The “Yellow Submarine” and tragedy. To what extent are you required to save human life in all ways?
It takes a lot of mercy, out of the question, because even snooty imbeciles deserve Christian and human mercy in any case, perhaps even more so than intelligent people, wise and prudent.
- Actuality -
Man receives life on loan for use, he is not the arbitrary owner of it and cannot dispose of it as he sees fit, nor by taking life, as in the case of abortion, nor by taking his own life, as in the case of euthanasia, even if today it is difficult to talk about the salvific value of human suffering, theme to which the Holy Pontiff John Paul II dedicated his own encyclical: saving Passion. Human life crosses the same subjective reality of man who does not give himself life, but who receives it as a gift. So it can't be him who decides to self-suppress himself. It is true that life is in the hands of man, but at the same time it remains a gift that goes far beyond his hands. Because of this, that of life, it is a sacred gift that can be disposed of up to a certain point and within certain limits.
Here is an academic example extreme and terrible that can make the idea: a large group of SS. is about to cross a bridge, once it has been crossed, he will make a massacre of civilians in that country, just as it was at Sant'Anna di Stazzema. In fact, they suspect that partisans are hidden in that country, whose generality and identity they are ignorant of, for this they decided to solve the root problem by killing all the inhabitants, without sparing the elderly, women and children. The only access road to that town is a tens of meters high viaduct built between the wall of a mountain and that of the other mountain. Members of the resistance undermined it, ready to blow it up if necessary. While the soldiers of the S.S. they are about to cross it a completely unaware mother is crossing it with her child by the hand. Request: the bridge must be blown up or not?
To say that the lives of the innocent they can never and under no circumstances be sacrificed, it is a categorical affirmation based on illogical and surreal emotions, especially when the "no at all costs to the sacrifice of human beings" is pronounced in countries where babies are aborted every day, after having decided that in that case, however, we are not dealing with innocent victims, because abortion is a real right, indeed more: "A Great Social Achievement".
About thirty years ago it happened in the areas of my Tuscany that an eccentric young man with thehobby to keep very poisonous snakes in your home, while cleaning one of their cages he was bitten. In Italy, where the only poisonous snakes present in our area are vipers, no drug center had an antidote, which could only be found in Switzerland at a pharmaceutical company specialized in storing very rare drugs. In the hospital they only managed to slow down the effect of the poison that entered the circulation. In the meantime, an F104 plane was sent off from the Grosseto Air Force center which reached Switzerland in half an hour where a company employee gave the pilot the antidote without even getting off the powerful aircraft., then back to basics, all in just over an hour. This case was followed by controversy when it became known how much it cost to start an F104 and above all that at the time, the cost of that antidote, fu pari a 15 million of the old lire, obviously paid for by the state, equivalent to what they might be today in approximately current monetary value 25.000/30.000 Euro.
Some cynics asked the question if it was the case to spend all the money that was spent to save a person who in violation of the laws which already at the time forbade the purchase, conserve and breed certain reptiles, he had gone looking for trouble like that. But they were just cynics, with the aggravating circumstance of inhumanity, because life must always be saved at all costs, for example not by blowing up a bridge in the middle of which is a mother with a child. Then, the hundreds of people who shortly after will be slaughtered by the SS. just passed that pass, in any case they will die happy together with their children, for saving two lives.
Since few days television and the international press they're about a group of three multi-millionaires, plus a quarter who is the son of one of them, who wanted to take away the whim of going down to the depth of 3.800 meters to reach the steamer Titanic sunk off Terranova in 1912 after hitting a iceberg of ice. Tragedy in which they died 1.527 people on 2.232 passenger, solo 705 of which survived.
It's about the whims of the rich? No, the real rich, those who have been such for generations, those who know the delicacy and volatility of money and how difficult it is to keep and increase it; the truly wealthy who owe their wealth to their own particular entrepreneurial or financial genius, they don't do these braggart things, they are typical deeds of the rich. Why only capricious riches, sure you can afford anything, they could pay each 250.000 U.S.. $ to descend to the depth of almost 4 kilometers where the wreck of the Titanic is located, which is a shrine, a cemetery, which as such should be respected. Those depths cannot be the destination of stunts pushed to the extreme aboard a mini-submarine similar to a supposed underwater one in which the patrons could not even stand up, not even kneel, therefore unable to move, but only sitting in the space of 5 meters long for 1.60 of height [cf.. WHO]. A terrible death in the darkest depths of the sea, occurred due to suffocation in a narrow space where it is good not even to think what could have happened in the moments of panic that occurred in a claustrophobic space while oxygen was missing and the four multimillionaires, with the driver of the vehicle, they died of suffocation. It details it a The Print Paul Narcisi, resuscitation specialist, not failing to add:
“This tragedy, while respecting the people involved, forced a mobilization in the relief efforts that did not even take place for i 600 shipwrecked from a few days ago".
As for the guy bitten by the pet snake, also in this case air and sea means were used, sophisticated technological tools, personal, specialists and so on. Fair Enough, to save human life one must try everything. Without forgetting, however, that the four, before boarding, after paying 250.000 $ each signed a contract with a precise release for the company that organized their eccentric stunt, in which it is specified that the undertaking could also have involved the possibility of dying, all specified three times in the text signed and signed by the four rich men.
Say they went looking for it, it is neither lack of pity nor respect towards these dead in a very tragic way. It is a reality, not of lack of mercy: it was they themselves who signed up and declared that they were aware that they could also have met their death, which is to say, black on white, than if that happened, it was because they themselves had gone looking for it, after having been notified to this effect and having also signed it in a contract.
It takes a lot of mercy, out of the question, because even snooty imbeciles deserve Christian and human mercy in any case, perhaps even more so than intelligent people, wise and prudent.
Florence, 22 June 2023
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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos
They have not seen the Titanic, but they shared his death. After all, never play with fire…sooner or later you get burned.