The decadent suffering Church has entered its Good Friday, submerged by the chorus of servants opportunists who scream yesterday as "Barabbas today, Barabbas! And shortly after, Peter denies Christ three times …

- Good Friday of Holy Easter 2019 —



We are at fall of and in a few years the Catholic Church as we have known and understood it up to now will no longer exist; exist "other". Our ecclesial and ecclesiastical system has already smashed from the inside, and is currently in progress a disturbing transformation. Unfortunately, both in the College of Bishops in both the Priestly College we do not have even a minimum number of elements able to cope with this progressive decay. For the suffering Church it is so began the painful Good Friday.



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This article was posted on 16 February, again present today, with all the news of the case, as a meditation on Good Friday this Easter 2019. .



Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

When criticism, in itself legitimate, It can not produce anything, because certain special historical situations, social and ecclesial prevent it from generating any effective, It is always to be avoided, because in that case the criticism is drowned in a vicious circle in which only end up feeding itself, increasing the great confusion and great disorientation, rather than squander. And those who exercise this kind of criticism fruitless and harmful, especially if a priest and theologian, could seriously stained with gross negligence.


In certain occasions, instead of resorting to the ineffective critical, you can resort to irony, or to greet sneer, I myself have not hesitated to do it, I recognize it and I admit, also because some of my writings that are soaked in irony and mockery, remain public and accessible by anyone today. In fact, when I began to perceive how scientific criticism was ineffective and unproductive, in an attempt to dislodge certain ecclesiastical conscience action are repeated times the weapon irony, up to launch the so-called campaign: "I seriously pigliateli, take them for the ass ". And after this call effect by hovering boundaries between Boccaccio and Pasquino, It specified that in certain contexts and situations around the outlet, the sneer, far from being an end in themselves they end up being an act of perfect Christian charity [see article, WHO]. My fear is that many escapes in what way Christ the Lord resorted He himself all’ironia making use of the expressive style of the time. And not only resorted all’ironia, because the terms of certain invectives used by him are of extraordinary hardness. For if certain expressions riots in dialect of Aramaic by Christ to God zealous teachers of the law and scribes, They should be translated with vocabulary of today's Roman, we would find that the terms loosely equivalent "grannissimi fiji de whore» o di «pockets full of shit», not be able to make in hardness as expressed by the Savior toward certain subjects of his day. Audition eminent exegetes to explain what it meant at the lexical and expressive level contact of the high Jewish dignitaries telling them in an ironic and takes shape: ' Verily I say: the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God " [Mt 21, 31]. Expression this in which there are both the irony is linked to the severity of a deep morale booster. Indeed, this expression, It is equivalent in every way to say today, to the present day members of the College of Cardinals, that the whores working along the Via Casilina are the most respectable of them, but above all most deserving of them to enter Paradise. If then nobody explains it, then I take care of me explain: accusing ups and zealous religious notables to be like whitewashed tombs "beautiful to behold, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness " [Mt 23, 27], in the expressive vocabulary of the time, What it was far much worse than telling them "you are of the greatest pieces of shit". Indeed, with corpses, not to mention the rotting corpses, the devout Israelite was not and could not be defiled, especially the members of the priestly caste, who it was forbidden from Gone [halakha, the equivalent Canon law era], to get close to the burial places even remotely, all for issues related to the maintenance of the purity.


So that, comparing certain senior religious notables of rotting corpses, It is greatly much more offensive than simply tell them “shits”. This was Jesus Christ, certainly not the doll androgynous presented in his film Jesus of Nazareth by Italian director Franco Zeffirelli, I can not help but omosessualizzare aesthetically everything it touches, below will continue to mutate into a missy languid even that virile Umbrian male of Francis of Assisi in the film Brother Moon. What about the actual figure of the Seraphic Father, much better than I has spoken recently of one of the Fathers The Island of Patmos, our author cappuccino Ivano Liguori, that is a member of the Franciscan Order, and that of St. Francis of Assisi is the son [see article, WHO].


In this regard many readers of our magazine and they laugh always remind, when the columns of The Island of Patmos It was announced my appointment as Archbishop of Naples. Behind to that’burlesque opera emerged in fact the episcopate today's drama, in particular those of the new careerists, or if you want modern whitewashed tombs, that to reach the coveted appointment of bishops were blanketing the poor and poverty. A funny sneer but very sad that article aimed at those newly appointed bishops come to the episcopate after the prostrate New Theology of the poor and the migrant, now placed above the theology of the Word of God incarnate [see article WHO].


Between the end of December of 2018 and the beginning of the new year 2019, magazine devoted several of our readers have sent me many messages in which they ask: "She is no longer what it once was", "Where is his scathing and ironic vein?». Then there are also the provocateurs irreverent, some of them asked me: "At the end of the games, they frightened and silenced, vero?».


You can defer on many things, on others not, because when someone, like myself, He has always risked everything and everything in defense of truth, paying almost always very high prices, not least in order to have always indicated, and called the "whited sepulchres" spade, it is appropriate to provide all the necessary explanations, avoiding that come to life and they spread rumors not true, as well as unjust towards me, of the type: “... eventually they made him take fear and have silenced!”. No, it's not true. And now I will I explain why the same is not true: because the positions and the line for some time I have taken are the result of freedom, then what I hope is within the grace of the wisdom of the heart.


With all the devotee than necessary, but with more tones sometimes also quite strict, in the past I have directed harsh criticism not only current course of the Church, I am wishing I could "boast" that he also made harsh and detailed criticism that no ecclesiastical authority has until now never denied. Following some of my public complaints, the scars and teasing from hysterical housewives more or less dressed in red, I've got to galore, but private, or worse than public denials, until now I have never received even a. As for my articles, written between 2014 and the 2018, are all preserved in the archive of the magazine The Island of Patmos, then be consulted by anyone who wishes to read them.


In terms of pure theological speculation I even expounded on a completely hypothetical question: "Can a Roman Pontiff legitimately elected and legitimate Successor of the Blessed Apostle Peter to be deprived of the grace of state?» [see article, WHO]. And on this hypothesis, that you know has never occurred in the history of the Church, I thought about it a lot, because Christ the Lord, Peter - as I will explain later in much more detail -, before saying "strengthen your brethren in the faith", he said: "That may not fail your faith", and added, "he has turned again", only after these two premises urged him saying 'strengthen your brothers in the faith " [LC 22, 31-33], but we will deal with this later …





Another thing on which it is seriously questioning the concept of truth. It is obvious that we must tell the truth, we pastors in the care of souls in a very special way, the truth that we are devoted servants and preachers faithful, provided that the truth might bear fruit and generate salvation. Therefore when you speak and, speaking, one is exposed without hesitation even at worst ire, it is crucial to question the very way of speaking and proclaiming the truth, because a truth expressed poorly or inadequately presented loses effectiveness, and in that case it is the mission of both do justice to the truth, It is resulting in a major failure, if not worse in damage. Dramatic and more relevant than ever so they sound the words of Christ the Lord given by the Blessed Apostle John who reports on his conversation with Pontius Pilate's question to which he responds: «[…] for this I was born and for this I came into the world: to testify to the truth. Whoever it belongs to the truth, hears my voice ". Hear the words, Pontius Pilate replication: "What is truth?» [GV 18, 37-38].


Therefore, if on one hand Pontius Pilate wanted to know and ascertain the truth, on the other hand he, rather than being unable to transpose, he just could not understand the concept of truth. Having said that I add: qualcuno think today, what could be termed as syndrome Pontius Pilate, is probably extinct, if anything, thanks to the decadent and a crystallized neo-Thomism neo-scholastic, argumentative and aggressive, place St. Thomas Aquinas - the authentic one, of course -, What was the truth explained to him the length and breadth, up to earn the titles of Angelic Doctor and of Doctor Common? Unfortunately, the neo-Thomist crystallized, argumentative and aggressive, put to the test today ignores what the truth is much more unknown than it was yesterday Pontius Pilate. Indeed, decadent in our post-modern society, vero e truthful is just what individuals feel and perceive a pure emotional subjectivity level; and treat such metastases with neo-Thomism, it would be like treating cancer with homeopathic pills of positive thinking that, today, It constitutes a real socio-psychological pandemic. So that, the sad reality with which we have to deal - unless otherwise withdraw into the world of the unreal -, It is the fact that the emotion has replaced the truth that that limited Roman soldier of Pontius Pilate knew at least not, or that he was not able to know, to the point of asking: "What is truth?» [GV 18, 38].


More than the metaphysical concept of truth itself and by itself, then I'll try to clarify those that can sometimes be the effects or the results produced by a truth that bad or worse expressed. All I will try to depict it with three different examples: the first, linked to the figure of the Holy Father John Paul II, the next two, linked to cases of two different patients affected both from the same brain tumor.


