Pope Francis and idealism

– Theologica –



John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP


Today it has become clear and common ground, after the powerful and decisive words of Pope Francis, that there is no room in the Church for the idealism, just as there is no room for those philosophical doctrines, that, for different reasons, prevent, they destroy or falsify the knowledge of faith and therefore the truth of faith. The idealist, so, can no longer be, as it was believed for a long time, pedantic companion with a realist on the Gospel and in communion with the Church, ma, as the conductor Jorge Mario Bergoglio made us understand, is an abusive traveler, without ticket, who is cornered: you pay the ticket or realist, and then you can travel with me and passengers on the train of faith and salvation; or take another train, where do you hope to get to Christ maybe more surely and more quickly of the realist.


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5 replies
  1. It is necessary to sail says:

    Not a single word, indeed only one punctuation mark, This post is shared. But in this matter to find a point of agreement with the school, that for some’ centuries of claiming exclusivity of faith and doctrine, it's impossible. So we just have to give in their field and let them (leave, I would say) to toy with their illusions of realism and their dreams of monopoly. Theirs is a lost battle, because it waged against the truth of the logos, alive and kicking on this side and beyond Thomas (as well as Thomas himself).

  2. hector says:

    I transcribe a reply card. Scola:
    “In my not-so-Circle, also because many of these bishops are young, they had a good theology, that has found its roots in the studies of de Lubac, by Balthasar, by Rhaner. So I'm used to doing and understand units that can create dualism between theology and pastoral care: There is no abstract doctrine to apply to life. The doctrine is a systematic and critical reflection, needed that has to come up to the formulation of the dogma, but that stems from life experience. I believe that this unity of doctrine and pastoral care will also be the key to the Holy Father to give tips on burning issues, like those-in fact-of whether or not access to the sacramental communion for the divorced and remarried.”
    If I have correctly understood what here is often repeated, the quote also the only name of Rahner isn't “unhappy”?

    • Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON
      Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON says:

      Dear Ettore,

      Card statements. Scola are severely mistaken for many reasons, I shall now.

      E’ the first pastoral fake is not the application of abstract principles of theological or moral character. The principles of Theology and morality, as any human knowledge and therefore also of faith, are abstract in itself, that is, beyond the particular contingent, to consider, under the gaze of the intellect, What is common to many and include individividui under him virtually an infinite number of individuals or implicit special cases possible. Theological and moral principles are not experienced or intuìti or aprioricamente immediately, almost like a first of knowledge, but only after an appropriate and prudent to abstract process, that, starting from the experience of the things, of others and ourselves, view them in their objectivity, purity and universality, immutable, becoming independent, by transience and from multiple, as a destination, order and rule of becoming manifold and.

      The abstract is indispensable to human life. If this is not possible, for instance, How do you think Rahner, form an abstract and universal concept of human nature, that abstracts the multiplicity of the races, and then the abstract concrete and with identical particular, It would be outside the Nazi conception, for which only the Aryan is male, While the Jew is not man.

      So too, the moral law is also an abstract, While only the single human act is a concrete. The abstraction allows the law to be applied in many ways. Are, for instance, as Luther believed, the charity can be lived only forming a family, the men could not exercise the charity.

      There is therefore, How do you think Rahner, a concrete Act for concrete action, but the law, I repeat, is always a universal, that is applied to the concrete. The concrete may not have the force of law, why, as I said, the law can be applied in many different ways, and if it were a concrete, This would not be possible.

      Let us not confuse, Furthermore, a healthy progressivism with modernism. Natural law and divine law do not change, Castro says Rahner. God doesn't change, Santa Teresa tells us. Only human and ecclesiastical laws can change.

      The principles do not change. We do them, but establishes the creator and those of faith has established Christ through the Church. We have to make progress in getting to know them and apply them.

      Of course, to practice good pastoral care, moral principles are not enough and cannot be immediately dropped in practice; It must be knowledge of the circumstances and the mediation of prudence.

      But conduct that is illuminated and guided by the principles, leave the man in ignorance and slave of the passions, entangled in pettiness and in earthly Affairs and fails to elevate it to the spirit world and, a fortiori, of faith.

      Scola but recognizes that “the doctrine is a critical and systematic reflection”. But this is achieved thanks to the methodical thought abstractive, that, abstracting from the contingent and the accidental, SA penetrate deep in real (INTUS-reading) and grasp the truth universally and eternally valid reason and faith.

      The doctrine, especially that of faith, does not arise from any vague, atematica and confused “life experience”, the manner of Rahner, ma, starting from sense experience, in listening to the word of God, comes from the methodical exercise, and conceptual reasons of intellect, that captures the essential and universal connections of things and then of moral norms, to apply to the concrete pipe.

