“Be merciful, as your Father is merciful, which is in heaven ", not as pleasing to the world, but as God

L'Angolo di Girolamo Savonarola: Catholic homiletics in lean times



For the world is mercy, and what highly merciful grant through euthanasia death to a person seriously ill, or a senior who is simply tired of living, if anything it alone and abandoned. But this is not mercy but terrible abomination, just as it is an abortion, ie kill a poor innocent, after the ultrasound or amniocentesis was found that Down syndrome is suffering the unborn child and therefore is not perfect according to the standards of an increasingly unclean world.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo.



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Jesus Christ be praised !



"Be merciful as your Father which is in heaven"

The passage in Luke this seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time [cf. LC 6,27-38, see text of the liturgy, WHO] It could suggest that there are times when you end up with the fear that not only the Holy Gospel we tend to get what you want in the way you want, because having made a further leap forward, it is reasonable to fear that it is faced with the authentic forgery of God's Word, doing it to say that Christ God has never said. Many would be examples, Let us take just one among many: "Do not judge lest you be judged" [Mt 7, 1]. Let us see how he was often literally falsified this warning, enough to hear certain sermons built on improntanti sociologisms the desire to please the world, Then to hear from certain pulpits rants like this:


"The Church has finally realized that it could not continue to judge and condemn how long did, but that it was necessary to understand, to understand, receive, be merciful ... ".


Comments of this kind are authentic blasphemies uttered in the Father's house from where he proclaims the Word of God. Indeed, warning "Do not judge lest you be judged", Christ the Lord probably refers to His apostles and to the Church of the future? Who I am, the subjects and objects of this warning? They are the ones - as explained a little later in this Gospel passage -, who used to watch "the mote in your brother, but you do not notice the plank in your own eye " [Mt 7, 3]. The warning is therefore addressed to the human hypocrites and hypocrisy exercised in its various forms, What this explained by divine magistralità by Christ the Lord in the discourse that follows [cf. Mt 7, 1-29]. As regards instead the Holy Church of Christ, It is aware and is clearly indicating what is right and wrong thing, what is lawful and what is unlawful, what is holy and what's evil, it is a duty and an obligation to which the Church can not and must not shirk. Or to put it with the Word of God: the church, unless otherwise betraying its mission, has an obligation to tell and teach how the believers of Christ should enter "through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat " [Mt 7, 13]. The Church therefore cannot fail to judge and condemn evil in a severe way where necessary, place that sin is not a different way of understanding and living the life, but the negation of the gift of life in Christ and the consequent and probable chance of being eternally damned.


The Church can not derogate from that obligation that it comes from its divine Founder who wanted it as a means and instrument of salvation, or as will be defined by Vatican II and then by the Catechism: "The Church, the universal sacrament of salvation" [Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 774]. And here it is well noted that the concept of universality, together with the totality implies exclusivity. God has never contemplated the many instruments of salvation, as he never contemplated the many different churches or religions, His Church is one and only one, the one entrusted to Peter and to the College of the Apostles, all within a criterion of uniqueness that does not contemplate the multiplicity. It is different to the speech related ordinary means of salvation, that the Church of Christ and the sacraments of grace of which it is a dispenser, ed i extraordinary means of salvation, which are enclosed in the mystery of God's heart that in more ways than one, through the most disparate means so-called overtime, It can lead single men to salvation. Means overtime that they belong only to God, and of which no man can avail, for example by claiming that Christ's Church is just one of many means is means of salvation. No, the Church and the sacraments of grace of which it is a dispenser is not just another media, but the only way that Christ the Lord has given to man and mankind to be redeemed through the blood of his cross.


The phrase on which structure the pace of Luke's Gospel: “Be merciful, as your Father is merciful, which is in heaven ", harmonizes with another Old Testament phrase that warns us and calls us to be "holy because I, the Lord your God, I'm Holy " [Lv 19, 2]. The assumption is therefore the sanctity of mercy, no worldliness. It was not compassionate or charitable when you love the world, but just when you do not like the world. The Holy Gospel and the apostolic letters teach us that in fact the measure by which we can measure our true love and our true mercy, is when we are not at all welcome the children of this world:


"If the world hates you, know that it hated me before. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you from the world, that's why the world hates you " [GV 15, 18-19].


And for our world charity and love means allowing two men to be able to crown their own “dream” with a wedding and then buy a baby from a surrogate mother, while the exact opposite, for charity and for the love that makes us worthy sons of our Father who is in Heaven, those who perform such monstrosities and thereby compromise the life of these innocent creatures, perhaps "it would be better for him to have hung a millstone around his neck, and to be drowned in the depths of the sea " [Mt 18, 6].


For the world is mercy, and what highly charitable grant through euthanasia death to a person seriously ill, or a senior who is simply tired of living, if anything it alone and abandoned. But this is not mercy but terrible abomination, just as it is an abortion, ie kill a poor innocent, after the ultrasound or amniocentesis was found that Down syndrome is suffering the unborn child and therefore is not perfect according to the standards of an increasingly unclean world.


Think about how many things the world does and continues to do in the name of a concept of mercy now completely subverted by the great reverser of good and evil, from the one who turns evil into good and good into evil, that Satan. Think about it well: the modern era comes to life under the stage of guillotines where the cry for freedom, equality and fraternity, people were being fed to the Executioner without trial, or of the summary trials which were farces, or because of jealousy and envy denounced social. but yet, freedom, It is a high Christian principle, instead it is a precondition for the creation of man, which it was created by God's free and endowed with free [Genesis, capp. 2-3]. Not to mention equality and fraternity, whose natural home is located within the Gospel message where these truths are explained and communicated much better than they have been circulated by Robespierre during the regime of terror at the sound of decapitated heads in the name of equality and emptied a fraternity of Christ and filled with neo-paganism.


Even the world with his fearsome Principe, long has appropriated words that are fundamental terms the Christian message, before emptying them of their meaning and turning then into another. Even more so, Today more than ever, We have to understand first of all that what true mercy, after being "merciful, as your Father is merciful, which is in heaven ", not as the children of the Principe of this world.


From the island of Patmos, 24 February 2019





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The priest excommunicated Alessandro Minutella is not in communion with Pope Benedict XVI who made free act of renunciation but it is a subject that confuses the people of God already too lost and confused

- ecclesial news -



To the many readers who come to us They inquire about this priest excommunicated it is our priestly duty to answer that anyone who participates in his sacred celebrations and receives the sacraments from him falls into a state of mortal sin, and must seek absolution to the confessor, after having acknowledged his guilt and doing way not to repeat the same sin. But most of all, beyond lies of this heretic, schismatic, know that the first to pay tribute "unconditional obedience" to his successor was Benedict XVI himself.


The Fathers of the Island of Patmos



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remake filmic de The Exorcist, with a priest excommunicated in the role dell'indemoniato [to open the video click on the image]

Many Readers they ask for information on Alessandro Minutella, Palermo, a priest who barks on social network on the illegitimacy of the Supreme Pontiff Francis, which recognizes only the title of Cardinal and Archbishop Emeritus of Buenos Aires, but mostly he is turning to the sacred person of the Holiness of Our Lord unacceptable insults. At this priest, after repeated and unnecessary calls the Ecclesiastical Authority has imposed excommunication, although it would be more correct to say that he simply notified that following his heretical and schismatic positions, and its refusal to correct, he is automatically incurred the so-called excommunication automatic.


Although until now the Reverend Alexander Minutella he was not dismissed from the clerical state, after being suspended before peep, then later incurred excommunication, It can not legitimately exercise the sacred ministry. They know therefore that the faithful the sacred celebrations he officiated and the sacraments administered by him are valid but illicit and that no faithful Catholic can and must take part.


Faced with many requests arrived to our editorial staff, especially after recently this subject has much more exasperated his aggressive tone, it is our priestly duty to inform the large public of Readers who follow us that anyone who participates in sacred celebrations and receives the Sacraments from this excommunicated priest, It falls in a state of mortal sin, and must seek absolution to the confessor, after having acknowledged his guilt and doing way not to repeat the same sin.


We must clarify that as every priest excommunicated him do not cease to be a priest, because no one can revoke the Sacrament of Orders. And as a heretic and schismatic priest will always remain, without being able to exercise any ministry until it will be publicly repented and reinstated by the Ecclesiastical Authority in the exercise of the sacred ministry.


remake filmic de The Exorcist, with a priest excommunicated in the role dell'indemoniato [to open the video click on the image]

The Sacrament of Orders fits those who receive it in sacrament ontologically transforming been supernaturally in his very being constituting "sacred minister" and describing it to act in person Christi [can. 1009 §3], then inserting it into the so-called clerical state from which it derives a legal condition resulting sacred ordination; condition that leads to the cleric rights and obligations established and dictated Ordinamento ecclesiastical. And since what the Order is a sacrament that imprints a character "permanent and eternal", it follows that no one can be deprived of the order power [can. 1338 §2]. The clerical state is a consequence of the Sacrament of Orders, although the two elements - the Sacramento and the clerical state that results - are distinct, even though between them are connected. A cleric can indeed decay from the clerical state, or be deprived of the clerical state, but it will never decay from sacred and to be deprived of Holy Orders, because the sacrament he has received is indeed “indelible and eternal”.


Ecclesiastical law split up into three cases in which the cleric can lose the clerical state: the nullity of sacred ordination declared by the sentence or administrative decree [can. 290 n. 1]; discharge legitimately be required due to a crime that provides for a specific sanction [can. 290 n. 2]; rescript of the Apostolic See in which relief is granted to the priest for the gravest reasons [can. 290 n. 3]. In some cases, the maximum penalty for the cleric is dismissal from the clerical state [can. 1336 §1 n. 5], before which we must point out that it will never involve the deprivation of the power of order, because this power is closely related to the sacramental character, an indelible character.


remake filmic de The Exorcist, with a priest excommunicated in the role dell'indemoniato [to open the video click on the image]

of elders Left the Clerical State it's forbidden exercising legitimately and lawfully the power of order [can. 1338 §2], because in forfeiture from the clerical state, besides the loss of rights, of the duties and the state itself, It is inherent in the peremptory prohibition to exercise the power of order [can. 292]. From this it follows that the presbyters discharged from the clerical state for their request or to measure Ecclesiastical Authority, They may not exercise any legitimate authority of sacramental order [can. 1336 § 1, n. 3].


