The excommunicated priest Alessandro Minutella is not a dishonest but a sick person and his illness is called “acute schizophrenia”
Latest posts by father ariel (see all)
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Dear Rev. Father,
I Thank You for explaining specific details which I was not aware of;
as I mentioned about certain prophecies related to this matter, and
that I had the occasion to reading in the past, although some of these
strangely coincide with what happened within The Church, I also
pray that we can find peace about much confusion that came up within
these last years and especially after the resignation of Pope Benedict the
I Thank You again, and Regards;
we will see, always Based on LORD GOD’s Will, if Father A. Minutella was right or wrong on many
discrepancies within the Church which are bringing the Same on certain ways (is it a allucination
what happened in Germany not that long ago, this year ? (blessed gay couples invited by many
rainbow priest to be “blessed” at the Altars ?
Is the “pachamama” experience” of Francis and other Pelates a “creation” about the mind of
Father Minutella ? Are the various heresies written in “Fratelli tutti” and “Amoris Laetitia”,
and so the “Abu Dhabi” “deal fantasies from the mind of Father A. Minutella, or, all the above
the “fruit” of something very evil and “fishy”, distorted, “folly” originated by the “creation”
of the “new” church administration which then will meat the Anger from The Heights ?
Are the many Prophecies, which “strangely” became reality (including the warning of a Jesuit
Pope, an imposter who is part of a sinister ordeal to take over the Vatican (also against the laws
of The Jesuit Order, that is, no Jesuit can become a Pope, etc.) a fruit of an”invention” from some mental issue, or, istead, The Heavens, which, because of Love for The Truth, for Salvation,
to truly put aware of bad future events, are intervening and soon With The Mighty Power
because of trying to take away the church from LORD GOD WHO IS The True Owner Of HIS
Church ?
Beware, time is short, your foolish ways are seen by The Heights.
I invite you to ask yourself a question.
There are 464,000 priests and 5,221 bishops in the world.
All these bishops and priests celebrate Holy Mass in communion with the Supreme Pontiff Francis.
In your opinion, is it possible that all the bishops and priests of the world are in error and that the only one who is right is the excommunicated heretic Alessandro Minutella?
Is it possible that the only valid Mass in the world, at this moment, is celebrated only by him?
Ask yourself these questions.
Dear Rev. Father,
very honored for your intervention, I thank you for your
concerns in matter;
it seems that an error started when Pope Benedict the XVI
gave up the Ministerium; after that, a cascade of strange
events happened;
an emeritus Bishop still Mantains His Spiritual Office
within Himself and, even if we were to consider the newly
implemented Condition of Emeritus Pope, by direct
deduction, An Emeritus Pope still Maintains Within
Himself The Spiritual Condition Found In a Pope; based
on this situation, There are, still at this moment, Two
Popes, but, we can have only One Pope at a time as we
know; with all do Respect, at this moment, to me, and to
many others, t is not a question if , or, not, Padre Minutella celebrates valid Masses (To The Holy Eyes Of LORD GOD)
or not (in my very very modest opinion, The Holy Masses Celebrated in the world are Valid); a question is, f Pope
Francis were to decide to retire why Pope Benedict the
XVI Is still alive, how many Popes then are there going to
Be, including a potential newly elected Pope ?
If this comes to be (anything at this point could be
possibile), the Papacy is in a high risk to dissolving
and therefore also, by consequence, the True Indentity
Of The Holy Church Of LORD GOD on earth (after about
2000 years Of Its History, The Only True Church Of
Blessed Mother, MARY) because Our LORD JESUS CHRIST Instructed Very Clearly on How The Key Given By HIMSELF,
starting with Saint Peter, Was To/Is To/Will Be Handled;
Dear Anthony,
Benedict XVI made a valid and legitimate act of renunciation, in full freedom.
He himself repeated several times that he had acted in complete freedom.
I humbly think that the Holy Father was wrong in the form adopted. The substance of the renunciation is beyond doubt, but the form was truly wrong.
Benedict XVI, like his predecessors who renounced the sacred throne before him, had to go back to being a bishop. In his case “emeritus bishop of Rome”.
Not even cardinal, because the cardinal is an honorary title, not a sacrament. Therefore he lost the title of cardinal when he was elected Supreme Pontiff.
The episcopate, on the other hand, which is the fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders, is indelible, eternal.
With this error of the “pope emeritus”, Benedict XVI has embarrassed the canonists of the Catholic Church. This is proved by the fact that the institution of the “pope emeritus”, which cannot exist, has never been included in the Code of Canon Law.
Apart from this obvious error of his, his resignation is valid and legitimate, his Successor legitimately elected and valid.
I thank you and bless you from my heart
I invite everyone to the mutual benevolence. This out of respect and deference to Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, to which all my esteem goes. A good ecclesiologist father e, they tell me, an excellent anime director, traditionalist but with geometrically virtues in the middle. He has demonstrated his holy anger and solid doctrine well by Paolo del Debbio, other serious person.
Thanks for the beautiful text. I have always feared this priest but one day I was watching a video of him and I was about to fall for it. Luckily I saw Father Ariel's video to which my esteem goes.
