And if from the American catastrophic filmography we tried to reflect on the true Apocalypse of the Holy Scriptures?

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos
“The true martyr is the one who has become the instrument of God, who has lost his will in the will of God, and that he no longer desires anything for himself, not even the glory of being a martyr".

Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.
Dear readers of The Island of Patmos,

this XXXIII Sunday of Ordinary Time places us before a theme that concerns apocalyptic signs and times. In the current lexicon the term Apocalypse frightens us because it evokes something terrible, it sounds like a word that says we will all die at the end of the world. But if we avoid a little’ the filmic American girls who have played a lot on this term, especially in the period of the end of the first millennium (1997–2000) – to which various films such as contributed Deep Impact, Armageddon etc… – we can finally really understand what this word means, without minimizing its importance, but without even being afraid of scenarios that prophesy great disasters and great tragedies.
Apocalypse is a Greek word (revelation) composta da from (apo) I cover it (calupto) which we could translate as "revealed". So, the Apocalypse is the definitive revelation. The translation itself should reassure us, as it does not mean anything that evokes death, pain and destruction. From this we understand one important thing: Jesus in today's song came to offer a ultimate revelation and decisive for all those who will be his witnesses. Jesus therefore describes the path that every disciple and apostle is called to take until completion. Until we land in Paradise. To this end, it draws inspiration from an everyday circumstance:
“While some spoke of the temple and the beautiful stones and votive offerings that adorned it, he said: “There will come days when, of all that you admire, there will not be stone upon stone that will not be destroyed".
The announcement of the end of the Temple and beautiful stones is really fortissimo for the listener. In fact, Jesus has before him the splendid Temple begun by King Herod ten years ago, which employed a hundred thousand workmen and a thousand priests who were specially trained as masons. The Temple factory was started in 20 a.C. and continued for a very long time due to the numerous decorations. It will be finished with white stones of white limestone only in the 64 after Christ, and was destroyed in 70 by the emperor Titus Vespasian during the first Jewish war and was only functional for six years. So Jesus, at this time, he is describing a Temple filled with votive gifts to God. That "stone upon stone will not remain" has a value that goes beyond the destruction of the monumental work that stands before the interlocutors.
This destruction heralds a great event: the first Temple to be destroyed will be the body of Christ, in the days of his passion. That apocalyptic event will truly reveal God's love for his neighbor. The stones of the Temple, which were also a place of encounter with God, they will be reduced with respect to the post-Easter meeting place, which will be Christ himself. To this destruction of the Temple, each of us who are disciples and followers of Jesus is called to this offering of self in our daily crosses. This is what the Apocalypse of his witnesses is, that is, the most important revelation that Jesus offers us today:
“You will be hated by all because of my name. But not a hair of your head perish. By your perseverance you will save your souls".
Jesus foretells us that his following will bring us antipathy and hatred. But at the same time it reassures us that we need not fear anything. Indeed, our testimony as true believers generates confusion and opposition from all those who do not recognize the truth. It shakes their conscience together with those who do not want to leave their comfort zone to the point of doing everything to silence us. We will therefore be those who are the apocalyptics, the revealers of a greater truth. The Lord asks us to persevere despite the difficulties and contrasts of the world, because this testimony of truth up to white martyrdom, it will save ourselves first. Here, then, is the central nucleus of today's teaching, avoiding catastrophic rereadings.
About white martyrdom and testimony of following Christ, scrive Thomas Sterne Elliott:
“The true martyr is the one who has become the instrument of God, who has lost his will in the will of God, and that he no longer desires anything for himself, not even the glory of being a martyr".
We ask the Lord to become authentic witnesses of his love, become instruments of the Trinity, to testify to the whole world that the end is the true beginning of every man, but that that end must be reached after a life of love and dedication to God and neighbor.
Santa Maria Novella in Florence, 12 November 2022
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Father Gabriele
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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos