There are priests who propagate and recommend reading the work of Maria Valtorta, ignoring that the Church has declared it misleading and dangerous



The Opera della Valtorta "was placed on the Index on 16 December 1959 and defined “Badly romanticized life of Jesus”. The provisions of the Decree of the Holy Office were republished with an explanatory note on 1 December 1961. After the abrogation of the Index, what was published on By Janet (1966) that, although abolished, l’Index kept “all its moral value” for which it is not considered appropriate to disseminate and recommend a Work whose condemnation was not given lightly but after weighted reasons in order to neutralize the damage it can cause to the most inexperienced faithful "

(Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith)

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the famous science fiction film of the 1980s: E.T. the alien, by Steven Spielberg

Many simple people and in good faith they turned to the Fathers de The Island of Patmos to ask about the work of Maria Valtorta and to inform us that it has been recommended for reading by various priests, some of which use the texts of this imaginative author in their catechesis. Very serious thing, because a pastor in the care of souls cannot ignore that these are writings repeatedly condemned and advised against by the Church. Any priest who uses them or who advises them in reading bears the responsibility of administering poison to the People of God.


My free judgment as a scholar on Maria Valtorta it has always been bad. For little worth I consider this Author affected by bizarre mysticism and narcissistic megalomania. A free judgment based on the absurdities of what today is known and seriously improperly indicated as "The Gospel of Maria Valtorta".


Contrary to those who elevate their own opinions and the subjective feeling to intangible truths of the faith, for my setting and theological training, juridical and ecclesial, when I express free opinions I always specify that they are such and that as such they leave the time they find. Unless it announces truths of faith, making me the voice and faithful instrument of the Church which has given me the mandate to do so by the sacrament of grace, thus fulfilling a duty from which I cannot and must not shirk. In the event to, to the "boarding Catholic" who begins by saying "... I disagree, because in my opinion… I believe that… »I am obliged to reply that he is in grave error, not because I'm right, but because I announced what the Church teaches, clarifying what are his judgments given, before which no believer who is truly such can reply: "… I do not agree, because in my opinion ... I believe that ... ". No single priest and no faithful Catholic can and never should dare to declare authentic what the Church has declared false or impudently say to believe in what the Church has clearly said that one must not believe or give faith. therefore I repeat: it is very serious that priests disseminate and transmit the writings of Maria Valtorta in open disobedience to the decisive and negative judgments given by the Church on this work of fantasy, presenting them as authentic and as edifying works for the spirit of believers.


Like it or not to certain passionaries, declare to the Catholic faithful that Maria Valtorta's is not a work of mysticism and spirituality but a colossal hoax containing serious doctrinal deviations that damage the faith, a vision at times even grotesque of Divine Revelation and Mariology, it is not a free and subjective personal opinion, but the judgment of the Church, to whom I am bound to pay obedient respect and which as a presbyter and theologian I am bound to transmit to the People of God, inviting him to listen and respect the judgment that the Ecclesiastical Authority has given.


Clarify yourself these fundamental elements, not always easy to make understood by those who live the experience of faith in an immature way, subjective and emotional, I now let the documents through which the Ecclesiastical Authority has expressed itself over time on the work of Maria Valtorta speak.. Clear and precise opinions before which no believer, but above all no pastor in charge of the care and guidance of souls, can reply: "… I do not agree, because in my opinion ... I believe that ... ".





The Osservatore Romano edition of 6 January 1960


In another part of our Journal there is the Decree of the Holy Office with which a work in four volumes is put on the Index, by anonymous author (at least in this print) published on the Isola del Liri. While dealing exclusively with religious topics, said volumes have no imprimatur, as required by Can. 1385, 1 n.2 of the Code of Canon Law. The Publisher, in which a short preface, writes that the Author "in the likeness of Dante gave us a work in which, framed by splendid descriptions of times and places, countless characters present themselves and turn their cake to us, the strong, or admonishing word. The result was a humble and impressive work: the literary homage of a grieving sick person to the Great Comforter Jesus ". Instead, to an attentive reader these volumes appear to be nothing more than a long prolix fictional life of Jesus.

Apart from the vanity of the approach to Dante and despite his illustrious personalities (whose undoubted good faith was surprised) have given their support to the publication, the Holy Office believed it necessary to put it in the Index of Prohibited Books. The reasons are easily identifiable by those who have the painstaking patience to read the almost four thousand pages of dense print. First of all, the reader is struck by the length of the speeches attributed to Jesus and the Blessed Virgin; by the interminable dialogues between the many characters that populate those pages.

The four Gospels present us the humble Jesus, Reserved; his speeches are meager, incisors, but of maximum effectiveness. Instead, in this kind of fictional story, Jesus is talkative at best, like a protester, always ready to proclaim himself Messiah and Son of God and to give theology lessons with the same terms that a professor of our day would use. In the story of the Gospels we admire the humility and silence of the Mother of Jesus; instead for the author (or the author) the Blessed Virgin has the faculty of a modern propagandist of this work, it is always present everywhere, she is always ready to give lessons in Marian theology, up-to-date up to the latest studies by current specialists on the subject.

