In this terrible dark night, for the New Year 2019 the work program has been dictated to the Island of Patmos from the Blessed Apostle Peter: “Your enemy, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that your brothers around the world suffer the same sufferings as you "

— Theologica —



"The church, this spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, she is drunk with shrewd enemies who fill her with bitterness and who lay their sacrilegious hands on all her most desirable things. Where is the seat of the Blessed Peter mail to the chair of truth to enlighten the people, there have established the throne of their abominable impiety, so hitting the shepherd, dispersing the flock " [S.S. Leone XIII, AGAINST SATAN AND ANGELS]



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Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

The period that marks the end and the beginning of a new year, more than time budgets and programs is a special occasion more to rely on God and the Blessed Virgin Mary Mater Dei, especially in these times not happy, before which occurs to my mind the tender memory of the late Cardinal Carlo Caffara, that in one of our last conversations, when the 19 August 2017 He was kind enough to call me to greet me for my 54th birthday, in the turn of the speech he said:


"What the Church to live a dramatic moment that has no historical precedent, only blind and irrational can deny, if anything remains passive waiting for all steps and to come as for better times charm ".


And just with the Cardinal Carlo Caffara I faced many times complex and painful conversations related to those passages of Holy Scripture used today by many exegetes, sure you can use them as if they were homeopathic pills with which to treat a degenerated cancer in its terminal phase irreversible. Let me be clear: "Homeopathic pills" are certainly not the Holy Scriptures, or certain steps in particular, it is the way in which some presume reassuringly surreal use those passages of God's Word that encloses to the tragedy of our own rules in mind. This is combined with an operation in itself worse: use the Holy Scriptures monche, extrapolating a piece of sentence out of context and use them to tell them what to them is not really written. Simply it said that using this way, the Word of God to impose or to seal with the supernatural its human opinions, in some respects it could be worse than heresy to state. Perhaps it was this way of acting he did say to Karl Marx - which was invented not the concept but the extrapolated by Titus Lucretius Carus - that "Religion is the opium of the Peoples'. And he was right, If this definition he meant the kind of religion that God uses in preposterous way, or so to say opiate, in order first and last to impose the subjective ideas and totally objectionable man. There has always been a fact much worse classical atheism atheism which denies God: atheism of those who use God to deify their own opinions and interpretations, , changing their in divine truths not subject to discussion and disproved. Forever, the worst atheism, It is not to deny God, but the place of God; It is not to deny his word, but the twisting of his Word. And today, Unfortunately, teem in the visible Church bishops and priests who are the perfect atheists devotees practitioners.


Incidentally remember that Lucretius [Campania 94 a.C. - Rome 54 a.C], In his work Nature, It says how they are evident the dire consequences of religion, citing as an example the case of Iphigenia, below explaining that the myth is a false representation of reality, the so-called euhemerism, Named after prosperity [Evemero from Messina, who lived between the fourth and third centuries B.C.. in Ancient Greece] from which develops the idea that the origin of the gods, else there would be that of human personality, marked by special skills and talents, and finally folded due to divine nature and consequent worship of worship by populations. The religion, according to the classic Roman Author, that's what the main cause of ignorance and unhappiness of men. Now, as Lucretius was born about a century and died half a century before the birth of Christ, It is obvious that he does not turn to Christianity, but the negative religious spirit that runs through the entire history of humanity. Long would be the anthropological and historical discourse to explain and demonstrate with scientific rigor that in the history of humanity, the decline, sometimes the disappearance of many ancient civilizations, It has always been preceded by religious decadence, which reached its peak produced the collapse of the political systems and government, Finally, the total decay resulting in disappearance of those same civilization.




From everything narrated so far We, however, we feel immune to a presumption without limits, Why, doing cut and paste on the Holy Scriptures, extrapolate from them the type of homeopathic pills: "Christ the Lord has ensured that the gates of hell shall not prevail!». It's true, he said it. But, we want to ask about what the gates of hell shall not prevail? For when Christ the Lord says to Peter:


"You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" [Mt 16, 18]


It is nothing short of a must wonder: in which the Church was referring? Obvious: to his, or better: the Church of God's Word, since the mystical and soteriological definition of the Church there gives the Blessed Apostle Paul pointing to Christ as "the head of the body which is the Church" [With the 1, 18]. It is therefore natural that the gates of hell shall not prevail against Christ, to the same extent in which Satan, trying the man Jesus in the desert [cf. Mt 4, 1-11], certainly he could not topple the Word of God incarnate. I fear, however, that meanders - perhaps now even more than ever - some confusion before which the question arises: is not that the religious animal, or if you prefer the theological animal, It has come to confuse the Church, the mystical body of Christ, of which the glorified Christ is the head and we are living members, with that blatant sin of this structure is the actual visible Church, structured on a human hierarchy is composed of men, many of whom have been living beyond good and evil, after having long since lost the meaning same, of good and evil? Because in case certain they had not understood, it is referring to this kind of structure that Lord Christ says with a terrible question: "But the Son of Man, when will, find faith on earth?» [LC 18, 8]. What reason would ever have, the Word of God, to launch this question that weighs more than they can weigh the boulders of an entire mountain, if the Church is Christ and is governed by the Holy Spirit and therefore "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"? [Mt 16, 18]. Perhaps, to Christ the Lord on faith, by chance an inconvenient question that needs to be corrected on the metaphysical plane and dogmatic plan? It can also be, because basically, Christ the Lord, It was at this well-intentioned, as such devoid of all those instruments of scholastic metaphysics and that will only centuries later. In short: in his "divine ignorance" he did not know and did not apply the logic of Aristotle.