He ran the now distant year 1981 when to the Holy Pontiff John Paul II on an apostolic journey to Germany, during a private meeting took place in the presence of several priests and lay people in Fulda City, He was asked why he had not been revealed to the text of the Third Secret of Fatima, that should have been made public in 1960. The future Holy Pontiff, expertly placing the finger on the wound of pruderie media and worldly, curiosity and sensationalism search, He gave this response:


«[…] Many want to know merely out of curiosity and taste for sensationalism, but they forget that knowledge also entails a responsibility. It seeks only the gratification of their curiosity and this is dangerous if you are convinced that nothing can be done against evil and at the same time if you are not willing to do something against it " [Voice of faith, n. 10 the 1981, My translation from German].


fundamental prerequisite for the truth is the knowledge, which follows the full acceptance of this knowledge, ie the truth. You can claim the knowledge of the truth out of sheer morbid curiosity, but did not accept all the consequences that entails knowledge of the truth? If so, the truth is the most beautiful and precious gems, who can forget the admonition:


"Do not give what is holy to dogs and your pearls before swine do not throw, lest they trample them with their feet, and turn again and rend you " [Mt 7, 6].


And how many are now the pigs that claimed the "right" to have the pearls of truth, then step on them and turn to tear it to him who thoughtlessly dates?


The other two examples are related to a tumor pathology: brain tumor. A short time away from each other I have known in the past cases of two men with both on the same brain tumor, positioned in such a way as not to make it operable. But most of all, the tumor, were both diagnosed when metastases were already spread, making unnecessary the various therapies, from chemotherapy. The first of these patients was a merchant, husband and father of three children. The oncologist who diagnosed the evil explained in detail what were the consequences of that incurable disease in the near future, including a state of total loss of consciousness and the inevitable reduction to a vegetative state. This man, people understood that he was going to his death and before the arrival of it lost their mental faculties, He tried to arrange his practical things and to stay as close as possible to his wife and children. He went even attending church, from which it was a fugitive for many years, He met several times an elderly confessor and returned to receive the Sacraments. As soon as the evil began to degenerate he asked to receive the sacred anointing of the sick, It was always present and shiny. Then the disease took the course that had been explained, and in the grace of God he died, leaving a tender memory of his wife and children.


A little time away the same oncologist He diagnosed the same tumor to an own colleague, distinguished surgeon and university lecturer, presenting to it in the same way that it is impossible to intervene surgically and the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy, because of widespread metastases. The distinguished clinician, husband and father of two children, knowing the evil that had to die and how they would die, Instead of returning home he went with his car on the motorway where there is a high bridge a few hundred meters connecting one hill to another, He parked the side of the machine with the four position arrows lit and lunged below. Contrary to the case have just narrated, his wife and children he left at a tender memory, to the point that one of the two sons, then also become surgeon, a decade away from the parent's suicide, he said: "My father did not die of cancer, He died of cowardice ".


The very same truth effects and can produce results quite different on the basis of diversity of human subjects: it is the only itch to want to know all about worldly and media costs pruderie, or whether it is very bitter to accept the truth.





I did not fail then to express all my human suffering, for example, when I found myself witness unimaginable opportunism of some Catholic journalists, I knew that if anything, and attended by nearly twenty years, and I considered true and sincere friends. That was perhaps my greatest suffering. but do not, as some might think, for they have become more clerical than in fact it is these clerics; weaknesses and these are things that you can safely forgive. In regards opportunists must in fact exercise some leniency, because often they lie behind opportunism only profound weakness and a sense of great insecurity. My reproach - as a result my deep suffering -, It was not moved by these peccadilloes, but a sin of unprecedented severity that compromises in this kind of people the Christian charity itself, for they know well and deeply tragic stories almost always good and the few clergymen who continue to survive in the Church, that have not been simply abused, but exposed to the authentic psychological torture, which as we know are the worst, why more and rigor exercised the most cruel viciousness.


Showing themselves totally indifferent to human suffering for reasons dictated by cynical opportunism, these individuals have denied any kind of defense to the truth by acting in total disregard for the blood of the innocent poor. This makes them modern Judas kissing Christ to indicate to the soldiers who have to arrest him [cf. MC 14, 43-46], It makes them modern troubles that face the question of Pontius Pilate, "Whom shall releases, he or Barabbas?», towering over every other voice yelling loudly: «Barabbas, Barabbas!» [cf. Mt 27, 17-20]. And for these things, God do not even waste time to condemn us to Hell, because the highway to six lanes on the straight towards it if the esplanade are these people from themselves, if you do not convert, if they do not repent and if you do not do proper penance [see article by Hypatia Roman cat, WHO].


There are many things to which we have witnessed over the last five years of Church history, characterized and marked by a radical and profound progressive collapse. We discovered suddenly old friends how come we'd imagined them, many of us have confided their doubts and misgivings as to friends and loved estimated over, from which they were betrayed by them and then delivered to the modern Sanhedrin, with the kiss of Judas.





Explaining the concept of point of no return, in a recent article I suggested: "Faced with a visible Church suffers from a doctrinal and moral decay irreversible, you must open as soon as the seed bank " [see article, WHO]. While in an article published earlier this year 2019 I wrote: "In this terrible dark night, for the New Year 2019 the work program has been dictated to The Island of Patmos by Blessed Apostle Peter: “Your enemy, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that your brothers around the world suffer the same sufferings as you " [The Pt 5, 8-9]» [see article, WHO]. In these pages that touch on different topics, by doctrinal lost the moral crisis, until the real apostasy which manifests itself more and more disturbing in the Church, in the words of the Wisdom literature explaining to readers:


«[…] I have neither thrown in the towel on ring Boxing, nor do I have raised the white flag before the enemy, least of all by roaring lion have become a castrato of the eighteenth century Baroque singing with the voice of a soprano unvoiced. quite simply, in tracing a work plan for the new year, I reflected on the fact that: “there is a time to tear and a time to sew, there is a time to be silent and a time to speak ...” [cf. Ec 3, 1-8]. And today we have to measure well, talk about what, to prevent the talk, but above all to denounce and criticize, it's just an end in itself, the only result of not the slightest dent in the acolytes of Satan, but at the same time, however disorienting ancòra more God's people very ill and lost, that needs to be sustained in the great test ' [see article, WHO].


After this long series of explanations, with reference to the words of that article in early January 2019 Here we are at the aching heart of the explanation; and the heart is the Catholic and priestly heart survived to more heart attacks, then to a stroke, and now it kept alive by the grace of God after a great save heart surgery that saved it with the application of some by-pass.


Today, Holy Church, He is experiencing a crisis that has no historical precedent. In most historians and theologians have tried to identify some previous similar, but we were unable to locate the two thousand year history of the Church anything like. We groped to make comparisons with the period Arian heresy of the fourth and fifth centuries, or the great decay of the ninth and tenth centuries, with the moral and doctrinal crisis of the previous clergy celebrate the Fourth Lateran Council under the pontificate of Pope Innocent III, or with more or less similar crisis, also it characterized by a frightening widespread ignorance in the clergy, which preceded the great Council of Trent held under three different pontificates over eighteen long years. But the comparative efforts that do not lead to anything that might be similar to what we are experiencing today. Modestly, on my part, groped for a comparison I compared our era to that of the big decline and then to the Roman Empire [see article, WHO]. I admit that even before this comparison - as I write this article -, the historical comparison and socio-ecclesial holds in very weakly, to the point of visit forced to affirm:


«We are at fall of and in a few years the Catholic Church as we have known and understood it up to now will no longer exist; exist "other". Our ecclesial and ecclesiastical system has already smashed from the inside, and is currently in progress a disturbing transformation. Unfortunately, both in the College of Bishops and in the Priestly College we have not even a minimum number of elements that can cope with this progressive decay ' [see article, WHO].


To then go on to say:


«[…] in this unprecedented situation, by analogy comes to mind the descent of the barbarians from the north of Europe. The profound difference, before this vague resemblance, It is the fact that the barbarians were converted to Christianity, and also thanks to their Christianity was saved and spread among the same barbarians. And from what the barbarians were hit? What drove them to conversion? Soon said: their conversion is linked to extraordinary figures of bishops, priests and monks, which barbarians recognized manly hardening, courage, authority, so great authority. Their, barbarians, who they based and that held all the power, recognized the force resulting from the status grace of the sacramental character of the sacred order and then the grace of God […] Before the fall of the great empire under the blows of apostasy from the faith, It can neither repair the damage nor outrun for cover, you can only salvage, then depart tomorrow from a small nucleus small shed for the world to rebuild over the ruins of the great devastation. A quel point, in a couple of centuries, reborn a small church formed by a few faithful, that starting from scratch will try to explain to the people of the world of the unknown words that no one will know the true meaning: Christmas, Jesus of Nazareth, Easter of Resurrection, Ascension Day, Pentecost, Revelation, Redemption, Grace of God, Trinity, Immaculate Conception … […] Our process of rebirth, however, will be very long, and at the end of the opera it will produce only a small flock of faithful around the world, thereby giving full fruition so the word of God's Word: "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am in their midst " [cf. Mt 18, 20]» [see article, WHO].


