The issue of Humanae Vitae is simple: make love and do it well. Who establishes new dogmas is worse than those dogmas places them into question and then deconstructs them



Many of those who talk about environmentalism, nature and naturalness, ready to spend on a piece of clothing ten times as long as non-woven synthetic fibers, as unnatural and therefore potentially harmful to the human body, as may be considered instead put a natural rubber condom as a synthetic suit on the male member of the male during a very natural sexual intercourse? It's a track suit most harmful and unnatural made with synthetic fabrics, or a condom that comes between the man and the woman during the naturalness of love?



Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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7 replies
  1. Achille says:

    Reverend Father Ariel,

    She writes

    "Prohibition of the use of contraceptives, as is the expression of the supreme magisterium supported on natural law and traditio catholica, it can not be, today and even tomorrow, supported on dogmatic elements such as recourse to a solemn ex cathedra pronouncement of the infallible magisterium ".

    But it then makes

    "This discipline sanctioned by Blessed Pope Paul VI is to be understood as set forth infallibly, provided that no theologian, more or less versed in precise doctrinal and moral matters, ends up confuse a pronouncement infallibility linked to the so-called second degree, etc. "

    And then I ask you: given that the legislation on contraception may not be dogmatized, to change this framework it would incur into heresy as it were denied a dogma, since it apparently falls under the infallibility of the second degree?

    In other words: It said that in some cases the use of contraception, not abortion would be morally licit, is heresy or not?

    Thank you in advance for your reply.

  2. candiac says:

    Don Ariel, I would make a note in what he writes about the “creation” New dogmas.
    I consider just the recalling to dogmatizza certain principles to be cautious and, just in case, let it do the Magisterium. However I find her very hard topics such, in my humble opinion, not to help a correct reflection.
    In the first place the example on masturbation. While understanding his reasons, that appeal more to a doctor to a priest, I have not read a single phrase of his that masturbation is a sin. That being said as you say so, It seems to be almost desirable to happen. I repeat: as I understand his reasons, But all human, If you open the Catechism, I can not find words you like her, but words like “intrinsically and gravely disordered action”. I guess I will quote the following paragraph 2352, where it reads that various factors can decrease the morale colpevolzza, one out of all the ignorance. But this, You know this, It is unlikely because we are in 2018. Perhaps to my grandmother's time, in the early '900 could be ignorant in matters of sexual morality. But one who has switched from a confessional, can still do not know?

    And if a guy goes from the confessional without a priest to tell him that something is a sin, would be good if that priest was suspended because incapable of doing his job.
    Anyway, in the end, if those who confess knows that time that masturbation is a mortal sin, can no longer camp ignorance, does not find?

    For communion for divorced quite right ...: You can not put in the instance of the indissolubility of marriage. But the wonder: not enough that the divine lips have uttered a phrase very clear about, such that become untouchable, like a dogma?
    you can argue about condoms, on which Jesus was actually delivered. But divorce seems to me that we, although not formally, the 'right' divine.

    ultimately, the example of his disgraced former prof says everything and nothing. Says it all because we grieve the extreme inconsistency and hypocrisy. but it can not be erected to mitigate rule for other situations, such as the use of condoms or masturbation.

    Otherwise, in the end, than it does the Staller, also go with sleeping with different women every night, doing it secretly is less and less ...

  3. with no fear of the word says:

    Dear Don Ariel,

    (1) in the list of deadly sins and consequent sins, it is obvious that the first is the arrogance of luciferin non Served. However always, and today especially with unprecedented virulence, lust in all its forms, is the weapon unleashed by the enemy to undermine all the work of the Creator, against the person, against the family, against civil society, against the Church. A single example: She strongly described the disaster as priests and bishops and cardinals, perhaps it not born in a very high percentage of the facts of lust, practiced or perhaps sometimes imagined ?

    (2) Some of the Franciscans will have obtained an opinionated, but what justifies haunt them all ? And especially, if their crimes were so serious, why no one has openly declared ? Because today it is impossible to know what ever they are accused, for being police with extinction aimed methods ?

    (3) In particular, and specifically, What can be said – but no one says – on the father Manelli, to justify the harsh and uncompromising detention and segregation imposed since the notorious thug Marcel M. slain ?

