The exercises to the Roman Curia. By preachers to gravediggers: the funeral dell'omiletica
[In the appendix: homily of Father Ariel adolescents]
It is very serious that to support its objective heterodoxies the Preacher abuse of overtime Christological paradigms such as the episode of the forgiven prostitute [CF. LC 7, 36-48] o dell'adultera [cf. GV 7,53-8,11], to mutate all in another, to free man now psyched from the complex of sin. Just as previously he had several times to make her famous brother David Maria Turoldo, distinguished and celebrated writer for the newspaper The Manifesto Communist Party, where for years he wrote editorials designed to please the radical communists and to confuse, except sometimes to humiliate, the sentiment of Catholics.

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
It is said that the Angelic Doctor San Tommaso Aquino, when he found himself in his hands manuscripts containing philosophical or erroneous theological concepts, without wasting any comments, He drew aside the head of an ass.

the donkey is’ where he wants the master
In my native Tuscan Maremma, a saying of popular wisdom says, "The donkey goes 'where the boss wants', and again: "The donkey binds where it wants the master '.
The spiritual exercises to the Roman Curia in preaching the course by the Father Hermes Ronchi, distinguished member of turoldiano Order of the Servants of Mary, the evidence shows is an act of flattery to the owner ahead of tied - or legatosi - where the owner wants.
Needless to say, the Lord Jesus says: "I do not call you servants, because the servant does not know what his master; but I have friends called, because everything I heard from my Father I have made known to you " [cf. GV 15,15]. This theme already discussed in one of my past articles [cf. WHO].
I'm not going to make a legitimate criticism thorough and all strictly theological paid to many of the bold statements Preacher, because there are so many, from the Old Testament up to the Gospels. “Commendable” the praises of Adam and Eve, who "believe" and "do not believe", just as if it were to be allegorical not only the story, but also the entire contents. Request: how we can Adam and Eve believe or not believe what they see, place God have it before my eyes? [cf. WHO]. Something else is in fact the basic problem of these first two creatures made in the image and likeness of God, that is to want to do like God, per “prescind” then by God. And by their free and determined rebellion it born perfect harmony rupture that corrupts the whole of humanity and that makes mortal man and corruptible. This is also known as original sin. And original sin is a reality which arises from an act and a real fact, teach it deserves to Preacher, since he does not just talk about it, perhaps because you do not know it. Original sin is not an invention of St Augustine, as claimed by many, nor a "fear that depicts the mythical and ancestral fears of man", as he used to say Karl Rahner. the Preacher says that Adam and Eve feel "fear", although to be accurate should be said that, rather than "fear", They feel fear and shame. But that's not the problem, but the fact that the preacher does not explain the origin of this fear and shame, but above all what this entails for them and for all humanity. And this is very serious, because it is the starting point of the idea totally wrong that the preacher of sin and that consequently emerges in all his preaching, that in fact, no easy worth denial, It is an unorthodox preaching, held before the Supreme Pontiff and to the members of the Roman Curia.

the winning smile donkey conqueror
Without falling into the most fearsome of the deadly sins, which it is the pride, throughout Christian honesty say that I, in the conduct of my ministry as a preacher, retreat to the Curia Rome would not have preached them better, but much better, starting first of all from the awareness that Jesus Christ calls me 'friend' [cf. GV 15, 9-17] and that he alone is my only "Master". A master who also do not want my complacent flattery, but my faith and my love. And the one and the other goes through the exercise of the gift of the freedom of God's children.
I will therefore confine myself to two examples, just to make the idea: first of all the fact that, the second day of retreat, the Preacher says: "Helps me a sentence Bonhoeffer". It then proceeds to rotate with its quote [cf. WHO].
So let us just the thing: that of the Lutheran theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a highly heretical thought, already I explained in the past in my article detailing how this thinker was the basis of formation of the Bishop Secretary of the Italian Episcopal Conference [cf. WHO], another "donkey" - in a purely figurative sense, for the holy love of God! - "Tied where he wants the Master '. I could argue that even a heretic as Bonhoeffer, there may still be good; this thing that in itself is just and true. However, teaches us how our wise Dominican master Giovanni Cavalcoli through its criticism of theologians at Karl Rahner: "The most dangerous heresy is the one through which, true and right, end sprinkled with doctrinal error and larded with heterodoxies ".

