Abortion is like paying a hitman to kill an innocent. Abortion will always remain the failure of modern man. The 194 it is a law that seeks to reconcile irreconcilable opposites
Someone has proudly stated that the 194 it is an imperfect Law, but worthy of a civilized country. As a Catholic and as a priest I say instead that the 194 it is in fact a chimera law, an absurd hypothesis that some Christian Democrat politicians have attempted to justify by resorting to the worst clerical double standard which reconciles irreconcilable opposites, namely legal infanticide with the culture of life made up of weak social-health and welfare policies.
- Church news -

Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.

if abortion is a "sacrosanct right" and a "great social conquest", then people have the courage and consistency to face the “sacred” the “santo” the A “great social conquest”, without invoking censorship by calling certain images harsh and raw. Because this is abortion, hard and raw: the killing of a human being.
With the establishment of the new government centre-right traction, the "very civilized" issue on the right to abortion was revived with vigor and emphasis. Used as a detonator to ignite the revolt against the conservatives, the sentinels of rights, they are now warning Italy of the fascist and ecclesiastical danger (read between the lines Meloni, La Russa and Fontana) against a law, the 194/1978, which according to them would run the risk of disappearing as has already happened for Hungary and Poland, countries where voluntary termination of pregnancy is strongly discouraged.
But how are things really?? We are truly facing a democratic danger? Or perhaps more prosaically we are retracing the footsteps of a bankruptcy ideology that already smelled of old more than forty years ago? Let's go in order, I would first like to contribute to the topic with some considerations on the matter, both as a Catholic and as a priest who has spent years of his life serving in a large hospital complex, and thus express some advice ― unsolicited ― to the address of the new government which has the great opportunity to accompany citizens today in reflecting on reality.
Never like in this historical moment there is a need for awareness of reality and a sense of reality to understand that any policy can only manage simple things, even if vast and delicate like the administration of a nation. When politics claims to interfere with human nature, with its dignity and sacredness, up to the claim of ontological overcoming - that is, that Dionysian over-man, free from the chains of ethical and normative values ― disasters are experienced punctually.
The improvement of human beings it is not established by politics but by the acceptance of high and demanding goals. The experience of the sacred, of the truth, of the beautiful and the good are essential and inalienable principles for stay human, values also known by our Greek and Latin fathers and which Christianity has gathered by attributing them to the God of revelation as the Supreme Being from whom all good springs. Among the high and demanding goals that life offers us we can certainly include the custody of human life. Life is not one res to shape as desired, a sample of helpless primitive matter emptied of any superior and spiritual reflection. Human life is sacred, always, from its rise to its natural decline. As we approach the reification of life, we must be aware that we are approaching a highly dangerous process that leads to that transhumanism that has made abortion its most violent fruit, proudly claimed, I dare say evil, as a "law of civilization" and as a "great social achievement".
First, let's start with some evidence: it is convenient for everyone today not to consider the Law 194 in its true essence, in quell’humus cultural and political in which it was written and thought rather badly by the legislator. Let's overlook the fact that this law was signed by six politicians belonging to the Christian Democrats: a president of the republic, a president of the Council of Ministers and four ministers. They refused to listen to the voice of conscience to arrive at a more just and protective law, preferring a ploy clerical that only old Christian Democrat foxes could have devised. As proponents of Christian values, but much more as statesmen, they should have exercised a healthy principle of secularism (not to be confused with secularism) which would have allowed them to consider the defense of life fully understood as a priority, safeguarding the foundations of a modern and democratic civilization. And here we recall incidentally the story of the King of Belgium Baldwin I than in 1990 he refused, for matters of conscience, to put his signature on the law that made abortion legal, to the point of abdicating the throne for two days [see WHO, WHO]. But on the other hand, this ruler, he was not a Christian Democrat pile-upper but an authentic Christian.
It is our European story, the one to be clear that begins with San Benedetto da Norcia and his monks, which tells us how an authentic modern democratic civilization is characterized by the care of its members - from conception to death - above all protecting the life of the weak, of the poor, of the helpless and the infirm, without falling into that ideological schizophrenia which comes to recognize all rights as equal, only to rant that some rights are more equal than others.