I make Marco's words my own. Moreover, in reference to Mr. Del Debbio, I must say that I was lucky enough to see Dr. De Mari for the first time just when she was a guest on her broadcast “Straight and Reverse” on Retequattro. Too bad that on all occasions when she attended little they made her speak. Maybe because De Mari says uncomfortable things, too uncomfortable, things that nobody would want to hear. I wonder why they no longer invited her. Thanks Father Ariel and Pace e Bene to all…
Dear John,
I remember that episode because I was a guest in it too.
I can assure you that none of the guests, Silvana De Mari included, me and the others, we talked little. We all spoke within the allowed and possible television spaces.
A program like Straight and Reverse is divided into “blocks” each of which deals with a specific topic.
Each block lasts on average 35 to the 40 minutes. From this time they must be stolen: the introductory service on the subject, some videos that document the fact or case we are talking about, advertising spaces. The whole, also included questions and speeches from the pipeline, on average it corresponds to a minimum in total 10 maximum 15 minutes in total.
E’ soon said that the guests in the studio remain among the 20 e i 25 minutes to talk e, if the guests present are 4 O 5, she understands that each of them can speak only a few minutes in total.
This requires being direct and incisive, for example with all due respect to those who, throughout the television season in which I participated between 2019 and the 2020, the day after each episode, they sent messages to complain that I had not expressed “what I should have expressed in depth”.
Example: when I debated with certain characters, I launched in a lapidary way or some questions, or disputes or denials, saying or sometimes denying things that, but raw, they had not been dealt with or denied in the various television programs.
More than this is not possible, and to think about it, it's not cheap, in today's society.
If instead, like some “complainers” O “experts” communications technicians complained that I hadn't done it, I had started to argue in strictly philosophical terms, historical and theological, if anything for 10 minutes, the plays would have gone underground, but above all I would not have been allowed, rightly, because a television that thrives on audience ratings and advertising revenues, this cannot be allowed.
Therefore: or one is able to send clear and precise messages in short spaces, or it is good that you stay at home and that you do not participate in these programs whose rules are dictated above all by specific market reasons.
Dear Father Ariel, I am honored that you answered me and I agree with your statements.
God bless you.
But, I'm not in the habit of saying something that isn't. I clarify immediately. I don't know exactly which episode of the show you are referring to. I could access the episodes of the program through MediasetPlay and then let them know exactly what the episodes I have seen and check if in those episodes, I repeat, that I have seen, she was also a guest or not. I do not remember. But the episodes I attended with the guest De Mari, the same was always present only in connection (will have been 3 O 4 bets) in particular looking at one of these I was disappointed when Del Debbio first said: “…and I'm even better when I see you Doctor…” and then as she spoke they unplugged the microphone. It had happened before, I know certain things. It is also known that Del Debbio never said goodbye to her when the connection ended. And Silvana, that repeat, was in connection, he had spoken almost zero compared to both guests in the studio and even compared to other people who habitually connect in transmission.
Now, it goes without saying that if I, in those 3 O 4 episodes that I saw with De Mari I see the same scene repeat… coincidences? I really hope so.
I specify that I like Paolo del Debbio more than all the other important journalists who conduct the Talk, including Nicola Porro who is one of those journalists who is popular.
Father thank you for dedicating your precious time to me. Let Jesus Christ Ave
Good morning Don Ariel. Peace and Good. I approached the Christian Catholic Religion after being tested by the Devil. In the test, I interpreted what I saw as signs of God and not mere coincidences. I think that faith is defined as such because it is based on trust, on blind trust, and beyond the Holy Scriptures, which helped me at all which alas, too often they have to be interpreted by giving side to multiple explanations. About the internet, previously I attended the meetings with Dorotea and Ester from Cooperatores-Veritatis, and with Don Tullio and others… sometimes I also followed Don Minutella, he even answered me once in chat, live. I really like theological speculation still listening… I often listen to Professor Corrado Gnerre and from time to time I also buy some books on the subject although I already have many. But even if I like it, and obviously I would have liked to be a theologian, being able to choose, I think it would be wise to ask God to give me Grace so that I can become a Mystic rather than ask him to help me understand more and more of Theology. 1000 Theologians cannot know God as a mystic knows him, therefore, typical sentences “I Got 2 Doctorates” leave the time they are. I'm sorry for Don Minutella but it's all very strange… know, for instance, that those who support it on their Youtube channel, “the tenth bull” also made a video against me, just for expressing my opinion, judging me without knowing me. It was not the case. The maximum of the fixation. Gives the…
“….certainly the Supreme Pontiff Francis who, don't like it, with all the defects and limitations that weigh on it, never sighed against the deposit of the Catholic faith.”
-P. Ariel
“The Madonna and San Giuseppe are full of joy: they look at the Child Jesus and are happy because, after a thousand worries, they welcomed this Gift of God, with so much faith and so much love. They are "overflowing" with holiness and therefore with joy. And you will tell me: by force! They are the Madonna and San Giuseppe! Yup, but we don't think it was easy for them: saints are not born, you become, and this also applies to them.”
-Pope francesco
First of all,, I don't agree with Minutella at all, this intervention of mine has nothing to do with him.
Ma, expensive p. Ariel, how to interpret these words of the Supreme Pontiff regarding SS Maria, which were given in the speech to the employees of the Holy See on the occasion of best wishes in 21.12.2018. ? I understand that, according to Pope Francis,She is not born immaculate and this would be serious, of course “sigh”…
The whole speech can be found on the official pages of
Thanks for any feedback, greetings from Croatia.
