The Holy League Felina in defense of the tradition of the crib by the ideology of political correctness and … “line strano”!

- the cogitatorio of Hypatia -



A push to the establishment of this Santa Felina League was also a foiled attack at Rome's Fiumicino airport, when a Syrian cat belonging to the terrorist group Gattisis tried to throw himself on the crib set up by the Association of flight operators shouting "Miao akbar ! ».


Author Hypatia Gatta Romana

Hypatia Gatta Roman










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Through the Way to Emmaus of the hospital wards: Chaplain as a disciple and companion in the disease

- pastoral care of health -



... in the parable of the Good Samaritan, is a clear reference to Jesus as the one who cares for man beaten by robbers and pours oil on his wounds and wine symbols of sacramental grace that comes from Christ with abundance and power. The man mistreated by robbers is taken over by Jesus to walk from the condition of dying to that of the resurrected.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp. on a visit to the hospital pediatric ward Brotzu of Cagliari with the elves and Santa Claus

The fact that "just die" guides us to understand, through the daily experience, that in life we ​​all need someone to support us and share with us their carefree moments and test. Divine finding of Genesis 2,18 "It is not good that the man should be alone", in my opinion it should not only read as a reference of the spousal relationship between man and woman, but as imperative to sociability and fellowship. Man is called to experience God only in communion with his brother. The mystery of the Trinity, It is a mystery of communion, It does not exist in God alone.


In times of trial and illness the being dynamic with is essential to experience a true accompaniment that both support and stimulus not to feel alone and to enjoy as well the providence of God that puts our side someone who loves us. Already the wisdom of the Psalmist makes us sing: "There, how good and how pleasant it is when brothers live together " [cf Sal 133,1].


There are two episodes of the Gospel that better than others embody the duty of the vicinity of the Christian toward the sufferer in body and soul: the parable of the Good Samaritan [cf. LC 10,23-37] and the story of the disciples of Emmaus [cf. LC 24,13-35]. In these Gospel passages the evangelist Luke, Master of tenderness and compassion, reveals the preferential love of Christ for the sick man. Hence the urge to dare not pass.


souvenir photo after the Christmas Mass in the pediatric ward

In the parable of the Good Samaritan the reference to Jesus as the one who takes care of the man beaten by brigands and pours on his wounds oil and wine symbols of sacramental grace is clear, that Christ comes with abundance and power. The man mistreated by robbers is taken over by Jesus to walk from the condition of dying to that of the resurrected. The figure of the man beaten on the road, expresses vividly:


"The incurable wound from which we were hit […] and that only the Lord could heal. That's why he came in person, because none of the elderly, nor the Law, i born profeti, They were capable of remedy. Only him, coming, He cured this incurable wound in the soul " [cf. Macarius the Great, Homilies, (Coll. (II)), XXX, 8].


Jesus the Good Samaritan It makes a change of state in the life of every man: dall'orizzontalismo infirmity to the verticality of the new life [cf. LC 4,38-39]. Jesus is the one who heals and heals because it is the Lord. The power of the Risen Lord and his lordship is manifested through a new creation that takes place in humans through a passage from the condition of sickness to health condition that becomes proof of salvation and then resurrection.


Christmas in the pediatric ward

In front of Jesus healing action, there is a need to be employees of a cure that is expressed in time and which is brought forward thanks to the work of the master of the inn to which is entrusted with the task to preserve and continue the work of restoration started by Christ. Like this, in the care and assistance of the sick, the figure of the hospital chaplain embodies the one to whom Jesus entrusted the care of the dying, obeying the mandate to take care of him, mutandolo Minister in the Easter announcement that Jesus is risen and He is the Lord [cf. At 3,1-16], this announcement comes the healing power.


In the ministry of consolation and care which is done in the hospital, the chaplain is called to imitate the attitudes of Good Samaritan who sees the sick but does not pass over. At the same time, the chaplain is also minister of diakonia insofar as he is capable of assuming and planning concrete realities of assistance in the time of illness of many poor and disadvantaged men.


We can say then that the hospital ministry for the sick is a missionary service, that in the ad, in the care and nell'accudimento builds the face of the suffering of Christ Church. Here then is the task of care and compassion is combined in the accompaniment of discouraged, Man hopelessly, therefore infirm soul.


Christmas in the pediatric ward

In the light of the proximity and the impulse to common path, l'Episode from the Gospel of Luke, the disciples of Emmaus shows us Jesus who makes companion of man's journey that has lost hope and joy. In fact the disease, the fear of death and loneliness, destroy the humans joy, as well as put a strain on the faith. Questions like: "why me?"And" where is God in all this?»Prove the patient and his family and they require a response that can never be taken for granted or easy come. Then, at the same time take care of the sick, no need for a walk with him, open his heart to the joyous message of Easter: God is victorious over death, of the disease, the loneliness of man.


Christmas along the Via Emmaus hospital …

The announcement of the Word of God, human proximity to the chaplain and Christian communities who frequently visit the sick, realize that miracle of inclusion and accompaniment which then predisposes the patient to dispose of the sad face of disappointment and sadness to dress the joy and gratitude in the living Jesus. This is why the walk close to the patient within the hospital really means to implement consistently and missionary spirit of the daily visit to the wards, the meeting with the families of the sick, sacramental care of the sick souls.


The chaplain was called to duty of justice to meet the sick, not only to obey the command of Christ [cf. Mt 25,36], but to be traveling with him in the disease, friend who dries her tears and fills a void, prophet who announces that God is faithful and realizes its promises.


the disciples on the Way to Emmaus [see text Lucan WHO].

Christ the Lord, through human and sacramental mediation of the priest chaplain, breaks considered the bread of the Word and the Eucharist that the blind regain sight, the lame to walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf come back to hear, the dead are called to life, the poor are immersed in the gospel of the kingdom [cf. LC 7,22].


A ministry of this kind is no doubt exhausting, slow and meticulous and lends itself to sharing the same divine patience, so that the sick man in body and spirit is, day by day, cared for and loved so that it can achieve health and salvation that are normal conditions for every child of God.


Cagliari, 28 December 2018

Christmas its Eighth


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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

"When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however unlikely, It must be the truth "… And the Word became flesh

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



Sherlock Holmes, acute investigator, solves the most intricate and mysterious cases of murder, discovering the murderer with witty wisdom. This character, It is thus able to reveal something hidden, bringing to light that is not immediately visible. He has as its motto: "When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however unlikely, It must be the truth " … And the Word became flesh.


Gabriele Giordano Scardocci, o.p.



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Merry Christmas to you all!


Shelock Holmes, vintage vignette

Even this year we have the joy of living together this Solemnity of the Lord. The birth of Jesus, Son of God, It is one of the central mysteries of our faith, summarized in John's Gospel just proclaimed [see text, WHO]. Let's get into that great mystery from a literary work.


We all know the fictional character Sherlock Holmes, born from the pen of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the last century in the novel A Study in Red. Holmes, London-based private investigator, He is accompanied by his doctor, Dr. Watson. Holmes, acute investigator, solves the most intricate and mysterious cases of murder, discovering the murderer with witty wisdom. This character, so it is able to reveal something hidden, bringing to light that is not immediately visible. He has as its motto: "When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however unlikely, It must be the truth ".


With his birth and came into the world, Baby Jesus helps all of us to enter into the light of the mystery of God; with this mission, that theology is visible mission called the Trinity, it helps eliminate the impossible and find the truth that, at first sight, It may even seem unlikely.


The Gospel of John that we heard So just now it helps us to understand the great mystery. To understand it, We must start from the end of the song:


"It gave, no one has seen him: the only Son, who is God and is at the Father, it is he who has made him known " [cf. v. 18].


