Outside the visible Church there is no salvation? Links to the ordinary and extraordinary means of salvation: God does not need our permission



Exbetween Ecclesiam nulla salus, O Salus extra ecclesiam non est, is a warning to us, an invitation to never leave the road, the truth and the life. A warning line, dogmatically and doctrinally linked to ordinary means of salvation. Unless, the height of folly pharisaical, someone does not want to deny to God the Father the legitimate use of extraordinary means of salvation, God the Son to have celebrated the Eucharist during the Last Supper without the missal of the "Mass of All Time», and finally, God the Holy Spirit, for not having followed for his actions in favor of some of the encyclical teaching, purely political, written a couple of centuries ago, because it was associated with a node, Far from being a dogma of faith, in the opinion of some would be bound for ever and ever the Earth and the Sky.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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Together Article dedicated to Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON to clearly ereticati theories Raniero La Valle [cf. WHO], we represent this old article written in November 2014 and Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, in which the true meaning becomes clear to outside the Church there is no salvation.

The Editor of The Island of Patmos




“Snakes, brood of vipers, how you will escape the judgment of Gehenna? Therefore, there, I am sending you prophets and wise men and scribes; of these, some of them ye shall kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from city to city, so that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel, to the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar” [Mt 23 , 33-35]

Many so-called traditionalists who say they refer to Thomism and the most genuine school, indeed refer to four trite formulas of neo-scholastic decadent; that with respect to school, to Thomism and good science are metaphysical else. Formulas that work the same way in which the ancient Pharisees used the law formalism with its own sake, so as to procure the severe rebuke of the Word of God made man treating them several times to charge them harsh words to filter out the gnat and swallow the camel [CF. Mt 23, 24]. Forever, indeed, Atheism is the worst religious, carried out by the clerics of all time that, so hopefully unconscious, It is placed on top of the same mystery of God's grace. The Lord Jesus, that it was not politically correct, he used to call them: "You brood of vipers! [Mt 23, 33]». And here it would be interesting to introduce a complex discourse of anthropology and exegetical, only to explain what kind of terrible insult to constitute certain expressions of the society of Jesus in Aramaic and vocabulary.


St. Thomas Aquinas warned by certain pitfalls saying: "You do not have the truth, but the truth is that you have " [1]. This is because the truth requires our devoted service, not our possession, because Truth is God, that you adore, you do not have; Truth is God who uses, not God who uses.



… woe to you who strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel [CF. Mt 23, 24].

In the world of what is loosely defined Tradition, where industry fans of Lefebvre with all their confusion as sometimes the inability to distinguish substances from accidents in the best metaphysical, It hovers also a lack theological perception linked to those who are ordinary means ed i extraordinary means the action of God's grace in relation to the mystery of salvation and redemption, not to mention the concept of visible Church and of invisible church. Again, the modernists on the one hand and the fans of Lefebvre for the other, proceed on two binary opposites, but parallel, and they both walk the same train with all its passengers oblivious to the crumbling bridge Cassandra Crossing, com'ebbi to write in my first article on the Island of Patmos [cf. who].


The modernists have developed in the Church various metastases which all contribute to the same cancer drama. Half a century ago, we started from the daring theory of Karl Rahner on "anonymous Christians"; I say bold because the expressive language of this German Jesuit theologian, for its structural system is vague and ambiguous, if caught and misinterpreted - as happens in practice - can lead to a frustration of the whole mystery of redemption. The dangerous theory of "anonymous Christians" ends up by becoming one of the basic cornerstones of theological relativism which leads to a natural consequence of the religious relativism: religione a vale the other, Christian or non-Christian who is. To say it in this way is wrong and dangerous, while it is correct in all respects of best practice to speak - as we will do later - the ordinary means and gods extraordinary means of salvation.



The upper district of France of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, Régis de padre Cacqueray, harshly attacking Pope Benedict XVI, had said in early April 2012 that "we need to be wary as the plague of the changes introduced by the Second Vatican Council and the popes who came after it" [who]

To these obvious heresies institutionalized who for decades have taught within the theological training centers for the massive work of modernists, fans of Lefevbrians react by saying "Outside the Church there is no salvation», abusing an expression of St. Cyprian of Carthage, to be precise, in his paper stated: «There is no salvation outside the church» [2]. Turning to the sites and blogs of so-called “Tradition”, one is forbidden to read the absurd exegesis of this sentence penned by people who by sports bar, where it is claimed the team's, passed in a spirit casual but very similar to discuss theology, or worse than metaphysical and dogmatic. In the past I have tried to clarify this expression somewhat tricky if caught and taken out of its ambit; because it is a phrase that emerges from a historical context related to heated doctrinal disputes that followed each other in the third century, in times before the Council of Nicaea which will define some of the basic tenets of the faith. Enough to remember in passing that Cyprian stated and argued in his detailed request sent with all the trappings of officialdom to the Bishop of Rome the need to re-administer the sacrament of baptism to repentant heretics out previously by the Church who asked to be permitted to re-. Today, a similar request of the Bishop of Carthage, holy martyr and father of the Church, would partially smile in part cringe seated all the Fathers gathered in the Council of Trent; and I quote about the Council of Trent, not the last council of the Church, in order not to give some people a pretext to close a priori reasons to this my speech, holding them to consider taboo, if not worse “heresy”, everything of a doctrinal and pastoral action followed the Second Vatican Council.


