Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

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Father Giovanni

Communion for the divorced and remarried: lectio magistralis by Giovanni Cavalcoli to Corrado Gnerre & (C).


The impression that sometimes the Pope has not adhered to revelation transmitted by Sacred Tradition, is always a false impression, that should make us understand that with such mental attitude you end up falling under the rebuke of the Lord, the Pharisees did not hear the Word of the eternal God, that does not pass and not wetsuit, but to become slaves of fleeting and vain "traditions of men"



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP


John Cavalcoli photos order

the Dominican Pontifical academic John Cavalcoli

I answer to the recent criticisms I addressed to me by Prof. Conrad Gnerre and published in the sites Correspondence Romana [cf. WHO], Christian levied [cf. WHO], Church and post-conciliar [cf. WHO] e altri. The reader can read the critical three points in those sites. Here the public and my answers point by point.



First point – Sin and sinful situation


The divorced and remarried, in the judgment of the Church, They are in an "irregular" position and are therefore excluded from the sacraments. But the claim that with what they are in a "state of grave sin" is a rash judgment, which takes no account of what is sin and what is its dynamism in the concrete of consciences. In fact, they may at any time, with the grace of God, repent and receive forgiveness from God, even without the Sacrament of Penance.

Per chiarire la discussione, I find it useful to make some assumptions of moral theology. Then I begin by saying that the conscious human conduct is constituted by a succession of acts of the will, ora buoni, and we have the good deed, connected to virtue; now bad, and we have the bad action, that is sin, connected with the vice.

It is in the power of our free will operate alternation, in time, of good deeds and sins. This dynamism of our will plays the action of divine grace, which urges us to the good, It supports us in and perform it, when we commit evil, It moves us to repent and ask God's forgiveness, with regard to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. In the end, on the basis of these assumptions, God forgives us and restores us the grace, if he had lost with mortal sin.

To get a complete picture dell’agire umano e del suo funzionamento, and you can then make a judgment or an assessment of the serious issue that we are dealing, we must also take account of other factors, that contribute, albeit accidentally and occasionally the formation of the act human or moral, buono o cattivo che sia. It is motivation, incentivi, spinte, stimuli, solicitations or more or less strong or persistent pressure, favorable or unfavorable when good or bad, that can come from inside or outside, or of the agent, and which may or may not be favored or caused by the will of the subject agent.

internal stimuli sono i progetti, intents, le idee, i desideri, the imagination, le tendenze, habits, the interests, the provisions and the passions of the subject. external stimuli are the human and physical environment, stimuli and influences received from other, opportunities to do good or evil, that occur, try or do not try, foreseen or unforeseen.

In particular, as it regards the sin, there are temptations, or that are from within or from meetings or acquaintances or dangerous or harmful experiences, from bad example, or the seductions of sinners, temptresses persons, with whom he lives or must or is compelled or forced to live.

If the occasions of sin They are frequent and inevitable, the fall that follows is less attributable, Whereas, on the one hand the pressure of passion and on the other, relieving stress by occasion will to sin. Our will has limited strength. Sin occurs only when, potendo resistere alla tentazione, we do not. But if the temptation is too strong and the will can not overcome the lust, The blame diminishes, because it decreases the volunteer, which it is essential moral act, both good and bad. In this case one does not sin because he deliberately wanted to sin, ma perché le forze di resistenza, sometimes caught off guard, They were not sufficient. If someone gives me a shove and I helmet on the ground, I will give a fault if I fell to the ground? The sexual instinct, especially in young people - we should all know -, It is an overwhelming force, which in some cases it is impossible to resist. Ad impossibilia nemo tenetur. We can not be blamed for acts we have committed for reasons of force majeure.

Also remember to distinguish between sin in the objective sense, that is, the evil deed itself, from the subjective condition agent, in whose act may lack the full awareness or deliberate consent, so that his conscience, although he objectively has hurt or damage to third parties, could be partly or completely excused.

In what the Pope was referring with that famous phrase, "Who am I to judge?». It would be absurd to believe, as did some foolishly, that with what the Pope wanted to relativize the moral law; but merely referred to a particular case, always known to the moralists.

