Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

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Father Gabriele

The mystery of joy: "He ascended into heaven;, seated at the right hand of the Father "

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



L’Ascensione è dunque la festa liturgica di chi sceglie la speranza come faro della propria vita. Contrary to a pessimism, typical of our time, dopo che le grandi ideologie sono cadute, la speranza dell’Ascensione ci aiuta a vivere giorno dopo giorno la fede. E l’effetto più evidente di chi è speranzoso nel nome di Gesù, It is the joy. Non una falsa maschera di felicità, posta in viso per sembrare felici quando il cuore è invece nelle tenebre. No, la speranza è la gioia vera di chi ha incontrato il Gesù risorto e poi asceso.



Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p..


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Dear brothers and sisters,

Salvador Dali: Ascensione del Cristo [1958]

Con la proclamazione del Vangelo del Beato Evangelista Luca [cf. 24, 46-53] Celebriamo oggi l’ascensione al cielo del Cristo Risorto [see Liturgy of the Word, WHO].


Nell’omiletica, to illustrate the paintings of the Holy Scriptures I sometimes refer to interesting cinematographic works …


… Qa few years ago a nice film called The Theory of Everything. The film chronicled the life of physicist Stephen Hawking, quadriplegic scientist and his theories on the origin of the universe. Despite his terribly debilitated physical condition, Hawking never lost the will to live and research. At the end of the movie, the same scientist claims:


"As bad as life may seem, there is always something one can do and successfully. Because as long as there is life, there is hope ".


This example introduces the theme of the readings of the Holy Mass of Ascension that we celebrate together today. L’Ascensione è il momento del ritorno di Gesù, Son of God, to the Eternal Father, anch’Egli Dio. Nel momento stesso in cui Gesù ascende ed è elevato in alto, lascia un messaggio importante ai suoi discepoli. In the Acts of the Apostles:


«You will receive the strength from the Holy Spirit who will descend on you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth " [At 1,8].


Questo è il nucleo centrale dell’Ascensione: la chiamata di Dio a diventare suoi testimoni, the greek μᾰρτῠρος [marturos: martyr, witness]. È una chiamata a testimoniare Gesù e la sua persona fino ai confini della terra. The whole, rapportandolo a noi, costituisce la chiamata a testimoniare Gesù in ogni luogo che frequentiamo, in family, sul posto di lavoro, with friends, o anche durante i momenti di relax.


La lettera agli ebrei chiarifica cosa significa essere testimoni:


«Manteniamo senza vacillare la professione della nostra speranza» [EB 10, 23].


L’Ascensione it is therefore the moment in which Jesus leaves the mandate to continue his mission visible to the apostles and disciples, therefore to the Church. We too fall into this mandate. Our hope is not only human, but above all otherworldly hope: it is to nourish a feeling of confident expectation of being for Eternity with the Lord in Heaven. This expectation answers the most profound questions of meaning and therefore offers an existential answer. Indeed, it is an expectation built starting precisely from being active witnesses of the great love that we will be able to experience at the end of the centuries.


On this to be witnesses of hope of eternal life, Jesus also speaks of it in the Gospel when he reiterates


«The Christ will suffer and will rise from the dead on the third day. […] You are witnesses of this "" [LC 24, 46]


L’Ascensione è dunque la festa liturgica di chi sceglie la speranza come faro della propria vita. Contrary to a pessimism, typical of our time, dopo che le grandi ideologie sono cadute, la speranza dell’Ascensione ci aiuta a vivere giorno dopo giorno la fede. E l’effetto più evidente di chi è speranzoso nel nome di Gesù, It is the joy. Non una falsa maschera di felicità, posta in viso per sembrare felici quando il cuore è invece nelle tenebre. No, la speranza è la gioia vera di chi ha incontrato il Gesù risorto e poi asceso.


La gioia di un incontro che è avvenuto per noi, ogni volta che incontriamo Gesù nei sacramenti. In questa Eucarestia, Gesù verrà incontro a noi, abitando la nostra anima. il suo abitare in noi ha come scopo permetterci già adesso di elevarci con Lui, tramite lo sguardo della fede. Con quello sguardo dall’alto, è possibile gustare ogni giorno della nostra vita in Cristo, vivendo in pienezza e bontà.


