Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

The Papacy crucified

– Letters of Patmos Island Readers



"Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified " [AP 11,8].



Author John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON



It is because of the divisions within the Catholic Church if these events occur and you can not denounce the heresies, if not true fathers as the author of the article [Ed. cf. WHO] The important thing is to be in brotherly peace. Now it is more important to physically help humanity, in his vices and sinful weaknesses; mercy at this time is a raging river, He is flooding its banks and wonder: "The leaders of the Roman Catholic Church are ready to act on the closed to contain the flooding»? All'Angelo of the Church of Laodicea wrote John in: "These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the principle of things created by God. I have known thy works, as neither cold, neither hot: oh it was cold or, or hot: but because you are lukewarm, and neither cold, neither hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth " [Ed. cf. AP 3, 14]. Nobody talks, everyone is petrified, only on blogs complaint and light threads, criticism. There is the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith? On these cases, why not intervenes and corrects errors perpetrated, denying and reiterating the absolute truth? For case, using the motto … "Who am I to judge?».

Christ Kingdoms!

(James N.)


«[…] saw a Bishop dressed in White, we had the impression that it was the HolyPope apocalyptic vision Dad. Several other bishops, priests, men and women religious going up a steep mountain, on top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of cork bark; the Holy Father, before reaching, He passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his journey; having reached the top of Mt., his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired several shots of gunfire and arrows, and at the same way there died one after another the other bishops, priests, men and women religious, and various lay people, men and women of different ranks and positions»

[Sister Lucia of Fatima]



shepherd children of Fatima

photographic image of the three shepherd children of Fatima

The comment of James gives me inspiration to respond with a real article. My thoughts go to the revelation of the third secret of Fatima made by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI a few years ago. We have the framework of a humanity and a suffering Church and the extremes, and would almost did say destroyed. One of the works of mercy that we find in Catechism of St. Pius X is: "To pray for the living and the dead". And that's what the Pope, in the vision, He's doing. He along with the pastors of the Church, salt laboriously among the corpses on a mountain, where there is a large cross. The pope kneels down and there is killed.


It is clearly not the deceptively optimistic view of the Church put about by Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini. It is rather realistic framework, by the Blessed Pope Paul VI, [the "smoke of Satan" entered the Church], they gave up to Popes Benedict XVI, who spoke of "general crisis of faith". The present Pope has no such alarmed and dramatic, not to create further confusion and anguish. As a tender mother, he wants to show himself calm, comforting and optimistic about not discourage. But only he knows better than us what is going on.


dragon apocalypse

representation of the Apocalypse Dragon Blessed Apostolo Giovanni

The tragedy of the situation It can best be understood by comparing it to the vision of the Third Secret of Fatima, with Ap 11,1-13, which he speaks of "two witnesses" [symbol of few true Catholics remained loyal to the Pope], who will be martyred together with the Pope by a huge crowd of angry apostates, but they will rise victorious, since the gates of hell shall not praevlebunt against the Church.


Pope Francis strives to grasp the positive aspects of modernity, yes condemning some mistakes and sins, but especially practicing mercy across the board, persuading without connivance and correcting the errant with love, because convinced that this poor humanity, more than evil, it is unfortunate. there he is, At that time, follow the example of Christ, "not to break the bruised reed or extinguish a smoldering wick" [CF. Mt 12,20]. Not so much, for him, to send to jail, but to send the hospital.


saint peter destroyed

a fantastic view of St. Peter's Basilica in ruins and overrun by torrential waters …

Come a San Giovanni XXIII, in his famous opening speech of Vatican II, October 11 1962, this Pope does not like "suggestions of some people, pur ardent di very, but not equipped with abundant sense of discretion and measurement. In modern times they see nothing but prevarication and ruin ". Even Pope Francis' seem to have to dissent from these people prophets of doom, who preach events increasingly ominous, He loomed as if the end of the world ". Obviously, Pope Francis knows he will have reached the end of the world, but it does not believe that this is the time. Rather it is to complete the work of reform of the Council.


Except Pope John, that, as is known, She was expecting a "new Pentecost", He did not foresee the misunderstanding of his words. In fact it happened, since the years immediately after the Council, that the confrontation with modernity promoted by the Pope and by the Council, It was not intended in the right direction, ie as a critical assumption of the values ​​of modernity in the light of the Gospel, but as idolatrous and uncritical absolutism of modernity and choice, in the Gospel, interpreted in the Protestant manner, only what is compatible with modernity thus understood.


apocalypse Babylon

depiction of Babylon, according to the Apocalypse story of Blessed Apostolo Giovanni

At the same time, and with perverse logical consistency, always a misunderstanding of the Pope's words, He gave up to fight and to reiterate the errors of modernity, which instead, with unspeakable stupidity or cunning refined, They were brought to the stars as prophecies of a new era, as if the pre-conciliar Church was wrong to condemn them. It did not take other for a resurgence in high modernist style, What has already been denounced in 1966, unfortunately in vain, by Jacques Maritain, who spoke of the current modernism as "pneumonia" to compare the cold-modernism of St. Pius X times.


