Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

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Father Gabriele

Amaze me Lord and I will cross the desert of Nineveh to try to amaze men with the announcement of your Word

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos

- homiletics -


To fish men in God's net means to remove them from an immanent perspective, devoid of absolute references and devoid of ultimate meaning, to bring them instead into a wider and deeper horizon. Among the hundred thousand words we hear from televisions, dai social media, from the radios, it gives Youtube, it gives Tik Tok and which are often inappropriate and lacking in reality, it is good that Sacred Scripture resounds in our life, the history of stories written by God for us.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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Dear brothers and sisters,

In this third week of ordinary time we celebrate with the Universal Church the Sunday of the Word of God, recently established by the Supreme Pontiff Francis I [see Liturgy of the Word WHO].


The Word of God which is contained in Sacred Scripture is one of the sources from which to draw the water of our faith, flowing like a river in our souls. Sacred Scripture is therefore within the Bible that contains the 74 sacred books, the composition of which is inspired by God who helped the human author.


To try to understand the concept of inspiration I try to give you an example. What is your favorite book? I tell you mine, regarding recent literature: Twentieth century by Alessandro Baricco. A short story born entirely from simple fantasy. The Author had artistic and literary intentions, he was also guided by good purposes, tell us a wonderful story; but he certainly had not received the special grace of the help of the Holy Spirit to compose a book that would reveal the works of God for man. Moreover, the author's purpose was not to transmit narratives concerning the revelation of God.


So here's the difference: i 74 biblical books are inspired, written jointly by the human author and the Holy Spirit to tell us this beautiful story of love which is the salvation that the Trinitarian God offers to man. In order to understand the true meaning of Sacred Scripture, God gave, especially to bishops and priests, the grace to grasp its profound meaning and the mission of teaching it to the People of God and also to those who do not know it. And this teaching of the Word of God is what is evident in today's readings. First of all, Jonah, we read about:


«This word of the Lord came to Jonah: “Get up, going to Nineveh, the big city, and tell them what I tell you ". Jonah got up and went to Nineveh according to the Word of the Lord " [Gio 3,1-5.10].


Jonah is sent to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, or said in other words: it is sent right into the eye of the storm, in the polytheistic religious political center in which there was a conception opposite to that of the Jewish people. The Lord therefore seeks with His Word to generate friendship, contacts and bonds even between totally different peoples, totally in cultural and ideological contrast. This is how Jonah becomes the herald of this Word of eternal life, the word with which God tries to change our daily life, what we live today in the year 2021.


How the word changes our life we discover it in today's Holy Gospel in which Jesus is presented as the living Word of the Father as well as fulfillment of the Old Testament word. Through that Word it is therefore the incarnate Word of God who speaks to us and tells us how our life changes, if we listen to it:


“Passing along the Sea of ​​Galilee, he saw Simone and Andrea, brother of Simone, as they cast their nets into the sea; they were in fact fishermen. Jesus said to them,: “Come after me, I will make you fishers of men ". And immediately they left their nets and followed him " [MC 1, 14-20].


Simon and Andrew are made fishers of men by Jesus. The Word of God makes them capable of catching man in their daily life and bringing them to the knowledge of higher truths. To fish men in God's net means to remove them from an immanent perspective, devoid of absolute references and devoid of ultimate meaning, to bring them instead into a wider and deeper horizon. Among the hundred thousand words we hear from televisions, dai social media, from the radios, it gives Youtube, it gives Tik Tok and which are often inappropriate and lacking in reality, it is good that Sacred Scripture resounds in our life, the history of stories written by God for us. In fact, as the Nobel Prize for literature Sir Kazuo Ishiguro said, British of Japanese origin, by contacting the Swedish Academy:


“All the good stories, regardless of the method by which they are narrated, they must contain reports that are important to us; that move us, entertain us, exasperate us or surprise us ".


Let us ask the Lord for the grace to open ourselves more and more to listening and to the interiorization of His word, so that his Trinitarian love always moves us, to have fun, to exasperate and surprise us in our life of faith and charity.


Rome, 24 January 2021




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Father Gabriele



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Restaurant menu Christianity that escapes the cross and transforms Christ God into a delicious, highly digestible pastry

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos

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Today more than ever it escapes, even to us consecrated, the sacrificial element of the true experience of faith. For some time now we have created what we could define as a restaurant menu Christianity you enter, you read the card and choose what you like. And so to dominate it is the worst of the emotionality animated by human selfishness.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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The three synoptic Gospels of the Beati Evangelisti Marco, Matteo and Luca, have different characteristics, just like the symbolism with which the Evangelists have been depicted since the early Middle Ages, which came to life at the end of the fifth century with the fall of the Roman Empire.


Matthew the Evangelist it is depicted with the image of the winged man, because its editing begins with the genealogy of Christ the Lord and Messiah; the Blessed Evangelist Mark with the winged lion, because its editing begins with the narration of the preaching of the Precursor, Blessed John known as the Baptist, who preached in the desert, place inhabited by wild beasts; the Blessed Evangelist Luca with the ox, because its editing begins with the vision had by Zacharias in the Temple of Jerusalem, where animals were sacrificed, among which also oxen.


The authors of the three synoptic Gospels they follow a similar pattern and narrate the same events of the life of Christ God, despite their stylistic differences. Finally the so-called Fourth Gospel, that of Blessed Evangelist John, depicted with the image of an animal considered at the time the most noble of all the species on earth: the Eagle, she who alone could stare at the sunlight with open eyes.


The Gospel of Blessed John the Evangelist, which opens with a hymn to the mystery of the incarnation of the Word of God - "And the Word became flesh" - is an admirable hymn in the light of Christ true God and true man, pictured below as a living sun descending from heaven. To Blessed Evangelista Giovanni, defined by the great Fathers and doctors of the Church as the theologian par excellence, the motto is accompanied «Higher than the rest of the revealed secret» [higher than the others - John - he revealed the arcane mysteries of God].