We ask the Lord il dono di essere testimoni della speranza, alimentando quel sentimento di elevazione al cielo e raggiungere colui che è Sposo Eterno della nostra anima.



Rome, 2 June 2019






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From Scandinavian neo-pagan nihilism that stands as a banner of the eco-gretina the call to faith of an explosive priest from Friuli mountaineer: to me the eyes, please!

visit the personal blog by Father Ivano

- ecclesial news -


Greta, invested with a mystique from the Mother Earth Gaea, as news Priestess is the one who summons the little, i puer of contemporary society to a purification mission, pacification and total recapitulation of all that is not green. This reassuring semblance of innocence puer however, it has degenerated into a poverty of ideas and skills, giving life to new soteriological paradigms in which the poor - i pauper (of spirit?!) - coating the tattered clothes of the very dear to past ideologies Sixty and some left, they are destined to perish miserably.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.




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Friulian priest Alberto Zanier

We live in a world where the frankness and parresia seem to appreciate qualities only if you profess, and if you practice within a well-defined socio-political or ecclesial context. It appears that the requirement of the road One way It has also affected the logic and human reasoning or, better to say, some human, including ecclesiastical.


Sincerity and honesty in speech or in proclaiming the Gospel is not always seen willingly by some intelligentsia, especially when they go to undermine and erode the false ideological myths and what to some seems pure vanguard for others it is just demagoguery, rhetoric and self-destruction mechanism.


The free thought the young priest Alberto Zanier It is not bound by one-way streets. Pastor of the Val Resia communities in the Udine province, She relies on her church bulletin pastor thought of souls in opposition to the thought of green champion Greta Thunberg climate. He hin no doubt the advantage of being characterized by an authentic and profound zeal for God and for his people, although his youthful exuberance - that made him compare the findings of the thighs teens to Mass with prosciutto di San Daniele [cf. video, WHO] - you can sometimes find some raised eyebrows among the souls most chaste and puritanical of a Catholicism that has now forgotten the authenticity virtue and merit to call with their name things. Without ever forget that the House of God , where they celebrate the sacred mysteries, demands decorum, so, those who enter, It is obliged to enter in the appropriate manner and decent. As he noted by this young priest with clear and incisive example about the ostentation of prosciutto di San Daniele.


Italians, people of saints, navigators, poets e … satyrs!

The text of the parish bulletin clearly she says:


"Saturday Morning 18 May, TG Rai News. A member of the Greens says bluntly that we must do everything to change the fate of the climate because "it's what he wants Greta". Jolt chair. Thing? A political party takes orders from a girl 16 year old (which also has autism and is used by you and his parents) as if it were only you to save the world? As if she was the champion of humanity. But Greta Thunberg will save the world? I really do not think so. Also because we can not blindly believe in catastrophic climate change. Of course there are more seasons etc.. etc. .., but science tells us that all of this has already happened and that climates change from one decade to another. Era 30 years we had not so cold in May. Yes true, February was very hot but you can not say that we are boiling! The snow is all still in the mountains. In any case it will not be fighting for the weather to save the world, will not be fighting for the environment is not the problem worldwide. It will be Jesus Christ to save the world will faith in him. The Lord Jesus is the Creator of the world and of man: He will save humanity and the world. We should always remember. Everything is in God's hands, and when you want to escape from his hands the outcome can only be disastrous. And that creation is sustained by divine providence, it also highlighted by the Church, eg, with the pious practice Rogation in which he asks God, creator of the world, to save us from the scourges of storm, hail, of the earthquake, etc.. Faced with new diseases of crops, scientists try everything and in every way to solve problems, many times in vain. Try going in Apulia and to ask how long the olive trees suffer from Xylella annoying ... And a beautiful Rogation, no? Or it may be that we should all go to Sweden to take lessons on how to save the environment with the gears, the demonstrations, conferences, books? It takes prayer, and it takes faith because only Jesus Christ is the Lord of the world " [cf. WHO].


Alberto Zanier warned his parishioners storyteller by the new climate and new environmental think it confuses the creature with the Creator, proposing an antithetical worship and parallel.


