Human sexual disorders, sexuality and happy fault

letters from readers 2

– They say the island of Patmos Fathers –



Masturbation is less natural dell'adulterio, because here's the man-woman relationship, and then complete the sexual act. Instead, from the point of view of guilt, masturbation is less severe, because it involves only the single, while adultery, as well as being sin in himself as the illegitimate union, It is also injustice to the legitimate spouse.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP




Dear Father Giovanni.

... But I understand that masturbation could be more serious adultery? To me at first glance it would seem the opposite. In my case: I masturbate da quando avevo 11 year old. At one time I was doing it, but I felt very grave guilt. For many years I have tried in every way to stop, never succeed at anything, if not to delay the act of an hour or two. Eventually, towards the 50 year old, I realized that my attempts were not to do it again doomed to failure, I agreed and metabolized that masturbation is an integral part of my life; since then every time I feel like I do it immediately without thinking about it. Currently I 61 years and since so far the instincts I have not diminished, I do it on average 3 times a day. At this point I would like to know if I should consider myself definitely in mortal sin or if, given the failure of my many previous attempts to not do it again, the severity of the fault may be attenuated. I forgot, I'm single not having found a soul mate, so no chance to satisfy some of my instincts by lawful sexual relations.




Dear Sandro.


Masturbation is less natural adultery, because here's the man-woman relationship, and then complete the sexual act […]

Voluntary masturbation - unless where it is justified by the medical checks on sperm - is a sexual organ that frustrates use its natural procreative purposes and can not express the love for his wife, since assuming she is absent.

Now, sin is a conscious and voluntary act contrary to the natural moral law given by God to man as the rule of his actions. And then it acts contrary to God's Legislator of human conduct. LMasturbation is a voluntary act that frustrates the achievement of the end use of the sexual organ. Therefore disobedience to the moral law, so it is disobedience to God's will, so it is sin.

Masturbation is less natural dell'adulterio, because here's the man-woman relationship, and then complete the sexual act. Instead, from the point of view of guilt, masturbation is less severe, because it involves only the single, while adultery, as well as being sin in himself as the illegitimate union, It is also injustice to the legitimate spouse.

The matter of masturbation itself is serious, because it involves the omission, albeit unintentional, yet objective, of that vital principle - sperm - which allows conception of man. In fact it is certainly not the suppression of already constituted human life (the zygote forward, where the matter is even more serious), but of a biological principle essentially ordered to the generation.

It is a mortal sin that threatens the human life and at what is to it immediately and essentially ordered. But masturbation has this feature. So in it it is found the matter of mortal sin. However, the sin, in its moral completeness - blame - it is not made up only of matter, but also by the form, which implies full warning (I know it is sin) and deliberate consent (I want do it).

If one does not know that that particular act is a sin; or you know, but it has precedents, that already has the habit, not tried it, do not you put it on the occasion, but the pulse is by itself, the subject is won or overwhelmed by the passion or lust or is unable to control himself or restrain himself, blame from deadly drops to venial.

Who does not have a spouse (celibate, Vedova, young, religious) he must, with discipline and the help of grace, You can also check, because marriage is not made for those who can not control themselves. Pauline theory of marriage as remedy for concupiscence, as I wrote in a recent article on these columns of 'Patmos Island [cf. WHO], It has been overtaken by the current Magisterium of the Church. He does not marry those who can not restrain himself, but rather those who know so well restrain, who knows how to turn a free act of love the impulse of passion. Everyone must exert self-control, married or unmarried.

Sperm production It is physiologically abundant. For this occasionally, during sleep, the sexual organ enters orgasm itself and emits excessive sperm. Since this is not an act willfully caused, but physiological, there is no sin in that.

In a situation such as his, according to the principles set out, she of extenuating. In my view, But, she must, while accettandosi in his weakness, make a greater effort of self-control, even if the phenomena remain. The moderate effort, steady and methodical, sustained by the grace, strengthens the will. But we should try to dispel these phenomena. Three times a day is too. Try to get to once a week, hoping to further thin out. It seems to me that you take it too lightly and we do not put all the will. For now she is at the level of venial. But if we do not put more effort, the mortal danger.

