By the washing of the feet to the head washed



See the Supreme Pontiff wash and kiss the feet of women, including a non-Christian woman, it deeply hurt me as a priest aware of the fact that Christ the Lord, among the Twelve, he never entered any women; also because if he wanted to include some, perhaps the first would surely be his mother, the Immaculate Conception.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo









Dear Father Ariel.

Lapidary question: what do you think about the change of the Holy Week rite regarding the fact that the "washing of the feet" will also be possible for women? In your opinion why, and for what purpose, these revolutionary changes ? [Ed, cf. WHO, WHO]

Leonardo G.













The gold of the Magi and the false love for the poor of Judas Iscariot

- Videos of the Island of Patmos -



[…] Many of these false friends of the Church, Today much of the skin poverty in love of others, They are indeed of the subjects on the payroll of the worst-liberal capitalism, affiliated to the most powerful and harmful Masonic lodges; They are the same that provide happy and active service in favor of those who have created a global economic crisis at a table in order to make the rich even richer and the poor get poorer. These are the false friends of the Church wishing today, They want and hope for a Church that is truly poor.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



[…] The truth is that today, the supporters of the "poor Church for the poor" are his worst enemies ever: atheists, post-communists, beyond the laity, but above all Freemasons. And they want the poor of authority, poor of authority and therefore low in credibility; They want the beggar, sometimes clownish and mob. And to achieve this goal that seems unfortunately closer, you have to destroy everything in its same outward symbology can somehow invoke his authority, its authority and its credibility. Just as if the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph had told the Magi: "Do Not, thank you. Gold can not accept, You burdens for data ", and the whole, if anything, albeit with a movement of anger and disgust.


In truth they want to deprive us of Christ under the pretext after all brilliant and the media to great effect of the poor of whom, the eternal enemies of the Church, not interested in anything, absolutely nothing [Taken from the video lesson below …]













Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Reflections on fundamentalism: “The modernists try to present the Pope as if he were one of them”



With the current Pope, the modernists have changed tactics. Having seen that insults and ridicule do not serve to correct the Popes, now they resort to equally blatant flattery, to present the Pope as one of them, taking advantage of some of his gestures, acts or words, which can lend themselves to misunderstanding or be misinterpreted, while the Pope does not seem to take care to remove the misunderstandings, so that the bad interpretations are immediately spread all over the world […] In my view, the Holy Father is too severe towards i traditionalists and too lenient towards i modernists. In doing so it lacks that impartiality, which suits him as the fulcrum of ecclesial communion […]



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



Occasionally in literature and publications Catholic still appears today the relief or accusation of "fundamentalism", as a moral or religious defect, as well as an outdated exegetical method. This accusation is usually launched against backward and stagnant environments, by those Catholics, who want to be advanced and faithful to the Church of our time.

botero jailer

The truncheon of the modernists” – The photos of the works reproduced here by the Colombian painter Ferdinando Botero [Medellin 1932], are taken from the exhibition held in 2013 at Palazzo Venezia (Rome)

This term it is also used by modernists, to denote with contempt the Catholics firm and steadfast in their convictions, fighters, attached to dogma and enemies of heresies. They can be Catholic or more tradition-oriented, like the Servant of God Tomas Tyn [cf. WHO], or more open to progress, come Jacques Maritain. The disciples of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre are also the subject of these attacks.

On the lips of the modernists, so it happens that even good Catholics are accused of fundamentalism, and are united with the Lefebvrians, because both admit the eternity and immutability of truth, unlike the modernists, which, as St. Pius X already noted with disdain when writing:


“They are truly blind and leaders of the blind, that, swollen with the proud name of science, raving to the point of perverting the eternal concept of truth " [Feeding of Dominic's Sheep, n.20].


Of the term "fundamentalism" thus took over modernists, to oppose not only the Lefebvrians, but also to all good Catholics, faithful to the Pope, to the Second Vatican Council and to the Magisterium of the Church. For the modernist, the charge of fundamentalism is infamous, disqualifying and is a condemnation without appeal.


Botero dog

… the modernists have reached the pinnacle of aggression, because they have now settled in the key posts of ecclesiastical power [work of Ferdinando Botero]

We converse with the atheist, with the Muslim, with the communist, with the mafia, with the Freemason, with the Buddhist, but not with the fundamentalist. The modernists did not hesitate to accuse even the post-conciliar Popes of fundamentalism, up to a great Pope and progressive theologian like Benedict XVI, which however reminded us of the existence of "non-negotiable values". So still a fundamentalist.

With the current Pope modernists have changed tactics. Having seen that insults and ridicule do not serve to correct the Popes, now they resort to equally blatant flattery, to present the Pope as one of them, taking advantage of some of his gestures, acts or words, which can lend themselves to misunderstanding or be misinterpreted, while the Pope does not seem to take care to remove the misunderstandings, so that the bad interpretations are immediately spread all over the world, with the consequence that the furrow that divides the modernists from the Lefebvrians is deepening.


botero prete - the Vatican bathroom

Fernando Botero, opera: “The Vatican bathroom”

It would be necessary that the Pope would do more for reconciliation in the Church. No one other than him has the capacity from God, the authority and power on earth to restore unity, safeguard unity, defend unity, foster and promote unity. One of the purposes of the Council was to rebuild the harmony between the divided and separated brothers. Instead, after fifty years of ecumenism and pastoral initiatives, not only has unity among Christians not been restored, but the Church has never been so divided internally. Concord is found on the basis of the unity of faith in Christ. He is the "cornerstone" [Ef 2,20: The Pt 2, 6-7], la «roccia» [The Cor 10,4], the "foundation" [II Tm 2,19], on which it is necessary to rely [cf Col 2,7] and it is necessary to build.


It is therefore supremely up to Peter [Mt 16, 18], that is to the Pope, "Lay the foundation" [The Cor 3,10-11], so that the disciples of the Lord are "founded in faith" [With the 1,23]. It is up to the Pope to call to himself, that is to Christ, lost children and lost men in the shadows of death. Nobody can take his place. Indeed, «quando sono scosse le fondamenta, what the right can do?» [Shall 11,2]. If the Pope does not intervene, who can replace it? Mons. Lefebvre? Luther? Rahner?