A characteristic of the Gospel of Blessed Evangelista Matteo it is the narrative precision from which the figure of the historical Jesus takes shape, connected by him to numerous old-testamentary references. The whole, to testify that Christ had not come to earth to abolish the Law and the Prophets, but to fulfill [cf.. Mt 5, 17-20]. And the fulfillment was Him, the God made man, the light that shines in the darkness, as the Evangelist John defines it in his prologue, the "God from God light from Light", as the Church Fathers defined it by writing in the Councils of Nicea and Constantinople the I believe that we will soon recite. Or the Christ the whole, as Saint Augustine called it, that totality in which Christ God is the center, the beginning and the ultimate end of our entire humanism.


So four personalities of different men, each illuminated by divine grace, who announce the mystery with fixed and timeless words, because as Christ God reveals through the story of the Blessed Evangelist Matthew: «The heavens and the earth will pass away, but my words will never go away " [Mt 24, 32-35], because they are fixed forever through the mystery of passion, the death and resurrection of Christ, God, in the glorious body of which the signs of passion are still impressed; eternal sign of his love consumed for the redemption of man until the torture of the cross, changing the Word that became flesh in the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.


And with this we have reached the heart of this Holy Gospel of the Blessed Evangelist Matthew in which Christ the Lord offers us something terrible: «Whoever does not take his cross and follow me, not worthy of me " [see Liturgy of the Word on this thirteenth Sunday of ordinary time, WHO].


Today more than ever it escapes, even to us consecrated, the sacrificial element of the true experience of faith. For some time now we have created what we could define as a restaurant menu Christianity you enter, you read the card and choose what you like. And so to dominate it is the worst of the emotionality animated by human selfishness. It is the tragedy of faith watered down by little heart that beats, for example, in front of the tender, poignant popular images of the Child Jesus during Holy Christmas, unaware, however, that this is only the beginning of a path that then comes in the pain of the Garden of Olives, to continue with the immense torment of the painful way and the crucifixion.


Faith is sacrifice, but many have turned it into a worldly right to what I like. Here then are the Catholics who on the one hand call themselves such, on the other, they declare themselves in favor of abortion, or who say "... it is right that two men live together if they love each other, because what matters is love, indeed it is right to give him even a child for adoption ». And here we should clarify what love is and what is not what some call love. As there are other Catholics who claim that it is right, indeed it is charitable to practice euthanasia for a terminally ill patient, why let him suffer? It is inhuman. And to these latter I answered: “Maybe you don't know what the torture of a crucifixion is, but if you talk to an anatomo-pathologist, he will explain to you the pain and also the humiliating reactions that such torture generated in the body of the condemned exposed naked to the sight of all. Well, it seems to you that the Blessed Virgin Mary pleaded to end the sufferings of her Divine Son?».


Today we have created a monstrous society chasing a false happiness in which life is without disease and without physical decay; youth without old age and life without death. In this way, a society of the unreal has been created that rejects Christ, or a Catholic community that dilutes the message of Christ who invites us to assimilate to his pain. At that point the same Holy Mass is confused with a meeting between friends who get together to celebrate, to rejoice around the table. Yet it would be enough to listen to the words of the sacred liturgy to understand that through the mystery of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ the divine memorial of the passion is renewed., Death and Resurrection, because the Eucharist is the living and holy sacrifice ... and when I go to the altar, I'm not going to have a joyful party, but I go up to Mount Calvary, because on the altar the bloodless sacrifice of the passion of Christ God is renewed.


The Holy Father Giovanni Paolo II wrote in 1984 a splendid apostolic letter on the occasion of the Jubilee of the Redemption entitled Saving pain, what does it mean: the salvific value of suffering. At the time,, the future Holy Pontiff had just 62 year old, he was a sporty man full of energy. Why that Letter dedicated to the salvific value of suffering written by a man who seemed the portrait of beauty and health? Well, we think of John Paul II not of 1984, but to that of 2000, when he persisted in kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament even though he was exhausted by the disease, trembling and without strength, with the papal master of ceremonies sweating around him when he wanted to genuflect in every way, obsequious to the end of the warning of the Blessed Apostle Paul "in the name of Jesus every knee should bend in the heavens, on earth and under the earth " [Fil 2, 10]. John Paul II understood immediately, in the splendor of his health, long before his illness, the saving element of pain that assimilates us to the cross of Christ ...


… When I was consecrated a priest, kneeling before the bishop I received the sacred chalice and paten with these words: "Receive the oblation of the holy people for the Eucharistic sacrifice. Understand what you will do, imitate what you celebrate. Conform your life to the mystery of the cross of Christ the Lord ". I was not told ... now go to party with joyful friends around the canteen among guitarists, dances and tambourines. In essence I was told: now go up to Mount Calvary and through your sacrifice conform yourself to the sacrifice of Christ. This, it is the essence of our faith and, if we really want to follow it, we must be aware - as it is written in the Gospel of Blessed Evangelist Luke - there is no other path than the one indicated by Christ himself: "If anyone wants to come after me, you deny yourself, take up his cross every day and follow me " [LC 9, 22-25].


... but how would it be to say pain ... cross ... Christianity is love, it is joy! Of course, it is the love of Christ who died on the cross for our salvation and is the joy of the resurrection of the Word of God made man and ascended into heaven who sits today at the right hand of the Father; Christianity is the joy of that resurrection to which we are assimilated, because as we recite in the III Eucharistic Prayer when we remember the dead: "He will transform our mortal body in the image of his glorious body". This, it is Christianity, all the rest, to paraphrase the Book of Qoelet which said "vanity of vanity", it is only emotionality of emotionality. E, between faith and emotionality, the difference is profoundly substantial, because in the middle there is that cross that the superficial emotional does not want and that runs away to live a false faith from a restaurant menu, while the man of true faith is called instead to conform his life to the cross of Christ: "He who does not take his cross and follow me, not worthy of me " [Mt 10, 38].

Jesus Christ be praised!


