“Be merciful, as your Father is merciful, which is in heaven ", not as pleasing to the world, but as God

L'Angolo di Girolamo Savonarola: Catholic homiletics in lean times



For the world is mercy, and what highly merciful grant through euthanasia death to a person seriously ill, or a senior who is simply tired of living, if anything it alone and abandoned. But this is not mercy but terrible abomination, just as it is an abortion, ie kill a poor innocent, after the ultrasound or amniocentesis was found that Down syndrome is suffering the unborn child and therefore is not perfect according to the standards of an increasingly unclean world.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo.



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Jesus Christ be praised !



"Be merciful as your Father which is in heaven"

The passage in Luke this seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time [cf. LC 6,27-38, see text of the liturgy, WHO] It could suggest that there are times when you end up with the fear that not only the Holy Gospel we tend to get what you want in the way you want, because having made a further leap forward, it is reasonable to fear that it is faced with the authentic forgery of God's Word, doing it to say that Christ God has never said. Many would be examples, Let us take just one among many: "Do not judge lest you be judged" [Mt 7, 1]. Let us see how he was often literally falsified this warning, enough to hear certain sermons built on improntanti sociologisms the desire to please the world, Then to hear from certain pulpits rants like this:


"The Church has finally realized that it could not continue to judge and condemn how long did, but that it was necessary to understand, to understand, receive, be merciful ... ".


Comments of this kind are authentic blasphemies uttered in the Father's house from where he proclaims the Word of God. Indeed, warning "Do not judge lest you be judged", Christ the Lord probably refers to His apostles and to the Church of the future? Who I am, the subjects and objects of this warning? They are the ones - as explained a little later in this Gospel passage -, who used to watch "the mote in your brother, but you do not notice the plank in your own eye " [Mt 7, 3]. The warning is therefore addressed to the human hypocrites and hypocrisy exercised in its various forms, What this explained by divine magistralità by Christ the Lord in the discourse that follows [cf. Mt 7, 1-29]. As regards instead the Holy Church of Christ, It is aware and is clearly indicating what is right and wrong thing, what is lawful and what is unlawful, what is holy and what's evil, it is a duty and an obligation to which the Church can not and must not shirk. Or to put it with the Word of God: the church, unless otherwise betraying its mission, has an obligation to tell and teach how the believers of Christ should enter "through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat " [Mt 7, 13]. The Church therefore cannot fail to judge and condemn evil in a severe way where necessary, place that sin is not a different way of understanding and living the life, but the negation of the gift of life in Christ and the consequent and probable chance of being eternally damned.


The Church can not derogate from that obligation that it comes from its divine Founder who wanted it as a means and instrument of salvation, or as will be defined by Vatican II and then by the Catechism: "The Church, the universal sacrament of salvation" [Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 774]. And here it is well noted that the concept of universality, together with the totality implies exclusivity. God has never contemplated the many instruments of salvation, as he never contemplated the many different churches or religions, His Church is one and only one, the one entrusted to Peter and to the College of the Apostles, all within a criterion of uniqueness that does not contemplate the multiplicity. It is different to the speech related ordinary means of salvation, that the Church of Christ and the sacraments of grace of which it is a dispenser, ed i extraordinary means of salvation, which are enclosed in the mystery of God's heart that in more ways than one, through the most disparate means so-called overtime, It can lead single men to salvation. Means overtime that they belong only to God, and of which no man can avail, for example by claiming that Christ's Church is just one of many means is means of salvation. No, the Church and the sacraments of grace of which it is a dispenser is not just another media, but the only way that Christ the Lord has given to man and mankind to be redeemed through the blood of his cross.


The phrase on which structure the pace of Luke's Gospel: “Be merciful, as your Father is merciful, which is in heaven ", harmonizes with another Old Testament phrase that warns us and calls us to be "holy because I, the Lord your God, I'm Holy " [Lv 19, 2]. The assumption is therefore the sanctity of mercy, no worldliness. It was not compassionate or charitable when you love the world, but just when you do not like the world. The Holy Gospel and the apostolic letters teach us that in fact the measure by which we can measure our true love and our true mercy, is when we are not at all welcome the children of this world:


"If the world hates you, know that it hated me before. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you from the world, that's why the world hates you " [GV 15, 18-19].


And for our world charity and love means allowing two men to be able to crown their own “dream” with a wedding and then buy a baby from a surrogate mother, while the exact opposite, for charity and for the love that makes us worthy sons of our Father who is in Heaven, those who perform such monstrosities and thereby compromise the life of these innocent creatures, perhaps "it would be better for him to have hung a millstone around his neck, and to be drowned in the depths of the sea " [Mt 18, 6].


For the world is mercy, and what highly charitable grant through euthanasia death to a person seriously ill, or a senior who is simply tired of living, if anything it alone and abandoned. But this is not mercy but terrible abomination, just as it is an abortion, ie kill a poor innocent, after the ultrasound or amniocentesis was found that Down syndrome is suffering the unborn child and therefore is not perfect according to the standards of an increasingly unclean world.