niceo Byzantine icon

Byzantine icon depicting the seated in the Council of Nicaea 325

Certain words and expressions Some of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church should always be taken with caution, especially those of many Fathers of the first centuries, when Christianity was still in its first phase of evolution and the dogmas that will take shape in the first eight centuries of the Church's life had not yet been sanctioned; because it took centuries, after the Incarnation, the life, the death and resurrection of Christ, to come to really perceive what had happened through the man Jesus, true God and true man, then define the mystery of the divine and human natures and catching the meaning of his mission and revelation. As many centuries it will take to get a profession of faith, drawn up at the Council of Nicaea (year 325) and then perfected in that of Constantinople (year 381). Wishing we could also provide a detailed list of all heresies in which different fathers, Today the saints and doctors of the Church, fell repeatedly during the heated doctrinal disputes that were at the time the agenda, when trying to penetrate a mystery for which there was not even words in the dictionary to be able to somehow define, enough to force the Fathers to borrow entries from greek vocabulary and adapt them to the truths of faith that gradually were beginning to penetrate. Above all, certain expressions of the Fathers, should always be read and rigor within specific historical contexts, social and ecclesial; except otherwise to risk attributing to them thoughts and affirmations that in truth have never crossed their apostolic and enlightened minds.


I avoid going into detail in the paradigmatic discourse of Limbo, that takes place mainlylimbo-title from a "misunderstanding" due to ill-understanding of some polemical exchanges between Augustine, Bishop of Hippo and the brilliant and sharp heretic Pelagius, and then developed further on in the Middle Ages, through the poetry of Dante.

The theological speculations on Limbo never entered into the dogmatic definitions of the Magisterium, despite what certain scribe "theologians" from sports bar. Although the Magisterium has made mention in their teaching until Vatican II, Limbo has always been put forward as a hypothesis, never as dogmatic truth of faith, as they they are the existence of Paradise, Purgatory and Hell.


limbo 2In the latest edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, published in 1992, Limbo is not in any way mentioned. The theological problem of Limbo flew over the Second Vatican Council, allowing it to express itself decades after the International Theological Commission [3], which for half a century now seems to have also specialized in drafting documents that leave all possible doors open, so as not to give the precise answers you claim to practice the doctrine and theology. Long and complex would then be the subject, but what has been mentioned is sufficient for groped to understand the theologians of the "sports bar" that dogmas can not be invented; while as regards the existing ones, it is better not to extrapolate, avoiding cut and paste and eliminating the need to say to the Magisterium what the Magisterium has never claimed and sanctioned, to say the least …


… In fact, to hear members of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X wielding a saber as the Encyclical Wondering You of Pope Gregory XVI, more pathetic is that against all sound ecclesiology pastoral. That encyclical was written in 1832 for pastoral reasons dictated by specific social and political conditions, in a situation of European history in which the Church had to deal with all the aftermath of the French Revolution, with liberalism, Freemasonry Anti-Catholic, European thrones on which were seated at the St. Aloysius Gonzaga and between coups and international intrigue trembled more and more. That encyclical is a document of pure states conviction that no new doctrines, much less new dogmas of the faith, and that revolves contents related to social and political problems do not apply to contemporary society and the Church, unless you want to fall into the ideological aberration agreement in the strict sense according to the Latin root of aberration. All this comes of course from the dangerous rejection of theological and pastoral fact that the Church is a body changing (it reads: damn changing external), built on unchanging truths in time (it reads immutable substances), admitted that he really wants to do metaphysics, dogmatic theology and history of dogma in a serious and correct to the best edification of the people that God has entrusted to the pastoral care.



St. Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, Byzantine icon

It is therefore clear that much common ground as Cyprian, addressing the children of the Church, not to those who belong to other religions, admonishes Christians variously fallen into heresy or doctrinal errors saying - and saying to them - that there was no salvation outside the Church. Because as far as we know from historical sources and patrologiche in our possession, Bishop Cyprian not addressed at all this commandment to the Jews, or to members of the various pagan cults at the time still very present and strong, because it is a warning to all that he gave to Christians.


The council that between 1431 and the 1445 It was celebrated between Basel, Ferrara, Florence and Rome, states without penalty misunderstanding:


"As a good mother is always concerned about the health of children, and there can be no peace until, if there be any disagreement between them, discord is not dormant, and so much the Holy Mother Church, that generates children to eternal life, always used to use every effort so that all Christians, taken away all dissent, with fraternal charity preserve the unity of the same faith, without which there can be no salvation " [4].


Again, the Church Fathers gathered in council direct their warning to Christians, invite you to preserve the Catholic faith, without which there can be no salvation. Do not turn this warning to those who belong to other Christian and non-Christian.



… freed us from the bonds

Asked if out of the membership of the visible Church there may be salvation, our answer can only be yes. In this case, however, we must distinguish between what is visible membership, implicit and conscious to the Church, which is both visible, as earthly, is invisible, as heavenly; from what instead is invisible belonging implicit unconscious-type, for example, the natural respect of the fundamental laws of God, honor and put into practice without being minimally conscious — Invincible ignorance — to honor and to follow in this way the fundamental precepts of faith. This second kind of belonging to the Church invisible implicit-unconscious, should not be understood, however, in the sense of Rahner “transcendental experience Mathematical Analysis” which then takes life theory “anonymous Christians”.


