The alloys are not Gay freedom and progress but emblem of a society old and decaying


[…] in Greek society not yet slipped into decadence which marked the end, homosexuality was a phase that marked a transition between the age of development, adolescence and youth, was not considered a permanent state; and in certain places and conditions stood in the training plans of the teacher-pupil relationship […] was practiced with discretion and not at all ostentatious with pride today narrated by Gay Alloys, that in addition to scientific textbooks seem to want to rewrite those of classical literature. The ostentation born in society Hellenic and Roman maximum peak of decadence, when in the normal social order are placed pedophilia, the Barley, propitiatory sex with animals, the virgin daughters started by his father and mothers who Pompeian svezzavano teenage children.

Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Many magazines on-line Catholics tend to treat the theme dell'omosessualismo and culture gender in purely political terms, throwing everything in politics, which sometimes are even some bishops. Here then is the doctrine and pastoral care is no longer the real object and the center of their speeches,Levi anything becomes a pretext to support political ideas more or less subjective. While some issues for us are not alarming stage for political clashes or pretexts for political or worse to sneak into the policy mix and handle in her cauldron. The land of the good fight, for us, should gamble everything on the metaphysical plane and on the ethics, morals and the protection of the Christian conscience objective, then the recognition of conscientious objection to certain laws in open contrast with what for us Catholics is intangible and unalterable divine right. This is the reason why I say that certain tragedies of contemporary society should not mutate certain Catholics, worse for certain bishops, a pretext for pure politics, in order not to fulfill their natural task: do pastoral and social doctrine of the Church, spend more time, as bishops, to train their clergy, to listen to the priests, to look after the portion of the People of God entrusted to them, instead of fiddling with politicians, politicians and journalists under the pretext of "good battles" that conceal often only forms of episcopal egocentricity.

Do not ever re-read my books published, joints practices to the press after years of reading and revisions. These days, however, have fallen back on some of my pages written between 2008 and the 2009, then published later in my book published in 2011: And Satan came Trino.

Let me suggest to readers an excerpt from my work in which I analyzed and talked, years before certain events and laws, the dangerous power of the lobby gay. Of the Lobbyes that today have found a natural “den of vipers” poisonous and aggressive in the Parliament in Strasbourg, and who are trying to establish a real dictatorship of gender shots of unfair laws and morally unacceptable in all respects human and Christian.

To read part comes from this work, click below


card. Ratzinger