"Fideism idiot in power" … God save us from the hypocrites Catholics virus, Children of Cain and Judas Iscariot

- relevance to the Church during the pandemic coronavirus-



The pandemic coronavirus did come out all the fake bad Catholics educated and uneducated, such as not educated, untrained, so why ignore that the Church, company divinely instituted, not from the base. The term "basic church" is theologically wrong and misleading. The Church is by nature a "top" structure, where everything goes from above with cascading effect. If so, the bishops give provisions for the Masses and pastoral liturgy decreeing a ban on publicly celebrate with the people, you just obey, starting from the faithful. This is the hierarchical Church instituted by Christ that puts Peter at the head of the college of the apostles, then Peter and the apostles to guide the People of God. And whoever denies - and has full right and freedom to deny it - is not, however, Catholic, is more ... is the Catholic of himself and of his emotional and subjective idea of ​​the Church ...


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



I offer our readers a reflection of my videos 25 minutes in which I illustrate a genre perhaps not widely known but very present virus: the pandemic exploded in a busy army of hypocritical Catholics, fallen like leaves at the first gust of wind before a test of faith and that some weeks are giving the best of the worst of themselves on social network.


From the island of Patmos, 30 March 2020











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"Open Church" (XI episode) - Can the worthy law enforcement err on zeal until reaching stop the sacred celebrations in churches?

- the Fathers of The Patmos Island close to the faithful in this quarantine -



We offer our readers this valuable new video of our esteemed brother John Zanchi, priest of the Diocese of Arezzo, so that it can also serve as an effective and wise antidote to all those who unfortunately, at this time of extraordinary crisis and emergency, They have nothing better to do than argue, often in harsh and aggressive tone, against decisions taken by our bishops for safety reasons to protect public health: suspend the sacred celebrations and in many cases close the churches. Recall that the Church, during crises and emergencies, It has never been saved by the controversy of those who stand for all time the most faithful among the faithful or to the purest of the pure, but the unit. Someone has written these days that "the bishops are committing suicide the Italian Church". Unfortunately he did not understand anything of the essence of the Catholic faith: the church “if suicidal” attacking the bishops, instead follow them and support them in a moment of so severe test.










The texts of Father John Zanchi, director of the Pastoral Center Divine Worship of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, They are not meant as articles but as audio-narrative texts. We proceeded to transcribe audio text for our Readers.


John Zanchi

Welcome to the eleventh episode of Open Church.

The stone and brick churches are open, well no public celebrations, come segno de The church that remains opened and working for the glory of God and the sanctification of souls, although in exceptional shapes. We had two wonderful examples last Friday 27 March: thanks to the means of social communication, Catholics around the world have united spiritually to the Holy Father the Pope in a historic supplication to God for the end of the pandemic. In the same day, every single Italian bishop has visited a cemetery in suffrage for the souls of the many victims of the pandemic, buried with funeral in the form very small, because emergency health.


Now we come to today's. In the previous episode I helped to reflect on some of the underlying prudential reasons for the suspension of public liturgies in the time of a pandemic. In the short time available, I will now mention a complementary aspect of the same issue: in open churches are not held public celebrations, but the faithful have the right to go to church for personal prayer and to receive the sacraments in individual form, especially Confession and Holy Communion; obviously respecting the preventive health rules we all now know well. On the website of the Italian Government [cf WHO] clicking in the section F.A.Q. and clicking on "Ceremonies", It is written as follows: "Question: You can go to church or other houses of worship?" Reply: "They are allowed to open and access to places of worship, as long as you avoid gatherings and make sure the distance between the goers not less than one meter ".


The Lombardy Region It issued on even more detailed rules; In fact, the Regional Ordinance No.. 514 the 21 March 2020 to the point 22 reads textually: "The access to places of worship is allowed in quota and in observance of the necessary measures to ensure the safety of interpersonal distance of one meter". Therefore you can go to pray individually in any church in the local council area, fitted with the necessary self-certification and avoiding gatherings. No one can prevent it; it would be an abuse of power. An advice: as when going for food shopping is good to keep your sales slip, to show that actually has gone into this shop, so it is appropriate photographing themselves inside the church, as evidence to be shown to the Authority responsible for the control.


We have to address this topic, because they are increasing reports about faithful censored by the Police (however meritorious) just because they were on their way to church to pray alone. More seriously: in various parts of Italy the Police disrupted Masses that were taking place in full respect of the rules of prophylaxis against the pandemic; remember that the current Italian laws strictly forbid: If a church is doing is an act of worship, Police and Carabinieri can enter to perform their duties only after having previously informed the bishop of the place and in any case can not stop the act of worship.


To guard against any arbitrariness or forced removal from a sacred place or complaints or fines imposed for such reasons, you can turn to a lawyer, to assert their rights. But it would be better not to have to go that far! By the grace of God, these days many public administrators have officially gone into churches to entrust to divine protection their fellow citizens. Well done! They fulfilled their duty! But it is absurd that the joints of Giulianova Carabinieri, in Abruzzo, They reported to the Public Prosecutor, the Mayor of the City, others 3 administrators, 5 priests and 3 journalists, which, in the large sanctuary of the Madonna of Splendor, They had entrusted their Common to Mary Most Holy, with a lot of deposition of the tricolor sash at the foot of the statue. 12 People spaced well over a meter from one another inside a spacious building, They were considered the most dangerous of the dozens of people present simultaneously in any supermarket!


Did I mention that our police forces are praiseworthy, especially in this emergency, and they must go to all our gratitude; indeed, in the case of Giulianova they have simply made a duty, following specious arguments raised by third parties, driven by malice towards Christians. The fact remains that some have tried to besmirch an act of devotion as if it were a crime; we also have reports of priests who have received written threats simply because very large churches have celebrated Mass with the assistance of a few people at a safe distance! It seems that some anti-Christian satanised want to use the opportunity of the pandemic to discredit and attack the Catholic faithful. We can not allow these abuses!


The Italian Church is giving great test of prudence and love for the common good with the painful suspension of celebrations with the people, while ensuring the daily opening of the churches, even agreeing to celebrate in the form emergency next Easter, but it is not acceptable that it is forbidden to the individual exercising the right of worship (cf Constitution of the Italian Republic, item 19), exercised in currently possible forms. Accepting such a thing would be a dangerous precedent for the protection of the freedom of all Italian citizens. There is a danger that, once the emergency has passed, enter a church to pray to become a concession by the State, no longer a human right. Our bishops and the government must immediately take steps to ensure clear rules and strict waves are issued to guarantee the exercise of the constitutional right to freedom of worship even in these calamitous times.


Finally point out a very important practical aspect: a prudent individual frequency of churches also allows their custody during the opening hours; most of our historic and artistic heritage is made by the churches and their furnishings: leave them open and empty for many hours throughout the day is the best way to ensure the preservation? We remember that, even in normal times, They are frequent theft and vandalism in our churches! Fedeli ostacolati nel frequentare singolarmente le chiese, reported while they perform acts of devotion with all due attention ... sad Signs, which show the degree of de-Christianization which has plunged our society and the social devaluation of the necessity of the interior life and the value of supernatural reality; but Italy can not become the country where the pandemic in time you can safely go out to buy a pack of cigarettes (and this is said with all due respect to tobacconists), but you can not bear to church to pray, even in solitude!