Italians, people of saints, navigators, poets e … satyrs! [Page of Free, overwhelmed shortly after complaints]

The media image Greta Thunberg, as well as the character of Peter wink legendary showman and salesman impossible brought in by Gigi Proietti scene [cf. WHO], It proposes solutions to environmental problems often trivial in a mode other irrational times: all this in total silence of the true experts in climatology, physical and environmental sciences. This is the point that you can define everything as a real effect Pietro wink.


One must be careful, however,: creating a problem is not the small Greta - fragile creature and suffering from a serious neurological disorder known as autism, as is well known that generates communication gap, narrowness of interests and repetitive behaviors -, but his character and ideology that accompanies it at every turn. At Greta Thunberg, that just lives the autism disorder, It must necessarily be protected, defense and kept their dignity and weakness. In the media mishmash that turns around this child turn out to be - in the hands of a well polished dominant thought - mystical connotations that very well remember the traits of that series of events, between the real and the legendary, known as the Crusade of the Children [please refer to this historical description, WHO]


that gretini first learn consistency since teenagers and they really respect the environment. Everything depicted with a Alfio Krancic cartoon

Greta invested with a mystique from the Mother Earth Gaea, as novel priestess is the one who musters small, i boys of contemporary society to a purification mission, pacification and total recapitulation of all that is not green. And this reassuring semblance of innocence boys, however, it has degenerated into a poverty of ideas and skills, giving life to new soteriological paradigms in which the poor - i the poor (of spirit?!) - coating the tattered clothes of the very dear to past ideologies Sixty and some left, they are intended, as in Crusade of the Children, to perish miserably.


Greta, in his admirable environmental activism, very reminiscent of the Hayao Miyazaki thought, animator and director of the long series of cartoons Future Boy Conan [cf. WHO] that has depopulated and delighted a generation of children born in the late seventies and the eighties of the last century. It is worth remembering that in fact the dynamics of ideological indoctrination are modulated through time and take on various channels and contextualization, and what we now define the term of gretino, It was once known under another name.


… certain that "should not change the weather but our habits», then, to begin with we take away the people of gretini all the technological tools of last generation, from mobile phones to computers

But back to the good pastor Tree Zanier, that none other than - heard, hear! - the arrogance to declare the superiority of Jesus Christ as Savior of the world and call faith in Him true God and true man. Between the lines of the parish bulletin reads like the great catastrophe resides in refusing knowingly God and experience those pangs of suffering that creation suffers when man, so reckless and arbitrary, disfigures the work of God doing the sin.


At this point he cites the pious practice Rogation which aims to ask God, creator of the world, to remove the scourge of the storm, hail, the earthquake and all the climatic changes that constitute a danger to human life and for his work ….


… and here the rub. First of all because it refers to a liturgical practice of the past that is reminiscent of a traditionalist matrix and then because Alberto Zanier asks impunity to pray and beg God. The Latin verb rogo it means to pray with supplications, dun.


Italians, people of saints, navigators, poets e … satyrs!

So we are really fruit - would say the modern gurus of political correctness -, a priest who points to Jesus Christ and asked to pray with insistence, not proposing student strikes, demonstrations with revelers gretini enraptured in Via dei Fori Imperiali and Via del Corso, written with colored chalk and marches multicolor, in short, this seems like a priest today? Ah, non no more religion! Then, even dares to talk about Rogation …


… the Rogations - distinct in major e minors - are known to the Church since the fifth and eighth centuries d.C saints and pastors who encouraged this practice intended to entrust the man and the Creation to God that, in his Providence, He exercises the role of guardian and protector of the work he accomplished.


Specifically there are four main purposes for which the Church, across the function consacration, It accomplishes in seasonal times defined the procession of Rogations:


  1. To profess to worship God, recognizing him as Lord, creator and administrator of human life;
  2. Thank God for all the benefits that bestows constantly to man;
  3. Recognition of sin and the sins committed against God with the firm intention to make a journey of conversion and repentance;
  4. Offer to God fervent and constant prayers, it is granted what is necessary and indispensable to sanctification and salvation, the triumph of the Church, for the return of the erring faith, for the conversion of distant and also implore those temporal things that are useful to the life of the body such as health, his blessing above harvests, protection against natural scourges, like lightning, earthquakes, them over, hailstorms, etc..