Anyone, theologian or clergyman, Lefebvre, or so-called traditionalist who supports the opposite, if you do not fall into heresy that requires upstream always a strong intelligence, still likely to fall into a great contradiction in terms in the doctrine of redemption, because Christ, the Lamb of God without blemish, sacrificed himself for all. The problem is that not everyone accepts to be saved by the blood of the Word of God made man, same as the Gospels tell through a dramatic scene of the crucifixion, one in which the two thieves seats to his right and to his left appear before the living presence of Christ himself bleeding and how the mystery of salvation always closely connected to human freedom. One of the robbers, the insults and curses, while the other application to be received and saved. The other, the closed every action of grace, In response to receiving the silence of God, in which is included his divine respect for the freedom of the man who refuses [Cf Lc 23, 39-43]. Even in this case, But, even in the face of the silence no one is able to say whether the criminal indomitable ended eternally damned. Just as we can not know if Judas himself, the architect of the betrayal of Christ, ended eternally damned. And we can not know because none of us can read the heart of God. However, what we have to keep in mind are the causes of some of our effects, because it is the Lord Jesus himself who speaks to us of the fire of hell and the existence of eternal punishment where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. In the mystery of revelation we are given a path to follow and a law to be respected, stubbornly denying that there may be a serious risk of crying forever; but none of us can know what sinners have been or will be abandoned in this eternal cry from God's respect for the free and conscious choice man.


The Church itself has returned to make his own this awareness with farsighted pastoral spirit. Try something thatsuicide today are no longer denied Christian burial and funeral obsequies of those who have died by suicide. Needless to say such horrible accusations of "heresy" and "apostasy from the faith" also stand in this case in some ambits of the so-called Tradition.
The Church can, indeed in some cases must deny the funeral obsequies before the cases of manifest sinners who have died to the last denying any sign, even slight, of repentance [CF. C.I.C. can. 1184,1]. However, what the Church can do is to give a soul to pay. The Church can and should be taught that putting in and persevering with deliberate stubbornness in certain behaviors could seriously compromise the eternal salvation of the soul; but the Church has no authority to say that the soul of the suicide or the hardened sinner is damned. First: because no one can determine whether the greasy made that gesture moved by profound contempt for human life and its Creator. None of us in fact, name Dio, can read the profound consciousness of man; and nobody, but God alone can read it, can therefore judge. Second: anyone not know what happened in those fractions of a second in which the person has passed from life to death, and how in that short space of time intervened and was eventually accepted fully the grace of God. Presume to be able to read and judge the inner consciousness of man, setting is saved or damned if, is a real blasphemy.


Blessed Pope Pius IX declared:


"To you it is well known that those who invincible ignorance do not know our religion, but they know the natural law and its precepts engraved by God in the hearts of all who are willing to obey God and lead an honest life, these with the help of light and divine grace may attain eternal life; because God, which sees, scrutinizes and knows the minds, tempers, thoughts, the provisions of all, by reason of his supreme goodness and clemency can not possibly allow it to be punished with eternal punishment anyone who is not guilty of a voluntary fault " [5].


That is the natural law that everyone can know through reason and who dwells in every human heart, regardless of the Act of Faith. This is the reason why the Catholic Church has always taught that those who are outside of it no fault of their own can not be condemned.


And the list of those for so-called learned ignorance [6] or for so-called invincible ignorance [7] are outside the Church, without them, however, is precluded from salvation, are always many. It warns that effect the same Lord Jesus, and in tones too strict: "The tax collectors and prostitutes will precede you into the kingdom of heaven" [CF. Mt 21, 28-32].



To read the text of the Declaration Lord Jesus click WHO

After clearing, with documents of the Magisterium strictly prior to the Second Vatican Council, the actual thinking of the Church and theology about the mystery of salvation, no way lead to the closure in advance those around the big far west the online network compete in hilarious comments on the sentence distorted and abused the Holy Bishop Cipriano, we turn now to a document of the Magisterium written four decades after the close of the Second Vatican Council. The document in question is the statement Lord Jesus, that if it were not tragic it would be comical, as I wrote with all the necessary explanations in other locations, well stating my reference to comicality that, if not properly explained, It might sound to say the least irreverent. Indeed, a similar document prepared and distributed to almost half a century after the celebration of an ecumenical council, reveals the dramatic attempt to run to close the stable door after the horse has now lost over half a century to the grasslands of the post council; in this lies the element … tragicomic of this document.