By making a clear analysis of the current pontificate and impartial, It must be made clear, More times as I did and wrote during these last four years, that the current reigning Pope, although far from being free from defects, sometimes serious, But it is not the responsibility of certain tendencies that start and that develop from afar. He is only the heir, or better: the last heir. All this I explained with an example repeatedly stated in the past to his right and legitimate defense:


«[…] he is only the last of the customers come in the restaurant and that crossing the threshold was attacked by waiters who demanded from him payment of the accounts of all those before him had had lunch and dinner without pay, but leaving fine suspended accounts' [see articles WHO, WHO].


Certain superficial ecclesiastical, sometimes they lovingly call me back and told me that toward the Supreme Pontiff had expressed severe criticism too. In a way quite contrary, the few clerics animated by the wisdom of God that they continue to survive, however few, indeed unfortunately always less, Instead they untilled by far my criticisms element, understanding and then saying: "Few, Comets, really defend the Supreme Pontiff ".


Interloquendo in the past with an old friend, famous Vatican, who tried to tell me once, in a calm and friendly manner, that in some of my criticisms of certain pastoral choices of the Pope he saw a certain arrogance, I replied and explained several times:


"If before the people of God confused and bewildered want to be credible, then if necessary defend effectively the Pope, I must first highlight its objective defects. If not, if as do others can introduce as the most wonderful Pontiff and perfect the entire history of the Church, up to deny the evidence of the same facts, at that point, then when I corrected in defense of his sacred person and his high apostolic office, I would not be credible and above all I would not be listened to by anyone believers of Christ».


In fact, I can not only testify, but try it at any time as often as in the fulfillment of my apostolic ministry I explained to the faithful the unquestionable legitimacy of the reigning Pope and the sense of filial devotion and obedience which in any case is due to him, the faithful I have always listened, first moved by this certainty:


"If he tells you there, that if any did not hesitate to criticize harshly certain pastoral decisions of the Holy Father and some of his unhappy expression, then it means that this is true and that this priest tells us the right, because it is impartial and so intellectually honest ".


Every time due to my work I received various attestation of faithful who have told me, "if I had not followed your advice and if I had not placed in the right light, the Supreme Pontiff, Today I would be out of the Catholic Church ", inside me I always said: tonight, the recitation of Compline, I can say with particular serenity the words from the song of the saint and sage Simeon "Now let your servant, Dominated, according to thy word in peace;, Your eyes have seen thy salvation because they have seen. Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people;: light for the revelation of the nations, and the glory of thy people Israel» [now let, o Lord, thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word, because my eyes have seen your salvation, you prepared in sight of all peoples: light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people, Israel].


I do not know if this old friend, for which I then suffered much later, he understood everything, from my human and priestly honesty in this regard, and always paid the penalty with a high price with the group of convicted innocents to slaughter. Indeed, his apparent defense at all costs of the Supreme Pontiff, especially against the evidence of the same facts, until the actual use of fake, It has finally revealed to target a place and a high institutional prominent role within the Holy See, to reach which did not hesitate to affirm without any ridiculous penalty which Caligula had the tender heart of San Filippo Blacks, that Agrippina and Aspasia were more virgins of Sante martyrs of Agnes and Cecilia purity, Stalin was the great founder of the liberal-democratic state …


Under the pontificate of the Holy Father John Paul II and the Venerable Pope Benedict XVI, who also were not exempt either from government or from errors proved choices and even lethal in subsequent years, we experienced the birth of many fine Christian and priestly friendship; we joined in many values, common aims and missions, even in our human and intellectual diversity. Inside the church she talked and debated, sometimes so also lit, but remaining essentially united still being a Christian and a Catholic Holy People of God, the Priestly College and the College of Bishops, free to speak and to serve the Church. This is because, the Chair of the Blessed Apostle Peter, men were far from perfect, including John Paul II, today revered saint for the heroic nature of his virtues; heroism that have not implicated but never perfection. And these Popes have guarded with jealousy wise Church unity. Under the last two pontificates, Holy Church has known the maximum number, first of all in episcopal appointments, instead that the bishops are the driving heart of the Church Body, together with their priests. In the various bishops' conferences, in those days they gathered bishops who were - to use the terms of improper everything taken from the lexicon of journalists and not from that of ecclesiologists -, of conservative personalities, other progressive personality, other ultra progressive personality. And all, united by a common end, They were alive and active part of the College of Bishops. Well, after having examined the reality that today shines before our eyes, ask ourselves what is reduced in principle the episcopate, from the Italian. It is reduced to emulators that mimic the exotic pastoral spun-off by doctrine and placed above the doctrine itself. The homilies of the bishops have a painful plethora of platitudes on a surreal idea of ​​the poor and poverty, followed by equally surreal idea of ​​migration. The bishops have now abdicated the proclamation of the Holy Gospel, to devote himself to make the politicians and the social and political scientists. And all this, I say it and write it for years, always at my own risk. That's why I welcomed as valuable as dew recently expressed and clarified bitterly Emeritus Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, about the bishops who instead of proclaiming the Holy Gospel which politicians [see article, WHO].


Because, during the past meetings, The bishops did not hesitate to discuss certain pastoral decisions of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, while today, in this climate of so-called great pastoral opening, opening towards dialogue, collegiality, the acceptance of diversity, the includenza and so to follow, no one dares to make half the contrary sigh? We know this because no one dares utter a sigh contrary, but in any case I remember: because today in the Church reigns terror comparable to that of the Venezuelan regime Nicolas Maduro and the Bolivian Evo Morales and why it has established a real state after a colossal blow. And in the Church was in place a colossal blow, I wrote and explained in 2010, always at my own risk, is intende.


A striking example so to speak: in my book written between 2008 and the 2010 and published early 2011, now about to be reprinted from our editions, I was also long and in-depth analysis on "omosessualizzazione of the Church" and explained that those between the seventies and eighties of the twentieth century capeggiavano within the seminars pious gay fraternity, not only they had become priests, but one after another were becoming bishops. Well, know that several of those prelates who were now called upon to solve the problem of gay epidemic Finally exploded publicly among the clergy, nine years ago they accused me of having used an "unacceptable definition and highly blasphemous expression" to have written that "the Church has broken a genuine nubifrossing universal, but that no one would notice it ' [cf. So Satan He Trino, 2011, work in print]. Indeed, the same ones who yesterday denied the existence of the problem and that picked on me that instead I tried to fling it under the eyes this problem Mephistopheles, today are those who ridicule paradox, the problem, They were called to solve it (!?), after having protected the armies of homosexual priests and have encouraged the promotion to the episcopal dignity of some of the worst of them and after having inserted a number of other offices of the Roman Curia. Today they have finally discovered the hot water, while i, years and years ago, already I warned that the Church was in place a blow homosexualist [see this article 2013, WHO].


It is a fact, not an ungenerous judgment and irreverent: today, the divisive, for unspeakable paradox, It takes its life from that summit of the Holy Church that unity is the guardian. Today, to cause confusion in matters of doctrine and faith, It seems to be just the person to whom the mandate to "confirm his brothers was given by Christ in faith God ' [cf. LC 22, 32]. And also in this regard, debating time ago with a theologian specialized to cut the sentences of context to support their interpretations and thus elevate them to the status of a dogma of faith, I remembered that Christ God, to Peter, Before urge him to "confirm his brothers in faith", She warns him saying:


«Simone, Simone, behold Satan has demanded to sift you like wheat; but I prayed for you, that thy faith fail not:; and you, turned again, strengthen your brothers in the faith " [LC 22, 31-32].


The Word of God is clear the first to warn against the pitfalls of Satan, to which Peter is not free, if anything, it is even more exposed to everyone else. Then he prays that no less is in Peter's faith and, above all, clarifies: «again». Only after this clear call to repentance, God says Christ to Peter, "Strengthen your brethren in the faith", always with respect to those who jump at the bottom of all these basic steps, to enunciate so de-contextualized and facts completely false and then falsante, Peter has given a mandate to "confirm his brothers in faith", and that's! Of course I received this mandate, but all previous warnings preceding this invitation to confirm, what happened to make it do, or better: how we read them? And after Peter received this mandate, perhaps he not found better things to do than deny Christ three times? We also remember the way, where Peter denied Christ: She made him "swearing" and then, getting angry, also "cursing" [cf. MC 14, 66-71]. It said it is well to remember that Peter, its mandate, not received following the election occurred within a conclave of cardinals, because its mandate Peter received it from Christ God himself.