These four purposes alone - if taken seriously - can convert an entire community, rebalance the priorities of civil society, restore freedom to the man who is still not the author of creation but God's collaborator in charge of his custody.


Italians, people of saints, navigators, poets e … satyrs!

right converrete that little Greta with his yellow rain, her braids and little face all sugar and cinnamon, breaks through the screen of a mountain priest invites the faithful to pray to God. In short, it would be nice to see the leaders the political and religious world stand in awe in front of a humble mountain shepherd who tells them the goodness and generosity of God towards man and creation, as long as you return to put God at the center of every heart, of each family, of all European insurers and repair the wound of original sin that creates suffering and slavery to a creation not exempt from the contagion of guilt [cf. CCC n° 4000]. To heal this wound is necessary for man to cooperate with the grace of Christ and being submerged in his redemptive Passover since the Father never abandons his work in the power of death and sin, but in His mercy reaches out to all who in truth and contrite heart. As God, He is the only good and the author and finisher of all life and gives origin to the universe as a manifestation of a love that extends to all creatures bright [cf. Eucharistic Prayer IV].


This would be the talk that should gladden the hearts of many men, the true green style is that established by our Divine Savior on the cross and Easter Sunday. Would you like to view it? Your Welcome, approach … to me the eyes: please! "This is my body and this is my blood" [cf. Mt 26, 26-28; MC 14, 22-24; LC 22, 19-20; The Cor 11, 23-29] He says the Lord Christ giving us the ineffable grace of the Sacrament of His living presence: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day" [GV 6, 54]. And when man turns his back to the mystery of redemption, the Body and Blood of Christ incarnate Lord, dead and risen, the minimum that can arise are the gretine. The problem of going from church, It is not so much desert the Church community and the sacramental life, that in itself is a grave matter; the real and serious problem, It is that the man and the woman "evolved", "Adult" and "free from taboos", out of the Church to enter the study of the fortuneteller, or to applaud Greta symbol, that embodies the new "priesthood" green and the "sacrament" of Mother Earth Gaea.


And remove it the Christianitas in Europa, inevitably revives the oldest and worst paganites


Cagliari, 1 June 2019





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The Supreme Pontiff has lied? And, He lied and he is a liar. But no nasty: Simon called Peter, chosen by Christ himself and not by a conclave of cardinals, It was a liar of him

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all those who are enjoying their ten minutes of power and glory today, know that this pontificate will not be eternal. So let them start thinking over which of the floating garbage islands they will want to retreat to, why tomorrow, for them — the great destroyers and defacers of the Church —, there will be no place, even if it cost having to celebrate a conclave made with stab wounds among the Cardinal Fathers, who will be careful not to let some element such as the evil dwarf, who lives on wickedness, revenge and cruelty, while finding nothing better to do than go around the world to proclaim the new blesseds, because these are the subjects to whom, man Jorge Mario Bergoglio, it opened the doors of the next conclave, with its fantastic "epochal turning points".


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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the papinochio [the vignettes of Dorothy Lancel, 2019]

Several Readers aficionados asked me where my «sharp and ironic vein» had gone. I have replied several times by saying that there is little irony in the face of a dying person hospitalized in the terminally ill ward. Today I can answer this question with even more seriousness: what is there to ironize inside a morgue, where the poor visible Church lies dead on the marble table, waiting to be composed inside the coffin by those of the funeral home?


Since our very beginnings in October of 2014, I have always commented on certain facts concerning the Supreme Pontiff late, respect to others, including experienced journalists. Prudence on our part is de rigueur. What a priest expresses and writes has a completely different kind of value and weight, compared to what information professionals can write in an excellent and precise way. Indeed, a grave responsibility weighs upon us: the hands with which we write and the mouths with which we express ourselves are the same with which we celebrate the sacred mysteries, starting from the Eucharistic Sacrifice.