The churches of stone and brick even in the time of a pandemic remain open, to remind us that Christians are committed to pray for the good of all, both in their homes and in public places, because - as we are reminded in Psalm 126, 1: "Unless the Lord builds the house, in vain do its builders labor;. Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain ".

Thank you for listening. Appointment to the next episode Open Church.


Sansepolcro (Arezzo), 29 March 2020









The Editions The Patmos Island they use for printing and distribution of its books of the great Company Amazon, which at this moment has suspended the shipment and distribution of all non-urgent and not strictly necessary goods due to related problems emergency coronavirus. At the moment it is therefore not possible to order and receive our books, But that can be ordered after 3 April.







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"Open Church" (X episode) - That today's irresistible longing to sacrifice the priests to death for their own personal whims of opinion. What if that happens, then who will return to celebrate Holy Mass for the People of God after the epidemic coronavirus?

- the Fathers of The Patmos Island close to the faithful in this quarantine -



We offer our readers this valuable new video of our esteemed brother John Zanchi, priest of the Diocese of Arezzo, so that it can also serve as an effective and wise antidote to all those who unfortunately, at this time of extraordinary crisis and emergency, They have nothing better to do than argue, often in harsh and aggressive tone, against decisions taken by our bishops for safety reasons to protect public health: suspend the sacred celebrations and in many cases close the churches. Recall that the Church, during crises and emergencies, It has never been saved by the controversy of those who stand for all time the most faithful among the faithful or to the purest of the pure, but the unit. Someone has written these days that "the bishops are committing suicide the Italian Church". Unfortunately he did not understand anything of the essence of the Catholic faith: the church “if suicidal” attacking the bishops, instead follow them and support them in a moment of so severe test.










The texts of Father John Zanchi, director of the Pastoral Center Divine Worship of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, They are not meant as articles but as audio-narrative texts. We proceeded to transcribe audio text for our Readers.


John Zanchi

Welcome to X episode Open Church.

The churches, understood as buildings, remain open during the pandemic, well if you do not perform public celebrations and the faithful can not easily attend. In the present situation, Priests are giving proof of great inventiveness to help the faithful also in going to church, as well as possible.


Many faithful appreciate the sacrifice made by so many priests to fulfill their ministry, even with severe limitations. Others manifest their discontent, especially for the temporary suspension of the Mass with the people and call for the immediate resumption of public celebrations. In here, we want to say a word that helps to understand the terms of the issue and to avoid counterproductive controversy.


In the tragic situation of recent days are at stake two fundamental aspects: one part, the Church must continue his divine mission to serve the salvation of souls, with all the necessary self-denial, without jeopardizing public health and then operating the necessary sacrifices and taking painful limitations in behavior, But without flattening the logic of the world; on the other side, the Church does not even give the most distant impression of abandoning true to yourself, neglecting their spiritual needs and risking to be considered fugitive or, worse, insignificant, as if he had decided not to affirm the primacy of the supernatural. Let's take a step forward …


... the authentic moral theology It teaches us that it is not enough to state the broad principles, but must then implement them in a particular situation, by means of a prudent discernment, and then, more it descends from the general principle to a concrete situation, especially perilous, most operating decisions can become all the more difficult to detect. The high moral principle is: "Do good and avoid evil"; but in a tragic emergency situation like this, It is not immediately easy to determine how to implement the good and avoid evil.


To those who, bitter about the suspension of Masses with the people, calling for greater courage on the part of bishops and priests, respectfully remember three facts, to keep absolutely present to formulate a practical judgment consistent with the reality of the present situation.


First fact: Emergencies are not programmed, suddenly they arrive and are sometimes even exceptional and ever faced by this generation, as it is currently. Even our bishops were surprised by the spread of the epidemic and quickly had to take difficult decisions for the protection of all. To help secure the celebration of Holy Mass with the people it would be necessary to organize a regular service order to ensure at least the entry and exit of the participants (each duly principals of defense against infection), their spacing within the church, the sanitization of the same. All things not easy to achieve and practice management. Considering that often only one priest has to cater to more parishes and churches, even the allegation of rarefare attendance of the faithful increasing the number of Masses to be practicable in Italy.


second fact: The toll of victims that the Italian clergy is already paying for a pandemic: while there are plenty of infected bishops and finished in isolation, al 22 March were well 50 priests decimated, most of them fall in the line of ministry. Even the clergy aside for old age is not spared: a Parma, in the house of the Xaverian Missionaries, immediately subjected to strict isolation, They died in solitude 13 priests in 15 days, giungesse without anyone from the outside to assist. If Holy Mass with the people they were regularly celebrated everywhere, the number of deceased priests would certainly be even bigger, then taking into account that the Italian Clergy, due to the high average age of almost 68 year old, It is fully included in the category of older and older, then the people to be protected from further danger of contagion. A similar argument about old age needs to be done about the same faithful who regularly frequent our churches.


Third fact: as there are concerns that the medical staff is not decimated by the pandemic and the sick remain without assistance, so you need to worry that the Italian Church is not reduced drastically without more priests for the pastoral care of the faithful. From this point of view, the data are merciless: in Italy the clergy is not only very elderly, but even now numerically small. Let's just one example: Archdiocese of Turin in 1950 there was 1 priest (middle age 43 year old) per 561 baptized; In the 2017 again in Turin there was 1 priest (middle age 68 years and 6 months) per 2065 baptized! After the plague in the sixteenth century it killed most of the Milanese, St. Charles Borromeo had no trouble in parts of the fallen priests to assist lepers; today, Behind our few priests and elders, unfortunately there are not crowds of seminarians ready to replace them. After termination of the emergency, how many of the churches that now they are supposed to keep working unwisely should then be closed, perhaps forever, to a serious lack of priests?


Reasoning as well, someone will accuse me of lacking faith in God's power. Ma, apart from that we should not groped the Lord (cf. Lk 4, 12), in the current tragedy the teaching of St. John Paul II should be aware of: that we must combine faith and reason; why should not exclude faith and faith has to accept the service of reason (then it is often common sense).


Only in this way it is possible to avoid two opposite extremes: The proponents of the celebration to the bitter end of the Mass with the people likely to commit the sin of fideism; the advocates of indiscriminate closure of churches in danger of committing the sin of rationalism. Faith attests that during the Mass God works already the great miracle of transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ; but God is not obliged simultaneously to preserve the viral contagion individual participants.


We conclude by recalling two great principles of theology: against rationalism say: "Who makes what can, God does not deny the grace »; against fideism say: "God does not bind the grace of the Sacraments," and can also donate to out of them, under certain circumstances. The suspension of the Mass with the people is a painful loss for the souls of the faithful; beseech God to grant as soon as possible to his Church the grace and joy to gather again to celebrate the Eucharist and also implore God for the grace to keep our few priests and elders, giving the eternal reward to those fallen victims of duty during the pandemic.

A resent tomorrow for a new installment of Open Church.


Sansepolcro (Arezzo), 27 March 2020









The Editions The Patmos Island they use for printing and distribution of its books of the great Company Amazon, which at this moment has suspended the shipment and distribution of all non-urgent and not strictly necessary goods due to related problems emergency coronavirus. At the moment it is therefore not possible to order and receive our books, But that can be ordered after 3 April.