For supporters of the law 194, of yesterday as of today, the main defensive argument consists in repeating it like a mantra ratio foundation with which the law was carried out, that is, to prevent the practice of clandestine abortion to the poorest classes who could not afford a trip to London or Lugano to get rid of the unborn child in complete confidentiality and cleanliness. Read that, in the intention of the most savvy, he certainly did not want to grant women wild abortion but only to deal with a medical and social emergency which at that time was practiced in unhealthy basements and improvised clinics, with the well-founded risk and danger to the health of the women who underwent such operations. However, it must be reiterated that this reasoning is false because it constitutes only a partial truth, a good Trojan horse that allows you to achieve the real goal which is to normalize abortion, then the killing of the fetus, as a process of a therapeutic compromise.
We remind the younger ones one of the most popular methods of abortion in the late seventies, the so-called Karman method, sponsored by CISA activists (Sterilization and Abortion Information Center) founded by Emma Bonino and partners. Method that has become iconic because it is documented by a photo that portrays Emma Bonino in the act of performing an abortion with the Karman method. This photo was then used for propaganda purposes both by the Radical Party and by +Europe to advance the "ideas of civilization" of a great Italian today [cf.. WHO]. Alongside the intention of the pure to create a legal provision that would limit the damages of the practice of clandestine abortion, it is necessary to consider much more seriously the line of thought which underlies this law and which represents the true ideological cradle in which 194 found a political justification, social and later referendum.
Ten years before the law came out, exactly in 1968, everyone had witnessed that great deception for youth which concerned freedom and sexual self-determination now considered an emergency of modernity. Indeed, when the sixty-eight thinking he spread his mistakes in high schools and universities, he also proudly and convincedly advocated the right to use his own corporality in modality multitasking. However, there was not in those young people the acceptance of as many duties as, in the face of sexual self-determination, they should have arisen. In other words, the right to make love with anyone and anywhere was defended to the bitter end, without acknowledging themselves responsible for that conception that would have resulted from that physical act. The woman was guided by a positive freedom that did not accept limitations and controls, to the point of denying the freedom to the unborn child to come into the world and severely limiting the involvement of the biological father who ended up being a spectator, a mere cooperator in copulation. So we continued to carry out a policy made up of rights - sexual and otherwise - to the sound of slogans and surreal words which was the cause of numerous unwanted pregnancies, but above all of a hypocritical mentality that suddenly imposed itself on the minds of the new generations: “I can do what I want, the body is mine and no one else's, the uterus is mine and I command".
With the arrival of so many unwanted pregnancies, the concrete problem arose of having to respond in some way to the fruit of numerous conceptions. This happened in two ways: or by sending children to orphanages ― closed in Italy with the Law of 28 March 2001 ― or with recourse to abortion. And certainly not all of these aborted pregnancies, circa 6 million and more abortions since 1978 to date, they were malformed fetuses or miscarriages. Unfortunately, today again, the pure preachers of rights too frequently forget to preach also the duties that are unfailingly unloaded on the shoulders of others, first of all the Catholic Church which for a long time has taken charge of the protection of unwanted little children, this is where, for example, the surnames of Proietti come from, Esposito, Diotallevi, I hope, Find yourself, Uncertain, Innocent etc...
The law 194 Promethean attempted to curb the unseemly and dangerous practice of clandestine abortion without ever really succeeding, to consider well that in Italy there are still among the 10.000 e i 13.000 cases of clandestine abortions per year. Worst of the worst, this Law has not been able to create a culture of care for women with which to value life as a discriminated reality and defend that vocation to life that flourishes precisely in the natural role of parenting. This would have allowed women to develop their own social responsibility starting from their truest identity, united with that duty of maternity which is expressed above all by bringing a pregnancy to term, regardless of whether or not you want to recognize the unborn child or entrust it to other families who can look after it with love. These are the interventions to be able to exercise a truly responsible motherhood, as well as the Catholic Church continues to propose through the magisterium of the Holy Pontiff John Paul II.
