The anti-covid vaccines19. That moral and Christian charity unknown to those turbulent ones “antivax Catholics” screaming on social media like fishmongers at the local market

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The Catholic has a moral duty to get vaccinated out of a sense of deep responsibility towards mankind, because mankind is his neighbor that he must not only respect and protect, but that he must love as himself. What hard to make blind and obtuse subjects understand that they based their anti-scientific ideology first and foremost on the blatant disregard for the other, whether it is the individual or the entire world scientific community. And similar attitudes, for a Catholic, they are truly and deeply sinful.




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intensive care

To this delicate issue Fathers de The Island of Patmos they dedicated the essay: The Church and the coronavirus. The subtitle of the book is emblematic: «Between supercazzole and tests of faith. The apostolate of the Fathers de The Island of Patmos in times of pandemic ", born from the opening reflection in which the Dominican theologian Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci explains the meaning of super cazzola, term taken by the philosophical lexicon to indicate meaningless turns of words. The reflections of all three follow, including the very precious ones of the Capuchin theologian Ivano Liguori who spent years of his priestly life serving in the great hospital of Cagliari, in daily contact with human life, sickness and death.


If before it was appropriate to remember our non-fiction work, which we sincerely recommend reading, now it is necessary to articulate a premise, before opening the actual reflection.


The movement of the so-called antivax it has its very virulent adherents even within our Catholic world, although they are Catholics in their own way. In fact, they range from millenarian catastrophists to those convinced of the diabolical immorality of vaccines in which the fetuses of aborted babies have been blended (!?). Those who identify the col vaccine follow mark of the beast which appears in the symbolic and at times hermetic narrative of the Apocalypse of the Blessed Apostle John and others who speak of the imminent final struggle that will see the definitive triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


If to these various novax extremists of Catholicism do it yourself explain that the Holy See did not take long to clarify the morality of vaccines by responding first of all to the hoax of the fetuses of aborted babies smoothed inside them [see document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith], the response of the anti-VAT integralist catto-idiot will not be long in coming: "The Holy See has now lost the authentic values ​​of the Gospel and has submitted to the strong world powers". Then follow the contumelies on the reigning Pontiff by many members of these pseudo-Catholic groups who solve the problem at its root by directly questioning the validity of his election to the sacred throne.. Making up, also in this case, to all the hoaxes that have been circulating for years about the fantastic invalidity of the act of resignation of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI.


Antivaxes who believe they are Catholic they are among all the worst, because they support their bizarre theories with the supernatural, while the secular antivaxes rely on their obvious psychotic disturbances, or on fantasy-conspiracies, without bothering God the Father, the Word of God Incarnate, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Apocalypse of the Blessed Apostle John.


The experience gained in these times of pandemic taught, to me and my fellow editors, that talking to the antivax is useless, because it is closed to reasoning and to the critical sense. All the most logical scientific reasons can be brought forward, which he will always and in any case refuse, supporting absurd theories varying from planetary plots to the non-existence of Covid-19 ironically called “pandemenza”, with no respect for the living who have been saved and for the memory of all those who have died and their families still suffering from the loss of their loved ones.


However, the anti-vaccinist has an absurd answer that is always ready: does not deny that there have been several million deaths around the world, denies that they died from Covid-19, because according to him we have no proof. Needless to remind him of the 793 died in a single day on 21 March 2021 and the sad line of military trucks carrying the bodies out of Bergamo where there were no more burial and cremation sites, because the anti-vaccinist has a ready answer for this too: "It has not been proven that they died of Covid-19 because the autopsies were not performed". Faced with a similar response based on granitic illogical and anti-scientific beliefs, it can perhaps be explained that it is not possible to carry out autopsies on the bodies of a similar number of deceased in a moment of unprecedented emergency such as the one we experienced in 2020, with the hospitals exploding and the medical staff at the end of their strength? Or that maybe, rather than saving the lives of the living, autopsies had to be done on the dead? Or that perhaps the memory of doctors over 80 who have returned to service has been lost because, starting with doctors, the medical staff had been knocked out by the virus which had primarily affected doctors and para-doctors? Explaining all this is unfortunately useless, precisely because the antivax has an irrational denial answer ready for anything, while the pseudo-Catholic antivax even more and even worse. The one on the one hand, the others on the other hand, they connect to their trusted conspiracy sites and blogs and drink anything and everything like geese that have been given grains of salt in food.


To these subjects impossible to scratch in their radical opinions, I have tried to recount certain sad experiences I had as a priest? Yup, I did it, narrating, for example, that he entered an intensive care unit with all the highest cautions because he was a doctor friend, 52 years of age, was at high risk of mortality. And as a desire, knowing that he is close to death, he asked about me. His colleagues made an exception, for this little man both the place and above all the name of the hospital. I didn't really go inside, but covered in overalls, with mask, gloves and eye visor, I saw him half a meter beyond the glass. From the inside, the nurses pushed the trundle bed up to the glass and one of the two activated the speakerphone of her mobile phone from the inside, I did the same with mine. I smiled at my friend and told him: «You want to ask the almighty and merciful God in your heart for your sins?». He whispered twice: «… and and …". Raising my hand in front of the glass I recited: «Ego, Faculty which the Apostolic See, And I grant remission of sin. In the Name of the Father, and sons, and of the Holy Spirit» (For the faculties conferred on me by the Apostolic See I grant you the remission of all your sins …). While then I started to recite: «During the sacred mysteries of our redemption, almighty God release you pay for all present and future life, may lead to the age-during, and to open the gates of the joys of the garden,». He began to roll his eyes and turn cyanotic. The nurses pushed the bed back into its position and I saw nothing but the backs of the two and three other members of the medical staff who came running.. When after a few minutes they separated from him, one of them turned to me shaking his head. At that point I saw my friend lying on the bed with his eyes upset and his mouth wide open. It was dead, on the other side of the glass, suffocated.


I told this episode to some antivax who thrives on conspiracies and who jokes about “pandemenza” of Covid-19? Of course, I did it, but with these results: one answered me stating with great certainty and certainty that this was proven proof that people had been killed with the intubations, because if they hadn't given them artificial ventilation they wouldn't have died. Another replied that those were deaths deliberately caused to create a great socio-political instability and to put us all under control with a carpet vaccination.. I avoid going further with the absurd answers that were given to me, above all, devoid of human respect for the living and the dead. What scientific training these people had? From where they got their granite certainties? Simple, they jump from blog to blog, between conspiracies and anti-scientific theories, without anyone being able to scratch them, that's where they get their security. Have I ever advised them to view the Official site of the Ministry of Health or that of Medicines Agency? Of course yes, but for the antivax the only truths lie in the dangerous declarations of that scoundrel of Stefano Montanari and of that Italian shame of Antonio Pappalardo, who finished from his post as a retired general of the Carabinieri sent to trial for insulting the Head of State. This is the sad moral of the story: it is useless to talk to certain people, invite them to reason or to listen to the opinions of the experts who, far from being infallible, they certainly know more than antivax without any scientific training, because in any case they will continue to feed on buffaloes on social media. Talking to them is therefore a waste of time which involves two different efforts: first the necessary effort is made to get angry, then the necessary effort is made to calm down.


The neurotic relationship is interesting of these people when they search the internet, where they find only and exclusively what they want to find in support of their opinions, everything else does not exist. They ruthlessly criticize virologists - it goes without saying without having scientific tools to do so -, accusing them of being servants of the occult powers or on the payroll of the strong ones and needless to say of the pharmaceutical multinationals, but none of these antivaxes have ever read their scientific articles, the statistics reported or listened to their lectures. Antivax has created a closed world from which it supports and shamelessly spreads anti-science, criticizing science with crude anti-scientific methods, all after refusing to read, listen and evaluate the reasons that science brings, because his world ranges precisely between Stefano Montanari and Antonio Pappalardo, the two poisonous subjects I mentioned earlier.


Try to reason with an antivax it is like wanting to talk about respect for different religious cultures with an Islamist fundamentalist from Isis. At first it was thought that antivaxes should be treated with empathy, that is to say good-naturedly teased and just as good-naturedly ridiculed to try to induce them to take note of how bizarre and outside any scientific criterion their beliefs were. It was a mistake though, it would have been enough to ask some expert psychiatrist for guidance to take note that the fanatic possessed by political fanaticism, or worse still religious or pseudo-religious, besides not possessing an ironic and humorous vein, he is completely devoid of self-irony. As the only point of reference he has only the convictions that he has formed and about which he does not intend to discuss, except to become violent and aggressive.


