monk already has exceptional human maturity, cultural and theological, while still a student at the Theological Studio Dominican Walberberg in Germany, with great perspicacity he realized the danger of Karl Rahner in an environment influenced by its charming impostures. And then he composed in Latin, In the 1970, thesis as annual, an acute critical 104 pages of the conception of morality Rahner, by title “Rahnerianae presupposing philosophical doctrine of ethical existential. Some information relating to the article Charles Rahneris SJ. which intitulatur “The ethical problems of existential formal“, demonstrating the setting existentialist-situationist already in his time condemned by Pope Pius XII, and everything, note well, in an environment infected by modernism and Lutheranism.

The clarity and fairness of such intellectual and moral behavior Of course procured to Tomas, from the environment, envy and hostility, which soon advised him to leave that environment, albeit with pain and not without gratitude for what he had received, to land to the community and at the Theological Bolognese. Who Fra Tomas, for his intelligence, for the goodness and kindness of his character, for his humility and for all its virtues, it immediately attracted the esteem and affection of the confreres and many other people, to whom he offered his ministry of duct, pious and zealous priest and guide souls to the perfection of the Gospel.

Otto Herman Pesch

l'ex Domenicano Otto Hermann Pesch

Ancora Germany Between Tomas energetically refused even the thesis exposed by his teacher who then went by the Order, Eight father Pesch, who, in climate irenic and falsely Ecumenical Vatican II, had published a really big and erudite book in which he claimed that Thomas Luther and they agreed in the doctrine of justification, just that instead about what actually is the greatest opposition to the Catholic doctrine of Luther.
However, in the Lutheran view of justification not everything is wrong. In Luther remains the biblical teaching for which the grace begins the work of justification making right the works of man. The Dominicans have always recognized this truth so much that at the end of the sixteenth century, in fiery controversy with the Jesuits in the famous dispute Aids, the Jesuits accused the Dominicans wire Lutheranism for their doctrine of physical premozione supported by Domingo Báñez.

on justificationThis point is reiterated in the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Lutheran World Federation of 1999 [see who]. This is not a document of the Magisterium, because it bears the signature of the Pope, ma, as the word, than a simple “Advice”, though undoubtedly the Holy See, but that does not have the authority to similar statements at a higher level, such as that of the Second Vatican Council on ecumenism Reintegratio [see who]. Here is the infallibility of the Magisterium, which it is not present in the previous document. The remaining E, in the Council document there is no mention of the issue of justification.

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Martin Luther, vintage portrait

Father Tomas has no difficulty in recognizing that point of contact of the Church with the Lutherans. But he has at heart to remember the fallacy of Lutheran doctrine of justification. That is why, arrived in Bologna, made his licentiate thesis at the Theological College in Dominican 1976 under the direction of Father Alberto Galli with the title Of divine grace and justification. The opposition between the theology of Luther and St Thomas'. Indeed, what is lacking in the Lutheran view of justification is the doctrine of the merit of good works in grace, in order to reward of eternal life. And this absence is also mentioned in the joint document. For this Father Tyn are grown with special care in this thesis and the doctoral Angelicum in Rome 1978, entitled Divine action and human freedom in the process of justification according to the doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas, to illustrate the essence, the causes and functions of about supernatural, gift of God, with which, uniting ourselves to the infinite merits of Christ, we operate our salvation.

Luther confuses human nature as such with the fallen nature because of sin and tending to sin. Identifies sin with the tendency to sin. So then to Luther there is no sound reason, a metaphysics, a natural theology, a good will, a natural law, a merit, an ultimate natural man. For him everything is paganism, pelagianesimo, incredulity, hypocrisy and pride. Because of this, grace in Luther does not erase the sin, but coexists with it. God's forgiveness is the eye with which God looks at Christ's righteousness to the sinner and imputes from outside. The grace is not a quality inherent in the soul of the just created, but it is the righteousness of Christ outside of the right but referred to the justified. God justifies, because it does not look to the sinner, but look to Christ right, that looks to the sinner, that is not right in himself, but in relation to Christ. The right therefore is at once a sinner, not simply prone to sin, but perpetually in a state of sin. Why not give meritorious works of salvation, if not faith to be saved despite it remains sinners.