Zoverallo di Verbania, 28 June 2020

House of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians




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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

“Hospitality” as a secret space to be opened to God to become a place of donation

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos

- homiletics -


Jesus speaks of the welcome of a prophet and a just man. Who knows how to welcome them means that he is the first and just prophet. He says this because Jesus is the welcoming person par excellence and in turn wants to be welcomed into our lives. This causes us to receive Jesus who is the gift par excellence. So we are able to give ourselves and love, like He did, carrying our crosses, in the most difficult and complex moments of our life.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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Dear brothers and sisters,

Rome, 28 June 2019, Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Gabriele Giordano Maria Scardocci, o.p. he is consecrated priest

a few years ago I read the story of the Secret Garden of the writer Frances Hodgson Burnett. It's Annie's story, a little girl who, on an English estate, casually discovers a garden, whose existence nobody knows, because it was made secret due to a tragic story. That garden, once opened to Annie's eyes it becomes a welcoming place, of growth and maturation.


Similarly, in today's readings [see Liturgy of the Word, WHO], the Lord speaks to us first of all about welcoming a secret space to be opened to God, so that it becomes a fruitful place of donation. In the Book of Kings we read:


«I know that he is a man of God, a saint, the one who always passes by us. We make a small upper room, masonry, let's put a bed, a table, a chair and a candlestick » [2Re 4, 9-10].


In this first reading, unnamed wife and husband open their home in Elisha, therefore as if they opened a space between him and God. Elisha prays and then prophesies; so comes a son for them, unexpected, and in a sense almost desperate. Husband and wife open up to God then experience God's intervention. So they are the first to be open and somehow fruitful.


This is beauty of when we also open a space for God and for those who send us. This also happens today, for all of us, if we know how to open our heart and our intimacy to God's plan, it will really fill us with unexpected gifts, of an unexpected hundredfold, of friendships and joys we never expected. So, from the acceptance of God's plan for us, a fruitful being comes. Saint Paul writes:


«By means of baptism therefore we were buried with him in death so that, like Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too can walk in a new life " [RM 6, 4].


Fertilization is expressed by Paul just in the new life we ​​live, starting with Baptism. In fact, from Baptism onwards, the Lord has taken up residence, has filled the space of our soul, allowing us to walk on a path of new life, to glory, therefore until we are with Him in Paradise. Baptism is fruitful new life, because it allows all of us to be freed from original sin and filled with baptismal character, by the grace and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Thus also our spiritual life becomes fruitful, because by virtue of baptism we live the liturgy and a personal prayer with which we ask for intercession for the other baptized. Therefore, fertility comes from acceptance, and from fertility comes the gift of self. In the gospel we read:


«Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Whoever welcomes a prophet because he is a prophet, will have the reward of the prophet, and whoever welcomes a just because he is a just, will have the reward of the just " [Mt 10, 40-41].


Jesus speaks of the welcome of a prophet and a just man. Who knows how to welcome them means that he is the first and just prophet. He says this because Jesus is the welcoming person par excellence and in turn wants to be welcomed into our lives. This causes us to receive Jesus who is the gift par excellence. So we are able to give ourselves and love, like He did, carrying our crosses, in the most difficult and complex moments of our life.


The reward of the righteous it is then the imitation of Jesus in a greater love, till death, an imitation that after death will lead him to rise again with Christ himself.


Voltaire wrote "Originality is nothing more than judicious imitation".


Lord, give us the courage to imitate you in the decisive choices, the strength to open a space at the bottom of the heart, the tenderness of giving ourselves like you in the Trinity to love until the end.


Rome, 28 June 2020

Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul

Year I of my sacred priestly ministry





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Father Gabriele



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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

Cristo Pio Pellicano is the heart of the solemnity of Corpus Domini

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos

- homiletics -


The anthem I love you devote expresses in his verses the tenderness of Jesus, because he describes the Lord as a pelican who tears his heart to feed his young.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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Dear brothers and sisters,

Pie pellicáne, Jesus Lord, I clean with your blood, One drop of doing, All the world from all kinds of crimes (O pious pelican Lord Jesus, purify me, sinner, with your blood, that, with a single drop, it can save the whole world from all sin).

today we celebrate another wonderful feast of the Lord, Corpus Domini. Great mystery, given to us by the Lord at the Last Supper, last act of tenderness for man.


The beautiful text of Saint Thomas Aquinas I love you devote expresses in his verses the tenderness of Jesus, because he describes the Lord as a pelican:


«Oh pious Pelican, Lord Jesus, / Purify me, unclean, with Your blood / Of which a single drop can save / The whole world from all sin ».


Jesus is the pelican who gives his blood for us his little ones, to keep us alive. So that, land readings today [see Liturgy of the Word, WHO] they introduce us to this mystery of presence, communion and abode with Jesus. First of all, in Deuteronomy, we already find traces of the Lord's living and strong presence:


«Do not forget the Lord, your god, that brought you out of the land of Egypt, that led you to this great and frightening desert, place of poisonous snakes and scorpions that in the desert fed you with manna unknown to your fathers ».


Moses' invitation to the Jewish people is not to forget and, so, to remember that the Lord has nourished his people with manna, while he was in situations of great danger. He was always with them, while leading them out of Egyptian slavery. Manna is a prefiguration of Eucharistic food, with which the Lord is still close to us today and gives us nourishment in the difficulties of life. This invitation is then for us: let's not forget about the Eucharistic Jesus, when everything seems dark, when there seems to be no way out. The Lord himself helps, through the Eucharist, to recognize our moral and existential slavery and to get out of it. While St. Paul exposes this mystery of presence and communion in a strong and clear way:


«There is only one bread, we are, although many, one body: in fact we all participate in the only bread ".


This is a great teaching. Whenever we make communion, we enter into communion with Jesus; and this, it makes us communion among us. We become one, without losing our personal distinction. The great teaching of this feast is to try to live every mass, any participation in communion as a source of unity, ecclesial but also interpersonal: the Eucharist will help us to overcome the divisions and rifts that may arise. In fact, from this communion there is the experience of God who dwells in us. This is then the center of Jesus' teaching:


«Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him».


In the Greek original, that "remains" can also be translated by dwelling, taking just a shade of place. Now that we're going to take communion, God will take up residence in us. This dwelling has a very important meaning: in fact it is welcoming another point of view, that of God who enters the most intimate folds of the soul, of the heart and therefore of life. The remaining of Jesus in us then allows us to open ourselves to a contemplative vision, deep, with the gaze of God on all the people we meet, about all the events that happen to us.