The Pope is also the good shepherd who goes in search of the lost sheep, having compassion for the lost crowds and without a shepherd, leads the flock to fertile pastures and defends it from wolves. As Vicar of Christ, the Pope is the foundation of the Church, it is a fundamental point of support. When the foundations are shaken, like today, with satanic powers; it's up to him, with the power of the Holy Spirit, strengthen them and defend the Church from the powers of evil.


botero prete 8

Work of Fernando Botero

In my view, the Holy Father is too severe towards traditionalists and too indulgent towards modernists. In doing so it lacks that impartiality, which suits him as the fulcrum of ecclesial communion, and that would allow it to operate effectively, as it is up to him, for a rapprochement between the two trends, linking together the qualities of each: the tradition of the traditionalists and the progress of the modernists. In this way it would be realized, in Catholic unity, the very happy formula of Benedict XVI: "Progress in continuity".

"Fundamentalism", by itself, it's a nice word, which means love for the ground. A firm and sure foundation is very important in life and in thought. We need to lean on a foundation. All the great philosophers have always sought the principle or foundation of being, of thought and action. However, this foundation must be authentic and distinct from what is not or is no longer so. Here a problem arises, linked to the historical origin of the term. In fact, it originally designates an American Protestant sect, born in the 19th century, but she saw in the Bible the revealed foundation of doctrine and morals, the "foundation of faith", but with a rigid attitude, naive, uncritical and a-historical, led to consider as the Word of God and as absolute moral principles, also many ideas, institutions, mores, laws, superati; or names, facts or stories of Scripture, without historical foundation or scientific reliability.


botero prete 7

Work of Fernando Botero

The fundamentalists they realized that the Bible is a fundamental value for life and salvation, universal, Permanent, essenziale ed irrinunciabile. This they sought in the Bible and, at the bottom of, rightly. But they also exaggerated in absolutizing many forms of expression, ways of thinking, historical contexts, human situations, political systems, judicial practices, mentality, local uses, primitive conceptions, genealogie, popular traditions and prejudices, artistic forms, archaic myths, geographic news, religious symbols, which in reality had nothing to do with divine Revelation, but they were only the contingent and transient mark and imprint of the human author, which God used to communicate his Truth. They entered into controversy with those liberal and rationalist Protestant exegetes, who used the new biblical sciences to question, relativize or deny those Catholic dogmas, which Luther had kept, like the Trinity, the Incarnation, the miracles of Christ, the atoning Redemption, l’esistenza del demonio, la risurrezione, the end of the world and the universal judgment. The same Catholic exegesis of the past, one could say since the early centuries, did not go exempt, until the Second Vatican Council, from this trend, that today we call "fundamentalist". This is why this way of commenting on Scripture was considered "traditional" and, therefore, untouchable.


The modernist phenomenon of the times of St. Pius X one of his demands was that of a renewal of biblical exegesis, inspired by the progress made by the biblical sciences in Germany in the nineteenth century. But the problem was that these advances were used either in the interest of Protestantism or to give a hand to rationalism; so the modernists were unable to separate those exegetical methods from erroneous conceptions, to which they were related. Hence the condemnation of the modernist proposal, to be understood, But, not as it refers to the new biblical sciences, but as it is invalidated, as noted by St. Pius X, from an "agnostic criticism, immanentist, evolutionist" [cf. Feeding of Dominic's Sheep, n.66].


botero prete 6

Work of Fernando Botero

In this very difficult and intricate situation, and distinguished, But, on initiative, courage, perseverance and wisdom, the learned and holy French Dominican exegete, the Servant of God Father Marie-Joseph Lagrange, founder of the Biblical School of Jerusalem. He took the Fathers as a model of Bible commentators, the Doctors and St. Thomas for the spiritual and dogmatic aspect, and modern historical-critical methods, for the scientific aspect. We owe him the amendment of the modernist proposal, so as to make it compatible with the doctrine of the faith, so that Catholic exegesis could begin, in a difficult relationship with the Biblical Commission, founded by San Pio X, a prudent assumption of modern exegetical methods, without the risk of making mistakes. However, only with the Second Vatican Council, in particular in the Dogmatic Constitution God's word, the Church has fully welcomed Father Lagrange's project and satisfied what was acceptable in the instance of the modernists, avoiding Protestant and rationalist contaminations. At the same time, persistence has begun to be called "fundamentalism", da certe parti, of the old exegesis.


Thus the Church once again demonstrated the compatibility of science with faith. To tell the truth, even the liberal exegetes, with their scientific approach to Scripture, they wanted to prove the same thing, against Luther himself, famously convinced that reason is opposed to faith. Except that the liberal Protestants were infected with a Kantian conception, positivist and historicist of reason and science, and this serious ball and chain led them to disregard or ignore the divine foundations of faith, that were important to the fundamentalists, but above all to the Catholic Church itself, far better equipped than the fundamentalists in terms of tradition, and of philosophical and theological wisdom.


botero prete 5

Work of Fernando Botero

Fundamentalism it was basically a reference to the Sacred Tradition, in itself right. Ma, since he was not guided and enlightened by the Magisterium of the Church, supreme and infallible guardian of Tradition, it ended in a blocked and sterile conservatism. Fundamentalism is a form of traditionalism different from the Lefevrian and the Tynian ones [CF. G. Horses, Tomas Tyn. A post-conciliar traditionalist, Faith&Culture, Verona 2007]. It deals with, substantially, of a Protestant movement, with the characteristic flaws of Protestantism. Vice versa, Lefebvrism is a Catholic movement, even if hostile to the Second Vatican Council and not in full communion with the Church. Instead, Father Tyn's traditionalism respects the right sense of tradition with full obedience to the doctrines of the Second Vatican Council.


botero prete 4

Work of Fernando Botero

Another factor of the momentum, that borders on aggression, of fundamentalism, it is an authentic value in itself, but badly set up or experienced, that is, it is the iron conviction that everyone must embrace, by love or by force, our faith, being the real one. This principle is particularly accentuated in Islam, less evident in Hinduism, in Buddhism and Judaism.

II cristianesimo, instead, wisely accompanies an articulate one, delicate and accurate work of persuasion with the charitable warning of the divine punishment of the otherworldly in case of refusal. For its safety and rigidity, which tends to fanaticism, fundamentalism pushes, in conduct towards opponents, to acts of violence and intolerance, that can come, in extreme cases, for example in Islam, up to terrorism.