There are many means, methods and traditional ascetic gimmicks, very experienced and effective - the also I speak from my personal experience - for self-control, too numerous to list here. Inform yourself in a good treaty of ascetic and put them in place with perseverance. We must know how to wait for the results and not be in a hurry. God still satisfied if we are on the move and we are not resting either resign ourselves.

However, very briefly, these are:

1. fleeing occasions;

2. keep busy;

3. frequent ejaculations, especially when there is the temptation;

4. Confession and frequent Communion;

5. Holy Rosary;

6. control of the senses and the imagination;

7. after the fall, get up immediately, obtaining God's forgiveness with personal penitential acts. No need to go to confession every time.

Keep in mind that if you let yourself go to the impulses, it becomes even more susceptible to the passion, as Christ says: «Who commits sin, It is a slave of sin " [GV 3,34].


the Island of Patmos, 22 June 2016






[…] chastity is therefore not bargain for missing men but a privilege for strong and balanced male, comforted by divine grace and always in search of divine grace, Based and straight on a form of exclusive love that God gives the call to the priesthood and religious life. If not, instead of being left with motivated and balanced men in body and spirit, you run the risk of changing the Holy Mother Church in a sad refugium hybridorum



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo




Dear Father Ariel.

I read two of his books, and for some years I read his articles, and I think I have understood that before you become a priest you have been man of the world, we say … navigated. Watching videos of his lectures, emerges a virile attitude, in cassock wearing, stands out even more (I have said three women to me very close). This is to explain why I turn to her for an important decision. Because the seminary where I am, virility unsatisfactory, trainers in the first place, all smiles, argentinian vocet, dreamy eyes … I do not exaggerate in saying that, more than half of the seminarians, They have obvious issues of sexual identity. For this I ask, she, He had among the seminarians hands that are put in play if Gabriel Garko was more beautiful before or after cosmetic surgery, how to react? And how to react in front of the vice-rector of the seminary, that taking part in the discussion says "to me Garko always liked because it has a particular face of the woman who has a bit 'of man's beauty and a bit' of beauty"?. Easy to criticize others, but even I have my flaws, one such frequent recourse to masturbation. Since a year I should be ordained deacon, it is good to ask me if one who can not control himself, You can become a good priest. I do not want to justify myself, and I am conscious of the seriousness of the whole, but I would say that in the fall frequently in this sin, at least I think women, not to Gabriel Garko.

Letter Signed



Dear son.

Gabriel Garko

the actor Gabriel Garko in an image from the film Rudolph Valentino (year 2014), made the subject of pleasant debate in some of our disastrous seminars …

I start from the end of your letter to tell you from the beginning of my answer that you do well to think of women, so that the priest must be a man attracted to women, to which experience all the natural sexual urges. If in fact there is no man's cloth, including natural attraction to the opposite sex, It lacks the basic requirement for sewing with good fabric l 'attitude of the good priest.

In one of my books, I explain which way to turn to free choice and for a higher spiritual purpose to chastity, it means to be the exact opposite of what in fact is a mental castrated or a repressed psychophysical never released from pre-adolescence, which as such has never meditated on the mystery of the true God and true Man.

The priest or religious, voted for his choice motivated and conscious chastity, It must be a spirit and a male who has successfully brought forward, dell'accoglimento the day of his vocation until the end of theological education and the contribution of the Holy Order, a balanced process “translation” of her sexual libido. The presbyter, seized all the wealth from the erotic dimension, the changes in sexual passion of becoming a spiritual being, of his love for Christ, with Christ and in Christ. The priest does not free from the love of one's body because disreputable ties, but why to love and to give himself to all can not be tied to a particular woman, nor have responsibilities of fatherhood, as it is called to be faithful spouse of his Church and responsible caring father of all. And so the Church assumes for the priest anointed as old christ the image of the mystical bride and the People of God becomes the people of his children.

