The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from heaven …

L'Angolo di Girolamo Savonarola: Catholic homiletics in lean times



Before this happens there will be many warning signs, left to the perception and reading of a man unfortunately increasingly unable to read the signs that now seem obvious in part, in part they seem to use all, as he told me in one of our recent private talks the late Bishop and Cardinal Carlo Caffara.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo.


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"In those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken " [MC 13, 24-25].

In this XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time, through the narration of Blessed Mark the Evangelist, the Holy Gospel gives us the parable of the fig tree [see text of the Liturgy of the Word, WHO].


The Evangelist is expressed in a prophetic-apocalyptic style:


"And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven " [MC 13, 27].


In the olden days when the evangelist drew up this Gospel, a few decades after the death, resurrection and ascension into heaven of the Word of God made man, it was believed that the return of Christ the Lord in glory at the end of time was near. Even the Blessed Apostle Paul believed, and initially he was convinced that he could be present and involved on this earth at the return of Christ the Lord to the end of time.


Around the year 52, in the first of the letters addressed to the people of Thessalonica, the Blessed Apostle speaks of the return of Christ the Lord; a return indicated by the greek term presence [Russia], indicating the definitive and manifest divine presence [cf I Ts 4,13-18]. In announcing to the Jews and the pagans the mystery of the Word of God died, resurrected and ascended to heaven, the Blessed Apostle must face each other with the concerns and doubts of those to whom this announcement is addressed, also why he writes:


"If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, so too God, through Jesus, bring with him those who have died " [I Ts 4,14].


Then followed explain:


"The dead in Christ will rise first, then us, that we live and that we will still be alive, We shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the, and so shall we ever be with the Lord " [I Ts 4,16-17].


To explain the truth of the faith Russia, the Blessed Apostle uses allegorical images, as the parables through which Christ expressed God, They are useful and effective to convey a very profound message: the mystery of eternal life in communion with God.


In the text of the second letter to the people of Thessalonica the Blessed Apostle change the substance of their message and start talking about the terrible events that will precede that day that will mark the end of time, stating:


"Do not be fooled as if the day of the Lord were truly imminent".


Proceeding then to explain:


"Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our assembling with him, please, siblings, not to leave too soon to confuse the mind and alarmed either by spirit or by word, or by letter as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. No one deceive you in any way!» [Ii Ts 2,1-3].


Followed at this point that terrible and dramatic story that always should make us think, But perhaps in a very special way in the present that we are living:


"Before that day will be a falling away and will be revealed the man of lawlessness, the son of perdition, the one who opposes and rises above every being who is called God or is an object of worship, up to sit in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. Do not remember, when I was still with you, I told you these things? And now you know what prevents its manifestation, which will take place in his hour. The mystery of lawlessness is already in place, but it must be taken out of one who now restrains him. Only then it will be revealed the wicked and the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of His mouth and destroy brightness of his coming, the unrighteous, whose coming will take place in the power of Satan, with all sorts of portents, and signs and lying wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who perish; because they received not the love of the truth and so be saved. And for this God sends them a power of deception so that they believe the lie and thus all those who have not believed the truth are condemned., but they consented to the iniquity [Ii Ts 2, 4-12].


That referred to as "wicked man" figure is universally known as Antichrist, which he tells the Apocalypse of Blessed John the Apostle [AP 13,13-14] written during his exile on the Island of Patmos, Also known as the site of the last revelation.


The Blessed Apostle, in his work of evangelization, does not fail to remember that the expectation of Russia Christ the Lord certainly can not be lived in a state of lazy apathy, but extremely active and industrious, as we are exhorted to do in the Parable of the Talents, us data to be put to good use, not to be buried and then returned as such to the Lord's return [cf. Mt 25, 14-30].


In times of Blessed Marco Evangelista it was thought that this glorious return of Christ the Lord was close. A glory that about two and a half centuries after, the First Council of Nicaea in the year will impress 325 in our profession of faith, Also known as Nicea-Constantinople Symbol, where we profess faith in Russia cheering: «… one day come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end ".


Trascorrer Over the centuries the expectation of imminent Russia It has faded, not least for the fact that man is subject to time and time, I often forget that what the time is just a man's problem, not of God, which it is eternal and temporal, that is timeless, because only God reigns eternal dimension.


Our Holy Faith contained in the Holy Gospels and the Apostolic Letters reminds us, together with our Profession of Faith, that creation is not eternal, because eternal is only the mystery of God the Creator and the Word of the Word of God Christ the Lord, His only begotten Son.


The speech contained in this Holy Gospel It born from a catechetical explanation given to the disciples of Christ the Divine Master, that on leaving the temple invite him to admire the stones with which it was built. The answer of Christ the Lord was above all a prophecy about the future destruction of the temple: ' Verily I say, not be left here one stone upon another " [Mt 24, 2]. Joints on the Mount of Olives, Jesus continued to respond through an entire speech focused on eschatology - a term derived from the greek ἔσχατον [Escaton] which means "the last things" - that is, the end of the world. The eschatological discourse of Christ God has three different levels including the persecution of the faithful disciples [cf. Mt 13,5-13]; the great tribulation before which Christ, God suggested to seek refuge in the mountains [cf. Mt 13,14-23]; evangelical expression used five years ago by Venerable Pope Benedict XVI after its withdrawal from the holy throne said he would retire to the mountain to pray for the Church [cf. talk to’Angelus the 24.02.2013, text WHO]. After that, consumed all these events, The event will take place in the glory of the Son of Man [cf. Mt 13,24-32].


