The problems pastoral care of the divorced and remarried
At this juncture so severe for the life of the Church and society, It is necessary to avoid the two extremes opposed, the first, a small but minority biting, of ultra conservatism, with his doomsday scaremongering and its legalism rigorista, who fears that the Pope will move away from the Gospel or from Tradition, if it has not already done so; and the second, far more widespread and arrogant, what the modernists, worldly spirits, unrepentant relativists, preachers of gooders misercordista, who would like to exploit the Pope with false flattery.
.We are awaiting the decision of the Holy Father based on the proposals of the Synod of Bishops on the Family, that will, among other topics, also that of divorced and remarried. We expect from this gathering of our pastors, enlightening and encouraging directives for the purpose of strengthening the family institution in the light of faith, so as to help families to live better and with greater conviction the gift received from God, defenses from the wiles and temptations that come from the contemporary world.
Among the issues to be addressed There will be to prepare for the shepherds and for all those who care about the value of family, a new pastoral and educational methodology, helping to clarify the ideas and behavior contrary to the good of the family, and then to correct fraternally and generously help those couples, that, or ill will or ignorance or bad upbringing or bad examples or influences suffered or objective difficulties, They not observed in various ways and measures in this critical sector of the Christian life, the commands of the Gospel and the Church's laws. In fact there are not only, as they say, families "wounds", in need of understanding, help and mercy, but also families who wound, that give the bad example, that upset or scandalize, families or couples who throw havoc or cause suffering, conflicts and troubles in other families or in other pairs, perhaps seduced by the world or victims of misconceptions or rebel to family ethics standards, famiglie ill or corrotte, which tend to corrupt the healthy ones, but instead it should be the reverse, namely that healthy heal the sick.
It is essential to reverse that trend nefarious and solvent, which for decades it is spreading in the Church and in society, for which diminish the legitimate and normal marriages, increase divorces, separations and marriages null and increase illegal or unions, increase the broken homes or in crisis, with huge damage to the education of children, and decrease the united and serene and devoted to the good of the Church and society.
A sensitive issue to address It will also be to some regulation of so-called "cohabitation", otherwise called "civil unions", as well as the even more delicate coexistence of homosexual couples. But here I set aside these issues to stop only to that of divorced and remarried or cohabiting.
Under this category now entered into use we can and must put, for greater precision, even those couples who have started a new union, with or without civil marriage, with or without divorce from the previous ecclesiastical marriage, but remained tied to the legitimate spouse the sacramental plane. On the other hand it is clear that, whatever may be the Holy Father's decisions, the fears of some that he puts in doubt the indissolubility of marriage and therefore admits the divorce with remarriage have no sense. Of one thing we must be fully convinced: that the Synod will keep, confirm and strengthen, as always he has done and will do the Church, the absolute values, perennial and indispensable, moral and dogmatic, based on the natural and divine law, but it reserves the right to change, when it deems appropriate, in the field of pastoral care, that is, the ecclesiastical law and canon law, like for example, and this is the case, in the discipline - not in substance! - The sacraments (Marriage and the Eucharist). The judgment of the Holy Father non it will be infallible nor immutable, and yet it will be appropriate to the current circumstances, because it will not be the kind of doctrinal truths of faith. Instead, it will simply prudential judgment, where the Church can err and then reform and correct - very rare - and mutate, but that is confidently accepted and put into practice with religious submission of will.
Then the Church will prepare a new pastoral legislation for couples of which we speak, This obviously will not mean that it will admit, as some alarmists fear of little faith, the possibility of the dissolution of the previous legitimate sacramental bond, nor that it can, for these pairs, as some are fantasizing, set up a kind of new "marriage", maybe second-class. It can instead be recognized a certain type of "civil union" in accordance with the State.
