"Repetita iuvant" - Because the Virgin Mary did not ask for the euthanasia of Jesus Christ on the cross?



Editors of The Island of Patmos

The famous Latin motto needing help it means: repeated things help. For this reason we propose again after two years an article published by Father Ariel il 26 September 2019. Article in front of which no one denies that the Author knows how to be very hard and severe, combining harshness with sarcasm and irony to accentuate certain very delicate themes or, as in this case, dramatic. His references, in this article from two years ago, they are aimed at a government that no longer exists and at figures who have now resigned from their office, starting with the President of the Council of Ministers Giuseppe Conte. The substance however remains the same e, perhaps, today we understand when Father Ariel's harshness was anything but exaggerated or unjustified, always the proof of facts not subject to easy refutation …




- ecclesial news -



While in Italy he won the satanic culture of death, seguitino also ran after the Supreme modern dogma of the migrant, Cardinals Pietro Parolin and Gualtiero Bassetti, now flirting with the world, Now with the prodigy children of Villa Nazareth head-modernist late Cardinal Achille Silvestrini. But we are there, kneeling in the best place, under the cross of Christ, from which it does not drip death, but the blood that has redeemed us. And all these people, Red political color or red cardinal, We do not really scared, the shadow of the cross of Christ God.




Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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The Supreme Pontiff and the Head of the Italian Giuseppe Conte Government, private meeting after the funeral of Cardinal Achille Silvestrini

Today the Constitutional Court He said the article illegitimate 580 of the Criminal Code [cf. WHO] who punishes the instigation or assisted suicide, and for which they provided penalties between 5 e i 12 years in prison. The Supreme Court was asked to rule on the issue by the Assize Court of Milan as part of the process in which the defendant a famous Trojan Horse: the leader of the Radical Party, Marco Cappato, involved in assisted suicide Fabiano Antoniani, known to the public as Dj Fabo [cf. WHO]. In this way the Supreme Court has opened a door to the possibility of helping a person to die, declaring lawful the entrance of the Trojan Horse, and decreeing that a rule that punishes assisted suicide but that does not take into account the situation of those suffering from unsustainably, is to be considered unconstitutional. So, starting today, the Supreme Court ruled in its judgment the "right to die" by stating at the same time:


"Whoever facilitates the execution of the intention to commit suicide is not punishable, independently and freely formed of a patient kept alive by life-sustaining treatments and suffering from a fatal disease, source of physical and psychological suffering that he considers intolerable, but fully able to make free and informed decisions ".


At this point the legislature will have to intervene with a special law, namely that very government headed by Professor Giuseppe Conte as supported by the Holy See and the Italian Episcopal Conference. In this, as in other cases, he put his mind at rest good Catholics faithful, because both from the Holy See and from the Italian Episcopal Conference you will not hear the dignified and humble lament: "Pardon, we were wrong". Because the logic of the worst pride, which it is the clerical arrogance, work on the basis of this principle that in itself obviously has the blasphemy: the Divine Father and the Divine Son, they can also make mistakes in advancing the Divine Holy Spirit, but the Holy See and the Episcopal Conference Italian no, They can not go wrong assessment and judgment, May!


While a Government also formed by members of the most furious radical left It is preparing to toast the passing of the law on euthanasia masked by "extreme case", The Supreme Constitutional Court has opened all the tracks by subjecting the non-punishment:


«[…] to compliance with the procedures prescribed by law on informed consent, on palliative care and continuous deep sedation (articles 1 e 2 of the law 219/2017) and to verify whether the required conditions of the Implementing Rules by a public structure of the National Health Service, After consulting the competent local ethics committee […] the identification of these specific conditions and procedural arrangements, taken from existing standards law, It was necessary to prevent risk of abuse against people especially vulnerable, as he had already pointed out in its previous order 207 the 2018. Compared to pipelines already realized, the judge will evaluate the existence of conditions substantially equivalent to those indicated ».


At the hearing It was attended by Marco Cappato and Dj Fabo companion, with them even Mina, the widow of Piergiorgio Welby, d. 2006 after his request had been disconnected the respirator that kept him alive. All have publicly exulted, as if death were a victory. From your hand Marco Cappato reiterated by appealing to nothing less than a moral duty: "I helped Fabiano because I considered it my moral duty" [cf. WHO]. To follow to rejoice with Twitter: "Victory of civil disobedience; now all more free, even those who disagreed '.


