Rete4 “Straight and Reverse”: Father Ariel S.. Levi Gualdo is not one who loses his temper, if it does not for emotional impulse but calibrated choice. And if you invite a lion in an arena it is unlikely that they face domestic kitten

ANNOUNCEMENTS – Dall'eresiarca Ario until Synod Panamazzonico, complete with a launch into the Tiber idols removed from a church adjacent to the Vatican. Leonardo Grazzi: «Arianesimo, This very ancient heresy and today »

from the large “Sabrina” played by Audrey Hepburn to the small Sabrina Bosu, that enacts the manipulations of the Neocatechumenals notes after an indigestible “Breakfast at Tiffany's”

"The Five Wounds of the Church": the prophetic texts of Antonio Rosmini until the "Church outgoing", increasingly depopulated more from a faithful hemorrhage … out of the Church

the priest excommunicated Alessandro Minutella is poisoning the simplest and therefore vulnerable members of God's People. The Fathers of The Island of Patmos ask the Archbishop of Palermo want to proceed against him by applying the more canonical penalties provided for in case

“O Word Association”. The voting 16 year old? No, He should be moved to 40 and some should be removed. The Holy See appoints former Prosecutor of the Republic of Rome President of the Court of the Vatican State? Already … and soon the Italian Republic President will appoint a judge of the Constitutional Court of Bolivia

For the Fathers of The Island of Patmos have chosen not to speak of the Synod Panamazzonico? Because we are not reporters in a scoop, between the intentions processes, collective schizophrenia and Catholics quarrelsome disarray

ANNOUNCEMENTS – Marcello Stanzione: "On the path of the Angels – Towards the path of an angelic theology "

Because the Virgin Mary did not ask for euthanasia of Jesus Christ on the cross, as it will allow the government of Joseph Conte, child prodigy of Villa Nazareth? But for the Vatican Secretariat of State and the Italian bishops the real problem was Matteo Salvini exhibiting the rosary in the square