Father Ariel S.. Levi di Gualdo will be a guest tomorrow evening in the Mediaset studios at the Zona Bianca program


The editorial staff of the Zona Bianca program led by Giuseppe Brindisi invited Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo on Wednesday's episode 19 May.


Editors of The Island of Patmos


During this episode, Father Ariel will participate in the last block broadcast at hours 23,15 circa, dedicated to the Zan bill. He has already debated on this issue, also speaking with the Hon. Alessandro Zan in the 8 October episode of Straight and Reverse, program conducted by Paolo Del Debbio.







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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

The solemnity of the ascension of Christ God, the relay race and Nelson Mandela

- homiletics -

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



“We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us […] If we get rid of our fear, our testimony will automatically free others "


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



PDF print format article


The audio-reading of the article will be available this afternoon



Dear brothers and sisters,

Nelson Mandela (1918 – 2013 )

The solemnity of the Ascension is the return of Jesus to the Father who ascended to heaven, it brings with it all of humanity, and therefore all of us. On this solemnity the Lord opens wide the doors of Paradise to every man and we will reach him at the end of our life, if we welcome the grace of the Father and be his witnesses. So let's try to understand everything.


In an athletics competition, specifically a four-hundred-meter relay race we find four athletes must reach the finish line. As they run, they pass a stick-shaped object called a baton. The first athlete thus begins the race, after a while’ of meters yields it to the second, who waits for him and starts running when he receives the witness, after other meters he gives it to the third, he also runs for a while’ and finally he gives it to the fourth runner who crosses the finish line with the baton.


This example explains that Ascension it is the day when today there is the definitive handover between the mission of Jesus and that of the Apostles. And therefore also the passing of the baton among the Apostles, their Successors, the Successors of the Successors and finally us too, that we enter this transmission.


In the Acts of the Apostles, at the beginning of his second work, the Evangelist Luke recalls the words of Jesus shortly before ascending to heaven:


«You will receive the strength from the Holy Spirit who will descend on you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth " [At 1, 1-18]


In Luke's testimony, we know that in the Ascension the Apostles received the Holy Spirit and the mandate to be witnesses to the ends of the earth, which in the world known to them indicated the territories of Israel and the entire Roman Empire. Therefore, the Holy Spirit will truly be that impetuous wind that will carry the sails of the Apostles to very distant territories from the small Jewish villages that they knew and inhabited.


For us, too, following the example of the Apostles, the witness we are called to bear, from the Ascension onwards, it is an invitation to join a larger and more unexpected project. It is therefore to affirm the beauty of our faith in circumstances and places that we may not have loved thought of. When the Spirit accompanies us, it makes us discover new paths and roads of truth and beauty.


The testimony of faith, then leads to generate, with God's help, of other believers like us. This nascent faith, Jesus teaches us according to the testimony of Mark, it has very specific signs:


«These will be the signs that will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons, speak with new tongues, they will pick up snakes and, if they drink any deadly, it shall not hurt them harm; they will lay their hands on the sick and they will heal " [MC 16,15-20].


Call on the name of the Lord it is the way in which the missionary work of the apostles is carried out: everything is done in the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit. From this source, they flow like a cascade of miraculous signs and signs of God's healing for man. This is an encouragement for us: Jesus reassures us that the faith witnessed always gives good fruits of charity. We will not always work miracles strict sense, indeed plausibly almost never. Perhaps the only miracle we can truly do by cooperating with God, is to defeat the demons, the snakes and poisons of hatred and indifference generated by the materialism of today's post-modern society; this will be possible if united with the Lord we will bring his healing to all those who have neither material nor spiritual goods, abandoned by the world that deprives them is the nourishment for daily life, be the nourishment for eternal life, ie God.


Nelson Mandela said in his inaugural address given in Pretoria in May of 1994 for his inauguration as president of South Africa:


“We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us […] If we get rid of our fear, our testimony will automatically free others " [see WHO]


We ask the Lord to be good witnesses and bearers of a message of eternal life, with the intercession of Mary our mother, and in this way to unite all men to the horizon of eternal life inaugurated in the Ascension.



