Ariel S-video meditations. Levi Gualdo on Advent

— I video dell’Patmos Island



After two o'clock lessons held in Rome from Father Ariel S. Levi Gualdo at the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, several readers have asked to provide other video-materials of the Fathers’Patmos Island. We begin by offering these Advent meditations dedicated to two readings from the Gospel and from a biblical reading from the Book of Genesis, in which are shown mainly three key concepts: the will of the Father, the is Mary, the compassion for Christ.



Author Drafting of the Island of Patmos

of the island of Patmos



Dear Readers.

As soon as the Father Ariel and his collaborator will go to the convent in which he lives the Father Giovanni Cavalcoli old per un po’ together and record of lessons illustrious academic Dominican to be published in video on Channel You Tube Dell’Patmos Island.




To open the video click on the images


FIRST MEDITATION: The Father's will

Video 1



Video 3


THIRD MEDITATION: Compassion of Christ

Video 2






Opening of the Jubilee to the animals on the day of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

— I video dell’Patmos Island



By virtue of my skills Catholic animals I wanted to contribute to the offering of Readers’Patmos Island a video on the opening of the Jubilee. The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary the festivities for the opening of the Holy Door in fact have concluded with a series of nighttime screenings on the facade of St. Peter's Papal Archbasilica transformed for the occasion in a zoo.



Author Hypatia cat Roman

Hypatia Roman cat




hypatia below deck

… the professional devastating blankets for beds

I thank the Vatican Television Center from which I took pictures of this movie. I thank Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, My spiritual director, who has agreed to appear with me on video. A devotee thanks all'insigne Dominican John Cavalcoli, academic pontifical, that opened my mind on Thomistic principles of metaphysics feline; the young Thomist philosopher and theologian Jorge Facio Lince that helped me to learn the lessons taught to me by the distinguished Dominican theologian.

I promise to Father Ariel and Jorge, as my personal penance in this jubilee year, avvoltolarmi no longer covered in woolen winter beds of their rooms facendoglieli then find promptly undone when they return home.

Through this act penitential I hope to gain the indulgence offering daily, as cat Catholic consecrated secular, my prayers for sinners of the class of cats Aristocats, because contrary to their cats of existential suburbs They are poor and, as poor, are all good, saints and sound; because the Church of Christ is no longer the Church of all men of good will, but the Church of the Poor.

hypatia covered

… the professional devastating blankets for beds

Alas, I can not sleep a family of refugees cats Mohammedans as I wished, for the Father Ariel told me he threw me out of the house and sent to live in the hotel who had made up his mind to me certain ideas rather unrealistic.

At that point I thought about that “threat” and I remembered that I, when I was little - think: I weighed only four ounces! - I was torn to certain death by the Father Ariel and his collaborator, that when the celebration of the Holy Mass in the Catacombs of Priscilla were intent on returning home, When they found me abandoned, taken to scream in Via Nemorense. As you can see they have not collected in a periphery existential, but in a Roman residential area of ​​wages district, where they could live many more poor than they dwell in neighborhoods ultra-popular, Why, as he has always taught me my good Father: anyone who is deprived of Christ is a poor. It is in this fact that we measure real poverty: be deprived of the grace of the Father Creator, Son of the Redeemer, Holy Spirit comforter who proceeds from the Father and the Son.



To open the video made by Hypatia Roman cat click on the photo


Hypatia for the Jubilee









At the threshold of Christmas: the remarks on atheism John Cavalcoli

− Theologica —



[…] Blessed Paul VI gave to the Society of Jesus as a special task the struggle against atheism; but unfortunately the company not only did not produce anything significant in this field, but it was conniving with communist guerrillas in Latin America and has given full freedom to act as a theologian Karl Rahner, which it supports the possibility of an atheist in good faith, therefore it is not guilty.



Author Drafting of the Island of Patmos

of the island of Patmos



At the threshold of Christmas celebrating the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God made Man, the pontifical academic John Cavalcoli offers of readers’Patmos Island This short essay on atheism.

Compatibly with the technical times and numerous pastoral commitments that have burdened the Fathers of’Patmos Island in this last glimpse of Advent, we plan to charge as soon as possible on the Canal You Tube Dell’Patmos Island the three videos with meditation on Advent of the Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, we are currently converting the heavy HD format to a format suitable for uploading to internet.


