The challenge of Islam to Europe is not played on pleasantries dialogues but on the whole problem of God

Father Giovanni



The Koranic theology does not lack in outlining the attributes of the One God, as recognized by the Council itself, even if it is silent on a vision voluntary e fatalist, which it was taken over instead by the former Pope's address in his famous Lectio Magistralis University of Regensburg, and that is at the root of the taxation method and violent in which the habitually Islam spreads the message Koranic.



Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP



«I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, also you know my Father: from now on you know him and have seen him ".

[GV 14, 6-7]


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false prophet

"And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many; because iniquity shall abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end, It shall be saved " [Mt 24, 11-13]

Today the attempt Islamic expansionism in Europe in the name of the Koran you are faced with a Europe that is no longer Christian and indeed is characterized by strong atheist or agnostic tendencies, while the Christian world is suffering from a decline, a weakening [1] or a relativization of religious beliefs; the moral conduct of many often deviates from the principles of the Church and the Gospel and sometimes from those of sound natural reason themselves. You are the praise of a faith that, instead of looking for the certainty, cultivates the doubt [2], believing in what you are qualified to dialogue with atheists. Who believes he can say with firmness, clarity and without hesitation one's faith in front of an unbeliever opposing his error, It is considered a violent and fundamentalist, while it is considered "open" and "friendly" are silent, misleads the speech or says their faith, however, even if the opposite view an infidel. The modernists compare the attitude of the first type of Catholics to that of Muslims. Incidentally: to me once a confrere, whose name I will not, He gave the "Taliban". Not to mention the Dominicans who despise metaphysics …


The Church in Europe is having to cope with many hostile forces. From outside comes a twofold pressure, a double vise: one part, the pressure of skeptical tendencies, atee, agnostic and materialistic; on the other, the penetration in place for many years on the territory of various countries, especially Germany, France and Belgium, of millions of Muslims, who do not convert to Christianity at all, but jealously preserve and ostentatiously, for example with their public prayer, with their mosques and educational and cultural centers, their beliefs and practices Koranic, without hiding their intent to become a dominant political force.


Inside the church, then, and act as a fifty painful division between Lefebvre and modernists, that disturbs and confuses the entire ecclesial body, without the Holy See and the bishops are able to do justice deviations, in a dialogue with each other contenders, and make peace between the two factions, each of which would, in truth, good sides to complement each other. Except that instead each absolutizes its partial view but not both, so that the agreement so far proved impossible.


Entering the case of the problem of the relationship with Islam, both Lefebvre, the modernists reject the idea of ​​an evangelization of Muslims; the first by the fact that, Mindful of the innumerable attempts and indeed of the many violence suffered by Christians in past centuries by Muslims, judge the desperate quest; seconds, because they believe the universality and necessity of the Gospel for the salvation, why they consider that it is good to let the Muslims in their faith, in the belief that to be saved with it.


To this they are associated with two opposite judgments on Islam. Lefebvrians and modernists reject the Muslims' imposing and violent method of spreading their creed. The Lefebvrians, But, taking into account the attitude of Christ, recognize as right thing threatening eternal punishment to those who do not believe in God, while the modernists reject the idea of ​​a divine punishment because they feel that all may be saved.


The Lefebvrians not accept the positive opinion expressed by the Second Vatican Council [3], in particular that Christians and Muslims both worship the one true God, creator of heaven and earth, just and merciful. believe that, in the case of Islam, whether it is a he gave false the fact that Muslims do not recognize the dogma of the Trinity and the Incarnation, and even combat them.


The modernists instead accept the judgment of the council, but it does not give importance to the fact that Muslims do not accept those two dogmas, to which the Council, Islam in the dedicated document, does not mention. This indifference of modernists in respect of those dogmas is given by the fact that they themselves, because of their dogmatic relativism, do not consider them necessary for salvation, besides the fact that they do not conceive in the orthodox way. The Lefebvrians, on the contrary, attach great importance to the orthodox view of those dogmas and know that faith in them is necessary for salvation, at least as an implicit faith.