Whoever departs from the great metaphysical and theological speculation to drown finally, before unexpected problems, never occurred in the history of the Church and almost impossible to solve, in the lake of the blind fideism uncritically, She has unfortunately chosen in such a way to waste his life, providing a false view of faith and falsante, all to defend themselves from their ghosts but above all to have and to give an answer at all costs and whatever the cost, up to distort the Holy Gospel by cutting from it phrases, He is taken and isolated from the whole context, become a big lie by the work of some counterfeiters, just like the phrase cut and de-contextualized: "Strengthen your brethren in the faith" [LC 22, 31-32]. In this case we have to prove holy envy for the illiterate, for those who ignore the existence of Aristotle, who do not know what the school, who have never heard of Saint Anselm of Aosta and St. Thomas Aquinas, but with half Ave Maria acted with evil act of simple and strong faith, They will end up in Heaven, while we, who it has been given the intellect and science well, if intellect and science we have used them to distort and falsify the Word of God and groped thus to manipulate the people of God, Because God is merciful end up in purgatory until Doomsday.


This is obvious as the People of God today, along with its bishops and priests, must more than ever to protect Pietro, away from him the wiles of Satan and pray for his repentance, affinch'egli can then proceed to the fulfillment of the mandate conferred on him by Christ God, that is to confirm the brethren in the faith. And anyone, Bishop or Priest, that before this reality so evident choose to withdraw into fearful silence dictated by reasons of expediency staff, It should take into account that "the master of that servant will come on the day when he least expects it, and at an hour he does not know, and will punish him with rigor assigning it the unfaithful " [LC 12, 46]. And we, Bishops and Priests, not do we get away before the judgment of God through the benefit of not knowing or unavoidable ignorance, as the poor servant, while not knowing the will of the owner "he did commit things worthy" and "shall receive a light beating" [LC 12, 48]. To us, Bishops and Priests, that both have received from God for the gifts of grace, Christ the Lord warns us: "To whom much is given, much will be asked for; to whom men have committed much, It will ask the more " [LC 12, 48].


To then place everything in the light of true mercy, it remains clear that no one is obliged to be a hero, as no one is obliged to accept the martyrdom, which not coincidentally is within the particular gifts. God can give man the possibility and the gift of dying a martyr for the faith, but he can not accept all, without compromising the eternal salvation of one's soul. The Blessed Apostle Paul we encounter is then explaining:


"Accept among you who is weak in faith, without discussing this hesitation. One believes he can eat anything, the other instead, that is weak, eats only vegetables. He who eats not despise those who do not eat; those who do not eat, don't misjudge who eats, for God has welcomed him " [RM 14, 1-3].


Even this Pauline warning needs to be read and then including for what really sends: the weak in faith, or one who does not eat or who can only eat legumes, can not - nor ever he must be allowed -, to attack by the destructive spirit of those who are strong in faith, nor can steal food to those who can feed, who eats and who needs vital nourishment.


Therefore, if Peter, paradoxically or test of faith given to us by divine mercy, instead of being the point of end units with the element to be used as the split point, in that case, more than ever we must be united to Peter, to which today it is necessary to show our loyalty to the Church through our faith. The reigning Pope, in the situation that has arisen and which he first is a prisoner with all the vagueness and lexical and doctrinal ambiguity of the case, It can not in any way be helped by our criticism, including those based on the truth of the facts, because in this situation of decline degenerative no longer serve any good, but above all they can not produce anything. But, sooner or later, he might instead be touched and led to repentance by our faith, after we, with our work - not with our useless criticism -, we will have shown our faith [Ge 2 1, 18].


The current pontificate can only be interpreted in the light of the deepest Mystagogy. This moment is in its way a great gift of grace, because maybe God, after the huge disasters we have operated for generations, He is testing our faith right through the Chair of Peter, who at times seems to wobble after being eaten away by termites. For generations, We wanted to play to make all that moot, unstable, insecure and relative; Perhaps God is trying to make us repent showing us the fruits of this ancient degenerative process now than a century, revealing the questionable, the unstable, insecure, and its the same Chair of Peter. Therefore, our demand, should not be much or if the present Pope is or is not a good Pontiff, why else should be our question: we, during all the decades of history, what have we done to deserve a Pontiff Magno? And if God was mercifully repaying us with the same coins that by the time we're spending, to lead us to repentance, the forgiveness of our sins and our true conversion?


Today, many children suffer, not feeling cared for by a loving father. Impute to his father the responsibility not to protect the mother and not to care properly family, sow between their children grudges and quarrels, instead keep them together in loving harmony. Let's say this is unfortunately the father, what to do: attack it, or perhaps deny it? No child can deny the fact that the father who generated both his father, regardless of all those who could be his worst demerits. Wanting, in cases of necessity, the son can stay away from his father and live as if the father did not exist, but never destroy the figure of the father and the legitimacy of the father himself.


This is the test of faith: maintain the integrity of the father figure and protect, so that this legitimate role to be played tomorrow as a wise and loving father. Those who rant against the alleged "cowardice" and "shameful silence of the few good bishops and cardinals who we are and who remain silent", They may not realize that their senseless war cry against the father would only lead to the inevitable destruction of the entire family unit?





Over the last few years, speaking and writing repeatedly on the crisis of the Church, like every great crisis becomes irreversible at the time that has passed point of no return, from 2014 I have referred several times to the Titanic paradigm, sunk in the year 1912 [see WHO]. Using the image of the Titanic struck by 'iceberg I have written several articles in which the priorities to which indulge in such times of emergency before the major catastrophe were explained and indicated. Today, we Bishops and Priests, we are on the Titanic leaky in the holds after being hit by 'iceberg. Faced with this terrible tragedy, there are different reactions, there offer a realistic overview. For instance: There are those who having risen in senior management roles in the ferry company White Star Line, they move for the various salons of the ocean liner saying that it is not true that it is taking on water and that it risks sinking, but that is the whole a colossal lie put about by enemies of the naval societies and those who hate the captain, which he has one and only one defect: to be simply and totally perfect.


Then there are people indifferent inside the party room - type the increasingly surreal tenants of buildings of the Roman Curia, to be clear -, who continue to celebrate as if nothing had, convinced that this transatlantic so perfect it can never sink; and that if you really sank, the matter concerns those that are piled in the holds of the third class.


Then come those who, aware that the liner is sinking and that most of the passengers to die shortly thereafter, begin to criticize the shipyards in Liverpool where the Titanic was built, while others responded with criticism of the Captain, they say real culprit, not having given orders to turn in the right direction after the sighting of 'iceberg. The discussion will follow the divisions into factions and groups and the consequent quarrels, up to those who are beginning to support the captain in truth it is not the real captain and that's actually never been named, because the real captain was what, to a conspiracy of British Freemasons in cahoots with the Mafia of Wales hostile to the shipping company, He was forced to retire early. Meanwhile the water level rises, but little it cares, indeed not interested in anything, because what they are pressed about who is to blame, why and why. And we fly over the "masters of logic" that attempt to explain that if 'iceberg It hits this ship can not sink, all for the simple fact that the captain can not go wrong and never under any circumstances, any kind of maneuver face.


Finally we are there, Mindful that happened was induced to push the engines to the maximum to beat each crossing record and be able to arrive before all the other transatlantic earlier in the port of New York, so aware of the sinking underway, to which is added the fact that the lifeboats are not enough for everyone, and that those who end up in the sea, knowing swim, will not survive help arrives, once immersed at a temperature of zero degrees in the icy waters. And in this, we men of faith, we see the realization of the warning:


"Wide is the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:; how narrow is the door and how narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find!» [Mt 7, 13-14].


Like this, rather than waste time arguing about the navigation choices unintended or taxes to the captain, or instead discuss on the transatlantic building materials, or instead reassure that the captain can never and in any way wrong maneuver, we move between the cargo holds with water that is rising more and more, inviting men and women to repentance and purification from sin, acting head in the head in full absolution article died:


«Ego, Faculty which the Apostolic See, And I grant remission of sin. In the Name of the Father, and sons, and of the Holy Spirit» [For the faculties granted to me by the Holy See, I grant you the remission of all your sins. In the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit].