Dear Marko,
I have been repeatedly and repeatedly severe towards careless speaking, or at the arm of the Supreme Pontiff. For example, I am very opposed to him being interviewed by journalists or one in particular, certainly Eugenio Scalfari. And I said that, written and publicly repeated several times.
Neither the Holy Pontiff John Paul II nor the Venerable Pope Benedict XVI ever said a single word out of place in their homily. Simple reason: because the text passed under the eyes of expert theologians, starting from the theologian of the Pontifical House to follow, which constituted the “protection mechanism” of the words of the Supreme Pontiff, to protect his office, the Church and the People of God.
A Roman Pontiff in the chair is not a country curate and cannot be behaved as such, if it does, seriously wrong to do so.
We have known well and for years, the limits of the man Jorge Mario Bergoglio, but be limited, it does not mean being heretics or apostates, as Minutella asserts.
The expression you reported is an incorrect expression, misleading and therefore unhappy.
Express yourself incorrectly, misleading and unhappy, does not mean, however, to state heresies, or worse, to deny the Immaculate Conception.
I repeat that when the Minutella, obsessively-compulsively, accuse the Supreme Pontiff of having “defined the Marian dogmas of nonsense”, he lies shamelessly and I am afraid he knows he is lying, because he never replied to his accusers showing the document or the recorded video in which he would affirm this serious heresy; because in that case yes, that we could speak of serious heresy.
Minutella is a dishonest and an adulterator who creates enormous disasters for souls and for this.
If a child has the misfortune of having a father who is limited or not up to his parenting role, he certainly cannot react by saying “he is not my father” or that is “an illegitimate parent”.
I read his answer to Marko (I got the notification). If I can say, in my opinion what is missing in many priests is unfortunately the right discernment, the one donated by the Paraclete, and moreover it is obviously indicative if who judges those words of the Pope, wrong from the point of view of religious analysis, even in this way it would demonstrate that it does not even know the Italian language. At this point, it goes without saying that he who attacks the Pope, as in this case is in bad faith. So, about what you said to your friend Marko, I agree. I hope to see you again on TV as soon as possible from Paolo del Debbio and I pray the Eternal High Lord that you will continue to give her the gift of discernment. Thank you
Word health.
I state that until recently dear father, I read all his articles with some interest. I also state that while appreciating the catechesis of Don Minutella; I'm not his follower. I was greatly impressed by the fury that she is exercising on him. Now he has come to say that he is mentally ill. A frenzy and so on. I would just like to tell you that no priest has ever heavily criticized the church and its hierarchy as done and she does. Now I say: but with what courage he dares to rage so heavily against a confrere, that maybe for her it is totally out of Catholic orthodoxy?What he then asks is really upsetting. He even wishes to have a forced psychiatric hospitalization. But he realizes? I remind you that Jesus threatens whoever says mad to his brother. The fire of hell.Mt5,22 I leave it only because writing these things, my brain's blood is rising. Perhaps this is the church of Pope Bergoglio's mercy? She is its maximum expression. Shame.
"No priest ever criticized the church and its hierarchy heavily as if it were done"
Unfortunately, it is disheartening and frustrating to respond to people who manifest themselves completely without logical and analytical meaning, but sometimes it is necessary to answer.
If you read my articles, one of two: or read them wrong, or did not really understand the meaning and spirit of the author.
You can't compare or match me, through authentic insult to logic, to an excommunicated priest who defined the reigning Pontiff “antiPope” e “emissary of the antichrist”,which claims that we all celebrate Holy Masses as invalid “in communion with the antichrist”, therefore he continually urges the faithful not to participate in the Holy Masses and not to receive the sacraments from the priests who celebrate in communion (one such) with the “false pontiff”.
So you don't even know where the right of criticism dwells, recognized by the Church itself and its ecclesiastical laws; and where instead, on the other hand, instead houses the madness of a priest who comes to such claims that led him to fall into the crimes of heresy and schism.
To give you an example: I could also say – even in the face of the person concerned – that maybe, the reigning Pontiff, It could also be one of the worst popes in Church history. Having said that I would kneel, I would kiss the fisherman's ring and confirm my filial respect and my total and devoted obedience, because in him I will never cease to see and venerate the Vicar of Christ on earth and the legitimate successor of the Blessed Apostle Peter.
If she can't understand this, it does mean that he is unable to understand anything about the Catholic faith and the ministerial priesthood.
So please: don't read me anymore, because in this way he will avoid understanding whistles for flasks and sending unhappy comments of this kind.
The early days of excommunication,I gave reason to Don Minutella,then when he began to say that the masses in communion with the Pope were invalid, I understood that he had gone beyond sowing…
… also Msgr. Milingo was a good exorcist bishop, but pride derailed it!! … it is the pride that leads these consecrated persons to abandon Jesus Christ, and follow doctrines of demons…..
Request: one who suffers from severe psychiatric disorders can be excommunicated? Maybe it was enough to suspend it a divinis (maybe it already was, but I do not know). It will be said that it is to protect his followers from certain perdition (or better, followers), but then it was not necessary to proceed (at least threaten) to the latae sententiae excommunication of them too? How does one who follows an excommunicated priest to be in communion with the Church, even if only formally?