Tutte queste premesse They should lead us to an important distinction, playing immediately in our discussion, namely that between sin as a voluntary act, protraibile or interruptible in time at will; e certe situazioni o condizioni pericolose, internal or external, subjective or objective, pushing more or less strongly to sin, but they are still not a sin, because the will, as Stressed, It remains free to decide. However, we can call "state of sin" a sin or a crime voluntarily protracted, the psychic state and moral culprit we call "persistence" and the Bible calls "hardened heart". Even so, But, the will, moved by grace, can always, in principle, stop this state, break these chains and return to the good, as it occurs for example in the conversions.

What happens in the case of cohabiting, It is something that can occur in many other cases of life, where we need distinguish from opportunity sin to sin. The sin we can take it off right away; the opportunity may be, even if we do not want.

Let's take some examples. A seminarian who has a teacher rahneriano, it is good that remains in the seminary, even if it is attempted to fall into heresy; and note that heresy is a mortal sin, worse adultery [cf. Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, WHO]. A worker has an exploitative landlord, will keep it, given the difficulty of changing jobs, even if it is attempted to beat him. a citizen, vittima di un regime dittatoriale, It would be tempted to make an attack, since it is hardly possible to emigrate abroad. And so on.

But in all these cases it is necessary to resist, even if the temptation to sin is strong. E is if yields, There are excuses or extenuating. When one has had enough, cede. Questo avviene nel sesso, but also in many other cases. And what we do? We send them to hell? Or perhaps that the grace of God can something? Or perhaps that the Synod can give us some advice?

In these cases and in this sense I would not be totally opposed to talk about "sinful situation", provided, however, that may always be distinguished on the one hand the state volunteer of sin, that it is possible, although not necessary and therefore can always be interrupted at any time and, on the other, from one context or from an objective situation durable, unsurpassable or force majeure, from which the subject, at least at the time, can not get rid, also wanting.

The thing to keep in mind is that, even in a union illegitimate, It is not at all certain that the two are always and necessarily in a state of mortal sin ("Sinful situation" or "state of sin") and they can not be touched by grace, as if to say that in itself can not be adapted to receive the Communion, senza commettere sacrilegio.

Believing that the mere opportunity to sin ports of necessity to sin, It is a serious mistake, offensive to human dignity of the sinner himself, which preserves the free will, although it weakened by original sin. If then for "sinful situation" means that view, well, like I said, there is a "sinful situation", because But sin is the implementation of a free judgment, yes sinful; is an act categorical voluntary and conscious, repeatable, indeed repetitive and, for how severe, always forgivable or erasable by God, whatever the situation in which we sin.

The situation, which it is a condition of the act, not constitute the act as such in its substance, but it is only an accidental mode or an occasion of human action, buona o cattiva che sia. But is not the real cause, which is just the ill will. So the substance of sin, that is, the thing that made objectively and substantially comes, It is independent of the situations and the occasions. You can accomplish a shame in situations that lead to good; e si può compiere un atto di virtù, where the situation would push us to sin. I accomplished a gesture of charity in a mood of joy, because I passed a test, o di sofferenza, because my mother died, the moral value of the gesture is always the same.

One of the heresies of Luther condannate dal Concilio di Trento, it was to believe that the lust, which it is the inevitable and invincible permanent tendency to sin, in all of us, coincide with a non-existent permanent state of sin and inevitable.

The concept of sin as a "situation" is de-empowering. Unless our inner states, the situations in which we act, usually we do not determine us, but we are given to us and we can not change them. Here we are in a vision of the type of that of Rousseau, discharging our guilt on society. In addition to this, the said concept appears to reflect the vision Rahner, who refuses to look upon sin as an act categorical, replacing it with a non-existent and unsustainable "fundamental option athematic". But these ideas were condemned by St. John Paul II in the encyclical The Splendor of Truth.