Fundamentalism, unfortunately also present in the Church, it generates dire consequences in the moral field, and in civil and ecclesial relationships and coexistence. On the one hand, it maintains undoubted fundamental values, such as religious piety, love for the Bible, the liturgy, the Onesti, the family, social and work commitment, But, on the other, being the fundamentalist convinced that he has always God with himself or on his side - error, this, typical of Protestantism and all heretics -, he is inclined to support his ideas, perhaps purely questionable or even wrong, always in an absolutist way, perentorio, aggressive, he admits no objections and is deaf to any refutation. Mistakes rigidity for fidelity to truth and flexibility for yielding to error. For him the different is not a value to be respected, but an enemy to fight. He does not accept uncertainty and always wants to show maximum safety. In fact, he is convinced that his word coincides with the very Word of God, as well as in the Bible, under the pretext of inenarrangement, it does not distinguish the true Word of God from the limitations and errors of the hagiographer. He is on the side of good; whoever contradicts him is on the side of evil. And since there is no mediation between good and evil, ends up despising, as inconsistent people, opportunists and doubles, not just the open opponent, ie the modernist, but also those kind people, peaceful and wise, that, knowing that at the center of power and therefore rejecting the opposite extremisms, they keep, although they are the object of contempt by the extremes, in an intermediate or synthetic position, as peace mediators, promoters of dialogue and links, and advocates of conciliatory balance.


botero prete 1

Work of Fernando Botero

The rest, the mindset of the modernist it's the same, even if of opposite sign; he is on the side of good; anyone is anti-modernist, either with the Council or against the Council it does not matter, is on the side of evil. So, even the modernist does not recognize any mediating ecclesial formation between him and Lefebvrism, faithful to the Magisterium, as is that of true Catholics.


Due to the rebirth of modernism after the Council, the term "fundamentalism" has begun to have two meanings: one, to signify this persistence of the old exegesis and a stale traditionalism, tough and aggressive. And this is the language we find in the Magisterium. We find this meaning of the term, for instance, in a document of the Biblical Commission of 1993, "The interpretation of the Bible in the Church", who devotes a paragraph to the theme [pp. 62-65]. It deals with, in essence, as it is said on p. 100, of a "confusion of the human with the divine, for which the contingent aspects of human expressions are also considered as revealed truth ". We find it, for instance, in these words of the Pope in the interview with 30 last November released during the flight that brought him back to Rome from Africa:


“We Catholics have some, not some, many, who believe they have the absolute truth and go on dirtying others with slander, with defamation, and they hurt, they hurt. And I say this because it is my Church, we too, everyone! And you have to fight. Religious fundamentalism is not religious. Because? Because God is missing. It is idolatrous, how idolatrous money is. Doing politics in the sense of convincing these people that they have this tendency, it is a policy that we religious leaders must do. But the fundamentalism that always ends in a tragedy or in crimes, it's a bad thing, but there is a little bit of it in all religions ".


botero prete 2

Work of Fernando Botero

The other sense is what I have already explained, used by modernists to attack the anti-modernism of both Catholics and Lefevrians. From these considerations we see how the term "fundamentalism" has become ambiguous. The sense in which the Pope uses it is not that used by the modernists, to attack Catholics and Lefevrians. It is possible that modernists believe that the Pope uses the term in their own sense. Poor deluded! And we do not think with the Lefevrians that the Pope is a modernist. Let's put our hearts in peace: is a "Catholic" Pope.


It is therefore necessary to be very careful in using the term and in discerning, when we hear it from others, in order not to take the whistle for flasks in a very important theme of our life of faith and of the Church.

Varazze, 19 January 2016



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see WHO





– Video – “God is Catholic”, He teaches the Light of the Gospel of John

I video dell’Patmos Island



Not long ago, the happily reigning Pontiff Francis, conversing with the reporter happily atheist Eugenio Scalfari, he has declared: «I believe in God. Not a Catholic God, there is a Catholic God, God exists'. And saying this has taken a concept already expressed in autumn 2007 Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini and be recorded in the book titled Nighttime conversations in Jerusalem. Maybe it is not for me to argue late Bishop of Milan, celebrated to death by all the left Radical-chic anti-Catholic in Italy and beyond; but I can say quietly that night, old cardinal, perhaps they would do better to go to sleep, thus avoiding damage to sow through their sleepless-theological dialogues.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



three cycle lessons dedicated to the memory of Girolamo Savonarola

Before: "God is Catholic, He teaches the Gospel of John Light »

Second: "The gold of the Magi and the false love for the poor of Judas Iscariot"

Third: «Pietro, turned again, strengthen your brothers in the faith "


Lessons “second” e “third” They will be published in the coming days






Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

The legislative power of the Church

— Theologica —



[…] is important that, as Catholics, we strive to acquire, especially as priests, theologians and pastoral workers, with the help of the Holy Spirit and in communion with the Church and the Pope, a consummate capacity for discernment, that allows us, as far as possible, to distinguish the levels of authority of the laws of the Church, so as to practice jointly and with conviction, in the service of the brothers, a sincere and generous obedience in the holy freedom of the children of God.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



To open the ’ article click below

18.01.2016 Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON – THE LEGISLATIVE POWER OF THE CHURCH




Dear Readers.

We hope and trust in your providential and indispensable help to collect the necessary expenses for managing the dell site’Patmos Island for the year 2016.

see WHO




Give her “escapades” Jesus at Christmas changed from sacred mystery in social sentimentality



Far from making a escapade typical of adolescents and asking for it, perhaps, even apologizes to parents, already twelve years old Jesus shows a way of life that requires our understanding. To understand, however, it is necessary to start from a fundamental matter of faith: He is the Word of God made man, not a rowdy boy.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



The parents of Jesus went every year to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover. When he was twelve years, they went up according to the custom of the feast. Ma, elapsed days, as they resumed their way back, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but his parents did not know it. Believing that he was in the company, they journeyed for a day, and then they sought him among their relatives and acquaintances; I did not find, They came back looking for him in Jerusalem [LC 2, 41-52. Full text WHO]



Nativity scene donated by Pope Francis to Lampedusa

Joseph and Mary collect on a refugee boat. Nativity scene donated by the Supreme Pontiff Francis to Lampedusa [see WHO, WHO]

Far from making a escapade typical of adolescents and asking for it, perhaps, even apologizes to parents [cf. WHO, min. 6,30], already twelve years old Jesus shows a way of life that requires our understanding. To understand, however, it is necessary to start from a fundamental matter of faith: He is the Word of God made man, not a rowdy boy.

In the Jewish world of which Jesus is the son devotee, early adolescence begins the age of legal obligations, the first of which is to listen to the Lord, which it has the absolute priority over every other listening; pace of the men who, after listening to only themselves, Finally exchange their will to God's will, often imposing it as such.