Some, kind of canonical environments, believe that the current legislation (exclusion from the sacraments) It is so closely linked to the divine law on marriage, that the Church could not change it, without offending the same divine right. Therefore, hope with all our strength the preservation of the current rules, almost imploring the pope to keep unchanged the current legislation. To them we must reply that, though of course the current ecclesiastical law is an application of divine law, there is a connection between the two logically necessary, as a consequence to premise, or as if it were a deductive syllogism. In reality, without prejudice to the divine right, and indeed, in view of its best application, according to the needs and opportunities of today, It is entitled to make changes to the Church canon law according to his prudent, though not irrevocable or unalterable judgment.
What if anything is to be feared is not what will Pope, But what will the reaction of the modernists to certainly reaffirmed the value of indissolubility of marriage on the part of the Synod. Indeed they, Infected by a historicist and relativist mentality, misinterpreting ecumenism, pluralism, freedom of conscience and intercultural and interreligious dialogue, They took over indifferentist and liberal mentality of modern states, they believe that the part of the Church to reaffirm the indissolubility as a universal value and unchanging, mandatory for all, is a sign of a spirit not evangelical, not "reconcile" and not pastoral, but doctrinaire, taxation and old fashioned illiberal, that does not respect the different choices of each, dictated by his conscience.
What they criticize the Church It is to focus unreasonably, with outdated mentality, a special union between two people - the indissoluble union between man and woman - on all other, including same sex, whereas in their view all the choices are good, legitimate and should be put on the same level as conscientious choices.
It is evident that the Church, while meeting the situations that require it, It will never accept such a subjectivism and relativism, who forgets the degrees of dignity and human perfection and above all ends up legitimizing sin with the excuse of the choice of conscience or mercy.
For a good discussion on the subject, you must call to mind a few things about the notion of sin and its cancellation due to divine forgiveness. That is, we must first distinguish between sin as an act by the inclination to sin, called the Council of Trent "lust" (Denz.1515). Some confuse the two things.
The inclination is in fact a matter of fact inevitable and permanent psychological for all earthly life and is present in all state, Also in the Saints, excluded, of course, the Blessed Virgin Mary, independently of the will, as a consequence of original sin. The sin, instead, in the proper sense, is an evil act - evil action, Cicero called him - conscious and free ("Full awareness and deliberate consent"), the result of the will. Indeed, the will, who it is deemed good, every now and again, for different reasons, It is perverted and become bad.
Power of our free will, Relief from grace, It is to correct our own will, able to straighten herself with repentance, putting itself on the right path. This is the conversion, favored by the sacrament of penance. The sin, so, It is a "hiccup", which should not be taken lightly under the pretense of divine mercy, but it should be and can be remedied whenever. Committing sins even "seventy times seven" day, God is always ready to forgive, but we must do our part with the seriousness and sense of responsibility.
The act of sin can last or last in time or by its nature or because voluntarily be maintained in, for which act by turns in state, but then it is better to speak of "guilt", for which it determines a real been: being guilty. The sin, as it is caused by an act of will, like this, made the sinful act, It ends the act of sin. It remains the blame, which it is a state of inner turmoil and opposition or enmity with God, more or less relevant, that is the will of the subject to keep with the stubbornness, until the '' hardening of the heart "or cancel, for the intervention of grace, with repentance and with a "contrite heart".
So there are not inherently sinful situations as some believe, or state inherently sinful. However, there are situations, more or less permanent, hazardous or dangerous, real temptations, where it is very easy or almost inevitable sinning, because the subject is in immediate opportunity, avoidable or unavoidable, It may be guilty of no fault or permanent, of sin. But the subject, at least in principle, always remains free to sell or not to give in to temptation. If the temptation is too strong, The blame diminishes, especially if the will is weak. The guilt increases, instead, if there is a real deliberate will and a full awareness, and evil passion or lust is easily winnable. But sin is involved, if previously the subject did not have the warning or caution, being able to, to avoid the occasion.