I use myself as an example remembering that by training I am a dogmatic theologian and a scholar of the history of dogma. It is obvious that for me dogmas are the founding pillars of our faith. But I have never had a problem dealing with people and scholars who consider the dogmas to be pure and simple human inventions., built and then defined by intelligent people, or entire assemblies of intelligent people - starting with the first great Council of Nicaea of ​​the year 325 - in order to keep the system upright the Catholic faith that certain non-believing scholars, an atheist, they consider elaborated at the table. So that Christianity had the success it enjoyed starting from the fourth century thanks to the Emperor Constantine, who in his own way was largely its creator, not just the advocate for purely political interests. In the face of this and more, because I am theologian and many of my confreres who are theological priests, we never had a problem having these exchanges? On the contrary, almost always mutual esteem and also beautiful human friendships between very different people were born, even if some believe and others deny your belief. Everything happened and continued to happen for the simple fact that on both sides there has never been a closed, obtuse and narrow-minded fundamentalist attitude. Antivax, on the other hand, is the paradigm of the closed person, obtuse and narrow-minded who structures her subjective feeling on forms of dangerous psychological integralism.


Why us Fathers de The Island of Patmos we immediately got vaccinated our turn has just come? There are two main reasons: the first, because science has indicated the vaccine as the only possible remedy to stem or otherwise limit the effects of the virus. And none of us have scientific knowledge and skills to be able to say that science is wrong, so we followed, as everyone should do, the council of specialists and men of science. The second one, because as pastors in the care of souls and as theologians we have and live internally and externally, in substance and form, a deep sense of responsibility towards mankind. Request: science and men of science, they can make mistakes? Of course, it has happened several times and will happen in the future as well, But, if we really want to grant the benefit of human error, better to grant it to science and to men of science who seek to save human lives, rather than giving certain benefits to arrogant ignoramuses lacking the basic foundations of certain medical sciences. And this is called logic, it's called common sense, that almost absent in ideological antivaxes and unfortunately also in an increasingly consistent slice of the population.


If you cannot reason with antivaxes, then how can you interact with them, scientifically established that the only system to reduce damage from Covid-19 is the vaccination of the entire population, whatever they may say? The problem is legal as far as the secular state is concerned, moral regarding our Catholic faith.


Let's start with the secular state: we have seen groups of exalted antivaxes shouting «freedom, freedom!»On the streets to claim their" right "to say no to the vaccine. The first question that needs to be asked is the following: for these people, what is freedom? Let's proceed with the examples: by chance we want to indict a couple who decides to have sexual intercourse on a crowded beach or on the bench in a public place for lewd acts in a public place? They do it because they love each other and for this reason they freely decide to make love, it is their right to love each other and make love, or not? How can it exist in the 2021 a system so retrograde and puritanical that it dares to call “obscene acts” the freedom that two people have to love each other? So it is easy to say: the article 527 of the Criminal Code it should not simply be decriminalized, but just abolished as a figure of crime. As you can see, freedom is a concept in which everything can be enclosed, from the right of a couple to copulate in a public place to the absolute and indisputable right of the woman to abort a child, to follow with the equally absolute and indisputable right to practice euthanasia. All those who over time, in various countries of the world, they wanted to transform human life, his own but above all that of others, in an available good, they always did it by shouting two words: "Rights" and "freedoms". Obviously, in our speech, neither abortion nor euthanasia are in question, but health understood as a collective interest. The article 32 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic is very clear:


"The Republic protects health as a fundamental right of the individual and as a collective interest, and guarantees free care to the indigent ".


In a pandemic situation, people can harm the protection of the health of the community because for their purely irrational reasons, anti-scientific and ideological reject vaccination? The same article 32 however, he continues to specify:


«Nobody can be obliged to a specific medical treatment if not by law. The law cannot in any case violate the limits imposed by respect for the human person ".


Our Constitution is clear without misunderstanding in indicating that health is a collective good, but that at the same time no one can be forced to a specific health treatment, except in accordance with the law. They are both two fixed and rigid points. And this is precisely the problem: it must be established clearly and precisely that those who refuse vaccination for their purely irrational reasons, anti-scientific and ideological, or even for forms of rooted and invincible ignorance, they can actually cause serious damage to the entire community. However, everything must be proved in a very rigorous way in the relationship of cause and effect, enough to be able to invoke the obligation by virtue of the fact that no liberal country, democratic and truly civil has never conceded that the misunderstood subjective idea of ​​"freedom" can cause serious damage to the entire community. Personally - but my thinking, of course, it is an opinion that leaves the time it finds -, I believe that in the current situation all the legal elements could be used to impose the mandatory vaccination. As I repeat, however, everything must be clarified in the point of law in the most rigorous way possible, thus avoiding giving life, if not, to a dangerous precedent under which the permanence of a terminally ill patient or the birth of a child with Down syndrome can be declared unhealthy tomorrow.


Using the good one as an example paterfamilias, we could say that the State is a bit like a parent who, having the duty to protect a very large family, cannot in any way allow some to cause serious harm to all the others. Certainly the State cannot act like that weak and spineless father who tries in every way to persuade an unreasonable and rebellious son not to harm others with a pained smile on his face., especially when this does not consider this a damage but rather the exercise of his free right. One can therefore warn him, twice, but at the third he will exercise his power in a coercive way and will force him to do what he must do in order not to harm everyone else.


In a state like ours, mostly formed by politicians hungry for votes like voracious bulimics, ready to forget the Antonio Gramsci, the Palmiro Togliatti and the Enrico Berlinguer who have characterized their glorious past as the Italian Left, to bow to a poor illiterate like that certain Influence Lombard which moves twelve million followers. With, on the other side, a so-called populist Right that measures the menstrual temperature in the uterus of the square to try to understand how to please it and thus increase the electoral consensus in the future, someone sees a state on the horizon that can act with the wisdom of the good paterfamilias?


I am truly amazed by our President of the Republic and of all the politicians who invite the novax fringes to a sense of responsibility, because it would be like asking a blind person to read the road signs or a deaf person to appreciate the voice of soprano Maria Callas. This is why I do not understand why the highest office of the state and politicians with common sense waste time uselessly through these exhortations that, as they say, they can have the only effect of making these fringes of people even more irrational. In my humble opinion, decisive legislative action is needed. It is not enough to say that without green pass it will not be possible to enter public places, therefore be subjected to a whole series of limitations. More is needed: it is necessary to establish with a precise and decisive decree law that people opposed to vaccination for ideological-irrational reasons, if they contract the virus in a severe form, they will have to pay all health costs from the first to the last, even because, a sick person admitted to intensive care, it costs the national community of public taxpayers 2.000 euro per day of hospitalization. Such a decision would also be useful to avoid other possible and not at all improbable social injustices, for example that a person to whom it is not possible to administer the vaccine due to his serious and complex diseases, is infected with the antivax which is then hospitalized in intensive care at the expense of the community, while for the patient who could not be given the vaccine there will be no place for hospitalization. Antivax will come out of intensive care and will continue to talk about conspiracies of the strong powers, if anything it will also denounce the doctors who with the excuse of “pandemenza” caused damage to his internal organs, while the patient who could not be given the vaccine will die, because the antivax has stolen his place in intensive care.


These irrational ideologues must be asked and demanded consistency, if they contract the virus of “pandemenza”, there should be two solutions: or they treat themselves with their much exalted alternative medicine, with naturopathy, homeopathy and i cocktail of amino acids and vitamins, or else they pay the consequences of their cry of "freedom, freedom!»Paying all hospital expenses. Request: you can, morally, deny treatment and ICU admission to a person who cannot pay for it? I think yes, indeed I believe that it would not only be possible but also opportune and decisive, In this regard, it would be enough to recall how the season of kidnappings in Calabria and Sardinia was put to an end. Blocking assets from the families of the seized and making it impossible to pay the ransoms. Unfortunately, some kidnapped never returned home or even their corpses were found, however, the season of kidnappings ended definitively. Forever, Unfortunately, not only is it lawful, but it is even desirable and opportune to sacrifice a human life in certain particular situations to save a thousand others from the risk of death. I understood this apparently inhuman and cruel principle in the mid-nineties through the story of an elderly Jewish woman, mother of four children, that from the attic where she was hiding with the other three children she saw her eldest teenage son in the street, released for supplies - because being a teenager aroused less suspicion - captured by the S.S. in the winter of 1943. What he should have done? Running in the street screaming “give me back my son!”, thereby also capturing the other three, or she ends up being captured too and leaving the other three children alone, already fatherless? Minds that live on passions and express judgments dictated by pure emotions, what logical solution, rational and realistic would give in front of such a case?


We conclude now with the worst: the novax who think they are Catholic and who claim the right to be Catholic in their own way, as indeed is typical in all forms of expression of the fundamentalists. First of all, what does it mean:


"Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his faithful"? [Shall 115, 15].