I fully agree with her. The same thing happened to me
I'm thinking about that pool of psychiatrists who just elected Trump made a statement stating that ” The Donald” he was mentally unstable and could not be held in charge of such a person by the nuclear case. All obviously deduced from the speeches , by gestures etc etc.
… if it had been Clinton, psychiatrists radical chic on the payroll of the American left they would never have made that diagnosis, born the stars Hollywood would have done the disparaging and objectively offensive campaigns they did.
However, it is the same, old and identical speech based on “truncheon logic”: if the so-called fascists are batons, the truncheon is bad and the truncheons are criminal; if the communists are batons, in that case it is instead a good truncheon, that far from hurting, tones more and better than the healthy massages of an expert Thai masseuse.
Always the usual old speech …
Attack of matrix tied to the subversive right? In that case it is one “fascist massacre”.
Communist attack carried out by the Red Brigades? In that case they are comrades who made mistakes.
Always the usual old speech …
expensive gift. I only realize now that you have had the goodness to answer. I accuse you directly of not having the cognitive ability to understand where criticism can go, and where instead it becomes heresy. I understand I'm not an enlightened person like you, and I think I spent in vain more than 50 years of active Catholic militancy. I spent a lot of time studying the church and its history. I have dealt with hundreds of priests from different countries. But an enlightened one like her; I really missed her. Maybe she missed it but in my introduction I immediately declared that I am not a Minutellian. E’ if they are not there will be a reason. Paragraph? But this goes second to her. What grieves him most is that I veiledly reproached him for the fury he has towards his brother. This hurts him. I remember them: when the first Christians, they were imprisoned, killed, persecuted, etc. etc. The wise Gamaliele (from which you should take lessons). He said: let them . Because if this doctrine is human, collapses on its own. But if it comes from God. Nobody can stop it. You will say that this is an unthinkable comparison, and I can also agree. I can say in my decades of Catholic experience, that beyond that Minutella recognizes Ratzingher as pope and not Bergoglio. I have never heard this priest say even the slightest heresy. What prompted me to write to her is this! His peremptory and personal judgment. I remind you that Jesus in Matthew's Gospel; he puts hell to hell with someone who is crazy about a brother. E’ she is nothing but crazy. It…
Soporific and oily enough to hide contempt and malice towards others behind the lines.
If anything, he also thinks of making me stupid?
Tell this poor quality theologian *
(Docet article) that now in all the forums you almost always put a fake e-mail just to let the post pass is that there is no difference between an e-mail not activated and an activated with an invented name .
He hasn't figured it out yet ?
How ridiculous: this painful article makes Minutella even stronger-
It's a minute- it is the worst we can only say that there is only one beyond the worst of the worst : Don Ariel .
Painful article not by the end of theologian but by “bullo” from high school stairs to recreation time. What a shame….
Don Ariel, she is totally unworthy of wearing the cassock, is defending the indefensible and accuses one of his confreres who does nothing but defend the True Church and Christianity, go read the book “a damned priest warns from hell” if it continues like this it will fit them perfectly. May God forgive her
and, but she too “if you see …”, “if you see …”, since you can go to many places.
The second one (yung) entangled up to the neck in esotericism , as everyone knows where he lived, the doors opened and closed by himself the lights and objects fluttered in the air …
I had a schizophrenic uncle and another dear bipolar family person and I know the madness of certain psychiatry and psychiatrists well
I stop here…
… Yes, it's true, you are right: psychiatrists are all crazy.
Just like oncologists are crazy.
I wish you excellent health, but in case you are diagnosed with cancer, I am sure that she will run to be treated by a homeopath or a holy man who has the locutions from the Madonna.
Then, in case, before going to the Creator, tell us how it went …
I hope and hope that it is in good faith .
I see that the reply post does not appear.
I repeat them: I have not said at all what you have interpreted ( I hope in good faith) . What you have read or wanted to read is not my thought and I find it offensive.
I repeat: I want to think it's in good faith…
In this last catechesis the Minutella- speaking of the’ inferno enters the theme of psychiatry and psychoanalysis in relation to mental disorders caused by demonic influence and at some point becomes ironic defining itself- disturbed with necessary of at least 4 TSO . Dear Don Ariel, I fear you are taking it for the so-called bottoms….
… to take me for the bottom I need that gift of God which is intelligence, that the subject in question has not received.
… and this book, it is part of the deposit of the Catholic faith? We must adhere to it with certain faith?
You know what it means “deposit of faith” to adhere to with a spirit of obedience in faith?
Ah, what a huge plague that superstitious fideism mistaken for faith, what a huge plague …
My dear, the “orders” I take them only from the Holy Gospel and from the Magisterium of the Church, not from the imaginative booklets.
And no longer allow yourself to write me messages that would be worthy of a fortune teller or a tarot reader.
I am literally flabbergasted.
Except this your comment is not put under and in response to mine by mistake and is not an answer to another interlocutor, because what he wrote practically has NO connection with what I wrote and what I meant .