In man Jorge Mario Bergoglio I have noticed a characteristic that has emerged over time in my relationships with various and illustrious members of the Society of Jesus, of those placed at the highest levels: the propensity to lie. In saying this I do not mean that the Jesuits are lying as such, I mean but claim to have had long relationships with the Jesuits, placed in various leadership roles in the Society of Jesus, that if necessary They lied shamelessly, feeling not only with a clear conscience, but also irritated if someone did not take seriously and true their lies. In its time, an eminent Jesuit, He even created problems of giving me a negative rating to the Ecclesiastical Authority, just because I refused to take at face value his blatant lies and leave with them manipulate. The Ecclesiastical Authority including so much good to say to me: "The problem with the Jesuits had finally been avoided, as long as the holy man of the Pope Pius VII - badly wrong - refounded in 1814 the Society of Jesus [cf. When the kindly solicitude for all the churches, 1814].


The man Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a subject that in a manner similar to certain of his brothers mind knowing lie. Then, by his faithful killers, He does not hesitate to make you impallinare the hard way if you do not take good for his lies and if not lavish you to protect them and spread them as truth. Here's the reason why, one of the characteristics of this pontificate is the fact that this man has surrounded himself with mediocre people, bad, and above all immoral blackmail. Because he knows from first to last all their iniquities, why can handle them with the worst weapon: the blackmail. Instead, how he could handle men of faith from public life and private immaculate as Cardinal Carlo Caffara, or as the Cardinal Gerhard Müller? It is not by chance: the first, She died of a broken heart after being denied for over a year an application for a private audience, all while the man Jorge Mario Bergoglio received the worst furious of this world. For his part, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, as he himself has told, at the stroke of the five year term of office it was liquidated in the course of a minute and a half and replaced at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith by a gay friendly. What I wrote the latter with knowledge of the facts and evidence in 2017, without ever having been neither denied nor any recalled title order [cf. WHO]. Or more simply: the individual concerned could call me or call me at his department and asked that account and reason for my writing. But he did not, because my answer would have been: "Why do you call me to ask me aware of what you know and what you have actually done, favoring in any way subject to very high risk, especially one that ended up giving then a worldwide scandal of enormous proportions?» [cf. WHO e WHO]. And everyone who has to escape the confrontation, these days and under this pontificate so wonderful, indeed "epochal", or rather "revolutionary", before the truth that instead of unspoken, They are only able to react affondandoti a knife in the back. And someone even called the "Church of mercy" (!?). In short … ‘ridatece Said Alexander VI Borgia. At least, under his pontificate, before proceeding to a conviction it was made a regular process ensuring best especially every right to defense of the accused, not like the present, ridiculous Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, where if you have received one of the worst injustices by a cardinal or a curial through abuse of authority that violates all the fundamental canon law, if unfortunately you turn to them, these before the powerful bully are scared to the point force you to run to the pharmacy to buy him - for good heart and Christian charity - a supply of absorbent for menstruation, as sudden it would reach the timeout cycle to that gang of …


The good Marco Tosatti, the 29 May reports in his blog disturbing interview [cf. WHO]. In short: interviewed by journalist Valentina Alazraki, the Pope responds to a question by saying that the story about the serial sex offender and long unpunished, Cardinal Theodor McKarrick:


«[…] I knew nothing, naturally, nothing. I've said it several times, I knew nothing, I had no idea".


The Italian journalist, in reporting the shocking news comments between the lines postillando rightly:


"This statement borders on immodesty. "Several times"? To who? When? Dove? He never said anything to the public, or even private later recorded in public. Such a statement is either pure lie, or it is the result of a disequlibrio ».


I repeat to Marco Tosatti that this response with the serious statement contained in it, It is the result of one and the other thing: of man's propensity to lie and Jorge Mario Bergoglio of his obvious psychological imbalance.


To own it is not clear I remember that the Church was not even precipitated the worst forms of Latin American dictatorships, but just in the typical forms of the dictatorship of young Korean dictator Kim Jong [the science WHO and recognize the popular methods today in Church of Mercy]. Suffice it to note how they reacted and acted journalists of modern Soviet Pravda Vatican: bringing the interview have deleted this phrase, as pointed out more and Marco Tosatti, only to reinstate later, after he reported in his blog a stylus assembly both the original text is the official text of the Holy See in which, this serious statement, however this was not [cf. WHO]. After that, of the capocomici justice Vaticana They have tried to believe that the phrase in question had escaped from the translation from Spanish into Italian.