It is clear that adultery is always, at least for the matter, intrinsically evil, mortal sin, just as it is unthinkable to the disappearance of the indissolubility of marriage. The efforts of certain moralists, or shepherds to find the positive in adulterous or concubinarie unions, obviously not as such, but because they involve people, that maintain the dignity of the person and may in other respects possess high quality, in themselves they are not in vain and dishonest, but no sign of pastoral wisdom. Certainly a good work, but not performed in a state of grace, It is not saving. But those who judge from the outside (only God knows the heart) It must still be able to recognize the good work and the good quality and maybe bet on them to urge the sinner to repentance. In fact, it is evident that, apart from the sin that the couple commits, That, for other aspects, You can own values, that must be recognized and increased, if only as a counterweight to the irregular situation. But it is equally clear that you should not be drawn from these values pretext to diminish or even excusing or coonestare sin.
grave mistake just a few to confuse sin with imperfection and give an appearance of legitimacy or tolerability to sin by linking it to the category of imperfection. The similar operation is evident dishonesty, if we reflect that, while the imperfect is already good, albeit minor and that needs improvement, sin belongs to the sphere of evil, unless we are not so foolish as to confuse good with evil.
On cohabitation there are shadows and lights, because even these unions, as some think, They are treated as non-Catholics conditions laid down by the conciliar decrees. It is in fact in this case of Christians, that do not meet for establishment and historical reasons Catholic morality. They may very well be in good faith. And then the case is very different. I our case, instead, it is assumed that we Catholics, who know their duty. The Church does not however rightly expects that non-Catholics engage short Catholic morality. This would be a form of fundamentalism indiscreet. The Church certainly hopes in the entrance of these brothers, by the help of grace, in full communion with her, but in the meantime and now it asks for nothing more wisely to them that the exercise of ecumenism according to their conscience. Instead he calls sinners, especially those living in its midst, you convert, even if it knows how to wait for the "God's time" and, if necessary, also excuse.
As for the divorced and remarried, they are in a situation certainly irregular and offensive earlier marriage, supposed invalid. It is a situation that makes up for their immediate and permanent opportunity of mortal sin. In fact you can imagine that they often commit these sins. Given this situation scandalous, the Church still does not grant them the appropriate sacraments of confession and communion. However, the church, as is known, at the time it gave some provisions to promote their participation, although imperfect, in ecclesial life. They are not excommunicated, and if they manage to refrain from sexual intercourse, They are admitted to the Sacraments. Anyhow, it is good that they participate in the Mass and, if they have grace, something difficult but not impossible, They can make a spiritual communion. Though in fact they live in a situation that objectively leads them strongly to sin, we are not authorized, as some think, to believe that the two may live permanently and inevitably in a state of sin or mortal sin, devoid of grace, as if they were lost souls, because instead, on the basis of free will, always have the possibility, when they want, repentance whenever they sin, and to make every time the intention to do everything possible to correct, compatibly with the situation in which they find themselves, and so to regain the lost grace, so that, if they were to die, can be saved. Even if they can not access the Sacrament of Penance, They can still receive directly from God the grace of forgiveness.
If they can return to the previous spouse, They must do so. But there may be cases in which it is virtually impossible, even with the best will, create such a good purpose, for the existence of insurmountable obstacles occurred, or objective data, from which they can not be separated. It demonstrates a careless oversimplification the sentencing categorically, in these cases, as some do: "They must go back to how they were before!”. It would be absurd, however, believe that they, while he is failing or not being able to get rid of an unavoidable situation, They are still in a state of mortal sin. No one can be guilty against his will, or forced or necessitated to sin. An act that we have to do can be sin outwardly, but the soul remains innocent, such as the act of a woman raped by a man without her consent. It would then even blasphemous to believe that God would allow situations or conditions, from which they can not break free, but which will inevitably lead to sin, as to deserve eternal perdition.