I don't understand what fortune tellers enter etc
I said our loved ones ” fathers of psychiatry” both had had to do with mediumship- especially Jung but also Freud ( thing not known but known )which makes me doubt that part of the original theories of early psychiatry originate not really ” heavenly” ( what's going on with magicians and fortune tellers I don't have the faintest idea as I don't have the faintest idea what I'm imposing on you and what I don't ” should I afford” and what does it all go with “deposit of faith”.
The clash with the Minutella- in the theological field etc it's fine and I also understand its harshness , I find as a user of the speeches instead very but very questionable this articles with a lot of his acquaintance psychiatrist pupil of a I seem to understand another well-known psychiatrist who in some way endorses the possible ” mental disorder ” del Minutella from the video analysis. Procedure , uncorrect , unfair instrumental, dangerous …and not even truthful . It is not difficult to find other psychiatrists who can say otherwise ….
I add is not even difficult to find a psychiatrist who says that from the videos and you the decompensated mental deficit ( even if it is obviously not like the Minutella is not )
Do not allow yourself to give answers on things I have never said and thought , written about it . ( If I had thought of them, said or written) I would also agree with you. I said other ….I thought I was going to a priest the more theologian …not to a bully from under the stairs.
And be ashamed .( he wrote emerites- literal bullshit in response that I can not understand what connection they have with what I said )
Premising that in some respects I find this blog interesting ( while not sharing everything he says) just as I find the Minutella catecheses interesting- although not at all Minutellian ( if he came to my city, for example, I would go quietly to one of his conferences, but I would refrain from attending mass, etc. , ) , how quietly I go to the so-called masses “one such” despite having several doubts about Pope Francis and its validity , but they are only doubts and not certainties and not having absolute certainty, the Pope always remains, even if decidedly ” anomalous” in all senses both in the modus as it was named and in the way it proceeds . Because I marry certain radical positions of Minutella in this regard they should declare it bishops or cardinals with clear reasons. I add : that video of Minutella with the voice of Padre Pio and the Madonna saying that it leaves us perplexed and saying little ( embarrassing) ditto the non-drinking water and the two boys dressed as priests . Yet even though I am not a Minutellian, I find the speech he makes interesting and he is not crazy at all. (On the contrary…)
What makes me species is the shot of schizophrenia (…
Dear Father Ariel, as a neurologist I point out that psychiatric diagnosis is subject to social and personal variables. For instance, thirty years ago homosexuality was found in Psychiatry books by voice “sexual behavior disorders” (please note the term “I disturb”: in Psychiatry there is no agreement, indeed, if mental pathology is a disease like heart attack, or a simple alteration of thought / behavior treatable with psychotherapy). Today, however, gays and lesbians have disappeared from the manuals. From an atheist psychiatrist the choice of priestly life, with his vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, it can very well be considered an index of mental illness. Not to mention nuns and monks who are contemplative, for them the diagnosis of “Hebephrenic schizophrenia”: debut at a young age, social withdrawal, etc. Myself, firmly believing in Angels, to devils and to Hell (and I hope you too, despite the Council…), I would be considered mentally unstable. In short, psychiatry leave it to health facilities, Spirituality is another thing. Here Psychiatry serves more than anything else to remember that in the Soviet Union dissidents were labeled as “mentally ill”.
Ok, but what need was there to expose the subject to ludibration by publishing his clinical diagnosis worldwide? Then, this is not a Soviet method, to declare dissidents crazy?
To say of one who is mad, perhaps exempt from the burden of proving that he is wrong? Or make his mistakes more certain? Or worse? Yup, I know that you have dealt with the Minutella case on other occasions, but then why go back to it? She loves banana peels?
estimated P. Ariel,
Thank you for your intervention, that I share, however, I disagree in considering Don Minutella a fool, but only a deceived by Satan (even if there may be concordance between Satanism and madness, although there is also holy folly), in fact he seems to give a lot of value to the phrases he says he has and the devil can insinuate many lies between some truths and also the anger with which he reacts when he is contradicted is also suspected; it is certainly not a Saint Francis to whom God had asked to rebuild his Church …..
I don't care about anything “defend Minutella”. But be careful to invoke psychiatrists, neurological institutes and straitjackets for dissidents: it is the typical approach of regimes that have disappeared today… the regimes, not the approach, that always seems to be in fashion.
A dissident can be a saint or a madman, but I would avoid both labels: far too dangerous, and they do not honor those who use them.
Ariel I looked for the original text in order to avoid its decontextualization:
From the text it is evident that that “tontarias” he referred to the dogmas proclaimed and considered valid by the Church, unlike what was expressed by Don Minutella. Tontarias therefore would not be the dogmas of the Immaculate Conception or of the assumption but, requests to raise that of co-redemptrix to the rank of dogma.
With this in mind, I would like to express that this choice of the word “tontarias” it seems to me at least unhappy, and for historical reasons: there have been many saints and ministers of the Church who have expressed a favorable opinion on the institution of dogma (San Pio X, Pio XI, Mother Teresa, Maximilian Kolbe, Padre Pio etc.…) so at least out of respect for them I would have preferred the choice of a different term because it implicitly means giving gods “fools” (it says so?) also to all of them, but also for reasons of “feel catholic”.
I enter a less objective and more field’ subjective but I feel that behind the words of Saint Louis Grignion de Monfort “To Jesus, through Mary”, you are’ a great fund of truth.