«You will know the truth and the truth will set you free» [GV 8,32],
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"Open Church" (VIII and IX episode) - We explain how it works during the pandemic coronavirus general absolution given by the confessors in this time of severe social and health crisis

- the Fathers of The Patmos Island close to the faithful in this quarantine -



We offer our readers this third precious videos of our esteemed brother John Zanchi, priest of the Diocese of Arezzo, so that it can also serve as an effective and wise antidote to all those who unfortunately, at this time of extraordinary crisis and emergency, They have nothing better to do than argue, often in harsh and aggressive tone, against decisions taken by our bishops for safety reasons to protect public health: suspend the sacred celebrations and in many cases close the churches. Recall that the Church, during crises and emergencies, It has never been saved by the controversy of those who stand for all time the most faithful among the faithful or to the purest of the pure, but the unit. Someone has written these days that "the bishops are committing suicide the Italian Church". Unfortunately he did not understand anything of the essence of the Catholic faith: the church “if suicidal” attacking the bishops, instead follow them and support them in a moment of so severe test.










The texts of Father John Zanchi, director of the Pastoral Center Divine Worship of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, They are not meant as articles but as audio-narrative texts. We proceeded to transcribe audio text for our Readers.


John Zanchi

Welcome to the eighth installment of Open Church!

In this time of a pandemic the churches of stone and bricks remain open, without public celebrations, come segno di Open Church that remains opened to the glory of God and for the salvation of mankind.


The ecclesiastical and civil authorities They have adopted exceptional measures to contain the pandemic and making it difficult to receive Holy Communion and other sacraments, including Confession; difficult, but not impossible. The Church also remains open to sinners in ensuring the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation with God.

First of all, for those who are not sick it is not impossible to confession, putting into practice the recently Rules issued by the Bishops according to the criteria of prudence: that is, to meet with the priest in ventilated places, keeping the safety distance but still guaranteeing the confidentiality of the accusation of sins and also wearing disposable gloves and an airway protection mask. No shortage of priests implementing those prudential rules with great pastoral creativity (as seen in this image - Ed on audio-video).


Different is unfortunately the situation of those infected hospitalized in Hospitals, especially in intensive care units; Priests often fail to achieve them, not because they like it, but because they are hampered by a lack of safeguards against contagion (tute, gloves, masks) and therapies protocols. So the Pope, through the Apostolic Penitentiary, the 20 last March issued precise and multiple provisions, to reach even the seriously ill the gift of the sacramental forgiveness of sins [cf WHO]. For example, to ensure the necessary spiritual assistance to the sick and dying, the Pope suggested to the Bishops, If necessary, to form groups of "extraordinary hospital chaplains" even on a voluntary basis, according to the health authorities and in compliance with the rules for protection from infection. This is certainly the best way to guarantee spiritual assistance to hospitalized and especially the sacrament of Confession.


In this regard, allow me to state the Pope and the Bishops They should invoke state laws that already exist to obtain that priests have free access to the sick, with the same caution they use doctors. Many hospital chaplains are also state employees, so they must be enabled to carry out its mission. If doctors entering and leaving the wards with due caution, just as it must be possible to Chaplains. In many places are the same doctors to apply for this work, first of all for himself same. Moreover, the Pope reminded the bishops that, in this emergency situation, they may use a particular form of the sacrament of Confession namely the collective absolution of penitents; the latter are exempt from the charge on time staff of one's sins to a priest, but they must emit an act of perfect contrition, which necessarily includes the vote to accuse one's sins to a priest earliest possible.


The Apostolic Penitentiary It acknowledged that "Reconciliation of several penitents with general confession and absolution" is now to be implemented especially in places most affected by the pandemic infection and until it will not cease. The Bishop of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, S. AND: Mons. Riccardo Fontana (Ed Diocese to which belongs the author of the audio-video), He was the first in Italy to impart in this form the Sacrament of Reconciliation; the morning of 19 March went at the San Donato of Arezzo, where are also hospitalized patients of coronavirus; the patients had been previously warned and were able to follow the course of the ritual through the diocesan broadcaster Telesandomenico, spiritually uniting himself to the Bishop who absolved them.


In the end, nella presente situazione There can be quarantined sick and dying quite unable to receive sacramental absolution; then, The pope recently reminded that they can receive God's forgiveness of their sins by issuing an act of perfect contrition, including the firm purpose of confessing if and as soon as it will be possible for them.


Most of the mass media He has devoted only a few superficial mention of these measures taken by the Church to facilitate as much as possible the use of sacramental Reconciliation, with the risk that steps in the minds of this type of message: "Then I can also confess to me only, no need for a priest!"and: "The Church of changing many things; now well on the way to confess!». In reality it is not so. Holy Mother Church has always celebrated in various forms the sacrament of Confession, depending on the circumstances and the possibilities, true to its fundamental principle: la salvezza delle anime è la suprema legge.


Furthermore, the Holy Mother Church He has always taught that God forgives the sins of those who are sincerely repentant of them committed, not only because they fear eternal damnation, but because they have offended God and therefore firmly resolve to sin no more. This is what we say in 'Pain act: «Mio Dio, I regret it and I regret with all my heart for my sins, because sinning I deserved your punishment, and much more because I offended you, infinitely good and worthy of being loved above all else. I propose, with your holy aid, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin. man, mercy, forgive me!».


That contrition of the penitent is the heart of the sacrament of Confession is also demonstrated by the fact that the priest can not absolve a penitent not properly repented and received God's grace through sacramental absolution helping us to mature the perfect contrition, then to be converted from sin because we love God, not only because we fear. At the same time it is always true that contrition for sins committed is perfect because it necessarily includes the accusing vote for their sins before the Confessor, earliest possible.


In this episode of Open Church We hinted at a complex and sensitive subject, looking in the little time available to be clear and concise. Sacramental Confession is a topical, because our spiritual preparation for Easter continues in this Lenten time in quarantine; "Confession at least once a year and Communion at least at Easter," it remains one of the General Precepts of the Church, the bare minimum to do to say that Catholic Christians.


Reflecting on the importance of the sacrament of Penance We remind us of our duties in normal time: always live in God's grace, always take advantage of opportunities for confession, know the truths of faith and the norms of Christian conduct, pray often for the grace of a happy death (ie comforted by the Sacraments). So we will always be spiritually ready, although the emergency sopraggiungerà! Anyhow, Now it is important to realize that the Open Church, also to give to men in every way possible the forgiveness of sins and thus to ensure the eternal salvation of souls, which remains the most important thing of all.

A resent the next episode of Open Church.


Sansepolcro (Arezzo), 24 March 2020









John Zanchi

The texts of Father John Zanchi, director of the Pastoral Center Divine Worship of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, They are not meant as articles but as audio-narrative texts. We proceeded to transcribe audio text for our Readers.

Welcome to a new edition of Open Church!

The topic of this episode IX It is a continuation of the previous one: the Church even in time of a pandemic remains opened to ensure the reconciliation of sinners with God. After pointing out how it is possible in this time of social emergency administer the sacrament of Confession, We mention now to the practice of Indulgences, because in recent days there have been promulgated new.


