"Open church" (II episode) – Edited by John Zanchi, priest of the Diocese of Arezzo: the People of God is not left without the sacraments of grace and with closed churches

- the Fathers of The Patmos Island close to the faithful in this quarantine -



We offer our readers this valuable video of our esteemed brother John Zanchi, priest of the Diocese of Arezzo, so that it can also serve as an effective and wise antidote to all those who unfortunately, at this time of extraordinary crisis and emergency, They have nothing better to do than argue, often in harsh and aggressive tone, against decisions taken by our bishops for safety reasons to protect public health: suspend the sacred celebrations and in many cases close the churches. Recall that the Church, during crises and emergencies, It has never been saved by the controversy of those who stand for all time the most faithful among the faithful or to the purest of the pure, but the unit. Someone has written these days that "the bishops are committing suicide the Italian Church". Unfortunately he did not understand anything of the essence of the Catholic faith: the church “if suicidal” attacking the bishops, instead follow them and support them in a moment of so severe test.









John Zanchi

The texts of Father John Zanchi, director of the Pastoral Center Divine Worship of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, They are not meant as articles but as audio-narrative texts. We proceeded to transcribe audio text for our Readers.


In these difficult days Our churches in Italy, made of stones and bricks remain open, "As a sign of the Church which remains present in the life of the community", our bishops say.


But "the opening of the churches It is proposed as a sign, not as an invitation to haunt ", still say our bishops [cf. Episcopal Conference Tuscany], and this because of the essential prophylactic rules which must be respected as much as possible.


In open churches This is still night and day Eucharistic Jesus; together with Jesus, in open churches remain present priests, that every day they continue to celebrate Mass, even alone. Why do they do? Let us explain briefly, considering two aspects …


First look: Normally Mass sees the gathered clergy and the People; but the simple gathering of the faithful people is not enough by itself because you can celebrate Mass.


To celebrate Mass it is absolutely necessary to have at least one priest, who through the sacrament of Holy Orders was conformed to Jesus Christ, the head of his mystical body which is the Church. The priest therefore acts in the person of Christ the head, the re-presents sacramentally and then Jesus acts mysteriously but really through the ministry of priests.


second aspect: Mass is above all the sacramental representation of the redeeming sacrifice offered by Jesus once and for all by dying on the cross to free us from our sins; from this point of view, the only difference between Calvary and the altar is on Calvary that Jesus sacrificed himself physically spilling his own blood, Now Jesus is sacrificed on the altar sacramentally through the ministry of the priest. Recall now two documents of the present Church teaching their supernatural purpose of the Mass, even if celebrated by a priest alone. The two documents are: the encyclical of Paul VI The mystery of faith [the mystery of faith] and the (C)atechismo of the Catholic Church of St. John Paul II. In this regard, let us listen to the words of Saint Paul VI:


"Every Mass, although privately he celebrated by a priest, However what it is not private, but the action of Christ and the Church, which in the sacrifice offering, He has learned to offer itself as a universal same sacrifice, applying the one and infinite redemptive virtue of the sacrifice of the Cross to the health of the whole world. Every Mass celebrated is offered not only for the salvation of some, but also for the salvation of the whole world ".


It follows that, Also from the Mass celebrated privately by a priest "it comes in great detail thanks, to the benefit of the priest himself, both the faithful and of the whole Church, indeed around the world, thanks that you can not get in equal measure by virtue of one Communion » [The mystery of faith 33].


Not being able to participate in the Holy Mass, having to give Holy Communion are the biggest hardships that Christians suffer in the current conditions. But behind the open doors of the deserted churches, all the priests continue to celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice, that is the greatest prayer of supplication and intercession will ascend to God for the spiritual and physical welfare of men.


All are called to join spiritually priests which individually celebrate Masses in so many hours of the day, all they are called to spiritual Communion. A spiritually unite the priests who celebrate Mass alone, help us various media, by which we can follow the national and local commentary of Masses celebrated in many places, Also of our Diocese.