How come Jesus He does not say anything to Joseph and Mary obedience to Him request from the Father? Perhaps because they have experience in this circumstance a sense of anxiety, through it as if God had wanted to test their faith. Every man shall be put to the test by the Lord, as the Psalmist says: "The Lord has tried me hard, but I not delivered me to death ' [Shall 118].

jesus child refugee

One time, over the Divine Infant, enthroned in the crib written Glory to God in the highest! But then the inevitable Don Vitaliano Della Sala has replaced it as well: “Now I am a refugee, why do not I welcome?”[see WHO]

The question asked by Maria: "Son, why have you done this? there, Your father and I, distressed, searching for you ', It should not be read as a rebuke, even tender, but as a question that requires a response as light. Maria, that about thirteen years before he had received the announcement of the Archangel Gabriel [CF. Mt 1, 18-25. LC 1,26-37] He knows who is his Son, demand for this light and asked the reason for his choice to remain in Jerusalem. Jesus responds to the typical manner of the Law Masters, ie with a question: «Because you were looking for me? Did you not know that I must be about my Father?». And here we must note that in the Jewish culture of the time, only those who were invested with authority and authority, wisdom and knowledge, They could afford to respond with questions to a question in their mail, not a teenage son to a question addressed to him by a parent. E, including both love is the human apprehension of parents, Jesus invites them to think that his living and acting will always be a fulfillment of the Father's expression of "my desire" [CF. my meditation on will of the Father, WHO]. Between the Father and Jesus Christ there are human mediators, c'è the consustanzialità, as we say in the profession of faith, there is the mystery of the child begotten not made of the same substance as the Father.


… and a boat full of refugees also lands in the crib of San Miniato Seminar [see WHO]

Mary listens even if the time does not include the response of the Son. Perhaps the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, one who was touched by the Holy Spirit through a gift of grace only in the history of mankind, acquire full understanding only under the cross, where his soul is pierced by a spear, while the spear of the centurion metal pierces the chest of his son. Under the cross, Mary does not ask more, listens and does the will of the Father that Jesus manifested, becoming Mother of humanity, and thereafter, in the Holy Spirit Pentecost, Mother of the Church that he founded his own being and existence on the mystery of the resurrection of the true God and true man, Today is the child of Bethlehem, Tomorrow the young man as a teenager arguing with the doctors in the temple [cf. LC 2, 41-45], then the Jesus to the banks of the river Jordan before John the Baptist [cf. MC 1,9-11. Mt 3,13-17. LC 3,21-22]. Then the Jesus who makes the wine miracle at Cana [cf. GV 2,1-11], who raises his friend Lazarus from the dead [cf. GV 11, 1-44], driving away with manly severity the merchants from the temple [cf. MC 11,15-19. Mt 21,12-17. LC 19, 54-48. GV 2, 12-25], who forgives the repentant sinner who was about to be stoned [cf. GV 8, 1-11], establishing the priesthood at the Last Supper and the mystery of his body and his blood [cf. Mt 26,20-30. MC 14,17-26. LC 22,14-39. GV 13, 1-20], which it is offered as a sacrificial lamb to wash the sin of the world [cf. GV 1,29]. This Jesus is the Word of God made man, the glorious Christ who now sits at the right hand of the Father, and that one day come again in glory to judge the living and the dead [cf. Symbol of faith]. A mystery that comes to life on Christmas and that is manifested through the public life of the Lord Jesus who reveals in the physical body and so the mystery of his divinity in the resurrection and ascension to heaven. This is the God that we should proclaim Christ as the mystery of the faith these days, if Christmas, out, but unfortunately even within the Church, He had not been changed in any other: in festival of peace, solidarity, the encounter between peoples, of brotherhood, the dialogue between people of different religions and so on …

cartoon crib

… and who has more, and so forth.

... In recent days to Christmas ss been given the most diverse titles, while even the chairs of some of our bishops, now so social and so much of the "periphery", few have announced the sublime mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God made man. Other than the party of refugees, of legality, the fight against the Mafia!

Today, feast of the Holy Family, I should probably tell you about the family? If anything, the European family, or that of Western society in general? What family, so? The families of cohabitation test which now constitute the eighth "sacrament", which it is the “sacramento” the refusal of assumption of responsibility? Yes, dai, let's try, so let's see if và, at the bottom of, first it is good to try to play a man and his wife; as if the game irresponsibility and lack of accountability had ever matured and grown somebody. Or should I tell you about the family constituted for this point on love and trust you first, the spouses, sign immediately for the separation of property? Now, let's try to understand: Mica know how it ends, because one thing is to play to pretend eternal love, one thing to say you're the woman of my life, The other thing to run instead certain financial risks. And the eternal love to the woman of his life for many men always ends where it begins the skin of their portfolio.

Then there are the elongated families, the extended, those watered down … There are even parodies devilish family: alternative families, the gay-lesbian, those multisessuali-creative-sexual, and so on …


what remains of the European family?

The western family seems a corpse Marching into the coffin to the cemetery, with the boys on the masked stilettos as fairies following the hearse with the hate mail lesbians dressed as tomboys, all those gathered in a large gay-pride to play the funeral march at the funeral of the family. A little 'as the Christmas funeral on singing words "You come down from the stars", which is also mutated in funeral march, since it seems to have descended from the stars around: the friend of the poor, the friend of refugees, man of peace, solidarity, of dialogue between religions, of an unspecified love it gives soap opera sentimental ... all descended from these blessed stars, just about anything, Unless the Word of God made man on this earth he founded to the mystery of grace one Church entrusted to Peter [cf. Mt 16,14-18] whose only faith we profess through one baptism.

And may the grace of God help especially us priests and our bishops, in the confident hope that one day may have mercy on us, increasingly guilty of turning off the light to "turn on" the darkness of nothingness; the darkness of the mundane and demagogic stupidity alone is spoken, alone answer, herself Welcomes, believed to be the Divine Word, while day after day forget the announcement of the mystery of God Incarnate Word.


Text drawn in part from the homily of 27 December 2015

Feast of the Holy Family



Dear Readers.

With the article published 5 January [see WHO] We asked for your support, in which we trust and which we unfortunately really need.

Thank you!


Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Jesus among the doctors in the Temple: “Son, why have you done this?”



One question that we can ask is how to interpret more precisely, also from a psychological point of view, This stopping of Jesus among the doctors in the temple. What can be exactly happened? And why?



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



[…] After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the masters, He is listening to them and asking them questions;. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. When they saw him they were amazed, and his mother said: «Son, why have you done this? there, Your father and I, distressed, We are looking for you» [CF. LC 2, 41-52. Full text WHO].



Albrecht Dürer, Jesus among the doctors (1506)

Albrecht Dürer, Jesus among the doctors (1506)

One of the episodes from the life of Christ more difficult to interpret, but rich in teachings, is that of his conversation with the doctors in the Temple of Jerusalem, after being suddenly taken away for three days, without advance notice, to the custody of Mary and Joseph [CF. LC 2, 41-51]. Jesus disappeared, the first thing that comes to mind to Mary and to Joseph is to look for Jesus among "the relatives and acquaintances" [v.48]: idea of ​​common sense human, but that is not up to figure out where he might be really Jesus: in Jerusalem, in the temple! And in fact, here is that this idea comes, and Jesus is found. Where in fact more Christ can live if not in the temple? In the Tabernacle of the Most Holy Eucharist? There are sure to find it. If, then disappears, there we go looking for him.