Think about how many things the world does and continues to do in the name of a concept of mercy now completely subverted by the great reverser of good and evil, from the one who turns evil into good and good into evil, that Satan. Think about it well: the modern era comes to life under the stage of guillotines where the cry for freedom, equality and fraternity, people were being fed to the Executioner without trial, or of the summary trials which were farces, or because of jealousy and envy denounced social. but yet, freedom, It is a high Christian principle, instead it is a precondition for the creation of man, which it was created by God's free and endowed with free [Genesis, capp. 2-3]. Not to mention equality and fraternity, whose natural home is located within the Gospel message where these truths are explained and communicated much better than they have been circulated by Robespierre during the regime of terror at the sound of decapitated heads in the name of equality and emptied a fraternity of Christ and filled with neo-paganism.


Even the world with his fearsome Principe, long has appropriated words that are fundamental terms the Christian message, before emptying them of their meaning and turning then into another. Even more so, Today more than ever, We have to understand first of all that what true mercy, after being "merciful, as your Father is merciful, which is in heaven ", not as the children of the Principe of this world.


From the island of Patmos, 24 February 2019





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12 replies
  1. Warbler
    Warbler says:

    Father I read on page 19. So even those who suffer from an addiction from which it is’ hard to get rid of, and fight against it, aware that she is morally wrong, she has a chance to save herself?

  2. Warbler
    Warbler says:

    Dad,then when the Pope says:” who am I to judge a gay” It is mercy? “Who am I to judge?”
    But the Church knows well what is right and what is wrong.. Why Jesus and Saint Paul condemn sodomites.

    • father ariel
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      silvia face,

      at the time I wrote an article that I should look for among the several hundreds in the de archive The Island of Patmos, I'll first summarize the substance briefly.

      let's start with the serene admission of what are some of the character defects of the reigning Pontiff:

      1. he is not a polyglot like his predecessor Saint John Paul II, he does not have the precise theological language of his predecessor Benedict XVI, but above all he does not have a perfect command of the Italian language; and that's a fact, useless that some interested extollers they deny it. To this we add that:

      2. he persists in launching off-the-cuff speeches without being supported and above all protected by the security of a written and duly prepared speech ;

      3. tends to have an ambiguity in language, deriving not so much from him, as much as from a socio-cultural discourse, indeed, certain Latin American populations, in a particular way, for example Mexicans and Argentines, they tend to express themselves by innuendo and double-meaning expressions, almost always avoiding clear and direct forms.

      A couple of years ago, speaking with a famous vaticanist, who told me that he was struck by the fact that I addressed certain criticisms of the Holy Father, answered: if I don't highlight, with all due respect, those that are its objective defects and not subject to easy denial, then I cannot be credible when instead I defend his high apostolic office before the People of God, his magisterium and his sacred person as the legitimate Successor of the Blessed Apostle Peter.

      Indeed, every time I have called the faithful to the devotion and obedience due to the Roman Pontiff, they always listened to me, or better understood … “if he says so that he is so impartial and that if necessary he highlights his defects, it means it is true”.

      The sentence in question which she recalled was unfortunate because it was not expressed properly and with linguistic mastery. The Holy Father tried to say something completely obvious from a doctrinal point of view, or: “… who am I to judge a man's deep conscience that only God can read, then judge?” In short: a real doctrinal obviousness, because none of us can know and least of all judge the conscience of others; this is what the Church has always taught, for centuries and centuries.

      A completely obvious concept, however, poorly expressed by the Supreme Pontiff, which thus gave rise to interpretations of various kinds, with the results that we then saw and read in the newspapers, without any source of information from the Holy See clarifying what I have just clarified.

      Sodomy still remains counted among the most shameful sins today “they shout” – to use the biblical expression – “vengeance before God”.
      The situation is different if we speak instead of individual sinners who linger in this single sin, some of which, like the tax collectors and prostitutes of the Holy Gospel, they may precede us into the kingdom of heaven [cf. Mt 21, 28-32]. If it goes to the page 19 of my latest writing


      you will find a very clear example of this, through the image of a homosexual sufferer who in my opinion as a confessor and spiritual director was an authentic Angel of God.

      On the other hand, those with a sometimes truly satanic hatred towards the harmony of the created universe are not Angels of God, they claim as good and as absolute rights of authentic aberrations: from marriage between same-sex couples, from the adoption of children to these same couples, to arrive at the gender enforced in schools by the powerful and Luciferian LGBT lobby. I doubt those, after having in fact hated God and his creation with an evil and destructive spirit, may they be united with the prostitutes and tax collectors who will precede us into the kingdom of heaven, I'm afraid it's much easier for them to finish – if they do not repent in an authentic and sincere way – in the fire of Gehenna.

      • Warbler
        Warbler says:

        Dear Father,
        Thank you very much for giving me such a comprehensive and interesting answer. Indeed, our Pontiff had one “unfortunate exit”. True,only God can judge a man, because only He knows the human soul and therefore :” who am I to judge a gay” . It was enough for the Pope to add that sodomy is always condemned by the Church. I won't add anything else because you have perfectly expressed what I wanted to highlight

  3. orenzo
    orenzo says:

    God is Mercy, i.e. eternal and unconditional fidelity to “Covenant” even if man betrays it by breaking it.
    At the norm, when a covenant is unilaterally broken, the other party is no longer obligated to do so;
    But God does not behave like this with man: every time the man, even if only with a sincere heart, the return to respect for the Pact is proposed again, God forgets the betrayal and runs to embrace the never repudiated son who returns home.