the art of communication …
Wanting, I can clarify matters with one of those examples that literally send off the handle certain incurable clerical. The example is the following: Also in the famous porn actor Rocco Siffredi - famous not for his face but for other anatomical parts of his body - there is good. Several times we saw him moved tenderly on live television, while responding to the interviewer spoke of his beloved wife and their beloved children with the candor of a San Luigi Gonzaga, explaining that for him the family is not just important, but absolutely everything. Even despite, I never would propose, never will I would use as a model of paternal family love in the preaching of the spiritual exercises to the Discalced Carmelites. Although I still consider more seriously the use Bonhoeffer heretic as an example and paradigm to express concepts of "high spirituality" in the presence of the Pope and his Curia, more or less "sbracati" with the clergyman slovenly dressed, of those on which is applied a white plastic stamp in the middle of her blouse, in a display of pectoral crosses hanging on the iron bellies. And those who answer me: "But such trifles go to observe and try?», replicherei that soon, in the Gospel of the Passion, we will read the episode in which the Roman soldiers, finding himself in his hands the precious garment of Jesus, well they looked from doing it in pieces, and only use rags to clean their spears and armor, as they are usually made with the miserable garments of those sentenced to crucifixion. Since this is indeed a very valuable head, woven entirely from top to bottom in fine cloth, that piece of haute couture if you played dice [cf. Mt 27, 33-36]. This is to say that their clothes and sloppy discharged members of the Roman Curia, bound like donkeys where the Lord wants, They could instead be hardly sold in the flea market of Porta Portese.

in contemporary society it is important to have a catchy expression half sly smile and the world today is yours
Much worse It is contained in the fifth meditation, the Preacher, which expediently proceeds in a deep and severe adulteration of the Gospel message. every preacher, indeed, in the delicate ministry of the Word of God's Word, It must take into account the totality of the text in all its deep entirety. I cut and paste a different use and consumption operated on the Gospel by those who wish to give it another sense changing it thus in a completely different message, They should be left to the ultra-secularists or the 'Dear Brothers Freemasons' Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi [cf. WHO, WHO]. And the theological seriousness that comes upstream from a wrong capacity of exegesis and adulteration of a serious message, in the specific preaching is based on this: it is claimed - rightly - that "Jesus is not a moralist", as they they are the Pharisees. Nothing to say, if everything were not used to tell the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, what the Word of God Incarnate never said, considering that Jesus, a moral, He has it all right, enough to explain clearly and unequivocally: "You do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill " [CF. Mt 5, 17-20].

half sly smile and the world today is yours
I find it disturbing that today, even within the Church, of the entries as "dogma", "dogmatic", "Moral" ... they are used in a negative sense. No priest, in fact, not even the most uneducated of manicured country than once - now comparable in preparation to a doctorate in sacred theology today -, to express dissent on a given thing, He would reply to the other party: "But because you are dogmatic ... ah, all these unnecessary dogmatism!».
It would therefore be good to clarify the Preacher that there be "moralists", nell'accezione negative or self-righteous of the term, does not mean, however, be deprived of the sense of sin or of the concept of good and evil, ie moral sense, drowning everything in the current and prevailing molasses of a confused mercy and an equally confused love. The way the preacher speaks of sin is to say the least - I dare say - creepy, but mostly non-Catholic.
It is very serious that to support its objective heterodoxies the Preacher abuse of overtime Christological paradigms such as the episode of the forgiven prostitute [CF. LC 7, 36-48] o dell'adultera [cf. GV 7,53-8,11], to mutate all in another, to free man now psyched by “complex of sin”. Just as previously he had several times to make her famous brother David Maria Turoldo, distinguished and celebrated writer for the newspaper The Manifesto Communist Party, where for years he wrote editorials designed to please the radical communists and to confuse, except sometimes to humiliate, the sentiment of Catholics. And mind you I said: of Catholics, not gods captive-Pharisees.

