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The website of this magazine and the editions take name from the Aegean island in which the Blessed Apostle John wrote the Book of the Apocalypse, isola also known as «the place of the last revelation»
«God revealed the secrets of others ALTIUS»
(in higher than the others, John has left the Church, the arcane mysteries of God)
The bezel used as the cover of our home page is a 16th century fresco by Correggio. preserved in the Church of San Giovanni Evangelista in Parma
Creator and editor of this magazine website:
In Germania penso che la situazione non stia migliorando. Insistono sull’intercomunione, sulla libertà di coscienza, sulla disciplina canonica che non si adegua ai tempi (il ruolo dei laici nei posti chiave per l’amministrazione delle diocesi, celibacy, le donne per l’ordine…).
In un articolo di questi giorni, si arriva a cadere forse involontariamente in una gara tra lo Spirito Santo e l’Eucarestia: i protestanti possono partecipare ad una messa ecumenica con lo Spirito, i cattolici con l’Eucarestia, dove é la differenza, parrebbe che dicano, bisogna cominciare a riavvicinarsi gradualmente almeno. (Alles oder nichts? di Christoph Böttigheimer, professore di teologia fondamentale all’Università cattolica di Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, su herder.de)
Le elezioni americane sono invece un esempio di come dovrebbe comportarsi la Chiesa: democraticamente.Servirebbe un voto democratico dove vince la maggioranza per decidere su punti scottanti e visioni nuove, basta con le declamazioni ufficiali (From Rome). Come si é visto che i cittadini americani sono persone con diritto di voto e non followers – di twitter – così dovrebbero fare i membri della Chiesa nel suo interno (Was die Kirche von der US-Wahl lernen kann, di Hans-Joachim Sander, professore di teologia dogmatica all’Università di Salzburg, katholisch.de).
those holy words Article!
I was thrilled by the story of his experience 'German’ but applause for her to get up and go away before the massacre!
thank you…and I recommend: never abandon the cassock! E’ a dress so elegant and, I would say, majestically.
If they see so few now. But perhaps because there are no more people that they deserve…I do not know, it seems to be a choice of the priest, not to wear, but sometimes I have the ìimpressione that it is not their choice but the fact, precisely, who do not deserve.
Dear don Ariel, abuse in the Communion under both kinds made separately by two different people saw him do in the Catholic Cathedral in Geneva, then in Switzerland, In the 2007. The to take the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle by women (“extraordinary ministers”, I guess) they do often in my parish in Rome. How do you see, unfortunately the chaos is everywhere, and always in the name of '”people draw near”, I guess. German arrogance, suffice it to say that there are Italian monsignor in the Vatican curia who tease Brandmueller because he made a career in Rome as they turned away from Germany because filoromano. In other words, even in the Vatican among the Italian prelates some are fixed with “how beautiful the local Churches”, “we choose the bishops of the local churches or the people of God” etc.
I believe that our Holy Father shows, Once again, to be consistent with his pastoral line would call at least inconsistent…
I would note that the 15 November 2015, in his visit to the Roman evangelicals, after a harping of subjection “a theologian Cardinal Kasper!”, in responding to a question intercommunion says:
– The Lord's Supper is sharing,
– We acknowledge one baptism,
– Evangelicals also ask the Lord, in their hearts, forgiveness of sins,
– about the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist “We believe that the Lord is present there. Is present. You believe that the Lord is present. And what is the difference?”,
– ed anche se “I do not dare ever give permission to do this because it is not my responsibility”,
– pututtavia “Talk to the Lord and go ahead”,
– and he concludes with a cryptic “I dare not say more”!?!?!?
If the chief shepherd, passes the idea that the sheep follow some’ their instinct and what they called their hearts, because the sheep should then follow the signs of the shepherds which are directly assigned and not dissipate over mountains and valleys?
Anyway, Mr. Marx Rehinard should explain why he wants “give Communion” in dogs and pigs (literally, the metaphor is absolutely real), in dogs and pigs yes, but NOT to Catholics who refuse to pay his exorbitant fee Ecclesiastical, collected on its behalf by the State so it abhorred that should not even afford to expose the crucifix in public office.
Bravo, father ariel!… How they are always beautiful, the clarity of words, di fede e di ragione… reassure, and soothe…
In this period we lay us, in a certain way, privileged, Why, in general, We can speak more freely than you clerics. Si capisce, being careful not to say sfondoni, as do the card. Marx and his acolytes.
However, I think that we too, Having regard to the situation, we are called to speak out. E’ On this basis, in reference to the blind guides that accompany “graciously” the flock towards the ravine, We can not say anything but… “Anathema sit”.
In my youth sessantottino, I attended several times a Mass celebrated by one or two Catholic priests, without authorization as to the place, in poor seat pacifist association, where the secretary, Waldensian confession, There was very keen that celebrating Mass, and always devoutly he received Holy Communion. I strongly hope that the secretary is in heaven, because my human views no doubt he deserved much of certain bishops and cardinals. But it was an amazing person, and it can not possibly be taken as a paradigm of today's average Catholics and “evangelicals” environment. And in conclusion, despite my single and now distant experience, I agree with his father around Ariel.