The poet William Blake wrote: "The ruins of time build dwellings in eternity".


We ask the Lord to feel the beautiful touch of Jesus in our hearts through the Eucharistic species, so that beyond the time that passes between minutes and seconds and the history that unfolds between years and centuries, we can continue walking until reaching Eternal life and building the eternal home to enjoy the final banquet of Paradise.


Rome, 14 June 2020

Solemnity of Corpus Domini





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Father Gabriele



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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

The Mystery of Pentecost: «Beauty is nothing but the unveiling of a fallen darkness and the light that came out of it»

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos

- homiletics -


«While the day of Pentecost was taking place, they were all together in the same place. A thunder suddenly came from heaven, almost a wind that blows impetuously, and filled the whole house where they were " [At 2,1].


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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The Fathers de The Island of Patmos they have included in all the articles the audio-reading for the use of the readers affected by those disabilities that prevent the reading, at the same time providing a useful service also to those who, traveling and unable to read, can easily take advantage of the audio-reading




Dear brothers and sisters,

stained glass window of the eighteenth century: The Holy Spirit

we close the long Easter period and the Marian month with the Pentecost feast. It is the descent of the Holy Spirit, as we know, on the Apostles and Disciples, therefore on all of us as Church. Of this beautiful bond between the Spirit and the Church, mother of all saints, Alessandro Manzoni wrote in his hymn The Pentecost:


'Mother of ’Santi, image of the supernal city / of the incorruptible eternal conservative blood / You who, for many centuries / You suffer, fight and pray / that your tents unfold / from one to the other "


These eternal verses by Manzoni they introduce us to a meditation on today's readings, of Pentecost as a life-giving mystery of prayer, communion and mission. Starting from the first reading where we read:


«While the day of Pentecost was taking place, they were all together in the same place. A thunder suddenly came from heaven, almost a wind that blows impetuously, and filled the whole house where they were " [At 2,1].


This being closed inside recalls our experience of quarantine lived in the period March-April last. If we imagine the scene, we see that the apostles are praying - during the Jewish Pentecost - closed in and the Spirit breaks out in the form of tongues of fire. Enter the hearts of the apostles who begin to speak all the languages ​​then known. The Holy Spirit / Love enters their hearts through prayer and this allows them to speak the universal language, world of love that knows no ethnic and cultural distinctions. Here, then, also for us the importance of prayer as an opening to a different gaze capable of re-reading the daily events that happen to us from a high and contemplative perspective.


From the Pentecost prayer, then communion with God and neighbor comes. Indeed, St. Paul writes:


«Nobody can say« Jesus is Lord!», if not under the action of the Holy Spirit. There are several charisms, but only one is the Spirit; there are several ministries, but only one is the Lord » [1 Color 12, 3-4].


The Holy Spirit comes to Pentecost and gives us communion, as a unity in distinction. In fact, we all have a call to holiness, in which the Spirit helps to make us saints. This being united, does not remove the distinction in one's identity, to one's vocation and charismatic gifts; indeed it also indicates that the Lord created us unique and unrepeatable, with our talents, virtuosity and specialties and that we put them at the service of others, they become a moment of human and spiritual growth. At the same time, in being in communion with each other we recognize that Jesus is God in the profession of faith in the exercise of works of mercy, where we see Jesus in the poor needy. From this then it indicates that Pentecost is prayer and communion in view of a mission. Jesus says:


"Peace be with you."! As the Father sent me, I send you too ". Said this, he blew and said to them: “Receive the Holy Spirit. To those to whom you will forgive sins, will be forgiven; to those you won't forgive, they will not be forgiven "» [GV 20,21].


That blew in the Greek original would be "begotten the Spirit in them". So how the Eternal Father sends the Son and today the Holy Spirit, also send us grafted into them to continue this mission of propagation of the Truth and Forgiveness of sins. On one side, this forgiveness of sins recalls the Sacrament of Penance, entrusted to bishops and priests. On the other, It is important to note that God sends all the people of God to announce that forgiveness of sins is regeneration from a deep darkness, an exit from a state of isolation and distance from God.


The poet Alda Merini wrote: «Beauty is nothing but the unveiling of a fallen darkness and the light that came out of it».


We ask the Lord to be sent to Pentecost to show how great the embrace of the Trinitarian God is, to be ourselves that gift of beauty that spreads the light of the Risen Jesus.

So be it.

Rome, 31 May 2020

Solemnity of Pentecost





Staff Blog

Father Gabriele



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That superficial mediocrity and indolent lukewarmness that prevents us from reaching the road, to truth and life

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



We need so much he sees men who stand in the breach as defenders of a people now unable to find God, lost as an orphaned child. The current health emergency has unearthed the most hidden human miseries, even those miseries of the Christian people and his ministers both forgetful of the only life-giving relationship with Christ in favor of virtual relationships and alternative solutions not without noble intentions.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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The Gospel of St. John: 14, 6

Last Sunday Jesus presents himself to us as the door of the sheep and the good shepherd, as the one who is the sure guide to achieving true life [see previous homily, WHO]. In this Easter season, marked by the annoying Covid-19 pandemic, life can only yearn for truth, without capitulating to the lying fatalism of the world, so that it acquires more and more sensibility and value even in infirmity [Liturgy of the Word of this fifth Easter Sunday, WHO]. This high expectation of earthly existence can only come true in collaboration with grace, reaffirming the radical choice of the Risen Lord: in him the cornerstone every life grows in an orderly and well-organized and connected way to build itself as a holy place inhabited by the Spirit of God [cf. Ef 2,21; 4,16].


And inside the Church, risen bride, the Holy Spirit never ceases to make that question of the Psalm sound firmly 34 which constitutes one of the cornerstones of every interior renewal and of every sure vocational action:


"There is someone who wants life and longs for days to taste the good?» [cf. Shall 34, 13].