It can mean many things, starting from the fact that no one, through selfishness and ideological erroneous beliefs it can put the lives of the faithful at risk, so precious in the eyes of the Lord. It's still:


«Give me intelligence and I will observe your Law; I will practice it with all my heart. Guide me in the path of your commandments, since in it I find my joy " [Shall 119, 34-35].


How these words fit together with who, like the pseudo-catholic fondmentalist antivax, instead, he refuses intelligence to raise the illogical foolishness that he has decided to harbor within himself to the law? Even the last of the pseudo-Catholic fundamentalists converted to the modern pagan religion of anti-vaccinism - except for feeling a hard and pure integral Catholic - is able to recite as a spiel the phrase imprinted in the Book of Leviticus and then also reported by the mouth of Christ God in the Holy Gospels:


«You won't hate your brother in your heart; scold your neighbor as well, but do not burden yourself with sin because of him. You will not take revenge and you will not hold a grudge against the children of your people, but you will love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord " [Lv 19, 17-18].


The fanatic Catholic converted to the pagan religion of anti-vaccination, the words of the Holy Scriptures and the Psalms is not really able to receive them. If he then reads them, unfortunately he cannot understand them. The brother is undoubtedly our fellow man in flesh and blood, but it is also a large container within which all kinds of brotherhood are enclosed: brother is the medical and paramedical staff who carried out their work in a great time of health crisis. Brother are the virologists who instead of going on television - whatever people say, because I met them in the Mediaset studios and I spoke to them several times -, they would have preferred to stay in their hospitals and research laboratories. Hardly though, the National Association of Hairdressers or that of Beauticians could provide information in a moment of pandemic emergency, the National Order of Lawyers, that of Engineers or that of Architects. And if anything,, to go for information, them who were the only ones at that time qualified to do it, they sacrificed the little time they had left to spend an hour or two with their wives and children.


In the writings, in messages, in the declarations of Catholic antivaxes there is an intolerable sarcastic contempt that denotes an almost total lack of Christian charity, it is enough to read certain blogs or online magazines to understand and touch their lowest human level. Words steeped in rancor, full of threats and moral judgments that are Christianly neither in heaven nor on earth.


"Love your neighbor as yourself" it means first of all to protect and safeguard it, because there is no subjective reason, based on emotions based on anti-science, in the name of which one can cause great harm to one's fellowmen, starting with the refusal of vaccination.


As a citizen of the Italian Republic, priest and theologian I affirm than to refuse vaccination at this time, after the best knowledge of modern world science has indicated it as the only remedy to avoid, or at least to greatly reduce the damage caused by Covid-19, it is morally unacceptable, that is to say sinful, as a sin against charity. And it is because the entire Old and New Testament narrative tells me exactly the opposite of what some poor wretches write, qualifying themselves as "true Catholics" and as "true Catholic thought".


Thank God I am not a member of the Italian Episcopal Conference, if I were, I would not hesitate to propose to all the other brother bishops the adoption of a drastic decision: without green-pass you do not enter the church. Love of neighbor and our decisive and total refusal of all forms of idolatry impose this on us, including the modern pagan antivax religion based on the cult of an unspecified alternative medicine, of naturopathy and homeopathy. Subjects you can see people who die of suffocation from lack of breathing, but that with no respect for the dead and the living they will tell you that it is not true, which is all one “pandemenza”. It's true, it's a “pandemenza”, to be exact, the “pandemenza” ideological-irrational and unscientific antivax, unaware that the demented suffer from “pandemenza” they do exist, are they!


The Catholic has a moral duty to get vaccinated out of a sense of deep responsibility towards mankind, because mankind is his neighbor that he must not only respect and protect, but that he must love as himself. What hard to make blind and obtuse subjects understand that they based their anti-scientific ideology first and foremost on the blatant disregard for the other, whether it is the individual or the entire world scientific community. And similar attitudes, for a Catholic, they are truly and deeply sinful.


the Island of Patmos, 29 July 2021


In the final note, I clarify: in the era of digital illiteracy, a large number of people, in addition to not having the ability to understand what they read, they have difficulty understanding the meaning of words whose root and etymology they ignore. And after having read the title and subtitle of an articulate writing like this one proposed for the attention of our readers, the digital illiterate, read only the title and perhaps the subtitle, begins to go crazy on social media offending and attributing to the Author what he never thought, said and written. I think I have sufficiently explained that certain subjects are irrecoverable because they are closed to even elementary mechanisms of reasoning. For the sake of clarity I specify that I have never supported the obligation to vaccinate, but only supported and clarified, from a legal point of view and from a moral point of view, the duty to vaccinate. And for anyone who knows the Italian language - except for digital illiterates -, the words “duty” e “obligation” they have two different meanings in the sphere of law and in the sphere of Catholic doctrine, therefore two different ways of application.



Dear Readers,

please read the article written by the president of our editions [WHO vedere], in which we had asked for support for the fund of my court costs after I was made the subject of a lawsuit that, however unfounded, however, it requires me to proceed with my defense in court and therefore obliges me to spend money on legal fees. The logic is clear: hit one to frighten them and put a thousand of them to bed. So far we have collected almost the necessary.

For this I thank those who have so far sent a contribution for the provision for court costs and to whom I sent a message of thanks in private. Unfortunately, I have not been able to answer some of them, because along with their donation they did not send a message with their email, so it was impossible even and only to thank them. I thank them so much in these lines, sorry for not being able to send him a message.



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Eventually it was discovered. The ghost-writer of the Supreme Pontiff Francis is Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo who held one a year ago “Lectio” for which he infuriated the improperly sayings “traditionalists”, calling for the abolition of Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio on “The old rite of the Mass”

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Fairly and without prejudice, Father Ariel analyzes and explains how in the present it is not possible to hypothesize a return to a past that according to some must not pass. At the same time, But, clarifies how urgent it is to take corrective action, proceeding with a reform of the reform of a sacred liturgy which for decades has become the scene of the subjective and extravagant personalisms of celebrants, until it becomes unstable and subject to a particular whim, rather than being a prayerful expression of the universal dimension of the Church of Christ.


Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos




«… And it's not even the first time!». Expression of rigor, because on several occasions our Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo anticipated situations, times and even documents and pontifical acts. His books and articles published years before the occurrence of certain events demonstrate this without possible denial. Or perhaps it does not describe, way back in 2010, the ecclesial situation we live today in your book And Satan became triune?


More than a year ago, the 7 May 2020, unleashing the ire of the improperly called "traditionalists", released a video of one of his Lectio in which he hoped, not so much the abolition of the motu proprio given by the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI in 2007 which granted the free use of the Roman Missal of St. Pius V, but supporting everything with ecclesiological reasons, pastoral and pedagogical. In this Lectio explains why it is desirable to proceed with the abolition of the use of the Missal of St. Pius V granted in 2007 col Proper Motu of the Sovereign Pontiffs on the Roman Liturgy by the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI. Moving on rigorous historical-theological criteria, the speaker explains first of all what were the limits of the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council. A reform that the Church needed, but on the results of which, today, there is a lot to discuss. Fairly and without prejudice, Father Ariel analyzes and explains how in the present it is not possible to hypothesize a return to a past that according to some must not pass. At the same time, But, clarifies how urgent it is to take corrective action, proceeding with a reform of the reform of a sacred liturgy which for decades has become the scene of the subjective and extravagant personalisms of celebrants, until it becomes unstable and subject to a particular whim, rather than being a prayerful expression of the universal dimension of the Church of Christ.


After a year and passes, here is published the 16 July 2021 the Letter of the Holy Father Francis to the Bishops around the world to present the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes on the use of the Roman Liturgy prior to the Reform of 1970. This Apostolic Letter given in the form of motu proprio it contains all the reasons enunciated and expressed a year earlier by Father Ariel, especially in the explanatory message addressed by the Holy Father to the Bishops. In short, it seems written by him.


We invite you to listen to his lectio from 7 May 2021 then to read the Apostolic Letter of the Supreme Pontiff Francesco del 16 July 2021. And each make their own assessments, because the two documents have been examined, no further explanation is needed. In any case we found that the true ghost-writer of the Supreme Pontiff Francis is Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo.


the Island of Patmos, 16 July 2021





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The Zan bill: what i will not do “enemies”, they will “Amici”. We must hope and focus on homosexual friends who think clearly, because they are many

- ecclesial news -



Gay friends, we are honest: quelli che vi chiamano frocio, sono gli stessi che danno della sgualdrina a una donna poco vestita e sono ancora gli stessi che si mettono a bestemmiare quando un religioso attraversa la strada per poi toccarsi i genitali in segno scaramantico. Sarebbero queste povere persone, non voi, a dover essere aiutate, perché chi commette tali eccessi vive degli evidenti problemi con la propria vita che non vengono certo sanati da un provvedimento di legge che prevede la repressione, l’ammenda o la reclusione.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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the Gay Pride 2021 di Roma ha portato in processione questopovero cristopartendo dalla piazza della Basilica Lateranense, seat of the Bishop of Rome Chair, passando davanti alla Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore e chiudendo queste goliardie blasfeme dinanzi alla Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri, dove nel III secolo furono martirizzati i cristiani durante le persecuzioni di Diocleziano. Però deve essere approvata una legge apposita che persegua penalmente con estrema severità chiunque recasse offesa al mondo LGBT.