did what, we must also continue to change the Catechism of the Catholic Church, many articles which are made every day a dead letter, or emptied of their meaning, thanks to today's pastoral practice that we naturally believe that it is strictly inspired by the Holy Spirit, indeed dictated word for word, interview interview directly from the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. And if they are really things, then it would be good to correct all the texts of the Sacred Scriptures that refer for example to the great apostasy in the Church:


"Before the coming of Christ, the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers [cf. Ii Ts 2,4-12; I Ts 5,2-3; 2 GV 7; 1 GV 2,18.22]. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth [cf. LC 21,12; GV 15,19-20] He will unveil the "mystery of iniquity" in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems, the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, that is, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh [cf. Ii Ts 2,4-12; I Ts 5,2-3; 2 GV 7; The Gv 2,18.22]. This Antichrist is already delineated in the world whenever it wants to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be accomplished if not beyond it, through the eschatological judgment; also under its mitigated form, The Church has rejected this falsification of the kingdom under the name of millenarianism [cf. Sant'Offizio, The Decree on millenarismo (19 July 1944): DS 3839] especially in the political form of a secular messianism "intrinsically perverse" [Pio XI, Became. enc. The Redeemer (19 March 1937): AAS 29 (1937) 65-106, condemning the "false mysticism" of this "counterfeit of the redemption of the lowly" (p. 69); Vatican Council II, Cost. past. The joy and hope, 20-21: AAS 58 (1966) 1040-1042]. The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and resurrection [cf. AP 19,1-9]. The kingdom will be fulfilled, then through a historic triumph of the Church [cf. AP 13] according to an ascending progress, but through God's victory over the final unleashing of evil [cf. AP 20,7-10] who will make his Bride come down from heaven [cf. AP 21,2-4]. God's triumph over the revolt of evil will take the form of the Last Judgment [cf. AP 20,12] after the final cosmic upheaval of this passing world " [Catechism of the Catholic Church, NN. 675-677].


If the Catechism all ’ today in force, as it dominated and in fact set aside by the new pastoral "do-goodism", supportandosi on the Apocalypse of Blessed John the Apostle and other Apostolic Letters, over and above all that the Holy Gospel itself, he claims:


"The kingdom will be fulfilled, then through a historic triumph of the Church a progressive ascendancy, but through God's victory over the final unleashing of evil " [Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 677]


how correct and very unimaginative, We should read and interpret that "will not prevail"? Because if someone thinks that the powers of hell will never prevail on today visibly reduced visible Church to a structure of sin that produces internally sin and that spreads outside, in this case better to abandon the metaphysical and dogmatic and give to the far more healthy and satisfying art of gastronomy and oenology.




Lately I have been thinking more and more often on different themes linked together by a common thread, from Revelation structure prepared by the Apostle John Beato on an Aegean island known as Patmos Island, also called the place of the last revelation, which takes its name not by chance that our magazine. As we know, Revelation speaks of the Antichrist and his final defeat, However, before which he will sow bad that at present perhaps we can even imagine in his devastating significance. Obviously, the apocalyptic is an allegorical language that shows beyond the images something very real; and this is something that today we might reasonably define in its advanced stage. He writes the Blessed Apostle:


"Come, I'll see the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters. With whom they have committed fornication the kings of the earth and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication " [AP 17, 2]


It just goes ahead:


"Fell, fell
Babylon the Great
and it has become den of demons,
cage for every unclean spirit,
prison of every unclean and hated bird
and a cage for every unclean and hated beast.
For all nations have drunk of the wine
of her fornication,
The kings of the earth have committed fornication with her
and the merchants of the earth grew rich
of her delicacies " [AP 18, 2-3].


For a long time it was thought - and the commentators have explained with great wealth - that the Blessed Apostle, using allegorical language, in these lines he had hidden the image of Rome and the Roman Empire. About that, in my previous writing I tried to explain:


"... making use of an old testamentary image Blessed Apostle John addresses the Roman Empire, then Rome hidden behind "Babylon the Great", all for reasons that anyone can understand. Reasons related in part to security and partly to the spread of the text, in order to prevent their destruction by the Romans at the time about a strong suspicion towards gesuano movement and its spread of his message. After two thousand years now, it comes from saying that never as today has that reference to ancient Rome hidden behind the image of Babylon current, place that has long Roma "has made all nations drink of the wrath of her fornication with wine" [see article, WHO].