We start from a basic premise: the sinner freed from the guilt of sin through the sacrament of Confession, still it has to serve the punishment due for sin; In fact, God is merciful to the same time but also fair. Because of this, with sacramental absolution, the confessor priest also assigns a penance to be done. Who does not fully atoned for in this mortal life the due punishment for their sins, I will have to do necessarily in the Hereafter, if he dies in the grace of God; then we might as well do penance as much as possible now.


The sacraments of Baptism and Confession, Holy Mother Church frees us from the guilt of sin; with the indulgences then it helps us to atone for the punishment due for sins.


Deepen now this topic: a church that was never closed and will remain open for eternity is that of Paradise. The Madonna in body and soul, gli Angeli, Saints and other souls of the saved already enjoy the vision of God and intercede for us at the same time still journey towards the common homeland of heaven. During their earthly life, Mary and the Saints have gained by the grace of God supernatural merits; acquistatici joined the infinite merits of Christ the Redeemer with his sacrifice on the cross, these supernatural merits of the saints are the "treasure" of satisfaction to divine justice, "Treasure" that the Church puts at our disposal to help us to repent of our sins and to better attain the eternal bliss.


Duly prepared faithful (confessed and communicated) and who meet certain conditions established (exclusion of any affection for sin, fulfillment of prescribed work, recitation of the Our Father and the Creed, prayer for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff), get the gift of abbreviation (A partial indulgence) or even the cancellation (plenary indulgence) the due punishment for their sins, satisfying divine justice by drawing on the supernatural "treasure" of the merits of the Saints. Said "in a nutshell": it is as if a debtor extinguished its debt because a benefactor gives you free of charge the necessary money he does not have. It should be noted that some indulgences can also be applied to the soul of a deceased, by way of suffrage.


Anyone wishing to explore the doctrine and practice regarding the indulgences can read the following document: Apostolic Penitentiary, Manual of Indulgences, Vatican Publishing House, 20084.

In this Lenten time in quarantine, the Pope has issued precise instructions, not only because the faithful are helped to continue to receive the sacrament of Confession, but also to help the faithful to continue to do penance for their sins and come spiritually renewed at the next Easter. The popular media do not pay attention to the new Indulgences newly promulgated; for this you need to talk about it, so that the faithful are aware of and can enjoy them.


The decree issued by the Apostolic Penitentiary in data 20 last March is easily available via the Internet [cf WHO]. Here let me summarize the main points of the papal decree: the "faithful affections Coronavirus, undergo regime for the disposal of sanitary quarantine in hospitals or in their homes, "get the plenary indulgence" if, with a spirit detached from any sin, They will join spiritually through the media to the celebration of Holy Mass, the recitation of the Holy Rosary, the devotion of the Via Crucis or other forms of devotion, or if at least recite the Creed, the Our Father and a pious invocation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, providing this evidence in a spirit of faith in God and charity towards our brothers, with the intention of fulfilling the usual conditions (confessione sacramentale, Eucharistic communion and prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father), as soon as they can ". "Under the same conditions" may obtain a Plenary Indulgence 'caregivers, family members and how many, example of the Good Samaritan, exposing themselves to the risk of contagion, Coronavirus assist the sick ". Even the faithful that "offer a visit to the Blessed Sacrament, or Eucharistic adoration, or reading the Holy Scriptures for at least half an hour, or reciting of the Holy Rosary, or pious exercise of the Via Crucis, or recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, to implore from God the Almighty epidemic termination, relief for those who are afflicted and the eternal salvation of those whom the Lord called to himself can also benefit from the Plenary Indulgence. The plenary indulgence can also be achieved by the faithful that on his deathbed he was unable to receive the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and Viaticum: In this case we recommend the use of the crucifix or the cross ".


The ordinary way of expiating the punishment due for sins is first to perform their duties and endure the hardships of life, raising the soul with humble trust to God (cf Manual of Indulgences, cit., p. 37); so, put themselves or their goods at the service of the brothers who are in need and do so in a spirit of faith and merciful mood (In the same place, p. 40). The two works just mentioned are extremely relevant and urgent in the present calamity and are also within everyone's reach. The Holy Church in fact has now indulgenced such works, thus helping us to enhance a supernatural spirit what is happening to us.


"All things work together for good to them that love God" (RM 8, 28), He reveals the apostle St. Paul; "The sins", chiosava St. Augustine of Hippo; Also the pandemic, we add. Praying God and doing good to get the next new Indulgences, we can transform this time sacrifices in a powerful supernatural opportunity to do good to ourselves, as well as to our next.

A resent the next episode of Open Church.


Sansepolcro (Arezzo), 24 March 2020






The Editions The Patmos Island they use for printing and distribution of its books of the great Company Amazon, which at this moment has suspended the shipment and distribution of all non-urgent and not strictly necessary goods due to related problems emergency coronavirus. At the moment it is therefore not possible to order and receive our books, But that can be ordered after 3 April.







«You will know the truth and the truth will set you free» [GV 8,32],
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"Open Church" (VII episode) How to escape the coronavirus? Certainly not with the rainbows and the inscription “we'll make it”, implied: with our own strength. But asking God: «Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened " [Mt 7, 7]

- the Fathers of The Patmos Island close to the faithful in this quarantine -



We offer our readers this third precious videos of our esteemed brother John Zanchi, priest of the Diocese of Arezzo, so that it can also serve as an effective and wise antidote to all those who unfortunately, at this time of extraordinary crisis and emergency, They have nothing better to do than argue, often in harsh and aggressive tone, against decisions taken by our bishops for safety reasons to protect public health: suspend the sacred celebrations and in many cases close the churches. Recall that the Church, during crises and emergencies, It has never been saved by the controversy of those who stand for all time the most faithful among the faithful or to the purest of the pure, but the unit. Someone has written these days that "the bishops are committing suicide the Italian Church". Unfortunately he did not understand anything of the essence of the Catholic faith: the church “if suicidal” attacking the bishops, instead follow them and support them in a moment of so severe test.










The texts of Father John Zanchi, director of the Pastoral Center Divine Worship of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, They are not meant as articles but as audio-narrative texts. We proceeded to transcribe audio text for our Readers.


John Zanchi

Welcome to the VII episode of Chiesa Aperta!

In this time of a pandemic, a priest at the door of his church hung the following written: "Thus says the Lord: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it shall be opened!” (Mt 7, 7)», to bring home to his faithful that the priest remains available to them, prejudice course due prudence and the necessary confidentiality (cf The deep, 18 March 2020). So even in the time of a pandemic churches remain open, without public celebrations, as a sign of the Church that remains open glory of God and the salvation of men.


In this emergency situation our Bishops have excused from duty to attend Sunday Mass, which is one of the general precepts of the Church. But it remains the obligation to sanctify Sunday, it is a divine commandment: "Remember to keep holy the Sabbath" (It is cf 20, 8 – 10).


We note that the ecclesiastical law already covers cases in which "the absence of a sacred minister or for other grave cause can not participate in the Eucharistic celebration"; in such a situation, "It is strongly recommended that the faithful ... to spend an appropriate amount of time personally or family prayer" (Code of Canon Law, 1248 §2).