The priest Alessandro Minutella he has not yet been dismissed from the clerical state, but it was first suspended peep and then excommunicated. The suspension first, excommunication later, fee for the priest suspended from his duties and especially for the priest excommunicated the absolute prohibition of celebrating the Eucharistic Sacrifice and administering the Sacraments. If subjected to this equally exercised the sacred ministry, the celebration of the Holy Mass and the sacraments administered would be valid but illicit, with the result that those who celebrates Mass and those who participate, those who administer the sacraments, and those who receive them, They fall in a state of mortal sin. Unless, by the faithful, does not take over the lack of knowledge or ignorance of the so-called inevitable. Only in one case can an excommunicated priest licitly administer a sacrament - indeed, in this specific case it is required to do so - he can grant absolution to a penitent real case of danger of death [can. 976].


Visionando his last videos added to this article [see video, WHO], anyone can hear and determine under what terms and with what aggressive charge and insulting this presbyter is the Roman Pontiff, members of the College of Cardinals and members of the College of Bishops, in addition to openly accuse us of cowardice all his confreres priests, guilty in his opinion not to be disobedient to "Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio usurper of the See of Peter" to be obstinate and to celebrate Mass in communion with him [cf. video, minute 19,50 WHO]. Indeed, his wicked say, Mass celebrated in communion with "the usurper Bergoglio", he defined as "false Pontiff", It would not be valid, lacking in it - continues to rant - "the action of sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit", so those who go to Mass one such [N.d.r. celebrated in communion with the reigning Pope] go to Mass with the Devil " [cf. video, minute 5,02 WHO] because "in all that it is in union with Jesus Christ there Bergoglio, there is the Holy Spirit, There Satan " [cf. video, minute 6,38 WHO].


remake filmic de The Exorcist, with a priest excommunicated in the role dell'indemoniato [to open the video click on the image]

The figures attached this excommunicated, by the Pope to the bishops, to follow us priests, constitute an ecclesial body of imperfect people, as imperfect sinners, are always those who by the mystery of grace are called to fill certain roles and perform certain functions sacramental. Anyone can argue about the pastoral abilities of the Roman Pontiff, of individual bishops and all priests; anyone can show their flaws and their moral deficiencies for which will then be called to account before the judgment of God, that with all of us pastors in charge of souls will be particularly severe. Anyone, however, call into question the legitimate authority of the Roman Pontiff and the Bishops, seriously and dangerously attentive to that which is the carrier hierarchical structure of the Holy Church of Christ, and commit a serious crime against the Holy Faith.


From video-catechesis by Alessandro Minutella anthology and serious doctrinal contradictions emerge, theological blunders and inaccuracies of all kinds, starting from a very embarrassing Mariology. As examples would indeed many, This makes it impossible to make a strictly scientific theological discourse to indicate certain absurdities and remove them one by one, because to do so would require a book. So we are only limited to some clear examples, knowing first of all that you are dealing with a Priest who holds two doctorates, as he likes to repeat frequently, while expressing crass ignorance not so much on sacramental theology, but just on the fundamentals of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. And since diversi readers have written to us pointing out that this priest is twice doctor of theology and as such can not say incorrect things like those uttered by members of the so-called "false church" which he condemned, is first of all should be clear that the theological doctorates do not constitute any guarantee of wisdom, place no one receives through a doctoral the gifts of grace of the Holy Spirit that will mark the distinguished doctor with a permanent and eternal character. Indeed, the priestly character, It does not confer with doctorates, but through the consecration of the priest with the sacrament of Holy Orders. If doctorates constituted a guarantee of safe, solid and orthodox doctrine infused with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, we should not adopt minimal questioning what they said and wrote Hans Küng, Giovanni Franzoni, Leonardo Boff and so to follow. And remember, incidentally, that the first two mentioned, In addition to being titrated pluri, They were respectively all'assise expert and member of Vatican II. The award titled Giovanni Franzoni, at the Council, He played with the equivalent episcopal dignity, Ordinary time being Abbot of St. Paul Outside the Walls, which until a decade ago it was a territorial prelature of ancient City.


In this moment of confusion many believers have lost, but look for safe driving in a heretic who said that the Holy Mass celebrated in communion with the reigning Pope is invalid, It is to be avoided; and it weighs on us a moral obligation to prevent the faithful from following this ungodly pastor, poisoning and theologically confused, although he offered as a guarantee of being doubly Ph.D..


remake filmic de The Exorcist, with a priest excommunicated in the role dell'indemoniato [to open the video click on the image]

Clarify people the figure of this presbyter, all in all it is easier than it seems, just enough that people lend us listen and then they were asked to the person concerned: with whom she is in communion Bishop? Which bishop gave a mandate to exercise the sacred ministry, in addition to the special powers she claims to have received from the Blessed Virgin Mary in person? Or maybe he does not know, or man made wise by a double Ph.D., that none of us can exercise the sacred ministry in communion with himself, because the validity of the Eucharist celebrated by us depends on the validity of the Eucharist celebrated by the Bishop in full communion with the Bishop of Rome? A quel point, the individual concerned, replicate what has long has been saying and how reiterated in the called video here, that means:


"I celebrate in communion with the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, who is the rightful pope, while the Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a usurper placed on the Chair of Peter by the satanic powers and the international Freemasonry ".


The doubters and those who believe in what this says, They pose this question: you can ignore that Benedict XVI, before moving to Castel Gandolfo to keep away from the Vatican City during the conclave, He declared "unconditional obedience" to his successor even before the latter was chosen and elected? With that statement, perhaps he said that he would obey the Successor that soon would be elected, regardless of who was? And how can, Such wicked spreading poison among the People of God, ignore that the night after the election, when the newly elected called his predecessor a living, these greets him: "Holiness, even now I promise you my total obedience and my prayer "? Does this not mean that Benedict XVI said before the conclave that he would obey whoever was elected and after their election offered his obedience to his legitimate successor?


remake filmic de The Exorcist, with a priest excommunicated in the role dell'indemoniato [to open the video click on the image]

Lately, the columns of this magazine it was written that while all are wondering more or less fanciful issues, advancing hypotheses mostly surreal, none captures the solemn lesson to all of us given by Pope Benedict XVI, which is this: He has moved away from the Vatican before the conclave, already saying before his election his "unconditional obedience" to his successor. Soon after, his successor elected who called him to announce him in person his election, he said: "Holiness, even now I promise you my total obedience and my prayer ". And if the Venerable Pope Benedict XVI, whose ministry, Exceptionally, instead cease with his death ceased with his free act of renunciation, He professed with such faith and all their obedience to His Successor, we, perhaps we should follow his example and do the same? [see section V "There is no other way except obedience to Peter ', WHO]


The followers This excommunicated they ask themselves: if Benedict XVI was the first to recognize the Successor to the sacred throne, The priest in question is said charge in the "holy battle" by the Blessed Virgin Mary in person, with those who are in communion? Because if he had not understood, the first bishop who pleaded in communion with the reigning Pope Benedict XVI was, who freely made a waiver to the Petrine ministry, reiterating again what freedom was his renunciation, reiterating before the election and after the election his "unconditional obedience" to his successor.


The followers of this unwise priest out of any theological balance, to wonder and then ask themselves: But this priest furious, with those who are in communion? In whose name speaks? Perhaps as he says speaks "to the authority that Our Lady gives me ' [cf. video, minute 10,50 WHO], then on behalf of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who would tell him to rebel against the Roman Pontiff, "to which she has already declared war" [cf. video, minute 23,00 WHO]? And when the Maria, our revered Mother of the Church, instigates to disobey Peter and the College of the Apostles, asking for that purpose under its protection a devilish priest who says all the time, "Madonna told me", "Our Lady has revealed to me"? Until finally announce that "Our Lady [already] consecrated the Shepherd with the attributes " (!?) [cf. video, minute 30,38 WHO].


The answer to the questions put by the Fathers of Readers The island of Patmos It is therefore as follows: those who follow this heretic and excommunicated all participants in celebrations, unless it is not aware of its objective status to excommunicate, or unless it is not burdened with authentic inevitable ignorance that prevents him from also exercise the most elementary critical sense, It must be considered in all respects in a state of mortal sin.


the Island of Patmos, 20 February 2019




De facto, Reverend Alexander Minutella is not the exorcist but just the demoniac …





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Top The Charlemagne Island of Patmos with a question of Christ the Lord: "Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, Who do you say I am?»

The quill of Charlemagne



The Christian hope is not an imaginative and mind-numbing "Sol of 'Avvenire' nor the 'glorious future' preached by all the dictators of all time. Nor is it a new world forged by the culture of dialogue between fake and hucksters. Nor it is, at last, misericordiante the kingdom prophets of falsehood call, at will and more often inappropriately, the terrible tragedies of history and immutable filth of the world. The Christian Hope instead - as taught by St. Augustine of Hippo - still has only one name and one certainly be announced: Christ!





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the Charlemagne, known as Charles the Great, universally known as Charlemagne, baptized in faith in Christ Jesus in the Holy Mother Catholic Church in the City of Aachen, in a day of many years ago, running at the time the Year of the Lord 742; I, therefore, with a good and legitimate title, write as part of that Mystical and Historical Body which alone belongs to Christ, and of which I consider myself with conviction "of the less honorable members of it" but that for this very humbly believe that, as the Apostle writes, "God has so composed the body, giving the greater honor to that which lacked, so that there was no disunity in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another " [The Corinthians 12, 24-25].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The Gospels do not tell us the results of a Gallup poll or an extemporaneous focus group of Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples, first, and the Apostles, then.


Jesus, on the contrary, challenges men [people, Marco 8, 27 e Matteo 16, 13] and the crowds [the mobs, Luca 9, 18] with the message itself, essential, radical and, not at least, disturbing and dramatic of Logos cristiano.


He wrote Romano Guardini:


"Christianity is in fact not a theory of Truth, or interpretation of life. It is also this, but it not in this consists its essential nucleus. This consists of Jesus of Nazareth, from his concrete existence, from his work, by fate, that is, from a historical personality. […] Non lhumanityat O l’Human thus become important case, ma this person. It determines everything else, and the more deeply and universally the more intense the relationship ' [The essence of Christianity, 1984, p. 23].


The essence of the Christian faith lies, in truth, in response that man both individually and collectively, provides this essential question with which Jesus of Nazareth challenge here, today and always [cf.. Letter to the Hebrews 13, 8] the individual and society.


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


Faith, Hope and Christian Charity have neither their foundation or their first and last name to neutral values ​​of tolerance, cohabitation, solidarity, acceptance and universal harmony of men and peoples.


The Christian faith is not a changing content, according to fashion and the needs of the time, but one, unchangeable, vital and saving encounter.