Regarding the theology of salvation Lord Jesus he claims:


«[…] the saving action of Jesus Christ, and with His Spirit, if estende, beyond the visible boundaries of the Church, to all mankind. Parlando of mistero pasquale, in which Christ even now associates himself living manner in the Spirit the believer and gives him the hope of the resurrection, the Council states: "This applies not only to Christians but also to all people of good will, in whose hearts grace is active invisibly. For since Christ died for all, and since the ultimate vocation of man is in fact one, the divine one, we must hold that the Holy Spirit offers to all the possibility of coming into contact, in the way that God knows, paschal mystery " [CF The joy and hope, n. 22.] [8]


tommaso 2

San Tommaso Aquino, fresco of the fifteenth century

By stating "You do not have the truth, but the truth is that you have ", between the top and bottom lines, Aquinas has said much deeper and complex than you might imagine, from the mystery of the Church, that salvation is a means and instrument, no mistress. We can, and indeed we have to say and teach that salvation dwells in the holy Church the bride of Christ and His Mystical Body, and not coincidentally referred to as the "sacrament of salvation" [9], but we can not say that salvation belongs to the Church and his men, from the Successor of Peter to the last of the priests. In this regard, should never be forgotten in some stringent characters with attached army “theology” who revel in the great far west the online network, the admonition of the Lord Jesus imprinted in the Gospel of St. Matthew, to read and grasp, beyond the times, for what it really contains:


"Thus have ye made the commandment of God by your tradition. Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying: "This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men '". [Mt 17, 7-9].


How many times a man, or so to say the blind and dumb clerical of all time, set aside the word of God in the name of the idolatrous worship of his personal and subjective tradition?


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il teologo Gesuiti Karl Rahner

Karl Rahner It tends to conceive of the mystery of faith as an "original experience of God pre-conceptual ', given to all implicitly, hence the theory of so-called "anonymous Christians" which would be expressed in the Church in conceptual forms, namely writing, tradition and dogma, relatively associated with the different ways of interpreting the original supernatural experience according to the different cultures and historical climates, thereby giving rise to a real dogmatic relativism. Errors caused by these, mostly, to the fact that for Rahner the concept is not an external reality, because being influenced and peppered with romantic idealism of German origin, Being is for him the 'be thought, all according to the lines drawn by the thought of Heidegger about being the "pre-understanding", that it is of divine or of his being or of being in the world. For Rahner, the concept of knowledge is not sensitive on the experience of external things, along the lines of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, but by the Cartesian criterion from self which in its own way already outlined in an implicit and unconscious experience of the Absolute, all according to Hegel's thought, from which he draws liberally with results nothing short of disastrous, when then ends up applicarne thought to theological speculation. So, the mystery of faith, Rahner is not expressed at all in a set of precise and certain fixed notions in a certain and invariable according to criteria established by the Profession of Faith; according to him the faith come to realize so original and direct God without the mediation of the concept. This complex architecture, friable and especially dangerous, It is part of the so-called theory of "anonymous Christians", which is entirely different than the Catholic claim that now follows: … the redemption achieved through ordinary means ed i extraordinary means of salvation.


While we have the binary of that comfort that Karl Rahner is a final finished product and finished and through which we can come to relativize the mystery of redemption and salvation, and which it seems sewn on the admonition of the Apostle Paul Blessed … «The day will come, indeed, when they will not endure sound doctrine;, ma, having itching ears they, will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, refusing to listen to the truth to turn to fairy tales " [CF. II Tm 4, 3-4]; on the other side, on the parallel track, instead we have the inaction of Lefebvre, which seems sewn on him the sentence of the Lord Jesus … "Thus have ye made the commandment of God by your tradition" [CF. Mt 17, 7].


bishop indigenous

The bishop of the Solomons Islands with indigenous youth. Itself needs, given the content of this passage Article, that young people portrayed in photos here are not cannibals but devout Roman Catholic Apostolic, as evidenced by the bishop alive and smiling in their midst.

In the succession of these speeches we brought various examples and used as a paradigm of the tragic image of the suicide, the image of Limbo ... many other examples, however, would be that we can add, from cannibal flying redeemed in heaven after having slaughtered and eaten a group of missionaries. And if the missionaries of which we have been eating were theologians or biblical scholars Jesuits, if so redeemed will be flown to Heaven and allowed directly into the White Rose of the Blessed. The problem is that the cannibals of the old Latin American Jesuits if they are not eaten all, so much so that, centuries later, they are returned to the attack by importing in those lands Liberation Theology, acting this time their cannibalistic doctrine and Catholic theology, animated to do so by learned ignorance and certainly not from unavoidable ignorance. If, however, the missionaries were Dominicans, in that case, as well as go to Heaven, the pious cannibal have gotten well out of food for the winter, because finding a Dominican skinny is not easy, most are all model tonnage St. Thomas Aquinas, nicknamed by fellow students, "the dumb ox", perhaps for his physical stature. St. Albert the Great, however, had reason, that Aquinas was a master, when he replied to these students ironic: "When this ox muggirà, his bellowing will be heard from one end of the earth ". It is unfortunately, today, the bellowing of the Aquino ox, They have replaced the braying of’donkey Rahner.