The strong desire that makes us men in a higher state it consists in seeing, learn and discover. Hence the desire to learn and discover God is the highest ever. It is a spark of humanity that wants to become Fire. This permits it the only Son, Jesus, that is God with the Father although distinct from Him. Jesus fulfills our deepest desire to open ourselves to the truth and greatest love. This is possible because it has given us, this Christmas all over himself: "From his fullness we have all received: grace upon grace " [cf. v. 16].


By becoming man, Jesus accepts all mankind and all the men without exception and without conditions: this is his fullness. The greeted us unconditionally allowed a cascade of love and acceptance: This waterfall is His grace that, first of all, we receive in the sacraments.


Through the grace that opens our deep knowledge of God, we can rest assured that beings


"The Word became flesh, and he dwelt among us; and we beheld his glory […]» [cf. v. 16].


In contemporary culture, this seems very unlikely and unacceptable. Because the Word that is God, spiritual and invisible, become flesh [from greek σάρξ, sarx]? Because God is love and wants to call to intimacy and deep tenderness with Him, up to allow the miracle to assume the human nature and a real body, real, physical. Exactly how a droplet of water is taken in a wider part of the wine, so human and divine nature exist together in Jesus. Soon you will see this mystery of the dual nature, shown in the liturgy when I myself, fulfilling my deacon function, I will mix into the cup with the wine with a few drops of water, followed by soft words:


"The water combined with wine is a sign of our union, the divinity of Him who humbled himself to share our human nature ".


So now that we know that Jesus revealed God, He has opened the doors of grace and allows us to contemplate the glory of his dual nature beautiful, with sparkling eyes of happiness and serenity can say with faith: «In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God " [cf. v. 1].


The Verb, dal greco reason, logos [Word] God Himself: It is the second person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ and is intimately united to the Father, and he wants to transport us to the intimate union with the Trinity itself and therefore to be small Trinity we too.


This mystery, from the top of its inviolability, now it falls in the reality of everyday life: Now that you will return home to gather you together with those most popular for Christmas dinner, We ask the Lord for strength and determination to be a witness in front of our relatives and friends of the love of Jesus who is born today. For ourselves, once you received Jesus in the Eucharistic communion and united in Him, We can also conduct the farthest to the cave of Bethlehem. So that we hand down the purity, the beauty and the truth with which we live the Catholic faith.





Rome, 25 December 2018

Nativity of the Lord



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Some clarification so that our Christmas is less poor and less ideological: in truth, Bethlehem was just sold out, Jesus Christ was not born of two immigrants …

L'Angolo di Girolamo Savonarola: Catholic homiletics in lean times



Between 25 and the 26 December we will have to put up with the news reports trickling political correctness that c'informeranno how many glorious cathedrals and basilicas, during Holy Mass on Christmas Night, reference was made to Jesus, poor and refugee. And as the cathedral or the basilica will be prestigious, as the homilist will have raised the bar …


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo




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The boy is born, alleluia !


there was a place, a Bethlehem …

We will devote the homily on the Gospel of this Holy Night the link between the Incarnation of the Word of God made man in the mystery of the Holy Eucharist [see text of the Liturgy of the Word, LC 2, 1-14, WHO].


In the days before this Holy Christmas, and in those that follow, the divine mystery of this birth has been defined in many ways by the world increasingly worldly and secular, just some examples: Christmas referred to as "party of peace", "Feast of solidarity", "Feast of love between the peoples of diversity and acceptance", of course "feast of the poor" and "party of immigrants'. Let me be clear: I'm not troubled either by the poor or by immigrants, but I believe both our human and Christian duty to help the poor out of their poverty, and the real refugees fleeing from wars and famine to a homeland: "I was a stranger and you welcomed me" [cf. Mt 25, 31-46].


A disturb, it is therefore not the tragedy of poverty, nor the problem of immigration; for five years now to disturb me is another, and especially when on the occasion of Christmas and Easter, now these two ideological categories - poor and real or would-be migrants -, take the place of the Word of God incarnate and the Risen Christ.


Between 25 and the 26 December so we will have to put up with The newspaper reports that political correctness dripping c'informeranno how many glorious cathedrals and basilicas, during Holy Mass on Christmas Night, reference was made to Jesus, poor and refugee. And as the cathedral or the basilica will be prestigious, as the homilist will have raised the bar. And so, as every January 1, we will have the traditional account given by newspapers and television news on New Year's incidents in Naples, the same will happen in our church ever crashed worldliness, and the 26 December we celebrate the memory of St. Stephen the Martyr with the most detailed reports on lunches that were held in our churches on Christmas Eve and the homilies based on the poor and refugees in the same took place between the night of 24 and the day 25 December, between cribs which have become a monotonous and conformist riot of barges and rescue donuts used to Arrange above the Bambinello Divine just landed on the island of Lampedusa.


In this Holy Night I would like to recall that at Christmas, the Orbe catholica, celebrates the mystery of the Word of God made man [cf. GV 1, 1-18], not celebrate an unspecified "feast of" solidarity emptied of the divine mystery and filled with worldly secularism. And words are important, because the more diabolical way to destroy the faith, It is emptying the mysteries of the faith of their true meaning and then fill them with another. This means no more memory of the great mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God who became man by assuming our human nature as illustrated by the Blessed Apostle Paul in his famous Christological hymn [cf. In II 2, 6-11 text WHO], but "party of peace", "Feast of solidarity", "Feast of love between people and acceptance of diversity" ... all with improbable and untruthful references to Jesus, poor and refugee.


Let us see what to narrate the historical chronicles of the Holy Gospels: the Blessed Virgin Mary, after answering freely with their own "fiat"The messenger of the Lord [cf. LC 1, 26-38], It gives birth months later the only Son of God, It wraps Him in swaddling clothes and lays him in a manger. This birth and this deposition in a manger did not happen narrated in ways that Joseph was poor and refugee, but because the two, It tells us how the Holy Gospel we have just proclaimed [LC 2, 1-14], They were traveling from Nazareth to Bethlehem to fulfill the obligation of the census ordered by Caesar Augustus [cf. LC 2, 1-14]. Joseph was a craftsman who played the noble and profitable trade of cabinetmaker, while Mary came from a family perhaps even more wealthy than that of Joseph, just think that the husband of her cousin Elizabeth was a priest of the ancient caste of Abijah [cf. LC 1, 57-80]. Therefore, if Jesus was born in a makeshift place is because, as narrated in the Gospels Saints, there was not an empty seat in any hotel [cf. LC 2, 1-6]; not because Joseph had nothing to pay for the accommodation when the Blessed Virgin was seized by labor pains on that trip, undertaken not by voluntary choice, but for a legal duty imposed obligation to be enrolled [cf. LC 2,1].


The biggest event in history, the incarnation of God's Word, It is described through the sequence of some basic keywords: give birth, wrap in swaddling, put in a manger. With these plain words it tells of the birth of the Only Begotten Son of God the Father, Jesus, the Light of the World. Because "Christ, while it is of divine nature, He did not consider it robbery to be equal with God; but he emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in human likeness. He appeared in human form, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death on a cross " [Fil 2, 6-11]. His, who is God from God, Light from Light, True God from true God, begotten not made of the same substance as the Father [Nicea-Constantinople Symbol], He sees the light through the eyes of a real man born from the womb of a woman, the Blessed Virgin Mary.


The only begotten Son of God laid in the manger, It constitutes for us a great value mystagogical. In the manger it is in fact lays the food for animals: hay and straw, keeping them high off the ground so you do not dirty. Jesus, placing itself in the manger, He reveals to the world since the birth of what is its true essence: the Word of God made man is to be real nourishment of men.