Once you have painted these pictures, the Blessed Apostle followed by saying that the Chosen People must escape from Babylon:


«Exit, my people, from Babylon
be not partakers of her sins,
and ye receive not of her plagues.
For her sins have reached unto heaven
and God hath remembered her iniquities.
Pagatela with his own coin,
retribuitele twice his misdeeds.
Pour double measure in the cup which mingled.
All he has spent his glory and his
luxury, restituiteglielo so much torment and sorrow.
As he said in his heart: I sit a queen,
and I am no widow, and mourning I shall never see;
because of this, in one day,
We will of her plagues:
death, mourning and famine;
It will be burned,
for strong is the Lord God
who judges " [AP 18, 4-8]


What does it mean to say with the dramatic invitation:


«Exit, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and receive not of her plagues "? [AP 18, 4].


The significance of this dramatic invitation I tried to represent him in an article of mine in which I explain in what way the visible church, after Shoah the Catholic world, It will reach the dock at the new Nuremberg trial, where we will hear an army of clerics say: “But I only obeyed orders from above!» [the article is readable, WHO].




There are times when you need to escape, or move away decisively, which it is also synonymous with escape, by virtue of the fact that within a structure of sin, then a gear structure which produces sin internally and which diffuses the outside its borders, there are two different kinds of grave responsibilities: the active complicity of those who generate the evil and spread the, to follow along with the passive complicity, no less serious for this, of all those who rather than lose their little place in the sun they are silent and pretend not to see, He is forgetting how the Lord made his escape faithful few survivors from the City of Sodom and Gomorrah before they were destroyed, urging them not to look back while his wrath would be unleashed, except finish mutated, as it happened to Lot's wife, into a pillar of salt [cf. Gen 19, 1-29].


In a Church in which the ecclesiastical law has been replaced by the arbitrary whims of subjects able to hit the innocent with unprecedented destructive wickedness worthy of Joseph Goebbels, all good officers who are powerless and segretarietti, except complain to their intimate inside closed rooms, They are equally responsible and complicit in sin; and will end one day destroyed along with all the other inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. When the interior of a structure of sin can not do anything, then you need to escape from the passive accomplice impotence, give up without hesitation to their little place in the sun, turning pleading with the diocesan bishop to ask for the grace to be sent to the priest in the most remote of rural parishes or high mountain. It is indeed good clarify that the reason "I could not do anything", or that even worse given by Nazi leaders in Nuremberg: "I obeyed the orders from above ', He can not save the guilty from the right fork of men, still less by far more severe punishment given by justice and mercy of God, that we remember: "He punishes and shows mercy ' [Tb 13, 1].


The truth is that unfortunately the sin and with it the structures of sin, They are convenient to all: who gives birth to sin, who commits, who covers him and who before that assists silent and helpless, in the inner desire no less perverse can derive anything from sin. It is the truth, that's not in the active sinners like to taxable sinners; why they are trying in every way, by recourse to falsehood and coercive and violent means, to destroy the truth together with the good that proceeds from it.




Christ the Lord reminds the danger and pitfalls of Satan very precisely to Peter himself, within a discourse from which many like to extrapolate and give only one piece of sentence: "Strengthen your brethren" [LC 22, 32], to give so much to a non-life Super Peter, but at a Super Pontiff. This sentence, But, It is preceded by a tragic "before", and is followed by a dramatic "after". Let us try to analyze it all, eliminating the need to say to Christ the Lord what the Word of God did not say, considering that He is seriously warned Peter telling him:


«Simone, Simone, behold Satan has demanded to sift you like wheat; but I prayed for you, that your faith may not fail ".


Let's stop this first part and try to ask: but where is Christ the Lord - then Peter, to whom he said, "And I tell you: You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it " [Mt 16, 18] - affirms and reassures that his faith will never be any less? Christ the Lord did not even alleged, He reassures Peter that he will pray that his faith "may not fail ', does not say and does not guarantee at all that Peter's faith will never and in no way less. What also amply demonstrated by the continuation of the sentence, when Christ the Lord, Peter boldly states that all:


"Man, with you I am ready to go to prison and to death " [LC 22, 33]


unhesitatingly answers:


«Pietro, I'm telling you: the cock shall not crow before you thrice deny that you know " [LC 22, 34].


The sequence is therefore this: Christ the Lord puts Peter on guard against Satan, assuring him that he will pray that his faith may not fail;, but in the event that it is even less, It gave, as the facts show, It will do nothing to prevent it, because otherwise it would deny a suffix of man's creation, that is freedom and free will; and God can not contradict himself. In fact Pietro, which it is the first great master of doctrine and faith, finds nothing better to do than deny three times shortly after the Word of God made man, and everything after that Christ the Lord, at the Last Supper, He had instituted a priest and head of the College of the Apostles, namely the Supreme Pontiff [Cf Lc 22, 7-19]. Had he not received Pietro, viepiù by Christ, God himself, a special grace and just as completely Holy Spirit's special assistance, it should be remembered, do not “It is born” only later, to Pentecost, as already it hovered over the waters in the days of the creation of the world? [Gen 1, 1-2].