One of these irremediable situations without fault may be as follows: the spouse of the first remarried with another and perhaps had children by this other. Or the new couple has children and is linked to serious obligations, constraints or civil interests, legal or economic. In these cases, the two, Also not wanting, they face inevitable occasion of sin. Si badi: on occasion, not the sin itself. The occasion is not yet sin. The occasion may be inevitable; sin can be avoided. The occasion or temptation is not necessarily sought and may be unanticipated or unintended. Some confess temptations, but wrong. Anthony also had the temptations in the desert, but he resisted. One sins when one gives willingly to temptation. Sin is essentially an act wanted. That being the case and in the case of a non-full consent to sin, under the pressure almost irresistible passion, it is indeed possible that the fault is lowered from mortal to venial. And if the passionate impulse even lose freedom, guilt can be totally absent, even if the act is objectively sin (for the matter), as in certain cases of suicide or panic or mental illness.
This serious problem is a strong call to the shepherds, to moralists, educators and faithful to a greater and more convinced commitment to the promotion and protection of "non-negotiable values" of the true meaning of sexuality, the right relationship between man and woman, of marriage and the family, in a visual more attentive to the individual problem situations, their positive and negative sides, in order to give to each situation that solution, and that orientation, that arise from the Gospel and the natural law, justice and mercy, in full communion with the Church.
At this juncture so severe for the life of the Church and society, It is necessary to avoid the two extremes opposed, the first, a small but minority biting, of ultra conservatism, with his doomsday scaremongering and its legalism rigorista, who fears that the Pope will move away from the Gospel or from Tradition, if it has not already done so; and the second, far more widespread and arrogant, what the modernists, worldly spirits, unrepentant relativists, preachers of gooders misercordista, who would like to exploit the Pope with false flattery.
For the first, The Pope has a special surveillance; for seconds, It is the good buddy, the permissiveness that satisfied all their cravings. The former preach a false justice, the latter a false mercy. But the one and the other are only good if they are together.
Even today there are the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Jesus, while offering salvation to all, is not neither with each other nor with, but only the Father's will, He has entrusted to the apostles under the guidance of Peter, to let the world know.
Varazze, 13 October 2015
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No dear Don Ariel I alone have stated that she can not say that I should not call it a dying man to offer his sorrows, tell him to have a father who lost his son not to blaspheme, to tell him to an innocent divorced to live in chastity. You can not tell me that is easier to pass a camel for the needle eyes of a needle that I enter the Kingdom Of Heaven only as a response to my comment. You must say that everything must be said and practiced. If we can not we ask for the grace of God. But you can not silence the truth.
Because if you say that those things do not have to say, when someone says, and even when he says things a lot less awkward, It is declared Pharisee fundamentalist. As I do in a Apartment that I have the nickname of Torquemada just because I do the minimum to be Catholic.
We want the ladies ought to make the stones cry?
I do not understand how it could have happened, not many years back I met a woman who had lost her mother a few days for a cancer. He told me how his mother did not want the soothing strongest to offer the Lord his sorrows. Two generations later a priest says that no one can even…
She sings when and if he plays alone, stubbornly do not understand and refused to answer on the merits of what I have written and then the merits of the answers that I gave her anyway, with pastoral patience, even to its arguments off topic.
Therefore: first read, After that he did enter into the details of what was actually written and not what she “presume” that I wrote; and if his comment is a response given, raise all the issues it wants, but on the substance of the answer.
This is called dialogue and communication, otherwise it risks cantarsele and suonarsele alone.
Don Ariel with that the only response that does is confirm that the Gospel is impractical, a great story not to follow virtually. Calm down a little bit, the credibility is earned in a lifetime and you lose in a second.
E’ she, who has made a quote on the other skin, not me, I'm accustomed to respect life and the skin of others and to consider that there is only black and white.
I bring to your attention:
quickly: 1. you can not apply epikeia Thomistic called by Kasper in the way of exception to the rule, but it is "in better understand the particular case in the sense of justice of the norm".
2. The problem is the "question of equitable and reasonable use of the word of Jesus" on the indissolubility of marriage.
3.The working group is expressed by an ecclesiastical review of premarital sex. The pastoral needs "to grant a path to sacramental marriage as the ripening time and not 'all or nothing' acting according to the principle".