Il Gay Pride non rappresenta gli omosessuali e il mondo gay, è bene chiarirlo. Da sempre è la grottesca manifestazione degli eccessi, the chic e della puntuale blasfemia verso tutto ciò che è più sacro e caro al mondo cattolico e cristiano, il tutto inscenato da personaggi che rivendicano tutela e rispetto a colpi di leggi penali repressive, ma che da sempre rivendicano il diritto di insultare il sentimento religioso e la sensibilità umana altrui. Manifestazione grottesca organizzata e portata avanti da una minoranza che da sempre imbarazza profondamente la maggioranza degli omosessuali e del mondo gay, that we Fathers de The Island of Patmos conosciamo quanto basta per sapere che in quel teatrino del ridicolo-grottesco non hanno messo mai piede, proprio come i diretti interessati dichiarano da sempre, anche se le loro voci, che ripeto sono quelle dei più, sono da sempre soffocate da quelle dei meno.


Volendo parafrasare Georges Benjamin Clemenceau possiamo dire che la proposta di legge Zan è cosa troppo seria e impegnativa per lasciarla nelle mani dei politici. E saranno proprio loro ― i politici pro-Ddl Zan ― ad affossarla inconsapevolmente. But let's go in order.


È certamente giusto e doveroso accantonare in tutta fretta le inconcludenti dichiarazioni del bastonatore “pittato e disinformato marito della Ferragni che, nella sua ultima live his Instagram, ha fatto una figura miseranda e miserevole argomentando su cose che non conosce e che non comprende per evidente impreparazione personale e imbarazzando a morte il sor Zan e il sor Cappato che tentavano di correggerlo ma senza risultato.


Sister Anna Monia Alfieri, in modo molto più garbato ma deciso ha tentato di far ragionare il nostro tatuatissimo baucia indirizzandogli una lettera di fuoco per confrontarsi con lui sul tema della Chiesa e soprattutto sul Ddl Zan (molto di più di quanto non abbia potuto fare Alberto Ravagnani il noto don-catto-youtuber osannato da Future e dalla CEI). Ma cosa volete, le donne hanno sempre una marcia in più, Suor Anna Monia in modo particolare.


Anche in questo caso non c’è stato nulla da fare, Unfortunately. Il signor F. forte dei suoi 12 milioni di followers continua nella sua missione di illuminato che, dall’alto del palco del Concertone del 1° Maggio, dispensa copiosamente a tutti i suoi devoti la sua personalissima Vibhuti verbale che indirizza al bel pensare, al bel votare e al bell’agire. Di una cosa però dobbiamo prendere atto, i sostenitori della Legge Zan ― signor F. compreso ― hanno davvero uno scarso margine di manovra. Per come si stanno mettendo le cose ora, sembrano spinti alle corde e, da quel che sembra dall’esterno (e forse anche all’interno!), questa situazione l’hanno contribuita a crearla loro, anzitutto cercando di vincere facile e poi cercando di portare avanti una guerra lampo nei confronti del secolare nemico: the church.


Al Senato i politici pro-Ddl Zan hanno stoicamente rifiutato qualsiasi forma di mediazione e di modifica. Ai tavoli dei capigruppo della maggioranza hanno considerato come irricevibili le alternative proposte. Senza colpo ferire hanno aperto di fatto la possibilità al voto segreto, cosa che viene fatta regolarmente ― secondo l’iter del Senato ― quando si giungono a situazioni come queste o quando si vengono a trattare questioni di etica. Diciamolo francamente la possibilità di andare al voto segreto fa terribilmente paura ai sostenitori del Ddl Zan perché sanno che è lì ― nel segreto ― che la coscienza di molti di loro sarà più libera di esprimersi senza condizionamenti politici e pressioni di sorta da parte di schieramenti sociali e di lobby. Ed è lì nel voto segreto ― non importa se fatto al Senato o alla Camera ― che quello che appare chiaro all’esterno spesso muta d’accento e di pensier. Come May? well, domandatelo ai cattoliconi adulti integralisti e tradizionalisti che con la legge sul divorzio e sull’aborto, nel segreto della cabina elettorale, hanno fatto scuola dando il meglio di sé.


Il Ddl Zan dovrà sostenere la prova del voto segreto al Senato dove ognuno è messo di fronte alla propria coscienza e non al partito o alle lobby. È curioso ma sembra il déjà-vu della guareschiana confessione di Peppone, fatta nottetempo a chiesa vuota davanti a un Don Camillo in stola e sottana dentro al confessionale, in cui l’animaccia rossa del sindaco di Brescello lasciava spazio a quella del buon cristiano, timorato anzitutto della propria coscienza in cui quel Dio che si sforzava di osteggiare in pubblico e con i compagni di partito aveva nel segreto del cuore ancora stabile e perpetua dimora (Mt 6, 3-17).


Dio guida la storia e la guida anche attraverso le coscienze di coloro che sembrano, ai nostri occhi, i più lontani e ostili alla fede ma che poi si dimostrano incredibilmente i più ossequiosi, That's right, dear Readers. Sicuramente molto di più di coloro che si definiscono cattolici impegnati e apostolici romani e che passano il tempo a dileggiare sui social media i preti tacciandoli di ignoranza, pusillanimità e tradimento. Leggendo infatti commenti agli ultimi articoli del Padre Ariel sul Ddl Zan pubblicati su The Island of Patmos e condivisi anche su Facebook, resto impressionato da questa improbabile Lega Cattolica che vorrebbe fronteggiare la ben temibile e agguerrita armata LGBT+.


In questi cattolici non c’è nulla, ma proprio nulla di concreto e di maturo, e ciò sia detto senza polemica. Sicuramente è colpa di noi preti che abbiamo allevato non fedeli ma kamikaze. Se togliamo le invettive millenaristiche e le minacce di punizione divina ai preti che a loro errato giudizio accolgono il peccatore pur stigmatizzando il peccato, non resta nulla. O che dire delle citazioni rimescolate della dottrina cattolica e condite in una snaturata salsa mariana priva di ogni senso teologico? Tutto ciò nutre il bisogno a fomentare l’odio e il vilipendio del popolo arcobaleno contro una Chiesa “medioevale” e oscurantista, colpevole di aver generato una pletora di figli misericordiosissimi.


For charity, se il popolo arcobaleno ha come sponsor il marito della Ferragni, noi non siamo messi meglio perché abbiamo Mons. Nunzio Galantine. Ognuno, the rest, ha le sue rogne in casa, però credo che sia doveroso dare voce a un confronto serrato con il vero popolo omosessuale molto più numeroso di quello del Pride che non ama comparire sulle scene ma che è dotato di quella delicatezza e signorilità che abbiamo potuto apprezzare nell’amato e compianto Paolo Poli e in altri dopo di lui.


Sono convinto che è lì che bisogna insistere per cercare una vera resistenza, soprattutto a prescindere dalla Chiesa Cattolica che oggi è incapace di proferire qualsiasi analisi di buon senso sull’argomento o di esprimere anche il ben che minimo dissenso. If ban, eg, il caso del percorso che a Roma si sceglie per far sfilare il Pride. Itinerario che tocca i luoghi più cari della cristianità nella Città Eterna. La parata del Pride parte dalla piazza della basilica lateranense, la cattedrale metropolitana dove si trova la cattedra del Vescovo di Roma. Percorre Via Merulana e passa dinanzi alla Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, per giungere e infine concludersi in Piazza della Repubblica, formerly Piazza Exedra, dinanzi alla Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri, ultima opera realizzata da Michelangelo sull’antico complesso delle Terme di Diocleziano, luogo in cui furono martirizzati i cristiani nel III secolo. Avete mai sentito di rimostranze pubbliche da parte del Vicariato di Roma o dalla C.E.I. o dalla Santa Sede, ognuno per quanto attiene alla sua competenza?