"You have gone, you washed, you come to the altar, you began to see what previously were not able to see. That is, via the source of the Lord and the announcement of his passion, Your eyes are open at that time. You, that before you seemed blinded in the heart, you began to see the light of the sacraments " [Sant'Ambrogio, the Sacraments I, 3,15].


The Christian Hope, then, is an imaginative and mind-numbing "Sol of 'Avvenire' nor the 'glorious future' preached by all the dictators of all time. Nor is it a new world forged by the culture of dialogue between fake and hucksters. Nor it is, at last, misericordiante the kingdom prophets of falsehood call, at will and more often inappropriately, the terrible tragedies of history and immutable filth of the world. The Christian Hope instead - as taught by St. Augustine of Hippo - still has only one name and one certainly be announced: Christ!


"And as it has become our hope? Why he was tempted, He suffered and rose again. So it became our hope. In it you can see your toil and your reward: your labor in the passion, your reward in the resurrection. That's how it became our hope. Because we have two lives: one is that we, the other is that we hope. The one where we are known, one in which we hope is unknown […]. With his labors, temptations, and patents, the death, Christ has made you see your life in which you are; with the resurrection did you see life in which you will be. We knew only that the man is born and dies, but we did not know who rises and lives forever. This is why Christ has become our hope in afflictions and temptations, and now we are heading towards hope ' [Enarrationes in Psalmos, 60, IV].


The Christian Charity, then, It is not a vacuous amalgam of good intentions or the content of an illusory undifferentiated cosmic fraternity and, not even, The fundamental precept of a mundane world order, amoreggiante pleasantly and happily soaked with alleged good works as.


Yet, once, It is always and only the recognition of Person of Christ, which he founded and rooted in human affairs the only possible and essential Love: "If you do not believe, indeed, non friend. Like this, beginning from the end and going back to the principle, So said the apostle: Pace's Charityat, united to faith. Let us: Faith, charity and peace. Believe, but, rain. In fact, if you believe you do not love, you have not yet diversified your faith from the faith of those who trembled and said,: We know who you are, the Son of God. You, therefore, but; because charity joined to faith itself leads you to peace. What peace? True peace, full peace, real peace, secure peace; where there is no calamity, any enemy. This peace is the goal of every good desire. Caritat united to faith; and six you mean well, say well. Faith coupled with the charity " [St. Augustine, sermons 168, (II), 2, 9].


Faith, Hope and Charity, so, sun and open only in Christ's humanity and history the only possible horizon of Salvation: "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and you will believe with your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved " [Romans 10, 9].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The question posed by Jesus of Nazareth is not only essential but also radical and, by its very nature, exceedingly divisive. It is neither an open question or a question at multiple choices. On the contrary, demands a 'radical option!

"Christianity says that for the incarnation of God's Son, for his death and his resurrection, for the mystery of faith and grace, in all creation you are asked to renounce his - apparent - autonomy and put themselves under the rule of a specific person, that is, Jesus Christ, and doing what their decisive rule ' [Romano Guardini, In the same place, p. 26].


The only root and source of Christian proclamation does not lie in an ostentatious piety and in a grotesque and well-publicized jumble of good intentions for Humanity e the human.


The Person of Christ - yes, let's face it once and for all and healthy intellectual rigor, even before Christian! - it is divisive in its radical truth about God and man!


"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven; who will deny me before men, I will also deny before my Father who is in heaven. Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; have not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to set a man against his father, daughter against mother, in-law from mother-in-law: and a man's enemies will be those of his household " [Matteo 10, 32-36].


The original root and the exclusive source of Logos Christian is, indeed, the Word made flesh, and did the same blood for eternal life and for the final resurrection.


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


In the Gospels of Mark and Matthew, the question followed by the story of the loaves, which is directly evoked listeners: "I do not remember? When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments you brought forth?» [Marco 8, 19]; "I do not yet understand? Have you forgotten the five loaves that were enough for the five thousand men and baskets that you gathered?» [Matteo 16, 9].


In Luke, the account of the same event immediately precedes the question of Jesus: "Then Jesus, I took the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to the sky, li blessed, He broke them and gave them to his disciples to distribute to the crowd. They all ate their fill and their advanced pieces took up twelve baskets " [Luca 9, 16-17].


In John, at last, there is no explicit demand of Jesus, but the reaction of "many of the disciples" to the announcement that: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood, It has eternal life and I will raise him on the last day. My meat is real food and my blood is drink indeed " [Giovanni 6, 54-55]. «From that moment ', indeed, "Many of the disciples went back, and walked no more with him" [Giovanni 6, 66]. It becomes, pure, an open challenge to the remaining: "Will you well as you leave?» [Giovanni 6, 67].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The answer to this question solves the disturbing drama of every human time, troubled by the Absolute Evil and evil are.

The answer to this question solves the shocking tragedy that in every time and place gush and always will flow from the very limits of human nature, decayed and decaying, always exposed to the lure of intellectual and moral corruption, and perpetually at the mercy "of the murderer from the beginning", "The liar and the father of lies" [Giovanni 8, 44] and the "prince of this world" [Giovanni 14, 30].


Jesus the Christ puts himself and actually donated in his Body and his Blood poured out - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity - far beyond and above any physical law, the only real food subsistence for man and mankind and the only true drink of liberation and salvation.


This true and only Nourishment, Jesus invites his disciples to call: "In our daily bread", the bread of us ultra-substantial, "Give us this day", you by us daily.


'So all we have in Christ […]"- writes Sant’Ambrogio -" and Christ is everything for us. If you want to heal a wound, he is a doctor; if you burn with fever, he is the source; if you are oppressed by, he is justice; if you need help, he is the force; if you fear death, he is life; if you desire heaven, he is the way; if you flee the darkness, he is the light; if you seek food, he is the food " [Virginia, 99].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The question of Jesus is placed, then, in the most dramatic moment of Divine Revelation. AND the question of the true man and Only God that "while were fulfilled the days when it was lifted up, It makes hard his face walking towards Jerusalem " [Luca 9, 51].


The answer to your question, indeed, become the talk of the high priest the same dramatic and terrible indictment leading to the death sentence and the ruthless execution on the gallows of the Cross: "Are you the Christ, the Son of God? Jesus answered: It's me! Then the high priest, rent his garments, he said: You have heard the blasphemy, what do you think? All they judged him guilty of death '[Marco 14, 61-64].


In the Mystery of the Passion, Cross and Death of the Person of Christ, (c)he is annihilating "He was God» [Filip Breeding 2, 6] — although it was not but while it is Godindeed, "Body which is annihilated by taking the form of a servant is not already embodied the Christ, but the one who is above the world, found in the form of God " [Hans Urs From Bathasar, Theology the three days, 1969, p. 37].


"Jesus the Christ", St. Athanasius explained, "has hired, being God, the form of a servant, under this assumption is not so raised, but he lowered. The man, on the contrary, He needed to be raised because of the lowness of the flesh and death. He suffered as a man in his flesh the death for us, to present themselves well to the Father in death on our behalf and lift us up with him at that competes eternity " [.Antioch I, 40-41].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


this question with his answer is the heart of the Gospel, in its dramatic actuality: "The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the Gospel " [Marco 1,15]. AND this question with his answer and the only legitimate exegesis by reading a "mystery that was not made known to men in other generations as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit: that is, the Gentiles are called, in Christ Jesus, to participate in the same heritage, to form the same body, and to be partakers of the promise through the gospel " [Ephesians, 3, 5-6]. AND this question with his answer the founding act of the Christian Mystery and also its dramatic distinction: "He who is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me, scatters " [Matteo 12, 30]. AND this question with his reply the only way of salvation can: "If Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain and you are still in your sins. And even those who have died in Christ have perished. If our hope in Christ for this life only, we are to be pitied more than all men. Now, instead, Christ rose from the dead, firstfruits of those who have died. For as by a man came death, because a man has come also the resurrection of the dead; Just as all die in Adam, so all will receive life in Christ " [The Corinthians 15, 17-22].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The answer to this existential question leaves no way! Here, today and always. The Christian does not believe absurd neither Because it is absurd! The Christian believes responding, "You are the Christ, the Messiah " [Marco 8, 29] because Jesus Christ has met, known and therefore believed in Him and in Him alone can find the infinite and inexhaustible dignity of his to be in ed be-di Christ.


"Know, the cristiano, your dignity, e, that they share in the divine nature, do not return to your former base condition by sinning. Remember who is your head and of whose body you are a member. Think back that, freed from the power of darkness, you have been brought into the light and the kingdom of God " [St. Leo the Great, The word is 21, 3].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The Christian does not profess a vague theism intellectual, whose divinity is an unknown be supreme or an ethereal transcendent value.


The Christian "believes firmly and openly admits that there is only one true God, eternal and immense, Almighty, unchangeable, incomprehensible and ineffable, Dad, Son and Holy Spirit: three people, but one essence, substance, that is absolutely simple nature " [Fourth Lateran Council, Catholic Faith, 1].


The Christian recognizes in him who revealed himself to Israel as "I am who I am!» [Exodus 3, 14], the only true God, that is God of the Fathers and, together, It tightens generations alliance, establishing a "throne of love and fidelity" and is "a people to walk in the light of his countenance" [Salmo 89].


Professing "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!» [Matteo 16, 16] Christian recognizes "a fundamental truth: "We have a Master. More than a Maestro, a Emmanuele, that is, a God with us; we Jesus Christ! It's impossible, indeed, apart from Him, if we know something for sure, full, of God revealed; or better, if we want to have a living relationship, direct and authentic relationship with God " [Paul VI, General Audience, 18 December 1968].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The Christian does not adhere to an unspecified creationist doctrine that confuses the image and likeness with God the Creator and Father with a universal equality. Professa, instead, that only Son-Logos is the perfect image of the Father and our


"It's an imperfect resemblance, the one for which the man is said a image and adds our because the man was image of the Trinity; not equal to the Trinity, as the Son of the Father, but accostandosene for a certain resemblance in the way of distant beings are not neighbors for spatial contact, but by imitation. That's what they signified the following words: “Be transformed by the renewal of your spirit and to its recipients the Apostle also says: “Be ye therefore followers of God, as beloved children. It is in fact the new man which is said: “It is renewed in proportion to the knowledge of God, conforming to the image of him that created him "» [St. Augustine, The Trinity, VII, 6.12].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The Christian is not such because it adheres to an unknown and changing code of pious intentions and honest behavior: "We believe the love of God, the Christian can express the fundamental decision of his life. Being Christian is not an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, with a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction " [Benedict XVI, Emër, 1].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The Christian does not base his Faith, his hope and his charity on a hypothetical great and universal brotherhood, capable of generating tolerance, truth and peace in an indistinct molasses of religions and cults where it is not a question of abandoning one's faith - as the theorists of the New Universal Religion profess - to be part of this new and universal institution and where one believes without belonging [cf.. Grace Davie, Believing without Belonging, in: Social Compass 37(4), 1990, 455-469].