Chastity is thus not bargain for missing men but a privilege for strong and balanced male, comforted by divine grace and always in search of divine grace, Based and straight on a form of exclusive love that God gives the call to the priesthood and religious life. If not, instead of being left with motivated and balanced men in body and spirit, you run the risk of changing the Holy Mother Church in a sad refugium hybridorum stormed by people, not having physical numbers, psychological and financial resources to groped other kinds of careers in, plunge fish on laces of cooked and on the heady aroma of incense smoke, from the lowest to the highest levels, aesthetising emptily faith, omosessualizzando the Church and making sad rigor great ecclesiastical careers.

It is spiritually formative educate young seminarians in artificial size where sex is often removed with tacit fear? If in a delicate age group bound to affect the entire existence of a young man she will not be brought up by mature masters, It will go the way of the man who was raised in a hyperbaric chamber fueled by pure oxygen; just put out his body proved unfit to withstand the climatic environment and not having developed common antibodies was attacked immediately by all the diseases of this world. Because of this, happen with sad frequency of young priests abandon the Sacred Order even a few months after his priestly ordination; Why, catapulted from the dream world of the seminar to the real world, suddenly discover that being, the existence and relate to the next in the flesh, It is something quite different from what they thought, or that they were made to think and believe.

If a man passes from the seminary to the priesthood through a surreal celibacy built on virtue as beautiful as fictitious, can get out of a priest peaceful able to share the fate of his brothers floundering in a world that stimulates all except the exaltation of evangelical love life and sex experienced as an extraordinary gift of God? Who is responsible for sexually educating future priests, perhaps some young rectors and spiritual directors of seminaries, which sometimes has the merit of transferring the disciples their unresolved problems and the worst psychological and sexual distortions of their own minds? You can not create a priest, without first having created a man and a balanced male in body and spirit. But to create a real man-priest, It must be a real man-Bishop, a real man-rector-of-workshop and a real man-manager-spiritual, not subject to them when they grow up in this sad fish production in tank.

How many beautiful vocations, of healthy men in the body of the balance and spirit, running into some trainers frustrated with a thousand hidden complexes, instead of becoming priests, they took the door and they left? And when the beautiful vocation of real men as God flee, what kind of damaged goods remains, fill the seminars and to swell the ranks of the soft voices? That's why we should never lose sight of the wonderful nature of man, for groped to pull out of the big fish tank for a priest not to be in heaven or on earth.

Said this, you understand well that your question with respect to finding myself what I would do in certain situations, in contact with certain subjects so to speak ambiguous, is a question entirely rhetorical. Indeed, knowing upstream as I would have acted in such situations, I can guarantee that no bishop has never crossed my mind to invite me to play the role of trainer in one of those seminars I held up several times the public pillory as the pretify ; because they know very well that certain seminars, already half-empty, I would have emptied them almost entirely.

Father John Carlson ON, in his previous answer, He has addressed the issue on the theological and moral level, providing explanations and clarifications also apply to you, that's why I articulated my answer in any other way, to avoid stating in other words the same underlying substance already expressed by my venerable fellow priest and theologian teacher. I limit myself only to suggest the reading of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, where at the end of n. 2352 you can find these enlightening words:


"To form an equitable judgment about the subjects' moral responsibility and to guide pastoral action, It will take into account the affective immaturity, force of acquired habit, conditions of anxiety, or other psychological or social factors that may mitigate, if not minimize, moral culpability ".


In light of this dictation of the Catechism, Now let's try to read the sentence in which you express:


«[…] the seminary where I am, virility unsatisfactory, trainers in the first place, all smiles, argentinian vocet, dreamy eyes … I do not exaggerate in saying that, more than half of the seminarians, They have obvious issues of sexual identity».