These poor people, convinced that the People of God is really made up of a cluster of Obtuse, it is worth remembering that they, acting in this way, They are like such and such a shopkeeper who sometimes, when customers they saw that the rest given to them was wrong, He was justified by saying: «Oh, excuse me, I was wrong!». Well I tell you and I show why these executives justice Vaticana I totally disingenuous like this shopkeeper: because the shopkeeper, to give change, coincidentally it is always wrong to your advantage, always giving less, ever more. Just as the leaders of justice Vaticana: among the many phrases that interview by mistake could blow, coincidentally they have jumped right one in which the Supreme Pontiff lied. In this unusual forgetfulness then we add that we are not talking of a translation from Chinese to Italian, but a translation from Spanish to Italian. From this we can deduce that the liars are among them as the hands that wash, the lava the other and both are washed together. All this with all due respect of affections from the complex of cunning, certain and sure to let us all those fools.


This censorship, and the reintegration of the contested sentence, leads first to the fact itself much worse. Who has removed that phrase, She is mistaken as a dishonest merchant who always makes the mistake of giving less money and ever more, He did not take into account the slightest warning given by Christ the Lord in a passage of the Holy Gospel more and more into disuse in the Church of the "epoch-making revolution", but above all the "mercy":


"No one tears a piece from a new cloak to attack an old one; otherwise he will rend the new, and the patch from the new will not match the old " [LC 5, 36].


In truth, I confess that I do not know whether to get angry whether to laugh or fearful army of opportunists who are put - as they themselves say - "in a prudent waiting». And when they abuse this way the concept of prudence, that according to the wise definition of St. Thomas Aquinas is the charioteer virtues, I feel dismay and disgust. Because they, s of waiting patients, are assured that, as they say the Neapolitans: «He braces' night».


Undoubtedly, the night will go, But, when it passed, such damage and such debris remain? And who, repair the damage, or who, will rebuild on the ruins? Perhaps the timid cowards always hopeful careers that await, or maybe they really believe that the next Pope will give them the coveted episcopate, or the long-awaited cardinal's hat that had not given the current reigning Pope? That man Jorge Mario Bergoglio has manifested itself lacking in prudence and sanity I wrote in March 2018 [cf. WHO], without excluding the possibility that he may equally be an instrument of God's grace, indeed a tool even privileged. It is not by chance, the reigning Pontiff, It has a very great merit: He has invited all the hidden mice uncovered. And these mice infected and infectious, They are at this point discovered, shrouded as they are by megalomania, as to make them completely impossible any attempt to change suddenly flag and recycle tomorrow, while it is of extraordinary chameleons, but most shameless, restraint and dignity.


Currently, the real and serious problem, It is no longer the man Jorge Mario Bergoglio, but those that cut the pieces from his careless answers, that mystify, doctor and who insist on brand as "haters" and "enemies of the new course of Pope Francis Church" all those who show concern anything but hateful and disrespectful; but above all forgetting that the Church is not "of Pope Francis" to be modeled as such in man's image Jorge Mario Bergoglio, but it is of Christ, to model, and as such conform to the mystery of the cross of Christ the Lord. In short: I became a priest to bring my life to Christ, I would never become a priest to waste my life trying to conform to man's Jorge Mario Bergoglio. During the rite of my priestly consecration, Bishop told me solemnly: "Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, conform your life to the mystery of the cross of Christ the Lord ". Have they changed the ritual without my knowledge replacing it with this new formula: «[…] mimics the whims of the Pope on migrants, conform your life to the new course of man's Church Jorge Mario Bergoglio "?


Because, the Secretary of State, it is repeatedly played face defending on several occasions the indefensible? Perhaps because it is a devoted servant? No, perhaps because it is only one that hopefully in the next conclave; and hopefully by himself, is intende. The true and faithful servants, were the Secretaries of State Rafael Merry del Val, or Pietro Gasparri, or Eugenio Pacelli, who without hesitation, in several delicate occasions, They have put their foot down and told the Popes, with all due reverence, that the decision that they wanted to take that speech or that they intended to pronounce, that would have been a grave mistake. Or perhaps he not said, Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, Blood Pius XI, that if at any given moment very delicate and critical, he really wanted to say the prepared speech against the Italian fascist regime, in this case she asked him to accept, first, his resignation as Secretary of State?


