Author Father Ariel

Tribute to Kryzstof Charamsa: “God and human suffering”

– Theologica –



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo


Two days ago I dedicated an article to the case of Mons. Kryzstof Charamsa through a public gesture that has brought suffering to many of his brethren in the Holy Priesthood, said to be homosexual and have a companion with whom he moved in the Basque country [cf. WHO]. At the time I did the studies, Mons. Charamsa held at the license degree in dogmatic theology a seminar dedicated to "God and human suffering». Today I wanted to pull out from my archives an old study discussed with him on this issue, based on the Apostolic Letter Saving pain of St. John Paul II. In the meantime, cease not to pray that soon the father can celebrate and kill the fatted calf to celebrate the homecoming of Kryzstof presbìtero Charamsa.


5. Baptismo

Whenever I take a child in my arms to baptize him, so that it may be cleansed by the mystery of grace from the stain of ancient original sin, my mind is thoughts related to the mystery of life, of death and human suffering; and every time, during the phases of the sacred rite of baptism, I think to myself that the creature, at the origin of life, It was not created to get sick, grow old and die […]


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Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo – GOD AND HUMAN SUFFERING

2 replies
  1. hector says:

    Rev. Dad,

    The incipit of the Messenger now:
    The mea culpa from the Pope for the many murky events that affect the clergy in the Holy City. Gay relationships of brother Italy course allegations of pedophilia in a Polish Bishop. L’ the announcement rocked the crowd, surprised listeners of Vatican Radio and listen live l’ the hearing on Wednesday, caught off guard the Papal collaborators. Speakers spread an unusual mea culpa. «Forgiveness for the scandals in recent times occurred both in Rome and Vaticano».
    Evil is among us, We are all authors of evil. The Pope's words, But even more his studio, reproduced here, invite to reflection.
    For sure, as you said to do, the Pope has already recommended privately to the Lord and Lady of those souls wandering brothers.
    Considering the great prominence in the media for the public plea for forgiveness given to faithful,
    It would have been an even more extraordinary page, of faith and catechesis, the collective recitation of a simple prayer to the father or the invitation to remember in daily intentions.
    Dominated, Miserere nobis

    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      And if instead of asking abstractly forgiveness – It can not be more, these abstract requests forgiveness! – the Holy Father proceeded to take out those certain events he tolerated and covered? Because everyone knows who tolerated and covered, rather … happened even worse: were ostracized in the worst ways, often, those who have reported to church authorities, including yours truly.
      And to us, who asks and who gives us, a media request for forgiveness?

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