And while the aristocrats and members of the upper class Yesterday and today, they continue to be pleased the ferry company White Star Line in the party room and to consider the ship absolutely unsinkable, we continue to recite from faithful to faithful: «I absolve you …». As long as the water it will not have to hand over submerged purified, through this sacramental sign of Baptism - the water -, the prize of eternal life.


there, my beloved and respected brothers de The Island of Patmos and me, We have choosen, as devout priests of Christ, to operate for the salvation of believers of Christ up to our drowning; and if we drown, we intend to drown pronouncing the sacramental formula: «I absolve you ... "until the water has submerged us and our mortal body transformed into the image of the glorious body of Christ [cf. Eucharistic Prayer III, Memory of deceased].





The story of Pope Benedict XVI what it is all yet to be written, but above all to know, because we do not know the real reasons for his act of renunciation. We know only that it was a free act, valid and entirely legitimate. It is he who has repeatedly explained. The reasons now unknown, maybe someday emerge, maybe in time or maybe in a long time, do not make void his act, and least of all the valid election of its legitimate successor.


Unfortunately, while all are wondering more or less fanciful issues, advancing hypotheses mostly surreal, none captures the solemn lesson given to us all by the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, which is this: He has moved away from the Vatican City before the opening of the Conclave, already saying before his election his "unconditional obedience" to his successor. Soon after, his successor elected who called him to announce him in person his election, he said: "Holiness, even now I promise you my total obedience and my prayer ". And if the Venerable Pope Benedict XVI, whose ministry, Exceptionally, instead cease with his death ceased with his free act of renunciation, He professed with such faith and all their obedience to His Successor, we, perhaps we should follow his example and do the same, instead of arguing, raising absurd questions and reduce this gesture of extraordinary historical significance to a sleazy chatter internetico seasoned with oil and salt science fiction and conspiracy?


It provided a unique case in which a priest must, not only disobey the bishop, but it is required to do so: just in case the bishop to require or command the priest things contrary to the Holy Gospel, al deposit of credit and the perennial Magisterium of the Holy Church. Repeatedly, during recent years, I explained and reiterated that none of us, during such a solemn act is the consecration of a priest through the Sacrament of Orders, He never promised that the bishop would always be nice or that he would always respected. All of us, present before the priests and the people of God have publicly promised to the bishop filial respect and devout obedience. This is what the bishop must: filial respect and devout obedience. No priest has ever promised it would be a perfect pimp or that would be competed in the art of to lick, to use a poetic understatement of Gaius Valerius Catullus [Carmen 97, verbatim: “ass licking”].


He said once a bishop in snappier tone: "You seem not to be missed opportunity to show your almost total lack of respect towards me '. Said this, already before continuing I want to clarify that he was not one of the two bishops whose jurisdiction have so far depended canonically and happily. Remaining somewhat perplexed replied: "Your Excellency wants to tell me which church law or as a solemn promise provides that a priest should estimate a bishop? The Authority of the bishop I obey, because obedience is due to him and I Did I solemnly promise. Instead, with regard to the estimate, that is not due, therefore, If the bishop wants, as far as I though must deserve and earn ».


Needless to say: if the size of priestly life, which it is inserted into a precise sacramental hierarchical structure, takes over the emotional worm “I do not like then do not obey”, or “I do not like then do not recognize him as an authority”, at that point the Church, depicted in the symbolism like a boat driven by Pietro, in this case it could easily sink without even having to hit a iceberg like the Titanic.


There is no other way, if not obedience to Peter, together with our prayer so that he mend his ways, and it has turned again to fulfill what is its main and high apostolic ministry: "Confirming the brothers in the faith". Meanwhile we, in this climate in which the division and disunity seems to come to life right from the figure of Peter himself, more than ever we must unite in a sort of holy league and always keep the words of the Apostle Paul Blessed very clear in mind:


"But if you bite and devour one another, heed that are not consumed by one another!» [Gal 5, 15].


The People of God lost and disoriented, no need of quarrels triggered by blogger Looking for follower; It needs holy pastors in the care of souls and lay people involved in spreading the gospel truth, who share the teachings of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, come noi of Padri The Island of Patmos we have been saying for years and as recently reaffirmed the Cardinal Gerhard Muller Ldwig in full awareness that the Church is going through a profound moral and doctrinal crisis [see article, WHO]. This is our mission, Based exhortation of Blessed John the Apostle:


"And the glory which thou hast given me, I have given them, that they may be one as we are one. I in them and you in me, that they may be perfected in unity that the world may know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me " [GV 17, 22-23].


Try, therefore,, Dear Faithful and dear Readers, of the safest islands where ads and transmitted the revelation. Do not jump to nurture controversy, sterile and so-called critical scoop surreal around the various blogs that swarm on unreliable computer network, many of whom do not even have the names of those responsible or those who write some nonsense, not to mention the serious insults to the reigning Pope and those bishops and cardinals from which, these people do not even have with your face and your name, They would claim, however, acts of "heroic rebellion", unaware that rebel against Peter would result in the tragic destruction of the Church.


How many of you act in this way harm themselves, their faith and the Holy Church. On the contrary, for the pastoral and doctrinal protection service that for years we offer on the columns of this our Patmos Island, try to offer your support and your financial contribution as well, because as you know our work has, however, harsh living management costs, besides the fact that:


"Do not you know that those celebrating the cult, from the cult get their food, and those who serve at the altar, receive their share from the altar? So also the Lord has commanded that those who proclaim the Gospel should live by the Gospel " [The Cor 9, 13-14].


The good shepherd, if they really are, they must above all and above all be supported, is following them, It is contributing to the needs useful to fulfill the onerous work of their apostolic ministry. And the good shepherds, are primarily those who work in the Church and for the Church, with Peter and under Peter, to protect the Church and the Holy People of God. Who invites to rebel against his father and to destroy the father figure, or worse to deny the father, unfortunately he did not understand anything about the mystery of salvation, because this mystery is not realized through the emotional sentimentalisms, but through that obedience which eventually leads to the cross:


« […] appeared in human form,
he humbled himself
and became obedient unto death
and death on the cross.
Therefore God has highly exalted
and she gave him the name
that is above every other name;
that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bend
in the heavens, on earth and under the earth;
and every tongue
that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father "

[Fil 2, 7-11].


But if anyone knows other ways different from the cross indicated by Christ the Lord to achieve salvation, to me indicates, because unfortunately, until today, to me are totally escaped. Also because when Bishop, consecrating priest, He handed the book of the Holy Gospels to announce the mystery of redemption, and the bread and wine offered by the Holy People of God for the celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice, it may be that I have not really understood what I needed to do and how I had to do? Or should I perhaps instruct me to carry out properly the sacred ministry and to preach the Holy Gospel properly, dai blogger Anonymous scattering quarrels, odes and poisons in the telematic network? Should I let me explain the angry internet users who attack the reigning Pontiff of sites and blogs, so almost always anonymous and rigor, But except reclaim the heroism of others, they say not guilty of rebelling publicly to Peter?


Then, Dear Faithful and dear Readers, place a pastor in charge of souls, He was also a very bad priest and limited, however it remains forever most trusted and reliable sacramental grace of a blogger more or less anonymous with a vision totally distorted and fanciful of Church and Catholic doctrine, as I expressed earlier this year [see article WHO], Treasure it and follow with Christian scruples and where necessary, to sacrifice the warning of the Blessed Apostle Peter:


"I exhort the elders among you, which elder myself, witness of the sufferings of Christ and partaker of the glory to come: feed the flock of God that is entrusted to you, not by constraint but willingly, according to God; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not dominating the people entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the chief shepherd appears, You receive the crown of glory that does not fade. Equally, butter, young, be subject to the elders. Put all of humility towards each other, Why God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, You may exalt you in due time, throwing all your worries into him, because he cares for you. Keep sober, watch. Your enemy, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that your brothers around the world suffer the same sufferings as you. And the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, after a brief suffering will strengthen you and make you strong and steady. To him be the power forever. Amen!» [The Pt 5, 1-11].


For those who do this is not clear, despite all the more precise and lucid explanations, in such a case you can always retreat to Pontius Pilate company and spend their lives wondering with him: "What is truth?» [GV 18, 37-38]. And while the dogs bark at the moon, the caravan passes … [old Arab proverb], and together with the caravan also passes the possibility of entering the mystery of salvation, as it tells the parable of the virgins foolish, that when finally came groom, They were left outside the door [cf. Mt 25, 1-13]. And outside of Christ "leads the sheep" [GV 10, 7], there is the "fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" [Mt 13, 42].


the Island of Patmos, 16 February 2019




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In Paris laicist and dechristianized is burned only an empty shell: the Notre Dame Cathedral

- ecclesial news -



[…] hold on your Europe, your devilish utopias: said abortion rights and intangible social achievement, euthanasia indicated as an act of mercy, marriage between same-sex couples may adopt children, or buy them from the wombs for rent … The languishing Christianity is Notre-Dame in flames, and is therefore the Christianity to claim in every way Notre-Dame, not the secularists that Christianity they killed her.