spiritual exercises to the Roman Curia, Lent 2016
Overflowing forms of unspecified tenderness, the Preacher does not dwelt an essential element which underpins the action of divine grace of Christ the Lord, namely the fact that the prostitute, first of all, and forward all, It repented. Before Christ God she kneels humble and penitent "wetting his feet with her tears and drying them with her hair then" [CF. LC 7, 36-48]. It was not fair, and proud of their profession and of its subsequent action, nor of his sin, nor of his life of sin or of his state of sin. This is the base on which is built the action of Christ who welcomes, It protects and forgives, dismissing her with the phrase: "Your faith has saved you; go in peace!». Which it is a real absolution of sins by Christ the Eternal High Priest of the universe. On the other hand however the adulteress, also forgiven because repentant, It is dismissed with a precise warning, but for which there is no trace in the Preacher empty talk that maybe, just like the owner of the ass, He has decided to be more “tender” e “merciful” of Christ himself. To this I say empty talk, each and rigor played sull'emotivo, dance on sentimental street band Argentina and, above all, the politically correct. And the loving warning, and at the same time severe of the Lord Jesus is as follows: "... Will’ and from now on sin no more " [Cf Gv 7,11]. The same admonition by which confessors can now dismiss the penitent after the holy sacramental absolution. And this commandment is the seal that complements the action of divine grace, in the absence of which, the message Christological, It ends up being changed into another. Therefore, removing the initial element of repentance from sin on which moves the action of Christ's forgiveness, and finally the crucial final seal, it will stage a perfect forgery of the Gospel. And if this occurs directly before the Supreme Pontiff and to the members of the Roman Curia, you understand well what all that means: it means that by the time we are now in "happy" march on the hearse.

[especially the previous photo] the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith during the exercises to the Roman Curia, with an expression that in itself says everything …
Now I understand why, sitting in the front row among those present, stands dejected face of that great Orthodox theologian Ratzinger and Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, that to tell the truth I think is one of the best prefects of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had by the Church over the past fifty years.
At this point, between heretics cited in glory and speeches built on sociologisms e theologians widespread as metastases from cancers spread around the body of the Church by certain authors New Theology, to preach to the moribund Roman Curia no longer call even preachers, but directly the undertakers, What genuinely entirely consistent with the "new course", sometimes bleak, or at least ambiguous and doctrinally confusing.
And while the illustrious gravedigger-preacher He gave as far synthesized the best of themselves, this morning, at the invitation of a senior pastor, I was receiving from God the grace to preach about 300 students of middle school, aged between 11 ed i 14 year old. And in doing so, Far from feeling a gravedigger, I was a specialist in the intensive care unit, animated by the purpose of keeping alive in some way the faith, or at least questions about faith, in those who tomorrow, on the bodies of all these poor dead today triumphal march on the hearse, may be the Christi faithfuls future. This is the reason why I leave willingly to the Father Hermes Ronchi preaching to the dead, while i, on my part, I have always been committed to preach to the living.
dall’Patmos Island, 9 March 2016
[…] learn to welcome God who communicates to you, and learn to communicate with the love and mercy of God, of the God who is "slow to anger, abounding in love". But although his love a fire that burns forever, that does not mean it is free of anger toward those who choose evil at all costs and whatever the cost, instead choose that His infinite mercy

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
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Praised be Jesus Christ!

the vestry, the silent antechamber of paradise …
Psalm we read is interrupted by a responsorial that together we repeated: "Merciful and gracious is the Lord". To truly understand, so to accommodate others and to convey ourselves for what we really are, ie to communicate with our fellow, it is necessary the use of the word. But this use requires, around you, the true and real knowledge of the words, therefore the appropriate and correct use of the same words.
As you well know, modern technology should be useful to better communicate among yourselves and with the world around you, whereas, unfortunately,, their technology will often take the ability to communicate your emotions and feelings. Try to think about it, but above question yourselves about why today, that we are well equipped with all the best media, young people have enormous difficulties in communicating their emotions, sensations, feelings?