Let's ask ourselves really, there is still someone who wants to live fully or you want to settle only on the superficial mediocrity and indolent lukewarmness? Our Christian communities are still able to respond to God's invitation to the prophet:


«I sought among them a man who built a wall and stood on the breach in front of me, to defend the country so that I wouldn't devastate it, but I haven't found it» [cf. This 22,30].


We need so much he sees men who stand in the breach as defenders of a people now unable to find God, lost as an orphaned child. The current health emergency has unearthed the most hidden human miseries, even those miseries of the Christian people and his ministers both forgetful of the only life-giving relationship with Christ in favor of virtual relationships and alternative solutions not without noble intentions.


In our hypocrisy, which is sometimes colored with disbelief and sometimes with bigotry, we forgot that we were created exclusively to get to know, love and enjoy God. The life of man on earth, even the most sinful and distant one, it serves no other purpose than to express this awareness: God loves me and I love him. And the measure of this love is the glorious Cross of the Risen One that never shines like this in this time of tribulation to the world as often unique.


God is looking for lovers, of men who want to live without discounts, without alibi, without compromises, without interference with the world. God makes himself - through the humanity of his Son - a beggar of love, so that man finds the richness of life in him. In this search for love and new life it is urgent to remove the personal self and graft the ego of Christ:


«I am the way, the truth and the life. Nobody comes to the Father except through me " [cf. GV 14,6].


The three predicates that we find in this Gospel verse are introduced by the solemn divine formula of theI am eimi, of the I Am, formula that leaves no possibility of appeal and misunderstanding but seals the essentiality of the disciples' vocational following. Christ is truly the face of the visible and knowable God who is the Way, Truth and Life. And whoever chooses Christ knows he has to go a different way, make an uncomfortable truth your own, take on a life that demands perfection beyond measure.


The Way that guides existence it is the Word of Christ, it is the new Torah that has brought the ancient Mosaic Law to perfection and fullness [cf. Mt 5,17], his Gospel is now rule and orientation without gloss.


The Truth that liberates it is no longer given by that subtle and malicious human wisdom, finally there is an embodied wisdom, pretty who reveals himself and communicates himself in the Word of God who became the son of Joseph and Mary, revealing the man to himself in his true face [cf. GV 19,5]. Life reminds us of the profound bond with God because he is the giver of all life through his Spirit, accepting life means unquestionably accepting God's signature on the created world. In the Gospel of John, Christ is the custodian of the Father's life, it is he who gives it to whoever he wants [cf. GV 5,21; 11,25-26].


Faith in the Risen One Via, Truth and Life allows us to reach God, this is the goal of every profession of faith so much so that the evangelist John tends to underline it very well in the end of his Gospel:


«Many other signs made Jesus in the presence of his disciples, but they were not written in this book. These were written, because you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and why, believing, have life in its name» [cf. GV 20,30-31].


Faith in him leads us to the breach, has us atHere I am, it makes it possible for us to embrace the Father in a time when hugs are denied us. Let's not waste time, we want life, we always want it, let's wish it now!


Laconi, 10 May 2020




To stay as close as possible to the faithful in this time of crisis and emergency, the editorial staff of The Island of Patmos informs readers that our author Father Ivano LIGUORI, Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, Care on Facebook the heading 'THE WORD NETWORK ", offering of three times a week meditations. You can access the edited page from our Father clicking on the logo below:



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The Bel Pastore is not a devotional iconography, but the possible and achievable model to pursue that Divine Christ Master offers us

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



Whether we are shepherds or sheep it is necessary to go through the Risen Christ because it is the only rule for finding life. We repudiate all other useless doors, all other deceptive shepherds, let's not get confused and end our disappointed days, sick and hungry. Whoever does not go through Jesus is either a thief who wants to use faith to get rich illegally or is a brigand who wants to use faith with violence and aggression.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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File picture: the Supreme Pontiff Francis

On this 4th Sunday of Easter our reflection on the Gospel of John focuses on the figure of the risen Christ presented as the good Shepherd, title that in the Greek original is rendered as the handsome shepherd that is, the exemplary model for all those who are called to be shepherds. This observation leads us today to carry all our shepherds in our hearts: from the Bishop of Rome to the last ordained priest. All of them are vicar shepherds insofar as their life follows that of the only and authentic Shepherd who is the Risen Christ.


I will be sincere, I have never liked that the judgment on a priest is made up of what he can do or what he can give. Worse still when the priest - or bishop - is identified through his academic qualifications, as new blazons to be exhibited in the plethora of clerical climbers towards career climbing. The only essential title for a priest is given by his being of Christ, inside that undeserved and burdensome mystery of which we will never understand enough the value is enclosed everything necessary to open wide the doors of paradise. For this - I said - I suffer a lot when a priest is deemed worthy or not based on his physical skills, intellectuals, academics, social, organizational, ecclesiastical. It is enough for me to be a priest: convinced of it, happy to be, responsible for it.


We parish priests know this well when we feel brought to a measure of comparison by the faithful: «That priest organizes many trips and pilgrimages for the parishioners, put numerous aggregation activities in the parish, has equipped the oratory in a magnificent way, can speak to young people, has endowed the Church with all comforts etc .. ». Sorry, but I can only think how in front of all these wonders - certainly useful and right - many super-equipped communities still remain empty, the boys abandon the faith after confirmation, the hunger for the Eucharist and the Word is not filled, the difficulty in remaining faithful to the Gospel represents the norm to get used to in order not to be labeled as rigid.


Here then is why the Gospel of this Sunday it is extremely important not only for the lay faithful but above all for us ministers, constituted shepherds of the flock of God entrusted to us. Christ in his incarnation takes charge of our human nature and in the events of Easter he elevates it to the glory of God. Our final condition, from a theological point of view, it is decidedly more superior and sublime than what our ancestors experienced in Earthly Paradise.


Dear Christian friends, this is the work done by the Risen One, from the one who is the Lord, and this work of raising the faithful to the glory of the Father through their daily sanctification is an eminent task of the priests, this is, and it should be the only worry that made us leave everything to follow Christ.