We also know that Peter's story does not end here, because the same Blessed Apostle Paul tells us that in Antioch shooting and publicly rebuked the Prince of Apostles in matters of doctrine and faith [cf. Gal 2, 11-14]; because if Peter had continued and led the believers of Christ in that error, today we would not be Christians, would have only a seven heretical of Jewish matrix, because of Peter who showed at that moment not to understand, or have misunderstood some of the fundamentals of the mystery of revelation and redemption. Even in this case, perhaps you need to understand that only eighteen centuries later will be defined the dogma of papal infallibility which makes the Roman Pontiff not subject to wandering in matters of doctrine and faith, whereas Pietro, chosen by Christ, God himself, apparently he could easily err in matters of doctrine and faith, evidently because the dogma of papal infallibility had not yet been proclaimed?


Let us see what was the error of Peter and that tells us about the Blessed Apostle Paul:


"But when Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. Indeed, before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles:; but after their coming, he withdrew and separated himself, for fear of the circumcision. And the other Jews did the same in the simulation, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their dissimulation. But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the Gospel, said to Peter before all: “Be yourself, being a Jew, live like a Gentile and not in the manner of the Jews, how can you compel the Gentiles to live like Jews”?» [cf. Gal 2, 11-14]

Many do not know what it all, then we try to briefly summarize: Pietro, before this episode narrated by Paul, He took his meals with pagans and had been taught that salvation comes through faith, place that is not conceivable a Christian observance of the law for its own sake without faith from which are born the works [cf. Powered 2, 14-26]. But, when some Jews joined the community, for fear of giving them sorrow to take meals with pagans, he withdrew to eat on the sidelines observing all the meticulous provisions of the rabbinic law - the so-called cosher kasherùt —, because the Jews were forbidden to take food with the Gentiles, considered unclean; and thereby he gave ambiguously to understand that salvation is achieved by compliance with the rabbinical laws, then those enclosed in Talmud Talmud, where, starting from the third century, these norms were drawn up and were in force long before the time of the Jesuits; standards later codified in the sixteenth century, in the legal text Table set Shulkhan ark. This behavior was considered to be very dangerous Paul on what today we would call strictly doctrinal. Indeed, This way of acting, He would cause the Gentiles to be their church, or to submit to what were the requirements of Rule halakha, rabbinic law interpretation of the rabbis themselves erected on the dictates of the Book of Leviticus and the Book of Deuteronomy; or, i pagani, they would have to submit to Hlcot Hlkhot [laws of the Jews], from circumcision. By acting in this way Peter put at serious risk the unity of the Church, to the point that Paul resumes publicly and in a severe manner, giving hypocrite and telling him in substance: how you can evangelize if it's you the first to be ambiguous and lacking in clarity in proclaiming the mystery of Revelation and Redemption?


Here's the thing, and so the events took place: Pietro, chosen and appointed by Christ the Lord, He erred in matters of doctrine and faith at the risk of compromising the unity of the Church, a documented fact and then passed down through the historicity of the sacred texts from the Pauline Letters. For the rest, those who have read and understood, face on its behalf its assessments. While stating that for my part, regardless of the ancient apostolic Antiochene theological disputes and regardless of the ironies that I have spent on those who consider the infallibility of the Roman Pontiff in matters of doctrine and faith as a kind of magic that the Holy Spirit would act even beyond the will itself the Successor of Peter, in the dogmapapal fallibility remains out of the question and its application is explicated in the Dogmatic Constitution The eternal shepherd of Blessed Pope Pius IX and then in To protect the faith of the Holy Pontiff John Paul II. The exercise of infallible teaching, however, it involves specific features and requirements that can not be separated from freedom and the free will of those who practice it this infallible teaching. These characteristics are summarized by the refined theologian Cardinal Charles Journet [1891-1975] than in his work Church of the Incarnate Word explains:


"The axiom" where the Pope is, there is the Church ", so where the Pope acts as Pope and Head of the Church; if not, or The Church is in him, neither he is in the Church ".