In this Sunday and more to follow, the Church remains open then anyway for the sanctification of the Lord's Day, Memorial of Christ's Resurrection: in churches of stone and brick Clergy continues to celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice and Christian families, "Small domestic churches" (cf The light 11) and Christians who live alone, They will unite spiritually, as well through direct television or radio, by which it is guaranteed in a certain way at least the participation in the Liturgy of the Sunday Word (readings, homily, profession of faith, universal prayer); unfortunately currently the Eucharist can hardly be received in the holy communion, but at least the spiritual communion always remains possible, especially on Sunday. Also do not forget that the Sunday Liturgy is not reduced to Mass, but also contemplates the Liturgy of the Hours, articulated in well 7 moments spread throughout the day, especially Lauds and Vespers; are prayers that can easily be celebrated with family or alone, especially in Sunday.


Even in normal times, the sanctification of Sunday is not reduced to participation in Holy Mass and the Sunday obligation also includes the duty of the rest, that is the refrain "from those jobs and those matters which impede the worship of God and disturb their daily joy of the Lord, or the relaxation of mind and body" (In the same place, 1247). This time a pandemic is characterized unfortunately by the forced cessation of so many daily activities, but Sunday rest is not simply take time off work, but to live the Sunday devoting more time to God, to themselves and to the next.


We recall here it teaches us Catechism of the Catholic Church to the number 2186:


"It is a duty for Christians who have leisure should be mindful of their brethren who have the same needs and the same rights, yet can not rest from work because of poverty and misery. By Christian piety Sunday is traditionally consecrated to good works and humble service of the sick they need, the infirm, seniors. Christians will also sanctify Sunday by giving to their family and their relatives the time and attention that you can hardly accord them the other days of the week » (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2186).


In this exceptional situation, every Christian must discern how to apply these standards of conduct Sunday. Rest does not mean simply do plenty of entertainment and distraction; Sunday rest should also be a time dedicated to the training of their faith through information and the study of religious and spiritual topics; for instance, the reading of the Pastoral Note of the Italian Bishops entitled The Day of the Lord, published way back in 1984 but always present and available easily on the internet WHO. For too long we have neglected on Sunday as the Lord's Day, reducing wearily only to participation in Holy Mass or, even worse, occasion to give us our own convenience, defrauding happily the day of God that belongs in a special way and that he gives us for free for our spiritual health. Now is the time to rediscover Sunday at its true value and in all its aspects; the painful deprivation of Sunday Mass paradoxically helps us in this rediscovery.


I conclude by recalling that on Sunday It is simultaneously both "the first day of the week", one in which Christ rose from the dead, is "the eighth day", advance and waiting for the "day without evening" in which the people of the saved will enter definitively into "God's rest" (cf. Preface for Sundays in Ordinary Time X, Roman missal). This is why the Catechism of the Catholic Church the numbers 2185 e 2188 remember that Sunday is characterized by the "joy proper to the Lord's Day" and must be "lived as the day of our liberation, that makes us participate in the festive assembly and assembly of the firstborn enrolled in heaven " (EB 12, 22 – 23)».


The Sunday gladness especially striking every year on this Fourth Sunday of Lent, in which the Holy Church sings at the beginning of the Mass:


"Rallégrati, Jerusalem, and all ye that love her, regroup. Exult and rejoice, you who mourned for her: eat your fill of the abundance of your consolation " (cf Is 66, 10 – 11).


These prophetic words They remain true even in time of distress, because the risen Christ dispels the darkness of death. Until there is a Sunday to celebrate, the Church remains open.

Santa and good Sunday to all!



Sansepolcro (Arezzo), 22 March 2020





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"Open Church" (VI episode) - The Blessed Patriarch Joseph, Silent heroic man, paternity model and human virility

- the Fathers of The Patmos Island close to the faithful in this quarantine -



We offer our readers this third precious videos of our esteemed brother John Zanchi, priest of the Diocese of Arezzo, so that it can also serve as an effective and wise antidote to all those who unfortunately, at this time of extraordinary crisis and emergency, They have nothing better to do than argue, often in harsh and aggressive tone, against decisions taken by our bishops for safety reasons to protect public health: suspend the sacred celebrations and in many cases close the churches. Recall that the Church, during crises and emergencies, It has never been saved by the controversy of those who stand for all time the most faithful among the faithful or to the purest of the pure, but the unit. Someone has written these days that "the bishops are committing suicide the Italian Church". Unfortunately he did not understand anything of the essence of the Catholic faith: the church “if suicidal” attacking the bishops, instead follow them and support them in a moment of so severe test.










The texts of Father John Zanchi, director of the Pastoral Center Divine Worship of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, They are not meant as articles but as audio-narrative texts. We proceeded to transcribe audio text for our Readers.


John Zanchi

Welcome to the VI episode of Chiesa Aperta!

In these difficult days, the Archbishop of Milan, S. AND. Mons. Mario Delpini, he has declared: "We have suspended the celebrations and all that could facilitate contact between people. But we have always said that churches are open " (The Print, 17 March 2020).


Many churches also in Italy are dedicated to Saint Joseph, the most chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which today is the annual feast. Saint John Paul II, the 15 August 1989, He dedicated to the great Patriarch his Apostolic Exhortation, entitled Redeemer's guardian (The guardian of the Redeemer). In small "house churches" that are our families (The light 11), in these days of forced seclusion would be an excellent thing to read and meditate on that text.


Saint John Paul II He reminds us that St. Joseph has many things to teach us, particularly in this time of tribulation. I remember the principal of such teachings. These days comes to us from many quarters the invitation to "stay home" and creatively employ our time spent in the home walls; For Christians, this means more time for prayer, the reading of the Bible and the Catechism. Well precisely St. Joseph is the model of all those who cultivate the interior life:


"The Gospels speak exclusively of what Joseph" did "; however, allow you to discover in his "actions", shrouded in silence, a climate of deep contemplation. Joseph was in daily contact with the mystery "hidden for ages", which "dwelt" under the roof of his home " (Redeemer's guardian, 25). "The total sacrifice, Joseph did his whole existence to the demands of the coming of the Messiah in their own home, becomes understandable only in "his unfathomable inner life, from which they come to him singular commands and consolations and derive the logic and force him, belong to simple and clear souls, the big decisions, like that of immediately put at the disposal of the divine designs his freedom, his legitimate human vocation, her marital happiness, accepting the condition of the family, the responsibility and the weight and giving up an incomparable virginal love for the natural conjugal love that is the foundation and nourishment " (Teachings of Paul VI, VII [1969] 1268)» (Redeemer's guardian, 26).


St. Joseph thus perfectly embodies the true devotee model, since devotion is nothing but submission to God, the willingness readiness to devote themselves to things pertaining to God's service (cf St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, II-II, q. 82, a. 3, ad 2). In this difficult situation it should be noted that St. Joseph is the patron saint of the Catholic Church, said that by Blessed Pius IX (as God, 8 December 1870). Leo XIII declared in this regard: "Joseph was in his lawful and natural guardian, head and defender of the Holy Family … It is thus fitting and most worthy of St. Joseph, that, in the way that he once kept to protect holy watch over the family of Nazareth, so now does he protect and defend with his heavenly patronage the Church of Christ " (however many times, 15 August 1889).


Saint Teresa of Jesus testifies As St. Joseph is powerful in helping those who call upon:


"To other Saints it seems that God has given to help us in this or that need, while I have experienced that the glorious St. Joseph extends his patronage of all. With what the Lord wants us to understand that in the way that it was subject to him on earth, where he could command as the putative father, so also in the sky he does everything I ask him. This han recognized from experience that even other people on my advice you are recommended to its patronage " (Vita, 6).