I can't be satisfied of a flock of faithful satisfied if this is not even holy, satisfaction pertains to immanence, holiness embraces the eternal today of God in a continuous movement of conversion:


"If anyone wants to come after me, disown yourself, take up his cross every day and follow me. Who will want to save their life, will lose it, but who will lose their life for me, will save her » (cf. LC 9,23-24).


For this reason the evangelist John tells us today that Jesus is the only door through which the sheep can pass to be holy and full of God. Words that want to indicate the mediation of the One who allows us access to the Father, within a life totally filled with God and that speaks of Him in all the most minute facets.


This prospect of perfection should not surprise us, because in this month of May we have before us the example of Mary Most Holy, she who is called holy and full of grace, precisely because - through the Son and in view of him - he obtained from God that completeness of life which is the goal of every baptized person. Mary is the first Christian who has fully enjoyed the fruits of the resurrection of the Son.


Therefore, whether we are shepherds or sheep it is necessary to go through the Risen Christ because it is the only rule for finding life. We repudiate all other useless doors, all other deceptive shepherds, let's not get confused and end our disappointed days, sick and hungry. Whoever does not go through Jesus is either a thief who wants to use faith to get rich illegally or is a brigand who wants to use faith with violence and aggression.


We pray every day so that our shepherds do not turn into thieves or robbers, this is the task of the whole Church, community that intercedes so that those who are called to sanctify are the first saints to whom we must give thanks to God.


Jesus is the door of our life, a resurrected life which - if accepted freely and joyfully - is capable of saving from the depths of death and constituting authentic witnesses of life. This is the only message that I wish to meet today in the eyes of the priests, this alone is sufficient, this alone is enough.


Laconi, 3 May 2020




To stay as close as possible to the faithful in this time of crisis and emergency, the editorial staff of The Island of Patmos informs readers that our author Father Ivano LIGUORI, Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, Care on Facebook the heading 'THE WORD NETWORK ", offering of three times a week meditations. You can access the edited page from our Father clicking on the logo below:



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In the face of the mystery of the Risen Christ we cannot renounce living and reduce ourselves to survive

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



My conscience as a man, of Catholic, of priest and Italian citizen therefore requires me to make the following decision: this is the last time I celebrate Holy Mass live on television, because I don't want to become an accomplice in an absurd and mortifying way of doing. Others will decide differently, but I can not, I don't have to and I don't want to do otherwise, because I want to live and not just survive, I want to be a responsible witness of the risen Christ, the only one who frees us from the terror of evil and death.



John Zanchi



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the effigy of Santa Maria del Conforto, venerated in the Diocese of Arezzo

let's celebrate this Holy Mass to the glory of God and in honor of Santa Maria in the resurrection of the Lord (cf Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary 15). Saturday is particularly consecrated to Marian devotion, because on Holy Saturday the Madonna was alone on the face of the earth to believe and hope in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead; on Holy Saturday the whole faith of the Church was "enclosed" in the Most Holy Mary, always united in faith obedient to his Divine Son. Because of this, just resurrected, Jesus first appeared to his Holy Mother; about this, I re-read part of what St. John Paul II taught during the General Audience of 21 May 1997:


«The Gospels report a small number of apparitions of the risen Jesus and certainly not the complete account of what happened in the forty days after Easter. The Virgin, present in the first community of disciples (cf At 1, 14), how it could have been excluded from the number of those who met his divine Son raised from the dead? Indeed, it is legitimate to think that the Mother was probably the first person to whom the risen Jesus appeared. Mary's absence from the group of women who go to the tomb at dawn (CF. Mc 16, 1; Mt 28, 1), it could not perhaps be an indication that she had already met Jesus? This deduction would also be confirmed by the fact that the first witnesses of the resurrection, at the behest of Jesus, it was the women, who remained faithful at the foot of the Cross and therefore more firm in faith. IThe unique and special character of the presence of the Virgin on Calvary and her perfect union with the Son in the suffering of the Cross, they seem to postulate his very particular participation in the mystery of the resurrection. Present on Calvary during Good Friday (CF Jn. 19, 25) and in the Upper Room at Pentecost (cf At 1, 14), the Blessed Virgin was probably also a privileged witness of the resurrection of Christ, thus completing his participation in all the essential moments of the Paschal Mystery ».


Saint John Paul II therefore teaches that, among the singular supernatural privileges that Our Lady had from God, there was also the appearance of the Son just risen from the dead. For us now the encounter with the risen Jesus takes place first of all in the sacrament of the Eucharist, celebrated in Holy Mass and received in Holy Communion; under the appearances of the consecrated bread and wine it is indeed present, really and substantially the risen Jesus, in body, blood, soul and divinity; that same and same risen Christ that the blessed already enjoy in Paradise, that same and same risen Christ that Our Lady and the first disciples contemplated here on earth in the 40 days of the first Easter, that same and same risen Christ is now communicated to us in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar; the only difference between the blessed in heaven, Our Lady and the first disciples and we are that they contemplate him and contemplated him in vision, for now only in faith under the veil of the Sacrament.


In Holy Mass and in sacramental communion we therefore enjoy the presence of the risen Jesus who assimilates us to himself and communicates his glorious life to us. But because of the ongoing pandemic, the vast majority of the faithful have for too long been deprived of the grace of participating in the Holy Mass and receiving Holy Communion. In the beginning our bishops justified this very serious deprivation as a painful sacrifice and an act of responsibility on the part of the Church, to foster the common struggle against the spread of the disease e, in the emergence of the emergency, this could also be entirely acceptable, waiting to be able to organize safely. But now, continue to deny participation in the Holy Mass and the reception of the sacraments for an indefinite time, exposes our people to serious spiritual risks, more dangerous than physical ones; I list some of them: first of all the danger of believing that faith can be reduced to a simple subjective opinion to be lived only in private, without public and social form and that indeed a religious practice without public rites and manifestations and reduced to the fulfillment of solitary prayers and philanthropic acts would be more pure and mature; then the danger that the Church will be totally enslaved to the state, without any freedom of preaching and action, neither internally nor socially, as happens for example in communist China, origin of this pandemic that afflicts us; therefore the danger that our churches are falsely considered the most dangerous places for public health and our Liturgies main source of spread of the viral infection - while the churches are the places where it is easier to observe the norms of prophylaxis and the celebration of the Sacraments are the least dangerous acts for health -; finally the danger that people mistakenly convince themselves of the uselessness of the Christian faith and of the very existence of the Church.


