Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Apostasy from the faith

– Theologica –



Apostasy involves a failure or a collapse, as a floor that give in under the weight of our person; It implies the idea of ​​a withdrawal: the man desists from pursuing the commitment to believe. Apostasy is treason, similar to that with which the bride betrays the husband or the friend betrays his friend.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP




John Cavalcoli photos order

Giovanni Cavalcoli, at the origins of the current crisis of faith within the Church

Currently in the Church It has spread a crisis of faith of gravity, intensity and magnitude never seen. No group of the faithful is spared, from the simple people of God to the College of Cardinals. Remain immune to the Supreme Pontiff, Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI and their closest and loyal employees around the world, as for example this online magazine The Island of Patmos.

this crisis It is the consequence of a withdrawal fifty years of authority against the rise of heresies, in particular the Neo-Modernism. It's like a populous city like Rome remained devoid of street cleaning services for ten years: we can imagine what a state would be reduced that city. Well, Benedict XVI, in the famous Way of the cross Good Friday of the 2005, in fact he denounced the "filth" in the Church exists. The modernist deodorant and caustic soda of Lefebvre are not enough, also because they are disorganized and at odds with each other [following full text …]



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16.06.2016 Giovanni Cavalcoli, OP - THE APOSTASY OF FAITH