Even today Christ is laid in the manger altar or the tabernacle so that everyone can come to Him to worship him as shepherds worshiped the revelers flocked [cf. LC 2, 15-20] and Wizards astronomers said Magi [cf. Mt 2, 1-12], so that everyone can feed on Him in the Holy Eucharist, which it is the mystery of his body and his blood shed. And in the Eucharist Christ is present not symbolically or metaphorically, but really; He is living and real in body soul and divinity.


Christ redeems and saves mankind through the sacrifice of the cross, immolating himself as the Lamb of God who washes the sin of the world [cf. GV 1, 29-34], making real food, man's true nourishment. The Holy Eucharist is the mystery of mutual transformation: God became man like us, so that we, washed from sin by the blood, through Christ, the bread of life we ​​can transform ourselves into Him, with Him and for Him. Remember what the celebrant recites what makes memory of the dead in the Holy Mass of suffrage? We priests, acting at that moment in persona Christi - certainly not as mere "presidents-playful joyful assembly" -, We recite this beautiful prayer: "He will transform our mortal body in the image of his glorious body" [cf. Roman Missal, Eucharistic Prayer III]. This, It meant by the mystery of mutual transformation.


But what is the real Christ the Lord great joy and eternal humanity deposed in swaddling clothes in the manger? The joy of man is Christ received and heard that becomes our food of eternal life: "I am the living bread, down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world " [cf. GV 6, 51]. If Christ does not become our food and live our real lives, man can never know the truth that will set us free [cf. GV 8, 32]. They will never be the words for their own sake to give the man the joy that pervades the Gospel of Blessed John the Evangelist; They never will be unless those empty words instead lead to the mysteries of faith and salvation, empty these mysteries and fill them with another, often mundane and modern paganism.


As long as man does not eat in a spirit of faith and truth Christ in his flesh sacrificed for our salvation, No real joy will come for him. And the flesh and throbbing of Christ God, yes it takes life in a tender manger, but then she ends up sacrificed on the cross for our redemption. In the end, the glorious body of Christ, He rises from the dead. Because the final epilogue of the Nativity is the resurrection. He tells us the Blessed Apostle Paul: "If Christ had not risen indeed, in vain would our faith, empty is our hope " [cf. The Cor 15,14].


Our faith is born with the Incarnation of the Word of God deposited in a manger, but it is sealed from the overturned stone of an empty tomb, before which the angel said to the women: "Do not look among the dead for one who lives" [cf. LC 24,5]. The tender manger is just the beginning of the big announcement Christological, while the risen Christ is the eternal, one who affiancandoci in the journey along the Way to Emmaus [cf. LC 24, 13-53], will guide us through the centuries to his kingdom will have no end, towards the eternal.


From the island of Patmos, 24 December 2018

Christmas night – Nativity of the Lord


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The Word of God made flesh for our health: Christmas as a therapeutic approach in the light of the Fathers of the Church

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



It seems clear, as the mystery of the coming of Christ on earth, presents a new therapeutic strategy that divine providence makes available to every man. L’incarnazione conduce a una profonda affinità tra il Salvatore e l’uomo. Christ's affinity for man is constituted by putting on a fragile nature and marked by sin without assuming the original guilt.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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the Word of God became man to become a heavenly physician on earth

The birth of Christ constitutes the largest event in the entire human history: in this coming, God clothes himself in the nature of man by making himself in solidarity with him. Tale serena immersione dell’Altissimo nella nostra fragilità, carries out the project of redemption expected by all the prophets.


In accordance with this will of God "The Fathers and the whole ecclesial tradition see him as a doctor sent by the Father to heal sick men from the consequences of original sin and to restore human nature to its original health" [cf. Jean-Claude Larchet, Therapy of spiritual diseases, ed. St. Paul, 2003, pg 2699].


In this divine action, we must see clearly what constitutes the core of our dignity which cannot be tarnished by any person and anything, a very eloquent sign of the intrinsic value of each person, even if sick.


To be made worthy - by grace - of the divine nature of the Son of God, constitutes in man the true personal identity that the Holy Pontiff Leo the Great explains precisely starting from the mystery of the nativity:


"Know, cristiano, your dignity e, made partakers of the divine nature, not wanting to return to the abjection of the past with unworthy conduct " [cf. Leo the Great, Speeches, Homily I for Christmas, 1-3; PL 54, 190-193].


The incarnation of Christ thus determines a profound liberation of the whole man who becomes the paradigm of sympatheia Divina [cf. Peter Crisologo, sermons, 50; PL 52, 340], attitudine che coniuga in sé la capacità che Dio ha di assumere la sofferenza umana insieme alla capacità di risanarla.


This concept we find it clearly expressed in various healings performed by Jesus and testified by the evangelists. We are faced with the paradigm of wounded healer, the one who is capable of healing because he makes himself sick with the sick.


It seems clear, as the mystery of the coming of Christ on earth, presents a new therapeutic strategy that divine providence makes available to every man. L’incarnazione conduce a una profonda affinità tra il Salvatore e l’uomo. Christ's affinity for man is constituted by putting on a fragile nature and marked by sin without assuming the original guilt, says the Council:


«Following the holy Fathers, unanimously we teach to confess one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, perfect in divinity and perfect in humanity, true God and true man, [composed] of rational soul and body, consubstantial with the Father for divinity, and consubstantial with us for humanity, “similar in everything to us, except in sin”…» [cf. Concilio of Chalcedon, Symbol: DS 301-302].


The principle of affinity between Christ and man, joins the gap between the divine and the human and this allows the divine nature to heal human nature in depth through a radical and entirely new compromise, indeed: "A healthy person can only cure those who are not healthy if they are also sick with the sick. It is the ancient cure that the centaur Chiron offered to wounded people who went to visit him, to be caring because he is in turn wounded " [cf. Lucio Coco, edited: I will heal you, ed. Praglia Abbey, 2013].


Christ truly fulfills the hope of total healing that the ancients represented in the myth of the centaur healer Chiron, like this


“Everything that Christ had placed in the human body of a heavenly nature, seeing that it was consumed by a corrosive wickedness and that the sinuous serpent was lord of mortals, since he wanted to raise his share, did not leave the disease to other doctors - in fact a small remedy is sufficient for serious diseases -, but emptying himself of his glory, being heavenly and immutable image of the divine, as a man and against mortal laws, in the holy womb of a virgin woman he became incarnate, or incredible miracle for exhausted men " [cf. Gregory of Nazianzo, Pœmata moralia: 1,2,38 vv. 140-148; PG 37, 533].


The condition of man, towards the heavenly physician, it needs a daily trust which is the human sentiment which - illuminated by grace - leads to the theological virtue of faith.


Like this, how the sick person heals only if he puts his trust in those who care for him, trust in God is necessary to understand how the entire Christian life is a path of healing in which we are led into the arms of the Lord to regain health. Without this trust, we can never be completely safe from any infirmity.