It is now clear that many politicians and their self-styled experts, many journalists, many - too many - ordinary people want to exploit the pandemic to annihilate the presence and work of the Church in Italy, forcing Catholics to practice faith even in churches, but the priests in the closed of the sacristies and the faithful in the closed of their own home, isolated from each other.


So far we have adapted to many spiritual sacrifices with great suffering even in very important things, but now the situation has changed - thanks to God and the sacrifice of many - and it is no longer possible to continue living like this, that is: for fear of physical death, to survive and give up living; die of unemployment so as not to die of viral contagion; die as a Church to continue to survive as single believers barely tolerated by the unbelieving world. Those who do not believe in Christ risen from the dead always and inevitably end up surviving rather than living: «If the dead are not raised, we eat and drink, because tomorrow we will die » (1Color 15, 32), so atheists think and live; but we Christians are the witnesses of Christ risen from the dead and we cannot give up living to reduce ourselves to survive, neither as men nor as Christians.


This also means that Masses are only televised they have had their time and it is no longer necessary or appropriate to continue celebrating in deserted churches with all our people reduced to a shapeless mass of viewers more or less involved; in many other countries afflicted by the pandemic, they continued to celebrate Holy Mass with the people, certainly with due precautions; now it is possible to start doing it also in Italy, without any permission from anyone - least of all the civil authorities, who have no power to forbid us or allow us what we have to do in churches -; now it is possible to start again to celebrate the sacraments with the people in church, without endangering anyone's physical health, certainly by doing it with that responsibility that we Christians have always abundantly shown and taught to others in times of calamity. Therefore, the live broadcast of the Holy Mass must return as soon as possible to be an exceptional and sporadic fact in the spiritual service only of those who, due to illness or old age, are prevented from participating personally; all the other faithful must be able to return to church as soon as possible to celebrate and receive the sacraments.


Jesus says: «I am the living bread, down from heaven. If anyone eats this bread he will live forever ... Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day ". (GV 6, 51. 54). Jesus says "Do this in memory of me" (LC 22, 19); Jesus doesn't say: «You were holed up in the house each on his own for fear of dying because he does the same; each for himself and God for all ".


My conscience as a man, of Catholic, of priest and Italian citizen therefore requires me to make the following decision: this is the last time I celebrate Holy Mass live on television, because I don't want to become an accomplice in an absurd and mortifying way of doing. Others will decide differently, but I can not, I don't have to and I don't want to do otherwise, because I want to live and not just survive, I want to be a responsible witness of the risen Christ, the only one who frees us from the terror of evil and death.


Santa Maria, cheered by your Divine Son just risen from the dead at dawn of Easter, intercede for us and obtain from the glorious Lord the liberation from the pandemic and the courage to profess our faith always and in every place and circumstance (safe or dangerous) and above all get us freedom from the tyranny of worldly power and from reducing us to survive, prisoners and paralyzed by fear of death.

Praised be Jesus Christ!


Cathedral Church of Arezzo, 2 May 2020

Lady Mass on Saturdays



The video meditations of the Presbyter Mons. Giovanni Zanchi are available on our page




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The supplication rings along the way: «Stay with us, Lord, because it is evening »

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



We are all tired at the moment, deceived into our expectations, disappointed by our intentions, exhausted and fed up with a faith that is increasingly human image, distancing light years from that authentic revelation that we find in Sacred Scripture and that apostolic preaching has brought within our faith communities. These two months of medical exile make us wish - as it was for the disciples of Emmaus - to listen again to the living Scriptures, in which to burn for the presence of the Risen Jesus, inside of of a Sunday community that meets without fear and prohibition.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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In this third Sunday of Easter, from the Gospel it resounds: "Stay with us, because it is evening and the day is now sunset » [LC 24, 29], I believe I correctly interpret the voice of many faithful in this particular historical moment, starting from this beautiful request for mercy from the Gospel of Luke.


We need, that Jesus remains with us today; we desperately need to stay with him, without more conditions, time has become short and we can no longer afford to waste it.


We are all tired at the moment, deceived into our expectations, disappointed by our intentions, exhausted and fed up with a faith that is increasingly human image, distancing light years from that authentic revelation that we find in Sacred Scripture and that apostolic preaching has brought within our faith communities. These two months of medical exile make us wish - as it was for the disciples of Emmaus - to listen again to the living Scriptures, in which to burn for the presence of the Risen Jesus, within a Sunday community that meets without fear and prohibitions.


First of all though, it is necessary to heal a wound that is that which resides in our hardened heart, in the sclerocardia that prevents us from believing everything the prophets said, a broad image to express all those who in the history of humanity have been charged by the Church with the proclamation of the Word and with the authentic interpretation of the same.


How much Word wasted, how many unheard prophets: from those of the Old Testament, passing through Giovanni Battista up to many good bishops and the last parish priest. We cannot say that Jesus rose without adhering to the proclamation of the Scriptures and without listening to the words of those who were made up by God prophets of this announcement.


With sadness we must recognize that our ignorance of Jesus Christ, as San Girolamo said, it derives from the non-knowledge of the Word of the Scriptures announced and proclaimed. How sad that the word of so many teachers of the faith today is ridiculed, trivialized and downsized before the unique thought and the politically correct. Precisely in this quarantine we need more than ever the authentic Word of the Scriptures. Word that is in short supply also in us priests, to make way for a palliative presence, human who - over sacramental proclamation - prefers the pampering of closeness. For you see, Dear brothers, we can deeply desire to have many beautiful experiences of Jesus but if we do not listen and adhere to the Word, there is a serious risk of being incredulous and atheists, while basking in sacristy, churchyard or participating in patronal feasts and pilgrimages.


The beauty of Luca's song this Sunday consists precisely in this unveiling which reveals our paradox of unbelieving believers. We can consider these two men of the family, they are disciples, they are close to Jesus and yet they have a heart distant from Him, incredulous, so much so that the events of the Passion they witnessed are not at all eloquent for their lives but rather become an opportunity for scandal and fearful escape from Jerusalem.


