"Open Church" (X episode) - That today's irresistible longing to sacrifice the priests to death for their own personal whims of opinion. What if that happens, then who will return to celebrate Holy Mass for the People of God after the epidemic coronavirus?
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In the Catholic Church, if not mistaken, spend “said line” It is the Holy Father.
If I understand it, the article argues that the suspension of the Mass is also aimed at preserving the health of our priests who are mostly elderly.
I would then, please, a review of certain statements by Pope Francis homily 28 March C.A..
"But why - I have heard these days - how come these sisters, these priests who are healthy ranging from poor to feed them, and can take the coronavirus? But tell the mother superior that does not leave out the sisters, tell the bishop that does not leave out the priests! They are the sacraments! But to feed, that provides the government!”
The priests should, so, Churches come out to feed the poor materially but they should not harbor, in the churches, Catholics with the spiritual food of the Sacraments?
E’ This is perhaps the “new ” Teaching?
I think the first thing we need to pray before Jesus in the Eucharist and not fall down with dissipation or useless discussions facebook whole days
known as a fundamental 1950 c before the council were many priests today after, much less for some reason?lack faith that has been lost with the opening of the world church ,an example of a priest in that of turin https://lanuovabq.it/it/al-credo-non-ci-credo-il-prete-ora-e-libero-di-non-avere-fede
Thank you.
Initially I was very bitter about the suspension of the Masses, Now in the light of this article I understand the reasons for this decision.
May God help us and always help!
The important thing is that we hope will disappear your category of priests…
Outputs as much as possible please!!
Thank you!
But if you survive those like her, the Church of Christ will be saved.
“Only in this way it is possible to avoid two opposite extremes: The proponents of the celebration to the bitter end of the Mass with the people likely to commit the sin of fideism; the advocates of indiscriminate closure of churches in danger of committing the sin of rationalism.”
Clearly, if in Italy Pastors are so few and elderly, It was some doubt about how the Italian people to pray for vocations in our country (and among them I also put me), altresi seems to me misplaced stigmatize all those who criticize the attitude of the bishops as people unable to grasp the gravity of the moment. Maybe even listen to those who have different views on things of the world, because seen from a different angle would not hurt, because we're not talking about doctrine, but the state church relations, and if many faithful certain choices are incomprehensible, Instead of responding with “at this time we do not criticize pastors because the situation is serious” They give reasonable explanations, I have no difficulty in reviewing my positions, I am here to understand and learn, but I am not even the dogma of the CEI in the area of state / church relations because the health emergency will end sooner or later and you can not pretend that nothing happened.
As from a health point of view it is necessary to equip health facilities with all the tools necessary to the success of therapies, and this was not done at least in recent 20 year old, where indeed in the name of profit and / or health cuts. Likewise, from the point of view of the care of souls he has neglected to “ask the master of the harvest to send workers for the harvest” and so when the storm came we have few tools both for body care of souls.
After that, in my opinion questionable how our Pastors you are rapportado with the civil authorities, at least I expect an official reaction to the reports of abuses by the security forces about those who went to church to pray or (most striking case) the complaint to the Mayor of Giulianova for delivering the tricolor flag to Our Lady in a Sanctuary. Indeed since the decree interpretation seems to be allowed to go to church only those who are passing through to go to the grocery store or for other needs.
In this case, a silence of the bishops think it is absolutely reprehensible.
The Church does not pray for vocations?
It is a joke humorous, or serious?
Said this: insist so stubborn and polite to criticize and to give him to the bishops at this time of crisis, equivalent to that guy who, to challenge his wife, It is cut …
Yesterday, the Roman Pontiff has granted a plenary indulgence and blessed with the Blessed Sacrament urbe and orb, St. Peter's Square in a totally empty.
Those who are not able to read the dramatic image, You can not in any way be led to perceive what we are experiencing serious, and in this gravity, we repeat: contesting the shepherds, It is a genuine suicide.