If the church currently excludes cohabiting from the Holy Communion, Suppose it is not because they are always in sin, but only for a pastoral measure, who wants to be: first, a summons to their conscience; second, the respect due to the sacraments; third, avoid scandal and the disturbance of the faithful. But in itself it is not impossible that they come to it Communion in a state of grace. Il che è come dire che, although the situation is irregular, they can live in grace, although it is certainly difficult for them.

Then the Church would one day give them Holy Communion, this would not at all say that the Church - something unthinkable - to complete an attack on the substance of the sacraments, but simply that it uses its power to legislate and change its laws to better reception of the sacraments. The Church keeps prudently in that the divorced and remarried to live in God's grace, despite their situation. The other part, if the current remains unchanged discipline, I would have no problems, because in my long experience as a confessor and director of souls, I always managed to brighten these people, simply reminding them that they can still take a personal journey of penance and thus be in grace, even if they can not access to the sacraments.

Today there is an excessive fixation and superstitious on wanting to do to force the Communion, as if it were a labor claim, maybe neglecting confession, while the Church has long been prescribed for these couples who can make a spiritual Communion at Mass.

The other part, if the current framework should be enlarged or mitigated, non vedo proprio perché, come temono alcuni, who can not distinguish dogma from pastoral, what should constitute an attack on the Sacraments. The ministry puts into practice the dogma and does not contradict it. Between dogma and pastoral there is a similar to the relationship between the body's biological rhythm, and two different methods of health care. The doctor can not fix care without compromising the patient's health?

The Church has under the pastoral dogma, since there are laws in the dogma intangible divine and immutable, that must be applied in life. Many are changing and the ways in which the divine laws can be applied by the Church, which instead plays and always respects and infallibly the immutability of dogma.

So it is absurd to believe or fear, as do the lefevriani, vittime di un rigido legalismo, that the Church and the Pope, where it adopts or change a law, can disregard or change the dogma. This would however hope the modernists, that, under the pretext of "mercy" more for himself than for others, They want to shake off the yoke of Christ, but they delude themselves, because they forget the words of Christ: «cielo e terra passeranno, but my words will not pass " [cf. Mt 24, 32-35].

Then, if the partner, to bad habits or previous bad choices or for various serious reasons or independent obstacles beyond his control, prisoner of vice, He can not get away from the situation where it is and get out, if he sins of lust, It is partly apologized and blamed decreases. In these subjects consciousness can ottundersi, so that they no longer find the strength to stand up and correct, Easily reclining in a perverse and fatalistic resignation. Yet the Church, caring mother to lead all to salvation, do not surrender, but it can and must be cured of these difficult cases and almost desperate. Here the work of the Synod.

The Church knows what he does especially in this delicate matter of the Discipline of the Sacraments. It knows how to heal the souls from sin and keep them healthy. It is up to her to establish the rules for the preservation and respect of those wonderful spirit medicines, che sono i sacramenti, as well as for their worthy and fruitful celebration, amministrazione e recezione, ordinando la condotta del ministro e quella del fedele, secondo i tempi, places and circumstances, affnché such conduct is consistent with a worthy sacramental practice.

We have to trust the legal provisions, liturgical and pastoral of the Church, in the certainty that the Bride of Christ, even among its human limitations, He will never fail in fidelity to his spouse and his commandments, as different and also in contrast between them, in time and space, possano essere le sue leggi, which in any case always apply and interpret the will of the Lord.


Second point – Regarding the difficulty of the relationship


It is clear that we are talking about an illegitimate cohabitation. But I have spoken of "sinful situations" and not "sinful condition", which I am not the same. As I rejected the first expression in the sense that I have explained, instead I would be willing to accept the second, in the sense of "living conditions that inducono to sin ". But then, even here there is still in the game sin. As I said about the situation, so I must say for the condition: they can not be classified as "sinful", perché non sono peccati, but circumstances of sin, as I explained above.

Do not constitute the substance of sin but a property accidentally added, you can miss, without the kind of dumb sin. Even two legitimate spouses may commit a sin of lust. Like this, to return to our case, the illegitimate union does not necessarily in itself the act of sin, while constituting a situation or condition, which leads to sin and arose from sin.

