Give her “escapades” Jesus at Christmas changed from sacred mystery in social sentimentality
Far from making a escapade typical of adolescents and asking for it, perhaps, even apologizes to parents, already twelve years old Jesus shows a way of life that requires our understanding. To understand, however, it is necessary to start from a fundamental matter of faith: He is the Word of God made man, not a rowdy boy.
The parents of Jesus went every year to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover. When he was twelve years, they went up according to the custom of the feast. Ma, elapsed days, as they resumed their way back, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but his parents did not know it. Believing that he was in the company, they journeyed for a day, and then they sought him among their relatives and acquaintances; I did not find, They came back looking for him in Jerusalem [LC 2, 41-52. Full text WHO]
Far from making a escapade typical of adolescents and asking for it, perhaps, even apologizes to parents [cf. WHO, min. 6,30], already twelve years old Jesus shows a way of life that requires our understanding. To understand, however, it is necessary to start from a fundamental matter of faith: He is the Word of God made man, not a rowdy boy.
In the Jewish world of which Jesus is the son devotee, early adolescence begins the age of legal obligations, the first of which is to listen to the Lord, which it has the absolute priority over every other listening; pace of the men who, after listening to only themselves, Finally exchange their will to God's will, often imposing it as such.
How come Jesus He does not say anything to Joseph and Mary obedience to Him request from the Father? Perhaps because they have experience in this circumstance a sense of anxiety, through it as if God had wanted to test their faith. Every man shall be put to the test by the Lord, as the Psalmist says: "The Lord has tried me hard, but I not delivered me to death ' [Shall 118].
The question asked by Maria: "Son, why have you done this? there, Your father and I, distressed, searching for you ', It should not be read as a rebuke, even tender, but as a question that requires a response as light. Maria, that about thirteen years before he had received the announcement of the Archangel Gabriel [CF. Mt 1, 18-25. LC 1,26-37] He knows who is his Son, demand for this light and asked the reason for his choice to remain in Jerusalem. Jesus responds to the typical manner of the Law Masters, ie with a question: «Because you were looking for me? Did you not know that I must be about my Father?». And here we must note that in the Jewish culture of the time, only those who were invested with authority and authority, wisdom and knowledge, They could afford to respond with questions to a question in their mail, not a teenage son to a question addressed to him by a parent. E, including both love is the human apprehension of parents, Jesus invites them to think that his living and acting will always be a fulfillment of the Father's expression of "my desire" [CF. my meditation on will of the Father, WHO]. Between the Father and Jesus Christ there are human mediators, c'è the consustanzialità, as we say in the profession of faith, there is the mystery of the child begotten not made of the same substance as the Father.
Mary listens even if the time does not include the response of the Son. Perhaps the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, one who was touched by the Holy Spirit through a gift of grace only in the history of mankind, acquire full understanding only under the cross, where his soul is pierced by a spear, while the spear of the centurion metal pierces the chest of his son. Under the cross, Mary does not ask more, listens and does the will of the Father that Jesus manifested, becoming Mother of humanity, and thereafter, in the Holy Spirit Pentecost, Mother of the Church that he founded his own being and existence on the mystery of the resurrection of the true God and true man, Today is the child of Bethlehem, Tomorrow the young man as a teenager arguing with the doctors in the temple [cf. LC 2, 41-45], then the Jesus to the banks of the river Jordan before John the Baptist [cf. MC 1,9-11. Mt 3,13-17. LC 3,21-22]. Then the Jesus who makes the wine miracle at Cana [cf. GV 2,1-11], who raises his friend Lazarus from the dead [cf. GV 11, 1-44], driving away with manly severity the merchants from the temple [cf. MC 11,15-19. Mt 21,12-17. LC 19, 54-48. GV 2, 12-25], who forgives the repentant sinner who was about to be stoned [cf. GV 8, 1-11], establishing the priesthood at the Last Supper and the mystery of his body and his blood [cf. Mt 26,20-30. MC 14,17-26. LC 22,14-39. GV 13, 1-20], which it is offered as a sacrificial lamb to wash the sin of the world [cf. GV 1,29]. This Jesus is the Word of God made man, the glorious Christ who now sits at the right hand of the Father, and that one day come again in glory to judge the living and the dead [cf. Symbol of faith]. A mystery that comes to life on Christmas and that is manifested through the public life of the Lord Jesus who reveals in the physical body and so the mystery of his divinity in the resurrection and ascension to heaven. This is the God that we should proclaim Christ as the mystery of the faith these days, if Christmas, out, but unfortunately even within the Church, He had not been changed in any other: in festival of peace, solidarity, the encounter between peoples, of brotherhood, the dialogue between people of different religions and so on …
... In recent days to Christmas ss been given the most diverse titles, while even the chairs of some of our bishops, now so social and so much of the "periphery", few have announced the sublime mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God made man. Other than the party of refugees, of legality, the fight against the Mafia!