      Even a dog has an”life experience”, that is an experience of your life, and not for that is capable of processing a doctrine, Neither of critical reflection and Systematics.

      The application of moral teaching in the form of life and of human conduct is nothing more than the embodiment or immanence or vital and productive presence of mind and moral thought and action in practice does not in itself no dualism between theology and pastoral care, but a close relationship, What is that which exists between thought and action, between being and acting, between the soul and the body, between the principle and the lonely Shepherd.

      So, the faithful and prudent application of the doctrine to individual cases, is the proper way, normal, correct and fruitful to live rationally and in a Christian way. If the moral theological doctrine is not applied with care and diligence, with respect to all costs of the divine laws and the Church, you have the disobedience to the law and ruin, and indeed the eternal damnation of man.

      The real, disastrous dualism gives you, When, for a false conception of liberty, traceable in a Rahner, as in his other followers, the behavior is detached from the dependency individualistically reads, read law by universalizing thought abstractive activity.

      Without such sublime theoretical activities, intelligence work, that is the dignity of the person is made to God, and that takes place in theological knowledge and moral faith, There is the human and Christian conduct, There is no pastoral care, but only beastly conduct (as demonstrated today, for example in certain sexual aberrations), Why is typical of animal knowledge inability to abstract the particular universal and be guided only by the”life experience”.

      Vice versa, sacred duty of the good Shepherd, lit in faith and zealous in the works, is to stimulate in the faithful a healthy taste of speculative theological abstraction, According to the capacity of each, in order to lead souls to practice charity, and to raise our look at celestial truth and salvific boundless horizons of eternal life, and destination of our earthly journey Prize, from which we must draw inspiration, reason and strength for our conduct in daily life, in the concrete situations.

      Here we have the example of all the great saints of the church pastors of the past, just think of the ambrosiana, Sant'Ambrogio, San Carlo Borromeo and blessed Alfonso Schuster.

      Dualism, if anything, It gives just when the law is not applied in life, But if it is abstract, secluded and pampered, which idol in the mind or in words like simple idea detached from reality, as the Pope says.

      E’ clear that the Act must be consistent with the thought. But you should not dishearten even the rigor and seriousness of speculative theology in pateracchi and compromises, under the guise of “pastoral”, If we want to transform the pastor in a Fixer and scheming business man and faithful in animals, breeding sheep.

      That must be some pastoral sensitivity that makes discerning the various case studies, in order to be able to discern when you must tolerate and when should you require, When you have to be patient and when you must intervene, When the rule applies and when exception.

      There is hardly an idealistic abstraction from refuse, as the Pope says, for its tendency to reduce being to thought – you still see Rahner – and to pigeonhole the reality in prefabricated or abstract patterns in unlikely “atematiche experiences” or to promote an abstract utopianism that ignores or violent reality.

      Moreover, “doctrine and pastoral unit” must not mean, as dictated by Rahner, reduce the pastoral doctrine artfully confounding them with each other, to manipulate consciences at your own will.

      You will understand that “young bishops”, conscious of their grave responsibility, Note these things, If you want to prepare a good old age.

      A dishonest and harmful mess like the one above will be refused by the Pope, that today more than ever needs to pull over, with the help of enlightened and loyal employees, expand horizons of thought to human cases more difficult, need to be enlightened by the light of the truth of the Gospel and to be understood and healed by the grace of God.

  3. hector says:

    in his long essay gives us an interpretation different from many other commentators who have highlighted other positive or negative steps.
    Ella authoritatively and unequivocally demonstrates that , in the words of the points you mentioned , Pope condemns idealism.
    Texts remain, SED acta ...?
    A doubt – Maybe bad media distortion effect – I translate this question: pastoral actions, the meetings, decisions, the recent motu own of Francis are always in practice consistent with those words?
    I think the speeches in Cuba, at the UN, In the USA. I think the ongoing Synod.
    Kasper, Marx, Bonny, Strong, Galantino , But even Pell , Sarah, Muller, Caffarra are “realists or idealists”?
    Thank you.

    • Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON
      Giovanni Cavalcoli, ON says:

      Dear Ettore.

      If the Pope accepts certain behaviors or make certain choices that seem to contradict his doctrinal teachings, we do not have a problem too farcene. Here we are allowed a respectful disagreement or a frank disapprovazioine, always with filial spirit.

      While over the first area he can reveal deficiencies, failures or human flaws like all of us, the second is our teacher in the faith and we should always listen with religious submission or divine faith, depending on the importance or level of doctrine that teaches.

      If he gives us wise teachings, these venngno not absolutely denied or invalidated by his behavior, that appear to contradict what he says, but perfectly they preserve their value and should be greeted with a full membership of the mind and heart.

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