Now modernism It is so penetrated into the field of theology and Catholic publications, in the dioceses, in religious institutions, in academic institutions of the Church, in the hierarchy, the Holy See and among the employees of the Supreme Pontiff, that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is now in front of a dramatic alternative, never occurred before in the history of the Church. He lost control of the situation, as if ten policemen, alone, They were to regulate traffic in Rome. For some leading theologian, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is a hotbed of reactionary, that would agree to close and replace with direct ecumenism by Cardinal Walter Kasper, recalled to duty.


head in the sand

one of the sports most practiced in this last half century: the ostrich sports …

By not intervening time, circa 50 Years ago, because of a careless stall, minimize and prevaricate, for excessive indulgence, lack of vigilance, of insight and courage, the bishops have allowed to modernism to invade the Church as a kind of metastasis. In the now large number of items contained in our two years of life of the archive’Patmos Island, Father Ariel has signed several writings in which he explains, and insists on the principle of "cancer with metastases in the body of the Church". just as I, in different ways but with the same underlying substance, I have written several articles to explain this problem. This is because both of us are aware of the presence, the effects and especially the fruits of this cancer.


Now there would be only two alternatives: or proceed in accordance with canon law, but then you should try and censor dozens if not hundreds of people including prelates, teachers, theology, religious and priests in the world; or give up intervening trusting in Divine Providence.


weeds and wheat

wheat and weeds …

Let the wheat and the tares grow together waiting for the Day of Judgment, or for better times. "The wicked will continue to be well perverse, the unclean continue to be unclean and the right to continue to do what is right, and the holy still sanctify " [AP 22,11].


The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith He chose the second option. Hence his lack of interventions for some years. Since the situation is humanly insoluble, We just have to trust in the Lord and in the intercession of the Virgin Mary and the Saints, especially St. Thomas Aquinas.


Pope Francis only

loneliness is the intimate and dramatic reality of each pontificate …

It's not a casuality that our online magazine of ecclesial and pastoral theology update has been called The Island of Patmos, so calling the site of the last revelation, where the Apostolo Giovanni, exile, He wrote the Apocalypse. Even name and subtitle chosen by us contain in itself an explanation, but above all a theological and eschatological message of hope; precisely that we hope that we try to transmit, and spread before a seemingly insoluble situation.


We help the Holy Father, do not leave it only to carry the cross, avoid those critical unripe, presumptuous, unjust and Pharisees, which ultimately produce nothing, but only envy, confusion and disobedience and, on the other side, let us not exploit, with a false flattering interpretation, his words for our interests rather mundane and remember the "fate that the hypocrites" [Mt 24,51].


Varazze, 9 June 2016







Happy Ramadan in memory of the Sisters of the Poor of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta brutally murdered by Islamists



With a message of Bishop Ambrogio Spreafico, responsible for ecumenism and for the inter-religious dialogue of the Italian Episcopal Conference, were addressed to about one million seven hundred the most devout Muslims living in Italy wishes for a happy Ramadan rich in spiritual fruits [cf. WHO].



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo




Sisters of Mother Teresa murdered

such images should not disturb, because there is a great European of aspirin’Moderate Islam

On a purely personal capacity, I would like to inform readers of’Patmos Island that tomorrow will celebrate a Holy Mass for the repose of the souls of four certainly already holy martyrs: the Little Sisters of the Poor of Beata Teresa of Calcutta, brutally murdered in Yemen 4 March 2016 by a group of Islamists [1], with them were killed volunteer contributors and elderly from their clients [cf. WHO].


Our good bishops, Ambrogio Spreafico head, responsible for ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue of the Italian Episcopal Conference, greetings certainly not turn to them fundamentalist Islamists, but the magical and dreamlike Moderate Islam, And I came or to write an article to which I refer: our bishops are appealing to the largest of aspirin’Moderate Islam [cf WHO], while their brothers bishops living in those regions, direct unnecessarily to all of them - as the Metropolitan Archbishop of Mosul, S. AND. Mons. Amel Nona - words of this kind:


Amel Miss

the Metropolitan Archbishop of Mosul, S. AND. Mons. Amel Miss, inside one of the many Chaldean Catholic churches destroyed by fundamentalist Islamists

"I lost my diocese. The physical location of my ministry has been occupied by Islamic radicals who want converted or dead […] you think that men are all the same, but it is not true. Islam does not say that men are all the same. Your values ​​are not their values. If you do not understand in time, become victims of the enemy that you welcomed into your home » [cf. WHO].


While with provocative elegance, His Beatitude the Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites, Cardinal Bechara Pierre Raï, he asked:


Patriarch Rai

Sua beatitudine it Patriarca Béchara Pierre Raï

"What say “moderate Islamists ” living in the West for what happens to our Christians in Mosul?» [cf. WHO]


L’Moderate Islam It is a figure of Islam that does not exist, invented by Europeans to exorcise their fears, deny the reality of the progressive Islamization of old Europe and escape the obvious fact: Islam is a structurally full of aggressive violence culture, encoded in its texts “sacred” and sealed in many Arab countries through the total lack of separation between political and religious power. Therefore, “the moderate Islamic“, It is comparable to any subject you proclaim “Catholic non-believer” O “Catholic atheist“, that is to say on the spot would cease to be Catholic, just like “the moderate Islamic“, which as such it would cease on the spot to be Muslim.



[1] With the term Islam It means a set of ideologies, including violent ideologies, they consider that Islam should guide social and political as well as personal life of all citizens. It is an essentially political conception of Islam, theocratic, which if necessary also legitimizes the persecution of other people's religious beliefs, the killing of “infidels” and the forced conversion.


Lectio magistralis the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI in Regensburg

[text in Italian, WHO]





In memory of the sisters of the murdered Poor