Of course, At that time, that living together is an act of will. But the sin of living together, as sinning, It is not necessarily coextensive with their live. It's not that their whole life is a sin?. They may very well have good quality in other respects, quality that they can and should enhance, without sin on the merits. Se lui è ingegnere e lei è infermiera, They can not possibly do good in these respects? It is true that the good works done in a state of mortal sin are not valid for salvation. But judgment would severely reckless and cruel to think that these humans, redenti dal sangue di Cristo, They are in a continuous and irremediable state of mortal sin, unless you leave. And the grace of God that we're doing?

Their live, indeed, despite the objective irregularity of their position, It can also lead, at least at certain moments, the intervention and the presence of grace. It depends on the two sin or not to sin, on the basis of free will. Only the damned in hell are in a state of continuous and irremediable sin. Supponendo quindi quanto ho detto, it is said that the two necessarily live and continuously in sin, as if they were lost souls, for the simple fact that their union is illegitimate.

This union sinful, Certain, is the status or condition of life. But the situation is not as yet himself the sin, who does not arise from the situation, ma dalla volontà, will that can change, while the situation may remain the same. Il permanere di una situazione o condizione di vita, from which, for hypothesis, you can not go out and involving a continuous temptation to sin, It does not mean that in many cases the two can not, with the grace of God, overcome temptation or, always with the grace of God, resurrected from sin.

End the relationship It would certainly be good and dutiful, cs but it is not always possible due to obstacles and of objective situations of various kinds, to which I have already mentioned in the interview [cf. WHO]. But it is clear that if this is possible, It must be made.

As for the issue of education of children, raised by Gnerre, it is clear that the new couple has a primary duty towards their children, possibly born from the new union, while the new couple will have an interest, as far as is possible and convenient, according to the provisions of civil law and possibly under a spiritual guide, also any children born in the previous marriage or other had to be a new possible link with other contract from previous spouse.


third point – Dad, Guardian of Tradition


I repeat that the authentic voice and official of the Apostolic Tradition is none other than the living Magisterium of the Church today, heir, guardian and custodian of the tradition of the apostles. The Magisterium of the Church throughout the centuries, beginning with the Holy Fathers, especially in the Ecumenical Councils, It is always authentic witness of Tradition. Pope Francis is therefore now the baton guide Tradition, it is the definitive interpreter and authentic.

Certainly that over the centuries the tradition was put in writing. And the same Holy Scripture, at the bottom of, It is nothing more than oral tradition, Preaching put in writing. In this sense Tradition, born from having heard the same word output from the lips of the Saviour, It is more important than Scripture. Christ did not say to the apostles "write", ma “predicate”, although in putting in writing they have had a very good idea.

It is clear that the Bible is a holy book. Ma esso è interpretato dalla Chiesa, Custodian of Tradition. Luther, At that time, with its rebellion against the Pope and with his fetishistic attachment and presumptuous in a book printed by Guttenberg, He has lost sight of the true origin of God's Word.

But it still remains that Sacred Tradition, per sua essenza è oral, He is the living apostolic Magisterium; and in this it differs from the Scrittura. The current voice of our shepherds, under the guidance of the Pope, is the voice of Tradition, which is then regularly written down in Acts of the Apostolic See.

Certainly the Pope in his teaching on the truths of faith is based on Tradition, which, in this sense, is the rule of the same papal teaching. But the judge or know ultimately if the Pope adheres or not to Tradition, responsible only to the Pope himself. Christ did not entrust to others the apostles his word, ordering them to teach the world until the end of time what he had taught them.

So no one else outside of Peter's Successor It is the supreme and infallible guardian of Tradition. I repeat, therefore, that the claim of some Catholics to know the best tradition of the Pope, so it can be to find fault when he's wrong, non ha nessun senso, but rather resembles the attitude of the Pharisees who wanted to find fault with the Lord in his speeches.

Noi possiamo discernere quando il Papa parla in nome della Tradizione e quando no. Of course we too can learn the tradition of documents and verify the Pope's loyalty to them. But even when the Pope speaks outside the Tradition, never talk against it.