Exactly as it happened in Antioch and exactly how it could be repeated throughout history, without the dogma of papal infallibility and is minimally affected in any way, quite the opposite: recognize the freedom and free will, with its ability to accept or to refuse the grace of state, it means protecting, and in my opinion even in the best way, the dogma of the infallibility of the same. This is the reason why recently, a question we might call mere academic speculation, my interrogai: "Can a Roman Pontiff legitimately elected and legitimate Successor of the Blessed Apostle Peter to be deprived of the grace of state?» [see article, WHO]. Following the logic of the Holy Scriptures, from the mystery of creation itself and the Book of Genesis, it looks to be, enough to consider that He did not prevent Adam and Eve committing the original sin because of which was handed over a corrupt and deadly nature to all mankind that descended from them; a poor humanity that sin not committed it, but because of them he has inherited through corruption of this nature because of their sin of rebellion to God the Father. Now, because God, If not for those two wretches, but at least for the poor humanity that they would be followed, unsprung their freedom and preventing their free will to make that sin? From this we can deduce logically and theologically that all men, including Catholic faithful, presbyters, bishops and the Roman Pontiff, They may be closed to the sanctifying grace or reject the sanctifying grace, why never, It gave, He has turned against the freedom of man, nor ever he has suspended for one minute man the exercise of this right, and he never acted on it beyond his will, no he did with Adam and Eve, no he did so with Cain, He has not done so with Judas Iscariot, did not do it with the Blessed Apostle Peter, who after being ordained high priest and chosen as Vicar of Christ on earth, It initiates to own ministry denying Christ, giving himself to flee, deviating from the straight doctrine, trying to escape again even in old age in Rome, if Christ himself, as tradition tells, he had not appeared on the Via Appia, or the so-called Via quo Vadis? Incidentally: according to the account of the text of the apocryphal Acts of Peter, in old age, the Prince of the Apostles, He had returned to flee, this time in Rome, during the anti-Christian persecutions of Nero. As he walked down the Via Appia, Risen Christ appeared to him. Peter asked: «Quo vadis, Dominated?» [Where are you going, man?]. Christ the Lord answered: «For Rome, I crucifixion» [I am going to Rome to be crucified again]. Only then, in old age, Peter ceased to escape, he returned to Rome and accepted the sanctifying grace of martyrdom.


At the conclusion of this speech is worth mentioning always with regard to freedom and free will -, God Father, to realize the mystery of the Word, He waited for the answer of the Blessed Virgin Mary, stuffed with grace, after having knocked on the doors of his freedom and his free will. Because Maria, The Immaculate Conception, was so, predestined, but it was by no means preordained. And Mary, Archangel Gabriel, he might say no, in the full and legitimate exercise of that freedom of the children of God which is a structural part of the very mystery of creation.




About then my statement about the reduced visible Church in structure of sin which it produces sin within itself and releases it outside, I would like to call me at three different Popes of the twentieth century, from Pope Leo XIII that after a vision he wrote a prayer to St. Michael the Archangel by requiring the recitation in 1886 after each Mass in all the churches of Orbe catholica. The original prayer is very long and few know the full original text, while the one that was recited at the end of the Mass was its reduction. In the original wheel of’ AGAINST SATAN AND ANGELS, The Pope Leo XIII wrote:


«Church, Spotless lamb Bride, faverrimi enemies have filled with bitterness;, inebriated with wormwood; impious hands on all her treasures;. When the seat blessed Peter and the Chair of the peoples to the light of truth, of his own there, a throne of their abominable impiety, and the; Pastor struck the, they can disperse the flock» [Italian translation: "The church, this spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, she is drunk with shrewd enemies who fill her with bitterness and who lay their sacrilegious hands on all her most desirable things. Where is the seat of the Blessed Peter mail to the chair of truth to enlighten the people, there have established the throne of their abominable impiety, so hitting the shepherd, dispersing the flock ".


Request: What he saw in this terrible vision of the Pope Leo XIII, to be reached to write and prophesy that Satan and his cronies take control "of Peter," and from one point to follow the "Chair of the Truth", namely the papacy, without being able to prevail at the end of it? Or perhaps the Pope Leo XIII was not aware that the Roman Pontiff, supreme guardian of truth, He can never err in matters of doctrine and faith, enjoying a very special way of the Holy Spirit, which - I repeat - it can not act against the will and man's free, except for dropping God contradicts himself? I believe that Pope Leo XIII the prerogative of the Roman Pontiff knew them all very well, also because he was one of the Fathers who composed the session of the First Vatican Council, in which the dogma of papal infallibility in matters of doctrine and faith was solemnly sealed.




Since Pope Leo XIII proceed with a jump to the sixties of the twentieth century, when the young theologian Joseph Ratzinger, fifty years ago, he wrote:


"If we do not want to hide anything, we are certainly tempted to say that the Church is neither holy, neither Catholic: the Second Vatican Council could even speak not only of the Holy Church, but the sinful Church; though here, Member was reprimanded something, It is mostly that he was still too shy, We are so deep in the consciousness of all of us feel the sinfulness of the Church " [Introduction to Christianity, 1968].