Today, feast of the Holy Family, I should probably tell you about the family? If anything, the European family, or that of Western society in general? What family, so? The families of cohabitation test which now constitute the eighth "sacrament", which it is the “sacramento” the refusal of assumption of responsibility? Yes, dai, let's try, so let's see if và, at the bottom of, first it is good to try to play a man and his wife; as if the game irresponsibility and lack of accountability had ever matured and grown somebody. Or should I tell you about the family constituted for this point on love and trust you first, the spouses, sign immediately for the separation of property? Now, let's try to understand: Mica know how it ends, because one thing is to play to pretend eternal love, one thing to say you're the woman of my life, The other thing to run instead certain financial risks. And the eternal love to the woman of his life for many men always ends where it begins the skin of their portfolio.
Then there are the elongated families, the extended, those watered down … There are even parodies devilish family: alternative families, the gay-lesbian, those multisessuali-creative-sexual, and so on …
The western family seems a corpse Marching into the coffin to the cemetery, with the boys on the masked stilettos as fairies following the hearse with the hate mail lesbians dressed as tomboys, all those gathered in a large gay-pride to play the funeral march at the funeral of the family. A little 'as the Christmas funeral on singing words "You come down from the stars", which is also mutated in funeral march, since it seems to have descended from the stars around: the friend of the poor, the friend of refugees, man of peace, solidarity, of dialogue between religions, of an unspecified love it gives soap opera sentimental ... all descended from these blessed stars, just about anything, Unless the Word of God made man on this earth he founded to the mystery of grace one Church entrusted to Peter [cf. Mt 16,14-18] whose only faith we profess through one baptism.
And may the grace of God help especially us priests and our bishops, in the confident hope that one day may have mercy on us, increasingly guilty of turning off the light to "turn on" the darkness of nothingness; the darkness of the mundane and demagogic stupidity alone is spoken, alone answer, herself Welcomes, believed to be the Divine Word, while day after day forget the announcement of the mystery of God Incarnate Word.
Text drawn in part from the homily of 27 December 2015
Feast of the Holy Family
Dear Readers.
With the article published 5 January [see WHO] We asked for your support, in which we trust and which we unfortunately really need.
Thank you!
Rev. Fathers,
I thank you for your spiritual gift, these two admirable, wise thoughts. I'm a breath of elementary, temple, fresh and healthy patristic theology, to be conveyed through the intercession of intense prayers, straightway, without further delay, toward those ancient palaces, surrounded by an increasingly dense haze, to disperse, to sweep it away also to allow a necessary replacement of the polluted air there, too many, veil rooms and clear the eyes, hearts and minds, of many people who reside there, from all the dark ones, personalistic, modern, proud ruminations. Each of us is invited to open doors and windows on our own, the eyes, the heart and mind to simplicity, clarity, to the truth, in the light and grace of the Word of God, according to the teaching of the Redeemer Son.