Trust in God is necessary so as not to presume about ourselves and not to fall into pathological complaining discontent, which is the daughter of vanity and worldly distress. Saint Augustine explores the theme of the advent of Christ, in relation to the trust and availability that man shows towards God, stating:


«Our great physician came to the aid of mankind lying sick in the great bed of the world. A good doctor observes and studies the course of the disease, makes a prognosis on its development e, when the suffering of the patient is still slight, he calls in his helpers; in the same way our doctor first sent the Prophets to visit us who brought us their word, their preaching, and he healed some through them. They announced an aggravation of the disease nearing the final stage, which would have required the intervention of the physician in person to whom the patient could directly refer. It had been announced that he would console and heal anyone who had faith in him: "I strike and heal" [cf. Dt 32,39]: and so it happened. He has come, he became man by assuming our condition as mortal men so that we can share his immortality. But men are still troubled by the disease and, parched from fever, with labored breathing, they complain that since the doctor arrived, the fevers became more violent, more severe the torment, the sufferings are unsustainable. Wherever the doctor came from, they do not seem to have welcomed his coming. These are the laments of those who are still immersed in the disease of worldly vanities, having refused to receive from the doctor, the medicine of sobriety " [cf. St. Augustine, sermons: 346/A,8; NBA 34, pg 101].


Each year, Christmas is preceded by a suitable time of preparation so that our Christian life becomes sober from so many distractions and intoxications that distract us from trust in God. The coming of Christ into the world is a cause for great joy [cf. LC 2,10], precisely because the Father


"Over time it has convinced our nature of its own powerlessness in obtaining life; now he has shown us the Savior who has the power to save even what could not be: through this double means, he wanted us to have faith in his goodness and to see in him […] a doctor" [cf. Letter to Diognetus, IX, 6].


Reassured by this certainty, we welcome the birth of the Lord as the visit of the heavenly doctor and put aside the fear and shame of being examined, presenting even those most hidden and infected sores that horrify us. Our eyes like that, like those of the holy old Simeon, they will contemplate salvation and with the psalmist we will be happy to sing «Lord, my God, I shouted at you and you healed me " [cf. Shall 30,3].


Cagliari, 24 December 2018

Christmas' Eve


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This is the Christian mystic: the soul of the Virgin Mary is magnificent in the Lord and that reminds us that in the Name of Christ the Redeemer every knee should bow

L'Angolo di Girolamo Savonarola: Catholic homiletics in lean times



Certain excesses of popular devotion to one side, old excesses of ecclesiastical caution from the opposite side, They led to forget for a long time another extraordinary figure as that of Mary: that of Joseph. Cautiously he depicted as an old man more or less put in a corner on the sidelines, or variously called in ejaculations with the title of "most chaste spouse". Joseph did not become a saint because he was "chaste", but because he has welcomed and made her the freedom of Mary. Supporting and protecting his own free choice of faith is Mary. The Word was able to embody because this man of great faith - that he was a young man, not that old decrepit place next to the manger, almost as if the stable of Bethlehem was for him the branch of a geriatric unit - protected Mary and the mystery. If not, the end of this young pregnant without a husband, without faith and the love of Joseph it would have been stoning.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo.



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Jesus Christ be praised !


Visitation to her cousin Elizabeth. Work of Domenico Ghirlandaio, fifteenth century, of stolen goods kept at the famous art French House of Art Robberies also known as the Louvre Museum in Paris

The amiable figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary proposta dal Santo Vangelo di questa IV domenica d’Avvento [see text of the Liturgy of the Word, WHO] has been read is interpreted in every way over the centuries, the popular literature to the learned literature. Think of the monumental ode with which Dante opens the XXXIII canto of Paradise with the prayer of St Bernard to the Virgin:


Virgin mother, daughter of thy Son,
Humble and high beyond,
Fixed term of the eternal counsel.

Tu’ the one that the human nature
nobility yes, that his Factor
Do not disdain to make himself its.

In thy womb rekindled love
For whose warmth in the eternal peace
So this flower has germinated […]


In theological world attention to the Blessed Virgin He has formed a research discipline and study: mariology, Also created to fix and restore within the ranks of the Catholic faith an issue that has always pervaded certain pockets of faithful, We mainly Mediterranean and the various peoples of Latin America, often animated by the so-called more or less popular faith that often has mutated forms of the Marian cult in Mariolatry; deviation from authentic faith that is our pastoral and priestly duty to correct, always, even when around certain phenomena is big money, rather, especially if around certain phenomena begins to circulate too much money …


To preach a Gospel passage that speaks of Mary there will be spoiled for choice: We can start the discussion starting from a thousand different ways, and as many say a thousand different things, but the synthesis of Maria are two, He enclosed in a beginning and an ending that will mark the triumph and the beginning of Christological mystery. The beginning of Mary's journey is a yes [cf. LC 1, 26-38]; the end of Mary's projected path first in the mystery of the great start, is the cross that will take us right in front of torn stone of the empty tomb of the Risen.


The faith and love of the Virgin Mary allow God the Father to realize the mystery. God is knocking at the doors of freedom of this young girl, little more than a teenager, with a request that exceeds all human imagination: God wants to become man. How freely the ancient Eve disobeyed God with the old Adam, with equal freedom Maria says yes, becoming in its way the new Eve humanity. Without many words, without any philosophical and theological discourse, This is the young girl changed the history of humanity; e con quel sì «il Verbo si fece carne e venne ad abitare in mezzo a noi [GV 1, 14].


Certain excesses of popular devotion to one side, old excesses of ecclesiastical caution from the opposite side, They led to forget for a long time another extraordinary figure as that of Mary: that of Joseph. Cautiously he depicted as an old man more or less put in a corner on the sidelines, or variously called in ejaculations with the title of "most chaste spouse". Joseph did not become a saint because he was "chaste", but because he has welcomed and made her the freedom of Mary. Supporting and protecting his own free choice of faith is Mary. The Word was able to embody because this man of great faith - that he was a young man, not that old decrepit place next to the manger, almost as if the stable of Bethlehem was for him the branch of a geriatric unit - protected Mary and the mystery. If not, the end of this young pregnant without a husband, without faith and the love of Joseph it would have been stoning. It is not by chance, Giuseppe, before receiving the divine illumination, to be just and good man who was, She had thought of her away secretly, thus saving her life [cf. Mt 1,16.18-21.24]


I said at the beginning that Mary can be accessed starting from a thousand different paths, saying many thousand different things. I would choose the path of the mystic …


... in the liturgy prior to the Second Vatican Council, the Eucharistic Prayer was recited by the priest in a low voice, and the people kept his head bowed as a sign of humility, hardly daring to look at the great mystery of the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ, His true and living presence in the Church. Before the mystery and the ineffable gift of the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ, the least we can do is kneel, a sign of humility and adoration. What this should be remembered that our faithful, especially those men who believe they potersene be strutting head-on with his hands crossed on the crotch, perhaps because it afflicted by serious prostate problems? Animo, dear men, urology has made great strides, your problem is solved then!


The value, humble and adoring dell'inginocchiarsi, We would not last even remembered some of our ceremonies, who against all tradition and ecclesial pedagogy sometimes give godly example to the People of God preaching to young deacons, acolytes, seminarians and altar in full possession of all their best forces and physical functions to sit standing around the altar; everything - note well - in a society where man, perhaps the bishop and the priest even more than many secular, He kneels more and more and more often before the most diabolical human idols, except the mystery of God made man incarnate in the womb of the Blessed Virgin, He died and rose from the dead, after having left the ineffable gift of his presence in the Eucharist Mystery, kneel before which is really minimal "trade union" that can be done.


What a pain, entering certain churches and find instead of benches with the pews of the rows of chairs or nice movie theater-style chairs, however, cost him much of the old benches!


The mystique gets on his knees, just as the liturgy makes its knees, because the liturgy is not aesthetic but fatuous creative center and the communion of the divine mystery. The liturgy is not a show of actor priest or of director priest, because of the sacred mystery of the liturgy that realizes we are faithful and devoted servants tools, not creators, not masters. And before the divine mystery we prostrate, and if necessary the good People of God - often much more sensitive and intelligent than they are some of his priests - should also remember certain masters of ceremony, ie that there kneels by custom or old tradition, but for obvious, sensible, adoring and Christian common sense before the ineffable the mystery of faith.