In these difficult days the churches will be empty, but they are not empty and the men are not alone and abandoned in the face to the epidemic: by the priests who continue to celebrate Mass, Eucharistic Jesus is among us to comfort us and to save us.

To hear from you tomorrow on Open Church.


Sansepolcro (Arezzo), 14 March 2020





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6 replies
  1. Isaac Di Noia
    Isaac Di Noia says:

    Yes oh well! It is more important to prolong zoological life than to sacrifice oneself as a gift of love…

    Whoever wants to save their life will lose it

    • Iacopo
      Iacopo says:

      I think this is also a pertinent quote:
      [5] Then the devil took him with him to the holy city, he placed it on the pinnacle of the temple
      [6] he said: “If you are the Son of God, thrown down, since it is written:
      He will give orders to his angels regarding you,
      and they will hold you up with their hands,
      lest he hit your foot against a stone”.
      [7] Jesus answered him: “It is also written:
      Do not tempt the Lord your God”.

  2. hector
    hector says:

    I report the link to the first episode (13/03/2020) of the videos Open Church of Mons. Zanchi

  3. Uneasy Words
    Uneasy Words says:

    E’ doctrine and faith that if a priest celebrates a Holy Mass even without anyone present (in reality it would take at least one altar boy) that Mass is in any case of Christ and in any case has a universal value. But what is largely lacking today is precisely this announcement, loud and insisted and explained in all ways: “Faithful Christians, the priests are there and continue to offer the holy Sacrifice to God for you”. This message has passed very little, in the eyes of all Italians the totally prevailing message is that “Masses are suspended, the festive precept is not valid, lair free all”. Few and limited exceptions.
    To be honest, having allowed myself to respectfully say these same things to a priest, I have been misunderstood, like one that “aims to”, it's worse. Others were different.

  4. Pax
    Pax says:

    Certainly the disorientation is great.
    Everyone reacts with their sensitivity.
    The moment is serious. I think that no Bishop has been able to make his decision without great pain and suffering. Because in difficult moments, faith, regular attendance to the sacraments, prayer are even more indispensable for the believer. The faithful cannot live without feeding on the Body of the Lord. But the absolute emergency that overwhelmed us, for its peculiarity, it is forcing us all to the greatest possible isolation. And so, I understand it, in the face of strict provisions of the Government, what the Church had to do? Take responsibility for making other outbreaks of contagion very likely, when you see where you are going? How could it be, leaving the celebrations with the participation of the faithful, responsibly ensure compliance with the strict rules to be observed?
    I agree, at this moment it is important to preserve unity with our Pastors and receive everything from the hands of God. The crucial moment requires it. It doesn't help to want to be more realistic than the king. I agree.


    • Roberta
      Roberta says:

      I link to Pax's comment and agree.

      Of the “suffering” I don't really care much about the Bishops since I haven't attended the Church anymore since I realized that they don't care about my suffering, of which they were accomplices.

      But I don't make a bundle of all the grass and I appreciate and thank God when I find words and actions of truth and wisdom, wherever they come from.
      I find it an opportunity for priests to celebrate Mass without the people (temporary) very positive. To obtain Grace for all, as the video says, but above all for the priests themselves, that it increases their awareness of the effectiveness of what only they can do, for the benefit of all. It is above all the priest who must become stronger and stronger in the faith and I hope this is the case for priests at all levels of the Hierarchy., so that when the emergency ends they can correct in the Church what is not good for the Lord.

      Yup, the crisis is 1 privileged moment .. how when Jesus took some disciples with him and took them to a high mountain, in a secluded place .. "Come and rest for a while" It is a rest that is work, And 1 sowing seeds in themselves and there is nothing to do to make the seed germinate except to refrain from activism and protagonism. This too is SERVICE to the flock for a Shepherd. On the contrary, it's the best service, that of good example.

      So thanks to all of you, Shepherds who act like this .. who knows that you will not know how to make a day, the sheepfold welcoming even for the lost sheep.

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