From this your sentence is first of all understand that the state of anguish and test to which you are subjected is remarkable, with all the psychological implications of the case. Therefore, if faced with a pleasant disquisition on the beauty of Gabriel Garko - to which the same vice-rector of the seminary participates declaring her admirer as synthesis of the beauty of the woman and the man's beauty -, for human reaction you were out of seminary and we were rushed into the arms of the disturbing Svetlana Porkova, arriving the next day, after a night of unbridled sex, my confession, I would have listened to you, comforted and acquitted. Obviously after she remembered what you'd first been aware, that is to say that you had not done well, trattandoti but with all the paternal delicacy with which a sinner called to the mystery of grace to administer the mercy and forgiveness of God, He must always treat other sinners [cf. My article "When you sleep where you keep your hands ?», WHO]. So I would have explained why, also by virtue of the night of unbridled sex with that Svetlana Porkova, Instead you had the necessary requirements to become a good priest.

In the state where you are and not happy in the environment in which you are forced to live and I formed, your sin - as taught by Catholic wisdom our Catechism - is very attenuated, if not minimized; and with it the moral culpability.

Always remember that man is not born to be chaste and that chastity, in the evangelical of "making ourselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven ' [cf. Mt 19, 12-13], It is a gift of grace, and through the grace it becomes in time and over time a human and spiritual conquest lowered into the natural attitude structured on freedom, certainly not on the self-repression of the castrati psichichi out by our fabbrichette clericals pretesche, or as any pretify.

Let it be so comforting the Holy Father of the Church Bishop Augustine of Hippo, that was not lacking virility, of excess testosterone and especially of great attraction to feminine beauty. Divided in your mind for a long time, St. Augustine in fact came to pray so: "Man, chaste rendimi, ma… not now!».

Not born chaste, in the same way that one is not born saints; chaste and holy one becomes, often after a lifetime of hard and strenuous work. And saints, always and rigor, It was proclaimed after death, never in this life.

Certain Your falls are not an impediment to the Sacred priestly order. Largest impediment would be if you, your age, I had no natural sexual impulses towards women, preferring to quibble if anything put on male beauty mingled with feminine of an actor, with so much of the vice-rector of the seminary participation in this discussion from little women in the washroom, not to mention even worse. But if I were to say worse, in times like these and with the Cardinals put today to the public pillory for “crimes of opinion” [cf. WHO, WHO, etc.] I would at least accused of homophobia by all the left radical chic, it gives The Republic and yes Micromega, trusting yelling "Long live Pope Francis, the revolutionary, The Punisher !», increasingly blurring the Successor of Peter with Comrade Ernesto Guevara said Che.

Also I invite you to meditate on the praise of the candle sung in the Easter Proclamation, also born from Doctor Thanks St. Augustine: «or felix blame, , which gained for us so great a Redeemer» ["Blessed is the blame, he did deserve such a we and so great a Redeemer "]. This Augustinian expression was so commented by Angelic Doctor San Tommaso Aquino: "Nothing is opposed to the fact that human nature's being raised up to something greater, even after sin. God permits, indeed, that there are evils to draw forth some greater good. Hence the saying of St. Paul: “Where sin increased, abounded grace” [RM 5,20]. For this reason, in praise of blessing of the Paschal candle, and sing: “O happy fault, which gained for us so great a Redeemer!”» [CF. QUESTION, III, q.1, a.3, ad3].

And the blame can "bless" only when the fault was first aware, when you have the innate sense of the measure of good and evil, sure that God - and God only - can mutate to the mystery of grace evil into good, if it meets our openness to his action of redeeming grace. And once you understand that and fell in this Christological dimension, There will be much clearer the profound mystery contained in the phrase: "Blessed are those invited to the Lord's Supper, here is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world ".






given that in these lines has been named by way of example, the Italian actor Gabriel Garko, it should be pointed out that the individual concerned denied at the time that they have never resorted to cosmetic surgery and have had thyroid problems that had caused swelling of the face [cf. QUI].