    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Dear Reader,

      you are right around, in a logical and wise way.

      Obviously taking into account that certain complex subjects has always been forced to deal with one or more angles, because they do it all is impossible.

      Therefore, that human sexuality is not the center of the entire mystery of evil, it's obvious, but that through the lust many souls are driven by always towards Hell, it is equally true. Let me give just one example among many: we think of the extraordinary utility of the computer network and the Internet, with which we theologians and pastors in the care of souls can reach out and interact with many people and with much more ease past, He is doing so well also and above all. Well, I even though I work on the Internet for years and years, suffice it to say that my email goes back to the distant 1996, I took a long time to realize and understand that over 50% of materials moved to the network are content and pornographic and that any child or teenager, simply by typing in the search engine – I pass the word, but you must – “fucking” O “porn movies”, He'll end up in front pages and pages without any censorship, if his parents have failed to enter the appropriate blocks.

      The finally reassured that in the past, and also for several times, I severely criticized the severity with which he was treated the Father Stefano Maria Manelli, and also in my writing, as will be seen, I reiterated that before the commissariare the Franciscans were many other police stations, starting right from the Jesuits.

      As for the man of Satan Marcial Maciel, I am convinced as ever that in the future will be made public the serious responsibilities of many prelates in the coverage of this figure and this story went on for decades, while being ruined generations of students and irreparably deformed young in their vocational path; and it will be found that, behind these covers, there was a great round of money, in conclusion: simony.

      The Holy See was wrong, and it has seriously wrong, not to suppress the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ, because from a rotten tree can not grow and develop healthy fruit. That is why, I repeat, many Christian, in a future perhaps not far, They will be indicated with ignominy before the history of the Church, remaining ascribed to it with ignominy.

  4. Andrea says:

    Dear father Ariel
    in one of twelve Marian apparitions officially approved, the same Blessed Virgin Mary asked – for now in vain – to be revered with the title of Coredemptrix. I therefore think that at least they can freely discuss.
    (I remember in passing that the woman clothed with the sun was seen for the first time by mortal eyes just Patmos…)

    • father ariel
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Dear Andrea,

      please read what I wrote and not what I have written, because I'll explain and clarify what is one thing to discuss, one thing is for sure give a never proclaimed dogma, and act accordingly, as if it were a dogma of the Church.

      As for the debate, some of the finest threads of the history of the Church, They took place in Paris between the various theological schools in the fourteenth century, right around what is now the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, who it was proclaimed only about five centuries later by Blessed Pope Pius IX. And the discussions made at this point that lit the Blessed Duns Scotus, today it is known as the Immaculate Doctor, He was also accused of heresy by opposing theological schools.

      This is all part, of always, precious theological debate.

      What Our Lady's apparitions in Amsterdam, to which she refers, They have been recognized as authentic by the Church, it is a fact. The result, however, that in addition to the recognition of this fact, the Church has recognized as genuine all, but just how much all the words reported by the seer during his whole life?

      It informs in this sense, because recognizing a fact as true in no way implies recognition as authentic even all of the reported sighs from one to more seers.

      Or to clarify everything with another example: a Fatima, the church, It recognized as a made appearances, and later he recognized as authentic ones also known as posts “the secrets of Fatima”.
      The late Servant of God Lucia Dos Santos, in the course of his long life, It is said to have also received other signs and inspirations from the Holy Virgin, on several of which is reported in the interview to the Diocese Bishop is subsequently in messages addressed to different Popes. To my knowledge, however, that any of those numerous messages have yet been approved as genuine revelations; but yet, the church, He has recognized the apparition of Fatima …

      You see, It declared if I did not believe that the resurrection of Christ, God came to us and that is a fact of history and physical, but rather that it is only a metaphor, thereby deny the prince foundation of the mystery of Revelation, because our faith is based entirely on the resurrection of Christ, as we learn from the Blessed Apostle Paul, It does not stand on private revelations. Therefore, to deny this central foundation of faith would make me a heretic and would exclude me from the communion of the Church.

      Otherwise instead, if I protestations not to believe all the supernatural revelations of a seer, I assure you that I could go to bed at night and sleep soundly in perfect communion with the Church.

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