Of the special patronage of St. Joseph Holy Church has more need than ever today to deal now with pastoral zeal and creativity the emergence of the pandemic and then to stay next to and among people renovated and effectively, when the emergency is finally over. St. Joseph is also the special patron of the dying, because he died in the arms of Jesus and Mary most holy; death was no longer "good" of his. In this time when we want to deceive us into believing that the "euthanasia" that is "good death" or assisted suicide, it is urgent more than ever to look instead to the example of St. Joseph and the dying, through his intercession, ask God for the grace of a holy death. At the protection of St. Joseph are now entrusted the dying because of the pandemic, who face the defining moment of their lives alone and without the opportunity to receive the sacraments.


Finally note that St. Joseph It is above all the most chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is the marriage with Madonna that are derived Giuseppe its singular dignity and his rights on Jesus:


"Since marriage is the highest association and friendship ... it follows that, If God gave Joseph to the Virgin, gave him not only as a companion for life, witness of virginity and protector of honesty, but also because they participate, through the marriage pact, the lofty grandeur of her ' (Leone XIII, however many times).


St. Joseph is thus also the model for all married couples and Christian brides, many of them these days have the opportunity to spend more time together, praying and deepening their own communion of life. About this, I conclude by reporting an event that deserves to be known. There you can also get married in this time of a pandemic, even in the presence of government regulations that prohibit public gatherings and religious ceremonies. It is what they have done Peter and Ilaria few days ago, the presence of one priest and witnesses. The newlyweds have declared:


"In a situation like the one that most emerged it is that we were responding to a call and one that so interested us was able to say yes before Christ ... For us it meant going to the essentials of our vocation ... Friends ... they helped us to keep our eyes fixed on what really matters ... and not to focus on our projects and thoughts went miserably in smoke, albeit right and beautiful. We are grateful for what has happened because it allowed us to take a big step of self-awareness than our personal relationship with Christ in a start for us as important " (The Subsidiary Net, 11 March 2020).


Thank you, Peter and Ilaria, just Married! You have shown in practice that the Church is "open in these difficult days", is that stone and brick, both the domestic. Best wishes for your marriage! God bless your family and Saint Joseph, the most chaste spouse of the Virgin Mary protect you, together with the whole Church and all Christian families!

A resent tomorrow for a new episode Church Open.


Sansepolcro (Arezzo), 19 March 2020




1. Giuseppe, holy name
It names the joyful heart,
the hope he is in the world,
that rejoices in the Lord. Ride.

Your name Joseph,
sweetness and sounds amor,
happy those who knew,
scolpir nell'alma and cor!
Happy those who knew,
scolpir nell'alma and cor!

2. The exalt his children,
because of a father's name
and loving as veggan,
s'ottenga his favor.

Ride. Your name Joseph…

3. It is as high and large,
of strength and might,,
but his power moves,
l'amiable US bontade.

Ride. Your name Joseph…

4. Your heavenly name,
both in life and my hope
and at last Ear extreme,
is balm for the pain.

Rit Your name Joseph…





«You will know the truth and the truth will set you free» [GV 8,32],
but bring, spread and defend the truth not only of
risks but also the costs. Help us supporting this Island
with your offers through the secure Paypal system:

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thanks [ isoladipatmos@gmail.com ]





"Open Church" (V episode) - The state of emergency in the current health care ministry: the work of chaplains in hospitals during this pandemic coronavirus

- the Fathers of The Patmos Island close to the faithful in this quarantine -



We offer our readers this third precious videos of our esteemed brother John Zanchi, priest of the Diocese of Arezzo, so that it can also serve as an effective and wise antidote to all those who unfortunately, at this time of extraordinary crisis and emergency, They have nothing better to do than argue, often in harsh and aggressive tone, against decisions taken by our bishops for safety reasons to protect public health: suspend the sacred celebrations and in many cases close the churches. Recall that the Church, during crises and emergencies, It has never been saved by the controversy of those who stand for all time the most faithful among the faithful or to the purest of the pure, but the unit. Someone has written these days that "the bishops are committing suicide the Italian Church". Unfortunately he did not understand anything of the essence of the Catholic faith: the church “if suicidal” attacking the bishops, instead follow them and support them in a moment of so severe test.








The texts of Father John Zanchi, director of the Pastoral Center Divine Worship of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, They are not meant as articles but as audio-narrative texts. We proceeded to transcribe audio text for our Readers.


John Zanchi

Welcome to the fifth episode of Open Church!

In these difficult days Our churches in Italy, made of stones and bricks remain open, as a sign of the Church that remains present and active in the midst of our people (cf Tuscan Episcopal Conference, 14 March 2020); churches remain open, even if no public celebrations take place. Among the churches open there are also internal ones to the hospitals, officiated by hospital chaplains. These priests, together with their collaborators - often volunteers - they have always ensured an indispensable ministry in the places where disease is treated and death is fought; I am the maternal face of the Church which advises, teaches, warns, console, forgives, pray.


I just pronounced verbs echo the works of spiritual mercy: counsel the doubtful, teach the ignorant, admonish sinners, console the afflicted, forgive offenses, pray to God for the living and the dead. Towards the sick, the commitment of the hospital staff is in some respects similar to the works of corporal mercy.


In Hospital, next door and together with those who strives for the care of body and mind, There are Chaplains and their collaborators, who devote themselves to the care of the soul immortal. Their mission, more precious, It is particularly important in this time of epidemic, which it is even more urgent to fulfill Jesus' command, synthesized by the Church in the sixth work of corporal mercy: "I was sick and you visited me ... whenever you did this to the least of these my brethren, you did it to me " (Mt 25, 35. 40).


The work of hospital chaplains reminds all that Hospitals are a Christian invention! The presence and work of hospital chaplains are challenging and even difficult in normal circumstances: not always the sufferers are available to seek the help of God; materialist and scientistic prejudice that corrupts our society devalues ​​the spiritual life and its need; secularism claims to deny the social value of faith and its public expression.


The presence and work of Chaplains Hospitals are even more demanding and difficult in this dramatic moment, especially in crowded wards infected with the coronavirus: not only for the grueling pace to which are subject all those working in hospitals; not only for the management of clinical urgency and the defense protocols by limiting the possibilities of contagion linger at the bedside of the sick; the presence and the work of hospital chaplains are even more demanding and difficult because of the fact they can not approach the most seriously ill, even those in danger of death. Many of them die unfortunately only, without the comfort of the sacraments and the proximity of loved ones.


For the conscience of a priest this is a fact very hard to bear! A Cremona Hospital doctor these days declared: "Slowly all these deaths kill us well. More days pass the more I wonder if they are still able to cure people, if my presence here still makes sense '.


On the spiritual level these words hint at the inner struggle which also can be exposed the priests who carry out their ministry in hospitals in which you deal with the health emergency directly.


What do chaplains in those hospitals, what are their spiritual weapons in the war against Covid-19? First, they celebrate the Holy Mass in the churches attached to the health resorts, interfering with i malati, the doctors, staff, the volunteers, i moribondi, the dead and the families of all these; sometimes for the departments sick you can watch via a television link. Then the Chaplains and their collaborators assist the less seriously ill with the solace of prayer, of the Sacraments, of spiritual direction. So Chaplains spiritually support the hospital staff, subjected to a superhuman effort.


