“Dear Brothers Freemasons”. The danger of Freemasonry and the exposure failure of Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi
– Theologica –
Freemasonry makes his devious action nefarious acting on the body of bishops, with particular attention to the ambitious bishops, negligenti, opportunists, fixers and worldly. To achieve the aim to extinguish faith and charity to cool the people of God, Freemasonry knows that a community is being corrupted by bribing the head, as it says in the Gospel: 'I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered " (MC 14,27).

John Cavalcoli OP
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The article from The sun 24 Ore object of theological critique of the Fathers of’Patmos Island
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E’ Significantly, the God of the Masons is a “great Architect” and not quite a “maker” which creates in its own likeness, as was already the Platonic (Timeo), E’ one lexical stratagem that has two purposes: 1) denying implicitly, but without much fuss, the reality of a God creator and its necessary implications: transcendence, the fatherhood of God, the questions about the human condition of the distance from the face of God; providence etc.,; 2) create an aura of ambiguity around the Supreme Being and be able to accommodate adherents to the right and misses, of all faiths and conditions. The figure of the Great Architect may well dissolve, step by step, in that of the Great Designer who can grasp the secret harmony of the visible world, and then gradually to that of the Big Picture, the Great Idea to be realized through its real authors: the Freemasons, ie the man himself.