Only if we let ourselves be loved by God, without easy optimisms and dangerous determinisms, "everything will be fine"

Seeing divine punishment in the coronavirus? Reflections on the end of times: fear or hope? But of that day and at that hour …

From Holy Mass to the marshal's bidet: that thin border often crossed in which children teach their father the art of generating

Art and death in the face of an invisible and insidious virus that in the course of this pandemic has brought man to reflect on life and death

With the Queen of Heaven who rejoices in the resurrection of Christ, we rejoice at the false Madonna of Medjugorie who fled the coronavirus pandemic

"Open Church" (from the fourteenth to the sixteenth episode) - Three meditations on the outskirts of a Triduum in its own unique way in the history of the Church: always open Church forced at this time to celebrate behind closed doors

"Open Church" (thirteenth episode) - For safety reasons, the celebrations were suspended, but the Church has never suspended charity

We defend the Holy Father Francesco from flamethrower of mariolatri thirsty for new Marian dogmas: "Mary is co-redeemer"