O avete forse sentito dai vari giornalisti e blogghettari cattolici, attivissimi sul web, prendere le difese pubbliche del Padre Ariel a seguito della recente querela che gli è stata notificata per la denuncia di un esponente e attivista della Lobby arcobaleno, con tanto di agguerrita associazione LGBT che si è costituita parte civile? Avete forse letto sui profili Facebook di quei giornalisti smaccatamente cattolici e pro-family un pallido sostegno verso Padre Ariel e alla sua dignità di sacerdote perseguitato ante tempus da un procedimento che potrebbe realizzarsi con molta più ferocia se la proposta di legge Zan venisse approvata? Perché a me risulta l’esatto contrario: quando Padre Ariel ha chiesto aiuto per le spese processuali a qualche fondazione cattolica o a cattolici apostolici impegnati e militanti, nonché danarosi, tutti questi grandi difensori della fede e della morale non gli hanno neppure risposto. Sono stati invece i nostri Lettori che, recepito l’appello, ci stanno inviando delle libere offerte per il fondo delle spese processuali, ed a tutti loro ― ai quali singolarmente è stato risposto con messaggi di ringraziamento ― non cesseremo mai di essere grati. Detto questo vedete bene quanto tristi siano gli esempi e quanto potrebbero moltiplicarsi. Come si potrebbe quindi non comprendere il diretto interessato che, con la sua ben nota ironia tosco-romana, days ago, in uno dei nostri colloqui privati, commentò: «Dio ci salvi dai cattolici apostolici romani impegnati e militanti sul fronte della suprema difesa della fede, of the family, della morale e della patria cristiana!».


A fronte di tanti credenti, ecclesiastici o laici, che si chiudono dentro una indifferente superiorità che resta confinata al proprio orticello, ci sono tanti omosessuali maturi, che non solo non sono di sinistra, ma che neanche militano nelle lobby, nei circoli e nelle sezioni locali di partito. Ma che sentono il bisogno profondo di dire basta a questo andazzo surreale che primariamente lede la loro affettività e la usa come ariete per abbattere dei nemici che non esistono. Persone comuni, orgogliose del proprio anonimato e della propria condizione che, come nelle pagine della scrittrice Liala, non permettono alla loro affettività di essere spettacolarizzata e di oltrepassare l’intimità della camera da letto. Persone autentiche che non sentono la necessità di chiudersi nel ghetto di una categoria protetta e che nel pieno libero arbitrio vivono la loro condizione di omosessuali con serenità. E se per alcuni di questi la posizione della Chiesa non fa problema alla loro vita ― pur ribadendo che l’omosessualità per la Chiesa costituisce un disordine intrinseco e un peccato ― altri desiderano conservare ugualmente quel bisogno di Dio e di dialogo con la Chiesa che si rivela essere più forte e necessario della paura di venire insultati per strada.


Gay friends, we are honest: quelli che vi chiamano frocio, sono gli stessi che danno della sgualdrina a una donna poco vestita e sono ancora gli stessi che si mettono a bestemmiare quando un religioso attraversa la strada per poi toccarsi i genitali in segno scaramantico. Sarebbero queste povere persone, non voi, a dover essere aiutate, perché chi commette tali eccessi vive degli evidenti problemi con la propria vita che non vengono certo sanati da un provvedimento di legge che prevede la repressione, l’ammenda o la reclusione.


Mi piacerebbe infine vedere nei dibattiti televisivi e pubblici non sempre gli stessi anfitrioni del Ddl Zan che sono costantemente presenti in ogni talk-show e che magari discutono con il prete o con la convertita di turno in un dialogo ben misurato ma terribilmente noioso. Mi piacerebbe sentire omosessuali comuni che non la pensano come Alessandro Zan ma che non verranno mai presi in considerazione perché sono la prova vivente che anche nel mondo LGBT+ c’è molta divisione e discrepanza di idee.


Bisogna cambiare la narrazione ufficiale e dire con semplicità che l’arcobaleno non è rappresentativo di tutti e di ciascuno. Non quella bandiera romantica che raggruppa e tutela ogni diversità. Il vero vessillo di tutela e l’educazione che forma l’uomo alla conoscenza piena dell’altro, come da tempo ripete nei suoi scritti, conferenze e interventi televisivi Suor Anna Monia che, all’educazione e alla scuola, ha dedicato i suoi studi e la sua vita. Tale educazione sta alla base della famiglia come cellula di ogni consorzio umano. La nostra Costituzione già prevede questo, di modo che rispettando l’individuo a partire dal sesso, dalla condizione sociale, dalla razza o dal credo professato, ognuno sia libero di essere quello che è senza doversi procurare bollini di garanzia. E questa libertà costituzionale, Unfortunately, in diversi ambienti LGBT+ e nei Pride viene abbondantemente disattesa e tutto questo nel silenzio più completo e colpevole di coloro che assurgono a difensori e promotori del Ddl Zan.


Mi piacerebbe sentire ragazzi omosessuali come Umberto La Morgia, Ferdinando Tripodi, il giovane giurista e poi escort napoletano Francesco Mangiacapra ― di cui le nostre Edizioni pubblicheranno a settembre un libro molto interessante ― e tanti altri gay che vivono la loro affettività in modo visibile, ragazzi risolti che si oppongono al Ddl Zan non perché omofobi o perché cattoliconi, ma semplicemente perché capaci di ridimensionare e discernere una emergenza che non esiste se non nella mente dei promotori di questo disegno di legge che spesso vivono profonde ferite che non saranno certo rimarginate o guarite con l’eliminazione dei presunti omofobi. Così come esistono omosessuali di buon senso che si oppongono al Ddl Zan, così esistono anche dei parlamentari e dei senatori di buon senso che pur appartenendo al PD o al Movimento 5 stelle hanno maturato un ben determinato giudizio critico riguardo a questo disegno di legge, lo stesso giudizio che il ragionier Fantozzi maturò a riguardo alla Corazzata Potëmkin.


Il voto segreto darà voce non certo agli omofobi, non ai franchi tiratori, non ai volta gabbana, non ai vari Pillon di turno ma a tutti coloro che pur sentendosi in apparente sintonia con l’onorevole Zan, non lo sosterranno e forse già non lo sostengono in quanto hanno ben capito da molto tempo che questa proposta di legge ha in sé talmente tante falle, malumori e divisioni che l’unico modo per potersi decidere seriamente contro la discriminazione è affossare il Ddl Zan, mettendo fine a questa lunga agonia.


Laconi, 12 July 2021



Dear Readers,

a proposito di “omosessualisti radicali”, please read the article written by the president of our editions [WHO vedere], in which we ask for support for the fund of my court costs. I was made the subject of a lawsuit that, however unfounded, however, it requires me to proceed with my defense in court and therefore obliges me to spend money on legal fees. The logic is clear: hit one to frighten them and put a thousand of them to bed. This is why I trust so much in your precious help.

I thank those who have so far sent a contribution for the provision for court costs, and to whom I sent a message of thanks in private. Unfortunately, to some, I could not answer instead, because along with their donation they did not send a message with their email. I thank them so much in these lines, sorry for not being able to send him a thank you message.



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The Zan Bill and the importance of mediating without compromise, what some Catholics do “integral”, worse than the radical homosexualists, they do not intend to understand, because they do not know the wisdom of the Gospel

- Church news -



Reduced as we are to a Brancaleone army, believers of Christ per un verso e chierici per altro verso, contro quale agguerrito nemico si pensa di poter combattere? Volete sapere chi sono in realtà quei veri cattolici “integrali” che imperversano per i social media brandendo corone del rosario e Madonne parlanti con grave danno per l’immagine della Chiesa intera, che paventano fantascientifiche battaglie mistiche annunciando l’imminente trionfo del Cuore Immacolato di Maria? Soon said: sono delle povere crocerossine ignave che se dalla stanza dei Keyboard lions fossero portati per davvero in una trincea di guerra, morirebbero soffocati tra la loro urina e i loro escrementi, perché la paura, dinanzi alle armi del nemico e al sangue dei morti ammazzati sul campo di battaglia, sarebbe tanta e tale che non riuscirebbero a trattenere neppure per cinque minuti i loro orifizi.



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Ricordi di vita e di rapporti umani Padre Ariel con l’amica trans Vlady Guadagno nella sala trucco degli studi Mediaset di Cologno Monzese (May 2021)

Con quella divertita leggerezza estiva che non guasta, confido che dopo gli ultimi miei interventi televisivi al programma White area conducted by Giuseppe Brindisi, the 19 May, and from Straight and Reverse conducted by Paolo Del Debbio, the 24 June, mi sono dovuto sorbire critiche in sé sempre legittime, seguite però da insulti che in sé non sono invece legittimi. Ne prendo uno tra i tanti e neppure il peggiore. Un tale, convinto di essere un autentico cattolico “integrale”, così commenta il mio colloquio con l’amico Alessandro Cecchi Paone e l’amica trans Vlady Guadagno al programma del 19 May:


«Eri così remissivo che potevi dare il culo a Cecchi Paone direttamente negli studi di Mediaset» (!?).