In a situation like this, what can we do? Species considering that sixteen years after these analyzes of the young Joseph Ratzinger, the Holy Pontiff John Paul II, that while they had called him to head the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, back in October 1984, during his second apostolic visit to Germany, stated, "The world is experiencing the twelfth book of Revelation»? [see my old article, WHO]


Analyzing and developing certain themes, almost two years ago I wrote a long article in which I talked about certain issues under the title: "The fall: those ugly stories of the Vatican II that nobody tells to not damage the superdogma ... " [see WHO]. Three months ago, in another article, Instead I explained how we can and should we react before a visible Church suffers from a doctrinal and moral decay irreversible [see WHO]. Today, earlier this year 2019, after so write, After using in the past very strict tones, then move on to the irony and even mockery to say goodbye, sadly I have to take place in a way that not even erodes the severity of certain ecclesiastical smear that are now beyond being mere sinners, because they now constitute an entrenched group of untouchable power formed by diabolical figures festering living in sin. And their grave and shameful sin manifest publicly proud, because their sinful abominations go hand in hand with the power that they manage; a power that has made them become drunk and delirious omnipotence, just like the great whore narrated in the Apocalypse of Blessed John the Apostle [cf. AP 18, 2-3]. Before this Hell's antechamber the question which give adequate response is very simple, I dare say a truism, and it is the following: in practice, What we can and must do to imperative of conscience, motivated by the theological virtues of faith, of hope and charity? Because if we do not give an answer, while poor that either, then the talk is likely to be a talking's sake, speculation for its own sake, an end in itself analysis, Finally a sterile critical end in itself. And criticism sterile ends in themselves, Who does not ennoble the formula, and do not help those who collects, especially those who collect them it is a people of God more and more lost in search of answers, points of reference and reliable and safe guides.


In four years of a publicist The Island of Patmos [2015-2018], I have several dozen articles where I talk about the irreversible decline, explaining that it, once the threshold of no return, no going back, because it is impossible. However, certain themes already spoke in my book written between 2008 and the 2009 and published at the end of 2010, When certain facts now exploded in all their scandalous devastation they were still far from coming, just remember my analysis on omosessualizzazione the visible Church, which I came to compare to the outbreak of a real one universal nubifrossing. And God knows how many enemies I conquered through those lines, although today, the problems anticipated by me yesterday, They are then exploded through very serious moral scandals and global proportions, making turn upon my enemies more sick, in case some pious soul naive to think that some Ecclesiastical Authority has admitted: “Unfortunately, you were right and you had seen us right, it will mean that we will impose your tormentors to leave you alone”. Above all, a decade ago, about the inevitable scandals that would eventually explode, I explained how, exceeded the so-called threshold of no return, even by the Holy Spirit, the route would most could reverse, because the Third Person of the Holy Trinity can not subvert the laws of physics. It is indeed a “physical law”, as is that of the force of gravity, the fact that a process of decadence, once she entered its irreversible phase, It is no longer stoppable. About that, in my writing than three months ago, Critically bitter tone I took the example of the parachute:


"Certain subjects they would not hesitate to revolutionize the laws of physics in the name of their subjective truth and their equally subjective logic, but the question that they should ask themselves is very practical and very simple background: for a dreadful error which may also have competition both much criticized modernist both much criticized rahneriani, or even only for a negligent to say the least absurd, it happened that a parachutist would have stepped off the plane without having donned the parachute, because this is the current situation of the Church: launch a plane without a parachute. Well, the great masters of Aristotelian logic, the school and metaphysics, at this point should bring the best arguments to explain that this paratrooper, precipitating towards the ground by two thousand meters of height, It can still stop, go back, cater to wear a parachute and jump again. And if these pundits metaphysical answer that he has launched without a parachute because of the Modernists and Karl Rahner, I will say that this, It was also true, now it is irrelevant, because the cause was found and destroyed before he will branch out. If then, even worse, before the paratrooper who rushes without a parachute, those who can never be free of a "logical" answer for everything, They are attacked to say that is the Holy Spirit, at that point, I will say that the Holy Spirit is not Merlin, then invite them to explain how the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, before a free individual or collective act of the will which involves precise consequences, He will cancel its freedom and its free will to bring it back on the plane, let him wear the parachute and then let it run again, after meanwhile he disavowed the modernists and rahneriani, on account of which he has launched without a parachute […]» [the entire article is contained WHO].




My poor experience and the results of work done over the last few years, they finally taught me, as I mentioned earlier, that the severe criticism, the battles against immoral clergymen proud of their immorality and especially placed up to the chief leaders of the Church, no longer serve any good. Not even the wise ironies and healthy jeers, longer they serve to stir a similar situation gangrenous, or if you prefer this fall without a parachute. I must say that I have come to this conclusion through prayer and meditation on sacred texts, among whom I was especially helpful the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes:


To everything there is a season, its time for every purpose under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot the plants.
A time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build.
A time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing;.
A time to search and a time to lose,
A time to keep and a time to cast away;.
A time to tear and a time to sew,
a time to keep silence and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace [Ec 3, 1-8].


Let me be clear: I have neither thrown in the towel on ring Boxing, nor do I have raised the white flag before the enemy, least of all by roaring lion have become a castrato of the eighteenth century Baroque singing with the voice of a soprano unvoiced. quite simply, in tracing a work plan for the new year, I reflected on the fact that


"There is a time to tear and a time to sew, there is a time to be silent and a time to speak ... ".


