The angelologist Marcello Stanzione again snatches Saint Hildegard of Bingen from the clutches of modern shamans

The problem is not the bullshit of the priests but the lack of vigilance of the bishops who seem to want the honors but not the burdens of the episcopate

The author of the delusional "Ratzinger Code" is an evident emissary of the smallest and most deviant Masonic esotericism of an anti-Catholic matrix

When the priest wants to promote the rights of secularism, the bishops have the duty to demand a priest who promotes the Church

Tomorrow the Society of Jesus will be buried forever. Peter Gumpel is dead, Jesuit of the old school and postulator of the cause of beatification of Pius XII

As we had anticipated: the Bishop of Terni who participates in the inauguration of the Masonic Lodge "was misunderstood". Father Ariel will participate in the inauguration of the next Erotic Festival. And that no one dares to misunderstand it

From his unreal world Alessandro Minutella takes it out on Archbishop Georg Gänswein. A human tragedy and a disaster of souls in a period of devastating crisis affecting the Catholic Church

Elections 2022 - «I'm Giorgia: I am a woman, i am a mother, I am Italian, I'm a Christian " … and I consider abortion an untouchable "right"