Editors of The Island of Patmos



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Notre Dame was burnt down at the end of the eighteenth century on the stage of the guillotine that gave birth to freedom, at the equality and to fraternity, through thousands of severed heads

Our magazine It has many readers scattered across Europe and the world, and one of these yesterday, from Paris, as he followed on live television the fire of Notre Dame de Paris cathedral, He has written a few lines then sent to the Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, who showed them to the Fathers de The Island of Patmos, who have decided to publish these few introductory words: the man is no longer able to read the signs. Everything seems to be due to chance, or even fortuitous coincidences. So we have to take as purely fortuitous that the country from which sprang to life two centuries ago one of the fiercest process of de-Christianization of Europe, at the beginning of Holy Week, just days before the memorial of the passion and death of Christ the Lord, the fortuitous event He has given life to this terrible fire … everything and anything but fortuitous … About "fortuitous", a dear friend, longtime catechist, yesterday published a very interesting comment that we invite you to read " Magnificat di Paul Claudel Notre Dame " [see WHO]

16 April 2019


∗ ∗ ∗



Wax Museum in Paris: French Revolution, depiction of severed heads on the guillotine

Find Padri de The Island of Patmos,

At the beginning of Holy Week, Notre-Dame burns. It collapsed the time, It collapsed the pinnacle, in the flames. I am writing while in front of the windows of my house, which it is located a few hundred meters air line from the cathedral, Witness to a depressing sight, while on television are transmitted shooting up close.


However, Notre-Dame has already been wound the late eighteenth century by abhorrent violence of the revolutionaries, that with a blasphemous procession lead inside and lay on the altar a half-naked woman who symbolized the goddess Reason. It is still desecrated with the blood of a madman who committed suicide under the main altar in 2013. Then again hurt by Flash of tourists cameras that can see nothing in those marbles if not beauty grotesque and proud of a dead civilization.


They cry! They cry and cry for a long time, those little men, They will cry scandal, the tragedy. Shriek Emmanuel Macron: "... Sad to see burning a part of us". Bercia below the mummy of the Quirinale: "... An exceptional artistic heritage of immense significance for France, for Europe and for the world culture […] the entire Italian tightens with sincere friendship and lively participation ... " .


the presbytery with the high altar on which in November 1793 It was carried in procession and raised over a half-naked woman who represented the cult of the goddess reason

Adolescent not grown Elysee to the mummy of the Quirinale, these and other liars, because Notre-Dame venerate the marble casing and bas-reliefs; the monument French identity, It not what was visible work of faith. They worship a tangible sign of victory: the monument to the dying Christianity, of which they are the executioners.


Maybe someone among them today rejoices in secret. The small church monument, Now ashes and rubble. More consistent of all more or less radical Islamists, who at once celebrated “felice” event.


They have no right to cry Notre-Dame, which it is not that secular France which has long evicted God and Christianity, but the People of Christ, languishing and cries from well before the flames licked the cathedral.


three birds circling above the flames, because three and not two or four? Like the three lightning struck the cross on the dome of St. Peter in 2013, because three and not two, she quattro, or five ?

If the Lord permits that one of his churches to catch on fire, even the smallest and unguarded parish churches, It is to remind us that Christianity is on fire. And those flames did not arrest the firefighters, not arrest the hypocritical tears of politicians and bureaucrats, no time.


Those flames will burn forever, until the Lord wills it, and the serpent's head will be crushed by the woman [cf. Gen 3, 15] woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars [cf. AP 12, 1].


But Christianity does not die with Notre-Dame devastated by flames. He died with sold and demolished churches every year on French soil, in Belgium and the Netherlands. The Cathedral of Utrecht, refuge of a minority faith and threatened among the sand dunes of the North Sea, soon no longer belong to his Church, because it was put on sale by the diocese, that can no longer keep it.


But they did not, do not cry Utrecht. Do not mourn the remains canonical houses of Lorraine who become night club and community centers, professional studios and museums. Do not mourn the faith that dies. Mourn the marble catafalque that reminds them of the triumph, as the ghetto of Prague, intact on the orders of the Führer, he reminded the Volk in a Europe hitlerizzata, the “race” defeated and annihilated.


Notre Dame will not become museum a defeat faith. In those flames, indeed, Christianity triumphs. In those flames Christ triumphs. supreme Nell'oltraggio, as in the blood of the martyrs, the triumph of the Cross.


Is not it that today "we are all Paris'. Oh, lukewarm, you need the fire to cry. But even you will become hot: "You are neither cold nor hot. I would thou wert cold or hot! But because you are lukewarm, that is, you are neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of my mouth " [AP 3, 14-16].


No, stay at home, hold on your Europe, your devilish utopias: said abortion rights and intangible social achievement, euthanasia indicated as an act of mercy, marriage between same-sex couples may adopt children, or buy them from the wombs for rent …


Christianity languishing is Notre-Dame in flames, and is therefore the Christianity to claim in every way Notre-Dame, not the secularists that Christianity they killed her.


Paris, 15 April 2019






«You will know the truth and the truth will set you free» [GV 8,32],
but bring, spread and defend the truth not only of
risks but also the costs. Help us supporting this Island
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They were IT 08 (J) 02008 32974 001436620930
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To seal threads on the essay dedicated to offer a Neocatechumenal “expertise” illuminating a luminary of psychiatry, which it was read at the time by John Paul II in St. 1998

- ecclesial news -



"Formulated on Messrs Argüello and Carmen Hernández a diagnosis in which I focused in both the presence of a narcissistic disorder of severe type personality and particularly acute in Mr.. Arguello, while Mrs. Hernández he was suffering as a consequence for submission to dell'Argüello personality. That relationship was read and appreciated in person 1998 by St. John Paul II "


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



PDF print format article



After publication on the columns of our magazine of the essay on the Neocatechumenal Way [cf. text WHO] I had a long talk with a psychiatrist friend of renown. At the end of the interview I asked him if he could write a report that I published assumendomene me all personal responsibility. We could not have done differently, it is a scholar recognized by the international scientific community and especially considering the possible risk - not to mention the guaranteed risk - that instead of focusing on content, many people would end with polemics on his person and on psychiatry in general with laughable arguments, just as happened to my essay, and as anyone can see by scrolling to the end of that my text joints comments from several members of the Neocatechumenal Way, who intervene by denying the facts and trying to manipulate reality in a way that is sometimes irritating [cf. see WHO].

It follows below the text of the illustrious psychiatrist …


the Island of Patmos, 10 April 2019


∗ ∗ ∗




I never intervene on forum, of any kind are, But I do except for Friendship estimate that binds me to Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, whose association I and other psychiatrists we have often made use, for example, when some Catholic lay groups or even some uneducated priests and not authorized by the bishops, They have ventured into exorcisms, causing the deterioration of physical and mental state of people suffering from mental disorders, and at the same time confirming the family, unable to accept the reality of mental illness of their joint, that it was the fault of the Devil.


In several of these cases, He has often been of great help to me and several of my colleagues. Indeed, where there is a disturbance or mental illness, one of the worst things to do is to transfer elsewhere the causes, in order not to accept the mental illness itself, thus legitimizing the patient and his family in the rejection of psychiatric disorder. Like this, father ariel, which at the time had a well formation as an exorcist and considers that certain exceptionally rare cases, indeed very rare, several times he helped various psychiatrists by severely recalling both lay Catholic groups who staged liberating prayers, and some priests esorcista-do-it-yourself, or so-called freelance, but also it has repeatedly requested the intervention of the bishops, before the damage caused by such persons to persons with psychopathology sometimes even severe type, and not a few of my colleagues him for this still very grateful for the invaluable assistance.


Father Ariel, priest and scholar of recognized reliability, It is the guarantor of my "real life", since for professional and institutional reasons I am obliged to choose the formula of Letter Signed. It goes without saying, however, that, father ariel, has my autograph letter registered together with a copy of the report I delivered to the Holy See in 1998 and on which below will detail.


They are specialist in psychiatry, specialist in neurology, director of clinical research on mental disorders and ordinary emeritus; for my skills I had and I have collaborated with various governmental and non-governmental institutions: with the National Research Council, with several North American associations for the recovery of psychologically damaged by the so-called psycho-seven people, with various international psychiatric clinical institutes that have sent me to hold several masters also to illustrate the dynamics and recovery techniques of this type of patient to colleagues and trainees.