Maria never asked for anything, very true, but all that e’ been attributed by the saints and ministers of the church is part of that feeling, that “sense of faith”, which makes us feel towards Mary a love of children who see in her an instrument to reach Christ and therefore to salvation.
I therefore ask, why choose…
Checking the text of the reigning Pope to confirm or not the bales of Alessandro Minutella is also too honorable for me, almost to be considered credible. He has neither credibility nor authority to open his mouth on many issues.
The Pope has been criticized by conservative cardinals but they, like real Catholics, they moved them within a perimeter of sacred respect and filial devotion. This was possible in accordance with their promises, their rank and also their faith certainly anchored in Peter.
Minutella, on the other hand, snaps, makes the revolutionary of the web to make mass media and screams instilling rebellion in the faithful.
He acts by denying the same examples that he sports like ” its”, with opportunism.
For example ” eh Padre Pio was different, not like the heretical church today”
P Pio, great Italian saint, he would have kicked him.
P Ariel, I agree with you on the reduction to the lay state and perhaps, more generally, the strengthening of the control bodies on the doctrines circulating around would be needed.
Hoping that the Lord can send many Gian Piero Carafa to manage them
“The Pope has been criticized by conservative cardinals but they, like real Catholics, they moved them within a perimeter of sacred respect and filial devotion. This was possible in accordance with their promises, their rank and also their faith certainly anchored in Peter.”
True, how is’ equally true that the reigning Pope never responded to these corrections. Seen and considered that there is’ an increasingly large group of faithful who question their magisterium, i find it a mistake to leave the issue pending since, as’ doing, rather than dissolve, doubts are amplified.
I fully agree that Minutellian methods are not congruent with his role, but I think some issues that are put in place by him, as from others , deserve further study. The declarations of Card. Danneels, who made names, he left dates and places of meetings, they are very serious and even these have never found an official denial, how can unity and fidelity be demanded where situations of this gravity are not clarified?
Ariel I ask you a question in the hope that you will find time to answer, it would be of great help to me to clarify it: if in an apostolic exhortation a Pope made declarations openly contrary to Catholic doctrine, without ever regretting or correcting them, it would not ipso facto fall into apostasy? For those who preach a different Gospel it will be anathema: concretely, what would it meet? He would still be Pope or…
Dear Mark,
we start from the question of Cardinal Godfried Maria Jules Danneels, above which Minutella and others built a castle on the sand by the sea, presenting it as if it were the Orsini-Odescalchi castle erected on a solid rock above Lake Bracciano.
First: the Cardinal has not written any books, whereas, a lot of, speak de “…in the book written by the Cardinal ….”. The fact is quite different: a journalist, through various interviews, collected the responses of the Cardinal who, to a specific question, he gave a response of pure humor, reporting that a group of cardinals met in Switzerland in St. Gallen and that … “we were a kind of mafia”.
I understand that it is hard for everyone to understand it, on this joke, they have built endless plots, but it is a humorous expression … “we were a kind of mafia”.
I'll give you an example: In the 2008, in Rome, I was staying at an international priestly house, in which there was a group of Polish priests, among other things very witty, with whom I was in company and with whom I often joked. One time, talking to other priests, I stated: “I am now an affiliate of the Polish mafia, I was welcomed as an honorary member and during our sessions we make terrible plots”.
Said this: it seems reasonable to you today, someone, start accusing me of being a member of an unspecified one “Polish mafia committed to conspiracy” ?
We come to the second point: that of “heretical pontiff” it has always been a canonical and theological hypothesis, a pure academic hypothesis, why in the history of the Church has it ever happened that a pontiff deliberately fell into heresy and apostasy from the faith. The late philosopher and theologian of the Roman school Antonio Livi explained it well, than to the lying Minutella, whom he repeatedly named out of turn and to his advantage after his death, when he could not reply. Indeed, the distinguished philosopher and theologian wrote a fiery letter to Minutella at the time, indicating precisely the seriousness of his mistakes. And Minutella, what a great lord he is, he never even answered, to this presbyter and senior theologian.
I mentioned Antonio Livi not by chance because, on this pontificate, he has never been tender and has not failed to address harsh criticisms; but those legitimate and permitted criticisms, always reiterating the undisputed legitimacy and authority of the Successor of Peter. Above all, Antonio Love, he always explained that a pontiff cannot fall into heresy and apostasy from faith, because in this way the promise of Christ would fail, to Peter and his successors, including the many bad popes that have occurred in the history of the Church, has granted a particular state pardon that has always acted when necessary.
For instance: the much – and rightly so – criticized Alexander VI, he had led first as a cardinal and then also as a pontiff a life that was anything but virtuous, but if necessary he was a great defender of the faith, of the doctrine and unity of the Church, regardless of his personal way of life.
Many, as she, ask: “but if … but if …”, I repeat that the “but if …” it's an academic hypothesis, why never, until today, we had a heretical and apostate pontiff. And believe me, these will certainly not be the Supreme Pontiff Francis who, don't like it, with all the defects and limitations that weigh on it, never sighed against the deposit of the Catholic faith. In fact, if you analyze the facts and not the chatter of certain poisonous bloggers, he will verify himself that they are making intentions, attributing above all what he never expressed and declared, as in the case of Minutella who, lying in an offensive and shameless way, accuse the Supreme Pontiff of having defined “piffle” Marian dogmas.