These words sound like blasphemies the ears of any Christian spirit during the Easter memory relives the mystery of Christ, who conquered death by his resurrection, to which we are made partakers. Today instead, from a worthy product of that Mephistophelian party known as the Radical Party, we have to hear that the achievement is rather death, with a lot of reference to "moral duties". These comments of jubilation were followed by those of the Senator of the Democratic Party Monica Cirinnà, on which we fly over, because in the words of Marco Cappato we said just about everything. Only one thing we can add: before our eyes apathetic and powerless Catholic citizens, all of them equipped with ballot, but most of all beneficiaries of the constitutional rights of freedom of thought, speech and expression, that no one can certainly revocarci as Catholics, we witnessed the painful rendition of an Italian Church now fossilized in sclerotic obsessively only on migrants, while in our country we have now entered the Trojan Horse of the culture of death: assisted suicide.


Equally important would be the perfect note repetition what has already occurred at the time in 1978 the referendum on the legalization of abortion: the supporters of certain laws, aiming variously to touch the life of the heart - as if it were a disposable good in the hands of voters, Lawmakers and doctors - their struggles unleashed the increasingly relying on borderline cases, indeed on very rare occasions. Playing on them before they go to hit the collective emotion, then perform a subversion of the fundamental laws by reversing the same legal logic: transform the exception - often rare but extremely rare - as a general rule. Let me be clear: The law takes into account always the existence and possible rare exception livelihood, but at the moment in which it, subject to manipulation, It ends up transformed into a general rule, at that point we are before the actual legal and legislative aberration.


If anything, many do not realized it, it should be clear that we are only at the beginning of the process of radical evil and dehumanizing. The Trojan Horse was in fact just introduced, soldiers still have not come from her womb, but soon they will manifest out. Then, in a future far at all, thanks to the exponents of those present parties shouting at each trifle the fascist e to the Nazi, we will find ourselves in a society in this free and democratic point to embarrass the Third Reich Nazi, but especially Dr. Josef Mengele. And tomorrow, the most exquisite accordance with the law and without any consent from interested parties or their family members, perhaps seriously ill people will be killed if they remain alive without any possibility of cure and healing, young or old alike, will not burden the state budget and the National Health Service. Also because our population, growing old and birth rates to below zero for four decades, will soon find out that the much-welcomed and unwanted migrants, They will not be at all in our country for us to change diapers, nor bid us emptying bedpans and parrots, nor to hold and pay with their work, with their taxes and their contributions to our pension system for the future collapse together with the National Health Service.


If we did not live obsessed by political correctness, we should know that the majority of young Africans who emigrate to our country, mostly come from countries where the males have never shined neither desire nor ability to work. This for a purely anthropological and cultural discourse: in the company of some African countries to work are women, not men. For their part, our law enforcement agencies and the judicial files that overflow for certain specific crimes in our courts, show that when these anthropologically and culturally idle males are put to work, often they create companies of this kind: take wives and daughters and bring them into prostitution in our streets. How many, but above all how numerous are the husbands and fathers originally from Nigeria who have been repeatedly arrested for exploitation of prostitution, in particular of that child? Yet in his time, that "great scientist" Senator Laura Boldrini, had the audacity to say that if we had not welcomed migrants, tomorrow we would not have had anyone from old diapers he changed us (!?). Soon said: or this senator has traded young Nigerian Muslim-nothing, with a proven propensity for violence and crime, for the hardworking Filipino Catholics, notoriously hard-working and very respectful to the elderly and sick, or was he acting on their own set of a science fiction movie, as for years they tend to make the leaders of the Democratic Party. But there is also a third possibility: perhaps the Senator does not know its uses, customs and habits of some populations of the African continent, however, those that produce the highest migration flows and at the same time the highest number of crimes committed, once you arrive in Europe. That said it noted: to say such things, I'm not after having played the role of so-called racist, Fascist and Nazi, but they are the facts and legal documents. It would be enough to tour in various European countries to find out instantly that even the diligent, disciplined and rigorous police of the Federal Republic of Germany, He manages to hold off certain gangs of violent criminals, mostly from Nigeria.


As we said poc'anzi it is no mystery that the current government was brazenly supported by the Holy See and the Italian Episcopal Conference which entered the electoral campaign for the European elections of the 26 May 2019. And this government is the Prime Minister Professor Giuseppe Conte, a child prodigy grew up at Villa Nazareth in Rome, among her skirts at all mourned Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, Modernist in the round and prominent member of the so-called cardinal Mafia St. Gallen. For ecclesial modesty and love of country many of us have chosen to be silent, but those who know certain characters and the way they act, It included instantly, in the days of the government crisis that began in mid-August, the famous speech aimed primarily to the attack Interior Minister, Senator Matteo Salvini, Professor Giuseppe Conte [cf. WHO], It was written mostly between the Secretariat of State and Villa Nazareth, located in Rome Via della Pineta Sacchetti, pleasant place where, however, it is much easier to meet and spend time conversing in a completely confidential to Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of His Holiness.