To open the short-essay of Father John Cavalcoli click below

20.12.2015 John Cavalcoli OP – atheism COMMENTS






Open, rather: wide the legs to cosmetic gynecology!

– Letters Readers of’Patmos Island



[…] even a person sexually incattivito, famously irreverent and aggressive toward the Catholic Church and Catholicism, this has always been known to be the Spanish director Pedro Almodovar, he could give life, through his perverse fantasies, to a grotesque image as The dialogues on the vagina in the Vatican.



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo




Dear Father Ariel.

They no longer a nun nurse on duty. I played my last years of work, or better than Christian mission, in a hospital, where for 10 years I was the head nurse. Do not hide the fact that at first, reading the material that I send, I thought it was a joke, but the news was authentic. The around the poster and brochure that advertises this conference on Gynecological cosmetic surgeryto be held at an academic institution of the Holy See. More than to know his thinking (that reading it for a few years I can well imagine) the wonder: but what is happening?

Letter signed



gynecology 1

Dialogues on the vagina the shadow of the Tomb of the Prince of the Apostles

We all still in the ears and the heart's loving admonition of St. Giovanni Paolo II than in 1978 He said beginning his pontificate with the famous words: "Open, rather: open wide the doors to Christ and his saving power "Cf. WHO, WHO].

That decline is bad There is known from an anthropological point of view, philosophical, historical and even theological; and we are also conscious of living a moment of crisis of faith and intra-ecclesial decline that has no historical precedent. In its twenty centuries of life the Holy Church of Christ went through moments of great crisis, but as today is done without prior. It never in fact had happened - even in the most inauspicious time - that the Church favored the crisis of faith within itself. Never before it had happened today that internally the good become bad, evil good, the virtue of vice and virtue vice, sound doctrine heresy and heresy sound doctrine. Never had happened that priests deeply mediocre, weak in faith, gaps in the doctrine and taken at will to the fashions of this world and to conform to them, They were promoted to the episcopate glory, and all with severe damage done to many particular Churches, damage that soon will become irreversible, considering that these bishops will enter into the Sacred Order of Priests new facts priests in his own image; in the image of the world to enjoy the world, not in the image of Christ to please Christ and, if necessary, sorrow for the world.

gynecology 2

letter of invitation of the President of the Society of Cosmetic Gynecology, Dr.. Alexandros Bader

So it is natural to ask: What would you say to this San Giovanni Paolo II, viewing transformed into grotesque way, almost burlesque-circus, his loving admonition? Because today, the warning of the Holy Pontiff, for more full Holy Year, It was changed to ... "Open wide the legs to the specialists of cosmetic gynecological" !?

But we come to the fact: the 20 e 21 April 2016 at L 'Augustian Patristic Institute [cf. WHO] - Papal institution located in front of San Pietro, dependent on the Holy See and aggregated to the Pontifical Lateran University -, will be held the first World Congress of Gynecological cosmetic. The present clinical specialists are all renowned and most of them are the most distant from the Catholic world can exist, but also by the more generic Christian world, made up of many combinations born mainly from the heresy produced schism of Luther; heresy that, today as today, for how things are going really likely to include a small thing in comparison of our reality.

In the shadow of St. Peter's Dome on which recently were already projected monkeys and chimpanzees on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Vergine Maria [cf. Video of Hypatia Roman cat, WHO] in a few months we will finally be enlightened on a big secret: how to stimulate the mysterious so-called "G point”, that the system may generate a more creative and exciting sex life?

Augustinian gynecology 3

some of vaginal rejuvenation techniques

Many horizons will open in this conference, for example with regard to vaginal reconstruction techniques, or through which plastic-surgical technique to increase the lips of the female genital sex, or how to reduce those too "chipped" due to an excessive use which has understandable wear product. It will then be clarified and explained how to proceed surgically vaginal rejuvenation. In the program of the conference it is ample space dedicated to the scientific explanation of the new techniques of lifting the clitoris, to follow up with the latest techniques on cosmetic vaginoplasty.

In short, a Church which has become now aware of how outdated the message "open the doors to Christ and his saving power», It seems to invite to "open your legs to the surgeon who specializes in cosmetic gynecology". What we thank God is that unlike monkeys projected onto St. Peter on the day of the Immaculate Conception, This new idea will not take place at least in the solemnity of the Annunciation of the Angel to the Blessed Vergine Maria.