4.Mercy and justice are not opposites. Both basic principles are to be applied to the "respective situation often complex" with "prudence and wisdom". It is not about exceptions, "In which the Word of God is not valid." We need a "pastoral personally oriented education that considers normativity and the personality of human beings", the individual's conscience and his responsibility.
What is your assessment?
Thank you.
Today's briefing of the Synod
The intervention in the classroom moved the assembly that enters the debate live on the sacraments to divorced: “In the Church we are not 'immigration officers', They must constantly check the integrity of those who approach”. Dad: “Beware of the lawyers”
Boy of ten years, Early theological knowledge and, more generally, of the Church's teaching on the subject dictates, it was “used” l’ experience to pass - the media, - A unique message: “This is not to change the Catholic doctrine, but our attitude”, said Fr.. Dorantes referring in particular to the contents of an intervention that ended with the need to ask “What the Church can do for these people concretely”.
TG1 hours 20.00 A M Valli panegyric dell'aneddoto, opposed to 13 cardinals bad.
man, where are we going?…
The Splendor of Truth: “"Acts that, in the moral tradition of the Church, They have been termed "intrinsically evil" (intrinsically evil): they are always and per se, that is, by their very purpose, apart from the ulterior intentions of the one acting and the circumstances. "I can explain to me how it is possible to reconcile this statement with what Splendor encyclical Veritats says Father Cavalcoli: “So there are not inherently sinful situations as some believe, or state inherently sinful”
What says Father Cavalcoli is false: “So there are not inherently sinful situations as some believe, or state inherently sinful.” Please read the above Father's encyclical “The Splendor of Truth” St. John Paul II, or even John Paul II Apostolic Exhortation Reconciliatio and paenitentia, n. 17 before you say such nonsense
… oh, he read it very well that encyclical, do you think: even at the time he collaborated in drawing it up.
her instead, he read it well?
Let's just ponder the title, I saw that Truth is a splendor – God's splendor – and certainly not gloom, because that, the cupezza, it is the whole man, and in particular of certain “animals religious” ready to raise issues also to the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room at Pentecost.
E’ evident that a priest , as Father Cavalcoli, which leaves open the possibility to grant communion to divorced and remarried citing the excuse that it would not affect the Doctrine but it would be only a pastoral decision, means virtually have lost faith in what Christ said about the indissolubility of marriage and not even realize his heretical statement that contrasts with the fact that with communion for divorced and remarried is profane contemporamentamente three Sacraments: Reconciliation, Marriage and the Eucharist with the consequences of the total subversion of the Doctrine. On the other hand Cavalcoli Father even though he realizes that in the Church there is an ongoing attempt is to work of the so-called subversion Doctrinal “wolves in lamb” and whose “chief” of these wolves is just Bergoglio.
She makes a big confusion between the granting of a second marriage, which is impossible if the marriage has been lawfully and validly celebrated; and the Communion for divorced and remarried, problem which first requires evaluation of many different cases. For instance: before a woman was forced, for his sake and that of the little children to separate from a violent husband who posed a serious risk to his safety, that of the children and the psychological balance of the same, who has found a new husband who is a lovely man, a great husband and a caring father, the responsibility to tell her: “ugly sinful, back with your lawful husband”, she is angry?
Really if she foresaw the “solution” that gives the revelation of Christ it is to tell the woman to be alone if it wants to receive Communion because as you should know what prevents the approach the SAnta Communion is the sexual act performed outside the legitimate Marriage, because the legitimate Marriage remains one in which there was the violent Husband, then resposabilità she should take as a priest is not to tell of going to Communion because this woman is in a relationship of adultery.
The solution and the warning that gives me the Revelation, I have just heard in the Gospel of the Eucharistic Sacrifice which I celebrated today, and it is this:
"Woe also to you, doctors of the Law, you load men with unbearable burdens, and those weights you do not touch with a finger!» [LC 11, 42-46].
This is what the Gospel says today, Instead what he says his, I do not know …
The unbearable burden, in this case, would chastity?
Dear Paul.