The impression that sometimes the pope does not comply with the figure revealed transmitted by Sacred Tradition, is always a false impression, that should make us understand that with such mental attitude you end up falling under the rebuke of the Lord, the Pharisees did not hear the Word of the eternal God, that does not pass and not wetsuit, but to become slaves of fleeting and vain "traditions of men":


[…] so you have made the commandment of God by your tradition. Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying: 'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men " [cf. Is 29,13]. He called the multitude said: "Hear and understand! Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but that which cometh out of the mouth defiles a man!». And his disciples came to him: "You know that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?». And he answered: "Every plant which is not planted by my heavenly Father will be uprooted. let them! They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a ditch!» [Mt. 15, 7-14].


Varazze, 18 October 2015



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Catholics and erotophobia: "The virginity of heretics is more impure than adultery"



Some Catholics cupi very similar to the Sadducees and the Pharisees, are grown with an idea of Christ not died but rose again, with an idea of ​​sexuality whole Manichaean; I am fixed on arid legalism and concepts imbued with Pelagianism, and similarly to Luther they have serious problems on the Pauline concept of predestination, then on the theology of justification that often threaten to reduce to an idea the whole Calvinist, albeit in the form of Catholic moral rigor.


Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

Shortly after the exit interview to John Cavalcoli made by the Vatican correspondent of The Print Andrea Tornielli [cf. WHO] It has unleashed a welter of controversy following heavy accusations against the Dominican theologian; accusations to which I do not answer specifically, why he did it in a masterly way the direct question, that does not need my "office defenses" [cf. WHO].

I do, however bitter confirmation and reaffirm a concept emerged in recent months: on the pretext of the Synod on the family armada of Pharisees followed to change the Sixth Commandment in sin of sins, as if it were residing the whole mystery of evil. And just to support their outlandish theories, They are ready "politically" to all, even to raise the African bishops as a banner in defense of orthodoxy family [cf. WHO, WHO, etc.]. What really makes this pathetic certain “politicians” who bring out what they care only pretending not to know that several of these champions of defense non-negotiable values, the family and the sacred marriage; these defenders of the true doctrine that thundered against adultery and concubinage, Fathers are often results of several children around the world, which the Holy See has always knows; and specifically know those of Congregation of reliable advertising, whose main problem, when it comes to electing a new bishop in any diocese of the Black Continent, It is able to select a candidate who has not concubines and children scattered around, venture far from easy.

Or to clarify a concrete example: in Rome, the end of 2009 spent two days together with a great Archbishop of the diocese of Africa who asked me for help to the reading of the Latin missal of Blessed Pope Paul VI. A few days later he would be gone in a private audience by Pope Benedict XVI, he concelebrated with him and that it then had talks over breakfast. The archbishop had learned that the Pope used in his private chapel, this Missal and wanted to refresh his reading of the Latin. Before you go, to me and to another priest, he said: "I want to tell you why I asked for an audience with the Holy Father. Celebrities, mine is a very extensive diocese but poor, in which we have a big problem: we totally lack the necessary means to support all the children who were brought into the world by our priests around the villages. And we, towards these creatures, we as a Church have moral obligations and we can not leave them abandoned on the streets. Why I go to the Holy Father: to ask him for financial assistance '. He concluded by saying: "And I hope that the Holy Father, as those of the Congregation of reliable advertising I did not listen to me, accept my request and remove my auxiliary bishop, which he has three concubines and do not even know how many children were born around ».