Sorvoliamo sullo stile per concentrarci su altro: l’imbecille metafisico, presunto cattolico “integrale” o meno che sia, ha la capacità di farsi riconoscere all’istante con una epigrafe sintetica, senza bisogno di cimentarsi in un’articolata e complessa lectio magistralis. So that, in tono ilare, risposi in privata sede alcattolico integrale”:


«Credo che l’amico Alessandro Cecchi Paone abbia possibilità di scelta molto migliori, rispetto al culo di un prete».


Also because, se devo dirla express, solo l’amabile e delicato Dottor Rocco Lapenta, mio colonoscopista di fiducia, ha il privilegio unico e irripetibile di entrarmici dentro col sondino only one, presso la Clinica Villa del Rosario di Roma, dove mi sottopongo a questa pratica affatto erotico-giocosa. Mio padre morì cinquantenne per un tumore al colon-retto, che in alcuni casi può essere ereditario, per ciò meglio controllarsi periodicamente e nel caso prevenire. E qui — sempre nell’ambito della leggerezza estiva — va detto che la mia colonoscopia è sempre un avvenimento in quella clinica, più delle partite in cui gioca la Roma, di cui le suore anziane sono tifose. Forse persino più atteso della stessa festa in cui si fa memoria liturgica di San Vincenzo Maria Pallotti, fondatore di quella Congregazione di suore, dette appunto Suore Pallottine, for friends Suore Pallottoline. Presto detto il motivo: vi sembro forse un soggetto da euforizzare, essendolo già fin troppo per natura? Immaginate per ciò cosa accade se sono sedato con anestetici che mi gasano. These are the results: la suora assistente di sala operatoria, scuotendo la testa dinanzi agli sproloqui che uscivano dalla mia bocca mentre ero in stato di euforica incoscienza, sbotta:


«ma che bocca de fogna c’ha questo! Ma c’avete portato ‘n sala operatoria pe ‘a colonoscopia ‘n prete, o er carbonaro ‘mbriaco der Marchese der Grillo?».


A chi non fosse chiaro ribadisco per l’ennesima volta: leggerezze estive. Comprensibili e forse anche opportune, considerando che tutti siamo reduci da mesi di lavoro e da vari lockdown che in tante persone hanno lasciato il segno. Dio volesse che avessero lasciato anche una indelebile lezione di vita, come noi of Padri The Island of Patmos spiegammo tra le righe del nostro libro The Church and the coronavirus, in cui narriamo la nostra esperienza pastorale tutt’altro che facile in quei momenti di emergenza. Per questo ritengo che sorridere faccia tutt’altro che male. Nella vita bisogna essere seri e non seriosi, morali e non moralisti.


E mentre l’Italia si dibatteva in preda a una emergenza inaspettata senza precedenti, con rischi di collasso della nostra sanità ― che alla prova dei fatti ha retto però molto meglio rispetto ad altri Paesi europei specializzati a guardare l’Italia e gli italiani con la puzza sotto il naso ― con l’aggiunta di una crisi economica che a detta degli esperti non si vedeva dal dopoguerra, tra le priorità in agenda del nostro legislatore c’era il Disegno di legge Zan contro la omotransfobia.


Per poco possa valere il mio parere di persona con una pregressa formazione giuridica, debbo dire che ho faticato a trovare un vuoto normativo da colmare con una apposita legge, soprattutto con una legge che crea di fatto delle nuove categorie protette. Volutamente non mi lancio nel diritto penale e nel diritto costituzionale, che pure credo di conoscere e ricordare a sufficienza, né intendo disputare sui difetti di questo disegno per come al momento è formulato in bozza, cosa peraltro pressoché normale per tutti i Disegni di legge. Oppure spiegare ai sensi di diritto in che modo possa confliggere con alcune libertà fondamentali garantite dalla Costituzione, dalla libertà di pensiero e di opinione alla libertà d’insegnamento. Senza dimenticare il Concordato tra Stato e Chiesa, ricordato di recente dalla Santa Sede tra i gridi all’ingerenza clericale di giuristi e costituzionalisti che si sono improvvisati tali sulle piazze, attraverso le idiozie sparate da qualche influence tutto tatuaggi e poco cervello, per seguire con alcune parate del Gay Pride dove l’eccesso grottesco è di casa. Il Concordato, revisionato nel 1984 da un Governo presieduto da un laicissimo Primo ministro socialista, garantisce alla Chiesa una libertà di pensiero, espressione e insegnamento che questo Disegno, se convertito in legge tal quale è stato scritto, finirebbe per limitare. Lo dissi direttamente a suo tempo anche all’Onorevole Alessandro Zan nel corso di una puntata di Straight and Reverse, that of 9 October 2020, citando un passo tratto dall’epistolario del Beato Apostolo Paolo, per poi domandare:


«Posto che alla fine della lettura di questa epistola nella quale si stigmatizza la sodomia, noi non diciamo parola dei Vescovi O parola del Padre Ariel, ma Word of God, tomorrow, leggendo e commentando questo testo, rischio per caso di trovarmi con i Carabinieri che mi attendono in sacrestia alla fine della Santa Messa?».


E qui va chiarito che si stigmatizza la sodomia, non il sodomita. Passaggio non chiaro a coloro che agiscono mossi da passioni emotive irrazionali, contestando a priori e per partito preso una Chiesa di cui non conoscono la dottrina, il magistero e una condotta di vita morale che noi offriamo e proponiamo, ma che non imponiamo né mai imporremmo a nessuno. Per questo colsi l’occasione per spiegare in seguito in un altro programma, That of the 24 June 2021:


«Non è facile far capire alle persone la differenza che corre tra peccato e peccatore. La Chiesa condanna il peccato ma accoglie sempre il peccatore, se non lo facesse, tradirebbe la missione che Cristo le ha affidato».


Per non parlare della non discriminazione, che la Chiesa ha fissato tre decenni prima del Disegno di legge Zan nel Catechismo che recita:


«Un numero non trascurabile di uomini e di donne presenta tendenze omosessuali profondamente radicate. Questa inclinazione, oggettivamente disordinata, costituisce per la maggior parte di loro una prova. Perciò devono essere accolti con rispetto, compassion, delicacy. A loro riguardo si eviterà ogni marchio di ingiusta discriminazione. Such people are called to carry out God's will in their life, e, if they are Christian, to unite the difficulties they may encounter as a result of their condition to the sacrifice of the Lord's cross " [n. 2358].


Dinanzi alla parola «disordine», non pochi esponenti dell’omosessualismo ideologico radicale, maestri insuperabili della estrapolazione selvaggia e della little word presa e isolata dal suo contesto, se potessero impugnare una legge mal fatta e ambigua non esiterebbero a chiedere la condanna della Chiesa e la cancellazione ― va da sé con tanto di procedimenti penali o di scuse ― di questa espressione da loro reputata altamente offensiva, o per meglio dire omofoba. Talmente incapaci sono a leggere che sulle righe si condanna con chiarezza non passibile di equivoci la pratica dell’omosessualità, non l’omosessuale, che troverà invece sempre accoglienza, comprensione e ascolto. If not, se lo rigettassimo o peggio discriminassimo, come dicevo poc’anzi tradiremmo il messaggio stesso di Cristo Dio e la missione che Egli ci ha affidato. I ciechi omosessualisti radicali ignorano con spirito di chiusura e cecità ideologica che la Chiesa, nella edizione del Catechismo del 1992, writes:


«[…] A loro riguardo [Ndr degli omosessuali] si eviterà ogni marchio di ingiusta discriminazione».


Il tutto fu scritto quando l’Onorevole Alessandro Zan aveva appena 18 year old e sedeva sui banchi delle scuole medie superiori, non certo su quelli del Parlamento della Repubblica.


Sempre nella puntata del 19 maggio di White area, entro i brevi tempi concessi a tutti gli opinionisti ospiti nei salotti televisivi ― dove certo non si possono fare conferenze né scendere troppo su complesse tematiche specialistiche ―, andando all’essenziale spiegai la differenza sostanziale che corre tra “compromesso” e “mediazione”. E lo feci portando come esempio uno dei miei formatori, diplomatico di lungo corso a servizio della Santa Sede, uomo di fede e santo vescovo, che mi trasmise l’importanza della mediazione scevra da compromessi.