I inform you that chastity is not a “unbearable burden”, it is an unnatural weight, because man, in nature and for nature, it was not created to be chaste and not meant to be chaste, Proof of this are the male and female reproductive organs, data for specific purposes, certainly not as useless accessories Human Body.
There are some, as explained by the Lord Jesus in the Gospel, who they are called to make themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven [cf. LC 19,12], What makes this natural chastity in one dimension the whole metaphysical.
From experience I can tell you, as a man and as a priest, which can be chaste for the Kingdom of Heaven, to serve the Church and the People of God, only through a special gift of grace, who once received the priest must live daily and renew daily and cherish.
I do not know if you have ever heard of “natura et gratia” of Sant’Agostino …
If not, It falls in Pelagianism, and in that case, as the Holy Father of the Church John Chrysostom said: “Virginity of heretics is more impure adultery”, because yesterday and today, Pelagianism, it is very fashionable, not to mention the Manichaeism … and occasionally, I, Pelagian and Manichean I do dabble to call them by name and surname.
father ariel, I do not understand.
If we ask in faith we can get moving a mountain.
Ask God, through the intercession of B.V. Mary and her husband Joseph, the grace to live in chastity is something so absurd?
I disagree with ALb3, I do not think that the example lady must remain for only force. But she and her new partner should live as brother and sister, yes.
Nothing to say and nothing to complain.
Personally I'm not used to dealing with people's lives with the manual from the general accounting office and before the dramas, ai pain and alle sofferenze umane, Always proceed with caution and humanity, because basically, the “they should” on the skin of others, is a word to anyone the pronunciation never cost anything.
Example: before a thirty year with a bone tumor, I do not I never dreamed of saying that “should” offering his suffering and his life for the salvation of sinners; and in front of two parents who have lost a child of six years to brain cancer, I never said that “they should” understand that God needed a new angel in heaven, even because, a parent might respond: “And why, It gave, He decided to take my own son?”.
This, It is the real shame of the Christian, certainly not bring her pants down below her knees, or think that the whole mystery of evil resides all that the Sixth Commandment of the Decalogue.
God forbid, when things need to be said to you you have to pay in person, otherwise they do not have a large value.
So I think that priests (and the laity) that maintain chastity (with God's help, that alone it would be impossible -pena pride and terrible caduta-) They need to show the beauty of choice, especially in the face to those who live irregular situations.
The situation of those living with cancer is certainly different, really there just have to silence and participation in pain (and it often happens that the healthy from the sick being comforted…).
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Abraham delivered Sarah to Pharaoh, with which joins, so it seems from the text of the Septuagint, e ad Abimelech, which does not join. E’ Sarah adulteress?
Also according to the Mosaic Law, have a half-sister to wife, or other long variety of relatives, It is the case of Abraham with Sarah, is a sin punishable by death. Moses is right, and Abraham is a sinner?
You understand that, from Abraham to Moses, there has been a great evolution and that the first is not the grandfather of the second? And from Moses to follow, a further evolution? Until reaching the Word of God who came not to abolish the Law and the Prophets, but to fulfill; and the fulfillment was Him, the Word of God made man.
An example to clarify: there are serious reasons for thinking that the beginning of the first Abrahamic experience, They were still practiced human sacrifice, at least until the hand of Abraham was stopped as he was about to sacrifice Isaac; and it is established that in the Archaic era was practiced polygamy, Furthermore, incest practiced by the Egyptians, It was practiced in the first Abrahamic era also by the people of Semites who then take the name of the People of Israel, etc …
You understand how many things have changed over the centuries to run through the grace of God that can transform even the stones to son of Abraham?
What I wrote Father Cavalcoli is abhorrent and has nothing to do with the Catholic Doctrine. Just as it is aberrant and heretical what he says Bergoglio why would “best he had never been born” and that there are priests who defend this character is amazing: probably they have never had a real or at least the Catholic faith are losing.
… and then I spiegacelo, What Is Truth / Faith, I also asked Pilate to Jesus: What is truth? [What Estin truth].