A Father Ariel I performed a document at the time protocollato to the Holy See, and along with it a private letter reached me months later and dated 12 January 1999, sent to me by a prelate of the Curia is now a senior cardinal, who informed me of his own free initiative that my relationship had been "personally read and appreciated by the Supreme Pontiff to which I myself handed holding me with His Holiness for a private interview 25 minutes ».




  1. after my meeting took place in 1998 with Mr.. Kiko Argüello and Carmen Hernández the defunct, favored by some prelates who introduced me not as a friend but as a psychiatrist and "modern philosophy scholar" and that entertained me to dinner with the two and the rest of the evening for a total of 6 hours;
  1. after consideration of numerous video-documents that were recorded public speeches of these two founders of this Catholic lay association;
  1. after consideration of several written testimonies from people living in different parts of the world, out of this aggregation and sent by them to the Holy See and to me it provided by the prelates who had contacted me to ask expert opinion;


formulai sui Sig.ri Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez one diagnosi where I focused in both the narcissistic disorder of the existence of the serious type personality and particularly exacerbated nell'Argüello, Hernandez while he was suffering as a consequence for submission to the dominant personality dell'Argüello.


To the layman precise in the short and said disorder is characterized by grandiose ideas (the so-called megalomania), with all the consequences and variables, hypomania included, nell'Argüello present in severe and characterized by high peaks of inflated self-esteem and manic verbal. In these types of narcissism personality generates sense of superiority sometimes immoderate, with the further peculiarity arrogance and disregard, the propensity to lie and especially to alter and to induce others to the alteration of reality.


If these types of clinical subjects choose it as a ground for their manifestation and realization the religious sphere can generate serious damage, exercising an authority on the subject that transcends the human being as deriving from their divine. People with these psychopathological disorders end up in fact to legitimize itself before others by putting: "I do not want me, He wants and God commands him ", thus producing even incalculable harmful effects on the fragile psychologies, on psychos, about suffering from various depressive syndromes, but also on other patients like them as narcissistic personality disorder.


By divine investiture of self-attribution the pathological narcissist justify before his followers the subversion of reality and any kind of practical real data through denial of strong emotional charges broadcasts bring, the effect in the subject, the year inhibition of critical sense also most elementary. It follows the danger produced by the so-called "plagiarism" effect and its manipulation of weak personality, or encumbered in turn mild or severe disorders who end up finding, in these leaders and combinations they create, self-legitimation and safety. If you detached from these associations and their subjection to the personality of leader, these people lose self-legitimation and all kinds of security and, assuming the "best", fall into depressive syndrome endoreattiva, which it is typical of loss produced by mourning, but also from other situations of loss experienced by the subject so traumatic as bereavement.


In my report Seven or are drawn up at the express request of some prelates of the Holy See, I dettagliai that in these lines I have just summarized very quickly for explanatory discursive level.


I believe that the injured persons, including more families, are a widely documentable reality, no false rumors spread by those "inevitable enemy" figures that constitute them always necessary; of the "enemies" whose imaginary actions of hostility need certain types of leaders and certain structures to be able to declare "victims of persecution", imputing to them persecutory actions against them, all in a closed environment and characterized by the irrational collective. Not a few are my colleagues who participated in caring for each other psychotherapies so-called "leaked", or entire families treated with group psychotherapy for the whole family.


The ecclesiastical authorities have been informed several times over the years, but it seems to have chosen not to listen, despite having agreed with me and my other colleagues. In fact, I understand that also asked the opinion of other specialist, including an experienced Spanish psychiatrist, Member of 'The Work of God, with whom I had a long private talk in 1999 and following various exchanges.


In that year 1998 I also gave reason, when I illustrated the kind of alterations and fractures that may of arising when these aggregations, which they tend to branch through employment forms involving the exclusion of non-aligned, taking hold in the various ecclesiastical structures that vary by individual parishes to the diocesan curia until the offices of the Holy See, to follow orders and religious congregations, male and female within which, on the lessons from documentation provided to me, They tend to put their young followers, purpose of which is growing in numbers to approve of her entire religious communities or transforming them from snaturandole. Among the documents provided by the Vatican prelates I quote only one dating back to 1992: the General Council of a congregation, This perceived risk, He imposed religious to choose between the charism of their founder and belonging to this lay association that was taking place inside of of their communities. I entered the religious congregation of pulse or indication of the founders of this lay aggregation, as soon as he was made to understand that never it would be allowed to alter and transform the internal structure, enabled to choose between this and lay religious congregation aggregation, They chose the first, and did not hesitate to leave the religious congregation.


I am pleased to have been persuaded to provide these explanations, because then it was given opportunity to put this politely hope: I hope no clergyman, the violet and purple, try tomorrow to claim that the Holy See had not been advised well and on time by the most competent specialists in various fields of scientific knowledge. Also for this, considering my age, I left all the documentation in the original copy to my good friend Father Ariel, and together with my that of other specialists, like me who they were interviewed at the time by some prelates who required our advice informing us that they were acting in the name and on behalf of St. John Paul II.


Lugano, 5 April 2019





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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

Sleepers. From dreamers to the repentant prostitute, through the path of true mercy of Christ God

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



In confession Jesus, through the priest, He gives us His confidence. When we are acquitted, Also we return free from the spiritual chains that come from the sins committed. Once free, God puts his Father's merciful love in our hearts and calls us with confidence: goes and donalo. And even if we are weak, and despite the efforts we will fall back on other sins, we never stop to ask his forgiveness and to open ourselves to His confidence. In fact, the writer Ernest Hemingway said: "The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust him".


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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Dear brothers and sisters.

Movie poster Sleepers (1996)

the theme of sin and guilt that emerges on the page of the Gospel of this V Sunday of Lent [texts of the Liturgy of the Word, WHO], It is part of our faith and it is not always easy to talk about it properly or simply. The great medium of television presents a daily reality that not only, does not help to understand the sin, but that enhance their, sin as a lifestyle.


More than two decades ago It was produced and distributed a film that maybe someone will remember: Sleepers. The cast is made up of first-rate actors: Robert DeNiro, Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Bacon, Brad Pitt e Jason Patric [cf. see card WHO]. In this film set in the popular quarters of Americans 1966, four teenagers perform a prank, just moved by the intention of committing a harmless prank, but it is likely to end in tragedy. This history: i quattro, near the stadium, flee with the cart of a salesman hot dogs, with which ever they come in front of the ramp of subway stairs; the cart escapes their hand and falls down the stairs, at the risk of killing an elderly man who was going up the ramp. The four were tried and sentenced to eighteen months in juvie.


The whole plot is a tissue of violence and revenge, including sexual abuse of minors by several prison guards. As if this film wants to tell us from evil and guilt, you have no way out. Mistaken, instead. Our Lord teaches us how he loves sinners and helps them get out of their weaknesses. Starting in fact right from the first reading of this liturgy, read this prophetic song:


"There, I will do a new thing: […] I will make the wilderness a highway, rivers in the desert " [Is 43, 19].


by film Sleepers: The prank ends up touching the tragedy …

The Prophet He writes in the second exodus of the Babylonian captivity, the sixth century. a.C, When the Israelites were releasing oppression of Babylon. In these verses, God comforts the Jews and indicates a fertile desert road in the desert. Desert and steppe are places where donate its river, that is, his love alive and real. And all this we send something important: even before our behavioral weaknesses, that they seem to be sand dunes where we get lost, we must not be afraid to ask for the water of love of God. Defects whitewash the beauty of our uniqueness: We are not discouraged. On the contrary, in front of them let us trust in God with a spontaneous prayer too loud. Also God is with us not only in weaknesses, but also in the experience of falls or major sins.


Sleepers, reformatory

In the passage of the adulteress we read that the Pharisees and scribes had tried to entrap Jesus with a dilemma, using for this purpose the technique of a rhetorical device that is typical in the hearings of criminal trials since the ancient greek and roman criminal law. The trap consists precisely in the response that is expected bystanders, namely that: if you say to stone the woman, go against your teaching of love. If you say not to stone her, go against the law of Moses and Roman law, that applied at the time in the Judean colony. Indeed, Rome while allowing the legitimacy of the rabbinical courts and the Great Sanhedrin on religious matters or related to the ancient Temple, if it was a question of issuing certain sentences, the power could be exercised - or the approved sentence carried out -, only by the Roman power, exactly as in the case of the execution of the death sentence of Jesus Christ.


Faced with this question-trap, Jesus gives the answer in order to overcome the dilemma. The Pharisees can not apply the law of Moses with her. At this point the Lord Jesus can instead apply the teaching of Love:


Sleepers, Robert DeNiro, in the role of pastor of four teenagers, during deposition in court

"Then Jesus stood up and said,: «Donna, where am I? Has no one condemned? […] Neither do I condemn; will’ and from now on sin no more " [GV 8, 10-11].