Great fear was shown for the populist Matteo Salvini, while the Catholic press "of" regime discoursed on inappropriate performance by the rosary and its references to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary, almost as if they were authentic blasphemies. We are taking apart then on Tweet and inappropriate jokes in which he has experimented Father Antonio Spadaro, now that ranges between The master's voice e the voice of unconsciousness. Now, these same people, They will gather to collect the fruits they have sown and soon, their child prodigy of Villa Nazareth will have to open with his own hands the belly of the Trojan Horse introduced into our city. These are the facts and the results of a Holy See and an Italian Episcopal Conference that irritated by the rosary crowns and by the populist references to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary, It started flirting with the fringes of the radical Left, of which we know always the various instances: l'euthanasia, the abolition of the objection of conscience for doctors who do not want to perform abortions, marriage between same-sex couples, being granted the adoption of children, lawfulness of the uterus for rent, the imposition of education gender in primary schools and so to follow ... But, we repeat again: the problem was the rosary crowns and the invocations addressed to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary by that populist Senator Matteo Salvini.


I fear however that, unfortunately, the big problem It consists of chameleons professionals as the current President of the Italian Episcopal Conference, Cardinal Gualtieri Bassetti, that some decades ago, Florentine priest who was, climbed the pulpit in pre-election periods and invited to vote for the Christian Democrats, would cost even hold their nose to smell the. Today, walking towards the eightieth, we see him reduced to smiling at a supporter of the culture of death like Senator Emma Bonino, already previously counted among the figures of the great Italian for the august mouth of the happily reigning Pope [cf. WHO, WHO]. What else to say: … Ah, when I would have preferred, instead of Gualtiero Bassetti, the salvation of my soul and Heaven, a cardinal conquered after missing for a lifetime from a cart to another!


I am aware that we priests and theologians not yet sold to the Prince of this world we turn to a secularized and de-Christianized world that no longer understands either our language or the sentiments and evangelical foundations that animate it. Add to this more and worse: we find ourselves even be ostracized and persecuted in the same church where today, including a shot of mercy and a collegial collegiality blow, we are now reduced - as I have often said - to the Cambodian regime of Pol Pot.


To understand the terrible mystery of death, of the disease, of physical decay, of pain and suffering, you must start from far away: the creation of the world and of man. The dead, indicated by many as "natural element" and "inevitable" cycle of life, in addition to being quite natural, It is actually about as unnatural to exist. God did not create mortal man, it created immortal. It gave, giver of perfect and eternal life, the mystery of creation has not conceived neither pain nor suffering, or physical decay or disease. The dead, with all its consequences, enters the world stage when the man, benefiting from the freedom and the free will given to him by God, He decides to rebel against his Creator. It is then that that element enters the world scene completely unnatural that is death, Consequently a sin which has altered the creation itself. This is referred to as Original Sin; a pity that none of us has committed, but that all together we inherited a corrupt nature originally from this same sin.


This is our faith, which starts from the mystery of creation. A faith that gives us believers a completely different perception of death and pain, an element sometimes more unwelcome, and a source of even greater suffering, when it afflicts us, but it strikes through illness of our loved ones and beloved.


In a society that together with Christian principles refuses physical decay, illness and death itself, more than difficult it can sometimes be almost impossible to talk to the men of this world of that great element is education that is saving you the pain. Topic treated by the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II in his memorable Apostolic Letter dedicated to the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering [CF. Saving pain, full text, WHO].


In a society that together with Christian principles refuses physical decay, illness and death itself, more than difficult it can sometimes be almost impossible to talk to the people of this world the mystery of the Cross, which it is primarily unspeakable suffering. Indeed, If a specialist in forensic medicine and a specialist in anatomical pathology is mettessero to explain to the general public who are both pain, both the physical consequences for a death caused by torture of crucifixion - not surprisingly called the Roman Criminal Law An extraordinary penalty, namely the the greatest punishment ―, perhaps many would not stand up to detailed descriptions.


but yet, under the cross ... Mother stood beside the cross weeping, While her Son [was the grieving mother in tears, under the cross, on which hung his Son]. And the Mother of Sorrows, before the suffering child dying, He not pleaded any centurion to end the torment with a "merciful" spear. Because the Blessed Virgin Mary, as stated in the prayer of St Bernard to the Virgin reported by Dante in Canto XXXIII of Paradise, He was "Daughter of your Son, humble and high beyond, Fixed term of the eternal counsel '. Just so: Daughter was the Son of God, she was not a daughter of Satan like that soul of poor Marco Cappato - except for his sincere and profound repentance -, worthy son of politician Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino, the great Italian, which today celebrates the conquest of death, introduced to the world by the Devil, certainly not from God.