A boost perversion the intended sex as sin of sins, which is in itself something far more sinful adultery or cohabitation of divorced and remarried, are lay people without Christian humanity supported by some theologian specializing in pulling the stone, withdraw the hand and instigating people quite ignorant of theology - and therefore easily manipulated - to "arm themselves and go". Is this, in my language, It is called cowardice, sometimes typical of priests who have spent their lives to speculate on the clouds of the greatest subjective intellect systems, up to sink into authentic mother of all heresies: replace ' "I"Of his own thought thought of" God ", which is no longer, through the Incarnation of the Word Mystery, the beginning, the Centre and the ultimate goal of our entire humanism, but the pretext on which to build their own homocentrism intellectual. And it was John Cavalcoli to give us the columns of this online magazine dedicated to an extraordinary item Apology of pride [CF. WHO], that sin by myself several times as a diabolical queen and charioteer of the Seven Deadly Sins; a sin - pride - that the list occupies no coincidence that the first and that as such it is to be feared more than lust, that it is not neither the queen nor the charioteer of the Seven Deadly Sins, for this is placed fourth in the history of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Some Catholics cupi very similar to the Sadducees and the Pharisees, basically They grew up with an idea of ​​the dead Christ, but not resurrected, with an idea of ​​sexuality whole Manichaean; I am fixed on arid legalism and concepts imbued with Pelagianism, and similarly to Luther they have serious problems on the Pauline concept of predestination, then on the theology of justification that often threaten to reduce to an idea the whole Calvinist, albeit in the form of Catholic moral rigor.

If before articulated pastoral themes with complex theological and doctrinal implications certain characters should be quiet, for no other reason that modesty stemming from an objective lack of deep knowledge; some reference theologian who behind the scenes had to charge them modesty and do not open their mouth, unless it is unable to prove that he really made the priest for life. And to a priest she does not mean to have split between academic classrooms, conference rooms and libraries, pastorally speaking because a priest does not mean having celebrated a Mass daily, but having spent much time in the confessional, He has taken upon themselves the pain and the discomfort of individuals and entire families, He has attended the oncology departments of hospitals, be entered and exited from prisons where young people in their early twenties, for a "stunt" or worse for "madness", They have taken a sentence of twenty years for murder; and so on.

I who live on the other hand the pastoral dimension, while devoting myself to insights and theological speculation, I do not accept the pastoral lessons accountancy by certain characters that are, I repeat, the eminently political figures; as I do not accept certain theaters staged by purely academic priests who unlike me do not go to look for a young face ill with cancer in terminal phase, to administer the anointing of the sick, to celebrate Mass in his home because he can not get out of the four walls within which is awaiting the death overnight, and to which you can not offer as consolation some good lesson epistemology as an alternative to painkillers made from morphine sulphate. Not to mention the fact that this poor young sick has the "terrible guilt" of being married to a divorced. But, given the irreversible disease severity, not being able to have sexual relations peccaminosissimi, she and her husband divorced, remarried, They can be considered more or less in place a moral level? What only it counts so essential and "absolutely" unavoidable in some legalists is that there is no middle the sin of sins: sex. Though, at the level of morale epistemica it was not yet clear if the sin is represented by the member that penetrates the vagina or if you just wish to consider the orgasm, because in this second case, we could establish that the genital penetration is granted, provided, however, that there is no ejaculation, but especially that there is no part of both no pleasure, because certain moralists rendered immoral by their inherent inhumanity, You can expect this and much more, as they are able to create on one side of the impossible dream manuals Sexual Ethics, the other to deny the mystery of man's creation, because basically they are always, still the same incorrigible:

Woe to you too, lawyers!, you load men with unbearable burdens, and those weights you do not touch with a finger! [cf. LC. 11,46]

And in recent weeks of the liturgical year we read in the Gospel of St. Luke feria, where shows diatribes and criticism of Jesus with the Pharisees; well if we read those lines seem to find ourselves in front of the inhumanity of certain characters fragrant legalisms, before the motivations of which comes back to mind the wise motto of a great Father of the Church, St. Gregory of Nyssa, who said that "Virginity of heretics is more impure adultery ', and is an impurity that through the street and spit-Pelagian eventually leads to atheism clerical, to the atheism of religious beast, atheism understood as a denial of the mystery of God Incarnate Word destroyed in the worst way: through its reduction to a purely speculative phenomenon and legalistic.