None of this is said and done, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, or in front of the sell-off of the Chinese martyrs who paid with a life of persecution their devout loyalty to Rome, or before the Cardinal electrician that with his improvident prank gave a million votes Catholics to Matteo Salvini [cf. WHO]. And nothing did, also, the Secretary of State, opposite the entrance of the unreal clergy and political correctness in about the last election campaign for the European elections, making in this way an interference before which no one has longed, by members of the radical left to the possessed Pannella brand&Bonino, who for decades have deafened with cries against "clerical meddling ', whenever John Paul II and Benedict XVI have spoken out on issues closely related to the life, to morality and bioethics. And if neither possessed nor radical leftists radical chic they shouted against "clerical meddling ', it is because of the pernicious subjects as Father Antonio Spadaro have turned directly to the man Jorge Mario Bergoglio in a leader of the international left.


Not only has Vatican diplomacy failed, because what was once a school of diplomacy looked up to with great respect even by the Moscow Soviet of the Stalin era, today it fell into ridicule, not least because of all the pretty vain ladies in careers from which it has been filled; a real army of little priests who, Of fennel shop in fennel shop, in the apostolic nunciatures of the world even the diplomats of the Banana Republic make people laugh about the Holy See.


The failure of Vatican diplomacy the president of that People's Republic of China with whom, the lascivious Secretariat of State, she literally prostituted herself by drawing up an agreement with the communist government that remains secret to this day (!?). I would note that the 21 March President Xi Jinping paid an official visit to Italy, however, being careful not to make even and only a private visit to the Supreme Pontiff.


And after having reaped this success, after the Holy See was humiliated in this way by the Chinese government, with whom he had shortly before drawn up a very secret agreement, for case, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, he truly waits patiently for his well-deserved reward at the next conclave, after that …The night will be over?


We started by saying that the man Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a liar, I continue concluding: this shouldn't scare you that much, beyond the understandable displeasure of the devoted faithful. In fact, I inform you that even the man Simon son of Jonah was rebaptized by Christ Peter, he was a liar, and besides being such he was also a coward and a traitor. Indeed, if together with that of the Our father not even a corrected and updated version of the Holy Gospels has come out, on their lines we continue to read:


«While Peter was down in the courtyard, a servant of the high priest came and, seeing Peter who was warming himself up, he stared at him and told him: “You too were with the Nazarene, with Jesus». But he denied: "I don't know and I don't understand what you mean". He then went out of the courtyard and the rooster crowed. And the servant, seeing him, he began to tell those present again: “This is one of those”. But he denied again. After a while those present said again to Peter: “You are certain of those, because you are Galileo”. But he began to curse and swear: "I don't know the man you say". For the second time a rooster crowed […]» [cf. MC 14, 66-72].


Anyhow, man Jorge Mario Bergoglio he combined them less big than the man Simon called Peter, who was not chosen by a conclave of cardinals, but by Christ himself. And Peter - I remind those who only speak of migrants and no longer read the Holy Gospels -, besides being chosen by Christ, he was formed for three years by Christ and was able to see several times, in all its glory, the Body of Christ raised from the dead appeared to the Apostles. And if Peter was chosen, perhaps it was because Christ knew well that two thousand years later a better and more merciful vicar of his on earth than the Divine Master would arrive from Argentina, surrounded by pimps coryphaeus ready to scream, to his every unhappy sortie, how wonderful, but above all "epochal" and "revolutionary" this pontificate.


An unsolicited advice: all those who are enjoying their ten minutes of power and glory today, know that this pontificate is not eternal. So let them start thinking over which of the floating garbage islands they will want to retreat to [cf. WHO], why tomorrow, for them — the great destroyers and defacers of the Church —, there will be no place, even if it cost having to celebrate a conclave made with stab wounds among the Cardinal Fathers, who will be careful not to let some element such as the evil dwarf, who lives on wickedness, revenge and cruelty, while finding nothing better to do than go around the world to proclaim the new blesseds, because these are the people to whom the man Jorge Mario Bergoglio has opened the door of the next conclave, with its fantastic "epochal turning points".

Tell me if there's no crying …


From the island of Patmos, 31 May 2019






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