While no Christian mysticism tends to be individualistic, to ask themselves before the mystery of God head-on and to extol individualism in all its forms, Christian mystical dimension that comes from communion and communitarianism, It rejects all forms of individualism and always has a social aspect and ecclesial, an adoring and liberating dimension that kneel to show even with the body, living temple of the Holy Spirit of God, that dimension of love which the Apostle invites us in his own words: «Nel nome di Gesù ogni ginocchio si pieghi nei cieli, on earth and under the earth; e ogni lingua proclami che Gesù Cristo è il Signore, to the glory of God the Father " [I Phil 2, 6-11].


The act of contemplation and especially adoration, It is not restricted to private relationship, subjective and personal with God; contemplation and especially the worship, It has a profound inter subjective momentum on the Church and the whole of humanity.


Mysticism as a mystery: every Christian not only lives in mystery, but it is called to live in communion with the mystery, as he himself mystery and live the mystery of creation. And soon, After the singing of Holy, All we enter into communion with the mystery of the Body and Blood of Christ.


Think of the mystical and the mystics as people who lived more or less in the clouds or so prodigious lievitavano in floor ecstasy, partly wrong and partly it is simplistic. Indeed, while certain Oriental forms of non-Christian mysticism seek detachment with the body and with the material, Christian mysticism is closely tied to the land, the body and the matter, because in the plans of God the two spheres of heaven and earth are not foreign but unite; and unite in the body and spirit. The mystical elements that realize the sacred mystery and that make the same Christ present among us, are elements of the earth earthbound. Maybe that's why it would be good not to overlap songs and music to important words that often offertory, our faithful, between a tambourine and a schitarrata risk not remember more: "... Through your goodness we have this bread, which earth has given and human hands, we present it to you, become for us the food of eternal life ". Segue, immediately below, just as prayer over wine, while the people should respond - if guitars and tambourines not prevented - "Blessed be God forever".


The Blessed Virgin Mary that marks the words of Magnificat is a prime example of our mystical based on matter, on the body and on the Earth's size, because thanks to her marks the largest and mystical mystery: The Word became flesh to come to live in the flesh among us. An Incarnate Word with this girl who kneels with the soul and heart, saying: "There, io sono la serva del Signore, be done to me according to his word » [cf. LC 1, 26-38].


Among the many things Mary teaches us to live with the heart to heaven and down to earth, because in God's mysteries, Jerusalem earthly and heavenly Jerusalem blend together; and melt over the stone of the empty tomb of the Savior, who died physically and that is just as physically rose again for the salvation of the world.


All this has been possible thanks to the yes of a young girl whose soul is magnified and kneeling in the Lord, thanks to his spirit exulted in God our Savior. So thanks to the yes of a holy man of God, Giuseppe, that first of all, and forward all was and remains for us a wonderful example of true and determined man, who lovingly protected the will of Mary, saying in turn the mystery of God, teaching us to be real men and decided, and to make us love, with him and with Mary the Mother of God, faithful servants of the Lord, so that our souls may be glorified in Him.



the Island of Patmos, 23 December 2018


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Dear Readers, help real refugees: those who live on the Isle of Patmos, John's last place of revelation, where the truth will set us free



If once a month, a good number of players decided to offer us a pizza, a cappuccino and a croissant, or even just a coffee and, our work could proceed peacefully without having to live with the anxiety of the often … "We hope to do it!».



Dear Readers,


Father Ariel snow, that sooner or later "unsealed" …

our faith teaches us that appeared in the dark night a star that guided the shepherds to the mystery of the Incarnate Word [cf. Mt 2, 9]. We also know that the snow is likely to melt in the sun, before which the frost gives way to the warmth. He writes Dante Alighieri in Canto XXXIII of Paradise opens with the prayer of St Bernard to the Blessed Virgin Mary:


So the snow is in the sun unsealed;
so in the wind the leaves rise
It perdea of ​​the Sibyl.


In the language of Dante, that while in fabling “the vernacular” It remains adherent to the Latin etymology, The term "unsealing" does not mean dissolving, but it means: lose its shape.


Following the star of God like the shepherds, in this cold, dark night enveloping the Church, we walk towards that bright sun which is Christ, before which this snow will finally disigillata and its unnatural and harmful form dispersed.


With the new year The Island of Patmos He enters its fifth year of life, which will be fulfilled 20 October 2019. Taking stock, we can say that the results have been nothing short of amazing: over the past three years we totaled nearly thirty million visits. Our average oscillates between 800.000 and the 900.000 visits per month to an average of about 30.000 daily visits. We have never known a time of downturn, the graph only marks a progressive increase. If we could call the whole thing happened, But we like to call it the grace of God.


At the beginning of the new year, after the holidays some modifications will be made to the home-page and inserted a page bearing the words 'legal and administrative notes', within which will contain all the relevant data. Indeed, the 30 November 2018 we have constituted the Editions The island of Patmos through the legal form of pious association. At the same time The Island of Patmos has become a magazine with regular registration with the Order of Journalists and the press register of the Court.


This has led to considerable expenses which implied the dues of the notary and the commercial adviser, plus a whole series of related fees paid to the Revenue, Order of Journalists, the Court, etc …


Not having the means, all these expenses were incurred by my mother and my brother, who wanted to contribute to this our apostolic work, I remember that there is certainly not for their benefit, but all of you that more and more we followed and that you can benefit from the fruits of our labor, or if you prefer: of our life we ​​spent entirely for the People of God and for the dissemination of the Catholic faith.


Repeatedly, numerous people, in front of some of our writings we have asked: "Who gives you the courage?». Not a few others have asked us: "Do not fear that you will pay the?». Well, courage is nothing but help that comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth [cf. Shall 120], while, regarding the tribute that has often been made amply pay, perhaps it is better to draw a veil over and proceed …


The Island of Patmos It can express themselves with complete freedom and the legitimate freedom of God's children, inviting those who follow us to know the truth, in the full knowledge that the truth will set us free [cf. GV 8, 32], simply because it is not employed by any potentate, but only employed by Christ and His Holy Church. And the freedom of God's children, in order to be truly exercised, undertakes not to be entered on pay book of any overbearing censorship. Indeed, we do not take money or Knights of Columbus, nor by the Prince of Liechtenstein, lovingly encouraged by the State Secretariat to pour generous amounts of money to people who are not reputed loyal servants of the truth, but only reputed welcome humorally, if not rewarded for the way hidden or adulterate the truth. O, said in other words: could ever, St. John the Baptist protect the conduct of Herod Antipas life, in exchange for its generous subsidies lavished on his preaching work? In conclusion, This tyrant was just living with the wife of his brother and had a totally unhealthy erotic passion for her granddaughter Salomé. If you wish you could make it do, merciful spirit of love and joy, also a bland path penitential then readmitting to the sacraments together with its concubine and its delicious granddaughter, as they would not hesitate to affirm those blindside money from the Knights of Columbus and the Prince of Liechtenstein behind loving urging of Secretary of State, to which they are industrious the arrotini sharpening the blade required to cut the head of the Baptist.


But we know what the Baptist does not think so, He ended with the severed head placed on a tray, because his sense of mercy was holding everything on truth and justice.


This is why we have always walked a tightrope, with all the economic hardships of the case, while avendocela sin made today, albeit always for the so-called Broken headphone, benefiting only the offerings of readers and offers the same to me dates for celebration of the Mass in suffrage for the dead, entirely used for the expenses of The Island of Patmos, always with rigorous public indication of the tenders received and the financial statements prepared on what was received at the end of each year [cf. WHO].


