"Open Church" episode III - Edited by John Zanchi: in this time of grave emergency, your priests, albeit alone, they continue to celebrate the Mass offering the Eucharistic Sacrifice for the health of body and soul
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Sorry, here the controversy is not me.
Rather, I have the impression that you are labeling those who want a return as troublemakers, I don't mean to normality, MA how to freedom of the church.
And I don't think I was answered on the merits but only with “You don't know who I am” e “Do not dry out and stand down”.
Then I ask you some questions (for which of course, having regard to your wisdom, you will have all the answers).
1. Where are the bishops, the enlightened Italian bishops, for those priests denounced, vilified while doing Mass alone (see Cerveteri), complete with profanation and abuse against the Concordat?
2. Why in Poland, instead of giving up public masses, they doubled them, to bring together prudence and the exercise of faith? Perhaps because the Polish bishops are criminals, and with us they are wise?
3. Because you are making a reiterated series of articles to defend the bishops' choices, also telling about situation in hospitals that, frankly, at the forefront (Lombardy, Veneto) I'm amarcord? There the chaplains now keep them only in the anteroom or in the morgue.
Thanks for all your answers …
And thank goodness you are not controversial, imagine if he did.
First of all, invoke the “profanation” of the Concordat, it is such a bombastic and out-of-logic expression in front of which dogmatic theologians would literally die of laughter, ecclesiologists and canonists.
Anyway, I answer you about the Polish question by making you copy / paste here an explanatory comment that I posted yesterday on my Facebook page:
– if the numbers are not an opinion –
A devoted reader of The Island of Patmos has placed me this interesting question: «The Polish Episcopal Conference, to comply with the logic and due security measures and prevention of the spread of the virus, it seems he has decided to increase the number of masses so that few of the faithful can participate at a time ".
This is true, the Polish bishops did so and this made some long-time Catholic journalists say, today specialized in target shooting on Italian bishops and clergy, that «while in Poland the number of Holy Masses increases, in Italy the churches close ».
Of the two one: or these subjects now reduced to old vultures and snipers do not know the ecclesial situations of the various countries, or I'm not even able to read the numbers. Because the answer is written in numbers, namely the following:
Polish Catholics are 35 millions and their clergy is composed of 31.442 secular priests e 8.412 regular priests ("Regular priests" are the religious of the various male orders). The number of parishes is equal to 10.379.
The average age of the Polish clergy is equal to 44,08 year old.
Dividing the number of parishes by the number of secular priests only, the result is that for every Polish parish there are 3,04 priests. I repeat: all without counting the religious, that is, the members of the regular clergy.
In Italy the Catholic population is equal to 47.021.200, the parishes are 25.741, the members of the secular clergy are 34.121 and members of the regular clergy 9.112.
The average age of the Italian secular clergy is equal to 67, 09 year old.
Simply said,: we have 1,02 priests per parish, with a difference of no small importance: an average older than 23,01 years compared to the average Polish clergy.
Therefore, long-time Catholic journalists and Catholic bloggers on boarding, they are writing and supporting so-called big and emeritic bullshit, if you kindly pass me the courtly term.
Father Ariel S.. Levi di Gualdo
But let alone … what absurdity to ask for the resumption of public participation in the sacraments “in compliance with the measures implemented by the government”, vero?
We are thirsty for Christ, and we will insist that we be given back what we need, within the humanly possible.
And it's not sadness, but the joy of having encountered Something greater, beyond the fallacy of men!
Look what is happening in Poland and other countries …
If he is truly thirsty for Christ as he writes, begin to follow what the pastors of the Church have decided in these moments of emergency, because it is they whom Christ has appointed as apostles and guides.
And don't confuse the “thirst for Christ” with the free controversy, please.
To your question I must answer yes, I hold it true, first because the mode is not specified: they said vague ones “keep your distance” e “multiply the masses” and I would like to know with what medical protections that are already in short supply and with which priests it could be done.
Second, because the public attending Masses is exactly the most at risk, not to mention the priests themselves whose average age is certainly not low.
Third because the provisions of the Church are these, and if you can not appreciate them you should at least try to understand them in the anomalous context in which they occur before screaming at betrayal (and that's why I added “sadly” all’ having taken this position on the part of a usually lucid commentator like Tosatti)
For the rest, I invite you to reflect on that “We”, that he used and on the implicit of his words, or that whoever does not ask for this immediate resumption of the sacraments is not truly Christian and has not encountered that Something; I hope it wasn't the way she meant it.
Thank you so much for reporting these videos, at least shed light on the situation. Unfortunately at this time I see that most of the Christian commentators a little’ more “underground” undertake leisure shouting apostasy manifested; sadly there is even a petition signed by Marco Tosatti and others calling for the resumption of public participation in the sacraments “in compliance with the measures put in place by the government” (effective manner and with such priests implement it is left to the imagination of the CEI).