And today we have to measure well, talk about what, to prevent the talk, but above all to denounce and criticize, it's just an end in itself, the only result of not the slightest dent in the acolytes of Satan, but at the same time, however disorienting ancòra more God's people very ill and lost, that needs to be sustained in the great test. And I doubt the People of God, in this huge debacle, It can be sustained by offering great lessons against the heresies of the Modernists and against the theology of Karl Rahner, explaining how important start from school and St. Thomas Aquinas, in conclusion: water the daisies in the garden to prevent them from wilting with the heat of the burning house, because what only counts, while everything burns, It is to save the good memories of when in the past the daisies were blooming around the house.


For this I ceased to argue with the methods lovers, useful to speculate on the truths of the faith and to achieve fully the same truths of faith, but not always effective in all historical and social situations. But mostly I ceased to argue with those who end up deifying the method, which is always and only a means to get to the truth; and it is said that this method, even if effective for centuries, it is always up to the return of Christ the Lord to the end of time. I refer to the school and St. Thomas Aquinas, and those who before the fall without a parachute from the plane so stubbornly insist that you must stop the fall, return the paratrooper plane, let him wear the parachute of the school and the double safety parachute of St. Thomas Aquinas, then do it again to launch, so that the launch and down to earth to be successful. Am I an anti-academic and anti-Thomistic? Never! I am a philosophical-theological authentic product and an authentic lover of the school and of Thomism. What I have to be logically and rationally aware of - as I have repeatedly and in vain for many explained in my writings - is that both scholasticism and Thomism require a precise language and precise speculative techniques which have now been lost for over half a century.. Only to give new life to their necessary and natural language - even before being able to think about the recovery of scholasticism and Thomism -, It takes decades of hard work, to play so do not know how profitable, whereas in the building while the whole house burns faster, that while there are, objectively and logically, priority lot more and more urgent. Concrete example and not subject to easy refutation: if today we talk about a school and metaphysical language of Thomistic system, the first not to understand are the bishops, many of which border on the theological illiteracy, formats such as are, most of them, on emotional facts sociologisms go through theology that have invaded the whole Church in the season of post-Vatican II. And as I wrote in another previous article: if in a library containing unique copies of precious books a fire breaks out and only a few lyrics can be removed from the flames, I sincerely believe that I have a duty and a moral obligation to rescue the texts of the Holy Gospels, Apostolic Letters and the Acts of the Apostles, certainly not the logic of Aristotle, the work of Saint Anselm of Aosta and St. Thomas Aquinas, because neither Aristotle, nor Aosta nor Aquinas there would be of no use without the Holy Gospels, Apostolic Letters and the Acts of the Apostles. And if someone tries to replicate the Aosta and Aquinas serve precisely to be able to read and understand the Word of God's Word, In this case, it should answer that for over a millennium, the heritage of faith of Revelation, was transmitted and all in all understood even before they were born Saint Anselm of Aosta and St. Thomas Aquinas, preceded by many and great Fathers and Doctors of the Church.




On our Patmos Island he must therefore bear this dramatic and happy task: to rescue the foundations of the Holy Catholic Faith - the so-called "seed bank" [cf. WHO] - and with them the sense of faith the Holy People of God more and more lost and dispersed. It is therefore necessary to experience and live out God's people that authentic emotion Christological on which it is written:


"Landing, He saw a large crowd and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he began to teach them many things " [MC 6, 34].


Our task is to save what the Word of God taught, protecting his word against counterfeiting, from adulteration and from misinformation, aware that you can not live in Sodom and Gomorrah, even passive witnessing the abomination of sin, because it is in these situations that God the Father encourages us and stimulates us to the great value that the flight to safety, as opposed to those cynical and impotent remains immersed nell'abominio waiting for better times, or waiting for things to change. Father gave, escape from Egypt until the escape from Sodom and Gomorrah, their children and encourages them to flee to safety dall'abominio of desolation.


Much more complex, terrible and painful is the dramatic situation of us priests, if we think that maybe one day we may find ourselves even in the position to say no to those same Ecclesiastical Authority to which we promise filial and devout obedience, if the pilot were they there, or trying to impose anything contrary to the Holy Gospel; and that goes against the Holy Gospel, only the sophists unrepentant can groped to interpret it in a good part climbing above the oil sprinkled mirrors. E, an eventuality, for any priest is a painful tragedy which is difficult and only think, because it would be given rise to an agonizing conflict with the very nature of the priestly character, which is itself the result of communion and obedience Apostolic Authority. Even to this painful and agonizing question but no answer: when in fact we have been consecrated in the Holy Order, The ordaining bishop does not put us in his hands the petition of his personal subjective will or its pseudo theologies emotional, nor we asked us to stick to the content of his statements more or less correct and happy; in our hands it was placed the sacred book of the Holy Gospel. And when after the prayer of consecration and the laying on of hands, Bishop handed the paten with the bread and the chalice with wine, He told us:


«Receive the offerings of the Holy People for the Eucharistic Sacrifice. Understand what you will do, imitate what you celebrate, conform your life to the mystery of the cross of Christ the Lord ".