Ariel thanks for the reply, I have just followed her and I consider her a fine speaker and thinker, I close the captatio and proceed:
His first clarification, albeit shareable, e’ but’ made about the nickname and not about the contents of Cardinal Danneels' statements, who could also have said: “we are called the angels of God” then, with a similar name, to have exerted pressure for Benedict XVI to step aside in favor of Card. Bergoglio.
These claims have been disproved by the Holy See? If so in what way? A renunciation of Peter's throne formulated following pressure from outside would be valid?
On the second point instead, having acknowledged that Christ could never deliver the keys of His Church into the hands of a heretic who, then, as the title of the Minutellian video, would prove false and treacherous, and assuming that the Pope's private life, here, we don't care (I prefer a whore Pope than a heretical Pope) I ask you for a comment on these words:
“Nobody can’ to be condemned forever because this is not’ the logic of the Gospel!”
as faithful as I should consider them, in light of what Christ says?
“…away from me, cursed, the eternal fire…” (etc.. etc…)
I am not a denial of the Word of the Lord? They are not a denial of the reality of hell? A soul can’ freely choose Satan and consecrate himself to it, losing forever the possibility of being reached by the Grace of the Lord, are therefore not a negation of the…
fully agree
I wonder… if we did such a psychological / psychiatric analysis on Martin Luther, what would come of it???
Several specialists in forensic psychiatry have done it and I will tell you … the most critical judgments were given precisely by psychiatrists from the Lutheran background by culture and family.
Ever since a psychiatrist makes a diagnosis without inspecting the subject, without having him treated or at least visited? I believe you are so bad faith, liars and manipulators of the truth who, apart from the Minutella case, you should go to the asylum.
Dear Anonymous with a fake email address created specifically for the occasional insult: if ignorance didn't bite her, should know that a psychiatrist or a psychiatrist specialized in criminology, for example my friend Alessandro Meluzzi, to make a behavioral diagnosis, he doesn't need to have the subject in front at all.
Do you think Cesare Lombroso, father of modern criminology, to delineate certain psychologies or criminal attitudes he studied the photographs of the subjects.
Having said that I remind you that hundreds of public video recordings exist from the subject in question from which any specialist can analyze the behavioral style, the expressive style, gestures, the looks, but above all the contents.
…. apart from that I don't think that [CENSORED]
Insults, trials of others' intentions and propaganda theaters, go and do them elsewhere, why here … “don't stay on the trip’ cats“.
So, all the expert reports that have been requested from various courts in Lazio and that as a psychiatrist I have drawn up based on documents and facts, without ever having seen the subject of the expert opinion in the face, they were just a mass of my inaccuracies?
But how much you learn, by internet specialists.
Dear Colleague,
I think we could also deduce from that, the best of the psychiatric specialists who in the past years tried to outline the personality, the characteristics and motive of the so-called “Florence monster”, they were incompetent superficials, never having been able, none of them, examine closely, face to face, the serial killer himself.
Vittorio (Florence)
In the Gospel, and I repeat, in the Gospel…from these people Jesus cast out demons. Now if we want to put it on a scientific level, let's talk about everything we want,using related terms such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, psychology, psychotherapy, psychoblablabla … if we speak instead of beyond human,I repeat that Jesus freed these subjects from hordes of demons. If only God allowed us to see beyond the simple human sight…. we would die of fright at seeing which infernal beasts go around us.
Other than drugs!
I insert myself without having read all Marco Ricciotti's comment because it is truncated.
I wanted to say as a layman that I often dwell on the Gospel passage of the presentation of Jesus in the Temple (Luca 2), when the old prophet Simeon says to the Mother: ” ..and to you too a sword will pierce the soul”.
Quell’ “also” it seems important to me to associate the Mother with the passion of the Son. Even in the Old Testament (Genesis 3) it is read: “I bring enmity between you and a woman…)” It is God the Father who designs a woman for the salvific plan.
Except that the Redeemer is divine in nature, even if he suffered as a man, while the Mother is a human creature. It should be clarified what is meant by “Redemptrix”.
Theologians and scholars know these things and the Pope also knows them. We give time to time and when things have to happen they happen.
Truly Minutella seems a pathological case for how the qualification of universal Master arrogates.
The Spanish term ” silly stuff ” has been translated with “small talk” (I have read the Italian version of
I don't think the Pope in his spontaneity wanted to belittle anyone. I think he was referring to the easy enthusiasms that often inflame the faithful.
Monstrous this article.
Envy to the nth power imbued with lies and slander. Shame!!
Go to your friend's clinic in Switzerland and then jump out of the window. With him and the other specialist
If I wanted to experience the terrible feeling of envy I would choose myself:
1. on a physical level, Sean Connery in the splendor of his forties and certainly not a subject physically broken up 45 years that seems to be my parent who is about to turn 57;
2. on an expressive and recitative level I would choose Marcello Mastroianni and not a ridiculous salesman;
3. intellectually I would choose Rafael Merry del Val and certainly not a ruffled buzzer;
4. at the level of science and holiness of life I would choose Alfonso Maria de’ Liguori and certainly not a thug;
5. at the level of the model of priestly life and missionary apostolate, I would choose myself Father Damiano Veuster and certainly not a ducetto two-bit;
6. etc … etc …
Also know, if she even dared to call herself Catholic, that incitement to suicide is a serious crime for our Criminal Code and an authentic abomination for the Catholic faith.