In questi ultimi tempi ho subito vari attacchi più o meno … colonoscopici da parte di cattolici che dinanzi a certe mie parole hanno urlato al tradimento e alla resa, dopo che in più occasioni pubbliche ho affermato: né la Conferenza Episcopale Italiana né la Santa Sede hanno espressa e mostrata contrarietà alcuna verso questo Disegno di legge. Io sono membro del Corpo Mistico che è la Chiesa, di cui Cristo è capo e noi membra vive [cf.. With the 1, 18], se pertanto mi presento come presbitero e teologo in qualsiasi contesto pubblico, esprimo e diffondo il pensiero oggettivo della Chiesa, della Santa Sede e dei nostri Vescovi italiani, non certo il pensiero soggettivo mio, che non avrebbe né mai potrebbe avere alcuna rilevanza. Therefore, se da pochi o molti è ritenuto necessario, che questo Disegno sia pure convertito in legge, nulla da dire e nulla da obiettare in tal senso da parte cattolica, come hanno espresso la Conferenza Episcopale Italiana prima e poi la Santa Sede a seguire. Però dopo averlo rivisto, garantendo una doppia tutela: l’azione penale e la condanna contro eventuali omofobi violenti ma al tempo stesso la libertà di pensiero, speech and expression, quindi il libero esercizio del ministero della Chiesa che ha il diritto di trasmettere la propria morale, previa tutela della libertà d’insegnamento nelle scuole, senza che in esse sia imposto ― in quelle statali come in quelle paritarie cattoliche ― l’indottrinamento al gender. Ma soprattutto senza che nessuno, dal giorno dopo il varo di quella legge a seguire, ci subissi di querele, chiedendo ai tribunali di obbligarci a cancellare intere pagine della dottrina e della morale cattolica, che ripeto è offerta e proposta agli uomini di buona volontà, mai imposta a chiunque abbia la liberà volontà di rigettarla. Su questo bisogna mediare e trovare un accordo, non un compromesso. Proprio come fecero i nostri Padri Costituenti, dando all’Italia appena uscita dalla guerra una Carta Costituzionale che sintetizza quelle che furono le istanze di tutte le correnti: Communists, socialisti, Liberals, repubblicani, cattolici popolari …


In serena coscienza penso di poter dire che non c’è differenza tra certi omosessualisti appartenenti alle correnti più radicali e certi cattolici cosiddetti “integrali”, tenendo conto che i primi recano grandi disagi e imbarazzi alla comunità omosessuale, i secondi grandi disagi e imbarazzi alla Chiesa e alla comunità cattolica, perché gli uni come gli altri ragionano e lottano su basi puramente emotivo-ideologiche. Esattamente ciò che nel dibattito televisivo del 20 October 2020 rimproverai all’Onorevole Alessandro Zan affermando:


«[…] il legislatore dovrebbe ripartire dalla antica sapienza di Aristotele: la legge è ragione priva di passione. Mentre invece questo Disegno di legge pare giocato sulle passioni emotive».


Detto questo aggiungo per onestà intellettuale che i secondi soggetti ― i cattolici “integrali” ― hanno un’altra caratteristica che li rende particolarmente venefici e forse persino peggiori degli omosessualisti radicali: confondere la fede con il cieco e bieco fideismo, che della fede non è neppure cugino di terzo grado.


Per tutta una complessa serie di ragioni che analizzai ed esposi undici anni fa nel mio libro And Satan became triune, oggi la Chiesa Cattolica sta vivendo un momento di grande debolezza e profonda decadenza che ha generato una crisi morale nel nostro clero senza precedenti storici. Il principio di autorità non è semplicemente entrato in crisi, è stato proprio distrutto. Quei certi preti che ogni tanto, come verginelle vilipese, si stracciano le vesti per una mia parola colorita ― detta rigorosamente in modo del tutto voluto proprio per irritarli, come ho fatto nella parte introduttiva di questo articolo tra culi e colonoscopie ―, sono gli stessi che poi disattendono i comandi dei loro vescovi diocesani o dei loro superiori maggiori religiosi, o che di loro sparlano male in giro per tutta la diocesi, solo perché il Sommo Sacerdote si è permesso di dargli un paterno e pacato suggerimento, offendendo e oltraggiando in tal modo il loro narcisismo clericale ipertrofico. Di tutt’altra pasta sono fatto io, rispetto a queste suscettibili vergini clericali, perché il mio Vescovo l’ho sempre venerato come immagine apostolica del Cristo che regge e tiene unite tutte le membra del corpo e quindi l’ho di rigore sempre ubbidito, o miei cari e implacabili critici clericali! Critici tra i quali spiccano, tra le vergini più vergini ― oltre che tra le più litigiose e velenose ―, i presbiteri appartenenti agli Ordini religiosi storici, che sempre di meno sanno dove alberga quella obbedienza da loro suggellata con un particolare voto solenne.


Reduced as we are to a Brancaleone army, believers of Christ per un verso e chierici per altro verso, contro quale agguerrito nemico si pensa di poter combattere? Volete sapere chi sono in realtà quei veri cattolici “integrali” che imperversano per i social media brandendo corone del rosario e Madonne parlanti con grave danno per l’immagine della Chiesa intera, che paventano fantascientifiche battaglie mistiche annunciando l’imminente trionfo del Cuore Immacolato di Maria? Soon said: sono delle povere crocerossine ignave che se dalla stanza dei Keyboard lions fossero portati per davvero in una trincea di guerra, morirebbero soffocati tra la loro urina e i loro escrementi, perché la paura, dinanzi alle armi del nemico e al sangue dei morti ammazzati sul campo di battaglia, sarebbe tanta e tale che non riuscirebbero a trattenere neppure per cinque minuti i loro orifizi.


A tutti quei sedicenti cattolici “integrali” che non sanno cosa sia veramente il Vangelo e quanto eterna e senza tempo sia la parola santissima e sempre attuale in esso contenuta, per capire cosa sia la mediazione da perseguire, quando non si possono fare battaglie e tanto meno vincerle ― con buona pace dell’imminente e magico trionfo del Cuore Immacolato di Maria ridotta da certi tristi figuri a una via di mezzo tra la dea Athena e la fata Turchina ― basterebbe leggere questo passo:


«[…] which king, going to war against another king, he does not sit down first to examine whether he can confront with ten thousand men whoever comes to meet him with twenty thousand? if not, while the other is still far away, sends him an embassy for peace " [LC 14, 31-32].


Questa è la sapienza della mediazione, con buona pace di certi cattolici “integrali” che impazzano sui social media tra immagini di cristi androgini photoshoppati e madonnine languide da cartone animato, more or less Keyboard lions that, the reckoning, la sanno più lunga di Gesù Cristo, ma soprattutto sono parecchio più sapienti di Lui. Avere creato infatti una cattolicità emotivo-narcisistica che non tiene conto della parola e del messaggio del Verbo di Dio incarnato, è moralmente cosa molto peggiore della pratica dell’omosessualità, lo dice con chiarezza Cristo tra le righe affermando:


«”In verità vi dico: the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God. Is John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe; the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him instead. Butter, on the contrary, though she had seen these things, you do not even repent and believe him "» [Mt 21, 31-32].


Just so: «Non vi siete nemmeno pentiti per credergli», come invece hanno fatto, over time, numerosi omosessuali racchiusi da Cristo, assieme a tanti altri peccatori di vario genere, nelle figure dei «pubblicani» e delle «prostitute», che sono una metafora e un paradigma che racchiude al proprio interno le miserie e le debolezze dell’intera umanità composta sia da eterosessuali sia da omosessuali.


the Island of Patmos, 8 July 2021




Dear Readers,

about “radical homosexualists”, please read the article written by the president of our editions [WHO vedere], in which we ask for support for the fund of my court costs. I was made the subject of a lawsuit that, however unfounded, however, it requires me to proceed with my defense in court and therefore obliges me to spend money on legal fees. The logic is clear: hit one to frighten them and put a thousand of them to bed. This is why I trust so much in your precious help.

I thank those who have so far sent a contribution for the provision for court costs, and to whom I sent a message of thanks in private. Unfortunately, to some, I could not answer instead, because along with their donation they did not send a message with their email. I thank them so much in these lines, sorry for not being able to send him a thank you message.



«You will know the truth and the truth will set you free» [GV 8,32],
but bring, spread and defend the truth not only of
risks but also the costs. Help us supporting this Island
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Read more

Father Ariel on trial: “I have often been ahead of my time with books and articles, today I risk being the forerunner of “Zan design” before it becomes law of the Republic. Catholics who say they respect me, they will be willing to put their hands in their pockets and support me for the court costs?»