      • orenzo
        orenzo says:

        E’ very true that “the most beautiful dress… the ring on the finger and the sandals on the feet” they were given to the son on his return to the house and after a probable and healthy bath,
        but it is equally true that, analogously to the one who “look at a woman to lust after her, He has already committed adultery with her in his heart”,
        like this’ also the son who “with a sincere heart, the return is repeated” to the Father's house “he came to himself and said: How many wage earners in my father's house have plenty of bread and here I am starving! I will get up and go to my father and tell him: Dad, I have sinned against Heaven and against you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Treat me like one of your hired hands.”, has already begun his return home and indeed “He left and walked towards his father”.
        However, that Father does not wait for his son to cross the threshold to embrace him, ma “When he was still far away, his father saw him and moved to meet him, she threw herself on his neck and kissed him.”

  4. Attilio lot
    Attilio lot says:

    One of the clearest and most fluid articles I've read on the subject of mercy.
    E’ a theme of fundamental interest for those who profess to be Christians today. Wanting to find a place to describe what she expressed, I think of Paris, the capital of France. When I lived in Paris I read the triad freedom, fraternity, equality on the ledge of each school, above every public monument and gave me chills when I passed by Place de la Concorde. More than smelling the scent of freedom, I felt the blood flowing on the floor (the chronicles speak of rivers…). Chilling that city that has destroyed a large part of our past after transforming churches into stables to impose modernity that still lasts. But the average French speaks of peace every day, of mercy, of forgiveness. They are all white as snow when they talk about euthanasia, of welcome and betrayed values. There I understood that before behaving like Catholics we must think like Catholics according to our mentality which everyone Browse of the last few centuries have changed.
    We have to become Catholic in the head to understand true mercy especially when it becomes self-absolutive.

  5. fabio
    fabio says:

    Dear don Ariel

    I would like to ask you why the church since the Vatican Council 2 he has given up on condemning the error? Thank you

    • father ariel
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      dear fabio,

      it does not appear to me that after the last council the Church gave up condemning error, to the limit, if anything, he began to condemn it in another way. Indeed, from after the Second Vatican Council to follow, they are not missing at all:

      1. condemnations of theologians for heterodox tendencies;
      2. condemnations of books by theologians and clergymen containing doctrinal errors or blatant heresies;
      3. convictions of members of the secular and regular clergy for the reasons expressed above and revocation of their license to teach philosophical subjects, historical and theological studies at ecclesiastical universities;
      4. excommunications imposed on bishops and priests;
      5. dismissal from the clerical state of bishops and priests;
      6. resignation – done this recently – from the clerical status of even a member of the College of Cardinals;
      7. endless warnings from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

      etc …

      But who told him that the Church of the Second Vatican Council – which is always the same, same and identical Catholic Church as always – he ceased to condemn errors?

      I offer you a pure, simple and verifiable historical fact: since after the close of the last council which took place on 8 December 1965 to date, in the fifty-four years that followed the Church excommunicated more bishops and priests than it has ever excommunicated since 20 September 1870, that is, after the unification of Italy, until 11 October 1962, date of the first opening session of the council.

      Just so: in just fifty-four years more excommunications and resignations from the clerical state have been imposed than were instead imposed in the ninety-two years that preceded the opening of the council after the unification of Italy.

      Try asking yourself this question, proceeding then if anything with the historical verification: the Supreme Pontiffs Leo XIII, San Pio X, Benedict XV, Pius XI and Pius XII, how many bishops do you know who have ever excommunicated or resigned from the clerical state??

      Well, keep in mind that only the Holy Pontiff John Paul II and his successor Benedict XVI have excommunicated them, and some dismissed from the clerical state, more than those who have ever been excommunicated and dismissed from the clerical state starting with Leo XIII and following, even because, for all the popes who preceded the Second Vatican Council, the excommunication of a bishop, or worse, his dismissal from the clerical state, that was in itself possible, but still difficult even and only to think.

      Listen, don't listen to bloggers makeshift historians of the Church on the computer network, because they talk so much nonsense, such as for example that since after the Second Vatican Council the Church no longer condemns.

  6. Zamax
    Zamax says:

    In my opinion the “do not judge” also it has a different shade. In biblical / evangelical language “judgement” It is often synonymous with “final sentence”: judge a person (more than an act) tantamount to condemning a person permanently, exercise that is ultimately to God. A right understanding of the Word that you would be quick to condemn the evil and the evil deed, but not the person in the aforementioned way: here is the exercise of justice and with mercy. The hypocrites are quick in making the opposite. On the other hand we often see as “friends of humanity”, Antichrist's incarnation of the merciful, They stand out in the sectarian demonization, perhaps through soft words, addressed to themselves (“we're the good and intelligent”), before moving to the mass liquidation of “others”, So much for the Other with rhetoric with “a” capital.

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