Rome, 16 May 2021



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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

In the Old and New Covenants, we know that only the love of Jesus Christ is credible

- homiletics -

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos


Wrote the theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar: Only love is credible, aware of Dante's lesson in the Comedy: Love that moves the sun and the other stars.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



PDF print format article




Dear friends and readers of The Island of Patmos,

the future presbyter and theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar (Lucerne, 12 August 1905 - Basel, 26 June 1988), juvenile photo of the 1929, at the time he was a university student

we spend the Easter time together through the narration in which we remember the words of the Risen Jesus. These words make us aware that eternal life is not a mere theory, or a system of ideas, but it is a promise of something huge: the promise of resurrection in body and soul. Therefore our life is a vocation to a project of eternity.


One of the themes who comes back today in the readings is the theme of Love. In fact, God's love is eternal and never ceases to love and to make itself alive and strong in our life: precisely because of its eternity it will not cease to give itself to us even after our death. Jesus himself is a witness of this great love, which he receives from the Eternal Father and then passes it on to us, as the Apostle John tells us in this Liturgy of the Word:


«As the Father loved me, I also loved you. Remain in my love. If you will keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, as I have observed my Father's commandments and remain in his love. I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete " [cf.. 15, 9-17]


The observance of the commandments it allows you to remain in the love of the Father and the Son. This observance of Jesus is not a military command, nor a moral blackmail. The Lord simply clarifies to his Apostles and to all those to whom the Jesus message will be transmitted, that this message does not abolish the Ten Commandments, which are an integral and fundamental part of our faith. In second place, Jesus is telling us that Love is not pure sentimentality, made of those dry sentimentality, sterile and dull, today so well represented by various television series or contemporary cinema. Loving one's neighbor by observing the commandments means loving him concretely, with a determined choice to accompany our neighbor to the greater Good: friendship with God.


Friendship with God it is therefore the relationship that arises from the perspective of faith and love announced by Christ. A prospect that promises true joy, authentic, deep: the joy of the encounter with the One who gave us life on the cross. Precisely for this reason the gift of self becomes the commandment of love, the commandment par excellence. In fact, the Holy Evangelist John continues in another passage of this Gospel:


"This is my commandment: that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this: give his life for his friends " [cf.. 15, 9-17].


Here is the commandment of the New Law. The New Covenant of Jesus which integrates, completes and maximizes the Ancient Pact of Torah. The New Pact of Love is the gift of oneself to the point of extreme consequences for those we love, and especially for their friends. This reception of Trinitarian Love to then give it to others, it is expressed in our lives and in our concrete vocations. In marriage, the spouses give each other fruitful love, indissoluble and faithful of Jesus, groom, and the Church, the bride; in the Sacred order, the three different degrees that make up the diaconate, presbyterate and episcopate, they make the Love of Jesus really present in the Sacraments, in His Word and in the government of the parish or diocese; finally, consecrated life, it is an expression of the perfect love of Jesus, especially in the exercise of the three vows and in the specific mission to which each consecrated person is sent.


Entering the love of God therefore it is being involved in a project of Charity and Truth. Nothing in God is left to improvisation, indeed, everything is aimed at generating a profound and intimate relationship with God. From the gift received from God for oneself, to the gift of oneself for others, the whole movement of Trinitarian Love in man is what makes the presence of Jesus in our lives current and credible.


Wrote the theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar: Only love is credible, aware of Dante's lesson in the Comedy: Love that moves the sun and the other stars.


Following the example of Mary handmaid of Trinitarian love, let us ask the Lord to grant us the grace to be more and more messengers and bearers of a greater love, a Charity that goes beyond the borders of nations and social distancing, and you give a horizon of a sense of eternity.


Rome, 9 May 2021



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