Luther doctrineIn his relationship with God Luther was never able to achieve the balance characteristic of Catholicism. Party as a young man from a feeling of terror and despair to God, which he became unbearable and he believed mistakenly be the Catholic view, with the famous episode of the Tower, thought to find the solution in a presumptuous certainty of salvation without works and without merit. He never understood what is the fear of God and has always confused with an irrational fear and exaggerated scruple. Because of this, never managed to harmonize the fear with confidence, whereby, eliminating the fear, fell into presumption and complacency, without ever being able, as witnessed many episodes of his life, to eliminate all the despair and guilt. Hence his dialectic paradoxical coexistence of sin and grace, of innocence and guilt, peace and torment, that seems somehow herald the dark mystic Jakob Böhme and the Hegelian dialectic.

Moreover the excessive, well known, Luther's concern for one's self, which led him toLuther doctrine 2 summarize the whole of Christianity in the question of justification and salvation of his own, when in fact the ultimate aim of Christianity is the contemplation and vision of God. Christianity does not lead to self-absorption, as if we were the center of reality, but opening humble and generous to God and neighbor. In order to correct these errors of Luther, Father Tyn has thoroughly investigated the nature, the action, the principles, the purpose and species of divine grace and nature, the principles, operation and the purpose of free will. This led him also to illustrate the nature, the principles and purposes Gown, the law and the moral, as professor of moral theology, as well as the natural and supernatural virtues, on the spiritual life and bliss. Deepening the speech, Father Tyn arrived at metaphysical roots of morality with interesting studies on intellect, knowledge with acute refutations of idealism and the will, demonstrating the rational foundations of freedom.


The monumental work of the Servant of God Tomas Tyn on the metaphysics of substance

Hence the survey about human nature and about the person the step was short, and here is his masterful treatise about 1000 pages Metaphysics of substance. Participation and analogy of being, grandiose and thorough investigation leading theologian to deepen the relationship between being for participation and be essentially, as well as the degree of analog metaphysical person. With that we have a look very wide and articulate the relationship between man and God. Father Tomas so opposed to the Lutheran vision of God's relationship with man the right Catholic concept founded on the notion of an analogue of efficient causality, for which the cause before God, in this case the grace, causes the free act of man as the cause of his acts - physical premotion - and therefore as a meritorious cause not of dignity (condigno), as divine causality of Christ, but fairness (de reasonable), so that the grace as a gift created not mean the tendency to sin, but removes the mortal sin, incompatible with the grace, while it can coexist with venial sin.

Luther 95 thesis

Martin Luther affixes his theses on the portal of the cathedral, image taken from the film [see who ]

Father Tomas corrects the tormented and presumptuous Lutheran relationship with God showing how in the process of justification harmonize the work of grace and faith with that of reason, works and free will, and as the concern must moderate confidence, considering sin and divine justice, while the confidence must moderate fear considering the divine mercy. Fear without trust leads to despair. Trust without fear leads to pride. (C)ol his respect for both the Scripture for Tradition, both to Christ and the Church, Father Tomas shows how Christianity Luther's Sola Scriptura and a Christ without the Church is a Christian and therefore false dimidiato, Today dangerously represented by modernism existentialist and idealistic, interpreter of the false doctrines of the Council. So the Dominican theologian shows us also the true path of ecumenism with Protestants: recognition of common truths, but also great boldness in calling the brothers separated from the street of the error into the way of truth.

Father Tomas Tyn makes us understand that it is false the idea that widespread today be Protestants is simply a different way of being Christian, and not rather a way defective and incomplete. It is contrary to ecumenism taught to us by the Council, which in its document on ecumenism expresses the duty of non-Catholics to seek full communion with the Church.

tomb tyn

Tomb of Father Tomas Tyn in the German city of Neckargemünd

In concluding this brief portrait, we can say that the bright and holy figure of Father Tomas, rich gifts of the Holy Spirit, imposes itself in a situation of internal church conflicts like the present, for fairness and balance the top of his Catholic vision, summarizing the instance of tradition with that of progress, respect for immutable values ​​with sincere adherence to the evangelising message of Vatican II, loyalty to St. Thomas Aquinas Doctor of the church with wide critical knowledge of modern thought, a love for the truth adamant with the practice of most generous charity, which led to the exercise of those heroic virtues, witnessed by all those who knew him and have benefited his wise and learned ministry as a priest of Jesus Christ.

Fontanellato, 22 December 2014


Introibo altar Gods


Book of tyn Cavalcoli