Sui “divorced and remarried”: Lefebvrians, Modernists and … “And the stars are watching” …

— Letters from the readers of Patmos island —



The “problem of the Schism” is twofold and exists from 50 year old: There is the four cats lefevriani, but scratch a lot, officially schismatics; and that unofficial, but far more serious, bold and arrogant, Modernists and rahneriani, otherwise known “gooders” — But woe to touch them! —, shameless sycophants of the Pope, and they are legion.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



Reverend Father John Cavalcoli.

I had already reported the writings on the theme of father Thomas Michelet, discordant in positions , Sandro Magister now proposes a new. «Discordant Synod. Towards a "schism" in the Church?» [cf. WHO]. Dominican theologian Thomas Michelet lays bare the ambiguities of the synodal text. Who did not drive but covered the divisions. The conflict between the "hermeneutic of continuity" and "hermeneutic of rupture". Francesco's dilemma …




Dear Reader.

There are modernist infiltration, filoprotestanti and rahneriane within the episcopate and the same College of Cardinals, under the innocent and Honorable of label “progressism“, It has become increasingly evident, with his irresponsible "do-goodism" and perdonismo, where is less a sense of sin and falls in what the Council of Trent call “Vana haereticorum trust“.

Ma, as if that wasn't enough, What is circulated clandestinely and leaked to the Synod, It is also an lefevriana infiltration, chiara appeared in some short-sighted and hard conservatism, disguised as a zeal for orthodoxy, and in the Pharisaic stiffness, which, blaming the divorced and remarried almost like damned souls of hell, has undertaken the task of safeguarding the law inflessiblimete of the exclusion of divorced and remarried the sacraments, almost like a sacred tradition, warning the Pope who peremptorily also, If this law were to change, would fall into heresy.

These shady ideas in circulation underground or open, especially among theologians and theologasters improvised or hired for the occasion, of course, not come to light in the final motion of the Synod, that is not at all ambiguous, but is geared to great caution and balance, without explicitly touching, as was convenient, the sensitive issue, but merely saggiamenre to offer the dogmatic bases, Ecclesiological, moral and legal, the Holy Father will need to enter, If you believe, and to take a decision, We all await with confidence, which it is. Also missing the decision, It is clear that there remains in force the present law. To about, the letter is exemplary of the Archbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio Mons. Negri to his diocese, We posted these last days [cf. WHO, WHO].

As regards the question of the Schism, It is twofold and exists from 50 year old: There is the four cats lefevriani, but scratch a lot, officially schismatics; and that unofficial, but far more serious, bold and arrogant, Modernists and rahneriani, otherwise known “gooders” — But woe to touch them! —, shameless sycophants of the Pope, and they are legion.

It does not seem that the Pope is able to master the situation chaotic: clubbing the hard lefevriani, did nothing but stir up their pride and their hatred against him, so today the Pope is openly accused of heresy, which was not the case since Luther.

As for the modernists, that, After a rise to power that lasts for decades, you are now possessed of a big chunk of ecclesiastical power, should be recognize themselves — at a minimum — schismatics and to repent, should punish their accomplices, ma, blinded by power and conseguìto “taking glory from each other”, are clearly lontanissmi from doing so, considering themselves, on the contrary, the vanguard of Church progress, and persecuting the Orthodox and faithful to the Pope and the Magisterium of the Church.

The Pope's attitude towards them brings to mind the famous novel by Kronin: “And the stars are watching”.





2 replies
  1. Richard T. says:

    Reverend Father Carr,

    in the comments to another article I'm talking about the Reverend P. Ariel of the exclusion of divorced and remarried to the sacraments, Since their admission seems genuinely unaffordable.

    I would like to know if when you talk about "lefevriana infiltration" proponent of these theses, the Synod saying there were schismatics lefebvrists, or assimilate the lefebvrists for contempt for their positions.

    • Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON
      Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON says:

      Dear Richard.

      As I have shown in my recent writings published and still available on’Patmos Island, admission to the sacraments of divorced and remarried persons is a possible measure which the Pope, If you believe, can take according to suggestions that have emerged from the Synod.

      As the infiltration lefevriana the Synod, I meant to refer to the thesis, that the exclusion from the sacraments would be kept, as divine law.

      Now, of error lefevriani is to tie so necessary to the sacred tradition of the Church rules, Instead it may change. And among these rules there is that the above exclusion from the sacraments.

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