With a zeal that rivals the Highway Code of the Federal Republic of Germany, those who think in those terms stated that the divorced and remarried should live as brother and sister, in perfect chastity; because of course - it goes without saying - the whole mystery of evil resides, as far explained, in sexuality. Who indulges in such statements and decided to read first so tragically lost sight of the fact that chastity is not a stoic sustainable waiver using only the power of the human will - and what I really think it can be said for direct concrete experience -, but a gift of grace. And who has studied in depth the Of nature and grace of Sant’Agostino, which it is a big debate against that Pelagius in his own way that we could consider the father of a precursor voluntarist, He knows what we're talking about. Therefore, a married couple that was closed to the action of grace but applied with care and zeal all the moral rules, by natural methods until the perfect continence, It could result in all and for all worse than a cohabiting couple, while he is living in sin, first of all aware of his sin, But they moved by a sense of openness towards themselves and towards others. It's right in front of these people which the Lord Jesus warns:

Truly, I say: the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God. Is John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe; the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him instead. Butter, on the contrary, though she had seen these things, you do not even repent and believe him [cf. Mt. 21, 31-32].

If we instead focus everything on genitality as many are doing in this debate and also in ways flush with the obsession, It is likely to slip into unclean virginity of heretics. Or as he wrote Blaise Pascal in his thoughts about some nuns: "Caste as angels, superb come demoni ".

And I, as a man and as a priest, I should perhaps take lessons from that certain gentleman who thunders against the divorced and remarried and ranting against adultery: Holy Communion for divorced and remarried no, never, no, otherwise it will eventually be schism? All with following the theologian of confidence before some objective evidence of immorality, however, suspended by magic all kinds of judgment and also beating his feet on the ground he says that "these are other issues" and that "our task is to speak of theology and not socio-political issues "? I will do therefore, understanding: if one dares to touch the highly immoral life of certain moneyed and powerful munificent, those matters are "socio-political" that "does not concern the theologians', the duty of which, and especially on the level of moral rectitude, It is perhaps to take a thrashing instead only the weak who can not lavish on our rivers of money works and foundations?

Like it or not like it, It remains a fact that certain institutions of hard-core moralists have kept up with the money donated by the American extreme right made up of people who - the most moral absolute - are married at least a couple of times and made merry with girls below twenty years younger of them. Or do we really want to relegate in questions without theological and pastoral interest, but above all the moral interest, the fact that these characters, between one and the other revelry, then bear with the halberd chivalrous in his hand and with the tear to the eye to the Mass in the ancient rite, for thunder between a we pray and the other against adultery, concubinage and the Communion for divorced and remarried, as if everything were luxuries that can not be granted to ordinary mortals from low-income, but only to the great profligate with accounts to nine zeros, before which one side takes, the other did not even see those sins which really cry out for vengeance before God, far as to assert that "certain issues do not concern the theologians' and feeling spite of the consciousness epistemic ed aletica shipshape?

Giovanni Cavalcoli, than as a man, priest, confessor and theologian has the purity of an angel, before the sins related to the Sixth Commandment is always sinners with great humanity, never throw at them the burning arrows of moral judgments merciless. I that I come instead from another experience, and that in a previous life to the priesthood I walked the affective and sexual dimension in the length and breadth, before the confession of sins, much lighter than that at the time I was committing, always reflect with joy on grace, finding myself today ineffable mystery to fulfill through the ministry of sinners Church, on which deep as devout instrumentum Gods Christological tenderness and mercy.

Come to the grace by different routes: the Father Giovanni by the angelic purity, I through the in-depth knowledge of certain sins, we both live the perennial charm of God's grace. This is the reason for which each day, in US, do not renew certain concept the supreme law of the highest injury [the supreme law is supreme injustice] but the charm of the Paschal Mystery: «or felix blame, , which gained for us so great a Redeemer» [O happy fault that we did deserve for us so great a Redeemer]. It is in this that lies the substantial and formal difference which exists between the small Pharisees made ruthless in the heart for their closure homocentric to grace, the shepherds in the care of souls and men of God made pure in heart to the extent that they have received and made fruitful in himself the gifts of grace that has thrown them into a being and becoming all focused in a Christ-centered dimension, within which harbored feelings like love, pity and mercy.