We listen to the testimony of a priest missionary in a large hospital in Milan: "My day job right now is primarily to support the doctors … we always do two hours of Eucharistic adoration in church. So people can come in dribs and drabs, and pray a little '. Even the sick who can not come to know that the chapel there is always someone praying for them and remembers them. Although we can not reach patients, they know that we have not abandoned " (Father Giovanni Musazzi, Hospital "Luigi Sacco", Milan).


Together with the medical staff, Also hospital chaplains and their collaborators are our heroes, committed unsparing of himself on the front of the battle to defeat the great evil epidemic. Medical personnel rightly many people are reaching statements of solidarity and encouragement; Also to hospital chaplains and their collaborators must go public support and public recognition, because our society urgently needs to rediscover the spiritual value of the disease: if the man can not find a meaning to their suffering and their own death, then you can not even find out a way to live in their own health.


The hospital chaplains and their employees are the face of the Church which remains open, indeed wide open, even in these calamitous times. Whether in open churches made of stone and brick, both in house churches that are our families, these days there rise up the fervent prayer of supplication and intercession for God's ministers working in hospitals and their collaborators, that the Lord will protect them from infection and help them to perform their essential spiritual ministry.

A resent tomorrow for a new installment of Open Church.


Sansepolcro (Arezzo), 18 March 2020





«You will know the truth and the truth will set you free» [GV 8,32],
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"Open Church" (IV episode) - The touching supplication Mayor of Venice Santa Maria della Salute. In the hope that no one screams outrage toward the “dogma” the secular state …

- the Fathers of The Patmos Island close to the faithful in this quarantine -



We offer our readers this third precious videos of our esteemed brother John Zanchi, priest of the Diocese of Arezzo, so that it can also serve as an effective and wise antidote to all those who unfortunately, at this time of extraordinary crisis and emergency, They have nothing better to do than argue, often in harsh and aggressive tone, against decisions taken by our bishops for safety reasons to protect public health: suspend the sacred celebrations and in many cases close the churches. Recall that the Church, during crises and emergencies, It has never been saved by the controversy of those who stand for all time the most faithful among the faithful or to the purest of the pure, but the unit. Someone has written these days that "the bishops are committing suicide the Italian Church". Unfortunately he did not understand anything of the essence of the Catholic faith: the church “if suicidal” attacking the bishops, instead follow them and support them in a moment of so severe test.






The texts of Father John Zanchi, director of the Pastoral Center Divine Worship of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, They are not meant as articles but as audio-narrative texts. We proceeded to transcribe audio text for our Readers.


John Zanchi

Welcome to the fourth installment of Open Church!

In these difficult days Our churches in Italy, made of stones and bricks remain open, as a sign of the Church that remains present and active in the midst of our people (cf Tuscan Episcopal Conference, 14 March 2020); the churches remain open even if no public celebrations take place there. In one of these churches open there was a very special prayer, of which we now speak.


The Basilica of St. Mary of Health in Venice It was built by the government and people of Venice as a fulfillment of the vow made to the Madonna for the cessation of the plague of 1630; finished the epidemic to the Holy Virgin intervention, Venetians erected with great effort a magnificent monument of spirituality and art, where constantly thank God for the renewed health.


The 13 last March the Mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro, He has officially gone to the Church of Health to entrust her to the City of the Madonna protection in this time of epidemic, reciting the prayer composed by the Patriarch of Venice [ see video WHO].


The Mayor of Venice He has made a significant gesture and true. He teaches us the Catechism of the Catholic Church:


Number 1884: "God has not willed to reserve to himself all exercise of all powers. He entrusts to every creature the functions it is able to exercise, according to their ability of his nature. This mode of governance ought to be followed in social life. The way God acts in governing the world, which testifies to a very deep respect for human freedom, It should inspire the wisdom of those who govern human communities. They should behave as ministers of divine providence ".


Number 2244: «Every institution is inspired, implicitly, a vision of man and his destiny, hence their judgment criteria, its hierarchy of values, its line of conduct. In most companies the institutions refer to a certain preeminence of man over things. Only the divinely revealed religion has clearly recognized in God, Creator and Redeemer, the origin and destiny. The Church invites political authorities to measure their judgments and their decisions against this inspired truth about God and man ".


Officially On his way to pray in St. Mary of Health the Mayor of Venice has put into practice the truths just mentioned and has been shown to have at heart the common good of his countrymen. The Catechism of the Catholic Church in fact also remembers another very important truth:


Number 2244: «Companies that ignore this inspiration or reject it in the name of their independence in relation to God, They are driven to seek in themselves or to borrow from an ideology their references and their end and, not tolerate the affirmation of an objective criterion of good and evil, arrogate to themselves about man and his destiny absolute power, explicit or admitted, As history demonstrates (cf. John Paul II, Became. enc. Centennial year, 45; 46)».


In this time the spread of a microscopic virus It has made it clear that the claim of the men of sufficient unto themselves apart from God is false. A society that denies God inevitably becomes tyrannical and finds himself alone in the face of disasters, unable to promote and safeguard the true good of the men who compose it. Well so he did the Mayor of Venice to seek God's help in these necessities.


In Italy there is no shortage policies declare themselves Catholic authorities; we expect that in the exercise of their functions are consistent with the Christian faith they profess, making gestures similar to those of the Mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro. The real gesture he made in the fulfillment of his high office reminds all of us to practice 2 other teachings Catechism of the Catholic Church.


Number 1900: "The duty of obedience requires all to bestow authority honors that are due to it and to surround respect and, as it is deserved, of gratitude and benevolence the people who hold office ".


Number 2240: «The Apostle exhorts us to raise thanksgiving "and prayers for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity " (1TM 2, 2).


For this intention Catholics pray solemnly every Good Friday, but especially at this very difficult time it is essential to beg the Lord to enlighten, guide and support public authorities, so they can act quickly and successfully for the good of us all. In open churches, and those of stone and brick, both domestic ones that are our homes do not miss this prayer.

A resent tomorrow for a new episode Church Open.


Sansepolcro (Arezzo), 18 March 2020






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"Open Church" episode III - Edited by John Zanchi: in this time of grave emergency, your priests, albeit alone, they continue to celebrate the Mass offering the Eucharistic Sacrifice for the health of body and soul

- the Fathers of The Patmos Island close to the faithful in this quarantine -



We offer our readers this third precious videos of our esteemed brother John Zanchi, priest of the Diocese of Arezzo, so that it can also serve as an effective and wise antidote to all those who unfortunately, at this time of extraordinary crisis and emergency, They have nothing better to do than argue, often in harsh and aggressive tone, against decisions taken by our bishops for safety reasons to protect public health: suspend the sacred celebrations and in many cases close the churches. Recall that the Church, during crises and emergencies, It has never been saved by the controversy of those who stand for all time the most faithful among the faithful or to the purest of the pure, but the unit. Someone has written these days that "the bishops are committing suicide the Italian Church". Unfortunately he did not understand anything of the essence of the Catholic faith: the church “if suicidal” attacking the bishops, instead follow them and support them in a moment of so severe test.