We used this account: if only they were paying fifty players at the beginning of the year 2019 the amount of 120 Euro, corresponding to 10 € per month, the costs would be entirely covered by about 6.000 EUR necessary to maintaining the site hosting this magazine. Unfortunately instead, those who in 2018 have made this subscription are only 12 Readers, for a total amount raised totaled 2.520 Euro, of which 1.200 paid by a single Reader that predispose a monthly payment of 100 Euro.


At the gates of this Holy Christmas, We invite especially those who write to us to show appreciation for our work and our loyalty to the Church of Christ and the the Catholic faith, to make this real appreciation by offering their financial support. Indeed, if only those who contact us to thank us, to show appreciation and stimulate, They were paying only a few Euros, we should not rush, and sometimes even with some fear, on the razor's edge, nor should I have recourse to the generosity of my family to have the money necessary to work free the amor Dei for the benefit of the many who tell us and write us «good!». Because with a thousand "good" does not pay the site's subscription services and other expenses - which amounted to repeat 6.000 euro a year -, while, with one euro gave a thousand people, something instead you pay, If the thousands who tell us' good!"There would send only a euro offer in support of our work.


We invite the most loyal and willing to want to have a monthly payment according to one's generous possibilities through the effective and safe system PayPal which is located in the bottom of the page, Those who prefer can also do so via bank account. For if once a month, a good number of players decided to offer us a pizza, a cappuccino and a croissant, or even just a coffee and, our work could proceed peacefully without having to live with the anxiety of the often … "We hope to do it!».


All while John the Baptist screams in the desert, while the erotic Salomé dance for obscuring the tyrant and while the waiters Herod shine tray on which to lay his head, already abundantly cut with generous financial support of the Prince of Liechtenstein and the Knights of Columbus, all the praise and glory of Christ God!


May God have mercy for all who, on the basis of money and power-sharing, assist, or worse, actively participate in promoting the degradation of the Holy Bride of Christ thrown on the sidewalk.


"He says the sinner: "God's mercy". This is a common trick of the devil to sinners, why many are likely to be damned. He writes a learned author: “It sends the Hell God's mercy, that its not justice”. Indeed, these miserable, recklessly trusting in the mercy not cease from sin, so you lose. God is mercy, who denies? And, it is merciful, But it is also fair, for that punishes those who continue to offend. He shows mercy, But for those who fear ' [Sant'Alfonso Maria’ Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, in Alphonsian Pages on Mercy, n. 105: The paradox of mercy].


To all of you, a happy Christmas.


Isle of Partmos, 21 December 2018

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The painful crib weekly Slush Christian: and for the Italian families who sleep in the car, that place is? Reduced wastage by eliminating bidet from the papal apartments

- the cogitatorio of Hypatia -



To reduce everything to the essentials and avoid unnecessary waste, seems the bidet have been abolished with Own motion Popes the papal apartments […] of artrone, as if some ', na 'to poor church pe’ trust me, wastes’ precious water pe’ lavasse is culo, quanno ner Monaghan esisteno children moiono de pe thirst’ water shortage?


Roman cat Hypatia



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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

Rhapsody of faith. A meditation on music, corner and theology: the human being as glorious reverb

catechesis & pastoral -



As the beautiful Platonic image in the dialogue teaches Ione : cultivating the liturgical musical tradition means being the rhapsodies of divine love incarnated and alive on earth. It means becoming more and more the voice of God for man.


Gabriele Giordano Scardocci, o.p.



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the Gradual Triplex, Week of Advent

Singing and music they are a spontaneously human and natural expression. From the simple daily experience we notice how our days are enlivened by the presence of songs that become soundtracks of the daily routine. The radio, televisions, mp3 music players and even cell phones Samsung ed Iphone, today they are vehicles of this music that accompanies us; that expresses our feelings, our joys, fears and even desires. The French scholar Marcel Proust wrote:


"Music is the only example of what could have been said - had it not been for the invention of language, the formation of words, the analysis of ideas - the communication of souls " [The prisoner].


I frankly admit that I have never learned the art of music except when I entered the convent, because since I started the convent life, there was a new experience that I had never experienced in my life. We know and practice many ways of praying, yet for me, the whole new way of praying, entering the Order of Preachers, it was the prayer expressed in the song, especially in Gregorian chant. Not that I had never sung before. On the contrary, when I was in my parish I would rehearse the chants of the mass between guitars, bongos, cymbals and also wanting a little’ organ. But there, my voice, it thinned to hide behind the "professional" singers.


A mid-winter Saturday, we postulants were in church. Silence, loneliness and a lot of concentration. After the rehearsals of the various antiphons and some sequences, the voice begins to fade. We are a bit tired. At this point, however,, before leaving, we approach the statue of the Madonna del Rosario, who with her serene and maternal gaze welcomes pilgrims from the weary daily gait. At that point one of us proposed:


“Why don't we greet you properly?».


Gabriele Giordano Scardocci, o.p. with the tuning fork

That was how they hugged each other, lonely heart and lonely soul, looking at Mary with such affection we sang the ode Hail the queen of the heavens. And I think it was the first time inside me that I was not afraid to be out of tune. It was the first time that I thought like Bach inside myself: Glory to God alone! Until someone commented on someone else smiling:


«He will have appreciated!»


Singing and music, they are therefore a purely human phenomenon; a beautiful and fascinating phenomenon. The Lord, having redeemed all humanity and raised it to a state of grace, he also elevated man's song and music to be a vehicle for prayer; they then become a very special instrument of relationship and intimacy with God. Let's see how …


Since the liturgies of Ancient Israel, the Jewish people celebrate their covenant with God through inspired songs and hymns, an example above all:


"Here are those to whom David entrusted the direction of the chanting in the temple after the ark had found a place. They exercised the office of singers before the Tabernacle of the Tent of Meeting until Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem. In the service they followed the rule set for them " [1].


The first biblical datum is the presence of song also in the Jewish people. This passage emphasizes the presence of official cantors wanted by God while waiting for Solomon to finish the temple in Jerusalem. And from this we therefore propose a first source of reflection: the role of singers fulfills not only a typical instance of man as a thinking and romantic living being. Being a "cantor" is part of the same Ancient Covenant of the Lord in which a circle of good performers of liturgical pieces is foreseen. The celebration of the mystery of God requires, so, an elevation of the soul that burns with the mysterious presence of God. This elevation, it is possible thanks to the medium of music and singing. Here is the first role of singing: to be a vehicle of elevation in the presence of God.


the Gradual Triplex

Already by now we are sure that singing it is that transcendent glider that allows us to unite with God in an outburst of pure love. This is an analysis on which a speech given by the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI in July seems to agree 2015:


"What is music actually? Where does it come from and what it tends towards? I think we can locate three "places" from which the music originates. One of its first sources is the experience of love. When men were seized by love, another dimension of being opened to them, a new magnitude and breadth of reality. And it also prompted us to express ourselves in a new way. Poetry, singing and music in general were born from this being affected, from this opening up of a new dimension of life " [CF. text, WHO].


Let us now consider two New Testament biblical concordances. At the end of the Last Supper, two evangelists focus on a not secondary detail:


"And after singing the hymn, they went out towards the Mount of Olives " [2].


The song that the Apostles and Jesus perform - a typical hymn of the Jewish tradition - here is the prelude to the dramatic events of the Passion of Jesus Christ. But at the same time, the hymn cited by the synoptic Gospels is inserted within the New and Eternal Eucharistic Covenant that God works through the glorious work of Christ, with humanity. The music link, suffering and glory of God, it gets so strong: right in the moment of deep suffering, Jesus sings with the apostles.