If the modernists in pursuit of a secularized modernity, are relativists in terms of dogma and religion, the Lefebvrians, at the opposite, nostalgic of a sacred Christian, find it hard to appreciate the values ​​of other religions, They see them only as a mass of superstitions to be deleted. For the first Islam must be fought. For the latter to be "integrated".


Now, when we say Europe, clearly, we mean not only the European Church. Until the eighteenth century, with the French Revolution, It could say that Europe coincided with the European Christianity, though it was already divided by 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia between Catholics and Protestants. But with the French Revolution, the European Church does not chair more like in the Middle Ages at the helm of the Member, but shares with the new secular states - then especially constitutional monarchies - the leadership of the European peoples, as citizens and as Christians for States for the Catholic and Protestant Churches.


Thus the Islamic challenge to Europe's challenge to the Church and civil society. The church, to adequately address this challenge, It must make the contrast between modernists and Lefebvre so primarily to pacify inside. And then we need to see where and how much, in this confrontation with Islam, secular forces are allied to us Catholics and where they can be an obstacle or at least show incomprehension.


Among the secular forces there are theistic or deistic, as for example the liberal, Republicans and Masons, of the Enlightenment. There are agnostic, as phenomenalists and empiricists. There is the wide area Marxist atheism, Freudian and positivist, not as acrimonious as before and yet a substantial and dangerous reality, responsible for wide popular diffusion of permissiveness, hedonism and materialism. There are small areas of intellectual phenomenologists, idealists, pantheists and gnostics.


Christians and Muslims are certain of God's existence, even if different is the shape of this certainty: reasoned, the first, fideistica the second. Problem is for us Catholics a possible alliance with the least religious fringes of or even atheistic secular world. People tend to feel on this point of faith in God closer to Islam than to the secular world, especially if an atheist [4]. Moreover, another undeniable point of convergence between the Gospel and the Koran and confrontation with humanism land, atheists a pantheist, is the conception we have in common man, composed of soul and body, created by God, but the sinner, object of divine mercy, done for him, yet able to reject Him by free will by disobeying his commands and refusing to worship Him, swell with pride and with deify himself and condemning themselves to hell and then automatically. For the Gospel as the Koran the man who submits to God awaits the resurrection to eternal life at the last day of earth's history with the return of Christ.


Not minor the issue of Christian dogma. Of all the religious forces in Europe, only Christian ones, catholic, Orthodox and Protestant, They bear witness to the faith in the Trinitarian mystery and the Incarnation, which in fact constitute the center, the fulcrum and the characteristic peak of Christian religion. The Church has to proclaim and defend itself these fundamental truths of Christianity in Europe is already a Christian time, but now it is influenced by many more or less distant from Christianity doctrines, if not even opposed, and some are contrary to that religion in general.


The really effective brake on Islamic in Europe not so much the secular forces, political or other religions, some of which, though close to Christianity as Judaism, do not accept these two dogmas. The decisive brake is the Church, precisely because of the invincible force, Data that Part, with which it removes the pernicious and harmful to Islam poison of centuries hostile and obstinate denial of those sums and divine saving truths for all of humanity, as demonstrated by the whole history of Christianity.


This seemingly insurmountable obstacle to the spread of Christianity in the Arab countries and the Middle East, going on for centuries, and indeed the advancement of Islam not only religious but also political, in various parts of the world is a great mystery, if we think of Christ's command to evangelize all peoples and to the countless peoples, also fiercely barbarians and pagans, that during these two thousand years have ended with the welcome and still accept the Christian faith.