Christ the Lord, in this the Blessed Evangelist page addresses to us several warnings, first of all, the invitation to be ever vigilant. And as I often say in my homilies and catechesis, and species of these sad times, remember that it is only allegorical or metaphorical language, They are not allegorical and metaphorical content that instead constitute some, undeniable and absolute truths of faith.


Before this happens there will be many warning signs, left to the perception and reading of a man unfortunately increasingly unable to read the signs that now seem obvious in part, in part it seems to fulfillment of all, as he told me in one of our recent private talks the late Bishop and Cardinal Carlo Caffara, with whom I pondered over this long interview on sentence: "So you also: when you see these things, know that he is near, It is coming " [MC 13, 29].


The grace of God, through the gifts of the Holy Spirit we have welcomed and made to yield as precious talents, Always allow to salvage our soul for eternal life, just be prepared to go to the Divine Bridegroom, as he urges us to do Parable of the foolish virgins and wise virgins [cf. MC 25, 1-13], which ends with an invitation to watch awaiting the arrival of the bridegroom "for ye know neither the day nor the hour" [Mt 25, 13].


this last warning, about the day and time who are not known to anyone except to the Divine Father, It should encourage us not to linger forms of schizophrenic catastrophism, unfortunately often transferred from the literature of the most exalted fringes of some Pentecostals and Evangelicals in the Church Catholic, through the sad and pernicious Trojan horse of the followers of some of our Catholic lay movements posing as genuine exclusive owners of the mystery of the Holy Spirit. The task of the elected, is to create with their own lived a saintly life on this earth the supreme prize of his election, only to be gathered from the four corners of the earth and see forever the light of God's Face, whose eternal words will never pass: «Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass " [MC 13, 31].


TheRussia, therefore closed in the secret heart of God the Father, It is nothing other than the time death and projection in the Eternal Absolute, after the Divine Judge, He returned in glory, he judges the living and the dead. It's this one, I repeat, it is not a metaphor or a poetic allegory - as unfortunately not a few say and teach -, but it is an absolute truth of our Holy Faith.


the Island of Patmos, 18 November 2018


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3 replies
  1. Antonello says:

    Dear father Ariel,

    I seriously doubt that we are facing the end of time. More likely that we are facing the end of a time or a world, of our world. I also doubt strongly that the next parusìa, indeed beginning to doubt that will happen sooner or later. Moreover, it seems that even the Apostle is wrong, thinking at first that the return of Christ was imminenete and then correcting the shot later. We are quite sure that they have not taken a wild blunder everyone?
    My confusion increases, together with uncertainty and doubts. The sources of light in this darkness are increasingly dim, and your site is one of the few lights still on.

    Best wishes and thank you for the service you offer.

  2. fabius says:

    dear father Ariel

    we already live in a time of apostasy,the Society of Jesus is a heretic is also known to her.
    There are priests who bless gay couples,it allows the communion adulterers every day you hear of any kind of abuse, Naples celebrated halloween in a church not to mention the numerous cases of abuse by clergy, di threatens apostates …
    to ask for: the son of perdition might be heretical pope? Today those who defend sound doctrine is the SSPX [Ed. Fraternity of St. Pius X] because he called heretical when it is not?
    Thank you.

    • father ariel
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Fabius' flesh,

      in former times, for example, going back to the period of great decline between the ninth and tenth centuries, episodes have occurred even worse than the current ones. The difference is that in that, as in other eras, for example, between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Church was attacked outside by evil which, outside, He penetrated inside. The totally unique era that we are living, is given instead by the fact that today, the visible Church, It produces evil within itself and spreads outside.

      That of the "heretical pope" is just a hypothesis and nothing but, indeed never occurred in the history of the Church, although some historians refer to the figures of at least three Popes who could they say they have fallen into heresy, among the most cited cases that of LIBERIO Pope and its not clear relationship with Arianism.

      In all cases, from Liberius, the facts are not known clearly, because there is overlap between contradictory stories and even legends.

      The Pope Marcellinus [296-304] looms for example serious accusation reported by various chronicles, denial from others, and never tried, namely that he did act of abjuring during the persecution of Emperor delivering the sacred texts.
      The Pope Marcellinus is revered as a saint and is remembered in the First Eucharistic Prayer (Roman Canon).

      In short … If we put ourselves in “spilluzzicare” from blog to blog, eating healthy food like what certain historians and theologians improvised overnight offer us, the only result can only be the poisoning of our soul.

      The "son of perdition" could be anyone, always assuming it is a person, because it could also be a movement, a group consisting, a tragic moment in history …
      The Devil, Satan, instead person. But when in the Apostolic Letters and Revelation speak, for example, antichrist, we are dealing with allegorical images – or to be construed parabolas, those through which Christ the Lord spoke – that conceal complex meanings, in part to be revealed. Well, among all potential candidates for the Antichrist charge, They just want to put the Successor of Peter, the one on whom the Lord Christ built his Church?

      In the end, regarding the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, rather than have it in the past accused of heresy, I accused the apparent obvious:of schism. And the fact that so-called Lefebvre to be schismatic, I don't say it, or at least just me, but it says a distinguished canonist, former President of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, lover The old rite of the Mass and certainly not tacciabile of progressivism, modernism and secularism worldly: Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke.

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