We will notice again together with the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI:


"A second origin of music is the experience of sadness, being touched by death, from the pain and from the abysses of existence. Again they hatch, in the opposite direction, new dimensions of reality that can no longer find an answer in speeches alone ". [CF. text, WHO]


Dominican friars in the convent choir

The song performed here it is thus a special sign that he wants to show, with its language composed of sounds, harmonies and melodies, the glory of the God Christ who, suffering, he offers his life for redemption [3].


Here is the second role of singing: it is therefore a means of showing glory to God, tell him a joyful thank you for giving us redemption. It is in this sense that the Supreme Pontiff Francis also recently underlined this role in his recent one Address to the participants in the III international meeting of choirs in the Vatican the 24 November 2018, proposing the theme in a Eucharistic nuance:


"Your music and your song are a true instrument of evangelization to the extent that you are witnesses to the depth of the Word of God that touches people's hearts, and allow a celebration of the sacraments, in particular of the Holy Eucharist, that makes you perceive the beauty of Paradise " [CF. text, WHO].


One last thought that I propose, instead he pushes himself to focus not only on the moment and the redemptive place in which the hymn is performed, but also on who performs it. We said: Jesus together with the apostles. Each apostle performed that hymn with its own key and melody, and at the same time he performed it with all of himself, giving his best to God and thus uniting himself with God. So, with post-Pentecostal language, we will say that the apostles sanctified themselves through singing. And so do we, when we do the same.


The third role of singing, that of being a sign of our sanctification and union with God, leads us to conclude with these words of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI :


"In the end, the third place of origin of music is the encounter with the divine, which from the beginning is part of what defines the human. Even more so that is where there is the totally different and totally great that arouses man new ways to express themselves. Perhaps you can say that actually in the other two areas - love and death - touches us and the divine mystery, in this sense, It is being touched by God that altogether constitute the origin of music ' [CF. text, WHO].


a group of Dominican friars in the Roman basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva

In our Dominican tradition we must never devalue or forget the importance of choral singing. Suffice it to recall the reason why the song of the Hi Regina - and the contemporary procession - by Blessed Jordan of Saxony, who succeeded the leadership of the Order of Preachers after St. Dominic of Guzmàn. Indeed, the Devil continued to torment the friars, and then they joined in the chorus Marian par excellence for themselves under the protective mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is why today more than ever necessary to resume our musical and liturgical tradition. That our hearts like those who cherish the Holy Father Dominic and, from future preachers, we might as well burn the whole world with the Word of God, Celestial Harmony of parallel scenes that form the choir of the Catholic Church.


The singing is stronger and vivid expression of the soul strings, than like a masterfully strummed guitar, he raises his agreements of love to the Lord. The symphony has its key in the Yes we say at the beginning of each of our vocational choices, while the rest of the pentagram suggests it to us Jesus himself. We, which we do instead, for our part we are out of tune instruments and out of tune voices, we do nothing but let ourselves be harpened by him. The elevation of the song then brings us to Heights of Love that until now we had never even thought of touching. When we then go back to earth, we have thus received an inestimable treasure. The higher we go with the singing voice towards God, the more we can penetrate the hearts of men with the preaching voice. It is now that we realize, with our operational charity, the mystery of the Congregating Church. The reverb, which is created when we cross the voices with two different chords as in a song for parallel fifths, it generates a sound effect that literally makes the hearts of those present at Holy Mass explode. It is the reverberation of Glory, the reverberation as a profusion of very strong affection. With the Holy Father Francis I feel instead of concluding:


"The music, so, be an instrument of unity to make the Gospel effective in today's world, through the beauty that still fascinates and makes it possible to believe by trusting in the love of the Father " [CF. text, WHO].


Therefore, as the beautiful Platonic image teaches present in the dialogue Ione : cultivating the liturgical musical tradition means being the rhapsodies of divine love incarnated and alive on earth. It means becoming more and more the voice of God for man.


«sweet Jesus, Jesus love» [St. Caterina da Siena]


Rome, 18 December 2018

III Week of Advent



[1] Cr: 6, 16-17

[2] Mt 26:30; MC 14: 26.

[3] Catechism of the Catholic Church 1156 "The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, that excels among other art expressions, especially the fact that the sacred song, united to the words, It is necessary and integral part of the solemn liturgy " [Conc. ecum. Vat. (II), Holy Council, 112]. The composition and singing of inspired psalms, often accompanied by musical instruments, They are already closely linked to the liturgical celebrations of the Alliance. The Church continues and develops this tradition: Spend some time "to one another in psalms, inside, spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart " (Ef 5,19) [Cf Col 3,16-17]. "He who sings prays twice" [CF. St. Augustine, Commentary on Psalm, 72, 1]. We recall two other documents of the papal magisterium on the subject of music: Musicae Sacred Discipline, Pius XII - encyclical 25 December 1955. Holy music St Paul VI - Education 5 March 1967




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"I am the Lord, who heals you ". The Christian life is a therapeutic process in the light of obedience to the Word

- pastoral care of health -



In veneration of the name of God it is expressed the will of man to experience his saving and healing. That's why both in Ancient Testament it is in the work of Jesus in the Gospel healing is consequent to an obedient listening to the Word that saves


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



PDF print format article



Miracle of healing of the blind man, narrated in the Gospel of John: 9, 1-41

Today there is much talk about healing and methods that lead to the recovery of several evils. It is not uncommon to come across turlupinatori that vaunted skills as healers at the expense of poor patients struggling with serious illnesses and disabling. Then there is also a certain pseudo spiritual world which has a vast arsenal of energy and spirit entities who are summoned to engage in healing and renovations. Those who submit to their influence and authority, ending in a dense tangle that presents a whole series of alternative therapies that are, however, disconnected from the principle of causality and lead with great safety toward a technical system which flows in the magical mentality and superstitious [cf. Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society, 1954; The technical system, 1977].




miracle of the healing of the paralytic at the pool of Bethsaida, narrated in the Gospel of John: 5, 1-18.

For the faithful Christian the situation is very different. Indeed, talk about healing and restoration is nothing but recognize the power of God over the world, then the natural laws that govern it, and express his authority as creator freely exercised for the benefit of all its children:


"Thus says the Lord God: I am the Alpha and the Omega, One who is, who it was and who is, the Almighty!» [cf. AP 1,8]


About this, I want to quote a passage from the book of Exodus that says:


"If you give unto the voice of the Lord, your god, and do what is right in his eyes, and you wilt give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I do not t'infliggerò any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you!» [cf. Is 15,26].


The thing that strikes more in this verse is the name of God that is presented on the basis of a clear therapeutic action of reorganization: "I am the one who heals you!»


The therapeutic interventions of the divine name implies careful listening which leads to a clear path to sanctity. The reference to the diseases attests the consequence of an unhealthy life he repudiated God and broke away from him. God is not only the transcendent, the numinous, the almighty, the existing, but it is he who makes knowable and communicable own broadcasting its name. For he saith to Moses in the burning bush:


"I am who I am!» [cf. Is 3,14].


which is not only the expression indicating a mystery - in the theological sense of the word - but first of all it guarantees a presence that accompanies the People of Israel and that protects from every calamity, and free from all evil [cf. Shall 20,2; Pr 18,8]. It gave, communicating his name, He realizes salvation [cf. Shall 124,8], thus ensuring the health of those who are clothed with this name:


"And he brought forth his people […], among the tribes there was not one feeble " [cf. Shall 105, 37].