Milan - S. Ambrogio - treasure - Bergognone school

Jesus Trai doctors. Milan, Sant'Ambrogio, treasure. Bergognone school

The first question we can ask in this troublesome episode about the seemingly strange conduct and disturbing of Jesus, It is how come he did not think to warn parents that would have stopped a long time - three days - to the temple to talk with the doctors. We can not assume in Jesus voluntary misconduct or raising the head towards parents, how could any undisciplined and reckless boy. The other part, the words of the Mother, "Anguished", They know of reproach: "Son, why have you done this?» [v.48]. However, it will be better to interpret this question as - say Saint Catherine of Siena - a simple albeit "ansietata" request for clarification. The question, the rest, It is born of outrage, but precisely from anguish, feeling very natural, trying a normal mother for the extended absence of his son who died suddenly without warning. Her, knowing him as a good son, caring and obedient, not think of a reckless act of irreverence towards parents, but it is brought to the fear that has been an accident. You can not be excluded, moreover, in parents, an element of anxiety for fear that the child might have happened some misfortune.

Uffizi Gallery - Jesus' dispute with the doctors of the Temple

Uffizi Gallery – Jesus' dispute with the doctors of the Temple

The interpretative key, illuminating the sense of the mysterious episode, as it is to be expected, It is given by the response of Jesus himself in the form of counter-questions: «Because you were looking for me? Did you not know that I must be about my Father?». Even these words at first they know of reproach. But it is unthinkable that Jesus reproaches her parents. Simply refers to their memory things which in all probability had already told them and that they could remember at the time of his death and during his prolonged absence. Things of which, however, evidently had forgotten. Which things? Probably precisely the warning that could have happened then what actually happened to the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. It is therefore as if Jesus had told them: "You had to find me. I would have to remind you that I must be about my Father. I am not only the son of man, but also of the Most High. Indeed, I had warned you that it would have happened a thing. You had to wait quietly for me to go back alone, on my own". Instead, with the words "your father and I have sought thee" [v.48], it is clear that Mary does not have in mind the heavenly fatherhood of the Son. Warns at this time herself as mother and wife. Clearly here for her now, "your father," is Joseph. But Jesus at this time ignore this human fatherhood and invokes another: the one that most interests him: "My Father", bones Heavenly Father. Mary and Joseph, that, finding Jesus, they were "amazed" (v.48), Now they remain banned. They do not understand.

Pintoricchio. Spello, Santa Maria Maggiore child Jesus in the temple dispute with the doctors

Pintoricchio. Spello, Santa Maria Maggiore. Child Jesus in the temple dispute with the doctors

This episode clearly shows that Mary and Joseph made a journey of faith, for which, knowing that Jesus was the Son, only gradually they learned to uncover the mystery of their son. Although Mary had had the revelation by the angel that she would be the Mother of the Most High, here it does not seem to rise to the occasion. Thus Mary is beside us in our faltering steps, wavering, weak and doubtful; Her, He takes us by the hand and guides us maternally where she has now arrived.

From the words of Mary We can understand, then, that parents do not understand the explanation given by Jesus: "But they did not understand his words" [v.50]. We are careful that this "does not understand" does not mean "we did not understand anything", how could it happen to me if someone spoke to me in Chinese or tell me nonsense, where there is nothing to understand. These words refer instead to the mystery of the divine sonship of Jesus: a truth certainly dark, because it transcends the limits of human reason; but yet, while, saving light of reason. So that "they did not understand" is not the sorry attitude, skeptical and annoyed, if not offended, Typical of parents in front of flimsy excuses given by a wayward son, who embarks on an escapade from home without notice or reasonable cause. Athe contrary - and this is explicitly stated in the behavior of Mary - Ella, as has become his custom was before the mysterious and precious facts of the Son [2,19], "She kept all these things in her heart" [v.51]. Mary is the model of the Church, that, along the story, faithfully preserves the treasure of truth and grace, who entrusted the Bridegroom.

Gaspare Landi - Jesus dispute with the doctors in the Temple. Palazzo Farnese

Gaspare Landi – Jesus dispute with the doctors in the Temple. Palazzo Farnese

As noted by St. Edith Stein, big inquisitive and teacher of the qualities of the woman, It is typically feminine virtues of things and custody of their secrets of man who loves. When she is fertilized, contains within it the germ received, until it becomes that human being, that one day will give birth. Similarly to Mary, The Church guards in the history and explains always better to men the treasures of God's Word. Here is the dogmatic progress.

In this treasure in our hearts and meditate on the Word of God, Mary is also the model of the theologian and contemplative soul, which is consolidated in its faith convictions, deepens, It draws new conclusions, formulating new proposals and at the same time remains open, as the Holy Father Francis says, the "surprises of God", which you can be at first collide with our limitations, but then, in front of our trustful openness, manifest their infinite wisdom.

Dispute of Jesus among the Doctors of the Temple, Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto

Dispute of Jesus among the Doctors of the Temple, Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto

A question that we can ask ourselves It is how to interpret more precisely, also from a psychological point of view, This stopping of Jesus among the doctors in the temple. What could have happened exactly? And why? Let's read: "They found him in the temple, sitting among the doctors, He is listening to them and asking them questions;. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers " [vv. 46-47].

As it happens in mystical phenomena High intensity, Jesus in the temple was probably kidnapped by the beauty of his Father's mysteries and forgot even her parents and who passed not only the hours, but the days. That estimates of Jesus for lawyers!! those same, although probably not the same people, that one day will pronounce his sentence. In the same way, the divine charm of this mysterious boy must have struck and deeply impressed those good, honest and wise doctors, so the mutual contact between these holy souls and love of God, He shot him, if I may say, a divine spark, that gave off a mystical fire of divine love. Thus he unleashed an overwhelming and irresistible dialectic, a spiritual circularity, for which Jesus and the doctors were going to race in mutually stimulate themselves in the heavenly elevations. Who could no longer look after the time and the surrounding reality?

Jesus among the doctors in the temple - Giovanni Battista Beinaschi

Jesus among the doctors in the temple – Giovanni Battista Beinaschi. Racconigi Castle.