I wish you a good continuation to the unhappy following of the poor person in question.
… you are damned gorgeous when you give these answers!
Dear father Ariel,
certainly the analysis you made responds to reality. But it was not difficult to understand it. I from the beginning, Years ago, I had invited Don Minutella to turn to a good psychologist, better if a psychiatrist. Better still if the professional had been an exorcist priest. And I assure you that I am not a specialist in the field at all. But for a while’ of time I am convinced that the hospitalization of this poor excommunicated priest, an increasing number of his fans should follow …
Dear Fiorenzo,
the person with the characteristics described by you is the exorcist of our archdiocese of Siena, his name is father Raffaele Talmelli.
Dear David,,
I take the liberty of answering your answer to Fiorenzo only to tell you that I have known Father Raffaele Talmelli mentioned by you and on which I would like to spend two words.
Raffaele, Ferrara, former medical specialist in psychiatry, my age peer, he becomes a priest in adulthood, he is a member of the presbyterian of the Archdiocese of Siena where he was appointed as diocesan exorcist.
I believe it is the only one in Italy – at least to my personal knowledge – to have this precious and dual competence of psychiatrist and exorcist, though, as he himself explained to me in his time, it never combines the two different things together, because when he is a psychiatrist, is a psychiatrist; when he's an exorcist, does the exorcist.
The problem, Unfortunately, is that no one can drag the subject in question to a specialist, why should he freely accept to be helped with adequate care and therapy, if not, nobody can force it, because it would be a coercion of his will, that means: it would be a real crime, forcing a person to do what they don't want to do.
I do not know why, but I was really thinking about him. Who knows if Don Minutella would agree to ask for help from this friar, that I personally know…
Dear Father Ariel, as a neurologist I point out that psychiatric diagnosis is subject to social and personal variables. For instance, thirty years ago homosexuality was found in Psychiatry books by voice “sexual behavior disorders” (please note the term “I disturb”: in Psychiatry there is no agreement, indeed, if mental pathology is a disease like heart attack, or a simple alteration of thought / behavior treatable with psychotherapy). Today, however, gays and lesbians have disappeared from the manuals. From an atheist psychiatrist the choice of priestly life, with his vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, it can very well be considered an index of mental illness. Not to mention nuns and monks who are contemplative, for them the diagnosis of “Hebephrenic schizophrenia”: debut at a young age, social withdrawal, etc. Myself, firmly believing in Angels, to devils and to Hell (and I hope you too, despite the Council…), I would be considered mentally unstable. In short, psychiatry leave it to health facilities, Spirituality is another thing. Here Psychiatry serves more than anything else to remember that in the Soviet Union dissidents were labeled as “mentally ill”.
I prefer not to go into the substance of this topic. However, I don't think Father Ariel has anything to envy to anyone, in no respect, being himself very well known. The advice to kill oneself gives chills but it is not surprising. Unfortunately, not surprising. I myself have been heavily slandered by one of the most fervent followers. Don minutella has not taken it back, nor did he distance himself. D’accordo, will have wanted to ignore the episode, but when the good name is harmed in a direct beyond 800 people, co-responsibility is with the publisher, as well as the executing material. Nothing to complain, but at least Father Ariel does not believe that women are publicly slandered
Unfortunately Don Minutella and in any case his staff never intervenes to take back the rude people who make up his group, me too, of which I was a member only for a few months this year I was attacked only for expressing my opinion and for defending Father Ariel from one who defined him with words that were not very polite and definitely not Christian. Don Minutella cares about numbers, and is interested in being defended with a drawn sword, never contradict him under penalty of verbal aggression by his fans. Personally, it had been several weeks since I had strong doubts about his "catechesis", in the end after that umpteenth episode of contempt and unbridled hatred against a priest, I haven't seen him anymore, and I have distanced myself from this sect of fanatics and ignorants, many of whom have probably never had much respect for the Catholic church. The fruit is recognized by the tree, if the fruits are good, the tree is also good, but if the fruits are rotten then the tree is not good. The rotten fruits of Don Minutella are the prevailing rudeness, ignorance, the pride and presumption to hold the absolute truth and the right to criticize, to judge and slander any lay person or consecrated person: be a priest, bishop or cardinal who does not prostrate himself in adoration of this excommunicated priest full of pride and presumption, always on the hunt for Marian apparitions and mystics not recognized by the Church.
Dear Father Ariel, I have to thank you because Don Minutella, without hearing him but only looking at him, has always made me shiver.. Unfortunately, however, today I wanted to watch his videos and luckily I had seen the video of Cooperatores Veritatis where the question was explained or that Pope Benedict XVI had promised loyalty to Pope Francis. At one point I was about to fall for it but then I saw the video on Patmos island. Thank you and congratulations does not prove 57 year old. Best regards Laura
Effectively…nothing to add
E’ written with scientific precision by someone who knows what he is doing.
I am not a specialist in psychiatry but an oncological surgeon, and if I don't know the monstrosities I live in the midst of tumors, I don't know who might know them …
Shameful and sickening . ( it's worrying)