the vestry, the silent antechamber of paradise …
Maybe people my age [I have 52 year old] in this respect they were the most advantaged of you. For instance, This is also the age of your first great loves. And believe me I know what this means, your age because I fell in love on average twice a month; and my parents were always Wild Grass, as they are usually to 12/13 year old. At that point it was created the natural problem of communication: I, teenager that I was, I had to find a way, facial expression, the right words to say to that girl at school that I was in love with her. And everything was played on communication, with an awareness: If you fail to communicate our feelings to the other person, our feelings can not be understood, therefore not be accepted; and who nourishes feelings of love wish to be accommodated, requited, so loved. Then what happened? More or less this: as one of the elements of communication are also so-called gimmicks intended as strokes of genius who make things in order to make it appear that everything happened by chance, so it happened by chance that the girl came out of the school gym to get back into the classroom and ... but it happens, I was around the corner of the hallways was coming, obviously randomly. And just randomly I had printed in his face an air of dreamy cupid, or if you prefer to cold fish. And with honey sprinkled voice I said: "Good morning, but look who's here ". How to say: eh, jokes that makes the case! And supposing I met her again - again by chance, means - after school. After that, He could possibly miss a call in the afternoon, due to an emergency situation due to unforeseeable circumstances, in this case to a forgetfulness of the type: "I find the diary and do not remember the pages that the history teacher has given us to study '. And from that pretext he was born a conversation than forty minutes. And finally my father could call home to ask my mom urgent question, blurting: "I tried twenty times to call but was always busy". And my mother retorted: "Be patient, your son has run madly in love again!».

the vestry, the silent antechamber of paradise …
Now you understand that among this natural, human and emotional "talk" of gestures, looks, words and even pretexts designed ingeniously, and a whatsapp or a sms on which is written at a distance: “TVB”, which I think it means I love you, there is a lot of difference. Dear children: we can not communicate in barrel “TVB” and of smilies smiling or sad, nor can we communicate by sending images of thumbs raised or lowered approval of disapproval, because human relationships are not made with three ungrammatical words shoot with wathsapp, or with the image of a heart sent by sms. Human relationships are our actual present reality and our real future perspective, in a life that must be alive and real, not virtual. For that your life has to be made of real relationship, no hearts sent a few meters away with a sms without looking even in the face the person who makes you the true heart beat. And these human relations are based on communication. So try to learn to watch the companion or partner in the eye and try to tell him "I love you", instead of sending him a little heart with their cell phone from ten meters away.

the vestry, the silent antechamber of paradise …
It gave, what once it was defined in the Catechism with a very brief but effective sentence: "God is the perfect being the creator of heaven and earth", It encloses the heart of their eternal being the perfection of communication; because in a very effective way God has revealed and communique to man since time began. Think of that original way God reveals himself to Moses: She had him drawing his attention through a burning bush that burned before his eyes, but that was not consumed [It is cf 3:1-4:17]. But if you think about it, the sign of the bush burning without being consumed also contains another meaning. Indeed, the fire burning but that never wears out, It is a sign of God's eternal and unquenchable.
At a certain point of human history, here is that the Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible, get back to communicate and to make themselves alive and present in a way that surpasses all human imagination: God became man, presenting himself before us with a body, a face, a voice, that of Jesus Christ. A quel point, from the burning bush that burns and that is the unquenchable love of God for man, We go to Jesus Christ, the Word of God made man, that as a sacrificial lamb washes the world from sin by burning love for humanity on the cross, to redeem with live fire of his passion the whole of mankind from sin. And once again, to God great and merciful, is a fire of love that burns and is consumed than ever.

arrival of young schoolchildren to church
before teaching of a God that yes communicates so extraordinary man, can we send humanity, feeling, love, with a heart cold shipped via sms?
Quando il psalmist, singing of the mercy of God, He announces that "The Lord is close to everyone who invokes" [Shall 144, 3] with those words does this mean: the Sir, who communicates and reveals himself through numerous signs, He wants man to communicate with him.