The Koranic theology does not lack in outlining the attributes of the One God, as recognized by the Council itself, even if it is silent on a proactive vision and fatalistic, which it was taken over instead by the former Pope's address in his famous Lectio Magistralis University of Regensburg [cf. WHO], and that is at the root of the taxation method and violent with which Islam habitually spreads the message Koranic. Instead, what is incomprehensible and perhaps inexcusable is like after fourteen centuries that Christian theologians have clarified and proved that the Triune God Christian is the same One God worshiped by Muslims and Jews, even the faithful of Islam oppose the Trinitarian doctrine of the Incarnation and the same coarse objections of the Koran.


The Christian God is not "another God", as some say, than Koranic. It is the same one God, with the difference that, as Christians, we know it better [as a Trinitarian] thanks to the revelation made by Christ, while Muslims have strayed from the mistakes of the Quran. The name "Allah" is the same Hebrew root of The, which means "God".


I'm sorry to have to contradict in what even the wise observations of Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, stating that it is not true that the Koran would present a concept of humanity "different" from our. Instead, it is the same concept of "man" [animal rationale] tract by natural reason. The difference is that we Christians propose an ideal man "son of God" in Christ, something that can only be deemed impossible Islamic humanism because of the fact that, denying that Jesus is the Son of God, It is consequently apparent that the man can not be a "son of God".


But the Church can not and must not give up even announce to Muslims the truth about Christ and the Holy Trinity. Why Muslims should be an exception? They are exempt or exempt from believing in Christ? They do not have sufficient intelligence? They are not rational beings like everyone else? Their mindset It is not suitable? They are saved with the Quran? But why then they want to impose on the whole world? Mohammed has perhaps had a mandate from God is more credible than that of Christ? They have come to Christ the most diverse peoples, the more uncouth, the barbarians, the superstitious, the most uncivilized. And there should or could have access to Christ the Muslim populations? For what reason?


Christ was no exception to anyone. Even they can not be saved unless thanks to Christ. similar case is that of the Jews, which indeed six centuries before the Qur'an reject the divinity of Christ, her behalf del monotheism. But at least the Jews in the Old Testament, while Muslims have the Koran, containing an assurance from God of his revelation to Muhammad: a collection among other unconnected and uncoordinated short chapters, with theological teachings, moral admonitions and warnings, often mixed with exemplary stories from the Old Testament [the Sure], reminders and reprimands made to Jews and Christians, with many repetitions, and the addition of improbable legends and mythological characters.


Insistent and peremptory in the Koran is the claim that there is only one God, "Creator, wise, clemente, Almighty, Provident, right, merciful and rewarder ", with the caveat that you must not associate other gods and is therefore a sign of blasphemy and polytheism think that he has a son, God to equal Him, obvious reference to the Christian belief in the divinity of Christ, for which, however,, "The son of Mary ', the Koran also words of praise. But the eschatological prophet is Muhammad.


The Koranic opposition to the deity of Christ It is expressed in very simple terms, However that transparently reveal the terrible misunderstanding. Muhammad did not conceive of the generation except in biological terms, so from his point of view he is absolutely right when he says that God can not have a child, and because He is pure Spirit and is why admitting a God son would mean to admit another God ["Son"] next to God "the Father", which would fall into polytheism.


Mohammed does not include that the generation in God must be understood in an analogical sense as an emanation spiritual, as Jesus said to be "released" from the Father, as the thought emanating from the intellect, precisely because Christ is the Thought, the Logos of the father. this enactment, then it is not the production of a child in a biological sense that bait from the essence of the generator, but it remains within the divine essence. For Mohammed admit two divine persons, God the Father and God the Son, would mean to admit two gods. He does not understand that the Father and Son in God are the same and only God. He does not understand that they are distinct as they are distinct between them subsistent relations, like thebe-father It is distinct from 'being-son. subsistent relations because l 'being-Father and the father, and l 'being-Son is the Son. And the one and the other are God.


Mohammed does not know the concept of reaching divine person because he can not get rid of the concept of human person, for which each person corresponds one individual nature. Therefore do not include such a single divine nature can match three people, because he can not conceive of the divine person as relationship subsisting. In fact the person in general is a subsistent spiritual. Only that, while in the case of the human person the subsistent is a substance or nature, in the case of the divine person, the subsistent is a relationship [being-Father-Son and be].