And the source of awareness which leads us to realize that we do and to imitate what we celebrate, so that our life is in accordance with the mystery of the cross of Christ the Lord, is the whole enclosed in the Holy Gospels, certainly not in worldly political-sociological courses now campaigning by many bishops who have decided to please the children of this world, up to mitigate or water down the Holy Gospel and the Apostolic Letters, in the event that these texts did not like and would not welcome the children of this world, entering and leaving the now hallowed halls in their capacity as devout atheists or perverts unrepentant who applaud shouting “long live the revolution!”, while at the same time the faithful devotees, as a veritable hemorrhage, deserting our increasingly becoming more and more numerous churches : "I am ashamed of this Church … I am ashamed to be Catholic ".


In the dark night, and in the confusion, It will be our support and aid the word of the Blessed Apostle Paul admonishes us:


"Well, But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel other than what we have preached to you, is anathema! We have already said it and now I repeat it: if any man preach any other gospel to you than what you accepted, is anathema! Indeed, It is perhaps the favor of men that I intend to earn, or rather that of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still pleasing men, do not be a servant of Christ!» [Gal 1, 8-10]


Because of this Today resonates in us the heartfelt invitation of the Blessed Apostle Peter:


"Keep sober, watch. Your enemy, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that your brothers around the world suffer the same sufferings as you " [The Pt 5, 8-9].


Maybe soon we will make the end they did many Jews during the Second World War. And we will do different but similar end for the devilish work of those ecclesiastical Goebbels and complacent laymen who are now attached as polyps of the Chair of Peter, just like tells the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel of Pope Leo XIII. However, one thing is certain: in the future Nuremberg Celeste, to be bound hand and foot and cast into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth [cf. Mt 22, 13], will be some current, devastating and deadly Goebbels, clergy and laity, not sure we devoted servants of Christ and his Church until the end, for the sincere belief in the life of the world to come and in the full knowledge that "many are called, but few are chosen " [CF. Mt 22, 14].




the Island of Patmos, 1 January 2019

On the Solemnity of the Holy Mother



Thanking all dear readers who have supported us, I remember, as we are now well aware of our many loyal, that our work is based entirely on your financial support [cf. WHO], and in this regard we recall:


"Do not you know that those celebrating the cult, from the cult get their food, and those who serve at the altar, receive their share from the altar? So also the Lord has commanded that those who proclaim the Gospel should live by the Gospel " [The Cor 9, 13-14].



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7 replies
  1. john
    john says:

    Great article, father ariel!
    To his friend John I would like to say something about the persecution, obviously without detracting from the specification that has already done p. Ariel. She does not see the 'steps', but know that the world hates the Church and its affairs with unimaginable hatred, despite the fact that many of the members auditioned to like with enormous efforts. Try to read the comments on the Church in the various online newspapers like the Done: They would realize that if they could get their hands on the Church and its members would do it in pieces. Just do not do it, in my opinion, still superstitious fear, exactly the same fear they had of Jesus. But when, like Judas Iscariot, some of the corrupt was talking about p. Ariel, will kick off, that fear will disappear and what Jesus said was the persecution that was unprecedented.

  2. JOHN Girolametti
    JOHN Girolametti says:

    Thank you Father Ariel.

    Today's article is prophetic.
    In particular I was impressed by the final part:

    "Maybe soon we will make the end they did many Jews during the Second World War. And we will do different but similar end for the devilish work of those ecclesiastical Goebbels and complacent laymen who are now attached as polyps of the Chair of Peter, just like narrates the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel of the Supreme Pontiff Leo XIII╗.

    I feel inside me that may be plausible that ends in persecuzione.Non I see, however, steps that can lead to what.
    Forgive me if I have seemed in this case a curious…
    In your opinion, how can you switch from the current environment to that of religious persecution for those who remain faithful to the doctrine?

    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Dear John,

      first of all we, when we speak of persecution, as well as when we speak of martyrdom, always think – after all rightly – the martyrdom of blood, or the persecution of Christians more or less hidden in the catacombs.

      I think we need to enter the order of ideas that future persecution and possibly imminent or perhaps already begun will be other, for instance: indifference to those who announce the true evangelical doctrine, the resulting ostracism or reduction to silence and the state tax impotence; the de facto exclusion from the community without any possibility they could neither defend nor an explanation about the reasons and so to follow… All of these, are not perhaps the worst forms of persecution, especially when it is no longer persecuted for the Church but inside the Church?

      Reduce then the faithful devotees or authentic men of God, in such a state for their entire lives, It is perhaps no worse than a bloody martyrdom that is solved with a stroke of a firearm or a run that lasts only a few seconds?

      In short, I believe that we will face persecution and martyrdom worse, than we were used, because over the centuries, Satan, It has been further refined and deeply.

  3. Matteo
    Matteo says:

    Thanks to advance, almost alone, a Torch of Faith in the prevailing darkness of everything is permitted…

  4. hector
    hector says:

    Thank you, because of this vibrant, sorrowful reflection. A provident spiritual parachute, a flame of hope to guide our feet into the dark night, making lighter the load of our cross.

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