Jesus showed signs of extraordinary intelligence and you can well understand. We do however find it hard to understand how he could ask questions to doctors, They, incarnate Wisdom. Perhaps even then he put them to the test, as he would in adulthood? Or maybe that just was eager to know their opinion? Or he was delighted to see in those minds elected a reflection of divine wisdom? Or maybe he intended to urge them to recognize the Messiah? One thing seems certain there: that in this sacred conversation does not show anything controversial as it will appear the clashes of the adult Jesus with the Pharisees and teachers of the law.

"Nativity of Filippino Lippi from Prato (XV sec.)

Nativity by Filippino Lippi from Prato (XV sec.)

In the language of sobriety the Lucan account, what a wonderful example are reduced to the essential spiritual dialogue: the question and the answer! Would that also in our theological and religious debates were breathed this atmosphere of profound communion and a free time in the atmosphere differentiation enriching, soothing, thrilling, pacifying and enriching the truth! L'mysterious episode, who challenged Mary and Joseph, It is culminating in everyday normality: Jesus "went forth with them, He came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them " [LC 2,51]. Like any good obedient boy in the making, "Increased in wisdom, age and grace before God and before men " [ibid.].

The deity back to hide behind humanity, after mankind has disappeared before the deity, in a continuous alternation of moments infinitely distant between them, so it seems contradictory and incompatible, a unique phenomenon in the whole of humanity, characteristic instead of the person and of the earthly life of Christ. Even in our Christian life that Christ happens suddenly and inexplicably absconding and you seem to disappear, without that we can understand or imagine where he might be and then how to look and how to achieve it, nor know when, how and where to reappear.


Varazze, 27 December 2015

Feast of the Holy Family



Dear Readers.

With the article published 5 January [see WHO] We asked for your support, in which we trust and which we unfortunately really need.

Thank you!




From late vocations to the collection …

THE ADULT VOCATIONS to the collection …


The Island of Patmos has always walked a tightrope, until now never cut, let's pray, we hope and trust that our dear readers help us not to cut us …



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



Adult vocations to the priesthood they bring wealth and usefulness to the interior of the Church. All my confreres who came to the Holy Order in adulthood, they have often shown themselves to be very attentive in pastoral practice, having had a past life and all the experiences that sometimes ensue. Adults who become priests, or they are excellent presbyters motivated in faith, or they are huge disasters. Personally, I have never known middle ground nor have I ever had the opportunity to find the element of serene mediocrity in adult vocations: or they are eagles, or are they chickens.

adult vocations 1

In the 2015 are ordered in Turin 5 new deacons aged between i 37 ed i 50 year old. In the photo on the left Riccardo Florio [see service WHO, WHO, WHO]

Numerous saints were born from adult vocations, it is enough to mention two great teachers of the sixteenth century: San Filippo Neri and San Ignazio di Loyola, respectively consecrated priests a 37 years the first and a 46 years the second.

From adult vocations another feature also emerges: the lack of eagerness to achieve prestigious positions in the Church or to make a career in the ecclesiastical or academic world. The adult who became a priest had in fact a life already started and, after all, not a few would have had various enticing opportunities - some even remarkable - to make brilliant careers in the world; not a few had even started them successfully, before leaving everything and following Christ through a radical choice of life.

adult vocations 2

a group of men candidates for the priesthood in adulthood [see service WHO]

How many come from similar experiences, they will hardly go to annoy their Bishop to be sent to the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy, it is equally unlikely that they will compete, or to make war on other priests to be appointed rectors of the cathedral church, or vicars general. Unless some wicked Bishop hungry for priests does not start accepting as candidates for the sacred orders of the forty-year-olds who after a life of human failures, professional and sentimental, not knowing where to beat their heads, they choose the priesthood as a last resort. Usually, But, not even a wise and prudent subject like the Pre-Eastern bishop S.E. Mons. Domenico Sigalini, known for having given diocesan canonical recognition even to ghostly congregations that seem to have come out of the Simpson family cartoons, would never welcome such subjects, because by their very nature they are not formable and above all they are not manageable, given that training and managing an adult is something quite difficult than always requiring very particular trainers, not to mention the saints.

I always remember with deep affection one of my first trainers, also an adult vocation to the priesthood, that despite having never done a single day of seminary - having had another kind of formation outside the seminary for his age -, as soon as he became a priest he was appointed rector of the archiepiscopal seminary of his diocese, where for twenty years he carried out a splendid ministry of which an entire particular Church still preserves devoted memories today [cf. WHO].

adult vocations 3

Pino Conforti, receives the Holy Order in Rome from the Holy Father Francis a 44 year old [service WHO, WHO, WHO]

One of the limits that I was able to find in adult vocations it is the inability to ask for money. And I, too, who have never blushed in my life, I miss the most embarrassing things, of those that could have led my other brothers to states of shock, I felt trembling instead when at the beginning of the sacred ministry I heard some faithful questions of the type asked: «How much do I have to leave for the celebration of Mass for my dead?». And I: "Anything!». And having said that, I ran away embarrassed.

Anyone who has lived a shorter or longer period of his life producing through his work or benefiting from his or her family's assets, he is not used to asking what is in fact almsgiving. To learn the art of begging you must have entered a seminary as a young person, having eaten at the table and watered at the springs of clericalism; you must have learned to carry i jeans and sneakers to give the illusion - no one knows who! - not to be clerical. And this contrary to the undersigned who instead wears his cassock every day, not least to show his visceral anticlericalism towards the worst of the new clericals, which are precisely i pretini trendy in jeans and sneakers, also called “quick change” O “Camaleonti”.

adult vocations 3

Luigi D'Arco (To the right) and Gino Calamai (to the left), ordained priests in Prato at the respective ages of 62 e 47 year old [service, WHO]

When my mother asked me what could give me useful I replied: beautiful fabrics to have a good tailor make new cassocks for me. I didn't tell her: “I'd like some nice fabrics, But take that money and give it to the poor ", because for a Catholic mother a priest son is a unique and unrepeatable gift, and I, who also live in contact with the poor, know as well as the poor themselves, unlike Eugenio Scalfari and the whole caste of the gods radical-chic ultra-laicisti, who so much crave a sloppy church with patches to the ass, the priest always want to see him well placed and decent, because he is their priest; because the priest is their common wealth. And I say a priest, imagine therefore the decorum that the poor would always like to see imprinted on a Bishop, or even in the Roman Pontiff, especially in these times tense towards pauperistic sloppiness.

lorenzo marazzani

Lorenzo Marazzani, ordained priest in Perugia at the age of 46 year old [services WHO, WHO]

The truth is, a scruffy church, on pretexts of presumed simplicity and unspecified evangelical poverty, i want it hippies who live in the most futile glitzy luxuries, the poor do not want it. Because the poor are the same as always: those who were capable yesterday and who are still able today to bring as a gift the only piece of gold they have to contribute to the fusion of a precious chalice; because the poor do not want the Blood of Christ to be placed inside an earthenware pot, who want it are those who do not believe in the Blood of Christ and who have improvised themselves as false friends of the Church. It is not by chance, Our Lord Jesus Christ, as an example to follow he offers us the poor widow's mite [cf. MC 12, 41-44. LC 21, 1-4], while as an example to be avoided he offers us the false philanthropism for the poor of Judas Iscariot [cf. GV 12, 1-11]. This is what is written in the Gospel, like: and that's.

