At the Vatican Press "Aridatece Joaquín Navarro-Valls!»



When the lack of respect for the faithful servants of the Church of Christ is beyond all bounds of decency Christian, and at the same time we welcome in our bosom the most poisonous heresies and the most pernicious heretics, calling the first "precious diversity" and the latter "gifts of the Holy Spirit», we must acknowledge that we are in the demonic sphere, then invoke the protection of the Archangel Michael in the fight against Satan.



Preparation of ’ island of Patmos




The Holy Father Giovanni Paolo II [1920-2005] and the spokesman of the Vatican Press Office, Joaquin Navarro Vals [1936-2017]

These days was released a letter from Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun addressed to "Dear Media Friends', that we too have reported on The Island of Patmos [see WHO].


At Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong, which it is one of the greatest experts in the world of the delicate situation in China and that he spent his life serving the Church of Christ, the statement reproduced here do not even recognize the dignity to the name, given that this dignity is accorded to their offspring from God the Father, who calls everyone by name and loves us even before the beginning of time. We must conclude that perhaps, to the Holy See, there's someone higher up of God the Father?


Over the past five years of Church history, the right to a name is recognized all, even at the last cut-throats of Muslims landed on Lampedusa. Because as the investigations of the various international police corps prove - but above all as the identifications of various subjects who landed in Europe and then landed in Syria to slaughter Christians prove -, cut-throats in Lampedusa are landed several. And to follow: right to a name is recognized to abortion unrepentant and proud as the Lady Emma Bonino and Marco Pannella as the Luciferian; right to a name and even the dignity of ecclesiastical title it has been paid even to the carnival “Archbishop” Lutheran declared lesbian, living with their companions and supporters of abortion, dell'eutanasia, dell'omosessualismo, the same-sex marriage and adoption of children recognized these entities as intangible rights. This is followed hereinafter - as they say - all of them the Litany of the Saints. E, incidentally, perhaps we will soon hear praise in the Litany of the Saints also San Martin Lutero, to which they have been recognized, besides the name, also titles such as "reformer", "Well-intentioned", 'Gift of the Holy Spirit " … For who says this, and much worse ancòra, It does not feed at all any "confusion and controversy", as the icy press release from the Holy See Press Office points out, who dares not even mention an elderly man of God, as well as Bishop and Cardinal upright: Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun, to which the right to the name He is in any case recognized by God the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.


We have nothing to add, if not a regret … "Navarro Valls Joaquin Aridatece!». And not only him, not only him …


Michael, the archangel,
defense in the;
the wickedness and snares of the devil.
And do thou, humbly pray;:
tuque, Prince of the heavenly,
The power of God,
the ruin of souls
about the world,
divine power, In Hell.


the Island of Patmos, 30 January 2018











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1 reply
  1. piertoussaint says:

    Vbeh, in the specific case, it was quite logical… you know that, everywhere, not only in the Vatican, often in official statements the names of the dissenters are not mentioned, you see, always at the Vatican, Four of the signatories Dubia.
    It is the substance of this unhappy case, it seems yet another own goal by the Holy See. However, As the names of the faithful servants, and those infidels, they are well known by the Creator. On Judgment Day, there will be no spokesperson, but each, naked before Christ, answer for himself.

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