The ways of the Lord …

Referring to the inscrutable designs of God, the authors of the psalms sing and shout repeatedly, in the form of tender lament, that His ways are not our ways. While we can not know God's plans and actions which proceed almost always inscrutable ways, on the other there was, however, fully revealed in the flesh its way forward, which is the same Word of God made man who proclaims: «I am the way, the truth and the life " [GV 14, 6]. Giving us the way, the truth and the life, the father, through the Son, and both together through the work of the Holy Spirit, We have opened the doors to the redemption proceeds through the Church "sacrament of salvation"; through the sacraments of grace, donated and all instituted by the Lord Jesus, representing the ordinary means and instruments of salvation of Christ who is the way God, Truth and the Life. Christ God is not, however, bound and tied to the sacraments of grace, we need us, He is not sure; least of all is bound to the liturgical, or as a "Mass of All Time», high by some, to dogma above the mystery of the Holy Trinity, so are unable, certain modern Pharisees and dark, to distinguish the substances eternal and immutable by damn it they are - and that by their nature must be valuable - changing.


key to the kingdom

the real key to the Kingdom of Heaven …

In addition to the means ordinary of salvation offered for use to the Church to serve Christ and to fulfill his plans of salvation, there are always means overtime which they are by their very nature inscrutable, why dwell in God's heart and God shall; despite not having anything to do with the flights of fancy rahneriani on "anonymous Christianity". Therefore nothing to say, if the star Dante has placed Judas in hell through the images of his poetry; we can even assume that perhaps there are, but none of us is as safe to say that Judas Iscariot is damned to eternal punishment. On the other hand, always proceeding to examples, I remember the day when, discussing with the then promoter of the faith of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, that perhaps erring on the passion claimed that a certain candidate for canonization, from Paradise, There was definitely seeing everyone, I said in reply … "One thing is certain, and this is why sanctioned by a solemn act of the Church: It was beatified and soon to be canonized, without any possibility of contradiction or no discussion. But, with regard to the certainty of Paradise, we, we know if this saint is the time to enjoy the beatific vision of God, or to do some’ Of anteroom in Purgatory?». It took more than ever by passion, The theologian said to me, … "Do not you ever read where it is written that Jesus said to Peter,: "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and everything you melt on earth will be melted in heaven "?» [cf. Mt 16, 13-20]. I assumed the air of an airhead and I answered: "And, maybe somewhere I must have read it, I do not remember where, But I must have read it ". I added: «You know it, vero, that those who binds and melts, in heaven and on earth, is the will of Christ, God granted man who becomes his faithful instrument for the realization of his plans? To Pietro, the Sir, the keys of the Kingdom has given in comodato d'uso, not in possession. So, the protagonist, as well as the true master of the keys of the kingdom, Peter is not, It is the Risen for which Peter alloy melts according to His will through the work of the Holy Spirit ". And with that I specified at once that mine was a speculative provocation, for it is quite obvious that a saint enjoys the eternal bliss in Paradise. Before arriving at his canonization it has been done painstaking work, with theologians today as more and more profound today, prepared and reluctant to any superficiality. If the candidate for beatification was then a Roman Pontiff, his trial was opened cautiously thirty years after his death, and it lasted a long time, because they have been used for years and years only for the study of his acts of the Magisterium, of its public and private writings, of his homilies and his speeches, not to mention his acts of government, and especially if it was a long pontificate. Then there is the test of proven miracle, except that it did not attend the papal dispensation from Miracle, given that certain saints are so holy that the evidence of the miracle could be held entirely superfluous. And in the course of this long process that lasted several years, It was also streams of cash expenses, always proof of meticulous work that has been done and that in itself, unavoidably, it is very costly. However, what size the so-called head of the bull is the act of canonization, which in fact involves an act by which the Supreme Pontiff, with final judgment and final judgment, inscribes so solemn a Servant of God, previously beatified, of the Saints " [10]. This definition implies the infallibility according to the degrees established in To protect the faith of St. John Paul II [cf. Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON WHO, document text WHO], with all due respect to that delicious Sicilian and cutesy canonist who played to make the dogmatic theologian, adopting awkward legal schemes [cf. WHO]. The solemn act ends with the statement that the Supreme Pontiff intends to declare with it the presence of canonized in eternal glory, as well as its exemplary for the whole Church and the duty to honor him anywhere with the worship owed to Saints. And with that the conversation is closed, without any possibility of discussion, least of irony, mindful of the proverb wise: 'Jest with knaves, but leave the saints ".



the usual suspects, same script … when it changes the ridiculous faith in the certain knowledge to be serious.

Outside the Church there is no salvation, O Salus extra ecclesiam non est, is a warning to us, an invitation to never leave the road, the truth and the life. It is a warning line, dogmatically and doctrinally bound to the ordinary means of salvation. Unless, the height of folly pharisaical, someone does not want to deny to God the Father the legitimate use of extraordinary means of salvation, God the Son to have celebrated the Eucharist during the Last Supper without the missal of the "Mass of All Time», and finally, God the Holy Spirit, for not having followed for his actions in favor of some of the teachings of the encyclical purely political, and prepared for specific political and social problems a couple of centuries ago, because it was associated with a node, Far from being a dogma of faith, in the opinion of some would still be bound, for ever and ever the Earth and the Sky.