The Christian is such precisely because he confesses "You are the Holy One of God" [Giovanni 6, 69] recognizing that we belong intimately and essentially to the very Body of Christ «not only because it made us Christians, but why did he become Christ himself. Which made us God's grace, giving us Christ as Head? Rejoice, gioite, we become Christ. If he is the Head, we are the members: We are a complete man, he and we. […] The fullness of Christ: the head and members. What is the Head, and what are the limbs? Christ and the Church " (St. Augustine, In Evangelium Tractatus, 21, 8].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The answer to this question makes it essential and radical Christian being the disturbing drama, that is, to belong to Christ! That is His Church, of the Church of Christ! And not the Church of someone else!


Faced with the execrable misdeeds of so many, and too many of his, even the most distinguished and honored sons, the horrendous perjury many and too many of those they claim to serve, the complicit silence and abominable falsehoods many and too many of the acclaimed prophets e Masters New time, those of Christ and the Church still find grace to exclaim in his heart: "What a wonderful mystery! There is only one Father, a single Logos the universe, and also one Holy Spirit, same everywhere; there is also one virgin become mother, and I should like to call the Church " [Clement of Alexandria, The tutor, 1, 6, 42].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


Faith, Hope and Charity, They are for the Christian existential its reply to the Revelation of the Divine Person and the name for which "there is no other name under heaven in which it is established that we can be saved" [Acts 4, 12] and to which - as the Sacrosanct Council Vatican II dogmatically writes - "the obedience of faith is due, with which the man his whole self freely making the full submission of intellect and will, and freely assenting to the revelation that he does " [God's word, 5].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The answer to that question reveals the essential, radical, disturbing and dramatic choice between believing and not believing, between the profess or not profess, between faith in Christ and his betrayal of Christ.


From it depends, indeed, that διχάζω - split in two, to separate, and disunity - αφορίζω - Muslim, expel, Banish - verbs that are frequently used by Jesus in his daily train men and crowds, especially in the Parables of the Kingdom, to indicate the tragic fate of the demanding, and nothing to good price, answer this question requires.


Halve, to separate, disunite, to distinguish, expel, ban: verbs the final decision on who refuses to answer the question of Christ.


Verbs that the Gospels put on the lips of the Bridegroom not expected by the foolish virgins [Matteo 25, 1-13]; Groom of refusing the invitation [Luca 14, 16-24] or that the guests disappoint due to the negligence of clothing [Matteo 22, 1-14]; Man disillusioned by the ability of his servants to make money from its assets [Matteo 25, 14-30] ; the owner of the field who patiently waits for the good wheat grow with the tares, before it is thrown into the fire that devours [Matteo 13, 24-30]; Fisherman in whose network entangled bad fish that will be divided by the good "to be thrown into the fiery furnace, There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth " [Matteo 13, 47-50]; and the Eternal Judge, whose implacable judgment concludes with two separated and separating verdicts: "And they will go, to eternal punishment, and the righteous to eternal life " [Matteo 25, 46].


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


The answer to this question does not raise nor fatuous joy nor un'ammorbante laetitia! The meeting with the Christ of God is always just a Grace dearly! The high price of single sanctifying Truth!


The answer to this question requires answer to dear price for a grace, as written by the Lutheran theologian Dietrich Bonhoefer, "Grace is never a cheap '.


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


Apostasy increasingly widespread grabbing like a pestilential disease the Catholic Church by its hierarchical summit as among an increasing number of his ministers, you forget that you have only been constituted which ones co-workers of the truth and not as Curiously, the Truth this question of God's Son, the Jesus of Nazareth of History and the Gospels demands, Today more than ever, only one answer and unambiguous, without hesitation and vacillation in front of the increasingly tragic "conformed to the mentality of this world" that makes it urgent for the whole Church the need to "renew your mind, in order to discern the will of God, What is good, and acceptable and perfect " [Romans 12, 2]. It deals with, in truth, to face a Grace dearly, which alone, however, It can be liberating and salvific.


Who do men say, the crowds that I am? And you, who do you say that I am?


Resound in Rome these days – We hope and pray – prophetic words when Bonhoefer unnecessarily warned his Lutheran Church, but with it the whole of Christendom, the risk of deadly silence this existential, radical, disturbing and dramatic truth of "Christ, Son of the living God " [Matteo 16, 16].


The entire and true Body of which Christ is the Living Head will only be admonished: without a courageous and decisive answer - at great cost - To the question of Jesus wears the same Logos of our faith, our Hope, our Charity.


"A people had become Christian, Luterno, but sacrificing the desire to follow Jesus; it had become cheaply. Grace cheap won. But we know that this cheap grace has been extremely merciless towards us? The price we have to pay today with the ruin of the institutional churches is perhaps not the necessary consequence of the grace acquired too cheaply? Preaching and sacraments were granted at a price too low; He is baptized, you cresimava, It gave absolution to all people without asking questions and without putting conditions; Human love for sacred things were dispensed to men scornful and incredulous; They were distributed rivers of grace without end, while the invitation to follow Jesus with commitment was very rarely heard. […] When was the world ever Christianized in a more hideous and fatal way? What are the three killed thousands of Saxons by Charlemagne physically in front of millions of souls killed today? The admonition is fulfilled upon us that the sins of the fathers shall be punished upon the children unto the third and fourth generation. Cheap grace has proved quite merciless to our evangelical church. And cheap grace has been merciless to most of us personally as well. He has opened us the way to Christ, but rather he has blocked. He has invited us to follow him, but he has hardened us to disobedience. Or was it not cruel and hard if, after having heard the invitation to follow Jesus as an invitation of grace, after, perhaps, once dared to take the first steps on the path that led us to follow the discipline of obedience to his commandments, We were caught by word of cheap grace? […] The smoking flax was off ruthlessly. It was ruthless talk like that to a man, why he, upset by such a cheap offer, he necessarily left the path to which he was called by Jesus, for now he wanted to seize the cheap pardon which forever barred him from recognizing the cheap pardon. It could not be otherwise; the weak man, deceived, possessing the grace at a price had to suddenly feel strong, while, in reality, He had lost the strength to obey, to follow Jesus. The word of cheap grace has ruined more men than any commandment of good works." [Dietrich Bonhöfer, succession, 2007, p. 51-55].






from Aachen to the island of Patmos, 20 February 2019




* Under the pseudonym of Charlemagne there is a baptized Catholic, jurist, political expert, philosopher, expert in international and diplomatic relations that for many years he held several high offices in major international organizations, inter-governmental.





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Forfeiture&surroundings: "We are the army (clerical) the selfies "between migrants and spilline

visit the personal blog by Father Ivano

- Church news -



The 16 February on the site of Future appears the following news: "Migrants. The selfie Pope with the pin "We open ports!”». Faced with this announcement and to those images someone has rightly pointed out that today, among many things to open, the gospel has priority, especially in certain curie, convents, monasteries and seminaries …


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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The army of the selfie – a stage on which the priests should not be comfortable [Click on the image to open]

As a priest I always find it difficult to apply a passage from the Gospel of Matthew:


"Be careful not to practice your righteousness before men, to be seen by them, otherwise there is no reward for you with your Father who is in heaven. So, When you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, they may be praised by people. Verily I say unto you: They have already received their reward. Instead, while you give alms, do not let your left hand know what thy right hand doeth, so that your alms in secret remains; and your Father, who sees in secret, It will reward you " [Mt 6,1-3].


And to: man is vainglorious and as such is always very difficult to work for free. And the priest remains, until the contrary is proved not easy, a man with all his faults. Doing something good there is always the temptation of personal gain, even when there is no monetary reward, the gain you can always make money in fame, in prestige, in visibility and, naturally, in like.


Can we waste so much good things? Of course not. So today, we priests, we do not seek more souls to save it like to collect. Soon said: We performed an action of charity? Here is the photo ready Instagram! A politician who hate issued an opinion? Do not delay to punish going down hard Twitter! Individual photos of a priest in the planet and handpiece? Here is ready contemptuous and sarcastic comments of Facebook or on duty Blog!


Rome, 25 January 2019: Ivano Liguori and Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, images where the priests feel quite natural ease …

Examples could be multiplied, but the bottom substance always remains the same: We are delighted to have been practicing our righteousness, the one you like so much in the world. And as I grieve to say, by acting in this way we priests are no longer fishers of men, as the Blessed Apostle Peter [cf. Mt 4, 19], but fishermen of followers. We are saturated with Internet users priests seeking visibility: James Martin - known apostle of the rainbow world and the outgoing Church - Alex Zanotelli, Giorgio De Capitani, Mauro Leonardi and others that climb the ascent of fame, if anything, to achieve the fame of real star: Antonio Mazzi and Luigi Ciotti.


Far from the envious or resent these confreres, that arouse in me only dejection, having chosen to walk one priestly style does not conform but very common nowadays; a style that Jesus does not share absolutely, because the blatant does not fall between the characteristics of the disciple. Indeed, the talk about himself, It is never a wise choice [cf. LC 6,26]. The priest, must be exercised in a transparent behind which must manifest Christ; and this kind of way of perfection, It requires a lifetime.


The old anthologies of holiness which they were read during meals in convents of Lent, guarding a beautiful expression: "Also insensitive to praise and scorn". Because this is the man enlightened by God, which it proves transparent and insensitive to what can be a merit or demerit. This does not mean to despise the gifts or personal gifts, indeed, it is more than ever necessary to recognize that what I possess does not belong to me but is God's grace, so I can not brag; everything is written and explained in the famous parable of the talents [cf. Mt 25, 14-30]. The same criticisms are not the final word of God on my life, then they are irrelevant.


I share the thoughts of Cardinal. Robert Sarah when he says:


"The more we are clothed with glory and honor, most are raised in dignity, the more we are entrusted with public responsibilities, of prestige and positions in the world, how to lay, priests or bishops, and we must move forward in humility and carefully cultivate the sacred dimension of our inner life constantly trying to see the face of God in prayer, oration, in contemplation and asceticism. It can happen that a good and pious priest, a high time to episcopal dignity, rapidly falling into mediocrity and concern to succeed in world affairs. […] Manifesta in his being and in his works a desire for promotion, a desire for prestige and spiritual degradation. He ends up harming himself and the flock of which the Holy Spirit established him guardian to feed the church of God, which it was purchased with the blood of his own Son. We all run the risk of being monopolized by business and the cares of the world if we neglect the inner life, prayer, the prayer, I feel every day face to face with God, asceticism required every contemplative and to every person who wants to see the Lord and live with Him " [cf. Robert Sarah, The power of silence, Cantagalli, 2017, pp. 35-36].


