"Open Church" (VI episode) - The Blessed Patriarch Joseph, Silent heroic man, paternity model and human virility

- the Fathers of The Patmos Island close to the faithful in this quarantine -



We offer our readers this third precious videos of our esteemed brother John Zanchi, priest of the Diocese of Arezzo, so that it can also serve as an effective and wise antidote to all those who unfortunately, at this time of extraordinary crisis and emergency, They have nothing better to do than argue, often in harsh and aggressive tone, against decisions taken by our bishops for safety reasons to protect public health: suspend the sacred celebrations and in many cases close the churches. Recall that the Church, during crises and emergencies, It has never been saved by the controversy of those who stand for all time the most faithful among the faithful or to the purest of the pure, but the unit. Someone has written these days that "the bishops are committing suicide the Italian Church". Unfortunately he did not understand anything of the essence of the Catholic faith: the church “if suicidal” attacking the bishops, instead follow them and support them in a moment of so severe test.










The texts of Father John Zanchi, director of the Pastoral Center Divine Worship of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, They are not meant as articles but as audio-narrative texts. We proceeded to transcribe audio text for our Readers.


John Zanchi

Welcome to the VI episode of Chiesa Aperta!

In these difficult days, the Archbishop of Milan, S. AND. Mons. Mario Delpini, he has declared: "We have suspended the celebrations and all that could facilitate contact between people. But we have always said that churches are open " (The Print, 17 March 2020).


Many churches also in Italy are dedicated to Saint Joseph, the most chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which today is the annual feast. Saint John Paul II, the 15 August 1989, He dedicated to the great Patriarch his Apostolic Exhortation, entitled Redeemer's guardian (The guardian of the Redeemer). In small "house churches" that are our families (The light 11), in these days of forced seclusion would be an excellent thing to read and meditate on that text.


Saint John Paul II He reminds us that St. Joseph has many things to teach us, particularly in this time of tribulation. I remember the principal of such teachings. These days comes to us from many quarters the invitation to "stay home" and creatively employ our time spent in the home walls; For Christians, this means more time for prayer, the reading of the Bible and the Catechism. Well precisely St. Joseph is the model of all those who cultivate the interior life:


"The Gospels speak exclusively of what Joseph" did "; however, allow you to discover in his "actions", shrouded in silence, a climate of deep contemplation. Joseph was in daily contact with the mystery "hidden for ages", which "dwelt" under the roof of his home " (Redeemer's guardian, 25). "The total sacrifice, Joseph did his whole existence to the demands of the coming of the Messiah in their own home, becomes understandable only in "his unfathomable inner life, from which they come to him singular commands and consolations and derive the logic and force him, belong to simple and clear souls, the big decisions, like that of immediately put at the disposal of the divine designs his freedom, his legitimate human vocation, her marital happiness, accepting the condition of the family, the responsibility and the weight and giving up an incomparable virginal love for the natural conjugal love that is the foundation and nourishment " (Teachings of Paul VI, VII [1969] 1268)» (Redeemer's guardian, 26).


St. Joseph thus perfectly embodies the true devotee model, since devotion is nothing but submission to God, the willingness readiness to devote themselves to things pertaining to God's service (cf St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, II-II, q. 82, a. 3, ad 2). In this difficult situation it should be noted that St. Joseph is the patron saint of the Catholic Church, said that by Blessed Pius IX (as God, 8 December 1870). Leo XIII declared in this regard: "Joseph was in his lawful and natural guardian, head and defender of the Holy Family … It is thus fitting and most worthy of St. Joseph, that, in the way that he once kept to protect holy watch over the family of Nazareth, so now does he protect and defend with his heavenly patronage the Church of Christ " (however many times, 15 August 1889).


Saint Teresa of Jesus testifies As St. Joseph is powerful in helping those who call upon:


"To other Saints it seems that God has given to help us in this or that need, while I have experienced that the glorious St. Joseph extends his patronage of all. With what the Lord wants us to understand that in the way that it was subject to him on earth, where he could command as the putative father, so also in the sky he does everything I ask him. This han recognized from experience that even other people on my advice you are recommended to its patronage " (Vita, 6).


Of the special patronage of St. Joseph Holy Church has more need than ever today to deal now with pastoral zeal and creativity the emergence of the pandemic and then to stay next to and among people renovated and effectively, when the emergency is finally over. St. Joseph is also the special patron of the dying, because he died in the arms of Jesus and Mary most holy; death was no longer "good" of his. In this time when we want to deceive us into believing that the "euthanasia" that is "good death" or assisted suicide, it is urgent more than ever to look instead to the example of St. Joseph and the dying, through his intercession, ask God for the grace of a holy death. At the protection of St. Joseph are now entrusted the dying because of the pandemic, who face the defining moment of their lives alone and without the opportunity to receive the sacraments.


Finally note that St. Joseph It is above all the most chaste spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is the marriage with Madonna that are derived Giuseppe its singular dignity and his rights on Jesus:


"Since marriage is the highest association and friendship ... it follows that, If God gave Joseph to the Virgin, gave him not only as a companion for life, witness of virginity and protector of honesty, but also because they participate, through the marriage pact, the lofty grandeur of her ' (Leone XIII, however many times).


St. Joseph is thus also the model for all married couples and Christian brides, many of them these days have the opportunity to spend more time together, praying and deepening their own communion of life. About this, I conclude by reporting an event that deserves to be known. There you can also get married in this time of a pandemic, even in the presence of government regulations that prohibit public gatherings and religious ceremonies. It is what they have done Peter and Ilaria few days ago, the presence of one priest and witnesses. The newlyweds have declared:


"In a situation like the one that most emerged it is that we were responding to a call and one that so interested us was able to say yes before Christ ... For us it meant going to the essentials of our vocation ... Friends ... they helped us to keep our eyes fixed on what really matters ... and not to focus on our projects and thoughts went miserably in smoke, albeit right and beautiful. We are grateful for what has happened because it allowed us to take a big step of self-awareness than our personal relationship with Christ in a start for us as important " (The Subsidiary Net, 11 March 2020).


Thank you, Peter and Ilaria, just Married! You have shown in practice that the Church is "open in these difficult days", is that stone and brick, both the domestic. Best wishes for your marriage! God bless your family and Saint Joseph, the most chaste spouse of the Virgin Mary protect you, together with the whole Church and all Christian families!

A resent tomorrow for a new episode Church Open.


Sansepolcro (Arezzo), 19 March 2020




1. Giuseppe, holy name
It names the joyful heart,
the hope he is in the world,
that rejoices in the Lord. Ride.

Your name Joseph,
sweetness and sounds amor,
happy those who knew,
scolpir nell'alma and cor!
Happy those who knew,
scolpir nell'alma and cor!

2. The exalt his children,
because of a father's name
and loving as veggan,
s'ottenga his favor.

Ride. Your name Joseph…

3. It is as high and large,
of strength and might,,
but his power moves,
l'amiable US bontade.

Ride. Your name Joseph…

4. Your heavenly name,
both in life and my hope
and at last Ear extreme,
is balm for the pain.

Rit Your name Joseph…





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