Augustinian gynecology 6

the conference venue: Augustinian Patristic Institute, Vatican City State (Rome)

Such a massive presence of luminaries of gynecology to the Holy See it is still well and good, but especially understandable. There is in fact known that within the leonine walls are ever less prelates at risk of prostate diseases, missing, not a few of them, of the raw material necessary and essential in order to ill: the male attributes.

It is therefore possible that several prelates greet with joy this conference, thereby seizing the happy chance to learn how and with what prodigious techniques is surgically possible to proceed to the "restoration" of many worn orifices; these orifices that led some of them to the episcopate, in the seats of various apostolic nunciatures around the world, on the chairs of various dioceses, to the dignity of cardinals … everything always being faithful to what is shown by the disgraceful events of recent years, It not infrequently resulted in judicial proceedings and criminal cases that have seriously harmed the dignity of the Church, mainly because of all ecclesiastical authority, even knowing, for years they have remained silent instead of acting, thus sinking deeper into tremendous cardinal sin of sloth …
... as it is known, and well known by now for several decades: an ecclesiastical charge val well a worn orifice, especially if the aesthetic gynecology then you run to the aid directly into your home to share what has become the lifting and eliminate signs of wear due to reasons of ecclesiastical career by those prelates who, the mouth, all have used it but prayers.

gynecology 3

all surgical aesthetic specialties, up to the aesthetic treatment of the clitoris, reported in large bottom of page

We have to take note, in a serious and objective, that even a person sexually incattivito, famously irreverent and aggressive toward the Catholic Church and Catholicism, this has always been the Spanish director Pedro Almodovar, he could give life, through his perverse fantasies, to a grotesque image as The dialogues on the vagina in the Vatican.

The next conference will perhaps be promoted by the Society of Urologists to discuss the techniques of stretching the penis and increasing its circumference in patients with congenital micro-penis? In the event to, This possible new conference, It could be organized at the St. Anselm Pontifical Athenaeum, with guest speaker emeritus Archabbot of Montecassino, former member of the Italian Episcopal Conference, who could speak to those present of his rich experience with escort ed i marchettari paid professionals barrel of money centimeter behind centimeter, night after night, with the money coming from the nineteenth revenue per thousand and intended to Caritas of the Diocese he ruled? And even in the latter case not a few, within the hallowed halls, they should ask themselves: how old the ecclesiastical authorities were aware of the dissolute life of this prelate, including the use of hard drugs? Why they did not act in time, waiting with helplessness that omission to take the obligatory initiatives was the criminal law of the state before various embezzlement against which were then detected either offenses? What it is happening in many abbeys and Benedictine and Cistercian monasteries scattered across Europe, many of which are similar to real brothel, governed by abbots that seem languid ladies incipriate, to which must be ascribed the merit of having recruited among its monks a veritable army of homosexuals in search of quiet refuge and safe rein? Even so, will expect to act are the penal laws of the Member, when some of these vices and malvezzi will become offenses?

Augustinian gynecology 4

date and place of the conference …

Expressed suffering with these facts, I hope some red robe does not dare to take it with myself Reverend Lord, because it is precisely the factual data; and in a few months will be acts of a conference on vagina celebrated in the shadow of the Tomb of the Prince of the Apostles, with invitations to specialists around the world printed in the background of the Papal Archbasilica of St. Peter and with the assurance already given to all participants could also benefit from a hearing reserved for them by the Roman Pontiff, always indicates how the program. Now, I always pray God to save me from any form of inappropriate vulgarity, but before this I made me came back to mind the title of a little film pleasant in the early eighties, of which I know only the title, never having seen, and the title would seem to do so fall as they say brush: «long live the seal … and that God benedoca» [cf. WHO]. Think: at the time the movie - that this could be screened in cinemas parish for its contents modest today - it was confiscated by two magistrates behind ecclesiastical reporting because of its title, and the director risked arrest. But here we are finally served the bill after three decades away, after all this moralizing clerical against which it was enough that a monsignorotto telephoned to copings Democrat duty to delete a program on state television. And a result of the logical and inevitable results of moralism clerical-Democrat remains, What horrid paradigm, that poor soul emeritus-Abbot of Montecassino, that is not the only, but only one of several that he took by megalomania and blinded by the certainty of being untouchable, then above good and evil, He has exceeded all human and moral measure.