As you will have understood, the fathers of’Patmos Island they are too ecclesial to be clerical. For this reason Father Giovanni Cavalcoli always wears the noble ancient habit of the sons of San Domenico and I the black cassock of the secular clergy., replaced by the white one in summer when it is very hot, because it is a way to show that we are world in the world, not gods “professional priests” more or less camouflaged in the world to please the world and not to disturb the world, that if necessary it is our task not only to shake but also to disturb.

ord sac 197

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, ordained priest in Rome at the age of 45 year old

The impediment explained “anthropological” given upstream bymy inability to ask for money, I go on to tell you that for the second time we have reached “columns of Hercules” and we need for the 2016 of the money needed to get ahead in our work, that as we have always told you and repeated it is as free as it is burdensome, and in the face of our work we only ask you to give us the means to be able to work for all of you for free.

We come to the painful expense report: reiterating that nothing on the internet is free but everything is paid, if you want to make use of the necessary cutting-edge tools. This is why we run into unavoidable expenses at every so-called street corner.

Server business

the business server and monthly / annual costs [WHO]

Let's start from server, about which a reader wrote to me: “How would you say you need money for the server? I only pay for my blog 50 euro per year!». I replied: "I do not doubt it. But your blog, daily, how many visits do you have, in addition to that of your mother, of your sister, your grandfather who dabbles with the internet and some of your friends?». The almost offended expert replies: "Look, that I have also come to 100 visits a day!». And since the principle seems to apply “we are all great experts”, I explained that The Island of Patmos has long since passed the 10.000 daily visits and that on the date of 31 January the total number of visitors for the year 2015 was equal to 4.321.800. But if anyone knows a server provider willing to grant us a service a 50 euro per year that allows the site of our online magazine to hold up such a large amount of access - that is, a service for unlimited access with an equally unlimited data archive - let us know, because after subscribing instantly, the fathers of’Patmos Island they will visit him to give him a kiss on the tip of the nose as a sign of gratitude for having avoided spending 1.000 euro per year for Server-business on which we are necessarily supported, in exchange for unlimited access for visitors and other valuable and indispensable user services.


ADSL business [WHO]

For the work we do we need speed both in “ticket” both in “exit“, which is to say: a line is indispensable that allows to acquire and transmit gods “heavy data”. And this implies a completely different internet subscription from that of a normal home ADSL, for this we use one of those services provided to professional firms and companies, the cost of which, I our case, is equal to 115 € per month (VAT included) for an annual total of 1.380 Euro. And having said that we are a 2.380 euro only for the subscription fees to server and subscription to the internet line, while remaining naturally open to the advice of the “great experts” or anyone who can suggest - but more than anything else show us - that with a simple external internet key to be recharged every now and then with 10 Euro, it is possible to do the kind of work we do.

Free no

to work a certain way, nothing on the internet is free

Of necessity we have to receive and transmit data from computers that offer the best technology; and how do those who know certain services know, professional programs are expensive. Indeed, between graphics programs, editorial, editing movies, security and system protection, etc.. every year we leave there “modica” figure of 1.600 Euro; and this is only because we have chosen to purchase for one year of use, because the definitive purchase of certain individual programs also costs a few thousand euros, etc …

To be brief: our annual management costs amount to 5.150 to work on an internet where in the opinion of some everything would be free.

Who knows about graphics and layout, he immediately understands that the articles of’Patmos Island could be printed in a paper magazine, because if they want to do it they would be ready for printing.

pirate programs

crack the programs is a crime [WHO, WHO]

And reiterating how much ours is a world of “great experts”, finally, there was no lack of soul “practice” who suggested us: "There is no need to pay all this money, just get yourself crack i programs!». I answered: "Stupendous! And if it happens, the Guardia di Finanza or whoever is competent finds programs cracked, that means “stolen”, on the computers of a priest and his aide - or the Veterinary Police found on Hypatia's computer Roman cat pirate programs -, used to run a Catholic online magazine where, when necessary, whips are not lacking for those who claim the right to immorality and contempt for the laws of God and men, explain to me what a good impression we make? I tell you: the figure of those who preach well and scratch very badly ".

John Cavalcoli breviary

Dominican theologian John Cavalcoli

As you can understand what we need is not the advice given by “experts” to whom the advice, especially those of foreigners, they cost nothing: what we need is your help to carry out our work, because neither Father Giovanni Cavalcoli, who as a Dominican friar has no personal income, depending entirely on its community; nor am I as a member of the secular clergy that I live with 800 euro per month of salary of the Clergy Support Body, some offerings for Holy Masses and the precious help of my family, we can incur similar costs out of our own pocket to offer a free service to all.

For the 2015 Providence has come to meet us through you, we are therefore certain that also for the 2016 Providence will support us, if as we believe The Island of Patmos, John's last place of revelation, it is a service to the Church and its faithful at a time of delicate ecclesial crisis and of so much confusion among the increasingly disoriented living members of the People of God.


we try to understand each other even with a smile …

In concreto: every time you send us messages like “What great articles … ah, what courage you have! … how much benefit I have found in your words … thanks to your catecheses I understood the nature of the problem and the possible solution …». Well: together with these words that cost nothing, also send us an offer, even small, because even the little added together is very precious. Why to be honest and to the end, we do not hide the understandable fright for the management costs that we will have to bear by the end of January 2016; costs that we are currently unable to bear, having currently in the cashier of our Paypal account 1.100 euros donated at the end 2015 by one of our loyal Piedmontese readers, by an Etruscan-Lazio reader, by a young Roman research doctor living in Dublin, from a dear Milanese reader who, together with his wife, asked me to celebrate some Masses of suffrage for his dead and sending me two offerings that I paid into the account of the’Patmos Island.

During 2015, when we found ourselves without means of support, a dear Piedmontese reader sent us 2.000 euros to cover all the necessary expenses; and thanks to her we were able to continue our service, which we hope to continue throughout the 2016.

If you want you can send us an offer for the sustenance of’Patmos Island using the convenient and safe service PayPal which you can find on the bottom right of the home-page.