arrival of young schoolchildren to church
And Christ the Lord, before dying and rising from the dead, before ascending to heaven where now sits at the right hand of the Father, He left us another great gift: l'Eucharist. And in the great mystery of the Eucharist, the Lord Jesus is truly alive and present among us through the signs of bread and wine become his body and his blood alive. Under the consecrated species of bread and wine, Christ himself, living and glorious, It is in fact present in a true, real and substantial, his Body and Blood, with his soul and divinity [cf. CCC, 1413].
All these gifts of God the Father that continues to communicate man are enclosed in a single word: Mercy. The "mercy of God" as the Psalmist sings' expands to all his creatures " [Shall 144, 1].

The Holy Mass
but be careful, the psalmist, singing the Divine Mercy, also it tells us that God is "slow to anger, abounding in love". And you know well that being "slow", It does not mean being 'devoid of anger ". All you who have received the sacraments of grace, you have made First Communion, and many of you too Confirmation, When you recite the profession of faith - the I believe - Together with all the People's Assembly of God affirmed that Christ "day again in glory to judge the living and the dead".
We not therefore challenge the love of God and his infinite mercy, because God is divine judge, which one day all of us - I for one much more of you - we will have to give an account of our actions.
In the Gospel of the blessed apostle John that we have read [cf. 5, 17-30], Christ the Lord affirms: "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me, It has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but it is passed from death to life. In truth, verily I tell you: It comes forward […] when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will, live ».

a memory with some young pupils
For this I tell you: learn to welcome God who communicates to you, and learn to communicate with the love and mercy of God, of the God who is "slow to anger, abounding in love". But although his love a fire that burns forever, that does not mean it is free of anger toward those who choose evil at all costs and whatever the cost, instead choose that His infinite mercy that part of Moses from the burning bush burning and not consumed, to reach up to the Only Begotten Son of God, Christ the Lord, for the love of humanity burns and consumes his passion on the cross for the salvation of mankind. And the third day it rose again according to the Scriptures, in the mystery of the Passover that soon we will live in the memory of Christ the Lord, that for us and died for us and rose again. And the great mystery of the Risen Christ who conquers death, It rests the whole great mystery of our faith: Christ gave, the Lamb Victorious, that conquers death and who calls us all to life in his kingdom which has no end. These, Christian sentiments with which I urge you to live in a little while the great mystery of Easter.
Praised be Jesus Christ!
What a feeling of bewilderment at seeing closed this Saturday Holy churches. Our Lord Jesus Christ left this world with the promise and joy of His resurrection. Are moments of anguish the days of His Passion and Death is a state of mind of loneliness, wandering the streets disheartened, but Faith heartened, It makes us realize that everything is not finished and that approaches a great day. E’ on Victory Day, of Glory. It is not the day of the liar from the beginning that he hoped in vain in the final defeat of Christ. E’ a lonely day, but of immense Hope; a day of announcement to your loved ones living and dead that everything is not finished, but it is only the beginning of the triumph of Christ with the institution of the priesthood and of the Holy Eucharist. This is the true Peace, this is the true Charity, in recognizing that we are not lost and that he loves us. Want this glorious day of Easter SS pour in you dear fathers joy to emulate Christ, not to allow Christians to feel lost, especially in this period of severe political turmoil, moral and religious. E’ through you that the image of Christ is alive…
Comfort us, talk to us more of Truth, Renounce every heresy, keep us strong in faith and let us understand what is wrong so that we may witness to Christ. Wishes for a Holy Easter and God bless you.
“Indeed, the fire burning but that never wears out, It is a sign of God's eternal and unquenchable.”
My pastor instead explaining this reading spoke of natural gas leaks as a cause of the burning bush, and the suggestion of Moses before this show as the cause of everything reported in this biblical text. Then the rest I have not heard ... You know what a disappointment! I had passed off early as the word of God !!
Dear Mattia.
If more than to preach these things, the pastor in question also speaks of the poor, of poverty, of the poor at the center of the Church; if it then opens a reception center for refugees and whether traveling on the "existential peripheries", if he fifties age, soon they could do it Bishop, the requirements seem to be everyone.