From the tragic theater of Alessandro Zan and Ivan Scalfarotto to the grotesque theater of Luciana Littizzetto, while dwarfs and dancers applaud the bill on transomophobia

Father Ivano
- ecclesial news -



Alessandro Cecchi Paone replies to an interview declaring himself a Mason, favorevole all’aborto, to euthanasia and homosexualism, affirming at the same time that "Francis is a fantastic Pope" and that "everything changed with him". We are sure that Francis would be willing to bless Freemasonry? Of course, to the point of thundering that Freemasonry is incompatible with Catholicism. Veramente, would be willing to bless abortion? Of course, to the point of declaring that abortion is equivalent to hiring a hitman to kill a person. Veramente, they would be willing to bless the practice of homosexuality? Of course, to the point of grooming the Italian bishops gathered in plenary assembly saying that when in doubt it is better to give up a vocation rather than run the risk of admitting a homosexual to the seminary.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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Fernando Botero, Circus people, exposure: Contini Gallery, Venice, April 2010

I couldn't do without to attend the VIP media theater who in recent days have smeared the palm of their hand giving support and support to the Scalfarotto-Zan bill [cf.. WHO]. I found Catholic journalist Costanza Miriano's Facebook post saying very true and appropriate:


“I don't see many calloused hands, among those recruited for the campaign in favor of the Zan bill. I don't see hands used to working […] no hand of ordinary people. I only see the hands and faces of VIPs who are unfamiliar with real life and its real problems ".


L 'Identikit by the Unique Artist it is therefore traced [see, WHO]. Of that multicolored and variegated mass of influence, actors, porn movie icons, singers, soubrette, cooks, dwarfs and dancers who uncritically recite the same slogans and dance the same dances. Of that politically correct that, alas, drags the improvised ordinary man into the labyrinth of democratic freedom, where a frightening Minotaur wanders ready to grab and where a thread of Ariadne is no longer enough to find the exit but it is wise and prudent not to enter it at all [on the subject see our previous articles WHO, WHO].


How right you are dear Costanza, we are witnessing a real disconnect with reality! The pandemic trial period that we are still going through - with its inevitable tragedies and poverty - has taught man nothing at all, on the contrary, it hardened his intelligence and sclerotized his heart.


Fernando Botero, Circus people, exposure: Contini Gallery, Venice, April 2010

In this surreal landscape, qwhat I found particularly bad taste was the case of Mrs. Luciana Littizzetto, fatal Woman of the left take-away, who in Fabio Fazio's living room takes Senator Simone Pillon for a ride with a letter mocking his alleged homophobia [cf.. WHO]. This in the present days, because it is good to remember as in a very distant past, this Gentile Torinese, in need more than others than piety and Christian mercy, thus mocked the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI [cf.. WHO] but in the present, however, he is careful not to do it with the Supreme Pontiff Francis I, with which it is all sympathy, to the point of declaring itself "bergogliosa" [cf.. WHO] … I wonder why? Let's try to understand this through a recent interview with Alessandro Cecchi Paone on the Canale 9 by Peter Gomez, because that interview is a true paradigm. This famous reporter, first he replies to the interviewer by premising that he is a member of the highest echelons of Freemasonry, then he goes on to declare himself in favor of abortion, to euthanasia and homosexualism. All these statements interspersed with ejaculation: "Francis is a fantastic Pope" and "everything changed with him" [see fragment, WHO]. But they, they are really sure that the surreal Francis they invented is willing to bless Freemasonry? Of course, to the point that he made the Sovereign Order of Malta "commissioner" complaining that it was infiltrated by Freemasons and thundering that Freemasonry was incompatible with Catholicism [cf.. WHO]. Veramente, the surreal Francesco they invented, would be willing to bless abortion? Of course, to the point of having declared that abortion is like hiring a hitman to kill an innocent [cf.. WHO]. Veramente, they are sure that the surreal Francis they invented is willing to bless the socio-cultural exaltation of the active practice of homosexuality? Of course, to the point that speaking behind closed doors to all the Italian bishops he complained - that is, he reproached them - that the seminaries were full of homosexuals, stating in this regard that when in doubt it was better to give up a vocation rather than run the risk of admitting a homosexual to the seminary [cf.. WHO].


Fernando Botero, Circus people, exposure: Contini Gallery, Venice, April 2010

It is a script already seen and again we will see and will be repeated in the following months, politics is a Leviathan who crushes and devours everything and there is no reason to agree with Plato when in the Apology of Socrates he suggests that it is much better to listen to that divine voice of the Socratic δαίμων, which prohibits the philosopher from dealing with the affairs of the state on pain of death, discredit or exile (cf.. Plato, Socrates' apology, Nineteenth).


Christians do not fear death, discredit or exile, because they do not come to life from the theater of that multicolored and variegated mass of influence, actors, porn movie icons, singers, soubrette, cooks, dwarfs and dancers who uncritically recite the same slogans and dance the same; Christians are children of the God ofExulte of the Easter Vigil, hymn that narrates the victory over death and that taught us a way out of the tomb. Nor do they caciara in the talk show replacing in matters of theology and morals the trained priests who certainly do not found parties with a controlled Christian denomination but who are at the forefront to try to form and defend the people of God entrusted to them.


The style of the Gospel is the same as the mustard seed that germinates in smallness and in hiding to reveal itself capable of supporting the birds of the sky and giving shelter to the unfortunate. That is why I always feel a real sadness in noting that several Christians, some of which are engaged in parishes and convents, they stay with Littizzetto and share on Facebook the mocking prowess of the gianduiotta guitta, shown in video even on the page on-line of Famiglia Cristiana [cf.. WHO].


Fernando Botero, Circus people, exposure: Contini Gallery, Venice, April 2010

La questione è semplice, for us Christians, certain discourses or positions should not be seen in the dialectic of political conflict but of the paschal experience experienced on the living Christ, risen, who eats with his apostles and invites to touch him [cf.. meditation by Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, WHO].


Therefore dear Christians, refuse certain idea, ethical positions, political and social orientation means not indulging and taming the concupiscence that is the cause of sin. Instead we look for what is necessary, indeed the urgent, invoking that divine grace that moves the mountains of our sin, just as the Church teaches us to repeat in that beautiful invocation of the Liturgy of the Hours which opens every canonical hour: "Hate, come and save me, man, come to my aid soon ".


Yes, sir, come to our aid, we are too unable to help ourselves, if we lose faith in the illusion of following political fevers, we stop believing to find ourselves sadly pagan.


Laconi, 20 April 2021



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3 replies
  1. Andrea
    Andrea says:

    Let's also say that the attitude of some Catholics does nothing but “send water” to the mill of the supporters of the DDL Zan. This wanting to draw swords to defend God and the family, by new crusaders. As if God needed to be defended by us! “Put the sword back in its sheath.” Jesus will say to Peter. All this makes Catholics pass as unpleasant people, annoyingly, frustrate. It is not by banning new crusades that the family is defended. Il sen. Pillon, despite having his reasons, it turns out really hateful. As written by the presbyter Fabio Rosini in one of his books, if to defend “good stuff” you become aggressive, snooty.. c’è qualcosa che non va.

  2. Odillo Boatto
    Odillo Boatto says:

    Thanks Father Ivano, as long as there are good shepherds like her, scalfarotti and zan “not praevalebunt”!!!

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