We note: Jesus stands up and he brings forth his act of forgiveness: tender and tenacious love that woman. Not at all he says that adultery is a righteous act, understandable, acceptable, or to understand by virtue of trends or social costumes. That sin, It remains a grave sin. What matters to Jesus, Now you see in the eyes of the adulteress that true repentance: when he sees the repentant look, God welcomes the sinner in his divine heart, and accepting it destroys his sin. At that ponto Jesus speaks directly to women, which shows to be so desirous of love. Now she can also raise her and take her in his merciful heart. The Divine Redeemer, destroying that sin, He gave women the freedom to walk the path of God; and showing and giving confidence to the woman, He makes her a daughter repentant.


Sleepers, Rober De Niro in the role of the good shepherd

So it is for us too: in confessing Jesus, through the priest, He gives us His confidence. When we are acquitted, Also we return free from the spiritual chains that come from the sins committed. Once free, God puts his Father's merciful love in our hearts and calls us with confidence: goes and donalo. And even if we are weak, and despite the efforts we will fall back on other sins, we never stop to ask his forgiveness and to open ourselves to His confidence. In fact, the writer Ernest Hemingway said: "The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust him".


The Lord give us the joy of his look full of confidence to be ourselves witnessing a greater hope.





Rome, 7 April 2019




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The personal blog of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos

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the Father Gabriele blog




Christ forgives the repentant prostitute telling: "We’ and from now on sin no more ", He does not tell her at all to continue as before and more than before …

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



'Go', and from now on sin no more "are the words of Christ and as such they cannot be questioned by anyone, even by the Church and by her ministers. Freedom of Mercy is a divine freedom that is inconceivable except in relation to the salvation of souls. God allows everything to man, except that which deprives him of grace and exposes it to damnation. The ban that man must do just then, is to live in sin, never a sin can be good, santo, desirable, excusable, tameable, to move with the times, modern and so to follow.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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Maddalena, Yesterday and Today …

The Gospel from John of this Fifth Sunday of Lent [see Liturgy of the Word, WHO] it is perhaps equal to that of the Merciful Father, the most famous and known Gospel passage. So much so that became proverbial and popular expression of Jesus: "Which one of you is without sin, cast the first stone ".


Even in the analysis of this text and in its correct exegesis, we must not be satisfied with a reading merciful that, while we are having the merit to satisfy all through a renewed apocatastasis, may belie the substance of Jesus' teaching about sin and authentic sacramental practice of reconciliation in the Church. In fact nexists on an exegesis admits that the criterion of political correctness or personalism, but the authentic exegesis is always done in the Holy Spirit is the one who guides and directs the whole truth [cf. GV. 16,13]. The same Spirit that blows on the Holy Church and the blessed masters and doctors, It allows us to scrutinize and learn the true meaning of the sacred pages of the Word of God.


The context and the setting this Gospel passage very reminiscent of the theme of Luke's mercy and forgiveness that Christ grants to sinners, and in a particular way to some women issues [cf. LC 7, 36-50; 8,2-3]. The sacral setting of the Temple, in which the episode takes place, significantly it emphasizes the power of authority of Christ in introducing an innovation in the worship of the Father. It is no longer to offer an animal sacrifice as a form of sacrificial atonement - on the basis of ancient Israel - but through the way of mercy to the Lord becomes worship: 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice " [cf. Os 6,6; Mt 9,13].


the Servant of God Father Oreste Benzi [Rimini 1925 – Rimini 2007]

The summit of the mercy is the death of God's Son, person who becomes a sacrificial offering to the Father for the sins of all mankind, at all times:


"It was like a lamb led to the slaughter […] But the Lord is bruise him. If he offers in a guilt offering, see his offspring, will live long, It will be accomplished through him the Lord's will " [cf. Is 53,7; 10].


Divine Mercy is reached through the sacrifice of the Son, through Christ fact will arise in the world an offspring of rescued and pardoned you repudiate the sin and compromise with evil, to live in the freedom of God's children. Living without sin is not utopian but real possibility because it is a gift that has already been granted in the passion and resurrection of Jesus, It is a gift of grace that is rediscovered. The man is not his sin, but even an animal from saddle ridden by God or the devil, as she claimed by the heresiarch Luther in his wretched teaching.


We understand: mercy that the Lord has on the world it is in view of a final redemption from sin - Sother souls that the Church in her ministry work -, He continues in the wake of the mercy cult, through which the man is redeemed. The medicine of mercy, It needs truth and justice so that it reaches the soul's health. So the adulteress episode helps us to understand this divine practice, now so disregarded and mistreated.


Father Oreste Benzi visiting Saint John Paul II with a prostitute sick with AIDS

The adulterous the Gospel of this Sunday, goes about the sin of prostitution and adultery, It is a public sinner and perhaps already known to his accusers. It thus becomes a tool and pretext to accuse Jesus and put him to death as a troublemaker Law. The woman, in this context, It makes the experience of truth and human justice which unfortunately prove imperfect.


Moses, although remembered as the supreme legislator of Israel, He should also take note of sin and human limitation and that sclerocardia that hinders live according to God's plan, giving the law also grants the exemptions that mortify [cf. MC 10, 4-5]. The law should protect man does not save, It not justified as it had to fully understand St. Paul during his preaching. In Jesus, which it is greater than Moses, it fulfills the law, perfecting it through his person: "You have heard that it was said … but I tell you " [cf. Mt 5,21-ss].


Christ does not intend to quibble against his enemies, He does not want to hear the judges of a poor woman guilty, He wants first of all to bring the truth so that there is a genuine justification for both guilty that his accusers. So down the position of these men and forces them to look truth within themselves and to see themselves in relation to sin, in any sin: "Which one of you is without sin, be the first to throw the stone at her " [cf. GV 8,7]. Now, sand the woman is a sinner, one who has transgressed the law, they can perhaps be said to be above the law or unable to transgress? Jesus powerfully puts before them a disconcerting truth that the evangelist John has already introduced us in the previous chapter to this page: "It was not Moses give you the Law? Yet none of you keeps the law! Why do you seek to kill me?» [cf. GV 7,19].


Father Oreste Benzi, a true priest of the road because the true path of Christ …

These men They are not immune from the contagion of sin, want justice, but do not tolerate submit before the light of truth. The effort to discover sinners and pain for the discovery of their pitiable condition leads them to abandon the attitude of condemnation: "Hearing this, they went away one by one, beginning with the eldest to the last " [cf. GV 8, 9].


Jesus' statement It brings forth the truth in the souls of these men and leads to a justice that restores balance, for them there will be a justification only when, like the publican in the Temple, They will recognize themselves in need of forgiveness and cleansing, by ceasing to use the law as a weapon of accusation [cf. LC 18,13]. Thus removed the accusers "only the two of them remained: the miserable and mercy ", St. Augustine comments as well this time. The story of the woman has not clarified nor resolved, what will be the decision of Jesus? First, Jesus calls, It puts it in the middle, He wants to re-make the truth so we've got to justify. He calls her "woman", the restoration of the dignity that his accusers had taken off his, she is a creature of the Father, can not be defined by his sin, but by the love that God used to call her to life. The question of Christ emphasizes the lack of conviction not on guilt: "Has no one condemned?», This happens every time we put ourselves before the Lord, which does not ignore certain sin but want the sinner himself is aware of his condition of infirmity desiring healing.


This woman does not express a visible repentance, full of love and emotion as the sinful woman of Luke's Gospel [cf. LC 7,36-50], yet Jesus uses with her a totally exaggerated kindness as opposed to that of the Pharisees: "You judge according to the flesh; I do not judge anyone " [cf. GV 8,15]. The final of the Gospel makes it clear why this particular exercise of benevolence and mercy from Jesus: 'Go', and from now on sin no more ". But what they want to say these words? First of all, be firmly stressed obtained freedom from sin that comes to us through the grace of Christ and his sacrifice: yes she is free to go, but not to sin again.


the Grateful daughters …

Let us remember that these are the words of Christ and as such they cannot be questioned by anyone, even by the Church and by her ministers. Freedom of Mercy is a divine freedom that is inconceivable except in relation to the salvation of souls. God allows everything to man, except that which deprives him of grace and exposes it to damnation. The ban that man must do just then, is to live in sin, never a sin can be good, santo, desirable, excusable, tameable, to move with the times, modern and so to follow. Sin is always sin and was the cause of all suffering of our Divine Redeemer: "He was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities;. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with his stripes we are healed " [cf. Is 53,5].


Cagliari, 7 April 2019



the personal blog by Father Ivano






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