Rome, 25 January 2019: Ivano Liguori and Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, images where the priests feel quite natural ease …

The 16 February on the site of Future appears this news: "Migrants. The selfie Pope with the pin "We open ports!”» [see WHO]. Ad images before which someone has rightly pointed out that today, among many things to open, the gospel has priority, especially in certain curie, convents, monasteries and seminaries …


The news, however, is a Clickbait very successful, the web goes crazy for certain things and chef executive officer It is king, in conclusion: coup Avvenire! Aside from the title to great effect, The following news reports that Don Nandino Capovilla has approached the Supreme Pontiff during the meeting on Migration in Sacrofano and, including greetings and kisses, the Holy Father noted the pin «Let's open the doors!"In the hands of the priest and, liking it, It has lent itself to make a selfie with him [cf. WHO, WHO, WHO, WHO].


I apologize to all: I'm afraid I have definitely needs a lot of conversion, perhaps even a good eye drops for the eyes, because I just can not catch a gospel message in everything. Or better: the message is, and it is evident that there is, But it is the political and social. The beginning of human justice that you want to accomplish through the logic of the world.


The priest commented on selfie on his profile Facebook:


We climb on the roofs! Bravely Pope Francis never fails, cut short with discounted exhortations. It gives a picture that raises quell'apriamo ports that is uniting citizens from the north to the south of the country and that evangelical Christians is required to be free from fear. From the title of the national meeting of the Italian Church Francesco she started to denounce and relaunch: “Fear is the source of all bondage and every dictatorship. The fear of the people growing violence of dictators. We renounce the encounter with each other to erect barriers: this is not human. Who has had the power to overcome the fear today is invited to climb on the roofs and invite others to do the same”.


It's true: you have to climb on the roofs, I'm with you don Nandino, but on the rooftops I will go up to preach the Gospel, God's Word. And having said that, I can inform you that I have not seen many pins in the hospital where I am chaplain with the words "no abortion!», "Long live the conscientious objection!». Even I saw in parishes pins praising the traditional family, marital fidelity, fidelity to the priestly celibacy, the defense of prostitutes, the protection of the terminally ill and bedridden elderly and so on … but the list goes on. And when such events happen, They are always at the hands of lay people who are immediately accused of traditionalism, fascism and bigotry. Perhaps, unlike us priests, they still have something open … the heart.


Rome, 25 January 2019: Ivano Liguori and Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, images where the priests feel quite natural ease

We priests we need more of selfie and find the courage to act, because now the Gospel we no longer nags and is a dead letter. If by mistake we quote, it often happens that it is just the second edition revised interpretation of The Manifesto Marx and Engels or the summary of Thesis at Martin Lutero.


Caro don Nandino, I am sure that you carry in your community a commendable service, but next time avoids selfie and advertising, because they are not needed. Your priesthood is already so compelling, without these things, because it is based on exousia [authority, authority] of Christ. You then remember that when San Giuseppe Cafasso passed among the masons, prisoners, sentenced to death and poor people of his time, I doubt I researched it visibility, the less he let yourself be intoxicated by the sacred fire of enthusiasm that can burn badly.


Your priestly service is valuable, It should be done thus proclaiming Christ, if you do find that people will seek you out because you are not a fair according to the thinking of the world, but because they have met a minister of God who welcomes, reconciles, feeds with the Eucharist, He teaches to pray and to bend the knees in front of an upper Majesty to that of social network: the Blessed Sacrament.


Cagliari, 18 February 2019



ARMY OF selfies
[ Tagagi & Ketra ]
You know the moon on Saturday night
I mean the real one, I mean the real one
You know the stars, Twin Towers
Those that no longer exist ,those that no longer exist
And if I talk to you about football
And if I play the banjo for you a little
You say you are depressed, I'm not in the context, what a rotten smell
But if I take you to the woods
You tell me take me downtown
Why is not there the field, then go out of your mind like the last time
We are the selfie army
Of those who tan with the iPhone
But we have no more contacts
Just like another post
But I miss you
I miss you
I miss you
I miss you in flesh and blood
I miss you on the list
Of the things that I did not, That I do not have, That I do not have
You know the night of Saturday night
I mean the black one, I mean the black one
You know people running around in their underwear
You say they no longer exist, you say they no longer exist
And if I talk to you about sex
Rock or scissor paper
You say you are depressed, I'm not in the context, what a rotten smell
But if I take you to the park
You tell me take me downtown
Why is not there the field, then go out of your mind like the last time
We are the selfie army
Of those who tan with the iPhone
But we have no more contacts
Just like another post
But I miss you
I miss you
I miss you
I miss you in flesh and blood (I miss you in flesh and blood)
I miss you on the list (I miss you on the list)
Of the things that I did not, That I do not have, That I do not have (That I do not have)
We are the selfie army
Of those who tan with the iPhone
But we have no more contacts
Just like another post
But I miss you
I miss you
I miss you
I miss you in flesh and blood (I miss you in flesh and blood)
I miss you on the list (I miss you on the list)
Of the things that I did not, That I do not have, That I do not have (That I do not have)
[Composers: Alessandro Merli / Fabio Clement / Thomas Paradise]




«You will know the truth and the truth will set you free» [GV 8,32],
but bring, spread and defend the truth not only of
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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

Christ's invitation to welcome the gift of happiness that becomes eternal bliss

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



The words of the French philosopher Blaise Pascal seem suited to our being witnesses of bliss: "Happiness is neither of us, nor out of us: It is in God, that is, outside and inside us ".


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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Dear brothers and sisters,


Salvador Dali, The announcement, work carried out on the occasion of the opening of Vatican II

in this VIª Sunday in Ordinary Time the Liturgy of the Word gives us the Lucan text of the Gospel of the Beatitudes [see text of the Liturgy of the Word, WHO].


There are evangelical pages that they are eternal and that's why we know by heart, but yet, whenever we listen, excite us and we always give something new and often unexpected. God sees our reality according to a vision of eternal present simultaneously: therefore, every time that speaks to us in His inspired Word, in our now daily, in our time it seems insignificant fills his tender love and eternally true and present.


The passage of the Beatitudes Lucan It first remembers what constitutes one of the greatest human research: the pursuit of happiness.


Salvador Dali, The Temptations of St. Anthony

In the statement the United States of America's founding fathers, with Thomas Jefferson, the 15 September 1787 They declared that the pursuit of happiness is a truth in itself obvious. With the philosophical language we would say that the pursuit of happiness is an axiom, something so obvious that it can not be refuted. This text has also inspired a great movie, I recommend everyone to see, just called The pursuit of happiness, Gabriele Muccino Will Smith and the little Jaden Smith. The film is the story of the broker American Chris Gardner, it reduced to poverty because of a series of existential contingencies and working, finds the strength along with his young son Christopher to roll up their sleeves and rebuild everything. Together the two Gardner begin their path to happiness. One of the most beautiful phrases of the film is that dad Chris says to the little Christopher:


"Do not ever let anyone tell you you can not do something. Me neither. Ok? If you have a dream you must protect. When people do not know how to do something they tell you that you do not. If you want something, and will inseguila. Point".


With these beatitudes the Lord wants us to show what is the path that has prepared for us, so that we can achieve happiness is not simply a job, as it happened in Gardner in this film. Happiness is not money: is not only materiality yet is not even abstractness. The Lord teaches us that happiness is bliss.


Salvador Dali, the vision of Hell granted by the Virgin Mary to the little shepherds of Fatima

Jesus' invitation to bliss It has a spiritual and human foundation at the same time: primarily because it is the Lord who helps every man to live the individual beatitudes. Secondly because, all bliss, It consists of a real condition of insecurity from which flows an act of concrete love given by God to His believers.


From the material and spiritual poverty, by grace you get the kingdom of God, that is, being in intimate contact with him at all times as baptized persons and children of God. From famine Trinitarian Love, the Lord gives us the fullness of the Holy Spirit when we are confirmed members. From the desperate cry of those who have sinned, the Lord gives the smile of one who has been forgiven in sacramental confession. And finally, Jesus, also we remember those who are in tear, division and deeper persecution for the sake of His Holy Name. Here Jesus turns to the martyrs: both those who today still lose their lives because they killed in hatred of faith, as recently happened in France on the altar with the murder of his father Jacques Hamel, both for those who live a white martyrdom because isolated from relatives, friends and brothers, until almost the removal of more family relationship for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ and for the love of the Church.


To the martyrs a great reward is prepared: the immediate vision of God's Love in Paradise, without having to further purify, for the martyrs in the Blood. The ability to have an authentic look on the love of God who becomes Eucharistic Bread, white for martyrs.


On the contrary, the three "woes" that Jesus gives to the rich, satiated and color reflect laughing like a false happiness can take root in man: a happiness that is not of God, but by money, from sexual satiation excessive and disorderly or the exercise of a power that mocks the authority of God and his commandments. Those troubles are warning today. You should be educated to stay away from these attitudes and behaviors that fill us with fleeting svuotandoci the one true treasure: God's presence.


Salvador Dali, Last dinner

The pursuit of happiness nellc happiness Jesus is described as an attainable goal every day. in the Sacraments, like I said. But also because we know to be those who proclaim the faith that is not passive stasis, but continuous journey towards that which gives us a sense of deep happiness.


The words of the French philosopher Blaise Pascal they look really suited to our being witnesses of bliss: "Happiness is neither of us, nor out of us: It is in God, that is, outside and inside us ".


So together, dear brothers and sisters, We ask the Lord to assimilate more and more these eternal words. Every day we can be at the Bliss School. With a contemplative look, We ask you to find the ray of sunshine that illuminates our window, the sign that the Lord wants to make us eternally happy because blessed.




Rome, 16 February 2019



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The personal blog of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos

Theological club

the Father Gabriele blog




"You received, freely give ". XXVII World Day of the Sick

visit the personal blog by Father Ivano

- Pastoral care of health -



Watching for example Holy Mother Teresa of Calcutta, inspiration behind the World Day of the Sick in this year which will be celebrated solemnly in Calcutta, the assistance to the sick can only be effective if the first bow our knees and learn to communicate adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.



Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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Santa Teresa of Calcutta

The theme of the Day of the Sick XXVIIª of this year It is focused on the gratuity and the logic of the gift, following the evangelical reference of St. Matthew's Gospel [cf. 10, 8]. In his greeting, the Holy Father underlines how the gift of life implies the recognition of gratuitousness and the same care and protection of human life over time the disease can only play in the all-encompassing donation of person in the likeness of the Good Samaritan [Official text, WHO]. The Pontiff's suggestion allows us to broaden the discourse through some very important ideas.






Santa Teresa of Calcutta

First of all, recognize life as a gift It means recognizing the real giver who is God. St. James, in his letter, He tells us that "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father" [cf. GC 1,17], This first reference shows well how God, as real father, it is also true author of the gift of life. Indeed, the creative act of God, It is intimately tied to its authorship and that measure can not be understood without this category. The God of Jesus Christ does not resemble at all the cold Demiurge by Plato in Timeo; it's not even the creator of the universe of the Gnostic cults or detached largest watchmaker so dear to the Enlightenment. The creative act of God is a father's act and he creates communicating himself, his paternity [cf. At 17,28].


From these early consideration, it is easy to say how life implies, to be generated, a father and mother figure - although today this evidence is going through a deep crisis -. Scripture, very wisely, teaches that God becomes knowable to man and as a father and as a mother [cf. Ef 3,14; Is 49,14-15].


His paternal primacy of God of all life, challenges the man to become the guardian [cf. GN 2,15; 4,9] and to protect it in front of the scrap culture, of violence and indifference that is the result of contemporary individualism and social fragmentation.


Santa Teresa of Calcutta

The dialogue that the Holy Father points out be necessary as a presupposition of the gift, It must not be reduced only to the horizontal dimension of fraternity among men, but first he must get to the encounter with God verticalism. It is therefore necessary to lift his head to the Lord in order to be sure to see the man for what is, and so lead them to salvation.


The mystery It is just an example of how the divine vertical relationship humbles himself to reach the horizontality of the human nature in need of healing and resurrection [cf. Fil 2,7]. So the dialogue is fruitful, only if we accept the challenge of dialogue with God and the acceptance of God's Word made flesh, which reveals the ultimate paternity of God the giver of life in abundance [CF Jn. 10,10]. Without dialogue with the Lord, the comparison between men threatens to stop utopia, political ideology, demagogy, the utilitarian logic and the market, the business strategy, depersonalizing the new ethical doctrines; and today, unfortunately, the scope of health pays the price for this type of "calm" and "fraternal relation".





Santa Teresa of Calcutta

It is in the Church which implements the recognition of that brotherhood that there is in being granted sons through the Son. If Christ had not done in solidarity with the man up to the total gift of self, the human condition would have been characterized by many lost and fragmented individuality [cf. MC 6,34]. It is in the Church that the Holy Spirit - the Lord, the giver of life - educates the children of God to unity and mutual assistance [cf At 4,32] and the ability to participate in the gift of life as a rich relationship with God, and how to cooperate with his paternity. It is still in the Church that we find the mother's womb that in the liturgical baptismal font where we taste a new brotherhood that shines the dignity of the children beloved by the Father [cf. MC 1,11].


The church, before the world, thus becomes the banner of primary and merciful love that becomes concrete only in obedience to the command of the Son of God and our brother Jesus Christ: "I was given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And here, I am with you always;, until the end of the world " [Mt 28,18-20].


The mandate of Christ, at the end of the first Gospel, far from propaganda, proselytism, It ensures a continuous fraternal assistance to the Church, It is a gift of grace that the Christian has to be rescued and healed by learning obedience to the will of God in Mary - Salvation of the sick - he has his shining example and Safe.


Cagliari, 11 February 2019




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"Do not be troubled heart" [GV 14,1]. From proclamations on “Church outgoing” the poster proclaims the faith of Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller

- the illustrious guests of the island of Patmos -



Many now wonder why the Church still exists if the bishops themselves prefer to act as a political rather than as teachers of the faith to proclaim the Gospel. The look is not to dwell on side issues, but it is more than ever necessary for the Church to assume its own responsibility. Every human being has an immortal soul, that his death separates from the body, But the hope of the resurrection of the dead. Death ultimately makes man's decision for or against God. Everyone has to deal with the personal judgment immediately after death.


Preparation of ’ island of Patmos



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… the distant future or very close?

More than a "Church in output", at times our Holy Mother seems like a "Church in liquidation" at the end of the season.


The Fathers de The Island of Patmos, sharing the highest consideration that all have towards the Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, They were primarily affected by an expression which for them is a lament traded for some time and with increasing frequency among members who carry the sacred priesthood, fulfillment of which they have repeatedly regretted exchanging precisely the phrase that stands out in the first lines of the text written by the former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: "Today, many Christians no longer know even the basics of the faith".


Those who the so-called "field hospital Church" live there, often carrying emergency services to the emergency room where they arrived all the different cases and often more severe, They must face each other every day with a growing number of faithful who no longer know the fundamentals of the Catholic faith, who have no right perception of the sacraments of grace, who for years they do not confess and who can not confess, who do not know the prayers. But most of all, Every day, You are faced with the faithful in terribly high number speak and live the worst language of this world with total ease. abortion: "Well, a girl of sixteen who has a hiccup, You may perhaps become a mother at that age?». Life and health: "Why not give a gentle and dignified death to a person who suffers from an incurable disease, It serves perhaps something to make her suffer needlessly?». affective Life: "We were the parents, the first to recommend to our children, before getting married, going to live with for a few years, sperimentassero so if they really go well together, or maybe the marriage must be a leap in the dark?».


These, as many of the faithful who reason well on the different moral and spiritual aspects, are people who generally do not confess, because first of all say they have no sins to confess, But they go to receive Holy Communion, without the knowledge and clear perception of what is really and truly the Most Holy Eucharist.


Only these few introductory words They are sufficient to clarify what the Fathers de The Island of Patmos have welcomed and much appreciated this essay containing the words which have long you are repeating each other with great sorrow and regret: Today you must start at one side with the missions for a new evangelization of our populations, the other with the fundamentals of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.





il Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller

Faced with an increasingly widespread confusion in teaching of faith, many bishops, priests, religious and laity of the Catholic Church invited me to give public witness to the truth of revelation. It is the responsibility of its pastors to lead men entrusted to them the way of salvation, and this can only happen if such pathway is known and if their first pass through it. About he warned the Apostle:


"In fact, I sent you, first of all, what I also received " (1 Color 15,3).


Today many Christians no longer know even the basics of the faith, with a growing danger of not finding the path that leads to eternal life. However, proper task of the Church is to lead people to Jesus Christ, light of the nations [see LG 1]. In this situation, one wonders how to find the right orientation. According to John Paul II, The Catechism of the Catholic Church is "a sure norm for teaching the faith" [A deposit of faith IV]. It was written for the purpose of strengthening our brothers and sisters in faith, Mass faith severely tested by the "dictatorship of relativism".





The epitome of faith of all Christians It lies in the confession of the Holy Trinity. We have become disciples of Jesus, children and friends of God, through baptism in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The difference of the three divine persons in the unit [254] It marks a fundamental difference in their faith in God and in the image of man over other religions. Recognized Jesus Christ, the ghosts disappear. He is true God and true man, born of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. The Word made flesh, the Son of God is the only Savior of the world [679] and the only mediator between God and men [846]. Because of this, the first letter of John refers to one who denies his divinity as the antichrist [1 GV 2, 22], since Jesus Christ, Son of God, eternity is a unique being with God, his father [663]. It is with clear determination to addressing the reappearance of ancient heresies that in Jesus Christ saw only a good person, a brother and a friend, a prophet and an example of moral life. He is first of all the Word that was with God and is God, Son of the Father, who took our human nature to redeem us and who is to judge the living and the dead. Him alone we worship in unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit as the one true God [691].





Jesus Christ founded the Church as a visible sign and instrument of salvation, which subsists in the Catholic Church [816]. He gave to His Church, who "it was born from the pierced heart of Christ who died on the cross"[766], a sacramental structure that will remain until the Kingdom is fully achieved [765]. Christ, chief, and believers as members of the body have a mystical person [795], for this reason the church is holy, since Christ, one mediator, It has established on earth as a visible organization and continually sustains [771]. Through it the redemptive work of Christ becomes present in time and space with the celebration of the Blessed Sacrament, especially in the Eucharistic Sacrifice, The holy Mass [1330]. The Church transmits with the authority of Christ's divine revelation, 'Which extends to all the elements of doctrine, including morals, without which the saving truths of the faith can not be preserved, explained, or observed ' [2035].





The Church is in Jesus Christ, the universal sacrament of salvation [776]. It does not reflect itself but the light of Christ, shining on his face, and this can only happen when the reference point is not the opinion of the majority nor the spirit of the times, but rather the Truth revealed in Jesus Christ, who entrusted to the Catholic Church the fullness of grace and truth [819]: He himself is present in the sacraments of the Church.


The Church is not an association created by man, whose structure can be changed by its members at will: it is of divine origin. "Christ is himself the source of ministry in the Church. He instituted, It gave her authority and mission, orientation and goal " [874]. Even the Apostle's admonition is valid now that cursed is everyone who proclaim another gospel, "Even ourselves, or an angel from heaven " [Gal 1,8]. The mediation of the faith is inextricably linked to human credibility of its announcers: they, in some cases, They have abandoned those who had been entrusted to them, turbandoli and severely damaging their faith. For them it realizes the word of Scripture: "Do not endure sound doctrine, ma, to hear something, It will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own whims " [2 Tim 4,3-4].


The task of the Magisterium of the Church with regard to the people of God is that of "]safeguard it from deviations and failures "so that it can" profess no mistake the true faith " [890]. This is especially true of the seven sacraments. The Holy Eucharist is "the source and summit of all Christian life" [1324]. The Eucharistic Sacrifice, in which Christ draws us into his sacrifice on the cross, It is aimed at the most intimate union with Him [1382]. For this reason the Holy Scripture warns about conditions for receiving Holy Communion: "Whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily, It shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord " [1Color 11, 27], So "anyone conscious of a grave sin, must receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before entering Communion " [1385]. From the internal logic of the sacrament it is understood that the divorced and remarried civilly, whose sacramental marriage before God is still valid, as well as all those Christians who are not in full communion with the Catholic faith and also all those who are not properly prepared, do not receive the Holy Eucharist fruitfully [1457], because in this way it does not lead them to salvation. Put it in evidence it corresponds to a work of spiritual mercy.