And with that Pilate he went out again to the Jews and said,: "I find no fault in him" [I find no fault in him; / I oudemian is in aftῷ Cause].
estimated Father, row after row responded to my many questions. Tomorrow night I will read and comment on this article of his encounter with married adult couples, because it is a clear and effective catechesis, but above all an answer to many of their questions.
God bless this happy island!
Find the priest, a common comment for both of your articles, an observation and a question …
The comment: I think for many Catholics you are now a lighthouse and a lifeboat.
The finding: you are not with anyone, you are not talking with the progressives talking with traditionalists, you are right above the parties, Why are you with the truth.
The question: What gives you the courage that you have?
Aunty, thank you very much!
Dear Father Giovanni, knowing that the modernists are opening for misinterpreting the Synod and l'obbiettivo is change the trend of reducing the number of Christian marriages, it would not be the case, to apply the virtues of prudence and not change the current law ecelsiastico? It would not be appropriate to issue a written document without any ambiguity that maintained the “practice” current?
Dear Blas.
Yes I am of this opinion as a general rule, but left to the prudent judgment of the confessor to admit exceptions in certain cases to him well-known.
The other part, the essential thing is to be in God's grace, that remarried divorcees who can not return to the previous link, They can receive directly from God the forgiveness of their sins, even without the sacrament, place, is intende, that every time they repent, do penance and seek to avoid, as far as possible, the occasions.
I also believe that we can still rely on the Education specifically given his time for them by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Don sees Cavalcoli When ever interviewed him Andrea Tornielli? When Don Matias Auge plays his statements?
They use your article to justify “the exchange”. So with discipinari changes we have passed from Communion kneeling and in the mouth of Communion standing, then standing and holding (when not sitting as certain Neocatechumenal) and now we are moved when a child takes it breaks it and handed it to his father.
Today they have more respect for the bread and wine Lutherans us for our Lord's Body.
Give communion to divorced and remarried will although theologically correct will be another blow to the Eucharist.
We publish for duty and to remind you and to other potential readers that this is not a corner of comments vent in which yes “shoot” judgments not related in any way to what has been written by the authors, neither are they allowed to the intentions processes.
If law, from altri, you have a question or clarification to ask, you are welcome, but avoid texts of this kind, first offensive intelligence of who writes them appearing not in any way have read, understand, what is very complex and very articulate was treated.
“It is clear that adultery is always, at least for the matter, intrinsically evil, mortal sin.”
And again I quote you Father:
“It can instead be recognized a certain type of "civil union" in accordance with the State.”
E’ obvious that a union any (in agreement or not with the state,) not covered in the sacramental marriage is a sin and that's not how it is afferent canon law, but what is attached to the Sacramental Doctrine irreformable the wedding itself.
Any union that involves itself the acts proper to married couples, also more or less stable but out of the marriage bears in itself, the material “intrinsic malum” and therefore the mortal sin and that you Father knows him well.
Recognize unions adulterous or concubines or even sodomitic in accordance with the state means recognizing the right to sin and that Christ's Church can not do it.
She criticizes modernism but then justifies obvious doctrinal failures with the same ideological assumptions: “The judgment of the Holy Father will not be infallible nor immutable, and yet it will be suited to “current circumstances”… Instead, it will simply prudential judgment, where the Church (in reality the Pope) “can go wrong” …”
The Pope CAN NOT’ err when speaking of the Pope in his own magisterium, of faith and / or moral, It may err in an interview, but it can not do so in an encyclical or in a Motu Proprio.
The church, that the Pope can not go wrong by giving the right to sin, and this is a cornerstone on doctrinal truths of faith, not a conservative issue and that too you know it very well because it is she who writes:
“sin belongs to the sphere of evil, unless we are not so foolish as to confuse good with evil.”
Adultery is a bad father, concubinage is bad, are sins, and the definition of adultery and concubinage, such as sin, the Church has already given and can not be changed, the need of the times; scrambling or blame the “obscurant canonists” It is certainly in fashion today but not serving anyone to Truth.
A greeting in the faith
Matthew V.