The joke of the Holy Father Francis about the fact that "God is not Catholic", was not a happy, as others have been not particularly clear, maybe sometimes not even necessary, But all made, always and rigor, as a private doctor, or as they say in another jargon: come private citizen. But when the Supreme Pontiff, in his capacity as Supreme Master, made the final keynote address at the Synod on the Family, Father Giovanni Cavalcoli and I have “danced” with joy for days, before the clarity of the words that came out of Peter [cf. who]. Of course, perhaps it would be better if the time, instead of saying that "God is not Catholic," he explained: "In our actions and our actions we are bound to the Magisterium of the Church and to Catholic doctrine in the manner and form in which the Church, which received its mandate from the Word of God in person by Peter, establish in the name of Christ the Lord for all believers of Christ, but God, that truth is a, eternal and unchanging, to the Magisterium of the Church and to Catholic doctrine is not in any way bound, regarding his actions of grace ".
But in these times of lean cows, or perhaps worse mad cows, you can not have certain all. Today we have little, or have the so-called "minimum wage", should make us dance and sing joyful: "Hosanna in the highest!», filled with faith, of hope and charity.





[1] Of the truth

[2] Letter 72 addressed to Pope Stephen I

[3] The Hope of Salvation for Infants Who Die Without Being Baptized [Readable text of the International Theological Commission who]

[4] Council of Basel-Ferrara-Florence-Rome SESSION XIX 7 September 1434.

[5] Encyclical How much grief conficiamur, 10 August 1863.

[6] The expression On learned ignorance It goes back to St. Augustine Augustine, although made famous by the famous Nicholas of Cusa indicating the position of the human face of God: the human intellect, as finished, can not say anything about God, that is the absolute and the infinite, if not for the negative way, denying him any attribute that is recognized and to get close to the Absolute only knowing not to know. Ignorance, so, but learned it stands beyond and above all more complete human knowledge.

[7] "If ignorance is invincible, or erroneous judgment is without responsibility on the part of the moral subject, the evil committed by the person can not be imputed. It remains no less an evil, a privation, a mess. One must therefore work to correct the errors of moral conscience " [Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1793].

[8] Declaration Lord Jesus, (II), 12.

[9] Vatican Council II, Cost. dogm. The light, 1: AAS 57 (1965) 5.

[10] Daniel Ols, ON in theological foundations of the cult of the Saints, in AA. VV. Studium Congreg. Causes of Saints. , part theological, Rome 2002, p. 1-54.





Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Conservatism and Progressivism, two categories journalistic, not the Church's magisterium

Conservatism and progressivism:




The skipper of the boat is sleeping. No need to wake, not to feel criticized for having little faith. He knows when and how to intervene. It's up to him to wake up, if anything,. About noi, continuiamo the remare, as our action seems ineffective. If the boat really run the risk of sinking, He will think to calm the waters.


Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP


progressive conservatives

Liberals and conservatives, two categories never endorsed by the ecclesiastical language

What the purpose of these two categories journalistic, that held the bank for fifty years in the big media, never appropriated the language of the Magisterium of the Church? They reflect a very rough surface and of the moral and doctrinal, confusing the debate and the problem with church disputes and conflicting opinions as ephemeral currents and the political. As I will demonstrate in this article, they are totally inadequate and misleading with respect to the issue of doctrine that the Church today has very serious. I'm kind of hypocritical smokescreen or, as they say, Of “bait and switch”, that for fifty years the modernists and the enemies of the Church, open or hidden, been able to impose the public with a powerful propaganda, conniving weakness or impudence of the ecclesiastical, to spread with impunity their mistakes and moral vices in the Church.

remove mask

it is time to remove the mask …

That's why it's time to say enough is enough and to unmask once and for all impostors recovering the wisdom, the Onesti, the seriousness, the accuracy and clarity of the language of the Church, certificate in the history of two thousand years of Christianity based on the same common sense, who feels the need to distinguish fundamental, the vital issues, not so much the preserve of the progress, Things certainly respectable but not decisive, but rather the true from the false, right from wrong, justice by sin. AND permissible in the language, when the subject or the opportunity it imposes, a certain style undetermined, diplomatic or gradient; you can not always do a hatchet, even at the risk of being offensive (1), this is true, but also the costume now widespread systematic ambiguity, disloyalty usual, to say and what not to say that ironically called the Void polically correct, What is repugnant and a source of infinite evils.

Cardinal martini

ll late Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, lent itself as a benchmark critical of Pope Benedict XVI and the leader of a progressive and liberal theology.

E’ true that these categories misleading, though in themselves not illegal, are favored by very powerful in the world today that wing and Catholic theology, strutting narcissistically title “progressive” marginalizing condescendingly, haughty condescension and barely concealed impatience with those in the Church who do not share his modernism, by Lefebvre and sedevacantists up to Catholics purest, upright and faithful, and even the progressives to Maritain or Congar. But this progressive for them is still not enough, since they are so far advanced towards the Church of the future, who consider the Second Vatican Council and the subsequent reign as passed and still tied to the remnants of the past. Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, few months before his death, he stated on the BBC that the Church Ratzinger has been back two centuries [see who].