I take this opportunity to address a special wish to the Brother Priests whose public images I have used to accompany this article which speaks in the first part of adult vocations to the priesthood. I don't have the pleasure of meeting any of these Brothers, some of them recently consecrated in the Sacred Priestly Order. To all of them I renew my best wishes for every grace and blessing from Christ the Lord at the beginning of this new year.











Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

In memory of Father Tomas Tyn, a modern giant of faith



[…] to Father Tomas Tyn was a message of truth as a theologian and preacher, as well as of freedom as a Christian, all arising from a heart burning with love, which it is the bond of perfection. And a saint theologian is rare today, in which teem with the ambitious, alls and impostors.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON



tomas tyn ok

Image of Tomas Tyn

January 1st 2016 marks the 26th anniversary of the death of Servant of God Father Tomas Tyn, Dominican theologian of Czech as source, but he lived in Italy in the Dominican convent of Bologna from 1972 al 1989, At its end year, suffering from an incurable disease, He went to finish his earthly journey in his parents' house in Germany, a Neckargemünd, where he is buried and where they live her mother Ludmila and her brother Paul.

Father Tomas He left us an exemplary Christian witness that, in the early 2000, thanks to the work of Father Svatos, He led the Czech Province of the Order Dominican to become a promoter of the Cause for Beatification of Father Tyn, opened in Bologna in 2006 by Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, at the time Metropolitan Archbishop of the City felsinea. That testimony, in his heroic summit, It consisted in the holocaust that the Servant of God made of his life for the freedom of the Church in the then Czechoslovakia by a tyrannical regime inspired by Marxism. As is known, the Servant of God died in the days in which President Havel inaugurated the new political regime that instaurava religious freedom and an end to the persecution of the Church was.

Caffara and Cavalcoli

Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, at the time of Archbishop of Bologna, during an exchange of greetings with the Father John Cavalcoli and some of his Dominican brothers at the end of the opening of the beatification process

The sacrifice of Father Tomas was the ripe fruit of a religious life spent in an untiring, fecund, convinced and joyful industriousness as a religious, priest, preacher, anime guide, scholar, professor of philosophy and theology at the Theological Dominican Bologna. Father Tomas has left us a splendid example of 'greater love: "To give one's life for his friends" [GV 15,13].

We find in Father Tomas another of the signs of holiness: his concentration and unification in God, of whom all rests, in Whom all is experienced, Cui everything you receive, to Whom everything is constantly and consistently ordered and finalized [1]. Even Tomas could repeat with St. Teresa of Avila: God suffices.

The life of Tomas gives the impression not of a journey, but of one corsa towards God, such was the clarity with which he could see the way forward and the momentum of his strong will sustained by grace [2]. And because he saw clearly the goal, He could show it to others. Teach others.

Cardinal Carlo Caffarra during the opening of the beatification process of Tomas Tyn

It is known the firmness of his faith convictions and the acuteness of his critical eye, for which not only does not let himself be confused by errors and heresies, but he knew them find and vigorously refute. This did not fail to drawn him hostility and derision on the part of the enemies of truth, humiliations and sufferings that he endured forgiving all, bastandogli consolation of his clear and innocent conscience, and the gratitude of the good. Free from any form of human respect and only mindful of its mission as a theologian and priest, He was not afraid to oppose the fashions of the day, even if followed by vast spaces of time.

The life of every saint It has the incomparable advantage of being, in the most different forms and degrees, so unified, simplified, consistent, collection, concentrated and synthesized around a single high, Ideal charming and divine, that it can almost be summarized in a single message, doing fine, the strength and usefulness of the feature Santo, for the salvation of souls and the good of the Church, message that provides the underlying reason and the cause of his beatification. What was the message of Father Tomas? A message of truth as a theologian and preacher, as well as of freedom as a Christian, all arising from a heart burning with love [3], which it is the bond of perfection. A holy theologian is rare today, in which teem with the ambitious, alls and impostors.

Tomas Tyn 6

some Tyn Tomas images distributed by the office of postulation

We talk canonically and legally "cause" for beatification, because for beatifying or Holy man of God, The Church rightly calls a "cause", a "why" sufficiently convincing or conclusive. The devotee of the saint, who supports it, l ' "advocate", let's say so, his cause, It must be able to demonstrate in front of the Church and the people of God Why, for what reason, for what purpose and for what benefit or what advantage do Santo. Well, this "cause" is given by the message of the holy. We say, completing the already mentioned, that what he has created, as stated in the canon law, the the reputation of holiness Father Tomas was the extraordinary consistency in him between thought and action, between faith and charity, the intellect and the will, the moment of truth and that of freedom, the moment of conscience and that of the law, that of grace and the free will.

Book of tyn Cavalcoli

the book of Tomas Tyn John Cavalcoli

One thing of which we desperately need today and the truthful foundation of virtue, The metaphysical basis of morality, the intellectual foundation, doctrinal and dogmatic of holiness and the Christian life. The solution of all other problems, of the relationship between reason and faith, between God and man, between religion and science, between body and soul, between man and nature, between the person and society, between authority and freedom, art and morality, tradition and progress, State and Church, Justice and mercy, and so on.

In thought and in the life of Father Tomas, enlightened by the mystery of the Trinity, the unity and harmony of the mind functions, starting from the single person, Unified by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, spread out to Community-scale, ecclesial and cosmic, according to the principle of analogy and participation, under the primacy of Christ, "Head of the body, the church:, beginning and the firstborn from the dead, to have first place in all things, because it pleased God to dwell in Him all the fullness, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, having made peace through the blood of his cross, that through Him, all things, whether on earth or of heaven " [With the 1, 18-20].

tomb tyn

Tomas Tyn's grave

From this vision of cosmic synthesis, under the primacy of Christ, founded on the metaphysics of St. Thomas, is the virtue of reconciling and reconciling spirituality Tyniana, in the sign of Mary Queen of Peace and winner of heresies, in full filial submission to the Successor of Peter. Thus it appears this magnanimous spirituality, impregnated universality of Catholicism, It can be of benefit in bringing today and reconcile with each other factions still a struggle, inside the church, modernists and lefevriani.

We therefore ask the intercession of the Servant of God, Get as soon as possible by the Heavenly Father to his devotees around the world and particularly in his beloved Dominican Family, joy to see him raised to the honor of the altars.


Varazze, 01 January 2016
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God




[1] I am splendid her school courses on the ultimate goal and the blessedness

[2] theological masterpieces are his courses on grace.

[3] Also admirable school courses on charity.


News about the cause of beatification WHO



tomas tyn postulation