Finally Muhammad could not admit the divinity of Christ, because he could not admit that one divine person [son] could have due nature, a human and a divine, as he called the Council of Chalcedon in 451, proprio quella Chalcedon, a few centuries later would be Islamized by Muslims [cf. the initial part of the article Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, WHO]. Muhammad was worried Christology to avoid pantheism, namely the deification. Jesus could not be God, because this would entail, according to Muhammad, confused man with God, idolizing a man, "Associate to God another god", as he puts it.


The same concern is found in Schillebeecx, for which he says that "Jesus is God" imply pantheism. This is why he prefers to say that "God is in Christ". However, the divinity of Christ is not to be conceived even in the manner of Rahner, which he has no difficulty in admitting, but only because it defines man letting God in his essence: "What he is man, you can not say except stating that to which he aims, and from which it is seen " (= Dio) [5].


To conceive and to accept in faith the dogmas of the Trinity and the Incarnation it is not necessary to understand the subtle metaphysical explanations of St. Thomas in QUESTION, but it is enough to understand the notion catechetical also to children. Even the most sublime theology remains in his mysteries of faith infinitely below the comprehensive understanding, and on the other hand, already the mind of the child, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, he's able to know Mystery and make source of eternal life. So the Muslims have no excuse to judge absurd or blasphemous Christian dogmas. Into questionable, they approach with humility and trust to the Gospel in its interpretation by the Church, avoid heresies [per es. Luther, Küng, Rahner e Schillebeeckx] and will get the immense saving benefits, that many other peoples in these two thousand years have already obtained.


So what are the possibilities of the Church for the defense of Europe? The Church can ally itself with the Enlightenment of Human Rights for the defense of European civilization and religious freedom against Islamic religious totalitarianism. The Church can be found in the Islamic Monotheism and natural religion of the Enlightenment [Side] allies in the defense of religion against atheism. Christians, Catholics and Protestants are called to defend the value of the Christian revelation against Islam, Enlightenment rationalism and atheism. In this they are defending Europe's Christian roots.


Christianity weak, relativistic, indifferentista, gooder and modernist, as for example the one promoted by Schillebeeckx, It is not able to withstand the pressure or threatening Islam imposition, but it is expected that in the case that Islamism purchases tomorrow political power, It will dissolve and be absorbed Islam, as it has always happened in Christian countries invaded by Islam.


The same applies to the idealistic Christianity, pledges, pseudomistico Gnostic and Hegelian origin, as for example the one rahneriano. Here Christ is not God in the sense of God transcendent common to Christianity and Islam, but it is nothing but the last summit and the ' "horizon" of human transcendence, being every man mainly and continuously "in grace"; which, for Islam and true Christianity, It is blasphemy.


I end with a conclusion semiseria, despite the seriousness of the matter, assuming an Islamic invasion of Europe. If until now the bishops were not able to prevent this abomination among the faithful laps of human confusion with God, We will think Muslims, once the mayor of Rome will be a follower of Muhammad, because you can get insurance by the modernists, accustomed to the more perfect chameleon, that the Gospel, according to the most advanced exegesis, denies the divinity of Christ.


As for Rahner's denial of God's punishments and the existence of the damned in hell, the Muslims, with effective pastoral method, with quotations from the Koran and the Bible, re-introduce the traditional Christian belief in hell.


It can be expected that even the trendiest parts of Enlightenment-Masonic, given that the Masons in the end is more interested in this life than to that of the beyond, before the Islamic threat, they will be ready, albeit only for convenience, to embrace Islam, as it happened in the sixties to the philosopher André Mason Guenon, albeit in its esoteric form.


A similar trend applies to areas atheist. Since the atheist pointing his whole life on welfare in this world, it is expected that tomorrow, before the Islamic threat, It will be converted, for convenience to the Koran. emblematic and famous example is that of the French Marxist philosopher Roger Garaudy in the seventies.