While in Italy the satanic culture of death risks overcoming, continue to run after the supreme modern dogma of migrant, some of our High Prelates, now flirting with the world, now with certain child prodigies of the late Cardinal Achille Silvestrini from Villa Nazareth. But we are there, kneeling in the best place, under the cross of Christ, from which it does not drip death, but the blood that has redeemed us. And all these people, Red political color or red cardinal, We do not really scared, the shadow of the cross of Christ God, it is they who must fear, even more than tomorrow, the eternal that awaits them.


the Island of Patmos, 26 September 2019







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9 replies
  1. Letters to the Editor
    Letters to the Editor says:

    She turns me to her, father ariel, and to father Ivano in whose article the comments are closed.
    I am a practicing Catholic, I have always been involved in charitable activities, and I followed the boys for years in preparation for confirmation, and no one can stop me from being in favor of euthanasia in truly extreme cases, when a painless death is the only remedy for humanly unbearable pain.
    In your articles on the subject, unlike the much softer father Gabriele, I notice a hardness, I don't mean ruthless, I mean a lot of hardness.
    Maybe you've never seen a grandfather's for months 91 years infirm on a bed reduced to 37 kilograms of weight, as I have seen.
    I think that would have you a little’ softened, said, the whole, with true and sincere respect for your opinions.

    Luca Mingacci

    • father ariel
      father ariel says:

      Dear Luca,

      when the experience of two presbyters is unknown, there is the risk of resorting to unfortunate examples, for example this:

      “Perhaps you have never seen a grandfather of for months 91 years infirm on a bed reduced to 37 kilograms of weight, as I have seen. I think that would have softened you up a bit, said, the whole, with true and sincere respect for your opinions ".

      A statement that deserves this answer: his grandfather, a 91 year old, it was not torn from the loving breast of the nurse who nursed it, because having lived up to that age is already in itself a grace of God. Grace that was not reserved for my father, died from an undiagnosed tumor in time a 56 year old, nor to the uncles of my Roman paternal family, dead among the 55 e i 58 year old. And once the parents are dead, their four children were not spared, of which only one survived, the others died between the ages of i 42 e i 52 year old.

      This is for my paternal family, which in fact I no longer have, unlike my Tuscan maternal family, formed by particularly long-lived subjects.

      Incidentally – and without violating its confidentiality – I can tell you that my brother Father Ivano lost his mother and then his father before they could reach the threshold of seniority. But since she caters to both of them, it will be my brother's concern to answer the questions you have asked, I can't do it for him.

      Our ideas are not harsh, but I'm a simple one, faithful and truthful announcement of what the Magisterium of the Church is in terms of euthanasia, practice definitely condemned without appeal and possible recourse to borderline cases by Catholic doctrine and morals, because life is not an available good and man is not its master.

      While she, with ideas in profound contrast with Catholic doctrine he taught catechism to young people who were preparing for confirmation, Father Ivano lived day and night in the wards of a large hospital where for years he carried out the precious ministry of hospital chaplain. While, as far as I'm concerned, I have always dedicated a lot of time and pastoral care to the elderly, cancer patients of all ages and dying, administering hundreds of anointings of the sick during my years of sacred ministry. None of them, young or old, did he ever tell me he wished for death, they asked me for comfort and help to accept it, knowing that I must die. My book Nada s security, theological meditation on martyrdom written in the form of a historical novel, was dedicated to the memory of a young mother who died in her forties leaving a little girl of 10 years and a husband in love, I administered the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to her twice. He died smiling, without ever having invoked death, because she is now terminally ill.

      It is therefore not us, men of faith, to have to soften in our sacred respect for life, Mr. Marco Cappato should soften up, asking for signatures for death at banquets set up all over Italy, where unfortunately they rush to sign the “Catholics” as she.

      He treasures the warning contained in the Apocalypse of the Blessed Apostle John:

      “You are neither cold nor hot. I would thou wert cold or hot! But because you are lukewarm, that is, you are neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of my mouth " (AP 3, 15-16)


      If he was unable to comment under Father Ivano's article, it is only because later 10 days comments on articles are closed.