Indeed, it is not enough to see to believe, just as Tommaso reminded us last Sunday, something more is needed. Is this Moreover it consists in listening to the Word of Scripture and applying it to Jesus, participating in that amazement that what has been written has really come true. In a simple way we must see how God remains faithful to what he said and worked. Here then is that Jesus joins between these two disciples and renounces the Word to them, educates them to a new loyalty. He Word of the Father makes himself Word for these silent unbelievers, igniting in their hearts the desire of the neighboring God who finds his full fulfillment in the Risen One.


The Word makes their hearts burn so much so that the sacramental sign of the breaking of the bread, in that house where they had found refuge, it becomes an opportune moment for their eyes to open to the Easter truth. It is interesting to note how in the moment in which they recognize the Risen One it disappears, just as it will happen other times in the Easter tales.


It is not possible for man to dominate the Risen One, it cannot be blocked, you cannot domesticate it for your own purposes. When the Lord opens our eyes with his Word he does it to make us proclaimers and prophets free and faithful.


In Easter our eyes were opened to see the Lord as the living, the winner over death and sin, not to have the demeaning experience of Adam and Eve whose eyes opened by the fruit of the Tree have only glimpsed the nakedness of sin.


The disciples of Emmaus, with eyes wide open on Easter salvation, they have been elected as announcers of the Word which they themselves will proclaim to the Eleven gathered in Jerusalem.


Dear brothers, to make Easter we have to open our eyes well and, with open eyes, also say what the world does not want to hear and refuses, we are called to free our brothers through the faithfulness of the Word of truth announced and proclaimed, made sacrament of salvation in the sign of Sunday Eucharistic bread which we will soon return to break together with our pastors.


Laconi, 26 April 2020




To stay as close as possible to the faithful in this time of crisis and emergency, the editorial staff of The Island of Patmos informs readers that our author Father Ivano LIGUORI, Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, Care on Facebook the heading 'THE WORD NETWORK ", offering of three times a week meditations. You can access the edited page from our Father clicking on the logo below:



Visit the pages of our book shop WHO. Following the coronavirus emergency, the Amazon company that prints and distributes our books had to prioritize the distribution of basic necessities. Printing and distribution of books will then resume after 4 May.


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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

We are all in the brush of Caravaggio who painted the finger of Thomas in the side of the Risen Christ

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos

- homiletics -


Maybe you can read it in Tommaso's attitude a powder’ of pride and mistrust towards the apostolic community. Then Jesus breaks into the closed doors of his heart and mind. Bring irrefutable proof: those wounds are true and full of love.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



PDF print format article



Dear brothers and sisters,

Caravaggio, particular: St Thomas unbelieving

today we celebrate the Sunday of mercy, of God's love for man. We can speak of love and mercy in these times of the coronavirus? This is how a dear nurse friend in the red zone from Lombardy replies:


«Mercy is going out to your comfort zone […] and say yes to God and neighbor. With simple gestures like putting cream on a person, shake a hand or communicate with a glance all the tenderness that I felt inside me, come not only from God but also from all those brothers who are close to me with prayer, with thought, with the messages and every form of good that I tried to remodel so that it could be useful as a love to give ».


Today we can meditate then together on the mercy and experience of Thomas the Apostle, in tenderness, in truth and joy. We read about it in the Acts of the Apostles:


“All the believers were together and had everything in common; every day they persevered together in the temple and, breaking bread in the houses, they took food with joy and simplicity of heart, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people " [At 2, 42-47].


The word that expresses that whole and ομοθυμαδόν (my mood), term that indicates a profound communion in the first Christian communities. All in fact, Luke the Evangelist writes us, he is cloaked in a communion in faith, in charity and material goods. Therefore communion testifies to the true face of God has the effect of joy and simplicity of heart. True communion in charity and faith shows the love of God and people are converted and decide to become Christians..


This is the effort that even today the Christian is called to do: be a believer who lives in relationship communions, because there is no mercy in self-sufficient solitude. Selfishness is contrary to mercy and is the root of division; mercy is openness to God and to the other, in an act of self-giving to excess.


In this sense, the example of Thomas apostle shows us how we open ourselves to God and to the community. His example is perhaps familiar to us.


Today's Gospel it is divided into two scenes: the first describes the apostles locked inside for fear of the Jews, the arrival of Jesus [GV 19, 23], where there is the sending of the apostles, the foundation of the confession of sins through the Spirit. In the second scene [GV 24, 31], the Apostles are closed inside again, and this time there is also Thomas, who had not believed in the community:


"If I don't see the sign of the nails in his hands and I don't put my finger in the sign of the nails and I don't put my hand in his side, I do not think so".

Thomas is the person in search of God: he wants to believe only after he has seen and known (as in fact we find the original Greek ίδιο (idiom) deriving from Οἶδα (heard) that indicates “i have seen” so “so”, expression that we find in Sophocles' work Antigone.


Perhaps, can be read in Tommaso's attitude a powder’ of pride and mistrust towards the apostolic community. Then Jesus breaks into the closed doors of his heart and mind. Bring irrefutable proof: those wounds are true and full of love. With Santa Caterina we can try to read Tommaso's thoughts «and there, in the wound of the side, you will discover the secret of his heart: he loved you and loves you invaluably ". Finally the apostle can burst out "Lord my God!». Truth and Mercy meet. Finally, the apostle can also embark on a self-giving mission, by preaching the mystery of God.


In Jesus Christ all of us like Thomas, we discover the truth of a tenderness of those who never stop loving us in the face of our frailties. This gives us the joy of new life, Sunday without sunset, that we all begin to live now and we will live in Heaven with Him.


Rabindranath Tagore wrote: "I dreamed, and I saw that life is joy; I woke up, and I saw that life is service. servii, and I saw that in serving there is joy ".


We ask God to open our hearts to mercy so that our service to the truth will lead everyone to the joy of the encounter.

So be it

Rome, 19 April 2020





Staff Blog

Father Gabriele



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