The desert and the winding streets offers to a man more than ever emblem of living "in a dark forest" where "the straight way was lost"

L'Angolo di Girolamo Savonarola: Catholic homiletics in lean times



St. John completes an ancient and long prophetic season marked by equally extraordinary men: the great prophets of Israel. But what in common men like Jeremiah, finished stoned. Isaiah, sentenced to death, It seems to have been sawn in two. Daniele, thrown to the lions ... and the Baptist? All these men, servos they too of truth and justice, John is not dead as of serene natural death in a quiet bed, They were united with each other intuition, a gift enclosed by nature in instinct of every man, that if developed by the touch of God's grace through the Holy Spirit can bring anyone to perceive and see beyond time and space constraints of this


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo.


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Jesus Christ be praised !


St. John the Baptist in cartoon

Between the lines of Luke This IIª Sunday of Advent [see text of the Liturgy of the Word, WHO] there is our remote start, our past, our present and our future. Or how often I repeat: in the moving message of the living word of God is the totality of our being present and the future of our becoming.


Essential, piecewise shady, almost as wild as the locusts and the honey they ate, that of St. John the Baptist said, and the precursor, It is not figure that arise out of nothing; or a figure ending their lives dying in a quiet bed seized with senile natural death. Giovanni, who loved truth and justice, - because without truth and justice can not operate either mercy or grace - he was sacrificed for a dance of Salome; and his head, in the name of those political reasons which sometimes seems you can never say no, especially when they are vilifying the truth and justice, it was cut cleanly and placed on a tray for the perverse joy of Herodias who asked for it as a gift. A gift does not denied, indeed readily granted, because it depended on the maintenance of many fragile balances linked to the power for power; no matter if immoral and perverse, what only mattered was to keep.


St. John completes an ancient and long prophetic season marked by equally extraordinary men: the great prophets of Israel. But what in common men like Jeremiah, finished stoned. Isaiah, sentenced to death, It seems to have been sawn in two. Daniele, thrown to the lions ... and the Baptist? All these men, servants also of truth and justice, John is not dead as of serene natural death in a quiet bed, They were united among them the intuition, a gift wrapped for instinct nature of every man, that if developed by the touch of God's grace through the Holy Spirit can bring anyone to perceive and see beyond time and space constraints of this, in which we often do prisoners instead of free creatures, because if in our space we develop freedom, our lives will be a continuing emancipation. If, on the other hand, we remain closed in our space, we reduce the limited, and in this case, our existence will be an imprisonment, if anything, golden, but still a prison.


Another element on which today more than ever we should talk in depth, perhaps even dramatic, It is the concept of wilderness. From this page the blessed Evangelist Luke have just heard: "Voice of one crying in the desert". Well, we try to think about what kinds of deserts deaf and dumb you are forced to live today in the noise, between the optical fibers that run unseen and super technological computer networks of our world of real-time news. Yet never before has, the man was only in modern deserts spaces soul, that they are totally different from the deserts in which man retreated in the past, to find himself and feel the breath of God's caress on him.


What meaning can the words of the prophet Isaiah reported by Luke the Evangelist: "Prepare the way of the Lord, his paths straight?» [cf. Is 40, 3]. It is a seemingly clear sentence, but it needs deeper explanations. Example: All we have heard a few times in life, through the sayings of the elders: "God straightens crooked streets». What that his grace ago and several times throughout history has shown to. But, in this case, the person called to account, or rather work, it seems that both the man. God needs of trails suitable for walking among men, that to meet his Divine Majesty must work to straighten those paths that God had traced the origin rights. Wishing we can add more: Sometimes the streets are not even the most crooked, much more and much worse: apparently the roads are not exactly the most!


Consider in this regard many ancient streets have disappeared over time, swallowed up by the earth, by vegetation, from urban and architectural layers superimposed on each other. We need only think of our ancient Rome. but yet, those roads once existed. And it was not only the real streets, but also functional; and for longer periods of time they were crossed for centuries by the Etruscans, below by the Romans. Then, after the Roman Empire which marked the largest decline, many of those roads, along with numerous buildings and architectural works, They were swallowed by the vegetation and submerged under layers of earth.


At times, the street, in order to be prepared It requires careful and laborious archaeological recovery, this thing that at the time John the Baptist intuited. And from the wilderness he drew recovery leading to purification and repentance of sins, then the preparation announcing: "After me he is the one who is stronger than me: I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the laces of his sandals. I have baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit " [cf. Mt 3, 11].


Let's try to think about what in the Holy Gospels is the opening of a beginning endless. Have you ever considered the fact that the Gospel, in itself and by itself, It is a beginning endless? In which of the Gospels it is in fact written, or even vaguely implied the word: fine?


He writes the blessed Evangelist Matthew:


“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And here, I'm with you every day until the end of the world " [Mt 28, 19-20].


He writes the blessed Evangelist Mark:


"And they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord acted together with them and confirmed the Word with the signs that accompanied it " [MC 16, 20].


He writes the Blessed Luca Evangelista:


"While he blessed them, he parted from them and was carried up, in the sky. And they fell before him; then they returned to Jerusalem with great joy and were continually in the temple blessing God " [LC 24, 51-53].


While the Blessed Giovanni Evangelista, in his conclusion does not fail to point out:


"There are still many other things which Jesus, if they were written every one, I think that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written " [GV 21, 25].


In a different way, at the end of their drafts the Evangelists not in any way put an end to a story, quite the opposite: outline that that story - that's just not -, It embodies the mystery of revelation which starts early: Now start from, make disciples and baptize [cf. Mt supra] ... then they went out and began to preach everywhere [cf. MC supra] ... and after that the Lord was taken up to heaven they returned to Jerusalem and began to always go to the temple to praise God [cf. MC supra]. E, of course: all this is just a small part of everything that really happened [cf. GV supra].


The Gospel proceeds from beginning to beginning until the Second Coming that will trace a new eternal beginning: God, who bursts in human experience so real, Physical and body through the incarnation. Until you reach, after the 'entire Christology experience that seems to culminate with the shame of the cross, the upturned stone of a tomb that does not mark the end of a story with a happy ending, but the beginning of the true history of mankind that as Christ is risen and begins to move up with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus [cf. LC 24, 13-53] until the return of Christ at the end of time.


"For we ', says the Blessed Apostle Peter: "According to his promise, We look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness " [cf. Pt II 3, 8-14]. And in this new land and these new heavens, God certainly does not want viewers, but protagonists builders, to wet this new land with the water dripping from the eternal sources justice. The love of God is indeed justice and justice is the most perfect expression of God's infinite love. For he that loves, It is always right; and justice finds meaning and expression of his love creature created in the image and likeness of the Living God. Only then "The winding roads shall become straight, and the rough flattened". And "man" of good will, who knew how to traverse the deserts "will see the salvation of God" [LC 3, 6].


the Island of Patmos, 9 December 2018


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1 reply
  1. Nobody
    Nobody says:

    Salve, Dad. Literally the prophet is he who “speaks for God”, In the case of his homily the True Father. The problem is the others “prophets”, those who speak on behalf of “abusive” and who claim victims (spiritual) in civil society, corrupting young people and leading them to spiritual atrophy. I'm sure he has already prayed for the poor and young victims of that club in the Marche region, but I don't know if he tried to read the lyrics of “songs” the “their prophet” . E’ it is necessary to be earners of experience to try to understand how young people are, our future, can praise these texts, nemesis of God's Word, and how they may have been authorized by knowledgeable parents (?), to follow such “idols”.
    P.S.: The Church has lost its leadership function, and we are paying for the results!

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