The recognition of sins in the holy confession at least once a year is one of the precepts of the Church [2042]. When believers do not confess their sins more receiving absolution, it makes vain the salvation brought by Christ, In fact, he became man to redeem us from our sins. The power of forgiveness, that the Risen Christ gave the Apostles and their successors in the Episcopate and in the Priesthood, take away grave and venial sins committed after Baptism. The current practice of confession shows that the conscience of believers is not sufficiently formed today. The mercy of God is given to us, in order to fulfill his commandments to conformaci to his holy will and not to avoid the call to conversion [1458].


"It is the priest who continues the work of redemption on earth" [1589]. The order, which gives the priest a "sacred power" [1592], is irreplaceable because through it Jesus becomes sacramentally present in his saving action. The priests voluntarily choose celibacy as a "sign of such a life" [1579]. It is the gift of himself to the service of Christ and His coming Kingdom. In order to validly conferring ordination in the three degrees of this sacrament, The Church recognizes herself as bound to the choice made by the Lord himself, "For this reason the ordination of women is not possible" [1577]. In this respect, talk about a discrimination against women clearly demonstrates a misunderstanding of this sacrament, it does not affect an earthly power but the representation of Christ, the Bridegroom of the Church.





Faith and life are inseparable, because faith without works carried out in the Lord died [1815]. The moral law is the work of divine wisdom and leads man to the promised beatitude [1950]. As a result, the "divine and natural law shows man the way forward to do good and attain his end" [1955]. Its observance is necessary for all people of good will to attain eternal salvation. In fact, he who dies in mortal sin without repentance will remain forever separated from God [1033]. This has practical consequences in the lives of Christians, between which it is appropriate to recall those most frequently neglected today: [cf. 2270-2283; 2350-2381]. The moral law is not a burden, but part of that liberating truth [cf. Jn 8,32] through which the Christian along the way of salvation and should not be relativised.





Many now wonder why the Church still exists if the bishops themselves prefer to act as a political rather than as teachers of the faith to proclaim the Gospel. The look is not to dwell on side issues, but it is more than ever necessary for the Church to assume its own responsibility. Every human being has an immortal soul, that his death separates from the body, But the hope of the resurrection of the dead [366]. Death ultimately makes man's decision for or against God. Everyone has to deal with the personal judgment immediately after death [1021]: or you will still require a purification, or the man will go directly to the heavenly bliss and will be allowed to see God face to face. But there is also the terrible possibility that a person, until the end, remains in contradiction with God: finally rejecting His love, it "shall immediately damned forever" [1022]. "It gave, who created us without us, He did not choose to save us without us' [1847]. The eternity of the punishment of hell is a terrible reality, which - according to the testimony of Holy Scripture - concerns all those who "die in a state of mortal sin" [1035]. The Christian crosses the narrow gate, "Because the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter " [Mt 7,13].


To keep silent about these and other truths of faith, or teach otherwise It is the worst deception against which the Catechism admonishes vigorously. This is the ultimate test of the Church, or 'a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems, the price of apostasy of the truth " [675]. It is the Antichrist's deception, that is, "with all the seductions of iniquity, to the detriment of those who perish because they received not the love of the truth and be saved " [2Ts 2,10].




As workers in the vineyard of the Lord, we all have a fundamental responsibility to remember these truths holding on to what we have received the same. We want to give courage to walk the path of Jesus Christ with determination, so as to obtain eternal life by following His commandments [2075].


We ask the Lord to let us know how great is the gift of the Catholic faith, through which opens the door to eternal life. "For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels " [MC 8,38]. Therefore we are committed to strengthening the faith confessing the truth that is Jesus Christ himself.


The warning that Paul, the apostle of Jesus Christ, by his collaborator and successor Timothy is addressed in particular to us, bishops and priests. He wrote:


«I adjure you before God and Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: proclaims the Word, insist upon and out of season, do warn, reproaches, exhorts with all magnanimity and teaching. The day will come, indeed, when they will not endure sound doctrine;, ma, to hear something, men's masters according to surround their whims, refusing to listen to the truth to get lost behind the Fables. But you shall carefully, endure the sufferings, do your work of Gospel announcer, fulfill your ministry " [2 TM 4,1-5].


may Mary, Mother of God, implorarci the grace to hold fast to the confession of the truth of Jesus Christ without wavering. United in faith and prayer,


+Gerhard Müller Cardinale
Prefect of the Congregation

for the Doctrine of the Faith

from the 2012 al 2017





«You will know the truth and the truth will set you free» [GV 8,32],
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To become real fishers of men, first of all you have to be real men

L'Angolo di Girolamo Savonarola: Catholic homiletics in lean times



Throw networks means getting away from the shore and take in the immensity. In order to draw men, first of all we must be real men, legitimate children of a God who became true man in all respects and by whom we freely and lovingly let ourselves be caught, to thus become true fishers of men.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo.



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Jesus Christ be praised !



Immensity, Roman work of painter Anna Boschini [Vitarte, WHO]

The page of the Lucan Gospel offered by this 5th Sunday of ordinary time [text of the liturgy of the word, WHO], first of all it reminds us of the mystery of an inseparable reality: the Jesus of history, real man, and the Christ of faith, true God, expression of the mystery of the nature of the Redeemer who is one in his person and one in the Trinity, because every action of encounter between the true God and the true man with humanity, it is an action of grace of the Trinity in our history, in our present being and in our future becoming, single and collective.


The man Jesus also teaches us the art of preaching, which is the ability to communicate in order to seek and live true communion. The historical Jesus demonstrates this, able to discuss already as a teenager with the doctors of the Temple [cf. LC 2, 41-50] who were amazed and wondered where he got this wisdom. Approached Jesus that with simple words, at times disarming - within which, however, the pillars of our faith are contained - he speaks and refers to the children and the simple who listen to him, who understand him and above all who follow him [cf. MC 10, 13-14; Mt 18, 3-4; Mt 18,6].


If whoever preaches the Gospel does not sow and does not reap, if he does not cast the empty nets to throw them on the boat full, things are in these terms: or has landed in a city of totally dry hearts from which it is good to proceed further by shaking the dust from one's sandals,[3] or he is a misunderstood prophet destined for more or less white martyrdom, or he's a bad preacher who doesn't practice what he preaches.


The historical Jesus, Jew among the Jews, that in his perfect human nature he was the son of an ancient culture - the Jewish one - made up of symbols and images; in a Judea that at the time had also assimilated the wealth of Greek and then Roman symbols and images, to make his preaching effective he addresses the people speaking in parables. And as we know the parable - that is, the story - is a symbol, beyond which there is a human message, morale, ethical and spiritual.


But beware of a pitfall that is always lurking: symbolic is language, not the God incarnate in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus is a human and divine reality narrated through the Gospels which are also historical sources, put together by direct or immediately directed eyewitnesses. The divine mystery of the incarnate Christ of faith is contained in the historicity of Jesus who speaks in parables or allegories, lived, dead and risen.


Jesus walking over the waters of the Sea of ​​Galilee [cf. MC 6, 45-52; Mt 14,22-32], who performs the miracle of wine at Cana [cf. GV 2,1-11] who multiplies the loaves and fishes [cf. Mt 15,29-37], who heals the sick and who raises Lazarus [cf. GV 11, 35-44]; but especially, Jesus who on the third day rises from the dead, it is not a set of symbols and allegories to be interpreted with the criteria of modern theology, because all of this is historical and real. And only in the face of this real historicity, we can then proceed with spiritual criteria and with theological readings, not vice versa. In fact, if Jesus existed only in the past or instead he also exists in the present, this all depends on his resurrection [cf. Antonio Maria Sicari, Travel In the Gospel, Jaca Boock, pag 270].


In today's Gospel proclamation an original story was not told but a real fact, beyond which there is the symbol. It is not a play on words but a correct use of words in the delicate vineyard of the mystery of faith. Through the earthly life of Jesus the parable is born from his concrete and palpitating human reality, or the metaphor, which is an effective communication tool. Thinking instead of from the metaphor, or whatever you want from the fairy tale, the tender fairytale idea of ​​a Jesus is born to be interpreted within purely spiritual and theological categories, it is a thought which, however widespread, remains dangerously non-Christian, definitely not Catholic.


That day Jesus actually got into Simon's boat, inviting him and the other fishermen to put out to sea and cast their nets, and fulfilling his request, Simon really replied that they had tried in vain to fish all night without catching anything, finally saying: "At your word I will cast the nets", thus making a free act of faith.


What is the spiritual challenge of this parable inserted into a real fact? First of all, Jesus invites Simon to leave the shore to go out to sea, moving away from that shore strewn with the shells of our limits, of our obvious lack of charity. Throw networks means getting away from the shore and take in the immensity, finally to bring to the surface what has been enclosed in each of us since the dawn of time, which is being created in the image and likeness of God: you will be holy because I - the Lord your God - am holy [cf. The Pt 1,13-21; Lv 19,2; Is 11, 45]. And when we just seemed totally lost, God bursts again into the history of man in a real and physical way through the mystery of his incarnation; and through Jesus it is God himself who comes in person to rescue us, it is enough that through an act of free faith one accepts to go out to sea to cast the nets, to be caught by his grace and to be caught by his grace.


It is the miracle of fishing: abandoned the shore with Jesus, cast the nets and fishing deeply, those men made their true image and likeness with the Eternal Creator re-emerge by re-establishing their communion with God and shortly after bringing the communion of God into the world.


Faced with the miracle of fish, which is a miracle of faith and abandonment to God, Simon returns to having first of all the perception of good and evil, so much so as to tell Jesus: "Get away from me because I am a sinner". Faced with that awareness, Jesus fills Simon with grace and implicit forgiveness by answering him: "From now on you will be a fisher of men". That statement in itself implies: because you have had the goodness to follow my word and to leave the shore, to get offshore to fish out yourself e, with yourself, recover your Lord and Creator, so that I could perform the great miracle of faith on you.


In today's Church, what is often lacking are not men to fish - who often would like to let themselves be caught, or who sometimes ask, they beg to be caught - perhaps what they lack are good fishermen. What then Our Lord Jesus Christ, beginning, center and ultimate end of our entire humanism, he in whom all things are recapitulated, those in heaven and on Earth, the visible ones and the invisible ones, head of the mystical body which is the Church ...[I Ef, prologue] may he always make us wise and holy fishers of men, with his grace and with the comfort and prayer of the good People of God. Never forgetting that in order to fish for men, first of all we must be real men, legitimate children of a God who became true man in all respects and by whom we freely and lovingly let ourselves be caught, to thus become true fishers of men.