The Holy Father Francis

Francis Pope in his recent speech to the synod condemned the “Progressives”, [see who] but it is clear that he was referring to the modernist, which for fifty years have so far been able to survive by parasites of the Church, appear as the top of the class, and to reap success by hiding under the honorable title of “Progressives”. In fact, there is no doubt that the council has had a progressive character, as it has furthered the advance of Christian piety, of ecclesiology, of theology, of morality, dialogue with the world and the spiritual life. The other part, We can understand why the Popes have not yet spoken only on very rare occasions “modernism”; because we all still remember the dramatic modernism of the time of St. Pius X, who defined the phenomenon as the “sum of all heresies”. but yet, fifty years, prominent scholars and authoritative pastors of the Church, as were Jacques Maritain (2), Dietrich from Hildebrand (3), Cornelius the carpenter (4), Cardinal Giuseppe Siri (5), Cardinal Pietro Parente (6) and Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, prophetically signaled the return of a modernism that occurred since the immediate post-conciliar. It is true that there was also Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, which however, unfortunately, falling into a serious misunderstanding of modernism accused the Council itself. That is certainly the word “modernism” scare. but yet, to a careful analysis of the situation of the Church and theology today, the way things are. Of course we should not say that this disease of the mind affects all patients at the maximum degree; However, we know that to speak of malignancy is not necessary that the body is in metastasis, but it is sufficient that an initial presence, thanks to an emergency, can also be eliminated. Thus one may use the name of “modernist” for subjects in which there are only traces of this serious disease of the spirit.


Painting by Ruben

The important thing is not to be confused with the progressive modernism. Progressivism, as I said, is an entirely normal and healthy Christian life I would say mandatory. “The charity, St. Augustine says, if not progredisce, is not charity”. And St. Paul urges us all to strive with all our strength and to advance continuously towards perfection. The church, for its part, assisted by the Holy Spirit, moves continuously through history towards the fullness of truth. Modernism is instead a false progressivism; it is a deceptive and wrong attempt that, fraudulently claiming to refer to the Council, wants to modernize the Christian life through uncritical assumption of modernity, which, instead of being judged by the Gospel, claims itself to judge. Progressivism legitimate, therefore, can be an expression of a healthy appetite for the new, effect of a free choice or preference quite normal of certain faithful within the Church, more affected than others to the dynamic element, evolutionary and propulsive. Nothing wrong with that, rather it is a lot of good. A valuable service, certainly not without risks, worth to run in order to suggest new ways, research projects and implementation, in order to promote the advancement of the Church in history towards eschatological fullness.


The splendor of the liturgy is a legacy of faith that can not be lost or to be lost

Essential and vital, in the Church and in theology, is also a certain element or office storage or tradition, as it is to deepen, clarify, make explicit, develop, improve, to grow and develop a legacy, we could say a divine treasure, incorruptible, incorruptible and unchangeable values ​​of theoretical and moral, “non-negotiable”, universal and absolute, revealed, operated and founded by Christ and entrusted by him to the apostles. In this light, St. Paul commands Timothy: "Guard the deposit" [The Tm 6,20]. Obviously this is not to cling to use, institutions, Things, doctrines of the past, having exhausted their function, mostratesi or harmful, they are no longer needed, they have nothing left to give and even become dangerous: here is the “traditionalism” condemned by the Pope in the aforementioned speech. This “traditionalism” would not have loyalty, but backwardness and impediment to progress, as they say, “a ball and chain” or even a poison, as it would for example consume expired food or “muzzle the ox while it is treading” [The Cor 9,9].

Nokter Wolf

Dom Notker Wolf, abbot primate of the Benedictine confederation, during a rock concert

Progressivism and healthy conservatism refer to each other, as well as a body needs at a time to grow and maintain their identity. A rigid fixity and closed, without movement and adaptation, or conversely the disorderly movement of its dissolution of a body deprived of their identity are not the phenomena of life, but death. The conservative, as the lefevriano, which opposes the liberal or progressive modernist, waste that are both conservative extremists that ruin the Church and lead out the truth. It is urgent, therefore, to make some changes to a certain way of speaking about these issues. For instance, Recent events in the great debate about the story and the conclusions of the Synod of Bishops on the Family, you have to make some clarifications. The great modernist print and Masonic has been pleased to present the current Cardinal Walter Kasper as “progressive” vicina and the Pope, while the power of the now famous five cardinals including Cardinal Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has been slanderously or at least improperly touted as “conservative” and contrary to the Pope “progressive”. This means, as they say, change the cards on the table so mean and unfair. We then things right. The five cardinal, they did not do anything but remember the core values ​​and dogmatic of marriage and the family are not “Conservatives”, but perfect Catholics. Cardinal Kasper and friends, to talk, with their assumptions malcelatamente relativistic and historicist, should not be called “Progressives”, but rather modernist.

Paul VI

Blessed Pope Paul VI

Father Al poi, obviously super parts thanks to the charisma of Peter and as a teacher of the faith, if we want to give a qualification, we assign at most that of progressive, ma non all Rahner all Kasper o o All Royal, but in the Pope Paul VI, to Maritain or Congar, not sure, so, a modernist, pace of the modernists that if you would like to buy up. Even a Pope is free to choose a given current theological or express its cultural line staff, that has nothing to do with his office of infallible Universal Doctor of the Church, beyond all possible opinions or theological tendencies. Therefore, if there is one on the Pope, teacher of the faith, beyond its heralded and unreliable statements represent the Pope, this is just Kasper; and if there is a teacher of the faith with the Pope, these will be just the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Do not be so to tell the stories. Journalists improvised theologians, before you write nonsense, who do you teach theology if it means a little’ more of them.