The texts of Father John Zanchi, director of the Pastoral Center Divine Worship of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, They are not meant as articles but as audio-narrative texts. We proceeded to transcribe audio text for our Readers.


John Zanchi

Welcome to the third episode of Open Church!

In these difficult days in our Italian land churches made of stones and bricks remain open, as a sign of the Church that remains present and active in the midst of our people (cf Tuscan Episcopal Conference, 14 March 2020), the churches remain open even if no public celebrations take place there. In churches remain open, however, at least the priests, that every day they continue to celebrate Mass, even alone. St Paul VI teaches that although celebrated by a solitary priest, the holy Mass, "comes great detail thanks, to the benefit of the priest himself, both the faithful and of the whole Church, indeed of the whole world " (The mystery of faith 33).


Among the abundant spiritual graces which gives the Holy Mass there is also the suffrage for the dead. Let's talk briefly. To go to heaven is not enough to die in the grace of God and therefore to be free from guilt for the sins; to go to Heaven must also be free from punishment due for their sins; the soul of those who die in God's grace but still sentences to be served for the sins are cleansed by the righteousness of God after death: is what the Holy Church calls Purgatory.


By now separated from the body, the souls in purgatory can not help themselves, but they can pray for us still living on earth and can receive our spiritual help to shorten their purification and achieve eternal bliss in God. There are many good works that we can offer to God to help the souls of the dead, they are: any form of penitence and alms, indulgences, prayer and especially the offering of the Eucharistic Sacrifice.


In churches we open our priests even alone continue every day to celebrate Mass for the spiritual salvation of the living and the dead as well. Even our homes are small "house churches" that are open to the prayer of supplication and intercession before God for all the needy, both living and dead.


In this time of Lent Holy Church invites us to intensify our commitment in the jejunum, in prayer, in alms. Of our alms, ie they need our charity even the souls of the dead, especially those who died due to the epidemic.


All they care about the plight medical staff and all others involved for the social good; the dead end instead to be considered just a number that inspires awe. The deaths to the coronavirus are now hundreds; due to their clinical conditions are gone alone, without the comfort of the sacraments and the closeness of family. The priests bother to accompany least burial, but without being able to celebrate the Funeral.


We do not deprive these deceased also prayer for their souls. AND now urgent help with our Christian suffrages, because there is only this life; the body dies, but the soul lives immortal. The souls of the dead is an urgent and indispensable aid, that only we Christians can put in place. The charity of the Church is so big and so powerful that he can not only help the living, but also the dead; the Church's charity is so big and so powerful that he can act not only in this world but also in the other.


We learn from our ancestors: in time of calamity they not only buried the dead, but they prayed long for their souls: many churches erected just for the Suffrage and spread to Italy there I still remember. Worry about the souls of the dead because of the epidemic also use either to us: It makes us gain merit with God to eternal life and teaches us to do penance for our sins now, to make it less after our death. The Church in rescues epidemic time not only the living but also the dead is truly a Church that is open.

A resent tomorrow for a new installment of Open Church.


Sansepolcro (Arezzo), 16 March 2020





«You will know the truth and the truth will set you free» [GV 8,32],
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"Open church" (II episode) – Edited by John Zanchi, priest of the Diocese of Arezzo: the People of God is not left without the sacraments of grace and with closed churches

- the Fathers of The Patmos Island close to the faithful in this quarantine -



We offer our readers this valuable video of our esteemed brother John Zanchi, priest of the Diocese of Arezzo, so that it can also serve as an effective and wise antidote to all those who unfortunately, at this time of extraordinary crisis and emergency, They have nothing better to do than argue, often in harsh and aggressive tone, against decisions taken by our bishops for safety reasons to protect public health: suspend the sacred celebrations and in many cases close the churches. Recall that the Church, during crises and emergencies, It has never been saved by the controversy of those who stand for all time the most faithful among the faithful or to the purest of the pure, but the unit. Someone has written these days that "the bishops are committing suicide the Italian Church". Unfortunately he did not understand anything of the essence of the Catholic faith: the church “if suicidal” attacking the bishops, instead follow them and support them in a moment of so severe test.









John Zanchi

The texts of Father John Zanchi, director of the Pastoral Center Divine Worship of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, They are not meant as articles but as audio-narrative texts. We proceeded to transcribe audio text for our Readers.


In these difficult days Our churches in Italy, made of stones and bricks remain open, "As a sign of the Church which remains present in the life of the community", our bishops say.


But "the opening of the churches It is proposed as a sign, not as an invitation to haunt ", still say our bishops [cf. Episcopal Conference Tuscany], and this because of the essential prophylactic rules which must be respected as much as possible.


In open churches This is still night and day Eucharistic Jesus; together with Jesus, in open churches remain present priests, that every day they continue to celebrate Mass, even alone. Why do they do? Let us explain briefly, considering two aspects …


First look: Normally Mass sees the gathered clergy and the People; but the simple gathering of the faithful people is not enough by itself because you can celebrate Mass.


To celebrate Mass it is absolutely necessary to have at least one priest, who through the sacrament of Holy Orders was conformed to Jesus Christ, the head of his mystical body which is the Church. The priest therefore acts in the person of Christ the head, the re-presents sacramentally and then Jesus acts mysteriously but really through the ministry of priests.


second aspect: Mass is above all the sacramental representation of the redeeming sacrifice offered by Jesus once and for all by dying on the cross to free us from our sins; from this point of view, the only difference between Calvary and the altar is on Calvary that Jesus sacrificed himself physically spilling his own blood, Now Jesus is sacrificed on the altar sacramentally through the ministry of the priest. Recall now two documents of the present Church teaching their supernatural purpose of the Mass, even if celebrated by a priest alone. The two documents are: the encyclical of Paul VI The mystery of faith [the mystery of faith] and the (C)atechismo of the Catholic Church of St. John Paul II. In this regard, let us listen to the words of Saint Paul VI:


"Every Mass, although privately he celebrated by a priest, However what it is not private, but the action of Christ and the Church, which in the sacrifice offering, He has learned to offer itself as a universal same sacrifice, applying the one and infinite redemptive virtue of the sacrifice of the Cross to the health of the whole world. Every Mass celebrated is offered not only for the salvation of some, but also for the salvation of the whole world ".


It follows that, Also from the Mass celebrated privately by a priest "it comes in great detail thanks, to the benefit of the priest himself, both the faithful and of the whole Church, indeed around the world, thanks that you can not get in equal measure by virtue of one Communion » [The mystery of faith 33].


Not being able to participate in the Holy Mass, having to give Holy Communion are the biggest hardships that Christians suffer in the current conditions. But behind the open doors of the deserted churches, all the priests continue to celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice, that is the greatest prayer of supplication and intercession will ascend to God for the spiritual and physical welfare of men.


All are called to join spiritually priests which individually celebrate Masses in so many hours of the day, all they are called to spiritual Communion. A spiritually unite the priests who celebrate Mass alone, help us various media, by which we can follow the national and local commentary of Masses celebrated in many places, Also of our Diocese.


In these difficult days the churches will be empty, but they are not empty and the men are not alone and abandoned in the face to the epidemic: by the priests who continue to celebrate Mass, Eucharistic Jesus is among us to comfort us and to save us.

To hear from you tomorrow on Open Church.


Sansepolcro (Arezzo), 14 March 2020





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