Augustinian gynecology 7

the European Society of Gynecology logo Estestica

This is unfortunately the present state of the poor bride of Christ I intend to defend, certainly not lay on the sidewalk, as they are making many "cautious” ed “appropriate"Eminent and Excellent Signori, in their dissociation real human and Christian, I fear irreversible, They may even have the audacity to scold me for daring to say nothing but the blatant and solar horrible truth: The dialogues on the vagina the shadow of the Tomb of the Prince of the Apostles, complete with a blessing hearing of the Pope at the end of the conference. And anyone to refute, Father Federico Lombardi in the head, Official spokesman of the Press Office of the Holy See, come forward; but the face, however, with solid and clear arguments, why now, climbing on slippery mirrors, able to smell them from afar even naive, no longer willing to believe all are in effect for “adult Catholics”, that aim to de-Christianize and ridicule the Church from within, making the eyes of the comic world, grotesque and caricatural. And all this is skilled and devastating work of the devil. Therefore, It faces the war against Satan, instead of showing anger toward me, “guilty” only to say that "the king is naked” e che "Regina language".



To examine all of the entire program The vagina dialogues printed in the background of the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter, which will be held at the Pontifical Augustian Patristic Institute click WHO e WHO


Augustinian gynecology 0



NOTE OF 19 DECEMBER 2015, hours 12.00


A friend Vatican journalist has been good enough to send me a note of denial of the Holy See by the Father Federico Lombardi, S.J. A note that we publish immediately and also with extreme pleasure.

see WHO

According things like informs the official spokesman of the Holy See, we note that an association recognized by the international scientific society would involve the Holy See and its academic institution in a convention to which 'no one had been informed'.

We therefore hope that those who have involved the Holy See without his knowledge, printing invitations and brochure with the background image of the Archbasilica Papale di San Pietro, however, at the beginning of the Holy Year and Holy Christmas doors, they meet at the appropriate locations. The aim is not to have talked about that noble organ of the vagina to which we owe the virgin birth of the Son of God's only begotten, but to have spread news with all the trappings of officialdom and sowing understandable confusion among the Catholic faithful who, with the times they are racing, day after day are now ready to be prepared for anything.

But one thing I remain perplexed: can the organizers of this event have been so foolish as to come up with a conference on’aesthetics of the vagina the Pontifical Institute Augustinian, pointing official invitation for some time printed on paper and sent to numerous specialists, as well as reproduced in electronic and diffused on the telematic network? So that I wonder: it would be better to clarify that at the Pontifical Institute, some of the many incompetent that now populate our ecclesiastical structures, He has made available a room-conferences without having bothered to check before and carefully what it was about this clinical conference? Because maybe, the whole, It depends again by the superficiality of the wrong person put in the wrong place. And in this case, blame, would be “our”, not the organizers of the conference on’aesthetics of the vagina in the Vatican.










Jubilee: “Mercy and the mystery of salvation”



In this Jubilee of Mercy we are called to identify with the blind man of Jericho, asking in faith healing from blindness originated from our sin, to be told by the living and eternal source of the Mercy of God: "Receive your sight! Your faith has saved you ". And we will praise God, "Because his mercy is everlasting"



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



Holy Door Paul VI

Blessed Paul VI opened the Holy Door

Mercy runs through the whole mystery of salvation, and it has also sung as a hymn by the Psalmist in a famous psalm of praise and glory, Psalm 135, also said הַלֵּל (Grande Hallel) that every high praise of thanksgiving to God repeats 25 times: for his steadfast love endures forever (his mercy is everlasting).

The Mercy of God is the manifestation of his eternal love the creatures and to the same created. Mercy is the manifestation of force and open to God's goodness; a demonstration that through the mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God becomes physical and corporeal, therefore visible. For as St. Paul writes in the prologue of his letter to the inhabitants of the city of Ephesus, generated in the Son not made of the same substance as the Father's mercy is recapitulates, according to this happy and profound definition contained in the Apostle 'expression: "Design unite all things, those in heaven and things on earth ". A recapitulation which is in itself and of itself an act of mercy of God the Father who gives his only Son who became sacrificial lamb without stain that the blood of his own sacrifice wash the sin of the world.

