To the Brother Priests: how to defend yourself from certain new generation Bishops, especially since the invasion of the Apulians?


There is a sense of proportion that must always be applied through the exercise of that wisdom that the Roman jurists called aequitas, then transferred from scratch into Roman Canon Law. What aequitas means and how it is applied? Soon said: if members of the Roman Senate are allowed to insult and rape Caesar's wife, without Caesar and his deputies reacting in any way, you cannot then apply maximum rigor by crushing the legs of anyone who has allowed himself to respond badly to a servant in charge of cleaning the calidarium of the Baths of Diocletian.



Italy is now full of bishops ― or rather of episcopetti ― all very social, with one eye winking at the PD and the other at LGBT activists. And all, like broken records, they pronounce precise watchwords: «Church on the way out … break the mold … get your hands dirty...", but above all «the poor and migrants … migrants and the poor...".

Then there are also those who turn on you saying: «How dare you call me Your Excellency? We are no longer in the Renaissance era, Can't you see that I wear a wooden cross around my neck and that I am a native of the land of the most holy Tonino Bello? Call me Don Checco, because maybe you don't know, but I am a small bishop who graduated from the school of Checco Zalone. After all, I belong to the Apulian species, half Apulian and half alien, very popular today. Because if you are not from Puglia, to divide the bishop new generation in Italy it is not easy, but not even apostolic nuncio, academic or official of the Roman Curia". Also because the bishops, although they are not saints, it seems that they do them directly at the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, where today a famous Apulian prefect lives, half Apulian and half alien.

Well, dear Brothers, all these grotesque images circulating on the social media, depicting grotesque priests whose existence is due to bishops more grotesque than them, set them aside, in an archive, all of them. Then, the first time that the bishop on duty who speaks continuously in public about «more dialogue, more democracy in the Church... synodality and conversation in the Spirit are needed...", he will call you to report inside a closed room more authoritarian and despotic than Pol Pot and Korean Kim Jong, if anything to reproach you for being too Catholic, which today means to be “rigid” e “gloomy”, show them all these images and videos: by the priest with the moustache, the earring and sunglasses during the sacred liturgies, to all the others who seem to compete with each other to see who screws up the biggest, but above all the most irreverent …

If the bishop dares to sigh, remind him that there is a sense of proportion that must always be applied through the exercise of that wisdom that the Roman jurists called aequitas, then transferred from scratch into Roman Canon Law. What does it mean aequitas and how it is applied? Soon said: if members of the Roman Senate are allowed to insult and rape Caesar's wife, without Caesar and his deputies reacting in any way, you cannot then apply maximum rigor by crushing the legs of anyone who has allowed himself to respond badly to a servant in charge of cleaning the calidarium of the Baths of Diocletian. And if the bishops were to insist, despite the evidence of the facts, what they are capable of doing, having now lost along with modesty also the sense of shame, you know where to send them, because their authority is not in question, which remains undisputed, but their intelligence, which can and must be discussed. Even a bishop, without prejudice to his own authority apostolic, he can be a complete idiot. And today, of idiotic bishops, we have an inflation rate that would be the envy of the Argentine currency at its all-time high in devaluation.

the Island of Patmos, 4 September 2024



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