If Muslims were to increase their power in Rome, dad, on the advice of Cardinal Walter Kasper, It could take between employees in the Secretariat of State a few Muslim scholar. Mass could be integrated with the addition of Muhammad's quote in the Roman Canon and some verses of the Koran, and so it might be open to all, also to Muslims, with the faculty participants to believe or not believe in transubstantiation, or the Mass as Sacrifice of Christ. Moreover, already the modernists do not believe more.


Alberto Melloni could be commissioned by the Holy See to propose a project of episcopal collegiality, that would include a representative of the Islamic mullahs, while the Community of Sant'Egidio could choose between Islamic immigrants those whom it deems suitable to be elected to the city council of Rome.


The ORP could organize pilgrimages to Mecca or Medina. Every Christian should know the Koran, to the point that, if it were to be questioned about the sayings of the Prophet by Islamist agents, is able to respond, in order to save his life.


Religious instruction [Sharif] and control about the true faith [Koranic] they would be entrusted to the police offices under the control of the imams. It would have abolished the right to religious freedom and would return to the state religion, which, however, this time it would be the Islamic religion.


While the law would leave unpunished outrages upon the Christian religion, the insult to the figure of Muhammad could be punished by death. They would be so punished with death homosexuals. The government officials could benefit from a harem. The crucifixes in public places may be replaced by the half-moon of Islam.


If Muslims were to increase their political power in Europe, you may come to the fashion shows in Paris presentassero the performance of different types of burqa, according to the traditional French creativity. There would be no more the anguish, complicated and embarrassing problem of divorced and remarried, since it would have allowed the simplest and practice polygamy.


He would return the woman to be submissive man, so that he no longer has around him a dangerous competitor, rival or antagonist and lend itself better to satisfy his sexual cravings. Adulterous women would be punished by stoning, if anything, with a slight reduction of our population.


At this point, There could however be a risk that Lefebvre They take to the bush or to turn into a terrorist secret society against Muslims and Christians traitors, ie rehabilitating the death penalty for heretics.


Only true Christians, in full communion with the Church and with the Pope, convinced and courageous, holiness lovers, as it has always happened, resist the Islamic arrogance, if need be to martyrdom. All the others, for which all values ​​are all questionable or negotiable, They will be ready to barter them with Islam to save your skin.


Those of "faith" doubting the Cardinal Martini and the interlocutors to Cardinal Walter Kasper, and those that solve the Christology in mythology as Archbishop Bruno Forte, or the fat ones prophets to Enzo Bianchi, They will be the first to pay tribute to the Koran. The only ones to save the dignity and freedom of man, Europe and the Church, they will be, as it has always happened, the Christians, and above all the saints and martyrs fully faithful to the Gospel and to the Church.


Varazze, 15 August 2016

Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven




[1] Supporters of "weak thought", from them strongly supported, Gianni Vattimo, They found a positive thing.

[2] See for example,. the atheist who, according to Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, continuously it lies in the consciousness of the believer to challenge his convictions of faith. It's this one, for Martini, It would be the true faith.

[3] In our age, n.3

[4] See how concerned the Council speaks of atheism, while it has no difficulty in recognizing that we and the Muslims worship one and the same God, Known though in different ways and also contrasting.

[5] Foundations of Christian Faith, p.215.




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2 replies
  1. Paul says:

    Nostra Aetate not merely states that the Christian God is the same as the Mohammedans. The act “inappropriate and hugging the sacrilegious” happened to Asti has certainly originated from the point 3, I do not think there's any doubt about.

    And if Islam were to invade Europe… well… the last three popes have prayed in the mosque and the Qur'an has already been kissed. We're riding, in conclusion…

  2. Mattia says:

    Congratulations Father Cavalcoli! The latter items were really enlightening!
    A curiosity: According to her it would be more predictable and fruitful comparison with Shi'ism or Sunnism with? O puts them on the same level?

    Thanks & Regards.


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