Porta Santa Paul VI 2

Elder Paul VI on his knees at the entrance of the Holy Door

The Dominican theologian Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange He stresses that "Thanks to Mercy the Creator raises the creature from nothing. He also does something more: It brings forth good from evil ". This is the reason why in the praise of the Paschal candle that is sung at Easter, we express our praise to God singing: "O happy fault, He did to deserve such a great Redeemer ". And the work Christological redemptive work of Christ is the heart of the eternal, life and bustle of his Mercy.

Mercy is therefore is a real attribute of God's nature that manifests itself in all its external action. God becomes merciful after man, breaking the harmony of creation, It introduces the world's death through the mystery of original sin; merciful God has always, not only before the fall of man, but before the creation of man, because even in this lies the mystery: he chose us and loved even before the creation of the world, He destined us to be his sons [cf. Ef 1, 1, 4-5].

Porta Santa Giovanni Paolo II 2

Saint John Paul II opened the Holy Door

The Mercy of God consists, so, not only in lifting the man from the misery of sin, but also in admitting participation in the nature of God through grace. That is why the act of man's creation and the put at the feet of the same harmony created, the giving to it the friendship, is a manifestation of mercy by God the Father who, through the son announces to call "friends" [GV 15,15] after having redeemed us from the condition of "servants" [Gal 3, 13].

In his encyclical Dives in misericordia, dedicated to the mystery of God's mercy [cf. WHO] In the 1980 the Holy Father John Paul II leads us to think that in Christ and through Christ, God the Father becomes especially visible in His mercy; and all emphasized that attribute of the divinity which the Old Testament called "Mercy", or as the Psalmist repeats "Because His mercy is everlasting".

Porta Santa St John Paul II

The old and sick John Paul II on his knees before the Holy Door

Christ confers on the whole tradition Old Testament of the Divine Mercy a definitive meaning. Not just talk about it and explain it by the use of comparisons and parables, but above all he himself embodies and personifies. He himself is, in a sense, Mercy. For those who see in him - and he is - God becomes particularly "visible" as the Father "rich in mercy" [Ef 2, 4], [CF. Dives in Misericordia, 2].

The words of the Apostle John: «Who sees me, sees the Father " [cf. GV 14,9], refers to Christ who earlier had proclaimed himself away, Truth and the Life [cf. GV 14,6], It implies his divine heart and visible of Mercy of the Father. Christ gives us so Mercy as food and source of living water: "I am the bread of life; He who comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst ". All this also with reference to the sacraments of grace, who are the 'greatest expression of God's mercy, everyone. Although in this Jubilee of Mercy there is one in particular which approach, the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, the confession.

The Holy Father Francis opened the Holy Door

Through his gifts of grace, God always opens the heart of his eternal mercy to us, as long as we accept, We accept and, if necessary, or let go to meet his Mercy. To be greeted in the heart of his mercy in fact just one, sincere and profound: "Lord have mercy on me". Like the blind man of Jericho that he heard that Jesus was passing by and he cried out, "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!». The people in front scolded him him to be silent; but he shouted even louder: "Son of David, have mercy on me!». Jesus stopped and ordered him to be fetched. As he, she asked him: "What do you want me to do for you?». He replied,: "Man, I want to see again ". And Jesus said to him: "Receive your sight! Your faith has saved you ". Immediately his sight returned and he followed him, glorifying God [cf. LC 18,35-43].

Francis Pope Holy Door-001

Pope Francis bows at the entrance of the Holy Door

In this Jubilee of Mercy we are called to identify ourselves with the blind man of Jericho, asking in faith healing from blindness originated from our sin, to be told by the eternal and living source of Mercy who is God: "Receive your sight, your faith has saved you ". And we will praise God prostrate on their knees, "Because His mercy is everlasting", because our faith has saved us. And we begin to follow him and to glorify Him, free from that sin makes us blind and closed to the actions of the grace of the Father Creator, Son of the Redeemer, Holy Spirit Comforter.







Dear Readers,

sometimes we appeal to your good heart to advance The Island of Patmos, for which, as you know, we face different costs, and sometimes the means are scarce, especially when at the end of year we have to renew your subscription to Internet services for the various programs for a fee of which we use, for the server-business and so on. For this we rely on your human … Mercy!