One final thought on this topic, and it is this. The problem of modernism in itself is much more serious than that of conservatism or lefevrismo. Except that the former is much more difficult to solve than the second, because while Lefebvre and the like are a very small minority, thus very little power, the modernists, After a tireless work to climb to the top, that has lasted fifty years, are now able to win in the Church and in the same hierarchy enormous power. So we understand how, while it is easy to take action against Lefebvre, of conservatives and traditionalists, is much more difficult to remove modernism, since it is precisely those impelagate authorities should intervene. AND, said humorously as a good journalist, how to keep mice to the cheese. Thus there is an obvious injustice that is taking place today. These are called “two weights and two measures”. Striking examples and paradigms are on one hand the ongoing persecution against the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the other impunity and the continuation of the huge success of which still enjoys the rahnerismo, still ongoing after fifty years, despite the opposition and reports of distinguished theologians. There is in fact to be considered that, on the one hand lefevriani have at least compared to the immutability of dogma and reject the dogmatic progress, modernists are much worse, because of their dogmatic relativism and evolutionism, which leads them to destroy all the dogma and undermine the foundations of the faith (7) leading souls to apostasy and immorality, beyond all their mock Catholicism.

Burke Mattei

Cardinal Raymond Burke Leonard at March for Life, to his left Prof. Roberto de Mattei, who for years it was the main organizer

The remedy, or at least an important remedy in this climate of falsehood and injustice, for which, according to the effective expression of Cardinal Raymond Burke Leonard, we feel the “seasickness” in the boat of the Church that seems without coxswain in the storm, seems to be a strong part of the Magisterium, wise and courageous recovery of authentic and genuine language of doctrinal and pastoral, that has always distinguished the great leaders of the Church, the great reformers and saints pastors and teachers, the pedagogical knowledge, catechetical, therapeutic, healing and evangelization of the Church, inspired by the Word of God, Guided by the Spirit, wisdom teacher who excels on every other school of theology, of spirituality, and moral perfection and virtue of mankind. In particular, it is necessary that the Church back to talk about the distinction of heresy by the dogma, orthodox heterodoxy, that is, in essence, the true from the false in the field of faith, as it is normal for the doctor to talk about health and disease. What is the doctor who does not dare to tell the patient that is sick? There is too much care in the authorities and among the pastors to speak frankly error, as if to do so would offend the wanderer. Of course you must learn to talk, but talking about is actually to the benefit dell'errante and those who are deceived by him. Today there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Catholics or other people deceived by heretics.


The Holy Father Benedict XVI

There is no use to pretend not to see or be limited to convictions or complaints are vague and general, which do not disturb any, if not worsen the situation of wandering and end up giving a free hand to impostors. It seems that the Magisterium of time is taken by an excessive regard for the erring, which then reverses to their own detriment. You should not be afraid to touch famous theologians or pastors or cry, although close to the Holy See or of the same Roman Curia or in the papal Faculty. The frankness with which the Cardinals faithful have criticized, in defense of the Church's magisterium, the brothers who make mistakes, is exemplary and comforting. It's about time that the good cardinal to come out of the closet. Of course, the modernists complain that Rome is too severe. But we understand this very well and we should not take any account of. The allegation of error just serves to correct the errant, while an excessive regard, an imprecise language and generic, too soft and forgiving mercy is not, but in the end connivance with error, with obvious damage dell'errante.



A language shy, stuttering and tergiversante shows a lack of conviction, want to praise and does not generate any respect, you do not need to moderate the arrogant and even raises only rice or compassion. Things have to be called by their name. I would be cautious to qualify a proposition as heretical; but if we find out for sure that it is heretical, it must be said that it is heretical. It should certainly sometimes, indeed usually, be mild and gentle in action, be patient and learn to wait. But to shake a sleeping consciousness or bold, energy is needed and severity. The expressions suggestive and euphemistic, circumlocutions, the paraphrase or circumlocution, sistema se living in a, are totally ineffective to show the evils and to correct the customs and misconceptions, as shown for the sake of completeness the experience of those dedicated to education, the formation of the next or guide of souls.

The skipper of the boat is sleeping. No need to wake, not to feel criticized for having little faith. He knows when and how to intervene. It's up to him to wake up, if anything,. About noi, continuiamo the remare, as our action seems ineffective. If the boat really run the risk of sinking, He will think to calm the waters.

Fontanellato, 3 November 2014




(1) Cf The peasant of the Garonne. An old layman questions about the present time, Desclee de Brouwer, Paris 1966.
(2) Cf The peasant of the Garonne. An old layman questions about the present time, Desclee de Brouwer, Paris 1966.
(3) Cf The Trojan Horse in the City of God, John Fox Edition, Rome 1969.
(4) Cf The adventure of progressive theology, Rusconi Editore, Milan 1974.
(5) Cf Getsemani. Reflections on the Contemporary Theological Movement, Editions of the Fraternity of the Virgin Mary, Rome 1980.
(6) Cf The crisis of truth and the Second Vatican Council, Po Institute of Graphic Arts, I rovigo 1983.
(7) A “faith”, for instance, as that preached by card.Martini, which is intrinsic to atheism, or the one advocated by card.Ravasi, which would in itself the question, or faith “athematics” Rahner or faith not as a doctrine but as “meeting” O “experience” that faith is?