    • Father Ivano
      Father Ivano says:

      Gentile Luca Mingacci,

      I respond with pleasure to your request since I have been called into question.

      You define yourself as a practicing Catholic, active in charity and tells us that for years he followed young people in preparation for confirmation. but yet, like so many Catholics and catechists of today, he does not hesitate to say things that are against Catholic feeling and that should not dwell in the heart of a believer, disciple of Christ God of life. And believe me, I say this without the slightest judgment about her person but only based on what she is, as a mature and responsible man, stated as a "believer in favor of euthanasia".

      I can tell you right away that I see a strong dissociation in your thinking as it is exposed, as catholicity is given by respect for and by the observance of an obedience which is that of a professed faith, prayed and lived and that by the teaching of Christ, it is transmitted to the Apostles up to the last Pontiff. This clarification is essential to understand that the Christian faithful are obliged to always keep, even in their way of acting, communion with the Church (See. Can. 209 CIC) so that we can observe with Christian obedience what the sacred Pastors, as representatives of Christ, they declare as teachers of the faith or dispose as heads of the Church (See. Can. 212 CIC).

      And just as a teacher of faith that, on euthanasia, the Church has expressed itself very clearly and explicitly with very precise documents that I will mention expressly in my next article and which are easy to find on the official website of the Holy See.

      This reasoning of mine is aimed at making you understand that expressions such as "no one can prevent me from being in favor of euthanasia" are not only not Christian and Catholic but not even human. They are just the fruit of a person confused in faith or who has probably suffered a lot from the loss of a loved one, yielding to the illusion that euthanasia is the last resort on which to leave all pain.

      The harshness you accuse in my articles is not mine but the same harshness reproached to Jesus by those who claimed to be his disciples: “This language is harsh; who can understand it?» (See. GV 6,60. And we know that Christ's language becomes harsh whenever we turn away from him, so it is with the Church that it becomes hard when we actually put ourselves outside of it.

      Finally, allow me a personal reference. I am an only child and have lost both parents (65 e 68 year old) for inoperable tumors within four years (2013 e 2017). I lived through the hospital ordeal with them, dell 'hospice, of agony, of the loss of consciousness when they no longer recognized me, cause of evil, like their son. As a priest I assisted them spiritually and made them die in a Christian way and with health workers I collaborated to ensure that their dignity was maintained until the end, until they were there when their soul left this world. In those moments I was able to touch firsthand the presence of the Father who by remaining silent was present as in Golgotha ​​next to his Son and never, ever I could have thought that euthanasia could have been a more just and merciful remedy for those who had me. gave their lives and had consumed theirs for me.

      The greeting, sincerely.

    • Marian
      Marian says:

      “I am a practicing Catholic, I have always been involved in charitable activities, and I followed the boys for years in preparation for confirmation […]».

      So, who better than you would be able to explain the meaning of the words to us in depth: “If anyone wants to come after me, take your Cross and follow me "?
      In your considerations, Luca, pur se “veiled”, one senses the possibility that everyone can choose or even refuse their own “Croce”. Silent relief in so many centuries of reading and learning of Christian history or, perhaps, it's another story?


  2. Orenzo
    Orenzo says:

    Agony is the last chance that the Father's Love offers us to free us from the fire of hell, to shorten or even cancel our stay in Purgatory and immediately welcome us with Him in Paradise.
    Satan unleashed his acolytes to nullify this last possibility that the Father's Love gives us at the end of our life on earth and thus let as many souls as possible into hell.

  3. Letters to the Editor
    Letters to the Editor says:

    He didn't ask (N.d.R euthanasia) because Christ freely offered himself to his passion. As the liturgy points out. E’ that is the added value. There was no legal obligation.

    Roberto Gheminga

  4. Letters to the Editor
    Letters to the Editor says:

    Thank you Father Ariel for this article which I fully agree with.
    What you have written are my thoughts for some time and, only a great love for Jesus made sure that I did not stray from the faith.

    Miranda Baccini

  5. Letters to the Editor
    Letters to the Editor says:

    Dear Father Ariel,

    what I have always found terrible are not the terrible things you write sometimes, I find that some terrible (and I speak of our good clergy) find it terrible that someone, Comets, dare you say such terrible truths that one used to keep silent from the first days of the seminary …


    Don Savio

  6. Letters to the Editor
    Letters to the Editor says:

    Saint Bernard says it magnificently when he writes that God the Father did not like the death of his Son but the free will to choose it for love of us and His..

    Rita Parsi

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