But we shy away decisively We need to use the magic of God's name! In the language of Scripture the name has an intimate relationship with reality signified, not only it is used to designate the person but expresses the personality, so we can say that the name manifests the heart, the fate that person is called to accomplish: the name realizes the vocation.


The person of God is inextricably linked to the Alliance sanctioned by the Fathers of the People of Israel. God is above all the god of a people, of a nation that binds him with deep bonds of love and loyalty:


"Say to the Israelites: The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is my name forever; this is the title with which I will be remembered from generation to generation " [ cf. Is. 3,15].


The covenant with the People of Israel that found in Abram, Isaac and Jacob, the privileged interlocutors of a relationship of love and fidelity drive us to understand that only in obedience to God - and thus active in listening to his Word - the Alliance celebrates, salvation materialize and health event becomes a journey of grace that recreates man starting a new relationship with his Lord.


Obedience to the Word and listening to the same - in the fullness of time - they are specified in the incarnation of Jesus Christ, Word made flesh [cf. GV 1,3]. God through the work of the Son, recreates the restoring man in his heart a new covenant [cf. Gives 31,33], no longer based on the weakness of the Fathers of Israel but docile on the will of the Son who becomes obedient and determined the will of the Father unto death, even death on a cross [cf. Fil 2,8].




miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus, narrated in the Gospel of John: 11, 1-45

In the worship of God's name it expresses the will of man to experience his saving and healing. That's why both the Old Testament is the work of Jesus in the Gospel the healing is resulting in an obedient listening to the Word that saves [cf. Shall 81, 12-16].


In his public ministry Jesus proclaims the Kingdom of God, this becomes the favorable moment when the proclaimed Word becomes drug. In fact many of the healings that Jesus did take place in the frame of preaching [cf. MC 1, 29-32; MC 1, 40-45; MC 2,1-12; MC 3, 1-6; Mt 9, 14-31; LC 13, 10-17]. The Word of God - as well as the origin of creation - is generating an order and health condition where the chaos of sin and disobedience have caused human illness and death. In the same way, in the Christian community after Easter, obedience to the Word is underscored by ordering presence of the Holy Spirit that descends with plenty on the apostles at Pentecost and gives them authority in preaching and power of physical and spiritual healing. He says in this regard Cabasilas:


"Who has the gift of […] heal the sick […] it has received from myron " [cf. Nicola Cabasilas, Life in Christ, 3, 2].


Namely: from the sacred oil Chrismal a liturgical sign vehicle and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit conferred the sacred ministers. By virtue of sacred ordination and intimate conformity with Christ, Pastors of the Church not only consist of authoritative teachers of the faith but also medical experts with the duty to care for the sick sheep of his flock [cf. This 34,4].


The post Easter apostolic community is charismatic community in the full sense of the word as proclaimed in preaching God works salvation in the risen Christ [cf. At 3] confirmation with the charisma of healing the new ecclesial community mission illuminated by grace, obedient to the Word and always renewed by the action of the Holy Spirit vivifying [cf At 2, 42 ss]. The church, therefore, Mindful of this history of salvation is called every day to preach and to heal.


This speech we find faced by the Fathers of the Church with the theological concept of recast ontological, that is, of that transformation of the whole man through the action of divine grace which takes place - as with the Virgin Mary - in a heart obedient and available to the action of the Holy Spirit.


The theological virtues that the Spirit of God instills in us in baptism, perform a continuous and progressive recovery of our humanity: Faith heals us because it frees man from the anguish of existence becoming confident [cf. John Chrysostom, Homily in 1 TM. 1,2,3; and Augustine, Enarrationes in Psalmos, 118,18,3]; hope heals us the anxiety of death and anticipates a destiny of immortality in view of the resurrection of the body at work within us in the sacramental signs; charity is the great medicine offered by Christ, who heals all evil and all pain [cf. Barsanufio in Gaza, Letter 62].




miracle of healing the only son of a widow, narrated in the Gospel of Luke: 7, 11-17.

The question that opens this paragraph III appears almost obvious, but it is not so. First, since being a question present in the Gospel we can not dismiss it as simple and banal. It is pronounced, almost like whipped, by Jesus himself in regard to the sick man at the Pool of Bethesda [cf. GV 5,6]. Finally, because this application is intended to check the actual desire to heal the sick, leaving to work in his person the grace of the Holy Spirit.


In the Gospel we see how many times Jesus asks the sick on the desire of wanting to be a collaborator with God in his recovery. This question basically seeks faith: "Do you think this?» [cf. GV 11,25]; "Your faith has healed you saved ..." [cf. Mt 9,22; Mt 15,28; MC 5,34; MC 10,52; LC 18,42]. Having faith in the biblical man basically means believing in God's faithfulness. The very advent of the Messiah is preceded by promises in which God demonstrates his credibility by definitively realizing what he had announced in different ways through the times through the prophets.


The therapeutic healing journey, we see narrated by the evangelists, and that is still valid for us today, It is possible through three steps: the first, It is the acceptance of one's personal situation - infirmity or sin - in the light of God's saving plan [cf. LC 7,36-50; LC 18,13; LC 18,39]. The second one, is the unlimited confidence in divine grace and the will to cooperate with it [cf. Mt 8,5-13; Mt 15,21-28]. The third, It is the real desire of conversion and final break with sin in all areas of their lives [cf. GV 4,16-19.29; 5,14; 8,11].


The path that leads to healing can then be slower or faster, instant or in stages [cf. MC 8,22-26; LC 17,11-19] but what defines it is always the invalid obedience to the Word proclaimed and taught that becomes fertile ground into which arises a new existence healed. Since man is a complex being, its recovery is always twofold: Jesus healing the body heals the soul and forgiving sin restores vigor to the body [cf. MC 2,1-12].




miracle the healing of the centurion's servant, narrated in the Gospel of Luke: 7, 1-10

The man became obedient to the Word and that was it restored it is ready to be an apostle of the Kingdom, that the works of God to be proclaimed to the whole world. Take for example this Gospel passage:


"Then he made his way through towns and villages, preaching and proclaiming the good news of God's kingdom. With him went the Twelve and some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities,: Maria, called Magdalene, out of whom went seven demons; Giovanna, wife of Cuza, Director of Herod; Susanna and many other, who served them with their property [cf. LC 8, 1-3].


Healing restores man because it will become the witness of the Kingdom and for humanity it realizes that there is a God who keeps promises. Consapevolizzarsi in this context is crucial, because the Christological event assumes all the concreteness of real life. It is one thing to follow a beautiful and captivating philosophical doctrine, Another is to give themselves an ideology that is considered successful, more is to witness with their own lives and their own wounds that Christ broke into my daily life has turned me touching my physical and spiritual fragility.


As we have seen with the help of the Fathers of the Church, We are witnessing a transformation of being human that has no equal. The sequel of Jesus - also including the apostolic community - is substantially composed of disciples healed, by injured people who have been made grace and who have found the strength to proclaim the joy of healing: "We’ in your home, from yours, tells them what the Lord has done to you and the mercy he had for you " [cf. Mc 5,19ss]. Only the generosity of the Word and the teaching of Christ can enable the gratitude that is expressed in the gift of self to the Lord.


The man given to God, as well as he understands well the Blessed Apostle Peter, He is able to love even with weakness, imperfection and infirmity [cf. Gv 21,15ss], and if some seemingly appear as partial healings, they refer to the great eschatological healing that will come at the end of time, because only there, in Paradiso, Health and holiness coincide in the mystery of Christ crucified and risen.


Cagliari, 17 December 2018

III Week of Advent


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