From the island of Patmos, 10 February 2019





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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

The epic tradition, which it is not aesthetic or ideology, but living force with which the Church makes us participants in the whole world the message of Christ

the personal blog by Father Gabriele




We are left with an important responsibility; no we distort the sense of Tradition: it can neither destroy nor ideologically equally as ideologically waving flag. We Catholics, children of the children of the Church and Tradition, servants of Jesus Christ. This is what I have always believed, loved and defended the Tradition.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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The Conversion of St. Paul, Caravaggio, collection Odescalchi

If we talk about the tradition, or what it really is in the Christian lexicon, We have to start from the Apostolic Letters Pauline:


Dear, I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you: the Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, He took bread, gave thanks, he broke it and said,: “This is my body, that's for you; Do this in memory of me". In the same way, after dinner, also the cup, saying: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, every time you drink it, in memory of me ". For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes [The Cor 11, 23 – 26].


What St. Paul, It is what the compositional and expressive plan might call "epic". And the epic - to remember the true etymological sense of the word -, It is the story of "fairy tales" or "fantasies", but it is a higher type of expression generally, poetic or literary, that tells a real story.


the fall of St. Paul on the road to Damascus, Caravaggio, work preserved in the Roman church of Santa Maria del Popolo

This is why often I get excited when I hear epic stories. I love literature, the theater and its own cinema for this reason. In fourth high school I loved the eternal lines of 'Iliade, siege of Troy. In that case the classical Greece has handed down orally even violent confrontation between Achilles, iracondo, and Ettore. At Cinema, I was moved before the brotherly love of Raymond and Charlie Babbit, interpreters that Dustin Hoffman will Tom Cruise, the unforgettable RainmanMan of the Rain. On stage, they gave me joy, the Ernest Sweetheart cunning arguments Import of being Ernest. The "epics" of warriors, brothers and men with the heart beating are gifts that will always carry with me.


The epic is one of a thousand reasons why I joined and I continue to adhere to the faith in Christ and so I joined the Order of Preachers. Faith in Jesus Christ, in its essential ad, says epic: It announces that the love of a God so great for fallen and suffering humanity enough to die on the cross to redeem. But the epic of Christianity is emphasized by St. Paul at the beginning of the song that I wanted to mention. The epic is contained in verbal couple "I received […] I sent '.


St. Paul speaks of a fact deliver, a Tradition. That is a figure that, over the centuries, continuously it communicated and reaches us: this figure is the essential message of Christ. Even the liturgy, we note, It focuses on Tradition. In the Roman Canon we can listen in fact this sentence:


«[…] and all true, and the Catholic Church,, apostolic faith [And with all those who guard the Catholic faith transmitted by the Apostles'.


the martyrdom of St. Paul, by Mattia Preti [XVII sec.]

Several times, perhaps even in the queer and inopportune moments, I meditated on this passage of the Roman Canon. It is again the missal to emphasize the epic and the love of all those who have labored in the guard and give us that announcement intact. So I look back with joy to those in my life who have guarded and transmitted the message of Jesus: in the first place my two grandmothers. Really they have given me an invaluable repository of faith.


Tradition is the Trinitarian dance circling the world. It is the main force, together with the Scripture, with which the Church makes us participants in the whole world the message of Christ. A message, teaches the Letter to Diognetus, which is not invented by a philosophical reflection. That message is essentially the encounter with the Risen Jesus.


To broadcast, be part of the Tradition means ultimately bring together the poor and the needy, material as a spiritual, the face of God who loves him and keep him,.


We are left with an important responsibility; no we distort the sense of Tradition: it can neither destroy nor ideologically equally as ideologically waving flag. We Catholics, children of the children of the Church and Tradition, servants of Jesus Christ. This is what I have always believed, loved and defended the Tradition. I then try to make a breakthrough.


Inside the tomb of St. Paul, in the homonymous major Roman basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls

Father Yves Congar [1904-1995], In the 1975 he wrote:


"Tradition (And) something quite different from a mechanical and repetitive affirmation of the past: it is the active presence of a principle in all its history ".


We called ourselves to enter into the dynamics of Tradition, as clerics, secular and religious. Called to be a living presence with the Tradition. The order to which I belong, the Order of Preachers founded by St. Dominic de Guzman, It was born of the thirst for truth that the men of the thirteenth century yearned desperately; the Middle Aged, desertified by Cathar and Waldensian, He begged our brothers: "Bring the refreshing water of the Catholic faith".


This deep desire has not stopped the mIDDLE aGE. It has survived the centuries and it is now up to date. So all of us, not only the Dominicans, today continue to preach and transmit the integrity of the doctrine and to strive to live every moment, despite our sins and our weaknesses. Thinking back to the double blessing, will be implemented upon the spouses the request of the celebrant: "Holy Father, grant that these sons, united in front of you as spouses, communicate to your table, to participate together with joy at the banquet of heaven ". Thinking back to the religious profession and ordination will implement the formula: "And God who began this work in you, bring it to completion ". We become everyone humble fervent Catholics, loads of Holy Tradition, and the fulfillment of God's masterpiece will be realized in us.


"Sweet Jesus, Jesus 'love' [St. Caterina da Siena]


Rome, 7 February 2019



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The most terrible cancers, and difficult to heal are the diseases that prevent us from being witnesses of Christ [IIª reflection: The lukewarmness]

visit the personal blog by Father Ivano

- Pastoral care of health -


[ (II)ª REFLECTION: The lukewarmness ]


Many church communities are infested with this type of disease: lukewarmness. Tutto is contaminated by this disease: fraternal relations, love life, the economics, the selection and election of community leaders, liturgical life, the charity …


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.




PDF print format article


Fragility, Roman work of painter Anna Boschini, It is from the catalog of Mondadori Art, 2019 [cf. Vitarte Gallery, WHO]

I challenge readers from The Island of Patmos never to have heard in Church - including groups of laity, religious communities, priests or curial environment - expression: "It has always done so".


This sentence, far from wanting to preserve tradition - the real one, no traditionalism - is actually the biggest threat to the growth of the Church community. Behind 'has always done well', It hides the trap that prevents the Christian to be an authentic witness of the risen Lord.


Here then is to break into the second spiritual sickness: the lukewarmness. You get to contracting this disease when we take the habit of doing things for the Lord routine. As well as teaching the old manuals of spirituality, lukewarmness may cover all or incipient the perfect.


It seems strange, but often we can discover us lukewarm just after taking a sufficient degree of fervor and union with the Lord. Indeed, closing the grace or the Holy Spirit's inspirations, They are characterized as hazardous elements that draw them to the lukewarm; as well as the crystallization in a faith that satisfies a purely human vision. In this case, the complacency of an artificial faith takes over the "new wine" (cf. MC 2, 22) the Lord wants to pour with plenty in my life and I will see jailed me to repeat the same pattern that will drain the vitality of the Gospel, leading me spiritual flattening.


wanting to hazard a definition of lukewarm we can say that: is repetitive devotion to the work of man that is opposed to the virtue of religion which consists of a readiness of mind toward God. And the Word of God is clear, about the condemnation of apathy and lukewarm condemnation of man:


"I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. I would thou wert cold or hot! But because you are lukewarm, that is, you are neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of my mouth " (cf. AP 3,14-16).


After the storm, Roman work of painter Anna Boschini

Many ecclesial communities They are infested with this type of disease and everything is contaminated by this disease: fraternal relations, love life, the economics, the selection and election of community leaders, liturgical life, the charity … Often, in front of a fair appeal before this soporific lifestyle, There is justified by saying: "What harm do? My prayers try to say them, Sunday Mass more or less follow her, what else should I do?». What is missing in these people and these communities is a holy restlessness to know Jesus and to make him loved.



The apathy is recognized by several symptoms, byiamone with someone: the first symptom, It is the normalization. Today we have a tendency to standardize everything and then to justify everything. For example sin. Normalize sin is to recognize that God's love wound, because it is accomplished by many and with a certain frequency, It loses its problematic. Or they tend to normalize sinful acts minimizing them: "I committed peccadilloes, I had a passioncella, I kept the bad habit '.

. .

Challenge, Roman work of painter Anna Boschini

The warm tends to normalize and to minimize the reality that surrounds him with the illusion of bringing peace and mercy. It is self-convinced that there is nothing left to improve in your life because - after all - has reached a stable equilibrium reassuring. However, Jesus in the Gospel does not praise the tepid demand but raising the level of discipleship toward a justice empowered by sanctifying grace:


"I will indeed say: unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, never enter the kingdom of heaven " [cf. Mt 5,20].


The third symptom of apathy is doubt, son of lukewarmness, who the tepid man has a great propensity to doubt - not because he is a skeptic convinced - but because the question allows him to not take a clear position on faith and relationship with God. Often it is usually repeated phrases like these: "I think I'm a believer but I have always been many unresolved doubts about faith ', and although he is chosen in a good accompaniment which tends to settle certain problematic, doubts persist anchored to the will of the person. To which come Moses, the lukewarm who doubts, It is unable to enter the Promised Land in which he fully realizes the relationship with God [cf. Dt 32,48-52]. It is content to see the spiritual reality from afar. There is a substantial difference, however,, that Moses became a source of shame and emphasizes a certain incompleteness to their vocation; in warm doubt it is conceived as relief that relieves, Once again, the problem of God.


Meeting to freedom, Roman work of painter Anna Boschini

Fourth symptom of apathy It is the free rein of concupiscence. The man who is immersed in lukewarm, soon lost the reference to the person of God, the ability to renounce himself and status new man Saint Paul calls for the man who has been redeemed by Christ [cf. Mt 16,24; MC 8,34; LC 9,23; Ef 4,24]. With the proliferation of various disorders in the soul that makes human nature far from grace, the warm is a slave of lust that he himself helped to feed. Here, then, that theso in lust it leads to the maturation of some very dangerous fruit - the seven deadly sins - that lead to ever greater moral disorders, much to spoil the beauty of man created by God. This lust leads man to regress to a condition that enslaves their instincts and passions.


In the past the holy fathers of monasticism Evagrius Ponticus, John Damascene, Gregory of Nyssa, Antonio Abate since most expert of the human soul, They had worked out different ways to fight the deadly sins, in addition to the constant vigilance of the heart, It was necessary evangelization of conscience, thoughts and feelings.


With this second contribution which he sought to analyze the spiritual sickness of apathy, You want to warn the Christians so that there is always a steady progression in the journey of knowledge of the Lord, because as rightly teaches St. Augustine, the not advance the cause of God means going back. And because the desire for God's holiness for all his children [cf 1Ts 4,3], we can only fight the disease of apathy that cloaked nowadays of doing good and tolerance reaps many victims in the Church.


[After the Secondª meditation]


Cagliari, 5 February 2019





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