- Church news -



In front of a gay who represents Jesus Christ as an outcast from Cage aux Folles (verbatim: the cage of madmen) bringing it in a mocking procession to the last Gay Pride from Milan, no Catholic has the right to feel offended, because they are just playful expressions of the rainbow gaiety that anything can afford, except to sue anyone who dares to reply to these public insults, raising severe questions proportionate to the extreme gravity of the offense.


Jorge Facio Lynx
President of Editions The island of Patmos



PDF print format article




Si can claim respect and insult others at the same time, except to sue them if they react to serious offenses? Apparently some think they can

The paradigm of the society of the Third Millennium finds its synthesis in this reflection by Gilbert Keith Chesterton:


“The great march of intellectual destruction will continue. Everything will be denied and it will become a creed. It is a reasonable position to deny the stones of the street; will become a religious dogma to reaffirm. It is a rational argument that it takes all immersed in a dream; will be a sensible form of mysticism say that we are all awake. Fires will be stoked to witness that two plus two equals four. Swords will be drawn to show that the leaves are green in summer. We will find ourselves defending not only the incredible virtues and the incredible sense of human life, but something even more incredible, this immense, impossible universe staring at us in the face. We will fight for visible wonders as if they were invisible. We will look at the grass and the skies impossible with a strange courage. We will be among those who have seen and yet have believed " (from the work Heretics).


In circumstances such as the one we will now narrate you risk two different things: or bitterness, or pleasant surprises. But let's get to the story, to be introduced with a necessary premise: as a criminal case is underway, it is advisable to avoid going into details and limiting oneself to the narration of the fact. Otherwise you run the risk of doing like those defendants assisted by lawyers superstar who go to discuss their processes in the various talk show while the first trial phase has just begun in court.


Here's the story: years ago Father Ariel took the public defense of an elderly priest, teologist and academic, mocked on social media, then in the national press, for half a sentence cut from one of his answers given in a biblical-exegetical context. With that extrapolated sentence he was made to say what he had never said, that "earthquakes are a punishment from God".


You can claim respect and insult others at the same time, except to sue them if they react to serious offenses? Apparently some think they can …

To launch the news he was a young journalist belonging to the most radical branch in the world LGBT. father ariel, acting a defense of the elderly theologian in an articulated polemical context, he used some ironic expressions in interrogative form, which the interested party, however, considered defamatory, for this he sued him.


Father Ariel never knew than in 2017 had been sued under dell’art. 595 of the Criminal Code and that he was being investigated. Only three and a half months ago, summoned to the local Police Headquarters of the place where the court seised is located, where he presented himself 45 minutes after being contacted by phone, he learned that he had been sued.


Got to know everything a ITER now started, he first proceeded to appoint a trusted criminal lawyer as a defender.


You can claim respect and insult others at the same time, except to sue them if they react to serious offenses? Apparently some think they can …

This is the story in broad strokes, without going into details. Not because it can't be done, but why not, it would be inappropriate and unfair. These columns are not the right place to expose the defensive reasons, to be presented in an appropriate forum before the judicial body. The trials are neither in the newspapers nor in the social media, because both of them can neither condemn nor absolve, nor should they ever, even if they often pretend to do so by putting people or entire institutions to public derision.


It is singular to be brought to trial from a subject that promotes the gay world more radical and which has always supported, for example with articles and various public interventions, certain parades of the Gay Pride, in which swarm all the worst desecrations aimed at the figures and symbols most dear to Christianity, from the sneers towards Jesus Christ to those towards the Blessed Virgin Mary, considered by some to be fully legitimate. However, it is not tolerated that questions of any kind can be raised about the promoters of ideology LGBT. It seems in fact that promote jeers towards Jesus Christ in the parody of a gay in high heels carrying a cross on which instead of the Latin inscription I.N.R.I (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews) there is a stylized cock, cannot constitute an insult to the sensitivity of Catholics, because this is granted. Not only, it even claims that a special law is passed on the pretext of condemning that homophobia - which we all condemn without the need for laws that change the world LGBT in “protected category” [see Father Ariel's latest television talk on this issue, by the minute 1:38 following —, with the serious risk of turning adverse opinions into a crime, where on the one hand the right to blasphemous insult is claimed, on the other hand, they do not hesitate to border complaints for every legitimate sigh aimed at defending their moral values ​​and religious symbols.


You can claim respect and insult others at the same time, except to sue them if they react to serious offenses? Apparently some think they can …

(D)in front of a gay who represents Jesus Christ like a leaked from Cage aux Folles (verbatim: the crazy cage) bringing it in a mocking procession to the last Gay Pride from Milan, no Catholic has the right to feel offended, because they are just playful expressions of the rainbow gaiety that anything can afford, except to sue anyone who dares to reply to these public insults, raising severe questions proportionate to the gravity of the offense inflicted on what is most sacred and dear to Christianity.


And to say that that of the Honorable Alessandro Zan it is for now only a drawingor by law. If it passed as they wrote it, with all the ambiguity contained in the text to the articles 1, 4, 7, what would happen? We will perhaps be overwhelmed with complaints starting the next day, if anything, for having explained the Book of Genesis in the part in which it is said that God male and female created them, or for having explained that a family is made up of a father and a mother and that only they can have a child, so that two rich gays who make a baby by paying the womb for a poor woman from a developing country, they do something inhumane? We are not talking about certain letters of the Blessed Apostle Paul in which words of condemnation are expressed towards the practice of sodomy. [See. The Cor 6, 9-11]. Tomorrow, sorry quarrel, they will perhaps prevent us from reading and explaining certain sacred texts, post that anyway, of always, Catholic morality condemns sin but not the sinner, rejecting the first and always welcoming the second with mercy and without discriminating against anyone? They will bring the priests to court after they have read certain passages in the churches during the Holy Mass, asking for the immediate withdrawal from the trade of copies of the Gospels, if those sentences are not cut, if anything, with a lot of apologies addressed to the members of the most susceptible and aggressive groups LGBT?


You can claim respect and insult others at the same time, except to sue them if they react to serious offenses? Apparently some think they can …

Simply said,: certain priests affected by the widespread complex Of Don Abbondio they should not be censored, they will self-censor themselves. They will say that Genesis is an ancient text, that the Apostle Paul was exalted, maybe even a little’ homophobic when he condemned same-sex sexual relations. If the Zan Bill is not reformulated, saving the freedom of opinion and teaching of parents and Catholic schools, the groups LGBT they will end up imposing the gender forced under the pretext of condemning homotransphobia.


Facing a criminal trial it means spending money that we don't have, nor can we go into debt to do so. This is why we launch a request that could lead us to have unexpected satisfactions or sorrows greater than the lawsuit we have told you about.. This is a simple request: help us pay for Father Ariel's court costs. We ask those who send us messages of appreciation for our articles, books and for the televised speeches of Father Ariel. We ask for it, above all, to those Catholics you are on social media they tear their clothes on the "danger" of the Zan Bill as it is formulated in the draft. In fact, let it be clear that with the emotional rag of clothing or with the outbursts of certain Catholics Keyboard lions nobody is protected. Instead, put your hands in your pockets and send a contribution to The Island of Patmos for the expense fund necessary for the trial defense of Father Ariel it will instead be of much use. Indeed, as far as the lawyer intends to limit the costs as much as possible, it will take many thousands of euros, because processes cost money. It should also be borne in mind - again with regard to court costs - that on the other hand there is not a simple single, but the most radical segment of the world LGBT, who has already filed a civil party through an Association. And they have no problem facing legal fees and running trials for all three courts, they have money, lenders and law firms who work especially for them, for this they spared no expense.


You can claim respect and insult others at the same time, except to sue them if they react to serious offenses? Apparently some think they can …

To you the choice: you can amaze the Fathers de The Island of Patmos or embitter them. In both cases the Fathers will not cease to work for the truth and the People of God, even when the people chat and do not throw out a penny in the face of the emergency of true necessity. But he tells us good, it magnifies the courage of others and the way in which the genuine lions of God stand up for the truth. All free compliments with which, however, the costs of a trial are not paid, especially if on the other hand there is a fierce and ideological group that does not want to bring Father Ariel on trial, but the Catholic Church. And with this we have made it clear that the compliments of committed Roman Catholics and militants accustomed to acting let's arm ourselves and ... go, they are of no practical use. Therefore, do not send us flattering comments or expressions of encouraging solidarity, send us money!


Who will want to support us for the payment of the court costs of Father Ariel can send their free donation to the current account of Editions The island of Patmos or through the convenient and safe system PayPal, all the details can be found at the bottom of this page. Please write in the description “court costs of Father Ariel” and also to send us an e-mail with your name and e-mail address, so that we can send you a message of thanks for your concrete and valuable contribution.


the Island of Patmos, 3 July 2021




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