The story unfolds slowly, almost gossip; we find new facts there, new parables, new characters and many, many, women following Jesus. A few pages, then, they are rather rough and recall certain descriptions and certain scenes from modern novels, come, to give just a few examples, the confession made to Maria by a certain Aglae, woman of bad habits (cf.. vol. I, p. 790 SS.), the unedifying story on p. 887 ss. of I vol., a ballet performed, certainly not modestly, before Pilate, in the Praetorium (cf.. vol. IV, p. 75), etc…

At this point it comes, spontaneous a particular reflection: The Work by its nature and in accordance with the intentions of the Author and Publisher, it could easily reach the hands of the religious and the pupils of their colleges. In this case, reading of such passages, like those mentioned, it could hardly be accomplished without danger or spiritual harm. Bible studies specialists will certainly find many historical blunders there, geographic and the like. But being a … novel, these inventions evidently increase the picturesque and the fantastic of the book. Ma, in the midst of so much ostentatious theological culture, you can take some … pearls that certainly do not shine for Catholic orthodoxy. Here and there it expresses itself, about the sin of Adam and Eve, a rather strange and inaccurate opinion. In vol. I a page. 63 this title reads: "Mary can be called the second child of the Father". Statement repeated in the text on the next page. The explanation limits its meaning, avoiding an authentic heresy; but it does not remove the well-founded impression that a new Mariology is being built, that easily crosses the limits of convenience.

In the II vol. Pag. 772 it is read: «Heaven is Light, perfume and harmony. But if the Father did not bathe in it, in contemplating the All Beautiful that makes the Earth a paradise, but if in the future Paradise should not have the living Lily in whose bosom are the Three pistils of fire of the divine Trinity, luce, scent, harmony, the joy of Heaven would be crippled by half ". Here a hermetic and very confused concept is expressed, Fortunately; because if you were to take it literally, it would not save itself from severe censorship.

Finally, mention of another strange and imprecise statement, in which it is said of the Madonna: «Tu, in the time you stay on Earth, second to Peter as an ecclesiastical hierarchy …».

The Opera, so, it would have deserved a sentence even if it had only been a novel, if only for reasons of irreverence. But in reality the author's intention demands more. Scrolling through the volumes, here and there we read the words «Jesus says…», «Maria says…»; or: "I see…" and similar. On the contrary, towards the end of the fourth volume (pag. 839) the author turns out to be an author and writes that he is a witness of all messianic time and that he is called Mary. These words make you remember that, about ten years ago, some voluminous typescripts were circulating, which contained pretended visions and revelations. It is known that at the time the competent Ecclesiastical Authority had prohibited the printing of these typescripts and had ordered that they be withdrawn from circulation.. Now we see them reproduced almost entirely in the present Work. Therefore this public condemnation of the Supreme Sacred Congregation is all the more timely, because of grave disobedience.





Rome, 31 January 1985 – Prot. n. 144/58


By His Most Reverend Eminence

Giuseppe Cardinal Siri

Metropolitan Archbishop of Genoa


Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

By letter of 18 May, the Reverend Father Umberto Losacco, Cappuccino, he asked this Sacred Congregation for clarification regarding the writings of Maria Valtorta, collected under the title: The Poem of the Man-God and if there was an assessment by the Magisterium of the Church on the publication in question with the bibliographic reference. In this regard, I have the honor to point out to your Eminence - who will consider the advisability of informing the Reverend Father - that the Work in question was actually placed on the Index on 16 December 1959 and defined by The Osservatore Romano the 6 January 1960 "Life of Jesus badly fictionalized". The provisions of the Decree were republished with an explanatory note still on The Osservatore Romano of December 1st 1961, as can be seen from the documentation attached herewith. Having then believed that the printing and dissemination of the Work in question was lawful, After the successful repeal Index, always on The Osservatore Romano (15 June 1966) what was published on By Janet (1966) that, although abolished, l’Index retained "all its moral value" for which it is not considered appropriate to disseminate and recommend a Work whose condemnation was not decided lightly but after weighted reasons in order to neutralize the damage that such publication can cause to the most inexperienced faithful.

Grateful to all of His gracious provision in this respect, profit of the occasion to confirm with the highest consideration Your most reverend Eminence.

XJoseph Cardinal Ratzinger





Rome, 6 May 1992 – Prot. N. 324/92


For the attention of

Valtortiano Publishing Center


Esteemed Publisher,

Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, Metropolitan Archbishop of Milan, at the time Secretary General of the Italian Episcopal Conference

following frequent requests, which also reach this Secretariat, of an opinion on the attitude of the Ecclesiastical Authority on the writings of Maria Valtorta, currently published since Valtortiano Publishing Center, I reply by referring to the clarification offered by Notes published by The Osservatore Romano the 6 January 1960 and the 15 June 1966.

Precisely for the true good of the readers and in the spirit of an authentic service to the faith of the Church, I'm asking you what, in a possible reprint of the volumes, it is clear from the first pages that the visions e i dictations referred to in them cannot be considered of supernatural origin, but they must be considered simply literary forms that the Author used to narrate, in his own way, the life of Jesus.

Grateful for this collaboration, I express my esteem and I offer you my respectful and cordial greetings.


XDionigi Tettamanzi, bishop

General Secretary of the C.E.I.



All clarified and documented I conclude by reiterating that in the face of these clears, precise and decisive opinions given by the Ecclesiastical Authority, no faithful Catholic, but above all no presbyter in charge of the care and guidance of souls, he should never dare to reply: "… I do not agree, because in my opinion ... I believe that ... ".

From the island of Patmos, 20 August 2022




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