Someone proudly stated that the 194 it is an imperfect Law, but worthy of a civilized country. As a Catholic and as a priest I say instead that the 194 it is in fact a chimera law, an absurd hypothesis that some Christian Democrat politicians have attempted to justify by resorting to the worst clerical double standard which reconciles irreconcilable opposites, namely legal infanticide with the culture of life made up of weak social-health and welfare policies. It is not a law of civilization because there is no modern civilization that can justify infanticide as an inviolable right of man or woman [cf.. art. 2 Italian Constitution e Universal Declaration of Human Rights]. In this regard it is good to dwell on the paragraphs 4 e 5 of the law 194 which represent the weak link between two clearly irreconcilable positions: the paragraph 4 sees the continuation of the pregnancy as
a danger to his physical or mental health [woman], related to or related to your health, or its economic conditions, either social or family, or the circumstances under which conception occurred, or predictions of anomalies or malformations of the conceptus";
and the paragraph 5 looking for solutions for
"help [the woman] to remove the causes that would lead to the termination of the pregnancy, and enable her to assert her rights as a worker and as a mother, to promote any appropriate intervention aimed at supporting it, offering her all the necessary help both during pregnancy and after the birth».
This last paragraph it is utterly insignificant and badly applied to the state of the matter. Until today the 194 it is considered by all to be the law of abortion and for abortion. That law that allows you to give death to an innocent when the mother does not have sufficient income, when it was abandoned, when someone has proved against the continuation of the pregnancy, when due to age one is too young to become a mother, when the time or the way to bring a child into the world is not deemed suitable, when the unborn child is not aesthetically perfect. Feminist ideology has often contributed to mortifying any demonstration of protection for the pregnant woman and the unborn child, almost as if it were more urgent to choose to have an abortion instead of getting help during the pre and the post pregnancy.
With the establishment of the new government, the legal schizophrenia on the paragraphs 4 e 5 of the law 194 it seems to have been taken up by Forza Italia senator Maurizio Gasparri. With a bill he thought of enhancing the aspect of the protection of pregnant women but above all of the unborn child. Through a decidedly pro-life manoeuvre, the aim is to protect the legal capacity of the conceived from the mother's womb and to raise awareness in the country towards a culture of life by establishing a day dedicated to nascent life. I find these bills very sensible because it is necessary to reaffirm that there is only one right to defend which is the right to life. From understanding this, then a whole series of other interventions arise to favor a dignified life: economic policies, work increase, enhancement of education and culture, health policies focused on the good of the patient. If these proposals were to be accepted, they would represent only a small part of those timid attempts to focus on Italy, increasingly affected by the demographic winter, towards an awareness of human protection, a path of integral humanization and accompaniment of widely understood weakness.
The best advice I can give the new government is to invest immediately in family policies, social and health pro-life with generosity and determination, involving as many people as possible. Beyond what one might think, the protection of life is not just a matter of obscurantist Catholics. There are many people who, while not recognizing themselves within a faith, feel the need to fight in defense of human life, highlighting that cultural short circuit of mainstream which claims to protect all forms of life on the planet, from climate to animals to plants, refusing however to protect man from his first moments of biological life in the mother's womb.
In all of this talk there is no shortage of columnists e enlightened pundits who shouted at the fascist scandal over Senator Gasparri's bills, proposing the usual propaganda on the self-determination of women who, as carriers of the uterus, they cannot and must never be contradicted, not just on the days of their menstrual cycle, but above all when the right to choose about one's body and one's health presents itself. No matter, then, if this right denies a newborn to come to light and if the healthy therapeutic principle coincides in practice with the death in the womb of the conceived.
I like to state that whoever is the spokesperson for these "very civilized" untouchable rights is a child of that same intelligentsia violent and manipulative who is creating turmoil within the university these days Wisdom of Rome to deny the right to speak and debate to those who think differently. And after more than forty years of the law 194 you feel the need to think otherwise, take note that before the right conscientious objection there is an objection of thought which is the one that allows you to see reality for what it is, calling things by their proper names. And if we hear ourselves told that the therapeutic and voluntary interruption of pregnancy is civilization, we can make our decisive objection of thought and say, using the words of the Supreme Pontiff Francis, that abortion is the practice of those who want to hire a hit man to put an end to the life of an innocent [cf.. WHO].
Laconi, 9 November 2022
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