You can offer a donation through the convenient and safe system PayPal you can find in the home page. Thanks to you we have been able to support the running costs, something that we thank you very, because you are for us a concrete sign of Divine Providence.




Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

The Church and philosophy. The reason is capable of truth

— Theologica —



[…] from here we see how foolish it fideism Lutheran, that under the pretext of exalting the truth of God's Word, reduced to mere opinion, if not in fallacies and errors that philosophy of Aristotle, that for centuries the Church used, with the mediation of St. Thomas, for the interpretation of the data of faith.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



To open the ’ article click below

05.12.2015 Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON – THE CHURCH AND PHILOSOPHY





An article by Roberto de Mattei on “Sack of Rome”

- Letters from readers of 'Patmos Island


Not knowing the history means not knowing who we are, where we come from and from what we projected. Not knowing the history means not to know our being, with the serious risk of prejudice so our becoming future. This is the warning contained in Roberto de Mattei


Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo




Dear Father Ariel.

I want to alert you an article by Prof. Roberto de Mattei on Correspondence Romana, because it is an article that I was deeply impressed and would like to know what do you think. In the past, you have also debated so on with this Professor, but I do not think that affects much his judgment.

Adriana Sampieri


Dear Reader.


roberto mattei 2

historian Roberto de Mattei, Director of the Agency Print Correspondence Romana

I never ceased to estimate the Prof. Roberto de Mattei, What I have said many times especially when I moved towards him all of the criticism focused on purely doctrinal, historical-pastoral or ecclesial. Then know that as long as he struggles to say that it is always alive in the deepest sense of the word and Christian. I believe in fact that they belong, together with the Dominican John Cavalcoli, the tradition of “warriors”, of the “wrestlers”. War e lotte, Our le, certainly not inspired by the gladiatorial arenas, but the genuine tradition of the Church Fathers; War e lotte that took place in those centers of philosophical and theological debate, in which often the fathers came to the use of hands, sometimes even to the use of sticks, or to blunt instruments of various shapes. It is in fact happened several times throughout history and in the Assizes of the great dogmatic councils intervene soldiers set at the head outside the great hall, promptly rushed to divide the bishops who animated in their discussions eventually unleash furious fights between them.

Times were really beautiful, those! Ancòra not prevailed today's clerical-correct I had to say and not to say, for suggesting so “wisely” ambiguous … let alone if the Fathers of the Church assembled in council to define the great dogmas had principiato by saying that the Son could be also one being with the Father, ma … a powder’ yes and a little’ no, according to the various circumstances. Or imagine if they would ever have coined a hybrid and ambiguous formula to bring the Arians into agreement with the Fathers of the Church who accused Arius of heresy by throwing thunderbolts and thunderbolts at him.

Together with dogmatic theology I always practiced the history of dogma, because in my opinion, without a solid historical dogma is likely to remain suspended between heaven and earth, or worse than change into something ethereal, in mere metaphysical intellectualism, while metaphysics must stand with my heart raised to the sky towards the heavenly Jerusalem but at the same time with his feet firmly on the ground in the Terrestrial Jerusalem.

The dogma is born by a precise history rooted in the Gospels that narrate an extraordinary event: the irruption of God in human history through the Mystery of the Word made man. And from this event narrated in the Gospels that is the beating heart of the deposit of our faith, part of our history.

Often known, instead, from many brother priests and many theologians a propensity to forget, or worse to not know their history. And those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, When he had to say George Santayana [Madrid 1863 - Rome 1952], one of the masters of critical realism: "Those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat it" [cf. Reason in Common Sense].

The synthesis of Roberto de Mattei I think underlying this; a synthesis that arises, however, from his job, which is that of the historian.

The 2 of May, during a conference held in Rome at the Franciscans of the Immaculate [cf. WHO], during those talks very articulate had to lament that today "the story progresses so fast that sometimes it almost seems not to have ever had".

Not knowing the history it means not knowing who we are, where we come from and from what we projected. Not knowing the history means not to know our being, with the serious risk of prejudice so our becoming future. This is the warning contained in Roberto de Mattei, that follows a precise scientific rigor.

A nice article and shareable thank you for letting us know that and gladly point out to our readers in time’Patmos Island.



To read the article by Roberto de Mattei click WHO


