There are many houses and fathers: the prodigal son returns home to the one of the only true Father who is the source of grace and the center of the mystery of salvation

Once upon a time the Eucharist and the Catholic priesthood, Then came Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez founders of the Neocatechumenal Way … and heresy became flesh and dwelt among us

The transfiguration. the incarnation memorial, passion, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ the Lord, We should not celebrate with Assyrian-Babylonian dances around the altar reduced to totem

He died the Cardinal Godfried Danneels, a terrible loss. The cat blessed by Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini appeared in mystical cat Sardinian Barbagia of making a revelation: "The eminent deceased is already in the glory of the Angels and Saints"

The most terrible cancers, and difficult to heal are the diseases that prevent us from being witnesses of Christ [Objection reflection: "The lack of forgiveness"]

From Sodom to Spinello up the spiritual exercises to the Roman Curia, while in the world of the unreal no one realizes that the monastic life is dead and what remains is a parody: "You call them if you want, emotions"

From the theatrical mask of the Greek hypocrite to the beam and straw in the eye narrated by the Holy Gospel